We develop logic in a child correctly. Logical thinking in children How to develop logical thinking in an 8 year old child

A good memory, logic and attentiveness will be useful to a student not only in learning, but also in Everyday life. Complex exercises are not for children. The development and strengthening of children's skills and abilities should occur in play activities.

Classes to develop children's attentiveness

Attention is divided into visual, auditory and motor-motor. There are special games to develop each type of attention. Only in game form nine-year-old schoolchildren can be helped to develop and strengthen mental functions.

Games for developing motor-motor attentiveness:

  • “Edible-inedible.” Children stand at arm's length from each other, the leader stands opposite them. . He throws the ball to one of the schoolchildren and says the word. If the named one is edible, then you need to catch the ball, otherwise, push it away.
  • "Forbidden Movement". Players choose a prohibited move in advance. Then they must repeat all the movements after the leader, except for the forbidden ones. Whoever makes a mistake becomes the leader.

Games for developing auditory attentiveness:

  • “What did it sound like?” Show your child the sounds of various objects: musical instruments, rattles, toys or spoons. Then the objects should sound behind the child’s back, and the student guesses what sounded.
  • “Listen and play back.” An adult uses a stick or palm to type a certain beat, the children must repeat it.

There are many different games to develop visual attention. Show your child a picture with several images so that he finds repeating ones or the same color and shape. For training, you can ask him to name all the objects in the room that start with a specific letter, lying on the floor, etc. Dominoes and lotto mosaics also help improve children's attention.

Classes to develop children's memory

Vitamins that can improve the memory of children as young as 8 are now widely advertised. In fact, to combat children's forgetfulness, you can use the games they love so much. In a playful form, school material is absorbed better; with the help of special games, children’s memory can also be developed.

Place several toys on the table and remove several from there after a couple of minutes. The kid must name what was missing from the table. You can simply rearrange some items and ask your child to point out the changes.

Give your child 4 words and ask them to repeat them, gradually increasing the chain to 10 words. At the beginning, you can use words from the same associative group, then words from the chain can be from completely different topics.

Learning poems is also useful for memory. The potential of eight-year-old boys and girls is great. Don't limit them to children's quatrains. Try to gradually learn “Lukomorye” or your favorite poem. When memorizing, you don’t need to cram a verse; to memorize, you need to understand what you’re talking about. Explain unknown words and expressions to your child, discuss the work.

Classes to develop children's logic

Logical thinking is one of the indicators normal development schoolboy. Logic is, of course, taught in primary school lessons. At home, fathers and mothers can also develop children's logic in a playful way.

Invite your son or daughter to combine the images into groups. For example, wild and domestic animals, fruits and vegetables, animated and not animated. You can search for a word from a series that is not related to the first. For example, an apple - salted, red, ripe, poured, baked.

Children's education program primary school differs significantly from what and how they learn in class kindergarten. Studying at school presupposes a new step in the development of a preschooler’s thinking - his transition from visual, effective and figurative to logical and a little later, to high school– to an abstract-logical type of thinking.

That is why the development of logical thinking junior schoolchildren is one of the most important tasks at the stage of learning in primary school.

A child’s developed abstract-logical thinking will further contribute to his school success in such disciplines as algebra, geometry, physics, and chemistry.

Key stages in the development of logic in preschoolers

Step 1. Master the category “concept”. It is necessary that the child can independently identify the functionally essential features of an object or phenomenon, those features that are directly related to the purpose of the object itself. For example, "milk cow". That is, a cow gives milk - this feature sets it apart from other animals.

Step 2. We teach the preschooler to identify already known properties subject, without highlighting more or less significant ones. That is, the child must report the most understandable and memorable features of the described object. For example, “a dog is an animal that lives in a kennel in the yard.” Thus, the ability to analyze and observation is trained.

Step 3. The last stage - we develop in children the ability to generalize and classify, highlight common significant signs for a class of objects or concepts.

For example: cat, dog, mouse are animals. Next, we classify them based on their habitat – pets (live in the house).

Fly agaric, boletus, honey agaric - mushrooms. Honey mushrooms and boletus are edible, fly agaric is not (here the classification is used according to the principle of edible - inedible).

The ability for logical thinking in children is not innate; this type of thinking, more than any other, requires special classes and training.

Ways to train logical thinking

Signs of active development of abstract-logical thinking in children

  1. The child draws conclusions by analyzing the essential internal properties, and not the external signs, of an object.
  2. Easily masters the operation of solving problems in the “mind” when the visual part of the task is either completely absent or expressed insignificantly.
  3. He reasons, analyzes, and his reasoning begins to acquire a logically correct structure. That is, the child begins to successfully use such mental operations as analysis, synthesis, generalization, distribution.

Objective signs of the level of development and quality of logical thinking in children are also such parameters as speed, flexibility and depth.

Speed ​​implies the ability to find the right solution in a short period of time. Flexibility is the ability to search various options solving a problem (task) if the initially specified conditions have changed. Depth of thinking characterizes the ability to penetrate into the essence of the task and identify the relationship between all its parts.

These three qualities are rarely developed equally well. However, by using them, parents will be able to establish the presence and level of development of logical thinking in their child.

What prevents the successful development of logical thinking in a child?

Recently, teachers and educators have increasingly noted problems in children with constructing logical reasoning and difficulties in analyzing objects and situations. Children's thinking is often chaotic, it is difficult for them to concentrate on one thing, they are able to talk about several topics at once, but are not able to go deeper into the subject of discussion. Often they can only retell what they heard, but are unable to analyze it.

We are talking about the so-called “clip” thinking - as a result of children being overloaded with information technology and television products. Spending a lot of time in front of a computer monitor or TV screen, where some stories replace others every minute, information is presented chaotically and superficially, the child loses the ability for logical analysis and concentration, which, naturally, leads to a general decrease in the level.

The timely development of a preschooler’s logical abilities will be extremely useful not only for his further education, but also in everyday life, and will also help him decide on his future choice of profession after graduation.

Teacher, child development center specialist
Druzhinina Elena

The formation of logical thinking in a child has great importance and subsequently helps him in training and further development. Being able to think and act logically is very important for a child. You can develop logical thinking using a variety of methods and techniques.

How to develop logic in children

Why is it necessary to pay attention to the development of logical thinking in children?

Children are always the pride of their parents. Our children are always the smartest and most beautiful for us. But it often happens that rose-colored glasses slip over loving mother’s eyes, which sometimes greatly exaggerate the abilities of our children.

Every mother wants her child to be successful in the future. Each strives to give her child all the best, to pass on her priceless life experience and save you from many mistakes. But, how often, sometimes, we don’t have enough time to check homework, or reading books together. We entrust our children to the hands of caregivers and teachers, and we continue to expect that our child is unique. You shouldn’t expect all this to fall from the sky. It is necessary to work hard from childhood on its proper development and upbringing. Giving birth to a child and raising him as a person is a huge responsibility that we took upon ourselves long before his birth. Understanding that the right start is a guarantee of a successful finish, and also that the foundation for health and good mental abilities is laid in deep childhood, we must invest all our strength in its proper development. If you want to lay a powerful foundation for the knowledge that will be accumulated by your baby, pay attention to books for kids that you can study together, explaining to him various situations and forming the right foundation .

Techniques for developing creative thinking in children

Benefits of reading together:

  1. This helps to replenish his vocabulary.
  2. Children whose parents spent time reading books do better in school.
  3. A child who reads aloud from childhood is 80% likely not to encounter problems with incorrect pronunciation in the future.

This helps to establish a trusting relationship between the child and parent.
If your baby is still too young to read, spend time with him looking at and discussing the colorful pages of picture books. Already in early age they form:

  • Attention
  • Imagination
  • Memory

Talk to your child more, discuss his favorite cartoons, events at school and kindergarten. Learn to understand it not from the point of view of an adult, but from the point of view of the child who certainly still lives within us. Every correct action you take as a child determines his future. We often hear from psychologists that all our problems are rooted in deep childhood. And, probably, in many ways, this is true. Therefore, let's do everything so that our children are definitely a thousand times better.

Ways to develop logic in babies

In the modern world, scientists have long ago come to the conclusion that, being in the mother’s belly, the child is able to respond to different sounds. Therefore, it is very important that the expectant mother and father talk to the baby. Much is also known about the beneficial effects of music.

It is very important to communicate with the child when he is still in the womb, but, of course, even more important when the baby is born. Affectionate intonation, lullabies, rhymes - all this has a significant meaning in the further development of the child.

In the first days of life, the baby reacts to light. And by the 4th week he is able to fix his gaze on his mother, on something bright.

Do not forget that in early period For a child, tactile communication will be the best for him. You also need to monitor the intonation and volume of your speech so as not to inadvertently scare the baby.

How to develop logical thinking in a child with the help of “non-computer” games

Game of in this case is most preferable, since with its help you can interest the child, which will have a positive effect on his perseverance and attention.

Toys for the development of little ones from 0 to 2 years

Toys and rattles given to mothers should be carefully sorted out. Choose from all the largest, not very noisy and bright ones. The rest can wait a little. In the meantime, you can hang several bright toys at a short distance (about 50 centimeters) above the baby. This way the child will learn to fix his gaze. And in the future, you can simply change the toys so that they don’t get too boring.

Logic games for children outside the home

You can play not only at home, but also while walking. Here it is appropriate to choose a game during which the child is given a guess about an object located on the street, and he, in turn, must guess this object with the help of leading questions. This game develops not only logic, but also observation and intelligence.

Logic pictures for children

A game that is effective for developing logic is one where, among various pictures, you have to choose the odd one out, for example, among berries, you have to remove a vegetable. Or offer to find the missing word. You can show your child two pictures that at first glance do not differ from each other and find the differences in them. It also trains your memory.

Popular logic games

It has been proven that games such as chess, checkers, and, of course, books comprehensively develop a child.

Well-known and popular games:

  • "Edible-inedible"
  • "Cities"
  • Various puzzles
  • Mosaic
  • Solving riddles also develops logical thinking

You can offer a game for very young children, where you need to complete a statement, for example: “In the morning the sun rises, and in the evening...” and the like.

Very useful math games, since logic is directly related to mathematics. The choice of such games is extremely wide. With the help of practical problems and observations, the child will learn to think logically. It is worth offering him such an experiment. The child must think and decide what will happen if a stone is placed in a plate of water, will it drown or not? Similar logic problems Help children predict the results of their actions.

Toys certainly contribute to a child's development. But do not forget that the main thing for him is love and care. Feeling warmth, the child grows up cheerful and cheerful.

Logic problems for children

Interesting and educational logic problems can greatly interest a child. For example, you can ask him to answer the following questions:

  1. How many months are there in a year with only 28 days (all months)
  2. What can a person see if his eyes are closed (dreams)

Of course, how a child will develop largely depends on the parents. They will help him become a full-fledged person, devoting a lot of time and attention. It is important to remember that the logical development of a child directly depends on his physical training, nutrition, absence of nervous shock and stress.

The development of logic in a child allows him to gradually master the processes of analysis and synthesis, generalization and systematization, as well as learn to prove his point of view and find a solution to any problem. All these skills contribute to the improvement of thinking, so it is simply necessary to develop logical thinking in children.

The need to develop logic

Logical thinking is the ability to perform first the simplest and then more complex logical operations independently. More than once a person is helped by the ability to analyze and generalize, refute or prove something, but not everyone thinks that this ability needs to be improved.

The development of logical thinking does not happen on its own; this process should be approached purposefully. First you need to decide on a teaching methodology, and then select exercises to develop logic.

The methods and nature of the exercises depend, first of all, on the age of the child and his readiness:

  1. Kids cannot mentally imagine a situation or an object; they cannot master logical questions and verbal tasks. Young children are characterized by a visual-effective type of thinking, so exercises are selected so that the child can touch, move or add, so that he “sees” the result of solving the problem.
  2. A little later, when the child has developed visual-figurative thinking, you can move on to tasks - pictures. Children will be able to find the answer to the question using the images presented.
  3. The peak of thinking development - the formation of a verbal-logical type - occurs in the senior years. preschool age. From this moment on, it begins to gradually improve. The child is no longer interested in touching an object or examining it; what is more important to him is what he thinks or says.

Over time, he will learn to assess the complexity of the tasks, set goals, draw up an action plan and find ways to solve problems.

You can achieve such results if you adhere to the following principles in the process:

  • There are no concepts of “early” or “late” for the development of logic: you can start at any time when the child begins to try to understand the connections between objects.
  • Exercises should be selected in accordance with the age and level of development of the child: you should not expect logical conclusions from the baby, and the schoolchild will not be interested in moving objects in and out if they can quickly complete the procedure “in their head.”
  • The harmonious development of logical abilities is impossible without imagination, so it is better to select creative tasks to study logic.

Games and interesting exercises have a positive impact on the development of logic in a child. Therefore, first you need to interest the baby, select interesting tasks for him.

Methods for developing logic in preschoolers

Each child develops differently: some begin to walk and talk earlier, and others later. Average age the beginning of classes on the development of logic - 2 years old, when the baby will try to understand cause-and-effect relationships and ask questions.

The formation and development of logical thinking in children is carried out in stages:

Specially oriented classes are not conducted with children - they will be boring and uninteresting for them. Use developmental techniques during a game or conversation. The conversation will first be initiated by an adult: “Why did it become dark? Right! The sun hid behind the clouds!”, “Who’s barking on the street? That's right, doggy! Why is she barking? If a child not only answers the question, but also adds something of his own and expresses his opinion, it means that he liked this game and is ready to play.

At 3-4 years old, a child masters geometric shapes and colors and learns to compare. First, children must find differences (this is easier), and then look for commonalities. Useful in terms of developing the logic of games with mosaics and. By creating three-dimensional buildings or paintings, children learn to generalize.

The following games will be interesting and useful at this stage:

  1. "Guess" : An adult names the properties or characteristics of an object, and the child guesses (big, round, red, sweet - apple). After this, they change roles.
  2. "Find differences" : two towers are built from cubes, slightly different from each other, the child finds the differences. As you understand the meaning of the game, the figures become more complex, then they move on to completing tasks in the pictures.
  3. "Sorting" : need to be sorted by color, size or shape (cubes in a basket, and balls in a bucket). This variety includes the games “Harvest” (vegetables and fruits are laid out separately), “Separate the animals” (wild and domestic).
  4. "Edible - inedible" (with a ball): an adult throws a ball to the child, naming the object. If the object is edible, then the ball must be caught; if not, it must be returned. After several correct “answers” ​​the players change roles.
  5. "Find the Color" (training the ability to find a common feature): the child must find as many objects as possible in the room of the same color. The game can be modified - find objects of the same shape or size.
  6. “Make a pattern of geometric shapes” (the pattern can be symmetrical or asymmetrical).
  7. "Make up geometric figure from matches/sticks.”
  8. "Postman" : you need to distribute letters to recipients depending on color, shape, size.
  9. "Where Can a Cat Fit" : Children are asked to find objects that will fit an animal of a certain size.

Gradually, the exercises become more complex, children learn to solve riddles, assemble puzzles, and analyze proverbs and sayings. When explaining, you need to pay attention to incomprehensible words, find an explanation for them, select words for them - descriptions. During this period, children.

To develop the logic of children aged 6-7 years (older preschoolers), the following tasks are suitable:

  • “Find the continuation of the proverb.”
  • “Choose a synonym/antonym for a word” - you first need to work out the concepts themselves, give examples, and then start completing the task.
  • “Explain the meaning of the saying/proverb.”
  • “Find the greater/smaller number.”
  • “Rank the numbers in descending/ascending order.”
  • "Find the odd one out."

An older preschooler can express his opinion or draw some conclusions based on the story he sees. Working from the pictures, children find mistakes in the behavior of passers-by and explain the behavior of the characters. Such exercises contribute to the development of speech and the improvement of verbal and logical thinking.

Development of logic in younger schoolchildren

For the development of logical thinking in younger school age The exercises are a little more complicated:

  1. You need to not only guess the riddle, but also indicate the words that helped you find the answer; a more complex variation is to compose a riddle yourself.
  2. Find an extra word and explain your point of view; there may be several extra words (for example, among the words “milk, cheese, water” the extra word may be water - it is not a dairy product, or cheese is hard, and water and milk are liquid).
  3. Take letters to a boring address (the house number is presented as an example, and the street name is encrypted).

Younger schoolchildren gradually begin to operate with concepts that they cannot perceive with the help of their senses: they reflect the essence of the subject and are expressed special character or in a word (for example, perimeter). Many people have difficulty understanding educational material, which cannot be sensed in any way.

Abstract-logical thinking, which is actively developing on a solid basis from visual-effective, visual-figurative and verbal-logical types of thinking, will help you better master the program.

You can determine how actively it is developing by the following signs:

  • The student is able to draw conclusions, analyze the significant internal properties of an object, and not its external characteristics.
  • Solves problems mentally without visual representation.
  • Reasoning becomes logically correct, gradually learns to analyze information, synthesize and generalize it.

The quality of thought processes is positively characterized by the speed of finding the necessary solution path, the ability to find several solution options and the ability to understand the meaning of the task and identify the relationships between all components of the task.

The ability to think logically, draw logical conclusions and conclusions is available only to humans. However, children are not small adults. Until they reach the age of 15, abstract concepts, theoretical reasoning, and the opportunity to look at the situation from the outside are inaccessible to them.

That's why, developing logic in children, it is necessary to take into account their age capabilities, individual characteristics and focus efforts on developing skills in the zone of proximal development. This is what we will do today.

How to develop logic from 0 to 2 years

Between the ages of 0 and 2 years, a child learns about the world through physical interaction with it. What does it mean? All logic games that you play must be visual. Most often these are toys that can be manipulated. In our case best choice will be:

  • all kinds of frames - inserts,
  • sorters,
  • pyramids,
  • nesting dolls,
  • cups of different sizes,
  • laying out sequences (for example, from), etc.

Don’t be upset if your baby doesn’t fold the nesting dolls correctly even 3 times. Now he acts by trial and error and, based on this experience, draws his own conclusions: that a large matryoshka does not fit into a small one, that a small ring should be on top of a large one, etc.

At the same age, several “logical” discoveries await the child:

  • At 7-9 months. he understands that an object that has disappeared from sight does not go anywhere. We can help him in this discovery by playing “Hide and Seek” and “Peek-a-boo.”
  • Closer to two years of age, speech develops, which indicates the beginning of the development of symbolic operations. This process can be developed by increasing the child’s passive and active vocabulary through reading children’s books with bright and clear pictures (it is important that the text matches the picture), examining and discussing illustrations, demonstrating fairy tales using toys, flannelograph.

How to develop logic in children from 2 to 7 years old

The child begins to develop logical thinking. As he masters the language, he can imagine the world through verbal images and symbols. The child understands the fairy tale without relying on the picture. A good exercise for developing logic would be to discuss a fairy tale after reading it:

  • retelling,
  • discussion of individual events (why they happened),
  • fantasizing about what would happen if main character acted differently.

The child begins to understand the difference between the past and the future, and the concept of “make-believe” appears in the game. This makes it possible to explain to the child the cause-and-effect relationships between his actions and the situations that have arisen. True, there is one nuance here: the baby perceives reality only from one point of view - his own, and it is difficult for him to take the position of another person. Therefore, it is better to act out such situations in the game when the baby can play different roles.

The child is able to carry out some logical operations, but they are often based on intuition rather than logic. If you offer to compare 2 identical groups of cubes, but in the first case they will be laid out on the floor, and in the second case they will be piled up in a pile - then the child may say that the first group is larger, because it is visually larger.

This good time to start using printed materials, a selection of which you can find in, teaching aids and from the Club of Passionate Mothers.

What tasks should you pay attention to?

  • Fourth wheel
  • Continue the series
  • Find a pair (lock key, spruce pine cone, paint brush, etc.)
  • Edible-inedible
  • Artist's mistakes (confusion)
  • Pictures “near and far”
  • Find the figure by projection
  • Draw a shadow from an object (unlike the task “Find an object-shadow pair”, which develops attention)

and puzzles

Also, this is the right age for board games and puzzles. The most suitable games from the point of view of logic development are the following popular games:


In addition, riddles have rich potential for developing logic in children. You can start guessing them from the age of 3. To begin, prepare 5-6 riddles and images of answers from which your child will be able to choose the correct answer.

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

Choose riddles that the child will understand (if about a squirrel, then with the words: gnaws nuts, lives in a hollow, has a red fluffy tail, etc.). It’s good if the solution rhymes with the riddle. Use riddles with abstract concepts and figurative meanings from 6-7 years old.

Experiments for children

Experiments for children develop the child’s ability to reason logically, put forward hypotheses and test them in practice. In addition, they expand his experience of knowing the world and explain global processes in an accessible form.

To get the most out of these activities, ask your child open-ended questions: What do you think will happen if we mix this and that? What will happen if we are here? But here? How can we use the acquired knowledge in life? Do not immediately give ready-made solutions and explanations. Since the results of experiments are often unexpected and surprising for a child, the mindset that the world is full of miracles and learning can be fun is reinforced in the child’s mind. In this section you can select experiences that will be of interest to your child right now.

Search for treasure with a map (various quests)

You can start playing from the age of 4-5, starting with a simple map of the children's room, which will schematically depict the furniture and the location of the hiding place (it is especially interesting to use such a solution in an advent calendar, when you also need to look for a gift). Then the map can be expanded to cover the entire apartment, your yard, or the playground. The main thing is that it is a place that is familiar to the child.

If you want to organize a quest, then it would be advisable to use various tasks to develop your child in the main areas.

Find an item by description

This game is similar to riddles, but you can only describe the object with adjectives. Remember that until the age of 6-7, it is advisable to describe only objects that the baby sees, as he will look for the answer in his environment. Before school, you can make a wish for any physical objects that the child has seen, touched, or tried.


The baby leaves the room, you hide the toy. The child comes in and starts looking, and you prompt him: if he is looking in the right direction, say “hot”, if not, then “cold”.

Combining objects according to some characteristic

Until the age of 3, we teach a child to generalize objects: toys, furniture, dishes, etc., and now play with identifying features within the group. Lay out the toys in front of the child and offer to divide them into several groups, each of which will be united by a certain characteristic. For example, soft and wooden toys. Try not to insist on your option; let the child highlight some feature himself (for example, toys with ears and without ears). The same recommendation applies to the game “four odd”, because the goal of such games is for the child to be able to explain his thoughts and chain of logical reasoning.

Watch in this video children's version"Thimbles" games for developing logic in children:

Of course, age limits depend on the individual child and are quite mobile. The important point is that acquiring new skills is impossible in a passive form. To do this, it is important to provide food for thought, comparisons, and experiments that would contribute to the child’s accumulation of experience, the maturation of his brain and the transition to the next stage of development of logic and thinking.

We hope that our advice will help you in choosing logic games and activities with your baby!

Tell us in the comments, how do you develop logic in children?