The state pension co-financing program started in Pension co-financing: latest news. Conditions for increasing pension savings under the pension co-financing program

"It's easier to light one small candle than to curse the darkness"

Almost all aspects of the state pension co-financing program were considered at various times in the Pensioner’s Virtual School.

However, recently I have received several dozen concerned letters related to the state pension co-financing program and its cancellation.

Here are the most typical of them.

Letter from Alexey:

Please tell me, is it possible now, in light of the latest news about state co-financing of pensions, to exit the program and somehow return the funds?

Letter from Sergei:

On the issue of co-financing pensions. I joined this co-financing program in 2012. Tell me, isn’t this money transferred to the non-state pension fund in which I am a member, is it accumulated differently? So much information, but no one explains anything specifically.
I joined the NPF Welfare voluntarily, so to speak, forcibly, last year I earned 100 rubles from 50,000.
Thank you for your attention, I hope I will receive an answer.

Letter from Victoria:

I'm 21 years old, but I'm already worried about my future pension. Could you please tell me what is the best way to ensure that the savings part is safe and sound, maybe it can be transferred to the bank for safekeeping?
Is the savings percentage the same for everyone or can I adjust it myself? In general, I would like to know how to wisely secure your old age from a young age.

To be honest, reading such letters makes me sad. It's sad for two reasons.

Reason one.

Illiteracy of the majority of our citizens in matters of pension and financial planning.

People simply don’t want to think about their future, they don’t want to think at all, they stupidly “voluntarily” sign applications to join some program, in particular, state co-financing of a pension, without bothering to figure out what it is, and then write letters like this SOS .

For reference. I think I won’t reveal a big secret about how such “voluntary” signed applications for joining the state pension co-financing program appear. NPFs “agree” with the management of enterprises, administrative resources are activated in order to “persuade” the employees of the enterprise to enter into an agreement with this NPF on compulsory pension insurance (and, accordingly, on the transfer of funds from the funded part labor pension from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to this NPF), and at the same time (in the package) sign an application for joining the state pension co-financing program, and here you have an abundance of “voluntarily” signed applications for joining the state pension co-financing program.

By the way, as a consequence of this “technology” of involving citizens in the program of state co-financing of pensions, according to information from PFR representative Marita Nagoga, out of 9 million participants in the program of state co-financing of pensions (“voluntarily” signed applications for joining the program) actually transferred their funds to the PFR in 2012 only 900 thousand people went to the state pension co-financing program, and in 2011, when there were 7 million participants in the program, about 700 thousand topped up their accounts.

At the same time, the amount of the average citizen’s contribution to co-financing a pension under the state pension co-financing program instead of 12 thousand in 2012 was less than 3,000 rubles!

Reason two.

Illiteracy, laziness to delve into the essence of the issue, and perhaps, even worse, the malicious intent of media representatives covering the issues of pension reform, the prospects for the funded part of the labor pension, the fate of the state pension co-financing program.

Take, for example, the latest case, which caused panic among citizens who entered into the state pension co-financing program.

On November 8, 2012, on the website of the Izvestia newspaper, Tatyana Shimanova published an article entitled “The pension co-financing program will be cancelled. The government decided not to renew the project, which was recognized as a failure,” which stated that “According to Izvestia, the widely advertised program of state co-financing of pensions was declared a failure at a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets and will “die” on October 1, 2013, without having reached its fifth anniversary.”

On the same day, without bothering to figure out where the legs come from (why bother), or simply in pursuit of cheap advertising, the leading media, including the Internet, reprinted this message with loud headlines like:

The pension co-financing program will be canceled
The pension co-financing project will be canceled
Is it true that the pension co-financing program will be cancelled?
There will be no more co-financing of pensions...

Naturally, the abundance of such information could not but disturb citizens who did not understand anything about this issue, who “voluntarily” transferred their funds from the funded part of their labor pension to NPFs and participants in the state pension co-financing program. And as a result - a flood of letters.

So let's try to put everything in its place.

1. The program of state co-financing of pensions is not going to be cancelled.

Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as administrator of the state support program “payment of additional insurance contributions for the funded part of the labor pension” citizens (this is the concept introduced by Federal Law No. 56 of April 30, 2008 “On additional insurance contributions for the funded part of labor pensions and state support for the formation of pension savings”) in connection with information that appeared in the media about the alleged suspension, curtailment, closure of the state co-financing program pensions, gave the following explanations:

  • Statements that the state pension co-financing program will be cancelled, terminated or closed are untrue.

All parameters of the state pension co-financing program are strictly standardized by Federal Law No. 56 of April 30, 2008:

  • period of entry into the program - from October 1, 2008 to September 31, 2013 ;
  • the program for a citizen is valid for 10 years from the year of the first payment of contributions;
  • The participant must make the first contribution no later than September 2013;
  • annual participant contributions in the amount of less than 2,000 rubles or more than 12,000 rubles are not co-financed by the state;

Thus, the program continues and it will be completed no earlier than 2022, unless there is a separate decision on it extension .

2. How and when will it be possible to return the money invested in the state pension co-financing program

Federal Law of November 30, 2011 No. 360-FZ “On the procedure for financing payments from pension savings” establishes a very specific procedure for paying pension savings, carried out taking into account state co-financing of pensions.

Participants in the state pension co-financing program are not yet pensioners:

You can receive your pension savings, taking into account state co-financing of pensions, no earlier than 2 months from the date of filing the application for assignment of an old-age labor pension upon reaching the established retirement age (55 years for women and 60 years for men)!

Participants in the state pension co-financing program are already pensioners:

Not earlier than 2 months from the date appointment of a funded part of a labor pension, a fixed-term pension payment or a lump sum payment.

If you have already been assigned a pension, and you previously transferred funds under the state pension co-financing program, you can also submit an application to the Pension Fund at your place of residence (if you transferred your savings portion to a non-state pension fund, then you need to contact the non-state pension fund) for payment of pension savings to you .

Federal Law No. 360-FZ of November 30, 2011 provides for the possibility of obtaining urgent pension payment pension savings, as well as payments as part of the funded part of the labor pension - i.e. unlimited payment .

This Law allows for the possibility of:

  • design urgent payment pension savings. The duration of the fixed-term pension payment is at least 10 years. Those. a citizen who decides to receive pension savings in the form of an urgent payment, depending on the amount of pension savings and the amount of the desired monthly pension payment, determines the duration of its receipt.
  • receive pension savings in the form of unlimited pension payment – i.e. as part of the funded part of the labor pension. This is a monthly supplement to the funded part of the labor pension, determined taking into account the expected period of pension payment. In 2012, this period was 18 years or 216 months. From 2013 - will be determined by relevant government orders.

If the amount of the funded part of the pension is 5% or less in relation to the entire amount of the old-age labor pension (including the insurance and funded parts), it is possible to receive one-time payments of pension savings.

More details on the formation and receipt of your funded part of labor pension Taking into account the state co-financing program, pensions are discussed in previously published materials, links to which are given below.

3. Is it possible to terminate the state pension co-financing agreement early?

This is a fairly frequently asked question.

According to the state program for co-financing pension savings, there is no concept of “early termination of the contract.”

Payments of pension savings formed within the framework of the state pension co-financing program, as mentioned above, in accordance with the Federal Law “On the procedure for financing payments from pension savings” (of 2011) can be made ONLY in two cases:

  • to the most insured person, when assigning the funded part of a labor pension;
  • to legal successors in case of inheritance.

Inheritance is carried out in the same manner as the funded part of the labor pension, which is inherited only during the period of accumulation.

That is, if the death of the insured person occurred before the accumulative part of his labor pension was assigned to him, the funds taken into account for his pension account, are paid to his legal successors.

According to non-state pension programs provision (note, provision oh no insurance ) that exist in non-state pension funds, the agreement can be terminated at any time.

4. What are the differences in the concepts of NGOs, public benefit organizations and co-financing?

Judging by the letters received, many citizens are still confused about these concepts. Therefore, a small educational program will be useful.

At first glance, it may seem that co-financing is very similar to non-state pension provision (namely NGO, as defined by Federal Law No. 75-FZ of May 7, 1998 “On Non-State Pension Funds”; not to be confused with DPO and other abbreviations that have nothing to do with pensions).

Many participants in the state pension co-financing program also do not quite correctly understand the difference between co-financing and the compulsory pension insurance system ( OPS, this term is also defined by Federal Law of May 7, 1998 N 75-FZ “On Non-State Pension Funds”).

Let's try to clarify these three concepts (NGOs, public benefit organizations and co-financing).

By participating in any of these programs, people take an active part in shaping their future pension.

However, there are fundamental differences between OPS, co-financing and NGOs.

OPS and co-financing

Co-financing is carried out within the framework of compulsory pension insurance (OPI). At the same time, within the framework of compulsory pension insurance you have 2 main opportunities to independently increase the size of your future labor pension.

First – transfer the funded part of your labor pension from a state management company (manages the funds of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation) to a non-state pension fund to ensure higher investment returns.

Second – begin to replenish this most accumulative part of the labor song by participating in the program of state co-financing of pensions on an equal basis with the state. That is, on personal initiative, make additional contributions and increase the future size of your labor pension.

NGOs and co-financing

Both with participation in the state pension co-financing program and in the non-state system pension provision(NGOs) people form their future pensions and determine the amount of their contributions themselves.

However, this is where the similarities end.

By participating in the state pension co-financing program, you influence the size of your future labor pension. When participating in the NGO system, you generate an additional non-state pension.

When participating in the state pension co-financing program, your pension is formed by the state, and you only participate in this process on a voluntary basis.

You cannot receive the accumulated funds before you reach retirement age for a simple reason - This is state money!

Moreover, you will receive these funds only in the form monthly payments pensions.

With NGOs it is just about your money , which you voluntarily transfer to your personal pension account in the NPF.

You can terminate the agreement with the NPF at any time and take back your invested money in the form of a “redemption amount”. This is guaranteed by law and confirmed by practice.

The co-financing program assumes that the state, for every thousand rubles paid by the insured person, adds its own thousand rubles, but not more than 12 thousand rubles per year.

In the case of NGOs, the investor also personally makes contributions, but to his personal pension account in the NPF, and, what is important, state support in in this case absent. At the same time, you can change the amount of contributions at your discretion.

But inheritance of funds upon the death of a person under NPO always occurs, in contrast to inheritance under OPS.

Co-financing is carried out within the framework of the state program, which is currently designed for ten years from the moment citizens enter this program. At the same time, 5 years were allotted for making a decision on this: from October 1, 2008 to October 1, 2013. In the case of non-state pension provision, there are no time restrictions.

And finally, the state pension co-financing program helps Russians increase the funded part of their pensions within the framework of the compulsory pension insurance system. And according to the law, these funds can be invest only in a limited list of financial instruments .

For funds accumulated as a result of NGOs, this list is broader, which affects profitability.

Important. Each of the pension savings systems (NGOs and the state pension co-financing program) has pros and cons. This does not prevent you from using both of them.

5. On the advisability of saving for your pension within the framework of the state pension co-financing program.

Within the framework of the state co-financing pension program, save up for a decent pension, which will allow you to actually LIVE in retirement, and not SURVIVE, even with maximum annual contributions of 12,000 rubles is not realistic.

I have already provided specific figures in my previously published materials.
But this, in my opinion, does not mean that this program should be ignored.

To your clients, who do not have practical positive experience in investing their funds, I recommend taking part in the state pension co-financing program for the following reasons:

  • This will undoubtedly provide a certain increase in pension. And if a state pension is your only source of livelihood in retirement, this increase will be very useful.
  • Participation in the state pension co-financing program, when you actually invest your hard-earned money into it, will force you, willy-nilly, to begin to understand the basics of pension and financial planning. And this, believe me, is very important for your future.
  • By investing your funds in the state pension co-financing program, you thereby implement the basic law of investing “don’t put your eggs in one basket.” It doesn't matter which way it goes pension reform, there is a fairly high probability that these funds will not be lost, and that you will eventually receive an increase in your pension.

6. Prospects for the State Pension Co-financing Program?

Everything regarding possible transformations of the State Pension Co-financing Program will be resolved in 2013.

Based on the available information, it can be assumed that in the future a similar program of state co-financing of pensions may be prepared to stimulate the formation of pension savings various groups population.

For example, for those who want to save for their retirement, but receive low wages, as well as for those who independently participate in corporate pension systems.

7. Traditional question - What to do?

I can’t offer anything else but to improve my retirement and financial literacy.

In order, on the one hand, to increase, albeit a small, but still stable pension from the state, sufficient for SURVIVAL, and on the other hand, to create your own pension capital, which would allow you in retirement to no longer SURVIVE, but LIVE.

I describe how to do this in my materials on the website and in books that can be purchased

In what form is pension co-financing proposed in 2019 - what they say last news, how to get invested money, and how realistic are the proposals made to introduce an alternative - IPC (individual pension capital)?

What was offered?

The state pension co-financing program started in 2008. Everyone was invited to take part in it under the following conditions: transfer from 2 to 12 thousand rubles to a funded pension. per year, and the state doubles your amount. Those who deposited less than 2 thousand into their account during the year cannot count on doubling their savings.

The time for participation in pension co-financing was limited, and those who are interested today in what year the state program is valid should know that the deadline for submitting an application has long expired - December 31, 2014. At the same time, those who managed to continue making savings and receiving bonuses from the state.

It is also important that those who submitted an application at the very end - from November 5 to December 31, 2014 - although they had the opportunity to increase the funded part through their payments, the state did not double the amounts contributed. But favorable conditions were offered to those pensioners who decided to continue labor activity. The state increased the amount they contributed not two, but four times. That is, the maximum contribution of 12 thousand will automatically add 60 thousand rubles to the savings portion for the year.

How to receive the money?

Since pension co-financing has been completed, many would like to know how pensioners can receive money? Payments are made when applying for a funded old-age benefit by submitting a separate application to the Pension Fund. At the discretion of the inspector, payment may be:

  • return one-time;
  • divided into equal parts and paid over a certain period, for example, 5 or 10 years;
  • pay for life.

On a note! The most popular option is divided into a period, and the most unprofitable is a lifetime payment (in this case, the increase in pension will be pennies every month).

Savings can be received not only by the participants of the state program, but also by legal successors - children (relative and adopted), husbands/wives, parents, brothers/sisters, grandchildren.

Savings will be paid in the event of the death of a state program participant if it occurs:

  • before the pension is assigned or recalculated taking into account voluntarily contributed funds;
  • after the appointment of an urgent benefit, which can be applied for by anyone, the balance from the pensioner’s personal account will be issued from the funded part (without taking into account the maternity capital, if it was used to form a social benefit for the deceased);
  • after the pension has been assigned, but before the lump sum is issued - in this case, close relatives will be able to receive the money, but only if they lived with the deceased, as well as dependents (regardless of place of residence) within 16 weeks from the date of death. If there are no such persons, the money is redirected to the inheritance.

Important! If an indefinite payment of the funded part was initially arranged, that is, the amount was paid in equal monthly installments, the relatives will not receive the money.

To receive a pension increase, you must submit an application to the Pension Fund. Sometimes the inspector suggests writing three options and then choosing one - listing everything at once, in parts over a set period of time, or stretching it out over the rest of your life. The pensioner himself does not have the right to make such a choice.

If we are talking about payments to legal successors, then you will have to attach documents confirming the relationship. You must apply strictly within six months from the date of death of the program participant. If you miss the deadline, you will have to restore it through the court.

The package of documents is brought to the Pension Fund in person or sent by registered mail with a list of the attached papers and a notification. Within a month following the application, a decision is made on payments to legal successors.

In all cases, within 5 days from the date of the decision on approval/refusal, a notification is sent to the applicant. No later than the 20th day of the month following the month the decision was made, the money must be transferred.

When submitting an application, participants in the pension co-financing program were asked to choose convenient option How to receive money - in cash at the post office or by bank transfer to a bank account. Based on the selection, the transfer is made.

How to pay?

Although it is no longer possible to join the state program, co-financing of pensions in 2019 continues. Those who submitted an application no later than December 31, 2014 continue to increase their old-age benefits with the support of the authorities.

Important! The first payment was due no later than January 31, 2015. Otherwise, participation in the program will be cancelled.

You can deposit amounts either in equal parts throughout the year, for example, a thousand per month (or other convenient amounts, but not less than 2 thousand per year), or in a one-time payment, say, 12 thousand at the end of the year. The money is deposited into a retirement savings account.

There are two options:

  • pay in person at the bank (a payment form can be generated on the official website of the Pension Fund -;
  • through the employer: you should submit an application in free form indicating the amount of payment (fixed amount or percentage of earnings).

Why did you turn around?

According to expert estimates, only 800 thousand Russians decided to participate in the state pension co-financing program. The figure seems significant. In reality average each contributed 16-18 thousand rubles. (on average, this means that someone contributed 2 thousand per year, and someone 12), and this is “a drop in the bucket”, because in terms of pension payments, the increase will be 75 rubles per month. Even more comfortable conditions they failed to encourage citizens to participate, and the point is not that the majority do not think about a serene old age, but the banal impossibility of saving at least some crumbs for a rainy day.

The average salary in the country is 36 thousand rubles, while more than 70% of workers receive much less. Financiers claim that making long-term savings in the current economic situation is only possible if you earn at least 60 thousand rubles, and only a small percentage of Russians receive that much. Those who have good incomes are unlikely to choose a pension account for investment, because there are more profitable ways to increase savings, for example, regularly replenishing a bank deposit. And the withdrawal restrictions are minimal - I urgently needed money for treatment, so I went and got it.

What do they offer?

Everyone, without exception, is today concerned about the planned pension reform, some of the provisions of which have already begun to be implemented. What final form it will take is still unknown, but one of the innovations could be the IPC, which is considered today as an alternative to the unsuccessful idea of ​​co-financing a pension.

At first glance, the idea of ​​​​introducing the IPC seems interesting - citizens will be able to independently save for their old age, increasing the level of civic responsibility. When you retire, there will be no one to blame: what you have accumulated is what you get. But experts do not yet see the possibility of linking IPC with existing corporate programs to increase pension payments, in which about 6 million Russians participate. They make annual contributions totaling 6 trillion rubles. Corporate programs have been developed in various companies, within their framework a portion of employee earnings is transferred to their future pensions - most of these programs have their own characteristics.

And where are the guarantees that Russians will be interested in IPK? And they will not just be interested, but will want to give up their current needs in favor of pension savings?

For motivation, experts suggest using effective tools:

  • abolish income tax on contributions to non-state funds (today only contributions paid to the Pension Fund are not subject to personal income tax);
  • increase the social tax for the return of paid personal income tax to 400 thousand rubles. (today its size is 120 thousand rubles);
  • allow employers to deduct money contributed to the IPC from income tax, equating it to labor costs;
  • the state should consider other tax benefits for participants;
  • direct all additional deductions from employers for harmful and dangerous working conditions to corporate pension funds.

On a note! It is predicted that without serious incentives, the maximum number of people wishing to form an individual industrial complex will not exceed 2%.

Another important question remains unresolved: Will participation in the IPC be voluntary? It was previously reported that only “auto-subscription” would allow the idea not to be put to rest: deductions from wages would be made automatically by the employer, but at any time the employee would be allowed to write a statement and leave the program.

This approach is contrary to legislation and legal norms Labor Code, so the Central Bank started talking about the idea of ​​auto-registration, although the essence has not changed much. Each employee, after being entered into a single database, will be required to deduct from 1 to 6% of their salary to the funded part, and to withdraw they will again have to write an application.

What is the best way to co-finance a pension and maintain pension system, serious testing of which will begin in the mid-20s, which state will choose is still unknown. Based on the reviews, it is obvious that participation in the scheme with doubling investments turned out to be a complete disappointment for many.

Co-financing of pensions is another measure social support citizens, which provides a real opportunity to increase the size of their pension with the participation of public funds.

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You could become a participant in the project until the end of 2019. To do this, an application had to be submitted between the beginning of October 2008 and the end of December 2019. A participant in the Program is considered to be a citizen who has made the first contribution before 2019.

What it is?

The project allows you to receive increased pension savings in the future.

This is possible thanks to the contribution of additional funds by the citizen himself, as well as government financial support.

When transferring two thousand to the funded part, the amount contributed is doubled - exactly the same amount will be added by the state.

Acceptance of participants ended in December 2019.

The essence of the event is the formation of pension savings by making additional insurance payments, allocating a similar amount from the state and transferring funds by the employer, if he wishes.

The state has organized a special National Welfare Fund for these purposes.

How the program works

With an annual transfer of two to twelve rubles to the funded portion, the funds contributed by the state double over ten years. Thus, a double amount is credited to the individual account.

Co-financing is not provided for contributions less than 2,000 rubles.

All payments received to the account within the framework of the project are transferred by the participant to the investment management of his own choice:

  • management company from the state - Vnesheconombank;
  • a commercial organization performing similar functions;
  • one of the private pension funds.

Important information: If the application for membership was submitted in the period from November 5, 2014 to December 31, 2014, and the citizen was already a recipient of any type of pension, the amounts contributed by him will increase the pension capital, but there will be no co-financing.

The basis for state co-financing is the contribution by the participant to the Pension Fund of amounts in the amount of 2000-12000 rubles for the past year (additional charges in any amount by the employer are not a basis). One becomes a participant upon application submitted to the local branch of the Pension Fund.

Within ten days after receiving the application, money is transferred from the state budget to the Pension Fund of Russia, which is placed in a personal account or redirected to a management company or private pension fund.

Conditions of entry

A participant is any citizen who submitted an application within the established deadlines and made at least one contribution by the end of 2019.

Special conditions apply to persons who have reached retirement age but have not yet applied to the Pension Fund for a pension accrual in accordance with Art. 8 Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions”.

Thus, having credited 12,000 rubles to the savings portion for the year, a citizen, taking into account state assistance, will receive 60,000 rubles (12,000 + 48,000) into his account.

This rule does not apply to working pensioners; they cannot participate in the Program at all.

State guarantees

Until November 4, 2014, the state provided support to all persons who fulfilled the conditions of the project (submitting an application on time, depositing 2,000 rubles into the account for the first year).

In accordance with latest changes, anyone can transfer money to the funded part, but co-financing will be available only to certain categories of citizens:

  • for those who do not receive insurance or;
  • who is not a retired judge and does not receive a monthly salary for life.

For military pensions, police officers, UFSIN and FSKN, as well as firefighters, the restriction does not apply.

Citizens who applied for participation in the Program before the innovations can still qualify for co-financing, even if they receive a pension: the changes apply only to new participants in the project.

Regulatory regulation

  • Federal Law of April 30, 2008 No. 56 “On additional contributions to the funded part of pensions and state support for the formation of pensions”;
  • Federal Law No. 345-FZ of November 4, 2014 on amendments to Law 56 (general conditions for pensioners if they became participants before the entry into force of the specified document).

If a citizen became a participant after the commencement of Federal Law No. 345, the accruals will not be co-financed.

Financial issues of pension co-financing in 2019

The voluntary pension insurance program continued its development in 2019. According to official data, it now has over 8,000,000 participants.

Amount and procedure for payment of contributions

The size of contributions ranges from 2000-12000 rubles.

Payments can be made through a bank or through work:

  • Through the bank. The payment receipt and details for 2019 can be obtained from the Pension Fund at the address of residence, from the bank, or generated on the official website of the Pension Fund. Money can be transferred in equal parts throughout the year (for example, deposit a thousand each month) or in one-time contributions (for example, transfer 3,000 rubles in May and 9,000 rubles in November). You need to carefully check that your full name and SNILS number are spelled correctly on the payment slip. This is necessary in order to check whether money has been transferred to the personal account at the Pension Fund of Russia or not. To receive a deduction, you must make a copy of the payment document.
  • Through the employer. In order for payments to be made through the employing organization, you must submit an application to the accounting department indicating the amount of monthly payments under the Program ( fixed amount in rubles or as a percentage of). If there is no longer a need to pay contributions through work, a new application is submitted to the accounting department.

Taxation and deductions

A project participant can receive a tax deduction on contributed amounts in the amount of up to 12,000 rubles for one year.

How to make a deduction:

  • Through accounting. Program participants can, when paying contributions through their employer company, issue a deduction in the accounting department without waiting for the expiration calendar year, as it was before. All you need to do is submit an application for a tax deduction to the accounting department.
  • Through the Federal Tax Service. Documents for receiving the deduction are submitted to the Federal Tax Service at the address of residence after one, two or three years.

To do this you need to prepare:

  • completed declaration (form 3-NDFL);
  • certificate of income for the reporting period (form 2-NDFL);
  • photocopies of TIN and passport;
  • application for a tax deduction (drawn up in any form);
  • details for transfer to the account;
  • payment slips certifying payment under the Program;
  • a certificate from the employer indicating the amounts paid (if the funds were transferred through the employer).

Employer participation

The obligatory parties to the Co-financing Program are the participant (applicant) and the government apparatus.

The third party may be the employing organization. There is no limit set on amounts transferred by the employer (but not more than 12,000 rubles per employee).

The benefit of such cooperation for the company is to receive state benefits: funds contributed to the benefit of the employee are not subject to insurance contributions.

This decision of the organization is completely voluntary; you can join the Program at any time.

Payment schemes and procedures

Funds can be obtained after applying for an appointment:

  • pensions in the form of a fixed-term pension payment or a funded amount;
  • lump sum payment of savings.

Since the beginning of 2019, the procedure for receiving one-time payments from accumulated funds has changed.

Insured citizens who have registered lump sum payment, can apply for it again only five years after the last application. The countdown begins from the moment of applying for payment, which was made after 01/01/2015.

If no requests for one-time payments were received in 2019, but contributions were made, an application for payment could be submitted in 2019.

Thus, you can receive 48,000 rubles, subject to depositing the maximum amounts for the two previous years.

Payments to legal successors

All savings, including those transferred under the Program, can be paid to legal successors.

After the death of a citizen who did not apply for a pension or issued but did not receive an urgent payment, all savings or the remaining part of them are transferred to the heirs.

The Program participant can determine in advance the circle of successors to his savings, as well as distribute specific shares among them.

To do this, you need to write a corresponding application and submit it to the Pension Fund. The application indicates the full name, date of birth, passport details and addresses of all heirs, as well as distribution shares.

In the absence of an application, the following are recognized as successors:

  • first of all, children (natural and adopted), husband or wife and parents of the deceased;
  • second-degree relatives: brother or sister, grandchildren, grandfather or grandmother.

Payments within one queue are made in equal parts. Heirs in the next line can claim savings only if there are no relatives in the higher line.

Pension savings are paid to successors if a citizen dies:

  • before the appointment of payments from the accumulated amounts or until their amounts are recalculated taking into account additional contributions (excluding maternal capital, used to form a pension);
  • after the appointment of an urgent payment (the heirs receive the unpaid balances);
  • after appointment, but in the absence of actual transfer of a lump sum payment (received by relatives of the deceased who lived with him, as well as disabled dependents).

Savings are not transferred to legal successors if payments have been established to the person funded pension(indefinitely).

To receive money, you need to contact the Pension Fund within six months of the death of the testator. This can be done in person, by Russian Post (with a certified application) or through a representative (with a certified power of attorney).

If you miss the deadline, funds can only be obtained through the court. In this case, a valid reason is indicated for which the request was not made on time.

When submitting an application to the Pension Fund, you must also submit a passport and a document proving your relationship with the deceased (the full list of documents is determined by the Rules for the payment of savings, approved by Government Resolution No. 710).


Example of participation in Program No. 1:

The participant transferred 2,000 rubles for the year. The government additionally transfers the same amount. Thus, 4,000 rubles are credited to the account in one year. When transferring the maximum amount (12,000 rubles), the state contributes a similar amount. In total there are 24,000 rubles in the account.

Example #2:

If you deposited more than 12,000 rubles (for example, 20,000 rubles), state aid will still be 12,000 rubles, and 32,000 rubles will be credited to the account.

Security comfortable old age largely depends on when and how the potential pension recipient takes care of options for accumulating it. A guaranteed way to increase your future benefits is to participate in government programs, specially designed to support the older part of the population.

What is co-financing

Assistance to the older part of the population, expressed in the form of cash accruals and providing for an increase in the volume of future payments due to the state doubling or quadrupling the voluntary additional insurance contributions (hereinafter referred to as ASP), paid by a citizen towards the insurance benefit, is called a pension co-financing program (hereinafter referred to as PO) . At the time of implementation, 3 parties could take part in it:

  • Future pensioner.
  • His employer – participation in the program is not required. An employee has the right to contribute funds, both through a representative of the organization that hired him, and independently.
  • State.

Legal regulation

State co-financing of pensions is regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Regulatory acts:

  • the federal law Russian Federation(hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law of the Russian Federation) dated April 30, 2008 No. 56-FZ;
  • Clause 1, Article 13 – establishes a fixed amount of additional insurance premium.
  • Art. 13 – describes special conditions software co-financing.
  • Art. 14 - regulates the procedure for the movement of funds: transfer of contributions from the federal budget to the accounts of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation - subsequent transfer of funds to management companies and/or non-state pension funds (hereinafter - NPF);
  • Clause 6, art. 7 Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2013 No. 424-FZ - provides for the payment of software to legal successors in the event of the death of the recipient.

The project is based on the principle of a citizen transferring additional insurance contributions (hereinafter - DSV) to form the funded part of the insurance benefit and directly proportional to its increase at public expense. The program works like this:

  1. The insured person transfers DSV to the Pension Fund of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the Pension Fund) to the account of the funded part of his old-age insurance benefit.
  2. The state doubles this amount, and if certain conditions are met, quadruples it.

Participation in the program is carried out on a voluntary basis upon the personal application of the applicant. Conditions:

  • Before December 31, 2014, it was necessary to submit an application to join the program.
  • Make your first payment before 01/31/2015.
  • Pay DSA in accordance with the rules of the state co-financing program for at least 1 year. For example, citizen Ivanova transferred 12,000 rubles for 2015. She is 54 and plans to retire in 2016. After registering for an old-age insurance benefit, in addition to it, she will receive her DSV (12,000 rubles) and state co-financing in the amount of 12,000 rubles, because she has fulfilled the minimum requirements of the program.
  • A person receiving any other type of software and submitting a statement of intent to participate in the project will increase his accumulative pension capital, but his voluntary insurance contributions will not be doubled;
  • State-co-financed payments can be received after applying for old-age insurance benefits.

Amount of contributions

The minimum amount of insurance contributions that a future recipient of benefits must transfer to the Pension Fund or Non-State Pension Fund is 2,000 rubles per year, the maximum is 12,000 rubles. The state doubles it and transfers it to an individual pension account. Amounts transferred to the Pension Fund or Non-State Pension Fund to the account of future DSVs that are below or above the limits provided for by the program are not co-financed. Examples:

  1. Citizen Petrova transferred 17,000 rubles. for the past year to the account of the insurance part of your pension. The state will make an additional payment of 12,000 rubles. The following will be credited to Petrova’s account: RUB 17,000. (from personal savings) + 12,000 rub. (state co-financing according to the upper threshold of DSA provided for by the program) = 29,000 rub.
  2. Citizen Vasiliev contributed 2,500 rubles to the account of his future insurance pension. The state will double this amount. Vasiliev will receive: 2,500 rubles. + 5,000 rub. = 7,500 rub.
  3. A citizen of Nikolaev transferred 1,800 rubles. to the account of a future insurance pension and then refused to participate in the program. When she retires, she will receive only her 1,800 rubles.

The state co-financing program provides 2 options for increasing the daily allowance. Nuances:

  • contributions of a program participant who contributed from 2 thousand to 12 thousand rubles for 1 year are doubled;
  • a fourfold increase in own funds transferred to the future benefit account in the same range (RUB 2,000–12,000) is provided for persons who have reached retirement age but have not received an insurance or any other pension.

Duration of the program

Insurance co-financing program pension benefit The Russian government developed it in 2008. It was designed for 5 years. You could submit an application to join the program from October 1, 2008 to December 31, 2014, and make the first payment until January 31, 2015. this moment Registration for participation in the project is not available, but due to its popularity, its renewal is not excluded. In 2013, the program was extended for another 5 years and will continue to operate for participating participants for 10 years - until 2025.

Benefits for those participating in the program

The pension co-financing program provides benefits for participants. Here is their list:

  • the state forms the amount of the future pensioner’s benefit together with him;
  • a program participant has the right to receive a 13% tax deduction, but not more than 12,000 rubles, which can be applied for:
  • when submitting a corresponding application to an accounting employee at the place of work - if insurance premiums were paid through the employer;
  • by contacting a representative of the territorial branch of the federal tax inspectorate with a set of required documents - papers should be submitted according to results 1, 2 or 3 recent years.
  • receipt by a participant of the passive investment income program, subject to effective management personal savings, including material resources received from the state;
  • possibility of transferring insurance benefits by inheritance.

Special conditions

When the right to assign old-age pension payments arises, a citizen who does not apply for them is entitled to an increase in the listed DSA by 4 times. The maximum amount of co-financing in this case will be 48,000 rubles. There is also a limitation - the benefit is valid only in relation to non-working pensioners, employed persons are not entitled to a four-fold state increase.

Methods of paying voluntary contributions

There are 2 ways to pay DSA into the account of a future insurance pension. Procedure for transferring funds:

  1. Through your employer. The employee should contact the accounting department of the employing company with an application for voluntary entry into the insurance benefit co-financing program, indicating the specific amount of the monthly contribution or percentage of earnings. The participant has the right to change the amount of DSA subsequently by notifying the accounting department. A new application will need to be completed.
  2. Independently through the bank. A citizen should contact an employee of a credit institution and transfer money to his personal account opened with the Pension Fund. Details for paying for DSA through the bank can be obtained from its branch, the local Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, or online through the official website of the fund.

It is possible to pay DSA either in equal monthly transfers or in a one-time money transfer. If you decide to make additional insurance contributions to the Pension Fund yourself through a banking organization, keep all copies of payment receipts and orders. You will need them when reconciling the amounts of financial contributions with the Pension Fund and to receive a tax deduction.

How to get money for pensioners

Funds co-financed by the state are assigned jointly with the old-age or disability insurance pension in the form of a funded benefit. After the rights to assign the software arise, you can apply for its registration and assignment to an employee of the authorized organization.

The pension capital placed on the personal account of a participant in the compulsory insurance system with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is paid out together with investment income - additional savings, including state co-financing of pensions. Options for receiving funds:

  • One-time transfer. Additional savings are transferred to the recipient at a time, provided that on the date of appointment their size does not exceed 5% of the volume of the entire insurance pension, including the total amount of the funded part of it and the fixed payment.
  • Urgent translation. The duration of such accruals is determined by the recipient pensioner, but cannot be less than a 10-year period.
  • In the form of a funded pension. Its size, as a rule, is lower than that of the urgent payment, because it is calculated based on the expected accrual period - for 2019. It is 246 months. Transfers will be for life.

Where to contact

You can apply for the due insurance software along with accumulated funds, including co-financing, by contacting an employee of one of the authorized authorities:

  • local branch of the Pension Fund;
  • multifunctional center (hereinafter referred to as MFC);
  • by sending it by registered mail with notification;
  • remotely – on the government services portal or the official website of the Pension Fund of Russia;
  • through your legal representative.

Application processing time

Documents and an application submitted by a person for the appointment of insurance benefits and funded payments are considered within a certain period. It directly depends on the method of transferring software:

  • for urgent payments – up to 10 working days;
  • for a one-time transfer – up to 1 month;
  • when assigning an insurance pension and a joint payment to it - up to 10 working days, the Pension Fund will begin to accrue benefits within 2 months from the date of the positive decision.

List of required documents

To apply for a pension benefit and accrue savings payments, you will need to provide a package of relevant documents:

  • a completed application - the form can be found on the website of the authorized organization via the Internet or at the information stand by contacting there through the local branch;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • individual personal account insurance number (hereinafter referred to as SNILS);
  • papers proving the right to establish pension payments – employment history and/or its copy, documents confirming work experience, salary, certificates of dependents, etc.

Is it possible to exit the program of state co-financing of pension savings?

The participant can withdraw from the state co-financing program for pension savings. There is no need to prepare or submit any statements and/or other documents for this. The draft does not provide for the concept of termination of the contract. The participant should stop making additional insurance contributions - the state co-financing program will automatically cease to operate.

Succession of deposits in the event of death of the insured person

In unforeseen circumstances - in the event of the death of the insured person - his legal successors have the right to assign payment of pension savings. A citizen can determine the list of heirs in advance, draw up a will, indicating the shares in which his benefit will be distributed among future potential recipients. If a pension will has not been drawn up, the legal successors are considered.