Super toy for a 2 year old baby with your own hands. Notes from successful mothers: do-it-yourself development tools. General instructions on how to make a soft toy

Ilsiyar Bakieva

At the end of January 2016, teachers younger - middle group A project called "" was organized and carried out together with parents and children. Our parents actively took part, showed ingenuity, intelligence, Creative skills. Here are their results labor:

Game "Magic Clock" (made by Natalya Nikolaevna and Ksenia Serikovs, for fixing colors, direct counting within 5, development of fine motor skills.

The game "Tangram "Geometric Shapes" was made by the Konovalov family, from a board, pushpins and rubber bands.

And here is Misha himself with his game:

The next game is “Name the color and shape”, to fix the color and shape of objects; development of fine motor skills of hands.

Game "Put a ring on your finger!" made of cardboard and hair bands. The game teaches you to name the colors correctly, fix the count, develops orientation in space.

The game "Collect beads" is made of colored cocktail tubes and string. A game develops fine motor skills hands, cultivates the child’s perseverance and desire to finish what he starts.

The game “Decorate the Rays of the Sun” was made by Veronica Cherkashina and her mother Lyudmila Vladimirovna. The children really enjoyed the game!

In general, these are so interesting, and most importantly, useful games were made by parents and children.

Publications on the topic:

Playing with traffic jams has a beneficial effect on the development of fine motor skills. Screwing and unscrewing them develops the hand and wrist. For awakening.

1. Game "Domestic and wild animals". 2 pictures are pasted onto the cardboard: a forest and a village, holes are made and screw necks are inserted.

IN childhood the child has a need to play. And it must be satisfied not because business has time, fun has an hour, but because...

Completed by: S.I. Kochneva Didactic game: “Arrange by color” Purpose: To consolidate the primary colors; Development of fine motor skills of the fingers. Didactic.

I have been working with children for over 10 years early age. The main task early development A child at 2-3 years old is the development of sensory, fine.

1. "Guess the picture" The game consists of boxes with replaceable pictures inside, covered with some kind of cereal. Children rake with their fingers.

At one time I became interested in making educational rugs and educational books for children. Here's what I got. *** *** With benefits.

I welcome everyone to today's topic! Glad to see both guests and friends! Today I will give all visitors to my blog a small but very a pleasant surprise. For some, these will be memories of how their child was incredibly tiny and almost problem-free. Others will receive an equally valuable gift! They will learn how to make educational toys for children from 0 to 1 year old with their own hands.

But I myself will not be left without reward! Your attention and always useful and interesting comments, where you share your invaluable experience, will be the most wonderful gift for me. Well? Go?

What toys are interesting for babies under one year old?

First, let's find out which toys are interesting to babies under one year old. Then we'll see how you can build them yourself. I invite everyone to plunge into the cute childhood of their little ones, and remember how pleasant it was to come up with ideas yourself or borrow ideas from experienced parents in order to design funny crafts.

Please share these projects and your impressions of working on them! Why am I asking this? So that you can infect us! So that, after reading the article and your comments, readers will want to create and delight themselves and their little children!

How the baby develops

The baby will complete the programs of several universities within a year. He will get used to his body: he will understand how his arms, legs, eyes, tongue, etc. work. and will actively use this, studying everything that surrounds him. For a one-year-old toddler there are excellent helpers - reflexes built into him. Such as sucking and grasping, he will use them to play and explore the world. Let's take this into account.

Suitable toys for your favorite babies.

Simple "constructions"

Suitable? Exactly! Despite the fact that it seems that a child can be occupied with anything, even a mother’s palm or a small plastic jar, it is important to meet several conditions!

The toy must be:

  • Safe;
  • Bright;
  • Age appropriate.

The principle of choosing what we will design for our baby will be built on this.
But first, let’s see what is suitable for each age, taking into account the possibilities, so that it is interesting both for the little ones and for the development of older toddlers.

There are lungs and simple models, which can be done very quickly without special effort, and there are those for which it is worth allocating a little more time and effort. But it’s worth it to make the baby happy and help him understand all the secrets of the world! I'll tell you about this too.

From 0 to 3 months

The child is an observer. At this age, his hearing, vision, and attention develop. Therefore, at first, static toys that can be examined and pulled into the mouth are suitable.
Do you know what kind of toy a month-old baby will like, and it will take no more than 10 minutes to make? A balloon on which we will draw a mouth and eyes!

And one day I watched as a baby studied a large photo with a dog with great attention. This is how easy it is to give joy! But the little one is growing, and he needs other fun to develop other abilities.

For example, he becomes interested in rattles that make sound. They are easy to make yourself, even from a sock. Bells can be bought at a fishing store.

And by 3 months more complex things are needed. For example, mobile. We'll talk about it a little later.

From 3 to 6 months

The safety of the toy takes on new parameters. The baby needs activities that develop hand motor skills. Therefore, everything that he grabs with his hands, feels and puts into his mouth “for testing” should not harm him.


  • Nothing small;
  • Rounded edges;
  • Made from hypoallergenic material and paint covering the craft;
  • Does not accumulate dust;
  • Convenient for a tiny hand to hold.

A very good choice of musical subjects. And toys of different textures are important: smooth and with pimples, ribbed and with depressions.

If these are soft toys, then they are filled with latex balls or cotton wool. The main thing is to sew the toy well so that the child does not swallow the filling.

6 to 8 months

The baby can sit, crawl, and his musical abilities are at the peak of development. Let's pay attention to this. Usually in the kitchen, while I was cooking, I gave my son different pots and spoons and he played music.

You can also pour it into small plastic bottles various cereals, beans, the baby loves to make noise with such maracas and watch how the cereal pours inside depending on how you turn the bottle.

From 9 months to a year

For toddlers at this age, any sensory interactive toys are relevant. Kids especially love those that develop logical abilities: matryoshka cubes and pyramids.
Various sorters, by size, shape, and possibly color, are perfect.

I used the word “love” for a reason! At this age, children's toys already have a different meaning. The kids develop likes and favorites. Parents most often buy them for their beloved baby.

But they can also be made from scrap materials.

When finishing a section, I always want you to participate and share your observations and thoughts. It will be interesting!

How and what toys you can make with your own hands

Rug and pillows.

Let's try to make an educational mat and toy pillows. They will be made according to the same principle. Only the rug can be of any shape, and for the pillow you will need a rectangle of fabric.

So, if the blanks are ready. Let's figure out what will decorate them? Perhaps some figures that the baby will be interested in looking at. He will feel them. So it would be nice to do them:

  • pleasant to the touch,
  • it is desirable that they differ from the main material (can you make them from felt? That would be great!),
  • and the size of a baby’s palm (a little more is possible).

So, we cut out colorful circles, squares, mushrooms and bunnies. You can also take other things, for example, pom-poms from hats, soft toys, laces and bows (just so that the child does not get confused). We sew them onto the main workpiece. All that remains is to sew the edges of the rectangle, place some soft material inside, and the pillow is ready.

Touch mat

Stuffed Toys

The baby has grown up. He enjoys kneading, touching, squeezing our craft in his hands. We can quickly make it from children's tights, and the quality and interest in it will not suffer from the simplicity of the material. On the contrary, everything is in our hands.

If we cut off part of the trouser leg and sew one edge, we get a convenient bag that can be filled with buckwheat, small beans, dry peas, etc. sew up the other edge. And now let's use our imagination! You can tie our “bag” horizontally with a ribbon. And in front of us we already have a blank from which it is easy to make a snowman, a doll (by sewing on legs and arms and drawing a “face”) or a cat (tail and ears + a drawn muzzle). Fly fantasy!

What do you think of these ideas?


How to design a mobile? We need a foundation. It can be any shape from what is available or can be cut from. For example, an embroidery hoop will do, or an old wooden (lighter to use) abacus, etc. It is advisable to wrap the base with tape or a strip of felt.
Let's try to make a mobile in several versions. You can bind to the base:

  • Small soft or plastic toys;
  • Sewn or knitted dolls;
  • Paper origami.

One or a little of everything can be tied to the base and hung above the crib!

15 everyday game ideas for kids

1.Poke holes in a transparent cake box with a thick needle. Balls of threads of different textures and colors are placed inside. Leftovers work very well for this purpose, because eventually the threads become very tangled and need to be cut off and thrown away. The ends of the threads are threaded through holes in the lid of the box. You can tie a large bead or button to the end. The child pulls the threads, balls unwind inside, and the child is very amused by this.

2. Kids like to play with a very large, but very light toy. Take plastic bottle for 5 liters, put several small items there. Bring her to the place where the baby is playing or put her on the floor, let him push her and try to grab her.

3. Kids like to play with a very large, but very light toy. Take a 5 liter plastic bottle and put a few small items in it. Bring her to the place where the baby is playing or put her on the floor, let him push her and try to grab her.

4.Make simple rag toys: rectangular scraps are sewn and stuffed with other scraps, threads, plastic bags, balls, buttons, and beads. You can put a metal bell inside.

5.Take a strong rope or shoelace at least a meter long. Top it with tiny toys with loops, rings, beads and buttons. Limit some of the toys with knots on both sides so that they do not slide along the rope. You can put such a toy around your neck so that your baby can look at them, or hang it on a stroller.

6.Take: a sofa cushion, a thick needle and a coarse thread. Buttons of different sizes, small toys with eyelets, hooks and eyes, ribbons, ribbons, carpet rings, Velcro, pictures cut out of old children's things, several pockets and anything else that can be sewn on. Make small doors from pieces of fabric, opening which the baby will see a picture, a sewn toy or a button. Let the doors close with different fasteners - Velcro, hooks. Sew ribbons with toys at the end that can be taken out and put back inside the pockets. Sew several carpet rings in a row, stretch a ribbon through them, at the ends of which two small toys will ride back and forth.

7. Manipulation of different buttons and switches is well suited for the development of a baby’s hands. Screw or secure the following onto a large piece of smooth plywood or hardboard: store-bought light switches, an old telephone dial or panel with buttons, pieces of panel from an old radio or other devices (you can press buttons, some stick or not), turn a dial, move levers .), Latch - latch, latch, hook and eye, door chain and loop, small lock, and hang a key next to it on a string. Wooden slats are attached to the edges of the plywood on the reverse side, and at the back of the entire structure is a sheet of plywood of the same size. Loops are attached to the finished remote control, and the whole thing is hung on the wall in the gaming corner.

8. Take juice bags. You can always come up with some kind of entertainment for the baby from them. For example, take such a bag and cut it at the bottom, and cut slits with a knife on two opposite walls. Thread a narrow one through them satin ribbon or a braid 20-30 cm long. Tie to its ends average size buttons (or whatever you find). The baby will try to pull out the buttons on one side, returning the other to its place. This game develops the child’s hands and his thinking.

9. There is another great game that can be played with an empty shoebox. Take such a box and make six round holes in its bottom. Insert small pieces of fabric of different textures, ribbons, fur, rustling paper from the inside of the box and close the box tightly. It will be very interesting for the baby to pull out all this wealth! But to do this, he first needs to try to grab these objects with his fingers, and this is not so easy. To prevent your baby from losing interest in the game, change the contents of the box more often. The game introduces the child to new tactile sensations and develops fine motor skills well.

10.Take a rope, ribbon or braid one meter long. At some distance from each other, tie several toys, rattles to it, multi-colored clothespins, pieces of rustling paper and other items that are safe for a small child will do. Then this garland must be hidden in a pan, leaving the “tail” of the braid (about 15 cm) hanging freely on the floor. Invite your child to pull the string and see what happens. The little one will complete the task with interest and will be delighted with the “catch” he has caught.

11. Multi-colored large beads and buttons are strung on a strong thread (preferably nylon, so that a child cannot tear it). Tie the ends to make rosary beads. The baby will be happy to sort through these beads, while training fine motor skills of his hands, exploring different shapes and colors. These same beads are convenient to use during breastfeeding, so that the baby does not pull or pinch the mother (nursing mothers know how painful this is), but develops fine motor skills.

12.Actually, rattles are the endless fantasy of creative mothers. They can be made from many different items and materials. Here's another idea: Take a medicine bottle and put peas or small beads in it. Close the lid tightly. Wrap it in bright, pleasant-to-touch fabric, or rustling colored cellophane. Wrap the ends with thread to create a candy rattle.
Place beans, peas, beads in a fabric bag and tie it tightly - the baby will be happy to probe the contents of the bag. If you don’t have ready-made bags and don’t want to sew them, baby socks are quite suitable.

13.Cut pieces of fabric of different texture and color into strips that do not fray. Secure them onto the plastic ring. Give the ring to your child or hang it above the crib or play area so that the child can reach and finger the scraps. And also watch how they sway from the movement of his hands.

14.The balloon is attached to a thread or rope above the crib so that the baby can reach it with his arms and legs. And the baby will be able to “football” the ball.

15. Put foil, more cellophane, and rustling paper in a cellophane bag (preferably rustling and transparent). Tie tightly.
Make a hole in the cardboard box. Put different ones inside small items. It is better that these are not toys, but objects from " adult life» – a teaspoon, an empty compact, a box of cream, a small coin box, a comb, etc. and so on. At first, the child may be afraid to put his hand into the box, not seeing where the hand ends up, show him how to play. Quite quickly, this game becomes a favorite activity for kids - first pulling everything out, then putting it back and pulling it out again. And so on in a circle. With older children, this game can be complicated by asking them to take a certain object out of the box by touch.

The main thing in this design is to understand that we put ourselves, our warmth and soul into every craft for the baby! Our love! That’s why I really want to do my best for our little ones!
Friends, I will never tire of saying: “Thank you!” for your sincere attention to my observations and articles. It's always nice when someone subscribes to the news and wants to regularly read what I specially prepared for you! And one more thing, your comments bring the information to life and help bring everything closer to practical application. Therefore, I am grateful for your words of support!
Come and visit again. Invite your friends and acquaintances. Always yours! And for today I say goodbye! Bye bye!

Passionate moms participants of the flash mob game not only They took a new look at the placement of toys in the children's room, but also shared ideas for educational toys made with their own hands.

There are sewn toys, toys panoramas and toys collections, toys from matchboxes, jars and caps from baby food, toys that you can carry with you, and Board games. Many toys were made from scrap materials. See for yourself.

DIY toys “Locomotive” and “Chest of Drawers”

Yulia Alkhovik and daughter Alisa (1 year 11 months) made two toys from matchboxes "Locomotive" And "Komodik" for the development of fine motor skills:

We made this little locomotive from matchboxes covered with colored cardboard. A ribbon was pulled through the boxes. We study colors, put small objects inside according to color. Good motor training open and close boxes.

And another matchbox toy chest of drawers We glued several boxes together and the toy was ready.

DIY toys “Tactile caps”

Yulia Alkhovik also suggested sensory play"Tactile caps":

The game is made simply from baby food caps. Glued to the lids various materials in duplicate. At first they played, simply looking, and found the same ones. When my daughter began to cope with it with ease, they complicated the task: they put it in a bag and began to pick up a pair there. It became more interesting to play.

DIY toy “Parking”

Spirenkova Tatyana for her son Alexey (2 years 1 month) made a toy "Parking"(intellectual development):

Car parking made from shoe boxes and rolls of toilet paper, decorated with cardboard, colored paper and a pine cone. Parking spaces allow you to learn counting from 1 to 5 and colors. You can also stick numbers on cars and place them in the appropriate parking space or sort them by color.

DIY toys: board games

Kobyakina Alena During geography weeks, I came up with two board games for my son. "On a plane over Africa" And "Antarctica"(intellectual development + physical development):

Game 1. “On a plane over Africa”


  • map of Africa (divided into sectors (squares). For us, this is a drawn map);
  • model of a small airplane;
  • square leaves with drawn elements: rain, snow, sun, birds, hurricane. We place them on the playing field as we wish.

2 players play pilot and dispatcher. Dispatcher task guide the plane from point A to point B, giving instructions. For example, 3 cells to the north, 2 to the east, and so on. The pilot follows commands. If on the way he meets birds (a card with pictures of birds), then the pilot must flap his arms like wings. If we encounter a hurricane, we roll head over heels on the floor. You can come up with different game elements. This game is very fun to play, and plus we fix the cardinal directions and remember the names of countries and bodies of water.

Game 2. "Antarctica"

When we had a map of Antarctica ready, my son said that we should also make a game out of it. And we came up with an ordinary walker with a cube. The map was also divided into sectors. Each sector was numbered and marked where the “extra move”, “skip move” field and the arrows for moving the player forward and down along the route would be. The game is ready. We take a cube and chips and you can go on a trip to Antarctica.

DIY toy “Northern Box”

Vilyavina Tatyana shared the idea of ​​making "Northern Box" For thematic lesson"Reindeer":

The base is a cardboard box, cotton wool, cardboard. Made it with my son, he drew northern lights, painted deer and dogs, glued cotton wool. Children love to play with the “northern box”.

Another idea from Vilyavina Tatiana vegetables from egg cartons (papier-mâché), made in preparation for Cucumber Day:

DIY toys for intellectual development

Anna Semennikova found a use for accumulated baby food jars I made two games for intellectual development: "Number Jars" For son Rusik (almost 4 years old) And "Colored jars" For daughters Margarita (1.5 years old):

Rusik and I are learning counting and number composition. He knows the numbers well, but we’re a little difficult with counting. So that's what the dots were for. Game options: find a suitable lid, by dots, by numbers, put the corresponding number of items into jars.

Game options for "Colored jars": Find the same jar, find the lids for the jars, put the items in a jar of the corresponding color.

There are plans to make sensory boxes out of jars. Place different items of the same color in them and cover them with rice of the corresponding color.

Jars also make interesting construction toys.

DIY toys: magnetic geometric construction set

For disposal of leftover self-adhesive film Anna Semennikova proposes to do magnetic geometric constructor:

DIY toy “Mathematical walker”

Svetlana and Gleb (5 years old) Melnikovs playing a homemade game at home "Mathematical walker"(intellectual development):

Game idea: V game form repeat and consolidate counting skills, as well as spatial orientation skills (up, down, right, left).

Materials for creating the game:

  • large sheet of cardboard;
  • markers, colored paper, scissors and tape for decoration;
  • 4 toilet paper rolls (depending on the expected number of players);
  • acrylic paints;
  • yogurt bottle caps for chips;
  • digital chips, a small bucket of jam for chips.

Making a game:

1. On a large sheet of cardboard, draw cells and decorate the playing field with felt-tip pens (the size of each cell 5 x 5 cm, in accordance with the diameter of the sleeve). I ended up with a playing field of 6 x 8 cells;

2. coloring acrylic paints in different colored sleeves, draw a “face” on each player;

3. To create digital chips, you need to circle circles on colored paper in accordance with the diameter of the caps. Then use a felt-tip pen to draw a number and an arrow with the direction of movement (up, down, right, left) on each paper circle. When determining the number of numbers, it is necessary to proceed from the number of available caps, as well as the maximum number of cells on the playing field.

IN in this case I managed to make 6 numbers (the maximum could be 8) and for each number one of the four arrows There were 24 chips in total. Then we cut out the circles, glue them onto the lids and secure them on top for security with a strip of narrow tape. We put the chips in a bucket and you can start playing.

The essence of the game. Each player chooses a character sleeve, place them in the middle at the base of either side of the playing field. Objective: be the first to reach the top opposite row of the playing field.

Players take turns drawing digital chips from the bucket and moving their characters along the squares according to the designations on the chip (for example, 2 squares to the right, 4 squares up, etc.). During the game, the child (at first with the help of an adult) must say the number and direction of movement shown on the chip, and then make the correct move himself.

If chips with arrows indicating an impossible direction of movement fall out (if the playing character is standing on the outer rows), then another chip is drawn. If a large number appears, and the number of moves in the desired direction is limited, then you can continue moving to the side.

Our experience. On the very first evening before bed, my son and I tried to play our math walker - it was interesting (for both my son and me), numbers and spatial concepts are well pronounced and remembered well.

My son really liked the funny characters, they are very convenient to hold and move. My child also became so excited, he wanted to win so much, and was sincerely upset when he had to go down. But the son eventually won and deservedly received a prize - a set of stickers!

Tired of the mess in your nursery? Tired of endlessly collecting toys for your child?

DIY toys: educational cubes

Oksana Delnova made for Vasilisa's daughter (1 year 1 month) two developing cubes(fine motor skills):

Soft development cube. Cube sides:

  • Ladybug with a zipper, unfasten it, and there is a key on the ribbon, black dots - buttons for fingers, the eyes move (bought at a craft store).
  • Button side touch it, chew it, there’s also a button hiding under the leaf. You can use them to work a little with flowers.
  • Behind the Velcro door lives a dog. We unhook the door, stick it on, answer the questions: who is it? how does he bark? and so on.
  • A phone number is hidden in a Velcro pocket nibble, touch.
  • We feel the beads of different sizes, try to tear them off and chew them.

At first I made each side separately, then I sewed all the parts together, inside there were cereals and coins for sound in shoe cover packages. There are loops and ribbons sewn in everywhere.

Cube with a hole for a pen. I covered an ordinary box with cardboard, sewed buttons on it from thick cardboard covered with velvet paper, geometric figures. Inside we store spiky balls, food caps, and rags. We take out the contents and put them back.

DIY toys: “Clothes” walker and walruses

Anna Usova suggested walking game “Clothes” to develop attention:

Various items of clothing are depicted on the field. We start playing from the bottom left cell. I dictate a sequence of actions to the child, and he must follow where we are moving and, when I stop, say where we are.

Another homemade toy Anna Usova for sons Gleb (7 years old) and Ignat (2 years 9 months)walruses:

Once Gleb, coming from kindergarten, told us a story about sock eaters. They eat one sock and leave the other one. Then he cleaned out his socks drawer and found single socks there. “Sock eaters have been here,” the son concluded. After thinking a little, Gleb came up with an idea of ​​what could be done with single socks - we made walruses out of them. We have 2 of them - each son has his own.

DIY toy: “Put rubber bands on your fingers”

Elena Fedorova suggested a game “Put rubber bands on your fingers.”(fine motor skills). There can be many options for placing rubber bands on your fingers.

DIY toys for learning colors

Alexandra Biyanova came up with it for my Alina's daughter (2 years 1 month) two color recognition games:

"Mermaid". You need a pocket with a pattern and colored cards. I glued strips of cardboard on the sides and bottom. I pasted the printed picture onto thin cardboard from a box of cookies. I made a slit in the drawing in place of the Little Mermaid’s tail. I made a pocket nearby for colorful cards. You can play: change cards, find out the colors, dress up the Little Mermaid.

Sort by color. I glued pieces of colored paper into a box with dividers. Let's sort the fish friends of the Little Mermaid. Let's offer them cakes magnets, each fish has a different color of cake.

DIY toys: magnetic cards

Yulia Duryagina suggested an idea on how to do it magnetic cards:

You will need the cheapest plastic transparent magnets in which the pictures can be changed. Prepare cards with pictures of the required size, insert and you're done!

A few more ideas from Yulia Duryagina:

You can teach a girl how to handle a needle using a hoop with burlap-type fabric and a large plastic needle (sold in sewing departments). You can mark points on the fabric with a marker where to insert the needle.

Fine motor skills can be developed with the help of this game: put circles made of an absorbent thick bath mat into large iron lids, mark points on them with a marker and stick stationery needles with a bitten tip.

From a large box you can make a screen for a puppet theater.

DIY toy: “Fire truck”

Anastasia Trofimova made a toy "Fire engine" for his three-year-old son, who asked “to make a fire truck that you could carry with you everywhere, but that it was not very small, it had doors that opened, you could put firefighters in it and put a ladder.”

I made a folding car that was not only a toy, but also developed fine motor skills. I made the machine itself from velvet film, laying an ordinary household napkin inside for density and the possibility of sewing.

There are pieces of credit cards sewn into the machine on only one side, so they can be raised and folded into the machine, making it flat, or lowered, and the machine becomes bulky. To ensure that the car is fixed when folded, the headlights, siren and ladder mount are Velcro. The ladder is a tool for lacing training, that is, in order for firefighters to have a ladder, it must be “pushed out” - the lace must be threaded.

The wheels of the car are also made of credit cards covered with velvet film. The wheels are fastened with buttons, they can be removed for “tire fitting”, while at the same time practicing how to fasten and unfasten the buttons.

The fire hose is attached to a button inside the machine, it needs to be wound up and then hung on a hook on the side of the machine. The cabin has a diaper strip to which firefighter figures can be easily attached using diaper Velcro.

The machine is very pleasant to the touch due to its velvet base; when playing, the wheels spin both folded and unfolded, and the doors open and close with Velcro. It's also simply machine washable.

After some time, my son and I made a fire station together. We chose a suitable shoebox, covered the name and pictures with red paper, installed a floor divider, and cut a hole for a pole for firefighters to climb down. The son said that the fire department should have a control room, so there was a telephone, there should be a recreation area - a table with chairs, and a bedroom - shelves. To climb to the second floor, my son glued together a ladder from tubes, and from them he made a pillar for a quick descent in case of an alarm. A fire engine took pride of place in the garage on the ground floor.

DIY toys: treasure box and “Nests”

Olga Duk helped son (5 years old) collect and place his first treasure collection:

Now we are reading a book about the Moomins, in which there is one hero, Hemulen, who collects everything. My son (5 years old) really asked to make some kind of collection. I kept the box of sweets for a long time, and now the box came in handy. This will be our first treasure collection. We tried to play with my son finds. For example, what is in the second row, third from the right? What is in the third row, second from the left? We practiced rows, left/right. We also became acquainted with the concept of row and column.

In order to introduce daughter (1 year 7 months) with quantity, with numbers Olga Duk made a game "Nests»:

I needed a container for eggs and balls. Container cells these are nests, balls bird eggs. It was necessary to lay the eggs of the birds in accordance with the numbers near the cells (nests). I told stories about birds, they looked at where there were more eggs, and some of the nests were completely empty. It was interesting.

DIY toys “Where is whose house” and logic caps

Ekaterina Akimova I made a game for my daughter Nastya “Find a house, or who lives where"(intellectual development + fine motor skills).

To create this game you needed matchboxes, self-adhesive paper, stickers with images of animals/insects/birds and their homes.

I covered the matchboxes with self-adhesive paper and pasted a picture of a house on top. Inside the box I pasted a picture of an animal/insect/bird.

Child's task choose a house for everyone. This game also develops fine motor skills (the baby needs to insert the inner tray into the matchbox). My daughter came up with another way to play creation of a turret.

Another homemade game that is played Ekaterina Akimova with daughter, this is also a game with baby food caps:

What is necessary:

  • baby food lids;
  • picture stickers or pictures;
  • scotch.

There are many options for games:

  1. pick up a pair (mother Baby);
  2. find the object my mother wished for according to its description (“Small, yellow, says: “Pee-pee!”);
  3. divide objects into groups (living inanimate, edible inedible);
  4. put in front of the child 3 5 caps (depending on age); ask to remember; pick up one cover while the baby is not looking; ask what has disappeared, or, conversely, add another one;
  5. compose a story based on the lids laid out in front of the child.
  6. "Child development system at home from A to Z". You can do this too!

    Do you have any homemade toys? Share in the comments!

The shelves of children's stores are overflowing with goods, and it can be difficult to choose the right toy for your child. Modern toys multifunctional, they help in development and bring joy at the same time.

Development tasks

For comfortable development at this age, special care and attention from parents is required.

Remember that you can only give your child age-appropriate tasks: speech development, fine motor skills, motor coordination and auditory memory development.

How does speech develop from the age of one year?

At this age, the child is just beginning to pronounce syllables and words that he understands. He is aware of the relationship between action and sound. For example, when he sees a dog, he pronounces “av” or another sound that specifically refers to the dog.

When playing with your baby, be sure to tell him every action. For example: “What is mom doing? Mom takes the cube and puts it here.” By showing and pronouncing your actions, you help your child master auditory memory skills, develop his speech and coordination of movement. After this simple exercise, invite your child to repeat your actions, and praise him after completing the task. It is through auditory memory and simple actions that the baby develops at this stage of his life.

Pronounce sounds and words clearly. It’s better to stretch them out a little and pronounce them in accordance with the spelling, for example “milk”, instead of the usual “malAko”. The baby will quickly learn to reproduce speech heard from loved ones.

The mistake many parents make is that they speak to the child in the so-called “children’s language”, in other words they distort sounds and syllables, for example “my hoLoshaya”. Communicate with him as an equal, as with an adult, and then the child will be able to quickly pick up sounds and words and learn to speak them correctly.

How do fine motor skills develop?

Fine motor skills- This is a coordinated movement of the hands when a signal is given by the brain. The parents' task is to show that the movements of the hands and fingers should be conscious. Playing with small objects such as buttons or beads should only be done under adult supervision. The baby tastes everything, so he can easily swallow a small object.

Applications made from pieces of paper - a good solution! Let your child tear the sheets into pieces, gluing them one after another in a certain order. Please note that the paper should be thin to avoid cuts on the handles.

They bring special joy to children plasticine coloring pages– it can be rolled into a ball or smeared on the surface of a sheet.

You can create such coloring pages yourself. Take a thick sheet of paper or cardboard and draw a simple design with a felt-tip pen. It could be a tree, a flower or a house. The drawing must be large, without small elements!

There are many ways to develop fine motor skills in children's hands; your task is to choose an option that is interesting for your baby.

How does movement coordination develop over the age of one year?

Tender age from a year requires special attention from the parents. If you do not develop coordination of movement at a young age, then it will not be easy for your child in adulthood.

Movement coordination– this is the relationship between brain signals and the work of muscle tissue or gross motor skills. That is why its development at an early age is so important.

Movement coordination is trained through active loads and static exercises to develop the cerebellum. The most commonly used equipment is balls, balls and special mats. Simple exercises should last no more than 5 minutes, otherwise the child will quickly get tired and next time he will have to be persuaded to play with the ball.

You can buy special rugs in the store or create them yourself. They have lines and circles and other geometric shapes. The child’s task is to learn to move along them in accordance with the task. Such a rug can be easily made at home using the Twister playing field as a basis. Show your child how to act on this mat: step on each object or step over the elements.

How does auditory memory develop in a child from one year to the next?

Auditory memory– this is the ability to process heard information for its further reproduction. Sound enters the brain through the ear, is recognized and processed. Next, the brain instructs neurons to perform a specific action, which is activated using muscle tissue.

It is easy to understand that a child has problems with auditory memory. Most often, such children are called “inattentive,” that is, they cannot concentrate on one action, they are distracted by extraneous sounds when performing tasks.

Auditory memory develops through joint reading of fairy tales and poems. Ask your child to repeat a word or sound after you more often and don’t be upset if your child doesn’t succeed right away. He just came into this world, your support in case of failures is important to him.

What toys are suitable?

Your child will be delighted with multi-colored cubes, from which you can build small towers or lay them out one after another in a straight line, distributing them by color. It's easy to build houses or castles from cubes.

In stores you can find educational wooden cubes on certain topics with vivid images of objects. Playing with these cubes is easy and fun; they can be sorted by size, color or picture.

The baby will be interested and soft Velcro cubes, from which it is also fun to build houses, populate various animals and people, simply connecting them with each other.

Puzzles- this is a fun activity, and when they look like familiar pictures, it’s even more fun to play. For kids, puzzles can be made of wood, plastic or thick cardboard. They contain no more than 6 elements so that the child can create a picture on his own.

Multicolored developmental sorters Can also be a fun activity for kids. They are designed to develop fine motor skills and coordination. In addition, sorters help to acquire first knowledge about the shape of an object and color. Sorters can be regular or interactive, making sounds when making the right choice figurines.

Educational toy in the form counting table (abacus) will help kids cope with the development of motor coordination, teach them to sort objects by color, and also give them the primary concepts of “quantity” and “color”.

Mobile is a universal educational toy that can be taken for a walk or on the road.

Toys of different shapes, colors and textures help the baby develop coordination, auditory memory, speech and physical activity, because in order to play, you need to reach the toy! They can be mechanical or interactive.

What to buy as a gift?

It is not easy to choose a gift for a child whose interests have not yet been formed. We have compiled a review of some educational toys that can become not only a joyful, but also a useful gift.

  • An amazing gift that develops memory, fine motor skills, motor coordination and speech will be books by Matthew Van Fleet. They all have one thing in common - they bring joy to both adults and children! For example, the hardcover book “Oink” by Matthew Van Fleet is a whole journey to a village where the secrets of its inhabitants are revealed to the child. Large images of animals are dim, which prevents the baby from getting tired. A child can stroke a horse's mane, sheep's wool, or chicken fluff. Easy-to-memorize verses help develop auditory memory. This is an amazing birthday gift!

  • Educational caterpillar "Umka" is a bright interactive toy for kids. The caterpillar reads poetry and sings songs, pronounces sounds and words: just press the button, each of which has its own color, on its foot. It can also be used as a gurney, with a rope already attached to the front.

  • Hasbro Folding Sorter has only 5 colors: yellow, white, orange, blue and red. The sorter is compact in size, so you can take it with you for a walk or on the road. Large figures with animal images and 4 holes for them help the child to concentrate on playing independently.

  • Pyramid Bee Hap-P-Kid has three colors: red, yellow, blue. A plastic sorter in the shape of a bee will become an interesting gift. The bee makes sounds when removing or putting on the rings, which delights the kids.

  • Bondibon Wooden Dice Set Only at first glance it seems like a simple toy. In fact, this is one of the best educational gifts for children aged one year and older. It helps improve fine motor skills, coordination, and most importantly, imagination! The child decides for himself what to build: a tower or a house. The cubes have different geometric shapes and colors, some of them have a pattern in the form of circles and stripes. 60 bright, different shaped cubes will bring joy to your baby.

  • It will be a joyful gift for boys musical tolokar. She not only rolls around, but also makes sounds when she moves. Some pushers also have light elements on the steering wheel or headlights. Parents can carry the child themselves by the handle from behind. Some kids try to move the pusher on their own, pushing off with their feet.

  • It will be useful for girls baby doll or doll. Of particular joy are interactive dolls that make exactly the same sounds as your child: “Agu”, “Mom”, “Waah”.

How to do it yourself?

Most mothers prefer to make educational toys with their own hands. Any available means are used: leftover fabrics, beads, laces, buttons, yarn and much more that can be found from any housewife.

Developmental mat

Educational mat is the best didactic manual for a child, on which various elements are located. For example, in production you can use pieces of fabric of various textures, rattles, special children's mirrors (they are made of special plastic and are safe for babies), lacing and other household items. The more you use rustling and rattling parts, the more interesting it will be for your baby. shu.

Sensory box

This is a simple and interesting toy. Take several cardboard boxes and connect them together. You can take plastic boxes with cells inside. Fill the box with sand or any cereal, decorate it colorfully and plant a “vegetable garden”, raise animals “in the fields”. The theme of your box depends on your mom's imagination. You can plant toy carrots in it or look for treasure.

Baby slings

This toy is easy to create for those who know how to crochet. Large wood beads tied with threads of different colors and strung on a string. They can be disassembled and reassembled. They help the child distinguish colors and improve fine motor skills. It is better to play this toy in the presence of adults.

Busy board

The board with various educational elements was invented by Maria Montessori. To make it you will need a wooden board. It can be coated with drying oil and applied with various designs or stickers.

Making a busy board is a man's occupation. With the help of bolts and screws, locks, sockets, bells or bells, latches, buttons, laces, zippers, rattles and much more are attached to it.

Busy board can be of any shape and size, stationary or static. There are slight differences in bodyboards for boys and girls. First of all, this is the color scheme, as well as the content.

For girls nice flowers will turn gold, peach, green or pink. The board can be filled with combs, beads, hairpins, and yarn braids.

For boys, a busy board in the form of a road surface with different types transport or a board with various mechanisms, for example with locks, sockets and telephone dials, doorbells, switches and buttons. Various toggle switches and dials will also be ideal content for the board.

It is important that all parts are securely attached to prevent small elements from entering the baby's respiratory tract.

Manufacturing procedure

It’s quite possible to make a busy board for parents themselves:

  1. Decide on the size. It is best to make it 50*50 cm, then the baby can easily reach any object with his hand.
  2. Treat the surface and edges of the board so that it is smooth to prevent splinters from getting into the handles while playing.
  3. Select items for the future board according to the theme. You can read about this above.
  4. Choose the right paint. It should be environmentally friendly and not bright. If you decide to decorate the board with stickers, choose anything other than paper ones so that they cannot be easily peeled off.
  5. Attach your chosen pieces, paying attention to the back surface of the board. There should be no protruding or protruding objects on it.

Now your business board is completely ready. Enjoy a product you created with your own hands.

Sensory pad

Quite easy to implement and interesting thing. Buttons of different shapes and sizes are attached to the pillow in a certain order. This toy develops fine motor skills and coordination of movements, and also helps to navigate in space.

The pillow can be any shape or size. In addition to buttons, bows, zippers, and lacing of various lengths can be attached to the pillow.

Be sure to check that all elements are held tightly. If the baby wants to pull the part into his mouth, he should not tear it off!


A simple and interesting toy. It can be created from cardboard box or ice trays. In each cell, attach your own figurine cut out of paper. Separately, prepare the same figures from cardboard. Help your child, show him exactly how to play, and then he can handle it himself.

Tactile bags

This easy-to-make toy helps develop fine motor skills. Fill the sock with beans or peas, sew the elastic tightly, the toy is ready!

You can sew a bunny bag from socks. To do this, cut the sock into two parts and sew them together. Choose the filler yourself, which one you want. Decorate the bunny with eyes and nose, sew the elastic tightly to avoid breakage and cereal spillage.

The toy must meet sanitary standards and be odorless.

Toys should be easy to disassemble and assemble so that they can be easily washed.

Educational toys for children aged 0 and above will help him learn about the world and acquire his first skills. For you - master classes on making toys from threads, fabric, cardboard, baby slings.

How to sew a developmental cube for children from 0?

As soon as the baby is born, he begins to explore this world. By three months, his gaze becomes concentrated, he intensively absorbs everything he sees. By this age, you can sew a developmental cube for him, with which the baby will play more actively when he already learns to sit.

But even at a very young age, such a thing will be very useful for the baby, especially if you name the objects that are depicted on the cube. The child will learn them, understand what each object and animal looks like.

This cube is soft and pleasant to the touch, so the baby will not get hurt on it.

It is important to take environmentally friendly materials and sew the elements of the cube tightly so that the child cannot tear them off.

To make such an educational toy, you need to take:
  • cotton fabric (you can use scraps);
  • felt;
  • interlining;
  • soft filler;
  • Velcro;
  • disappearing marker;
  • pins;
  • buttons or beads for eyes;
  • scissors;
  • satin ribbons;
  • pieces of green fleece;
  • floss;
  • rattle elements.
First cut from cotton fabric squares with a side of 15 cm.

Using the patterns provided, print them out, then transfer them to felt and cut them out.

The bunny has a round head; the template shows the markings of his face. Each ear consists of two parts - a white one and an inner pink one. Make the carrot orange, and the tops for it will need to be cut from green fleece. To do this, you need to cut it out of a rectangle measuring 5.5 by 3 cm.

Make the mouse out of gray material, and sew white semicircles to the inside of the ears. The cheese is made from yellow felt.

Now start cutting out the next couple - a bear and a cat. The patterns give the names of the colors that need to be used. Next are the dog and the squirrel.

The dog will have a bone in his hand, and the squirrel will have a hazelnut. When all the parts are cut out of felt of the appropriate color, you can proceed to stitching them.

Draw the features of the face with a water-washable marker. Now embroider them on the bunny's face. To make these parts more dense, put adhesive interlining on the back, iron it, let it stick. Place a triangle of black felt on the hare's nose and sew it on.

Using a disappearing marker, draw a bear's muzzle and ears on one side of the cube. Sew here first the double ears, and then the muzzle, to which the nose and eyes are already attached.

The raspberries are so semi-circular. Embroider scales on it with black thread, and then sew a green tail on top. The raspberries will be double, stitch first to back side Velcro, and then sew the Velcro to the cube itself.

The child will be able to glue the raspberries into place themselves. In the same way he will attach the carrot for the bunny. But first you will need to put felt greens and ribbon between the two halves of the carrot.

To make the greens, cut one side of a rectangle of fleece into fringe.

All characters and food for them are created in the same way. Cheese, carrots, raspberries, fish, nuts, bones must be attached next to the animal for which this food is intended. The child will learn the names of animals and will know what each animal eats.

Now this baby toy should be assembled as follows. Sew the sides of the cube together, first connecting the four sides. Then sew the bottom and top to them.

To make it even more interesting for the child later, place food for each animal not only next to this character, but also near another animal.

The child will quickly master this science and will be able to “feed” food exactly to the animal for whom it is intended.

See how to assemble a development cube.

This photo shows how the four sides should be connected to each other, while the top and bottom are left free for now. This is how you stitch these elements.

Such educational toys for children from 0 will allow them to learn the names of the animals on the cube and gain initial knowledge about them. Now fill the cube with synthetic fluff or other soft filler through the hole that is still left. To make it more interesting for the baby, place rattle elements here that will make a funny noise.

Pin this free edge and sew the sides together using a blind stitch.

Here are some educational toys for children from 0 that you can sew with your own hands.

If you are invited to visit a baby, then you can easily sew such a developmental cube to give it to the child’s parents.

If you have even some sewing skills, then you can create other entertaining and educational things for your baby.

Educational toys for children from 0 - do-it-yourself soft garland

Help your child get to know the world around him. Create a soft garland like this for him.

To make it, you will need:
  • pieces of fabric;
  • satin ribbons;
  • strong rope;
  • large buttons;
  • beads.
Draw a cloud, a star, a cloud on paper. You can also create an image of an animal, such as an elephant. For each toy, cut out two identical parts. The elephant still needs to cut out two double ears.

To sew these toys, for children from 0, you don’t even need sewing machine. Connect the paired parts and stitch them with a seam over the edge.

Take a fairly thick and soft cloth, which does not fray, for example, felt or fleece.

Leave a small gap at the bottom of each item so that you can then fill the toys with stuffing through these holes and then sew them up here. And at the bottom of the cloud, leave three holes, in each of which you put a ribbon folded in half, and in the middle of each there will be a button.

Then you will need to tell the child that it is raining, and the buttons are big drops. The month is decorated with a ribbon, the elephant with two eyes and a tail, and the star with tassels on its rays.

Sew a loop to the top of each item, tie them to a rope, which should be placed above the bed or above the baby's stroller.

For a child, you can make not only a developing cube, but also a ball. Animals, the sun and other objects that can be introduced to the baby due to his age will also be sewn here. You can knit a flower that will have petals of different colors. Introduce your child gradually to the name of each color. An educational mat will also be an excellent gift and help for young parents.

It is quite possible to create such educational toys with your own hands and not spend a lot of money on their purchase.

In order for your child to improve fine motor skills, you will make entertainment for him using available materials. For the following you will need:

  • colored cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • lace;
  • scissors;
  • awl.
Draw a hedgehog, as well as mushrooms and apples from colored cardboard. Make punctures in the hedgehog's spines with an awl and do the same on apples and mushrooms.

If you have small holes, then make them larger using a hole punch.

Now the child will match the holes on the mushrooms and spines of the hedgehog and attach the trophies of the animal to his back using a cord.

A baby is teething until he is one year old, so during this period children prefer to scratch their gums on various objects. Babywearing beads are sold to help young parents, but you can make them yourself, and from scrap materials.

How to make baby sling beads with your own hands for children from 0?

To make them, take:

  • cotton threads;
  • suitable size hook;
  • beads;
  • plastic ball - a container for a small toy.
Crochet 8 loops from the threads, connect them and then knit in a circle. Try on the resulting blank, placing it on the ball. Tie it and close the thread.

Then, in the same way, you will need to hide the bead and a small skein of thread.

Now you need to string these beads of different sizes onto a very strong thread or rope. To do this, you need to make two opposite holes in a plastic container with an awl. And when you knit the frame, start it with 8 loops so that there are holes left. Place large beads in the center, and smaller ones can remain as they were - wooden.

If you don't know how or don't want to knit, then you can buy individual beads from wood and make nibbler beads from them. Such toys for children from 0 will be very useful for them, especially when teething. But follow a number of safety precautions:
  1. The beads should not be coated with paint or varnish, because the child will put them in his mouth, and these hazardous materials can enter his body.
  2. Use a very dense and strong thread so that it does not break.
  3. Take large beads so that the child cannot swallow them.
Toys for children from 0 should be pleasant to the touch. Therefore, to fill them, you can use various cereals, pasta, soft fabric, and so on.

Educational tactile toys for babies

If one sock is lost or they become too small for the child, make such a beautiful caterpillar. Take:
  • sock;
  • filler;
  • buttons for eyes;
  • thread and needle;
  • string or ribbon.

You can use peas, buckwheat, rice, beans, acorns or other similar materials as a filler.

The caterpillar consists of several segments. To make the first one, pour the selected filler into the toe and tie this section with string or ribbon. In the same way, you need to create all other segments of the insect. Sew buttons or ready-made eyes for animals.

Also, by making eyes, you can entertain your child by gluing them on the sock. It will be interesting for your child to follow the plot and the hero of such a puppet production, which you will put directly on your hand.

Other tactile toys are also pleasant to the touch and will help the baby's development. This is the snake you will create from a piece of fabric. Attach threads to it as hair and buttons, which will become the eyes and decoration of this character.

When a child is teething, he will need not only baby sling beads, but also soft rings. You can make them by wrapping metal or plastic rings with thread. It’s just better to take white yarn that is not dyed. You can sew a fleece ring onto the blank and cut its edges into strips so that the child has another toy.

A child at this age is interested in throwing various objects and watching how they fall and what happens to them at this time. Of course, you can’t give him anything that is fragile or heavy, so sew some pads like this.

For each, you need to fold the fabric in half, sew up almost all the edges and put the filling inside. Then you need to close the remaining sides. You can sew cartoon characters or numbers onto the pads so that your child gradually learns to count.

Such tactile toys can be touched not only with your hands, but also with your feet when the child learns to stand, holding the edges of his crib.

Sensory bags made from balloons are also great fun for babies. They need to be filled with salt or flour so that the child enjoys touching such objects.

But here are the safety measures that will need to be observed and what you need to pay attention to:

  1. Fill the balls with pasta or other similar items that do not have sharp edges.
  2. Take it air balloons only with thick rubber so that the child does not bite through them and these will last longer.
  3. You can add not only small grains here, but also a couple of beans. The child will enjoy touching them.
  4. A ball made of scraps will help your baby master crawling. Watch the tutorial that shows you how to make it.

How to sew a ball for children from 0?

This is how beautiful it will turn out.

This type of ball is called Amish. This name is given by the name of some Christians who formed unusual villages and decided to live here as their ancestors lived. Amish women are excellent sewers; they have a lot of patchwork quilts. They sew various toys from leftover fabrics, including balls for children.

Such educational toys for children from 0 bring many benefits, in particular, the following things:

  1. Develop fine motor skills of the baby; They teach the baby to crawl, as he tries to reach a bright object.
  2. They help develop his attention. After all, you can hide a ball nearby so that the child can train his eyesight by looking for it with his eyes.
  3. They develop hearing and attention, as the elements of the ball ring, and the child will follow these sounds.
To sew a developmental ball, you will first need to redraw the pattern.

As you can see, you will need to cut out three types of elements, from small to large. Cut them from scraps of several colors or two, as in this example. There are 24 petals that will be located inside, they have the same color. And 12 more are outside.

Take two petals, fold 1 and 2 in half and match their folds. Place these two pieces on top of the third one.

Stitch these elements together, but leave a small gap through which you will stuff this dish with soft filling.

Sew 12 of these pieces, stuff them with stuffing and place a small bell inside each pad. Then you need to sew up the holes.

Next, for such a toy for children from 0, you need to start assembling these elements. In this case, the front side of the blanks should be on the outside. First, take three pieces and sew them together.

Now collect these bagels into a ball. Take three such blanks and connect their tops, sewing them together. Now all that remains is to sew on the fourth piece. The technology of this work is shown in the following photo.

That's it, you can give a developmental ball to your baby so that he can play with it to his heart's content.

From leftover fabric and thread you can also create very good toys for babies. The next master class and step by step photos will teach this.

Educational toys for children from 0 from thread and fabric

To make this octopus, take a piece of fleece and cut out its corners so that you get a cross like this.

Cut the edges of this workpiece with fringe, now fill the whole square with filler and connect the edges. They just need to be tied tightly with thread. Now weave braids from the chopped elements and tie them with yarn. All that remains is to embroider smiling mouths for the octopuses and firmly sew buttons on them that will become eyes.

Various motanka dolls will also be excellent educational toys for children from 0. And here’s how you can use leftover thread.

To make this type of horse you will need:
  • dense threads;
  • bright threads;
  • rectangular sheet of cardboard;
  • scissors.
Wind it onto the cardboard across the thread.

Cut them right and left, and tie them on top with the same yarn.

Pull the top down and tie a small section so that you have this round piece on top.

To make the horse's ears, wrap threads around your middle and ring fingers and tie them in the center.

Divide the threads in half, lift one side and place the ears there.

To make the horse's mane, wind the threads across the cardboard.

Cut them on one side and the other, then wrap this blank around the horse’s neck and secure it with a bright thread.

Now you need to make the legs for the horse. To do this, divide the threads of the main workpiece in half and wrap them with threads almost to the bottom. Then secure.

Wind the threads again across the sheet of cardboard, but cut only on one side. These will be the front legs. Therefore, cut off the excess and rewind them with thread. This is how you should get them.

Divide the remaining thread on the horse itself in half and insert the legs here. And form a tail from the thread itself.

Wrap the bottom of the legs with red thread, tie a knot in the tail to secure it.

This is such a wonderful horse. If you want to see what other educational toys you can create for children from 0, then you can do it right now.

You will see that you can even use unnecessary materials that would normally go in the trash.

A video blogger will share with you the secrets of how to keep a child under one year occupied and what.