State pension co-financing program. Internet conference of the Chairman of the Board of the Pension Fund Anton Drozdov Pension co-financing program in the year

Since 2008, citizens have been able to take part in the “pension co-financing” program if they wish. The state doubled the contributions transferred to the funded pension. To date, the program continues to operate only for those who managed to submit an application before December 31, 2014.

How the co-financing program works

The goal of the state program was to encourage citizens to increase the funded pension part at the expense of their own income. Co-financing was primarily intended for employed participants in compulsory pension insurance who are entitled to receive an old-age insurance pension. The second mandatory entity of financing was the Pension Fund. Employers could participate in the program at their own request.

To encourage working people to save more actively for retirement, the following program provisions were implemented:

  • a participant in the OPS creates a savings account in the state pension fund or in any non-state pension fund from the proposed list, and every year transfers an amount of 2,000 rubles or more to the account. and more, in parts or in full;
  • the state annually indexes the contribution by 2 times in the amount of 2,000 to 12,000 rubles;
  • if a citizen postpones retirement, the contribution will be additionally financed or increased by 4 times;
  • the amount of financing is provided with a 13% tax deduction from the transferred amount to reduce personal income tax.

The right to dispose of savings is transferred to the Pension Fund or Non-State Pension Fund at the request of the participant. The Pension Fund sends funds to the State Management Company of Vnesheconombank. The NPF invests in profitable projects, annually distributing the profits among investors.

Employers can top up savings part employee pensions from own funds. As an incentive, the state provided for them tax benefits. The transferred contributions are reflected as expenses, which reduces the tax base.

Thus, the co-financing program created the conditions for the voluntary accumulation of funds for old age with the help of the Pension Fund, rather than deposits, investments or the purchase of assets.

If a program participant made a contribution of 12,000 rubles during the year, then the state credited 24,000 rubles to the savings account. You can add more, but the indexing size will not increase. The minimum contribution to double your savings is 2000 rubles.

How to deposit funds under the co-financing program?

Despite the fact that it is no longer possible to join the financing program if an application has not been submitted, pension replenishment continues in 2018.

Benefits under the state program are increased by those who submitted applications before December 31, 2014.

To confirm the application, participants were required to make a minimum payment by January 31, 2015.

Transfer of additional funds to a pension savings account is carried out one-time or in equal payments throughout the year. Minimum size voluntary contribution - 2000 rubles, the maximum payment is not limited in any way.

Funds are transferred by the program participant in any of three ways:

  1. independently through a bank branch;
  2. remotely via the website Pension Fund with the formation of a payment document;
  3. through the employing organization.

The transfer of funds must be reported to the Pension Fund after payment is made before the 20th. To do this, you need to submit bank receipts or other payment documents to the branch.

For citizens who entered the program before January 31, 2015, the procedure for transferring and indexing savings proposed by the state will remain in place for 10 years from the date of filing the application and making the first payment. The creation of savings shares will continue through the Pension Fund or Non-State Pension Fund. Citizens who submitted applications after January 31, 2015 cannot count on indexation of pension savings. But they have the right to make payments to increase funded pension.

Transfer of additional contributions by the employer

To replenish the funded part through the employing organization, you need to write an application in free form, indicate the amount and payment options. Deductions through accounting can be made in a fixed form or as a percentage of wages.

Employers must transfer the contributions of the employee who submitted the application, starting with the first days of the following month. If part of the company’s team expresses a desire to transfer funds to savings accounts, the employer is obliged to perform the following tasks:

  • prepare an order or annex to the collective agreement;
  • send a collective notice to the Pension Fund by the 20th of each quarter (when the organization has more than 25 participants in the state program);
  • submit a report on additional contributions to the funded part in the register form.

In addition, the program participant should know that the employer is required to formalize financing at his own expense and payments from the employee’s salary in separate documents. Payment documents must indicate the number, amount and account to which the money is transferred. When an employee resigns, the transfer of additional contributions stops automatically; there is no need to write a separate application for this.

Latest news and changes on the pension co-financing program

The government began to wind down the state program for financing pensions after 2014. The first crisis phenomena that slowed down economic growth appeared back in 2013. After the fall in energy prices, the collapse of the ruble, and the introduction of “Crimean” sanctions, the country’s economy was supported by existing reserves.

In 2014, the government began to look for opportunities to raise funds, which influenced many social initiatives. First of all, decisions on savings affected the co-financing system.

The state program did not stop, but it was determined deadline for entry – December 31, 2014. After this date, it is impossible to receive co-financing.

Today, the opportunity to double pension savings is used by those who managed to apply, but the number of participants is decreasing every year. The number of such citizens is decreasing for a number of reasons:

  1. some people have retired and receive payments from the funded part;
  2. Those who missed the minimum annual contribution or did not submit an application on time are excluded from the program (participation must be confirmed annually);
  3. from 2018, a limitation on the duration of participation will be introduced. The state offers co-financing only for 10 years from the date of inclusion of a citizen in the state program.

Payers who submitted applications first in 2008 are no longer eligible for indexation or doubling in 2019. Other citizens have the right to receive bonuses if they comply with the terms of the program. In addition, the state did not double the pension savings of those who joined the program at the very end from November 5 to December 31, 2014.

We found ourselves in more favorable conditions employed pensioners. The state proposed to increase their contributions to the funded part by 4 times. Thus, the annual contribution is 12,000 rubles. should turn into a savings portion of 60,000 rubles.

The latest changes made to the April 2008 Law on co-financing of pensions can be found by studying the following regulations:

  • Federal Law No. 360 dated November 30, 2011;
  • Federal Law No. 345 dated November 4, 2014.

Changes have been made to the legislation on the rules for joining the state program, its duration and reporting features. There were no major innovations in 2019. The participant has the right to independently set the amount of the contribution, the method of transferring money, the management organization, the option for receiving savings, and choose directions for disposing of the account in the event of his death. The law introduces restrictions on the amount and method of receiving savings by heirs.

How to withdraw money from the Pension Fund under the state co-financing program?

As the government's pension doubling program ends, many participants are planning to get their contributions back. To do this, you must submit a separate application to the Pension Fund to apply for an old-age savings benefit.

Pension Fund inspectors, as a rule, offer to submit a request for three options for receiving benefits, and then choose one of them:

  1. one-time refund of the entire amount;
  2. lifetime payment;
  3. a breakdown of savings into equal parts that will be paid within the time period established by the participant.

The last option is considered the most popular, broken down over the next few years. A lifetime payment is unprofitable, since in this case the increase in pension will be no more than 100 rubles. per month.

How to withdraw savings from a non-state pension fund?

Citizens who transferred savings to a non-state pension fund have the right to apply to it for benefits after retirement. An application for transfer of savings is submitted in two cases:

  • old age pension insurance is issued (repayment of contributions should be expected 2 months after submitting the request);
  • the program participant retired early.

The funded part can be received before the established age if the citizen has the right to early retirement.

The application must indicate the method of receiving money: a one-time payment, an urgent or unlimited option. Full or partial payment is transferred after 2 months. Payments under the unlimited option are extended over 19 years. With the urgent option, savings are issued for a period of at least 10 years. A lump sum payment is transferred once every 5 years and can be up to 5% of the insurance portion.

If a participant in the state program applied for an urgent payment of savings, then in the event of his death, the heirs can count on receiving the rest of the funds. The legal successor is determined by the will. If there is no will, a close relative has the right to apply for benefits.

To receive savings, the heir applies to the NPF within 6 months from the date of death of the program participant. The applicant confirms with documented family ties and the fact of death. The NPF makes the decision to transfer funds within 1 month, and makes payments after the 15th.

How do the relatives of the deceased receive savings through the Pension Fund under the state program?

The savings of a deceased participant in the co-financing program can be taken by his legal successors - these are children, spouses, grandchildren, parents, brothers, sisters. Payment of savings is made after the death of a citizen in the following cases:

  1. before appointment pension benefit, before its recalculation taking into account the voluntarily contributed money;
  2. after submitting an application for emergency benefits (issued by everyone, provides for the issuance of the balance from the funded part, but does not take into account maternal capital, aimed at the social benefits of the deceased);
  3. after the pension has been assigned, if the lump sum has not been issued.

In this case, close relatives of the deceased have the right to take away the savings within 4 months. This right applies only to relatives who lived with the deceased citizen or were dependent on him, regardless of their place of residence. If there are no such relatives or children, the savings go to the inheritance.

To receive the deceased's pension savings under the co-financing program, legal successors must complete a number of steps:

  • prepare documents confirming relationship;
  • contact the Pension Fund strictly 6 months after the death of the state program participant (if the deadline is missed, the issue will be resolved only in court);
  • deliver the documents personally to the Pension Fund or send by registered mail (required with an inventory and notification);
  • wait for the fund's decision within the month following the day the request was submitted. Within 5 days from the date of the decision, the Pension Fund sends notification of a positive or negative decision to the relatives who applied.
  • Funds must be transferred by the 20th day of the month following the month the notification was sent. The transfer is made in the manner indicated by the program participant in the application.

Important remember that the relatives of a deceased participant in the state program will not receive anything, if he initially applied for a lifetime payment of the funded part, that is, the benefit was paid monthly in equal installments.

Who can join the pension financing program

The state program for co-financing pension savings of citizens has been stopped. Today, savings are doubled only in the accounts of people who managed to submit an application before November 5, 2014. This measure of state support was the best option for citizens born before 1967, since they did not have a funded part of their pension. For younger retirees, the program is not beneficial.

The following can apply for inclusion in the state program for co-financing pension savings:

  1. citizens entitled to insurance pension provision;
  2. people aged 55/60 who are officially employed but do not yet receive social benefits and pensions;
  3. unemployed pensioners.

If citizens work and receive a pension at the same time, then they do not have the right to join the state program. People who did not have time to submit an application before January 31, 2015 can take part in the state program and increase the funded part. But the state will not index the savings of new participants.

How to get into the state co-financing program?

To become full participants in the program under the terms of “doubling contributions,” citizens had to submit applications by the end of 2014 and make the first payment by January 31, 2015. If the application was submitted, but the savings were not transferred, then the right to create individual contributions remains with the person, but he will no longer receive a budget supplement.

To become a participant in a self-financing pension you must:

  • prepare an application and send it to the Pension Fund branch at the place of registration of the citizen (you can submit an application through the MFC, the State Services portal or your employer, who will transfer the documents to the Fund within 3 days);
  • open a personal pension account if it is not registered (for this a separate application and a package of papers are submitted, you will need a passport, SNILS);
  • wait for written notification from the Fund’s employees, who are given 10 days to consider the application.

How to exit the state pension financing program?

The state has established a 10-year period of support for participants in the program for the formation of the funded part. Any citizen who has previously submitted an application for co-financing has the right to suspend his participation for 10 years and, if necessary, resume again.

To suspend participation, a corresponding application must be sent to the Pension Fund, but this does not mean that the citizen will receive pension savings back. He will be able to receive funded benefits only after receiving a legal old-age pension. To do this, you must send a separate application to the Pension Fund or Non-State Pension Fund.

What pension programs does the state offer in the future?

As part of the new pension reforms, it is proposed to introduce individual pension capital. It is believed that this option will be a better alternative for co-financing pensions. Under the new program, citizens will be able to independently accumulate pension benefits. At the same time, the level of civil responsibility should rise. As a result, everyone will receive as much as they have accumulated during their lifetime.

Experts note that it is not yet possible to link the IPC with corporate programs for creating a funded part, in which millions of Russians participate. Pension contributions for this category of citizens annually amount to more than 6 trillion. rub. This is due to the fact that corporate programs have their own individual characteristics.

In addition, to become interested in IPC, many will have to give up current needs in favor of a future pension. The average salary in the country is about 30-36 thousand rubles. More than 70% of working citizens receive much less. According to the analysis of financial experts, to create long-term savings in the current conditions, you need to have an income of at least 60 thousand rubles. Consequently, less than 30% of citizens will be able to take part in the IPC. Most likely, many of them will choose deposits, long-term securities and other financial instruments.

To motivate the IPC project, government experts suggest:

  1. abolish personal income tax on payments for non-state pension funds (today only contributions transferred to the Pension Fund are not taxed);
  2. increase the social deduction for personal income tax refund from 120 to 400 thousand rubles;
  3. equate contributions to the IPC to labor costs, then they will reduce the tax base;
  4. redirect additional contributions for harmful and dangerous work to corporate pension funds;
  5. establish other types of tax benefits.

According to studies, without serious offers and benefits, less than 2% of citizens will participate in the IPC program. It has not yet been decided whether the project will be voluntary. According to the new pension program Each employee will be required to transfer from 1 to 6% of their salary to the funded part. Perhaps the reform will be carried out using an “automatic subscription”, and employers will be required to transfer funds. If a citizen wants to leave the IPK, he will write a statement.

The government has not yet made a decision on the future option for co-financing pensions, but the planned innovation will most likely be introduced in the mid-20s. According to citizen reviews, the program to double retirement savings disappointed many.

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Additional insurance premiums under the program

Insurance contributions for a funded pension are voluntarily paid by the insured person. To participate in the co-financing program in the current year, a citizen had to make a contribution in the previous year in the amount from 2000 rubles.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 13 of the Law of April 30, 2008 No. 56-FZ , the amount of the contribution paid by the citizen for the past calendar year, should not exceed 12,000 rubles.

The function of calculating funds for the formation of a funded pension under the co-financing program is assigned to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, which, before the end of the first quarter of the year following the contribution, draws up an application for transfer of the required amount for co-financing.

Required amount within 10 days transferred from the federal budget to the Pension Fund budget, in accordance with budget legislation Russian Federation, and then the funds are transferred to management companies And NPF.

Thus, funds flow to co-finance pensions by the state, according to Article 14 of Law No. 56-FZ dated April 30, 2008 “On additional insurance contributions for funded pension and state support formation of pension savings".

Procedure for payment of contributions

You can deposit the insurance premium in two ways:

  • in the bank;
  • with the help of the employer.

At the bank, you must fill out a payment receipt form, according to which the payment is transferred. The contribution amount can be paid in equal shares within a year, or one-time payment. Need to check correct filling form, because due to an error in writing the first name, last name, patronymic, or funds will not reach the citizen’s personal account. A copy of the payment receipt may be useful for filing a tax deduction.

To pay contributions with the help of your employer, just contact accounting of your organization with a free-form application, where you must indicate the amount of the monthly contribution - in the amount or percentage of the salary.

The employer can act as another party to co-financing the pension by making voluntary contributions of an unlimited amount.

Also, a program participant can receive tax deduction from the amount of contributions, but not more than 12,000 rubles per year. You can get a tax deduction:

  • Applying to the accounting department at the place of work, if funds were deposited according to a similar principle.
  • Contacting the kit necessary documents to the tax office for place of residence. Documents for receiving a social tax deduction can be submitted at the end of a year, two or three years.

To clarify the package of documents, you must contact the tax office at your place of residence directly.

Co-financing of pensions in 2019 for working pensioners

In the current 2019 become a participant in the funded pension co-financing program impossible, since it was possible to join it only until the end of 2014. However, for those citizens who managed to become participants in the program and made the first contribution during the period from October 1, 2008 to December 31, 2014, currently and until retirement, pensions will be co-financed by the state, but only subject to the payment of additional insurance contributions.

How can pensioners receive money under the program?

State-co-financed funds are assigned and subject to payment together with insurance pension or in the form. You can receive funds in the form of a payment, provided that the amount of pension savings is less than 5% of the insurance pension.

After the right to payment of the corresponding pension arises, you can apply for her appointment. You can submit an application in the following ways:

  • when applying in person to the local branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or to the multifunctional center (MFC);
  • by letter by mail;
  • using an online resource (Government Services portal or service on the Pension Fund website);
  • through an official representative by proxy.

Required documents when applying for payment

After receiving the right to receive a pension, you must submit the following: documentation to pay it:

  1. passport;
  2. SNILS;
  3. documents establishing the right to establish insurance payment ( employment history or documents on length of service, earnings, presence of dependents, clarifying additional circumstances).

If the insurance pension has already been assigned, there is no need to submit documents, since they are already contained in the pension file.

The period for consideration of an application for a pension directly depends on the method of its payment:

  • For urgent payment - within 10 days;
  • For a one-time payment - within 30 days.

When positive decision on the assignment of a pension, its payment is carried out within 2 months from the date of the decision.

Conditions for increasing pension savings under the pension co-financing program

For some citizens there are special conditions co-financing of pensions, in accordance with Article 13 of Law dated April 30, 2008 No. 56-FZ “On additional insurance contributions for funded pensions and state support for the formation of pension savings”.

Thus, if a citizen has the right to an old-age insurance pension, but did not apply for its assignment and payment, he can count on an increase in his contributions four times. Such an increase in pensions by the state implies maximum co-financing for 48,000 rubles.

In total, a citizen can top up his pension by 60,000 rubles, of them 12000 rubles- own contribution, and 48,000 rubles- increase from the state.

But there are also limitations in such a system of increasing pensions - these are working citizens, for them a fourfold increase is not provided.

Payment of funds after the death of the insured person

In the event of the death of an insured citizen before the assignment of a pension, paragraph 6 of Article 7 of Law No. 424-FZ dated December 28, 2013 “About funded pension” it is stipulated that the right to payment of pension savings is successors of the deceased. A citizen can determine legal successors in advance, and also indicate in the application in what shares the funds will be distributed among them pension payment. However, if such an appeal does not follow, the following relatives are considered successors:

  • paramount- children, natural or adopted, parents (adoptive parents) and spouse;
  • minor- brothers, sisters, grandparents and grandchildren.

Secondary relatives are entitled to receive payments only in the absence of primary relatives.

A funded pension will be assigned to relatives only in three cases, if death occurs:

  1. before appointment pension or its recalculation;
  2. after appointment of urgent payment;
  3. after appointments lump sum payment, but it has not yet been paid.

However, if a citizen was provided with payment of pension savings indefinitely, legal successors should not count on it.

To receive the required funds, legal successors must contact the Pension Fund or Non-State Pension Fund no later than six months after death the insured person.

Pros and cons of the state pension co-financing program

We can highlight the pros and cons of participating in the state pension co-financing program. One of the positive aspects of the program is the increase in pensions itself: doubling, and in some cases quadrupled, thus achieving a tangible upsizing your payment. Another main advantage is the possibility of receiving a tax deduction from the amount of additional contributions paid.

The ability to take care of the future and arrange payments for relatives, in case of exceptional circumstances, can also be a useful solution.

Among the disadvantages you can see annual contribution limit, that is, a citizen cannot exceed the limit 12000 rubles. Another disadvantage of the program is the inability to become a participant. 2015 to this day, however, it is possible that the government will reconsider this circumstance.

Back in 2008, the government of the Russian Federation developed a program for co-financing pensions, initially designed for five years. According to this program, it was envisaged to increase pensions by doubling voluntary contributions from citizens.

In practice, the implementation of the program meant that a citizen who transferred from two to 12 thousand rubles to his personal account received the same amount from the state. For citizens applying for an old-age insurance pension, but who did not apply for its establishment, contributions were increased fourfold, to 60 thousand rubles.

In order to take part in the program, it was necessary to submit the appropriate application before the end of 2014 and deposit the first funds into the personal account in January 2015, thus making the first contribution.

Contributions were not doubled for citizens who applied for the program but were already receiving some kind of pension. The funds that they deposited into their personal account were simply accumulated on it, but were not doubled at the expense of budget money.

Taking into account the fact that the program turned out to be extremely popular among Russians, the Russian government decided to extend it.

And today, hundreds of thousands of citizens continue to accumulate and increase their capital. The program peaked in 2013: at that time, about 1.8 million people participated in it.

How the program works

To participate in the program, you must have a corresponding application submitted to the Pension Fund. The moratorium on the formation of pension savings, which is in force today, does not apply to the program in question: it only affects insurance contributions for compulsory social insurance.

The co-financing program works according to the following principle: citizens’ personal funds and payments financed by the state (transferred within ten days) are transferred to the personal accounts of program participants. After this, they are transferred to a management company or non-state pension fund selected by citizens in advance. Thereby non-working pensioners have the opportunity to receive additional income and ensure a decent level of pension provision.

The contribution can be paid in one payment or in equal installments throughout the year. When transferring contributions through a bank, you should be careful, since any mistake may lead to the funds not being credited to your personal account.

Contributions can also be transferred through employers - to do this, you should apply to the accounting department of your organization and indicate the amount of the contribution in monetary terms or as a percentage of wages.

Like other pension savings, funds accrued under the program are paid to citizens upon retirement.

Thus, in 2016, 14.3 thousand people participating in the program retired - they were paid over 159 million rubles. Funds can be paid in the form of an urgent or lump sum payment if the amount of savings is less than 5% of the insurance pension.

Participants in the program, among other benefits, receive the right to tax deductions from contributions (the deduction amount cannot exceed twelve thousand rubles).

How the program is being implemented today

Statistics show that the amount of voluntary contributions from Russians increases every year: a slight decline occurred only last year. If in 2015 average value voluntary contribution was 7.6 thousand rubles, then in 2016 it increased to 9.7 thousand rubles.

In addition to citizens, contributions are paid by employers: in 2016, the total amount of contributions amounted to 107.4 million rubles, but these contributions are not doubled by the state.

In 2016, according to the Pension Fund of Russia, 758.3 thousand Russian citizens deposited 5.7 billion rubles into their accounts. The state added another 5.5 billion to this amount.

The difference is due to the fact that funds are allocated from the budget only to co-finance those contributions, the amount of which ranges from two to 12 thousand rubles.

Because some contributions are less or more than this range, there will be a difference each year.

For comparison: in 2015, program participants deposited 7.1 billion rubles into their personal accounts. State co-financing amounted to 6.8 billion. This suggests that today we can observe a slight decrease in citizen activity.

In total, during the period of the program, its participants made about 51.1 billion contributions. The state allocated funds in the amount of 49.9 billion. Taking into account employer contributions amounting to approximately 788.3 million rubles, more than one hundred billion rubles of pension savings were generated within the framework of the program.

The latest news confirms that officials plan to index pensions in full in 2017, which does not replace a more significant increase in pensions - participation in the co-financing program. This instrument allows citizens to increase their future pension, essentially doubling their savings at the expense of the state.

Pension co-financing: latest news and changes in 2017

The pension co-financing program can significantly increase the level of well-being of pensioners. Despite the annual indexation, insurance pensions do not allow maintaining high standards of living. At the same time, the state does not have the resources that could provide a radical increase in payments. However, with joint efforts this problem can be solved.

Co-financing allows increasing pensions for all categories of citizens. However, this mechanism will be most attractive for persons who do not participate in the funded part (those born before 1967). As a result this category will be able to independently influence the level of future pension. For younger Russians, the co-financing program “competes” with the funded pension.

The principle of operation of the co-financing program is as follows: a citizen annually replenishes his pension account in the amount of 2-12 thousand rubles. In this case, the state transfers a similar amount to the account. For example, if a future pensioner allocated 10 thousand rubles to increase his pension, then the state will transfer an additional 10 thousand rubles to the account. In any case, the additional payment from the budget will not exceed 12 thousand rubles.

In addition, employers can take part in this initiative and will transfer the appropriate amount to the account. In this case, the company will be able to reduce the amount of unified social tax and take this payment into account in the total amount of costs.

Despite these conditions, employers are in no hurry to finance increases in pensions for their employees. At the end of last year, about 7.1 billion rubles were received from citizens. within the framework of the co-financing program. At the same time, organizations transferred less than 130 million rubles.

Citizens who have already retired can take part in this program. To participate in the program you will need to provide the following minimum documents:

  • relevant statement;
  • passport;
  • certificate of pension insurance.

The program started in 2009 and about 8 million Russians took part in it. Over the entire period of this initiative, about 45.5 billion rubles were transferred to their accounts.

In 2017, the government will experience significant budget difficulties, which may affect changes in the pension co-financing program.

Crisis pension

The economic crisis is forcing officials to cut funding for the pension system. This year, optimization included the annual indexation of pensions, which was several times different from last year’s inflation. Generally pension system remains unbalanced, the government needs to allocate huge resources from the budget to finance the Pension Fund. In the future, the situation will only get worse, given the gradual increase in the number of pensioners.

Representatives of the Ministry of Finance prepared their project pension reform, which will also affect the funded part of pensions. Officials plan to involve citizens in the process of shaping future payments. Up to 6% of salary can be used to increase pensions.

The pension co-financing program fully complies with the principles laid down in the Ministry of Finance reform. IN in this case citizens are directly involved in increasing their own pensions. In addition, relatively small funds are required to finance this initiative.

As part of this program, at the end of 2015, 6.8 billion rubles were allocated to the Pension Fund. from the state. For comparison, a one-time payment to pensioners in the amount of 5 thousand rubles, planned for the beginning of next year, will cost the budget 200 billion rubles.

The problem remains the relatively low number of people who took advantage of the co-financing program. Many are not yet ready to take responsibility for their future pension, counting solely on assistance from the state. The continued freezing of the funded part of the pension does not promote the use of this instrument. As a result, citizens' trust in the current pension model is undermined.

The co-financing program allows you to significantly increase the level of future pensions. As part of this initiative, the state doubles the additional payment to the pension account. In this case, the amount of additional payment should be in the range of 2-12 thousand rubles.

Considering the difficult economic situation, this tool allows people to be involved in the formation of their own pensions, which is a necessary condition to stabilize the current pension model.

The Russian Pension Fund reminds participants of the State Pension Co-financing Program that by the end of the year it is necessary to make a personal contribution to a future pension under the Program for 2017. The state will provide co-financing of the contribution depending on its size and provided that it is at least 2 thousand rubles per year.

You can make a contribution to the Program yourself or through your employer. In case of self-payment, a payment receipt with the necessary details can be obtained from the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence or bank, or it can be generated using the Pension Fund of Russia electronic service.

To make a contribution to the Program through an employer, the participant must submit a free-form application to the accounting department at work indicating the amount of the monthly payment in cash or as a percentage of salary. You can change the contribution amount using a new application.

Regardless of how contributions are made under the Program, it should be remembered that they are not subject to personal income tax, so Program participants can take advantage of a social tax deduction for the amount of contributions made.

Participants can control the formation of funds under the Co-financing Program through their personal account on the website of the Pension Fund of Russia or the Government Services Portal. It displays all the necessary information, including payments made, government co-financing received and investment income received from these funds. All this information is also available in statements and notices from the personal account, which can be obtained from the Pension Fund of Russia or a multifunctional center that provides such a service.

It is important to note that personal contributions under the Program and state co-financing funds are included in the total amount of a citizen’s pension savings in the compulsory pension insurance system, are invested by management companies and are paid to the citizen upon retirement. The created funds are subject to the rules of succession.

In 2016, Program participants transferred 5.7 billion rubles to their pensions and received government co-financing in the amount of 5.5 billion rubles. The total amount generated by the participants pension funds taking into account government co-financing, by mid-2017 it amounted to 103.3 billion rubles.

Employers can also participate in the Pension Co-financing Program for their employees. For the amount of the employer's annual contribution up to 12 thousand rubles per employee, insurance contributions to the Pension Fund are not charged. In addition, employer contributions are included in expenses taken into account when taxing profits. Over the past year, employers co-financed the pensions of their employees in the amount of 107 million rubles, over the entire period of the Program - more than 788 million rubles.

Detailed information about participation in the State Pension Co-financing Program can be obtained from the Pension Fund Consulting Center by calling 8 800 302-2-302 (for calls from all regions of Russia) and at the Fund.