Entertainment program of the birthday (anniversary) "Holiday with your own hands". Game program "Hand in hand contest" Is it easy to be a girl?

Scenario of the competitive game program for children "Day of Russian fun"

This methodical development activities designed to work with children of school age.

Target - Activation of children to joint activities.

Everyone is welcomed in the hallbuffoons :

Come on, honest people

To the hall where many games are waiting for you!

On the day of fun, let's have fun

Let's play, let's play!

Let's have fun together

Dance and have fun!

Buffoon 1: Hello dear guests, small and big!

Buffoon 2: Hello guests, welcome!

Buffoon 1:

Don't you want to play

Show your prowess?

Skomorokh 2 :

Why not play?

We are always happy to play!

Will there be awards?

Buffoon 1:

And the reward will be laughter

Perky and cheerful!


Times are different now

Like thoughts and deeds -

Russia has gone far

From the country that was.

Smart, strong our people,

Look far ahead.

But the tributes of antiquity

We must not forget.

Guys, what do you think, how did people in Russia have fun and rest from work in the old days, when there were no TVs or computers ..? (children's answers)

Yes, people were playing. And it’s fun to play not alone, but when there are many participants in the game!

To begin with, our buffoons will tell you “Bogatyr riddles”, because the Russian people always love fairy tales about heroes. And we with the jury (jury presentation) will test your ingenuity.

The game "Bogatyr riddles" (riddles have heroic specifics. First, simple and funny tasks are offered).

Heroic figure (three);

Not alone in the field (warrior);

Witch-flyer (pomelo);

Patronymic Snake (Gorynych);

Well, now more difficult riddles will go - old ones! Can you handle it?

5. Black seed is sown with hands, collected with the mouth (letters);

6. A lot of teeth, but does not eat anything (comb);

7. A secret pantry with all the new things: there are matches, and tobacco, and a copper penny (pocket);

8. Born in the forest, grew up in the forest, came to the house, gathered everyone around him (table);

9. Not winged, but a feather, as it flies, so it whistles, but sits, it is so silent (arrow);

10. Pakhom sits on horseback, does not know letters, but reads (glasses).

Well done! Did well!

Let's think again about the heroes. Without whom cannot a hero go to distant lands to perform good deeds? (children's answers). That's right, the hero must have a good horse, which must also be strong and strong, ready for any test.

Relay "Moving Horse"

All participants are divided into two teams: one - "horses", others - "riders". "Riders" sit on "horses" and form a circle. One of the riders is given the ball. "Riders" pass the ball in a circle in one direction or another, for example, to the right. And you need the ball to go through several circles, by agreement before the game. After that, the teams change places, but, as a rule, the game develops differently. If during the transfer of the ball it is on the ground, then the teams instantly change places: the “horses” become “riders”, and the “riders” become “horses”.

So we looked at what riders and horses are in battle. Now let's test your dexterity and speed!

Relay "Running in galoshes"

For the relay, galoshes of size 45 are used. Players need to run to the indicated place and, returning back, pass the baton to the next participant.

buffoons: Now the fight of tongue twisters, let us begin. Let someone speak quickly, the rest I ask to be silent.

Listen, remember
Yes, it’s difficult, repeat quickly.

*Three magpies-chatterers
Chattered on the hill.

* They gave Clasha porridge with curdled milk.
Klasha ate porridge with curdled milk.

The next competition will show us the strength and dexterity of the participants.

"Rooster Fight"

Players, jumping on one leg, lay their hands behind their backs and push not with their palms, but shoulder to shoulder. The winner is the player who manages to push the opponent out of the circle or if the opponent stands on both feet. The team with the most number winsindividual victories.

Leading Q: Now guess this riddle:

There is a stove in this house,

It doesn't smoke every day.

There is also a broom, that's the trouble -

He never sweeps.

Respect the heat in the house

And the owner of the house is steam.


Competition "Russian bath"

Who wants to steam

Who respects the couple

Come soon-

There is a broom and water,

Broom in hand and, as of old,

Smack the opponent himself.

Only the one who wins

Who will quickly beat the broom!

(Two people each "steam" with brooms from the newspaper)

The competition is held under musical accompaniment - the song "Russian Bath"

Tug of war game

buffoon: All boys, guys, girls

I'm calling on the rope.

Ten left, ten right

Only muscles are cracking!

(Children stand on both sides of the rope, at a signal they begin to pull in different directions. The team that manages to pull the rope over the line wins).

Game with the whole room.

I will tell you in turn the beginning of the proverb, and you will answer me its ending.

1. Measure seven times.(cut once).

2. Effortlessly.(you can't get the fish out of the pond).

3. Gift horse.(do not look in the teeth).

4. One in the field.(not a warrior).

5. With whom will you behave.(that's where you get it).

6. The word is not a sparrow.(you won't catch it when you fly out).

7. Better titmouse in hands.(Than a pie in the sky).

8. Don't have a hundred rubles.(and have a hundred friends).

9. Do you like to ride.(love to carry sleds).

10. Hurry up.(make people laugh).

We continue our competition. Next contest-Russian folk game "Jumping".

For the game you need to outline the line, this will be the start line. Players take turns jumping from a place in length. The representative of the first team jumps from the start line, the place where he will land is marked. The representative of the second team must jump from the mark line in the opposite direction. And so on until all the players jump. Whose team wins depends on the jump of the last player. If a player lands behind the start line, then the player's team wins, if the player does not reach the start line and lands in front of it, then his team loses.

Now answer me: what shoes are calling card Russia? (bast shoes). Correctly!

Competition "Lapti".

Participants remove shoes from one foot and take them to the indicated place. Then everyone lines up in columns, and the leader mixes the shoes. At the start signal, each of the participants must run up to this pile, put on their shoes and run to their team in shoes, passing the baton to the next one. Those who can quickly put on shoes win!

Relay "At Salohi"

Competition based on the famous work of N. V. Gogol. Saloha "packs" all her fans in bags so that the bag reaches the waist, and one hand holds it. Participants must take turns jumping to the indicated place and, returning back, pass the baton to the next one.

"Throw an object at a target"
This is a rather old game, traditionally using an object that the children may have never seen before.
A clothespin can be replaced with a coin, candy, or other small item.
Children take turns kneeling on a chair and trying to throw a small object (which you choose to play) into a box or basket.
The one who was able to throw more items into the basket won.
If candy is used in the game, the child takes everything in the basket as a prize at the end of the game.

Game with the hall "Floor, nose, ceiling"

This game is also a good mindfulness test. It is very simple, its rules are easy to explain.
With your right hand, point to the floor and call: "Gender."
Then point to your nose (it's better if you touch it), say: "Nose", and then raise your hand up and say: "Ceiling."
Do it slowly.
Let the guys show with you, and you will call.
Your goal is to confuse the guys. Say: "Nose", and show yourself at this time to the ceiling. The children must listen carefully and show correctly.
It’s good if you cheerfully comment on what is happening: “I see someone’s nose has fallen to the floor and is lying there. Let's help find a broken nose."
The game can be repeated many times with a faster pace.
At the end of the game, you can solemnly invite the owner of the "highest nose in the world" to the stage.

Captains Competition: Fight "manually"
The players stand opposite each other, feet shoulder-width apart, the right foot of one participant is next to the right foot of the second participant.
They then clasp their right hands and, on cue, start pushing or pulling each other in an attempt to make the other lose balance.
Who first moved from the original position - lost.

Competition "Get an Apple"
The game requires a large basin of water.
Several apples are thrown into the basin, and then the player kneels in front of the basin, holding his hands behind his back, and tries to catch the apple with his teeth and get it out of the water.

The jury sums up.

While the jury is summing up, I invite everyone to play Russian folk game"Brook"

This game was known and loved by our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers, and it has come down to us almost unchanged. There is no need to be strong, agile or fast. This game is of a different kind - emotional, it creates a mood, cheerful and cheerful. The rules are simple. The players stand one after another in pairs, usually a boy and a girl, a boy and a girl, join hands and hold them high above their heads. From clasped hands, a long corridor is obtained. The player who did not get a pair goes to the "source" of the stream and, passing under clasped hands, looks for a pair. Holding hands, the new couple makes their way to the end of the corridor, and the one whose couple was broken goes to the beginning of the "brook". And passing under clasped hands, he takes away with him the one he likes. This is how the “stream” moves - the more participants, the more fun the game is, it is especially fun to play with music.
Not a single holiday in the old days was complete for young people without this game. Here you have a fight for your beloved, and jealousy, and a test of feelings, and a magical touch on the chosen hand. The game is wonderful, wise and extremely meaningful.

Announcement by the jury of the results of the competition.

Buffoon 1:

We rested well

They all rightfully won.

frolicked, played enough,

Everyone was in good spirits!


1 "Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture" -O. L. Knyazeva, M. D. Makhaneva. Educational and methodological manual 2006.

2 "Children's outdoor games of the peoples of the USSR", edited by T.I. Osokina, 1988

3 "Anthology for children of senior preschool age" - compilers: N.P. Ilchuk, V.V. Gerbova, L.N. Eliseeva, N.P. Baburova. 1998

4 "Musical palette" - No. 7. 2010

GKS (k) OU "Kotovskaya S (k) OSHI"

Entertaining and educational program:

"My friends.

People around me"

Completed by: teacher Kloster L.I.


Topic of entertainment and educational program:

"My friends. People around me"

Age 5-6 grade

Purpose: To form in children the concept of what true friendship is among pupils of the school.


educational: Show what qualities a friend should have.

correctional: To develop and correct the thinking of children on the basis of competitive tasks.

Educational: Foster friendly relationships in the team.

developing: Develop children's memory, attention.

Event progress

I. Organizational moment. Emotional mood.

Dear Guys! I am glad to see your faces again, your eyes. The day is unusual, warm and joyful, and I think that today's event will bring us all the joy of communicating with each other. Good luck to you and good luck!

Our event Let's start with the gymnastics of facial expressions and gestures.
- Smile at each other.
- Adopt such a facial expression, which should be a friendly-minded person.
- Shake hands friendly.

^II. Introductory speech of the teacher.

Guys, and now I want to check if you know each other well. I will now read the description of one of you, and you should guesswho is it?

The boy is not tall, his hair is short and dark; brown eyes. He is quiet, calm, modest, but at the same time friendly and sociable. Always neat and tidy.

Who guessed what I was talking about?

You guessed it, well done! Vadim Bushmin is one of us. You guessed it - this suggests that Vadim is your friend and comrade.

What do you think, what was not indicated in the description of Vadim?

(this is only a portrait. It does not say who he is friends with, what he likes to do)

We will talk about all this. And we will also talk about the most important thing ... to find out, oh guess the riddle:
^ Rooted into the ground for a minute
Multi-colored miracle bridge
Miracle master made
High bridge without railing
. / Rainbow./

Right! But our rainbow will be unusual. Words are written on the leaves with a wax candle, after coloring, which can be read with the colors of the rainbow:

Society - red
Giving - orange color
Joy - yellow
Smile - green
Desire - blue
Nobility - blue color
Unity is purple

Reading from top to bottom the first letter of each word, you will find out the theme of our event.

- What we will talk about? About friendship. What is friendship? Do you have a friend?

Vladimir Ivanovich Dal in his famous "Explanatory Dictionary" gave the following definition of the word "Friendship": " Close relationships based on mutual trust, affection, common interests". The famous scientist and writer puts selflessness in the first place. And what is selflessness?

The theme of our holiday: “My friends. The people around me." Today you will be able to understand if there are friends among you who use your kindness for selfish purposes. Maybe someone does not notice such friends near them.

At the entrance to the festival, we handed out circles of different colors. Now you will change seats by color: yellow to yellow, red to red. We have formed teams and now we will hold competitions for you that will help you understand what kind of people you will be surrounded by.

And what competition without a fair jury?

Guys, are you ready to compete? I wish everyone good luck!

    The first competition is called "Rebuild-ka"

I will voice the tasks now, but I warn you in advance, the main thing that will be evaluated in this competition is not only speed, speed, but also how well you perform these tasks.

Line up in height: from high to low;

Line up by hair color: from fair-haired to dark-haired;

Line up: girls first - then boys;

Line up: high - low, high - low.

Well done!

For each correctly completed task, the jury puts 1 point. We assume that you have completed this task.

Do you know what qualities you should have? a true friend?

(children answer) Now we will check.

    Contest No. 2: "A true friend."

Let's collect a magic flower with you - "The Flower of Friendship".

(children choose petals with the qualities of true friends and attach the petals to the flower)

The jury gives one point for each correct answer.
(Modest, angry, indifferent, boastful, kind, envious, sociable, sympathetic, greedy).

Guys, there are a lot of proverbs about friendship, and we will now check how many proverbs you know?

    Competition number 3: "Insert the word."

You must fill in the missing words in proverbs and sayings.


Proverbs and sayings


friendship, and service is service.


Thin ... better than a good quarrel.


The old one is better than the new two.


There is no friend, so ... but if you find it, take care

look for

Friendship is like ...: if you break it, you won’t put it together.


It is easy to make friends, ... to be separated.


Strong friendship and an ax ...

you won't cut

money can't buy


While the teams are responding, I want to talk to the fans.

Do you have a true true friend?

What do you like about your friend?

Why do you sometimes resent him?

How do you feel about your friend?

Did you help a friend when he was in trouble?

Did a friend help you in difficult times?

How would you like your friend to be?

And what qualities of a person would interfere with your friendship with him?

Our teams have prepared answers, please submit for verification. And we continue...

(Two boys dressed as Skomorokhov run in)

1 Buffoon: And here we are both - Foma da Yerema.
2 Buffoon: They bowed low - the caps fell off.
1 Buffoon: We put on the cap, we begin the words.

2 Buffoon: Attention! Attention!
A fun party opens.
Hurry, honest people,
Our holiday is calling you!

2 Buffoon: How many people are in the hall,
A glorious holiday will be here.
So they told us right
That the guys are waiting for us here.

(Buffoons try to sit on one chair, as a result they sit down together).

1 Buffoon: sit down!
2 Buffoon: No, you sit down!
1 Buffoon: no, you can sit down!

2 Buffoon: let's get together!

Host: What a beautiful word "friendship"! You pronounce it, and immediately you remember your friend with whom you are interested in playing snowballs, watching your favorite cartoons or keeping secrets about yours. Who do you think can be called friends? (Turns to Buffoons).

1 Buffoon: Well, first of all, us.

2 Buffoon: And, secondly, in Fairytaleland, in general, there are many heroes who are friends with each other.

Guys, do you know a lot of fairy tales that talk about friendship?

4. Competition: "Guess a friend."

Leading: And now we will find out if the guys in our teams know them. I will call each team a fairy-tale character, and you guys call his friend in unison. The other team does not prompt at this time. So let's start:

Good Snow White and ……. (Seven gnomes).

Funny Chipmunks Chip and ...... (Dale).

Good Kid and ……. (Carlson).

Trusting Pinocchio and ...... (Pierrot, Malvina).

Green Crocodile Gena and ……. (Cheburashka).

Funny Winnie the Pooh and ...... (Piglet).

Hey, well done! All characters are named correctly!

But our guests are probably bored, so we will have fun now, let's play.

Game with fans

You need to complete the sentence correctly.. Where necessary, it is necessary to say the word "girls, girls", and where necessary - "boys, boys." Only this game with a catch, listen carefully.

Boys should only say the word "boys". And girls should say the word "girls." You can start, everyone is ready to listen carefully!

1. Only ... Boys strive for the draw in motorcycle racing.

2. They play bows and bears ... Of course, only ... Girls.

3. Any repairs will be arranged subtly, Of course, only ... Boys.

4. In spring, dandelion wreaths Weave, of course, only ... Girls.

5. Bolts, screws, gears You will find in the pocket of ... Boys.

6. They tie bows for themselves From different ribbons, of course ... Girls.

7. Skates on the ice drew arrows, played hockey all day ... Boys.

8. Chatted for an hour without a break In colorful dresses ... Girls.

9. In front of everyone, to measure strength, Of course, they only love ... Boys

Well done! Our fans did not disappoint. And our entertainment continues and we all move together, together to the game "Christmas trees - stumps." I ask everyone to stand up.

The game "Christmas trees-stumps"

On the Christmas trees needles are long and sharp,

BUT hemp resinous, sticky, fragrant.

Beautiful fluffy Christmas tree silver,

BUT hemp with knots, and knots with hooks.

"Christmas trees, stumps, stumps - Christmas trees,

Beautiful, fluffy

Christmas tree silver,

BUT hemp with knots

And knots with hooks.

« Christmas trees, stumps, stumps - Christmas trees,

Christmas trees, Christmas trees, Christmas trees stumps

(one buffoon fell in the game and says)
1 Buffoon: Who fervently believes in friendship,
Who next feels the shoulder

2 Buffoon: He will never fall,
In any trouble will not be lost.

1 Buffoon: And if he suddenly stumbles,
Then a friend will help him get up.

2 Buffoon: Always in trouble, a reliable friend
Give him a hand!

(Buffoons extend a helping hand to each other).

Leading: Unfortunately, friendship can be easily destroyed by a rude word, an impolite act. Do you agree with me?

So, our program is coming to an end, and in conclusion we will hold a contest "Be kind".

Competition number 5 "Be kind."

At my command, each team in turn will say a kind word. Do not repeat words. Whose team is the first to stop, she lost.

Well done boys!

And now, while the jury is summing up the results, I propose to remember what we talked about today, what games did we play, what contests did we hold? What was our holiday about? What have you learned? What kind of people are around you? Do you think that in order to be friends, it is necessary to follow some rules or laws? Which?

From your words, I wrote down these rules.

The rules of friendship that we must abide by.
Do not give out other people's secrets;
Always be frank with a friend;
Don't be afraid to ask for forgiveness;
Do not be rude;
No need to change friends;
One must be constant in friendship;
Don't sneak.
If a friend is wrong about something, tell him about it right away, stop if he is doing something bad;
If you are offended by your friend for something, try to forget about it as soon as possible and forgive his resentment to him.
If your friend asks you for some toy or to look, read a book, do not refuse him.
Do not be greedy! If you yourself took a book or a toy from a friend, handle these things carefully and do not forget to return them on time (when your friend asks or when you yourself promised).

Teacher: You can use the rules of friendship at school, at home when communicating with friends. Remember these rules. I give you these rules and I hope that you will use them.

Have the jury prepared the results of the competition? The kids are looking forward to it.

This is how we saw you today, dear guys: friendly, cheerful, mischievous and resourceful.

So our holiday is coming to an end - a holiday about friendship. Let's make our life good, let's help each other in difficult times, let's choose good and faithful comrades. Let's not quarrel and say to each other the words of the famous cartoon character, the patient and kindest cat Leopold: "Guys, let's live together!"

Leading: Let's conclude our holiday and in honor of true friendship, which is in our school, we will hold a festive fireworks display. At the word "red" - all the girls applaud. At the word "yellow" - all the boys applaud. And on the word "Green" - we all applaud together. So:

"Red" - the girls applaud.

"Yellow" - the boys applaud.
"Green" - we applaud all together.

Leading: Our holiday has come to an end. Thanks to everyone who shared it with us! I wish everyone to acquire a faithful and reliable friend! Until we meet again, friends!

Competitive entertainment program

"Open your palms, open your hearts"

Target: Organization of cultural recreation for children.


To teach children to show signs of attention to others, to bring them good;

Create favorable, emotionally - psychological climate in a team, work on strengthening friendly relations;

Cultivate love and respect for loved ones and those around them.

Event progress.

organizational stage.

To the music of Y. Kim "I am a clown", a clown comes out.

1 clown typ. Hello friends! I don't hear you today.

(Children welcome the clown.)

How else can you greet each other?

Please remember all the greetings you know.

(hello good afternoon good evening; gestures - a nod of the head, take off the hat, handshake)

Today we have gathered to open our palms and read her story, connect them, and bring each other closer. And for this, they must open their hearts. The theme of today's event is "Open your palms, open your hearts."

Main part.

Guys, do any of you know what "open palm" means?

From the history:

open palm means peacefulness, mutual assistance, mutual understanding, its image is a special talisman that brings happiness and protects from the evil eye, a symbol of protection from evil. People openly show each other their feelings. The open palm is openness and goodwill.

Open palms served as an ancient signal of peaceful intentions: "I have no weapons, I came in peace." Sincerity and goodwill are relaxed open palms. And the signal that the conversation has reached a dead end will be palms hidden in pockets or tightly pressed to the body.

palm up- addiction.

With a wave of your hand, you can both lower and increase your authority in an instant: if you hold your hand with your palm up when asking a subordinate, he will feel higher, because. this signal is a gesture of submission and dependence. But with a friend, on the contrary, such a signal will be perceived positively: it will show that you need this person.

It is better to address subordinates with the palm down. Dogs are trained for this gesture - the commands “Sit!” and “Lie down!”. This is a gesture of authoritarianism, power and submission.

Rubbing the palms- a gesture of positive hopes.

Crossed arms- means a signal of hostility or closeness. But most people use this gesture all the time: “I feel so comfortable!” Of course, it is convenient: after all, with this gesture we express our true feelings, and therefore it is convenient. And these feelings - the desire to close and protect yourself. From someone or something.

Hands clasped in a castle, - anxiety and anxiety. Either it is too difficult to convince him of something, or he is deceiving himself.

Hands folded behind the back, - a person wants to demonstrate his advantage, power.

And now, I would like to get to know you, I will read, and you listen carefully and do it without fail.

Sasha, Tanya and Vali

Everyone raised their hands together.

All Vlads, Kolya, Olya-

Loudly - loudly squealed!

Lena, light and Serezha -

We all clap our hands.

Peacocks are not worth standing -

We all stomp our feet.

Dima, Yura and Larisa -

Friendly, whistled loudly!

Natasha, Nadia and Oksana -

Hurry up everyone!

Katya, Dasha and Nastena -

Come on, meow!

Igori, all Alexei -

Come on, everyone grunt!

Who we didn't say

And today they were silent

Like one family

Let's shout loudly: "I"

My name is Tip.

We can assume that we greeted each other, we got to know each other. Let's stretch our hands forward, we will warm them and play game: "Clap your hands" so that you can recharge your friendly energy from each other.

Now the music will sound, and we will clap our hands. But do not forget that you need to repeat after me. The leader performs the movements, and the children repeat:

1 movement: "claps" ( clap their hands);

2 movement: "ball" ( circular movements of the hands in front of you to the right and left);

3 movement: "scissors" ( arms outstretched forward and doing "scissors");

4 movement: "axe" ( connect the palms, lift it to the right shoulder, then to the left, down to the right, down to the left)

5 movement: "claps" ( clap in front and behind, in front of you, and the clown gives greetings)

This is where the music stops.

Well done! You have done very well with this task.

Are your hands warm?

I hope that your hearts will warm up like your hands during today's meeting.

And now the game is for our boys. Those who catch my greetings will come out to play. We continue to clap our hands, and I spread hello. Whoever catches, he plays. Children are divided into two teams.

The game "Dunno in a balloon"

I give you Balloon ik. You need to move it, putting it between your legs. It cannot be dropped or smashed. Task: move from the starting line to the finish line. Wake up to travel with Dunno. And we'll see whose team is faster to cope?

For the next game we invite girls. We catch hello. The team has been recruited.

House cleaning game.

You've been playing and your room is a mess. Need to put things in order. You must collect the toys in a box, that is, transfer them from one to another.

What good fellows, friendly! I enjoyed playing with you.

Music sounds. Another clown enters.

2 clown Top. One two three four five…

And I am sure:

We will become friends with you.

(Distributes balloons of two colors to children, according to the number of players.)

Oh, hi! ( clapping hands with Type) I am a clown. Just a clown. My name is Top. I live in a circus - in my opinion, no better place on the ground. Every day I go to the arena with my friends. My friends juggle, tightrope walk, perform magic tricks, perform with animals, and I make people laugh.

The guys who got balloons are all invited to me. I suggest you play an interesting game called "Fun Volleyball". We will now see how you will try to warm up your palms, without quarreling with each other, to help in difficult times.

1 clown typ.

Attention everyone! jugglers in the arena

They just got back from tour yesterday.

They will show you their skill -

They will throw the balls deftly.

Game: "Funny volleyball".

Children are divided into two teams: blue and green. A rope is stretched between them, held by two clowns. And the children throw balloons to the music. As soon as the music stopped, the game was over. After that, it is checked whose team has more balloons, becomes the winner.

Do not regret applause

Clap louder.

1 clown typ. Have you guys ever been to a circus? But they saw the circus performance on TV for sure. What did you like the most? Do you know who I'm friends with at the circus? (children's answers) I will now read a poem, and you answer together.

A porcupine runs

This is ... (times).

Owl cleaning feathers

This is ... (two).

The third was the wolverine,

And the fourth - ... (turtle).

The gray wolf went to bed

It's five).

Parrot in dense foliage

He is ... (sixth).

Here is a calf next to a elk,

It will be ... (seven) and (eight).

Nine is a hippopotamus.

Mouth like a grandmother's dresser.

A shaggy lion walks in a cage.

We must start again!

(V. Orlov "I believe")

What kind of animals did you guys see at the circus? And someone, probably, has a friend at home. Love them and don't hate them. And I propose to play trained animals? To play the role of your friend and understand how pleasant it is for him in such situations when you are doing various circus numbers with him.

I invite everyone to stand in a circle, pronounce the words and repeat the movements after me.

We are funny monkeys.

We play too loud.

We clap our paws and stomp our feet.

We puff out our cheeks, we jump on our toes.

And we will even show tongues to each other.

We stick out the ears, the ponytail at the top.

We are funny monkeys.

We play too loud.

One best player is selected.

2 clown Top. Attention! Dear audience! On the stage is a trained dog Lordik. He is a famous mathematician, he can count and solve examples.

I show things , and you must bark as many times as there are objects in my hand.

Well done Lordik! For that

You need candy.

1 clown typ. Who wants to say hello? We clap our hands. The clown spreads his greetings and chooses the next participant.

And here is a trained Tyapa-bear.

He knows how to roar loudly.

(Child imitates a roar.)

And he bows to the audience.

(Child bows.)

And how he dances - look!

(The clown ties a handkerchief to the “bear”, and they dance together.)

And our bear is a boxer,

He lost his nose to many in the arena.

(The clown and the child imitate a boxing match. The clown falls, fakes a knockout, then rises to his feet.)

Hooray! Tyapa is the winner.

The clown gives the child a prize or candy.

2 clown Top. And now, dear viewers,

On the stage - seals.

They are good at playing with the ball.

They catch him and throw him away.

And now we will check how friendly you are, how you can help each other in difficult times. Let's play the game "Oink - Oink". Children become in a circle. Music sounds, children pass each other a balloon, like in a volleyball game. When the music stops, the clown calls any animal, and the child, who has a balloon in his hands, must shout in the voice of this animal (“oink - oink”, “woof - woof”, “mu - mu”, “meow - meow”, etc.). Thus, six people are recruited for the next game.

1 clown typ. And of course, dear viewers,

All animals love to sing:

And dogs, and seals,

And monkeys, and a bear.

Only for you

Our choir will sing now!

So they chose the most friendly, peaceful guys. And now, we will find out how strong their friendship is.

Game "Extraordinary choir".

The melody of the well-known children's song "Smile" sounds, the clown names the animal: chicken, cat, dog, cow, piglet, cuckoo. Children perform a song using the sounds that this animal makes: grunts, lows, meows, barks, etc.

2 Clown Top (jumps on a stick).

Look, I'm riding a horse.

Sit down with me, I'll ride you!

(Shows two sticks.)

In the circus arena - Sivka and Burka!

(Arranges skittles in two rows.)

See what skill is needed,

To skip between the skittles deftly!

Teams are chosen by each clown with the help of turned palms.

All hands unfolded. And now we receive greetings, good, my friendship. Who touched my palm, we invite you to play the game "Riders". So that we can warm up, get closer closer friend to friend.

Game "Riders".

The guys are divided into two teams. Task - depicting riders, children must “jump” between the skittles to the landmark and back. Whose team is faster?

1 clown type(a fraction is tapped on the drum, he depicts a tightrope walker).

Look, I'm walking on a tightrope.

Don't be afraid, I won't fall!

There are good fellows in our circus -

Real tightrope walkers!

The game "Rope walkers".

I invite the two best players, two riders. Now we will lose the game "Rope Walkers". Let's check how close you have become to each other during today's meeting, how much you give in, help each other. There is a jump rope on the floor. You need to stand on its ends and go to the opposite side along the rope. But the difficulty is that you have to go in the middle and not step off the rope. The one who reaches the opposite end first must shout "Ale - op!"

2 clown Top. Hurry! See Focus - pocus! Magic water.

My palms will take part in this trick, they will do a little magic. I so want to bring you closer to each other.

Focus "Magic Water".

The clown brings out on a tray a glass of "milk" (starch diluted in water) and a glass of "tea" (water with drops of iodine). The clown explains that if you mix "milk" and "tea", you get real ink. It mixes liquids, and as a result of the reaction, ink is obtained, which can even be written on.

Interesting? Have I warmed you up a little?

Who wants to try? Let's give our best tightrope walker an opportunity to warm his palms and your hearts, "Colorful Water" will entertain us.

1 clown typ. And this, meet the little magician!

He tricks to do a great master.

Focus "Colorful water"

The clown invites one child to the stage, puts a turban on his head. Under the guidance of a clown, the child does the "Colorful water" trick. In pre-prepared two jars, the lids of which are reverse side painted with red and blue gouache. The clown and the child show the jars to the audience, then pour water into them, close the jars with lids, cover them with a handkerchief and shake them vigorously. During shaking, the paint from the lids dissolves - the water is colored.

2 clown Top. And now, guys, I invite you all to be real little wizards. Just ask me to help, because I can not do it alone. We now have to make balls of chuckle. I give you a felt-tip pen. Your task is to inflate the balloon, draw a smiling face on it with a felt-tip pen, using your palms. With all my heart.

Children decorate balloons.

This is a memento from us for today's meeting. And when you go home, you can release this balloon into the sky: let it fly, and maybe someone sad will catch it and smile, so that his heart will also be warmed by your laugh ball. In this way, you will give your friendship to another. Deal?


What interesting thing did you learn today for yourself?

What games were played throughout today's meeting?

Are your palms and hearts warm? How?

And someone just made peace with each other, today, and someone got a new friend? Are there such guys? Raise a hand.

Final part.

1 clown typ.

Our dear children

We had a lot of fun here.

But the hour of parting has come.

No need to be sad.

And goodbye to me from you

I wanted to get

Palm right now.


You are offered palms of three colors: red - excellent mood; yellow palms - this way and that, i.e. good mood; green - bad mood. Guys, you should choose only the color that your mood is left from our today's meeting. You can attach your palms to our model of the globe, so we will give our mood - joy, grief, our open hearts - to the children of the entire globe.

1 clown typ. Tomorrow we set off with our circus to travel further. And be sure to tell everyone what good guys we met. And we wish you never to lose heart and remember that ...

Who always whimpers and misses

2 clown Top. He doesn't notice anything.

1 clown typ. Who doesn't notice

2 clown Top. He doesn't study anything.

1 clown typ. Who doesn't study

2 clown Top. He is always whining and bored.

1 clown typ. See you soon!

Tatiana Rudik
Competition program for the Defender of the Fatherland Day "Stand for each other - you will win the battle!"

Competition program for the Defender of the Fatherland Day

« stand for each other - you will win the battle

Target: Foster a sense of respect for Defenders of the Fatherland, patriotism, love for the Motherland. Create in children festive mood desire to participate in competitions.

Good afternoon, Dear friends!

Good afternoon ... What does this mean?

So the day was started well,

So the day was well lived,

He will multiply happy days.

Today we are having a friendly meeting. At the start, we have a good mood, mutual respect, friendly sympathy!

And behind the move competitions a competent jury will observe closely and objectively. Because the this event entertaining and all contests are joking, frivolous character. Because not only men, but also women serve in the Russian army, so our girls will also participate in competitions.

Let's conduct military exercises with you as in the army - competitions and prove that heroes have not yet been transferred to Russia - strong and courageous people, as well as future commanders - smart and smart people.

Let's start by splitting into two teams.

1 competition warm-up.

The game "Traffic light"(at the signal of the leader, the participants perform certain movements. If any of the team mixes up the movement, then the team receives a penalty point. Signals: green circle - march in place; yellow circle - clap your hands; red circle - shout cheers).

2 competition"Cyphergram"(the first numbers receive the task in a whisper in their ear; it is transmitted along the chain each other. The last participant brings "report to headquarters" approaches the leader and loudly pronounces the phrase he heard. After that, the facilitator reads the original text. For example: On a mountain on a hill, Yegorka roars; a pie with peas is good in the path.)

3 competition"Air battle"(participants competition tied to hand balloon. It must be saved by destroying the opponent's ball, but at the same time using only the hand in which it is located.)

Well done boys! Russian army until that time it will be strong, while young heroes grow up in our cities and villages, ready in case of danger to stand on protection of our Motherland are strong, courageous, intelligent and resourceful people. In that competition you will need"overcome" like this let: finish Russian military proverbs. (teams answer in turn).

4 competition. "Finish the proverb".

Our army is not alone, the whole is with it ... (country)

It’s not enough to be angry with the enemy - you need to be with him ... (beat)

Go fight - enemies ... (Do not be scared)

Fight not loaf - mouth ... (don't open up)

In battle, you need ingenuity, courage and ... (hardening)

I don’t fight myself, but seven ... (not afraid)

Great merit to help out in battle ... (friend)

Die yourself, but comrade ... (help me out)

How stronger friendship- the easier... (service)

Bad slut in the ranks, and even worse ... (in battle)

Do not whine, but rather a song ... (sing)

It's not enough to have courage, you have to fight... (be able to)

An alarmist and a coward - like an extra on a raft ... (cargo)

To betray the motherland is a scoundrel ... (become)

To study the enemy is the key to victory (get)

Go to reconnaissance - yes it is better (look)

Sharp-witted and cunning - five noses ... (lost)

Coward and rotosey - always without (friends)

Well done, guys, in the army you need to be not only smart and resourceful, but you also need to be silent and inconspicuous. Try next competition pass the rattle so that it does not rattle and give you away.

5 competition"Pass the Rattle".

Our next competition will show your dexterity. Imagine that you are participating in a battle and you need to bring shells to the gun. You must do this quickly and not drop the projectile (on the heads of the participants competition a small book is placed, and they must carry it without dropping it).

6 competition"Don't drop the projectile".

Guys, next competition to win only your mutual assistance. After all, in battle it is very important to act very well-coordinated and coordinated, to help each other.

7 competition"Drawing Together"(on a sheet of paper attached to the board, two participants from each team draw an airplane or tank with one felt-tip pen).

8 competition"Who quickly" (that team will win, which will be built faster by the first letter of the last name in alphabetical order).

9 competition"Minefield"(team members must walk over sheets of paper laid out on the floor without moving them).

Guys, you have already shown your agility and speed, but a good soldier is distinguished not only by dexterity and strength, but also by intelligence and ingenuity. This is what we will check now.

10 competition"Puzzles".

1. There are no clouds on the horizon,

But an umbrella opened up in the sky.

In a few minutes

Got down… (parachute)

2. Takes off without acceleration

Reminds me of a dragonfly

Takes flight

Our Russian... (helicopter)

3. Plays hide and seek with the ship

But dives all the same with an eye.

If a storm roars from above,

Then at the bottom she lies (Submarine)

4. The turtle is crawling -

steel shirt.

Enemy in the ravine -

She goes where the enemy is (tank).

5. Miracle - bird, scarlet tail,

Arrived in a flock of stars (rocket)

6. A bird is flying - a fiction,

And inside the people sit

He speaks among himself (airplane)

And now captain competition.

1. In a famous fairy tale "Go there - I don't know where, bring that - I don't know what", the king sent an arrow to Andrew "for distant lands" attention question!

Faraway is how much? (3x9=27)

2. In a fairy tale "Porridge from an ax" the soldier cooked a very tasty porridge. Question:

What, besides the ax, did the soldier put in the bowler hat? (water, salt, cereals, oil)

And now the jury will announce the results of our competitions.

Guys, fighting we are running out, and the long-awaited peace is coming. But for peace to finally come, commanders must find a securely hidden "secret" package. (A package is hidden in the hall, in it is a task that must be completed). Members competition looking for a package, in which candy and a note: "For the victory in sweets are awarded but you must show solidarity with another team and share this prize for everyone "

On this competition we are finishing the game and we want to wish everyone that you grow up smart, healthy, strong and brave - real defenders of our country!

Related publications:

Our Russian Army Birthday in February! Glory to her invincible! Glory to peace on earth! In our group "Stars" it was a lot of fun.

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Scenario of the competitive and entertainment program dedicated to International Day child protection for grades 1-4

Leading. Hello dear friends! We congratulate you on the beginning of the holidays and International Children's Day! We have brought you a festive game program. May smiles, joy and good mood be with you today! Your team is not big, but I think it is friendly. And how friendly you are, we will now find out. We are divided into two teams.

Music number.

Leading. So guys, we are going on a journey along a fabulous road.

1st squad of Ilya Muromets, 2nd squad of Alyosha Popovich. Each squad chooses a governor (commander). On the fairy-tale map, the first obstacle blocks our path. And what - you now find out.

Druzhina of Ilya Muromets: Flowing, flowing, will it not flow out? (River)

Alyosha Popovich's squad: Did you help run across the river? (bridge)

Leading. Correctly, the bridge will help us cross the river to the other side. But the team that will name more fairy tales will go first.

1. I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather ... (kolobok)

2. Don't sit on a stump, don't eat a pie (Masha and the Bear)

3. Do not drink water, brother, you will become a kid (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka).

4. Frog, give me back my arrow. (Frog Princess)

5. Apple tree, dove, hide us. (Geese-swans)

6. Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me, like a leaf in front of grass (Sivka-burka).

7. At the command of the pike, at my will (By the command of the pike.)

The one who scored more correct answers crosses the bridge, and those who score less - in the water.

1. It is necessary to bring a sheet of paper to the chair on one palm without helping with the other hand. Change hands on the way back. This competition will show not only speed and dexterity, but also great patience.

2. "I will knit a silk scarf." On the balloon, the first one ties a scarf, the 2nd unties, etc.

3. "Caterpillar". Take each other by the waist, sit down and in this position move to the chair, back by running.

Game with the audience "Throw the ball"

Leading. And now the commanders of squads are invited to the competition. Competition “It's all about the hat.” (A candy is tied to the edge of the hat. You need to swing and catch the candy, unfold it and eat it.)

Leading. The squads and governors have measured their strength and dexterity, and now the squads can rest, but for this they need to be careful. How careful you are, we'll see. Attention Contest. On the count of "one" raise your hand up, on the count of "one, two" do not raise it. Who made a mistake - out. The team with the most soldiers left wins.

Leading. Our squads can be attentive, we were convinced of this, but how they can relax, they will now show in a music competition.

There is a music competition.

Leading. So today the squad won ...

We congratulate them on their victory. This concludes our competition program. We have repeatedly seen today how friendly, courageous, dexterous you are and how you can support each other in difficult times. I wish you always to stay like this, happy holidays to you and once again happy holidays. Until we meet again, friends!

Scenario of the competitive game program for schoolchildren "Let's join hands, friends!"

Leading. Good afternoon dear friends! We are glad to see you and your smiling faces from the bottom of our hearts! And we would very much like for only laughter, smiles, good mood and, most importantly, friendship to reign in this hall throughout our program. It is no coincidence that our program is called "Join hands, friends." Because only with real friends we feel easy and confident. And how friendly you are will help us determine the contests that we have prepared for you. So, let's split into two teams of 8 people. The rest of the guys will be fans.

The first competition is a warm-up. I ask you joke questions, and you have to answer them quickly. The one who answers the most questions wins.


Does the cow have horns behind the ears or in front of the ears? (behind the ears)

Why do lions eat raw meat? (They don't know how to cook)

When does a horse turn into a predator? (When it trots)

Under which bush does the hare sit in the rain? (Under the wet)

What does the duck swim from? (From the shore)

Why is there water in a glass? (Behind the glass)

What fish bears the name of a person? (Carp)

When does a cat have two heads? (When she holds a mouse)

Which question cannot be answered yes? (are you sleeping?)

Which city is flying? (Eagle)

What is between the mountain and the ravine? (-and-)

Which island speaks of its small stature? (I am small)

Leading. Well done! And the next competition will test your ingenuity and erudition.

I ask the team captains to come to the tablets. You will have to solve the encrypted tasks "Six Wasps" and "Six Crayfish". The rest of the team members have the right to prompt only once.


Leading. Well, judging by the way you completed this task, we can safely call you true friends. And in the next relay competition, we will identify the most dexterous and fastest. Each team lines up in pairs one after the other.

You must stick your noses into the matchbox case in pairs and run to the chair without dropping it, then pass it to the next pair. The team that finished the relay raise their hands up. Get ready, let's get started!


Leading. Trees creak about something and the birds can't sleep again

In the thicket of the forest, the animals started a dispute,

And immediately the faces change, the sounds and colors change.

Trees creak softly, fairy tales walk through the forest.

As you may have guessed, our next contest is about fairy tales. You have to stage a fairy tale written on a piece of paper offered to you. In the meantime, you are preparing a fairy tale, I will play with the audience.

The gamecospectators"RING THROW"

Leading. Well done boys. The storytelling competition was great! Yes, and our fans were surprisingly dexterous and resourceful. But we will determine the final winner after a fabulous quiz.


Leading. And our last joke contest will help determine the final winner. Teams must chain the ball to each other, first with their stomachs, then with their knees. Whose team will do it first, that one will win.


The gamecospectators"Blackbox"

Leading. Now let's count the number of points for each team. And the team became the winner of our program… But to be more precise, friendship won. After all, if you had not completed the tasks so amicably, probably nothing would have turned out to be such a fun and exciting game. We thank you for your participation, we wish you always remain as kind and true friends. Best wishes. See you soon!

competitive gaming entertainment program

Competitive game program "Together Friendly family»

Leading. Good afternoon dear friends! Today we are dedicating a competitive game program to a wonderful holiday, which has recently been celebrated throughout the country. What holiday is celebrated on May 15? That's right, Family Day. After all, a strong friendly family is wonderful, this is peace on earth, this is peace, this is a morally healthy younger generation, these are happy children, this is joy and smiles. And we would very much like smiles and good mood to reign here throughout the program. Well, how much you can be a friendly, close-knit family, they will help us to find out our competitions. To do this, we need to create three teams of three people.

The first two will be mom and dad, and the third will be their child. So, while our families are being created and born, we give you our musical gift.

Musical gift.

Leading. I will ask the teams to come to the middle of the court. We have three families. Mothers wear aprons, children wear panama hats. Let's give them the most popular surnames: the Ivanov family, the Petrov family, the Sidorov family. You will all someday become moms and dads, and today you have the opportunity to try yourself in these roles.

The main members of the jury today will be you, dear viewers. So, the first task. Whose family will complete this task more original, that one will win.

1 .Competition"Bayu-lullabies-bye".(Moms must put the baby to sleep, persuade, sing. Dads must wake the baby in an original way.)

2 Competition."Familyrelay race".

1 task. Bring the boiled egg on the plate to the mark, change hands on the way back.

2 task. A potato is tied to a rope. With swinging movements, you need to push the matchbox with potatoes to the mark. Run back.

3 task. "Transfer across the stream." Mom and dad cross their arms, put the child down and carry it to the mark, return back running.

Leading. Well done boys. I see you are a little tired. Let's take a break and listen to a musical gift.

musical gift

Leading. Our competitions for best family continue, and the next competition will be for moms. Moms, come to me and take two tasks from me. Mom in the family is considered the most experienced and skillful and knowledgeable person in the family, and therefore it is her sacred duty to pass on her rich experience to her family members. Within a certain time you need to draw up instructions for given topic. The instruction should be such that the most inexperienced member of the family understands everything the first time.

Instruction 1: How to sweep the floor.

Instruction 2: How to fluff pillows.

3 instructions: How to make tea.

Instruction 4: How to wash dishes.

Instruction 5: How to wash socks.

Instruction 6: How to fry an egg.

Leading. In the meantime, our mothers are preparing, I will play a game with the audience.

Game with spectators

Leading. Dads will take part in our next competition.



1. Imagine that your son is 15 years old. He fell in love and wants to get married. The Pope is against his decision. Dad and son have a "male" conversation.

2. There is only one TV. The daughter wants to watch cartoons, the son wants to watch football. These transmissions run simultaneously. Everyone insistently defends his opinion. Father comes. His reaction.

3. The son went to a friend's birthday party and returned in the morning. The door was opened by his father...

Leading. The next competition is for the youngest member of the family.

4. Competition"Quizonfairy tales." Whose child answers the most questions, that family won.

- What was the name of the turtle in the fairy tale "The Golden Key"? (Tartila)

- Name the three piglets (Nif-nif, naf-naf, nuf-nuf.)

- Which fairy tale hero was a bakery product? (Kolobok)

- Which fairy tale speaks of a wonderful mirror? (The tale of the dead princess

- How many years did the old man and the old woman live near the blue sea? (30 years and 3 years).

- What was the name of the resourceful, hardworking worker in one of Pushkin's fairy tales? (Balda).

5 Competition"Drawmyself".

Leading. This competition is very difficult, so we will entrust it to dads. Dads should put their hands in the slots of a sheet of paper and draw their family, so to speak, create a family portrait.

6 Competition"Dance". Last final competition. Now dads will draw lots with a dance that his family will dance. (“Eh, Apple”, “Tatar”, “Dance of the Little Swans, etc.”).

Leading. So, now the music will take turns playing, and the families will dance to it. Spectators choose the best dancing family.

(Summing up, awarding)

Leading. We sincerely congratulate the winners and give everyone a musical gift.

Musical gift.

Leading. We were very pleased to meet you. You actively participated in competitions, showing resourcefulness and ingenuity. And now we say goodbye to you, we say until we meet again! Goodbye!

Hosted on Allbest.ru


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