Psychological assistance to the elderly. Accompanying the elderly Escorting an elderly person to the store

An airline employee escorting an elderly person is one of the paid services that are provided by major airlines.

Today, such services are often in demand, since older people do not always know how to use airport services.

This service includes accompanying an elderly person at all stages of passport and customs control inside the airport.

In the case of a connecting flight, an elderly passenger who has purchased an escort service at the airport will be met at the transfer point by an airline representative and taken to the connecting flight waiting area or to the general waiting room. Later he will accompany him to the boarding gate. It is important to understand that this only applies to flights operated by the same airline.

Passengers who need assistance along the route from point “A” to point “B” are given Special attention and on board.

Accompanied passengers are often offered to transfer to business class (if there is free space there) for ease of observation.

Elderly passengers Those who have signed up for the service of accompanying an elderly person will be met upon arrival by airline employees and escorted and handed over to the receiving party. If the greeter is delayed, he will be called back and informed about the arrival of the flight.

So what is the procedure for registering to accompany an elderly person?

  • First, you need to contact the airline with which you are supposed to send the elderly person.
  • After the airline confirms that such a service does exist, ask how it is processed. As a rule, an airline representative will tell you that you need to arrive at the airport an hour and a half to two hours before the start of check-in to fill out all the necessary paperwork, namely: filling out forms indicating the accompanying person and the meeting person, the last name and first name of the passenger requiring escort. contact telephone numbers of those seeing off and greeting.
  • With a completed application form and a passport and ticket registered with the airline representative, the elderly passenger is handed over to the airline representative “hand to hand” for escort at the airport.
  • When it is time to check in for your flight, old man will be accompanied by an airline representative to check-in points, baggage drop-off, passport and customs control.
  • After passing all controls, the elderly passenger will be taken to the departure lounge by an airline employee and will remain nearby until boarding begins. As a rule, an airline employee accompanies an elderly passenger to the plane.
  • There, the airline employee hands over all accompanying documents to the flight attendants.

Upon arrival of the passenger at his destination, he will be met by a representative of the airline and will be escorted through the control points, will help him get his luggage, and will be escorted to the exit, where he will hand it over to the greeter.

Important information for the meeting and accompanying parties:

Meeting party must have identification documents that will be needed when completing all formalities when transferring the accompanied elderly passenger. Seeing party Here's what you need to take care of:

  • Don't forget to give the elderly passenger medical supplies, which he may need during the flight. If an elderly person takes them regularly during the day, inform the accompanying person about this and, when ordering the service, indicate this in the “additions” field of the form.
  • Don't forget to give your passenger money in dollars or euros to be able to purchase the necessary goods at the airport.
  • It would be great if an independent elderly traveler could use his own mobile phone. Make sure that he can call you in advance. Charge it and top up your account.

Upon registration escort services for elderly passengers in an Aeroport We advise you to choose only proven and reliable airlines.

We hope that this information will help you in organizing a comfortable flight for seniors.



1.1 Social support - basic concepts, definitions, current issues 5

1.2 Features of social support with elderly people 8

1.3. Directions for improving the organization of social work with elderly people 10


2.1 Features distinctive features and properties of day and temporary rehabilitation centers 12

2.2 Study of satisfaction of elderly citizens with social services in social rehabilitation centers of St. Petersburg (Central district) 13




Excerpt from the text

Research hypothesis: effective organization of social support for elderly people contributes to a significant improvement in the quality and life expectancy and level of mental health old people.

Specialized excursion programs for elderly people (using the example of St. Petersburg)

N.P. Shchukina explores the problems of self-help, mutual assistance and other forms of social support for older people. She draws attention to the fact that an elderly person tries to “stand on his own two feet” for as long as possible, and from social services he expects not to strengthen his dependence on society, but to help him include him in the sphere of activity where he could realize his potential.

An analysis of the literature on the research topic showed that social work with older people is in the general attention of both legislators and social services. At the same time, in the theory and practice of social work, more attention is paid to traditional technologies in working with older citizens than to innovative ones. Change social status an elderly person, caused primarily by the cessation or restriction labor activity, changes in value orientations, the very way of life and communication, the emergence of difficulties in social and everyday life, psychological adaptation to new conditions, requires the need to develop special approaches, forms, methods and technologies in social work with older people.

Problems of social work with older people in our time are the focus of attention of the main social institutions, social and research programs that are aimed at ensuring a decent standard of living for older people. By the end of the last century, the demographic situation had changed radically: the age structure of the population of many countries of the world, including Russia, no longer resembles a pyramid so much as a column, which is characterized by a relatively small number of children, young and mature people, and a relatively large number of older people age groups. Determine the main tasks and professional responsibilities of a social worker when working with elderly people.

Organization of social support for elderly citizens

Hypothesis: systematic work of the volunteer movement in social sphere to support elderly people receiving services at home, can influence the formation of an active life position of elderly people, strengthening their well-being and emotional background.

The normative basis for the study was international acts, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, fundamental legal acts and regulations Russian Federation. Also, in the course of writing this work, special literature, periodicals, electronic resources, reference and legal systems “Garant”, “Consultant +” were used. The following magazines were used as periodicals when writing the final qualifying work: “Social and Pension Law”, “Social Services”, “Social Service Worker”, etc.

7. years old is considered elderly, from

The World Health Organization distinguishes three chronological periods: age from

7. years old is considered elderly, from

7. up to 89 - senile, from 90 and older - the age of centenarians.

Old age is characterized by an increase in pathological processes, therefore the need of older people for outside help, primarily from the state, increases. The life of an elderly person should be made worthy and rich, relieve him of the feeling of loneliness and alienation, fill the lack of communication, satisfy his needs and interests.

The practical significance of this work lies in the fact that the proposals made to improve social work with elderly citizens can significantly improve the quality of services provided in the State Budgetary Institution “Center for Social Services for Elderly Citizens and Disabled People in the City of Kurgan”.

List of information sources

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3. Andreeva, G. M. Social psychology. Lecture course. / G. M. Andreeva. - M, 2007. - 290 p.

4. Arkhipov I.V., Zakharova V.Yu. Topical issues of comprehensive gerontological medical, socio-psychological support and rehabilitation of elderly people in a permanent institution using the example of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “All-Russian Scientific and Methodological Gerontological Center”. // Clinical gerontology. 2014. T. 20. No. 11−12. pp. 55−58.

5. Bourlier, F. Aging and old age. / F. Burliere. - M., 2002. - 450 p.

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7. Gordina O.V. Higher public school in Siberia as a model of social and pedagogical support for an elderly person. // Siberian Pedagogical Journal. 2009. No. 6. pp. 276−285.

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9. Ermolaeva M.V. Psychological and pedagogical support for an elderly person. - M., 2011. - 464 p.

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12. Samoilov I.V. On the issue of accompanying an elderly person in inpatient social service institutions. // In the collection: Modern look for the future of science Collection of articles of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Responsible editor: Sukiasyan Asatur Albertovich. Ufa, 2015. pp. 232−234.

13. Sidorchuk T.A. Social and psychological support for older people in inpatient institutions. // News of Smolensk State University. 2013. No. 3 (23).

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21. Shilova S.N. Social and pedagogical support for the adaptation and socialization of older people in the conditions of a stationary social service institution (using the example of the budgetary institution of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra “Boarding home for the elderly and disabled “Darina”, Sovetsky).

Lonely grandparents, wards of the Mercy service, are looking for volunteers who will accompany them on a trip to the sanatorium. There are vouchers to health resorts near Moscow, other Russian cities, and even to the sea.

Alexander Shilov, “Waiting.”

Who said helping shouldn't be fun? For example, lonely old people - wards of volunteers - cannot take advantage of a discounted voucher to a sanatorium - they do not have enough companions for this. You can spend several weeks in nature, maybe even at sea, just accompanying an elderly person.

Vouchers to sanatoriums are issued by authorities social protection. Treatment and rest are very necessary for elderly helpless people, but many cannot take advantage of this opportunity because they cannot do without outside help.

“I am 64 years old, I have no relatives, I have given my whole life to work - to my beloved school. For 35 years I taught children Russian language and literature. And now I have become disabled,” says our ward, Lyudmila Mikhailovna. - I have arthrosis, diabetes and many other diseases, but I’m holding on, I’m glad that I can do a lot on my own. I feel confident at home, even though I often use a stroller. But still, there are situations in which I cannot cope without outside help.”

“Every year, social protection authorities, as a disabled person, give me free trips to the south,” says Lyudmila Mikhailovna. — 2 vouchers: for me and an accompanying person. The vouchers include payment for travel, treatment, food and accommodation in a sanatorium. I should be happy, but I’m crying. I really want to go to the sea, my bad legs need it, but I can’t find an accompanying person. A person who would help me on the road and be with me on vacation. I wouldn’t bother you with boring grumbling and I wouldn’t ask for help unnecessarily. But how can I, a wheelchair user, overcome the road and manage without support in a sanatorium? Don't know".

Friends advised Lyudmila Mikhailovna to contact the “Mercy” service, she was delighted: “I have never heard of you before, but the name speaks for itself. I hope for a response. Summer is just around the corner and we could have a great holiday with treatment. I can change clothes myself and take care of myself in many ways, and my escort can easily go on some excursion for half a day. I'm sure we'll both like it. I want the person to also enjoy a wonderful trip.”

In our service there are several more elderly wards who, like Lyudmila Mikhailovna, need accompaniment. Some have vouchers to a sanatorium near Moscow, others are waiting at a health resort in Tver. Yes, yes, it will look almost like in a movie: walking in nature, leading an elderly person by the arm or pushing in a wheelchair, listening to leisurely stories about life, breathing the air and enjoying communication. And, most importantly, these old people will have very happy eyes.

Vouchers are issued free of charge to an accompanying person. The package includes: travel, accommodation, food and preventive treatment. All you need is a desire to help and the opportunity to spend 3 weeks in a sanatorium next to an elderly person under your care.

Want to help? Call volunteer coordinator Irina: 8-901-598-99-34. If you are not yet a volunteer and want to become one, we are waiting for you every Sunday at 11.45 in the Church of St. bl. Tsarevich Dimitri at the address: Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, building 8, building 12 (Oktyabrskaya metro station ring).

Is a project. You can support him by becoming.

Service for elderly people by social workers is carried out according to two schemes: patronage and social support. They have significant differences. Patronage involves home work, care, and creation of conditions for the most comfortable life for the ward.

Social support is built on a different principle. The accompanying person helps the ward participate in public life, self-realization in the status in which he finds himself at a particular moment.

Support is not limited to home-based services. Its functions and tasks are much broader. Thus, support for the elderly is organized at the airport, at railway stations, on trips to Spa treatment, to hospitals for examinations, to social events, etc.

That is, the service provides for the provision of assistance of a various nature, from psychological to transport (for example, in Sheremetyevo, elderly citizens and disabled people can be escorted by special machines).

Accompanying the elderly from Social Support

Social support is a multi-stage process. Having entrusted its organization to the specialists of the patronage service " Social support", you will receive guarantees of quality services. We know how to work with older people!

We provide services for accompanying older people to clinics, shops, and recreational facilities. We will accompany you on walks around the city, as well as on trips out of town. You don’t have to fear for your loved ones, because our caregivers always have a first aid kit with them and will be able to provide first aid in any unforeseen situations. We also have on our team strong men, which help lower and raise a sick person in the absence of an elevator. Give care to people close to you!

Accompanying older people on a walk

Our company provides caregivers who... will help your relative take a walk down the street. Nurses of the company " Mentor" will help an elderly person get dressed, go outside, get into a car or a walking chair. You you can order a nurse with a personal car, and then your relative can travel around the city in comfort. We will help the elderly person to visit nature, take a short tour of the city, and visit places he wanted to visit. Give a holiday to your loved one. We provide both one-time walks and as often as you require.

Accompanying an elderly person to a theater, museum, concert hall

We will help your relative attend various entertainment events, help him get ready, get dressed, and get to the vehicle. We'll take you to and from the event. Company "Mentor" will take care of your elderly relative during the entire trip.

Our company has professional tour guides; you can order an elderly person to be accompanied by a guide.

Accompanying an elderly person to the store

We will help an elderly person visit any store. If this is a grocery store, then we will help you choose good products, we will help you bring them home. We also accompany older people to clothing stores and help them choose and try on.

You can check the cost of accompanying a nurse with our manager; the price depends on the duration and complexity of the trip. You can find out approximate prices in the section.

Take care of your elderly relative and let him feel young again. Our company "Mentor" is ready to provide 12% discount All new customers, we also have discounts for regular customers.