What is the best way to wear things with lurex? How to wear shiny things? Dress with lurex how to wear

When getting dressed every morning, both men and women should remember that appearance plays very important role in our Everyday life.
75% of success depends on how well a new dress or office suit fits you. It makes no sense to say that before they appreciate our remarkable mental potential, they will half love us, begin to get irritated, or be indifferent when they look at our blouse or T-shirt.

If the formation own style- this is a matter of time and desire, then knowledge of the main taboos in clothing is the sacred duty of every person striving to achieve, if not stylish, then at least a decent image.
Walking along the streets of Moscow, meeting with acquaintances and relatives, talking with friends, I noticed and wrote down the most obvious mistakes that they made when selecting things.
As a result, I realized that I simply needed to write an article on this topic, since most of these errors inevitably lead to vulgarity, bad taste, untidiness and, finally, ignorance.

Most people don’t know how to dress and, now, I’m not talking about knowing fashion trends or developing a style, I mean the lack of an idea of ​​​​how to combine colors and styles and simply not look like a joke.

I don’t know what to connect this fact with. Coming abroad I see a completely different street fashion than in the center of Moscow, although to give the center its due, there is a much higher probability of meeting a “properly dressed” person. You will now understand why I allow myself to be generous in my expressions and for what reason, strictly speaking, I pay attention to this seemingly insignificant, according to some, problem.
I am convinced that our appearance is our character, our face, our success. I don’t want to overshadow it with my inability to dress. I’ll make a reservation that those who are indifferent to their appearance will obviously fall asleep on this proposal, but I ask the rest to get ready, we are starting to work on mistakes.

A magnificent invention of the hosiery industry.
They help:
First, don't rub your foot.
Secondly, don’t rub your foot.
Thirdly, do not rub your foot
I can write about this one function that this little thing performs a hundred and one times, because there is no point in wearing them anymore. Whether it's footwear, stockings that barely reach the middle of the calf, or long knee socks that hardly adorn the leg. But when putting on new shoes, especially in the summer, many women do not leave those around them a chance to hide from the terrifying picture - their beautiful feet, carefully packed in nylon madness.
Like any girl, I understand how inconvenient it is to put on on the first day. new shoes. But dear ladies, there are several ways to avoid the stocking scourge.

First, break in shoes, sandals, ballet flats or any other new pair of shoes at home. Finally, spray some liquid to expand the pad if you don't have time to walk in it.

Secondly, if you forgot about this, buy a high-quality one (that sticks well to your leg, doesn’t come off, doesn’t roll into a tube), wide (so that it covers the entire problem area) flesh-colored patch and stick it on all dangerous places on your feet and heels.
Believe me, even if it comes off, the picture will be less terrifying than beautiful shoes with a disgusting nylon stocking or sock. This looks unaesthetic and can ruin the impression of the most expensive shoes and the overall appearance.
Now some of the women exclaimed, we will rub our leg blood anyway. In addition to the advice given, I can say one thing - don’t wear open shoes that haven’t been worn in, because you still won’t be able to justify yourself.

If you still want to wear such socks, then choose cotton ones, and only if your set of clothes can play with them (for example, 80s style). But remember that in this case they already act as an element, dare I say it, of a style that may be completely alien to your character and wardrobe.

2. Knee socks- that's a different story.
There are ladies stockings that are a great alternative. If, for some reason, you don’t want to wear thin tights (it’s simply too hot), you can use stockings; their length ends at the thigh, and this is convenient if you choose short skirts, trousers If you are wearing knee socks, then the length of the skirt should be as long as possible so that the elastic band is not visible when you, sorry, sit down.

Once I was at negotiations. My opponent was one well-groomed, beautiful, young girl. She gave the impression of a real businesswoman, in the positive sense of the word. But it was only until she sat down on a chair in her impeccable pencil skirt that she had the imprudence to show off that hated golf elastic. There is no need to describe the disappointment of the people who came and my personal one.

So stockings, socks and knee socks can be in your chest of drawers, but they are prohibited from being combined with any kind of open shoes and clothes, and also to wear in other cases when you can guess their presence on you.
But that’s not all, if you put them on, you should know that these products can be too thick in texture, buy very thin ones for the hot season so that they don’t show themselves and, most importantly, give up any shine, no knee socks with Rulex.

3. Tights
Some may find it strange that I have included tights as a separate item, but this is no coincidence. Only a few know how to wear tights correctly, although many people think that they cannot even be called clothing in the full sense of the word.

The first thing a girl should remember is the second pair in her purse. If this advice seems stupid to you, then tell me how often do you follow it? I have witnessed more than once when a girl was forced to walk around in torn tights, clumsily glued with nail polish. Is this acceptable? But often it is not possible to buy new ones, and it is simply impossible to remove old ones, knowing this, even if you are late, do not forget about a spare pair, just in case.

Now let's talk directly about the color of the tights. Nowadays there is such a variety of this part of the wardrobe that inexperienced young ladies may have their eyes wide open in the store. In my opinion, tights have practically turned into trousers, acquiring independence, having received in return for a supporting role the right to stand at the forefront. But with all the trendy shades and colors you need to be extremely careful and careful. Let's talk about this in more detail.

- Flesh color
It would seem that what could be the problem here? There is nothing easier than buying such tights, and you can wear them with anything, they will not spoil your appearance. But this is another misconception.

When buying tights of this color, pay attention to the color; a frankly coffee shade is not an option for a formal skirt and blouse; carefully select the degree of density; you should not wear tights that are too thick, intended for cold weather, in the summer.
Don’t wear “granny tights,” which are so fashionable now, unless you are 100% sure that they complement your entire appearance and you don’t look vulgar in them.

- Black color
Everything is a little simpler here. The only request: you don’t need to turn tights into leggings, complementing them with a tunic, especially a short one.

If you intend to neglect leggings and wear tights, choose a thick version so that it is impossible to distinguish them from leggings. If you are wearing a thin-textured pair, choose the right length, below the knee or just above it. A girl in an ultra-short tunic with transparent black tights looks vulgar.

- Patterned tights
I had one illustrative situation in my life, which became a good lesson for me. My friend has always been a fan of exotic tights, sometimes shocking and even extravagant. The most unimaginable patterns from ladybug, up to the snakes decorated her leg. None of my persuasion to give up such madness worked. I wouldn’t ask her to give them up if she knew how to combine them, but it didn’t work out for her, she almost always put them on at random and they lived their own “own life”, on her beautiful, but “disfigured” one. nylon leg.

On one of the significant days she had to speak at a conference.
All management, a lot of invited guests, reporters and our colleagues gathered for this event. She came in a white blouse, a formal pencil skirt and disgusting golden tights with a flowing, snake-like pattern. The whole appearance was hopelessly ruined, and the leg was disfigured. When our boss came up and rather delicately said something in my ear, I felt what was being said. But how indignant my friend was, who told me: ''Can you imagine, she told me to urgently take off my tights and I need to do this in the remaining 5 minutes before the performance!''. She never understood what the problem was and did not stop wearing them.

To avoid getting into such a humiliating situation, please, before buying such a masterpiece, clearly determine where exactly to wear them and whether they are appropriate. It must be remembered that they do not suit all women. If you have a full calf, then the pattern, whatever it is, enlarges the leg several times, “cutting” it into pieces.
You should not choose unimaginable patterns that even skinny leg will spoil it. In short, any applique or pattern is a risk that is not always necessary or justified.

And finally, in society there is a very important rule of etiquette: “A woman has no right to appear at official events, receptions, parties without tights - this is bad manners.” I’ll paraphrase this postulate: “It’s bad manners to show up in tights that will ruin your entire appearance.”

3. Tracksuit
I increasingly get the impression that some girls have forgotten the true purpose of a tracksuit. It was invented for sports, the fact that now it is actively worn in everyday life, and its texture is already vaguely reminiscent of the strict and nondescript features of sportswear and turns more into glamorous ones - it means only one thing, you need to wear it carefully.

I'll tell you one funny incident that I witnessed. Returning home on the subway, I saw a disgusting picture. An eye-sore pink, plush tracksuit, clearly worn, combined with, attention: high classic pumps and a strict office bag.

You need to remember that if you’ve already put on a tracksuit, then you can’t come to the office in it, no matter how much you want to and no matter how free dress code you didn't have.
When putting on a brightly colored suit, you also need to be careful. Fuchsia color, bright blue tint, any monochromatic option should be appropriate, always of the correct length, hiding figure flaws (no need to buy plush suit or a tight-fitting set that always visually enlarges your hips if you have significant assets in the lower part of your figure).

It’s a good idea to combine a suit sweatshirt with jeans or trousers with sweatshirts, tank tops and T-shirts. Don't be afraid to wear the set separately, not just together. Experiment, almost any image of the kazhyal format has the right to be complemented by an olympic jacket or loose sports trousers, it all depends again on the style, color and a number of other details.

Choose the right shoes to match your suit. These can be either classic sneakers, or sneakers, or ballet flats (but not overtly classic, not girly).
If you wear a suit in winter, the task becomes more complicated. Here it is not enough to think about shoes, although they do not play the last fiddle. First of all, think about outerwear. No classic fur coat or long, non-sports down jacket.
Shortened warm jacket, from under which the bottom of the sweatshirt can be seen and the hood of the suit can be pulled out, a sports down jacket (elongated is possible), a puffy warm vest- sleeveless vest, insulated Leather Jacket- those options that can be quite acceptable for a sporty look.

The shoes you can choose from include UGG boots (the color of which is selected specifically for each case), warm sneakers, and men's rough boots on a high platform with aggressive lacing. Do not wear classic boots under any circumstances; ankle boots look awkward.

So we need to remember that taking a break from the office dress code, heels, tight dresses and skirts need to be done with skill and turns out to be in this case it requires no less knowledge than when choosing clothes for an office meeting.

4. Knitwear
The most insidious material from which clothes can be sewn. In light of this property of knitwear, I want to give advice to ladies of significant merit: you need to wear knitwear very carefully. Tight knitted clothing is X-rays that shine through. Of course you need to be confident in your physical fitness putting on a tight knitted dress, and even more so a jacket. If there are flaws in your figure, it is better to take the item a size larger, so that unnecessary folds are not visible.

5. Lurex
Not everyone can wear clothes with lurex. You need to come to terms with this. One way or another, the appearance of some ladies simply does not allow them to wear it. It is often difficult to name specific criteria by which one can accurately determine whether he suits a girl or not; here, rather, you need to rely on some kind of internal regulator and preferably an objective view of a person knowledgeable in fashion. I can tell about myself. Lurex is contraindicated for me, it will forgive me and looks unforgivably vulgar. On blondes, things made from lurex usually look too simple.

Brunettes with dark complexions can afford this type of clothing. In addition, if you have oily skin, then clothes with lurex can play against it, enhancing the effect of shine on the face, just like satin or silk clothes.
But there are exceptions to any rule. In any case, choosing these clothes for yourself:
First, think about whether it is appropriate. If you wear a Lurex dress to a party, with all other nuances and mistakes, you have the right to be justified, but if you wear the same dress on the subway in the morning to work, I’m afraid the looks of passers-by are unlikely to express admiration.

Secondly, such clothes should not be cheap. Threads sticking out from a low-quality jacket, dress, sweater do not play into our hands.
Therefore, if you want to shine, and not shine cheaply, get ready to spend.

Thirdly, there cannot be too many Lurex clothes. Otherwise you will be like Christmas tree toy. If you’re wearing a dress, that’s all there is to it, but if the trousers and jacket and blouse are all shimmery, as it should be, tone on tone, then this will be a clear overkill.

In general, remember Lurex - it may not be your story, it must be of high quality, worn only on appropriate occasions, and only in limited quantities.

6. Low-waisted jeans
I began to notice more and more that many women believe that no matter what, they understand jeans and cannot make mistakes in their choice. However, you need to remember that low-waisted jeans can only be worn by women who do not have anything extra in the tummy area. If there are any problems, then either cover the problem areas on top with loose T-shirts, T-shirts and flared sweaters, or better yet, just choose another model that suits your specific figure. This will be correct, since even draping the top will not save it and will only add volume, and this is absolutely not what women strive for.
Remember, low-waist jeans need to be chosen and worn wisely.

7. Underwear

I would like to complete this first part of the article with such an intimate, at first glance, element of the wardrobe as underwear.
But it is intimate exactly as long as we ourselves, with our own with my own hands, we don’t show it off. Moreover, there are a lot of options when women do this on their own.

Case one - the image of aggressive sexuality
My classmate thinks that showing a bra is very beautiful and stylish. I note that the underwear is really beautiful, but there is a decent hem of the underwear peeking out from under the sundress or a luminous bow from a bra in the subway and any other in public places looks inappropriate and vulgar.

How incredibly irritated I was by the fashion of wearing, excuse me, thongs on the outside, I blush just so much with anger when I see such nakedness during the day, in public places.

Showing underwear is only allowed in exceptional cases. Each of which requires a separate detailed description.

Party. If we go to a film premiere, a party to mark the opening of a new club or restaurant, we can allow ourselves to be more relaxed. However, when putting on underwear under a transparent dress, you need to remember one thing: ''Will we be understood correctly by others?'';
Is the place where we are invited suitable for displaying revealing attire?
Are we in good physical shape to show off such an intimate part of our wardrobe?
But even if all of the above points are accompanied by a positive answer, do not forget the fact that excessive openness is not always the key to success.

You need to be naked with great care and intelligence.
Again, I want to note that for some ladies it is unnecessary to resort to such tricks. This applies to women whose type of appearance is so sexy in itself that it does not require additional confirmation.

But one way or another, if we allow ourselves an elegant, flirtatiously peeking bra strap, at this kind of event, even if it does not look so correct and ideal, we will have a much greater supply of arguments to justify it than in the case of exactly this the same way we will stand in the bakery. The good old principle works here - everything has its time and place.

If you are vacationing in hot countries and wandered into a bar with your friends or a man, you can also allow a certain frivolity in relation to the display of underwear, but again very restrained, so that this impulse is not misinterpreted by outsiders. However, at a disco you can lift the veil of secrecy a little.
Well, here, finally, is a springboard where no one will judge you even if you walk around naked. These are romantic dinners at home, where the field for imagination is huge.

We must remember that you need to flaunt your underwear competently and carefully, with great intelligence, with knowledge of the matter, and only in exceptional cases.

- Case two
- lack of it (underwear)
Top part
I am amazed at the confidence of some women. In the summer, especially somewhere in a cafe, any of us had the opportunity to observe a girl without a top in an open sundress or dress. This picture can also be in the office of a lady in a strict blouse or a tight turtleneck.
Not wearing tops or bottoms is allowed on special occasions and obviously not at work.
If there are no problems with the breasts (they are not sagging, they are very small in size, the bodice of a dress or sundress “works” like a bra, namely it supports and covers the breasts), you don’t have to wear a bra. In all other cases, we women are obliged to wear it.

Nowadays there are a lot of different shapes, colors, textures, varieties of straps, you can choose the option that you like the most.
By the way, open sets of your wardrobe require special thought. If we wear an open top or blouse, then the bra must be the appropriate color, shape, not worn and washed.

If we put it on open dress or a sundress, choose transparent straps and a classic bra. Which will not give itself away in the general set.
If you are the owner of magnificent assets, do not buy a push up - why further increase what does not need it?

That is, it is necessary to remember that a bra can both emphasize and ruin even the most impeccable appearance, it’s like the situation with tights - one wrong touch and it’s all down the drain.

Bottom part
There are women who like to walk, sorry for the detail, without panties.
If this is a habit, then in general no one has the right to judge you. But remember about your habit, it is not necessary for others to know, so if you go naked, choose clothes of such density in texture that others will not understand that: “The King is naked.”

- Case three -
incorrect choice
Often, girls and women choose underwear that does not suit their figure once or their set of clothes twice, in both cases the entire appearance suffers. Let's talk first about the first option, when they make a mistake with the proportions of the figure.

1. Thongs.
I'll start with them, because they are the most treacherous part of underwear.
Thongs need to be selected strictly according to size and it is advisable to wear them in exceptional cases when a specific set of clothes requires it. The protruding elastic band from these panties is also a bad move.

2. Panties with high waist : This option also has its drawbacks. On the one hand, if you need to tighten the upper and especially lower parts of the abdomen, there is no better option, but if you wear them under thin, see-through clothing, the seams from such underwear will still be visible, unless of course it is laser treatment. Now there is a line of underwear with a special seamless design, when there is not a single seam, they hide all the imperfections of the figure and do not give themselves away, be careful and attentive when choosing a model of high pants.

3. Cotton version
Cotton is an environmentally friendly and breathable material that I really love. But this is only a home option or an option for sports. Cotton without additional material (nylon, lycra, elastane) quickly stretches and turns into a “jump rope”.
You should not wear such underwear under formal sets of clothes or dresses.

4. Push up bra
Only girls who want to add volume should buy this. Women of considerable merit should not buy such a bra, for obvious reasons.

5. Wireless bra
Shown only for girls with small breasts. For ladies with curvy figures, it is advisable to choose styles that do not add additional volume.

6. Strapless model (bra)
You need to be very careful with this model of bras.
By and large, they squeeze the breasts quite strongly, not in the sense of inconvenience, but in the sense of giving it additional volume and are more suitable for girls with small advantages, but women with outstanding shapes can also afford to wear it. Under one condition: the size must fit, no less, no more
Check how well the bra fits you, it should fit like a glove, remember it has no straps and if it falls off at the most crucial moment you will feel, to put it mildly, discomfort. You should not get carried away with this model if the chosen set of clothes allows you to wear a regular bra.
When you come to a lingerie store, carefully select a set of underwear; if you are not sure that the model is suitable, ask for advice from a consultant. In the end, look in the mirror a thousand times, you’ll probably spot some flaws yourself.

Now let's talk about practice. I often see seams from panties digging into the painful areas. You will forgive me for talking about this, but when I see such “blunders” in public places, I am horrified. Please, when choosing thin trousers or dresses, look at how you look from behind. If you see that your underwear has a life of its own, take it off, don’t put yourself in an uncomfortable position.

Thus, when choosing underwear, remember the most important thing - you are buying it in order to highlight your advantages and hide your flaws. This is the part of us that others often don’t see, but which, like an X-ray, can undress. Dedicate no less time and effort to choosing underwear than choosing a dress or office suit.

No matter how indifferent you are to fashion and clothing, in principle, I am sure that looking decent is in the interests of any person.

To be continued...

Fashion editor, stylist

Women's Fashion Week recently ended in Milan. So, winter has not yet ended, as designers demonstrated their collections for autumn and winter of the coming 2018. The fashionable community has already set off for Paris, which means we can take stock of the first results and find out the answer to the eternal question of what to wear. At least find out what to stock up on for next winter.

Russian style

The new Russian wave in Western fashion is expressed, rather, not in colors, but in silhouettes and signature techniques. Voluminous fur, scarves tied on the head, rich decor, as well as the imperishable hit of all past seasons - the new aesthetics of the Russian 90s in the spirit of Balenciaga and Gosha Rubchinsky - our everything next fall. We must admit, we love it very much: after all, the Italian style is close to our spirit. Keep in mind that here, as in other trends of the coming season, it is very easy to go too far and turn from a stylish and fashionable young lady into an absurd parody of a multi-colored nesting doll. Be moderate!


General mood last week fashion - without a doubt - the style of the 1980s. Next season the most controversial fashion era just as relevant as it is today. Almost all trends in one way or another refer to the rebellious 80s. Thigh-high boots, full-length glitter, emphasis on both eyes and lips, fishnet tights, as well as ruffles, frills and flounces - you can’t count it all! The 80s are back in full force, so we can rejoice: this is a fun, daring experiment, sexuality, expression and lack of prejudice!


Lurex shine is another “hello” from my mother’s wardrobe. It was banned for a long time, but in fashion, as you know, you should never renounce! Last season, rare blouses shimmered warily with lurex; this season, lurex literally took over the Milan catwalks. Now you don’t have to be afraid of being branded as vulgar and shabby, because many of the favorites of street style photographers have been seen “in all their splendor”.

High boots and over the knee boots

Over the knee boots excite everyone's hearts fashionable girls- and also not the first season. Next fall and winter, designers suggest wearing them not only with long skirts, but also with ultra-short minis, which, in general, can also be considered a ghost of the 80s. Red boots were especially common on the catwalk - the shape was just like those worn by Julia Roberts in the movie Pretty Woman. But keep in mind that Wellingtons themselves are very bright, and in red the danger of becoming like the heroine of a cult film is simply off the charts. You don't want that, right?

Broad shoulders

Variations on the theme of an exaggerated shoulder line are one of the favorite techniques of Italian designers in the coming season. They can be long, as if they placed 3 “shoulder pads” under your shoulder at once, or slightly lowered or sloping - all these techniques also evoke a slight nostalgia for the end of the 20th century. If you really want to try to introduce this trend into your wardrobe, I recommend paying attention to trench coats with wide shoulders - apparently, this version of the basic item promises to stay on the list of fashion must-haves for a long time.

Voluminous knitwear

Oversized sweaters, sweater dresses are a must-have item in your closet next fall. Next season, I recommend that you don’t limit yourself to classic Italian gray and black knitwear and don’t be afraid of bright colors. Knitwear striped or even zigzag - an absolute hit of autumn 2017! By the way, a simple rule for choosing such things: the thicker the knitwear, the better it looks on the figure. The combination options are unlimited. Wear it with boots, flared denim jeans, and wide coats.


Traditionally, Milan is a trendsetter in the field of fur. And this is very Italian, because a good fur coat will “make” any of your looks, even if under it is a white T-shirt and blue jeans. By the way, this simple style formula is a favorite technique of local heroines of street style chronicles. Next fall, outerwear should be of an unusual shape, bright color, or at least with unusual inclusions. By the way, it is not at all necessary that the fur coat be made of natural fur- artificial is much easier to care for, looks no worse, and the price does not seem exorbitant. Moreover, not a single living soul was harmed during its production - the animals are safe, and you are dressed in accordance with all trends!

Red color

Red promises to become a real Italian favorite next fall. Its shades range from the muted burgundy Marsala to the vibrant Aurora Red. The pinnacle of mastery is combination different shades scarlet inside one set. Agree, shades of red are a good solution for our autumn, and a total look in one color will be extremely relevant. Well, if you want to dilute it with other shades, then combine red with emerald and steel gray. The combination of red and blue in equal parts stands out - a fashionable invention of the Milan week for the coming season. Will it take root? We'll see.


What would an Italian fashion show be without a leopard? This fall, like the previous four seasons, the predatory trend is in action. The leopard print in the Italian modification is used for outerwear, shoes, or even a total “speckled” look. Don't be afraid to combine leopard with other active prints and bright shades, and don't be afraid of leopard in unusual colors! If earlier this carnivorous trend was reminiscent of the London grunge of the 90s, now it has been supplemented by the Italian luxury of the 2000s. Please note that such a drawing tightly attracts the attention of others, so you should treat it with the utmost caution. The main rule is that less is better, but better!

The sparkle of the lights of the city at night, the shine of the eyes opposite and an evening outfit that plays with the tints of all the colors of the rainbow. – The brilliant appearance of a fashionista cannot go unnoticed. Learning to attract attention: how to wear shiny things?

The trend of “glitter” in all its glory on the fashion catwalk is not new. From year to year, more and more haute couture designers prefer it. But at the same time, girls and women are wary of this trend; we can only allow ourselves to “shine” in a nightclub, at a friend’s wedding, or at New Year. And this is wrong - recognized stylists assure, supporting their verdict with compelling arguments.

The “sparkling” trend extends not only to wardrobe items made from textures with shine and shimmer - satin, silk, vinyl, lurex or patent leather, it can also manifest itself in silver and gold plating of accessories, shoe samples, and costume jewelry. Some details, such as a dress with sequins, look organic only in a formal setting, while others, like a scarf or shoes, are appropriate even in a business style.

To avoid fashionable “crimes,” let’s draw up rules for including shiny details in a woman’s look:

Rule one: Place your accents correctly

When wearing shiny things, you must be aware that your choice will certainly attract attention. It makes sense to wear only those products and accessories that accentuate your strengths. So, a light scarf will emphasize the “swan” neck, a shiny crop top will highlight the ample chest, and a wide belt will beautifully “hug” a thin waist. For the same reason, you should not wear tight short shorts with imperfect legs or decorate hair that needs treatment with a “silver” headband. Don't forget that shiny things tend to visually add volume. It is hardly worth dressing in sparkling things from head to toe for a girl who is struggling with extra pounds.

Rule two: There should be glitter in moderation!

Rainbow tints and luxurious shine are significant concepts in themselves. You need to work with wardrobe items, accessories, as well as shoes with glitter, silver and gold as solo components of the image. To prevent the look from becoming overloaded, do not use more than two prints in one ensemble, do not complement solo dresses and suits with massive jewelry, and do not combine a shiny “bottom” with a frilly “top”. Give the leading role to glitter, it is the latest in fashion.

Rule three: Don't overdo it!

Bright makeup, elaborate manicure and intricate hairstyles with conspicuous jewelry are not the best company for an image with shiny wardrobe items. By playing “on all fronts” at the same time, you risk getting a puppet bow. Give preference to naturalness! Don't cheapen your look with lots of bright details.

Dresses, suits

Dresses and suits with metallic shine, sequins and sparkling accessories are ideal for holiday celebrations and parties. In everyday life, they can only play in tandem with “balancing” parts. For example, a gold-plated dress can be complemented with a strict black jacket, and a “silver” skirt suit will go well with matte tights and classic shoes.

Pants, skirts

The rule that applies to them is that the richer the “top,” the more restrained and stricter the “bottom” should be. It is worth noting that sparkling trousers are a rather insidious thing; they are unlikely to look organic on plus-size fashionistas. A skirt with iridescence in this context is simpler, with the exception of tight-fitting mini models. It does not add volume and goes well with monochrome blouses, jumpers, and turtlenecks.

Tops, shirts, jackets

They represent a haven for fashionable experiments. They go well with skirts, shorts, jeans and overalls, provided that all these items are matte and only the “top” is shiny. In the cold season, tops, shirts and blouses can be complemented with plain jackets and jackets made of denim, corduroy, suede and leather. Decorations are possible, but in moderation.

Jewelry, accessories, shoes

Detachable collars, chokers, necklaces and bracelets with a metallic sheen, silver or gold plated are ideally compatible with simple, simple-cut items. Contrary to popular belief, they exist harmoniously in an ensemble with products of two or more colors.

Sparkling bags, hats, scarves and scarves are universal items. Latest collections High fashion says that they can be worn every day, and not just when going out.

Sparkling shoes can liven up even the most boring outfit. Presenters shoe brands today they produce brilliant collections of not only classical, but also sports shoes. Every fashionista can choose a pair to suit her taste.

Be fashionable! Live brightly!

Photo: vogue.ru, cosmoshopping.ru, modnitsam.ru, glamofon.ru, modniy.tv

Whatever one may say, fashion is coming back to us. So Lurex has returned to us, of course these are not the same images that were, they have been improved and appeared from a completely different side, but a note of the past still remains. So, first you need to remember what Lurex is? Lurex is a thread in the form of a thin strip of shiny film. Some of them also state that lurex can be called a shiny fabric that consists of such threads. Lurex is not used as an independent thread in the images. It is used most often as an additional yarn to the main one and creates a “metallic shine” effect. Today Lurex can often be seen in chic evening dresses, V business suits, scarves, hats and even stockings. And thus our beautiful women in lurex looks simply magical and magnetically attractive. The Beauty website draws the attention of our fashionistas to magical images made of lurex!

Lurex looks

Wonderful shine should be not only in the eyes of our fashionistas, but also in the stars’ images!

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What to wear in 2018? What clothes are a must-buy, and what styles are definitely out of fashion? Trends of 2018 will help you create a stylish wardrobe and draw attention to your original taste. So, let's look at fashion trends that must be taken into account when choosing current clothing.

Women who value comfort above all will definitely appreciate wardrobe items made from knitwear. In everyday life, blouses, skirts and suits made of knitwear are simply irreplaceable. Such fashion clothes very comfortable to wear. Designers offer a lot interesting options with minimal decor. The whole point of such styles is their brevity.

Fashionable denim

In 2018, it is recommended to wear shirts, overalls, dresses and other denim items. The color range is not limited in any way, but the most appropriate are classic black, light blue and deep blue. You can combine a shirt and denim trousers, and they can be the same tone or radically different. Comfortable clothing made from this material is perfect for dynamic life in a noisy metropolis.

Floral print

For several years now, floral print has remained at the top of popularity, but in 2018 it will appear in a completely new way. Stylists call this fashion trend– “psychotropic”, that is, psychedelic tropics. Its essence lies in the use of catchy and flashy shades, rich and intricate floral patterns, as well as variations on the theme of all kinds of natural phenomena - thunderstorms or sun, day or night. All this will be reflected in prints on shirts, light summer trousers, skirts and airy scarves.

The main feature of this fashion trend consists of exaggerated brightness and psychedelic combinations: beige floral print on a background of red and green, lemon shade with fuchsia print, etc.

Lots of glitter

A real must-have next year– shining fabrics. Fashion experts suggest the widest range: From classic heavy velvet in silver to vibrant sequins. For everyday life, the best option would be spacious blouses and sweaters with lurex. If you love tunics, then in 2018 give preference to products made from fabrics in the color of precious metals.

In the summer of 2018, velvet tops and sundresses with thin straps in purple, coffee and berry shades will be at the peak of popularity. The most stylish ladies will be able to decorate their wardrobe with spacious velor jumpsuits with a bohemian print and velvet bloomers. Dresses made of sequin fabric are perfect for the holidays.

Let's go back to history

In 2018, every girl will be able to feel like Juliet, as voluminous cuffs and romantic oval necklines are returning to fashion. Also in trend will be high-waisted dresses that will add feminine softness to any figure. Chic jabots, sophisticated stand-up collars made of delicate lace and skirts complemented with decorative elements will occupy the counters of all boutiques by the middle of the year. The ancient Greek tunics will not be left without attention, they will be reborn in discreet draperies and heavy fabrics. The best examples of the Renaissance will return to our lives as elongated dresses, characterized by a tapered silhouette and a high yoke. They are complemented with lace boas.

Gypsy style

A new variation of bohemian style plays a significant role in 2018 fashion. The “Gypsy Collection” has many patterns and designs, and most importantly, details. This trend gives a huge scope for handmade: here are dresses made of fine felted wool, and decorations made of bright beads, and appliqués that allow you to make ordinary suede jackets stylish.

Bright stockings and tights

Tights and stockings in eye-catching colors are another must-have for 2018. They make it possible to create a daring, original and playful image. There will be bright tights a great addition to the style of the 80s, which will very soon become the leader in popularity. They go harmoniously with tunics, dresses and long T-shirts in calm colors.


Turtlenecks come back into fashion and then disappear again. In 2018, this wardrobe staple will be on trend again. A turtleneck is an excellent assistant in creating interesting everyday looks. It can be combined with cardigans, jackets and jackets.

Turtleneck dresses, which are good option clothes in autumn. They can be created in a laconic style or complemented with drapery and original sleeves.

Handbags and shoes

In 2018, handbags do not draw attention to themselves, but serve as an addition to the created style. The trend will be laconic pouch bags, canvas handbags, as well as bags with heavy wicker handles. A tote bag without a frame, made from rough skin. Small shoulder bags and laconic business briefcases in rich colors will add lightness and ease to the look.

When it comes to shoes, fashion in 2018 means extremes. If in winter you can afford complete freedom of choice, then autumn and spring will be held in historical style: soft suede lace-up boots, pointed shoes with many buckles and ankle boots with leather cuffs will become popular. In the summer, fashionistas can look forward to laconic sandals and light velor slates. For variety, stylists offer original stocking boots from artificial leather lemon, lilac or emerald shade.

Stylish details

In 2018, massive jewelry will come into fashion: chokers decorated with artificial and natural stones, cameos made of precious metals, collar necklaces, decorated with a scattering of shining rhinestones. Outerwear can be complemented with a fur boa or voluminous scarf. A large belt will highlight the waist in combination with high-waist skirts. This element is simply irreplaceable with robe dresses.