An example of a recommendation from an employer to a nanny. How to write a letter of recommendation for a nanny

For the position: nanny, home teacher, governess, housekeeper, housekeeper, home cook, nurse, personal driver, etc. It is advisable to have recommendations. What is it and why? Recommendations existed for a long time, back in the 19th century, when recommendations from previous owners were required from governesses, nannies, housekeepers, and butlers. Letters of recommendation have not lost their relevance in our time. A recommendation is drawn up by previous employers and represents a characterization domestic staff: nannies, governesses, housekeepers, nurses, describing professional skills, skills and human qualities demonstrated during work in the family. Letter of recommendation will allow new customers to determine whether this specialist is suitable for their family and whether the future employee they want to hire has the necessary professionalism.

  • Indicate the general information of the employee: full name, date of birth, passport details, place of registration, terms of cooperation.
  • Describe the range of duties that the employee performed in your family.
  • Describe personal qualities employees who manifested themselves in the process of working in your family. Professional skills: how the specialist performed his duties, did you make any comments, how did the employee react to them, what kind of relationship was established between you and the employee.
  • Indicate the reason for the employee's dismissal: the need for more qualified domestic staff, personal reasons of the employee or something else.
  • Express your general opinion why you recommend this person for working in families (personal and professional qualities) for working in families.
  • Indicate your Last Name, First Name, Patronymic name and telephone number so that new employers and representatives of the Fifth Element Profi-Center have the opportunity to clarify information about the employee.

When applying for a job as a nanny, home teacher, governess very importanthave recommendations. When inviting a nanny, home teacher, governess to their child, parents, entrusting her with their priceless treasure, give preference to a candidate with experience not only in government organizations, but also in families where a person has proven himself, not only as a specialist in the field of raising and educating children, but also (which is very important) in the field of human relations. A letter of recommendation from the parents of the previous pupil, from whom, if necessary, clarifications can be made about the future nanny, is a kind of guarantor of her professionalism and integrity.

  • The content of the letter of recommendation should be concise and specific, no more than one page in size.
  • The information must be objective and reflect both the pros and cons of the employee; naturally, there are no absolutely ideal specialists.
  • Indicate general information about the nanny: full name, date of birth, passport details, place of registration, terms of cooperation.
  • Indicate the child’s age and describe the nanny’s responsibilities.
  • Describe the personal qualities of the nanny, the properties of her character that manifested themselves in her interactions with the child while working in your family. Professional skills: how the nanny performed her duties, whether any comments were made to her, how she reacted to them, what kind of relationship she had with the child, how the nanny got along with the child’s parents.
  • Note: what the nanny taught the child, what progress the child made during the time the nanny worked with him.
  • Indicate the reason for dismissing the nanny: the child has grown up; moving, the need to change a nanny to a governess; personal reasons of the nanny, etc.
  • Express a generalized opinion about why you recommend this person as a nanny (personal and professional qualities), emphasize what you consider the most valuable and important.
  • Indicate your Last Name, First Name, Patronymic and telephone number so that new employers and representatives of the Fifth Element Profi Center have the opportunity to clarify information about the nanny.

General information: Lyudmila Ivanovna Ivanova, born in 1965, living at the address: __________________________________________________________________________, passport series_________ No.__________ issued by _________________________________, worked in our family as a nanny from June 2005 to September 2008 with our son Vanechka from 1 year to 3 years.
Lyudmila worked 5 days a week from 9.00 to 19.00. Her responsibilities included: daily care looking after the child, teaching him to be clean and tidy, feeding the child, preparing food for him, keeping the child’s clothes and toys clean, walks, games - age-appropriate activities, accompanying the baby to developmental activities.

Lyudmila has a pedagogical education, knows and uses methods in her work early development, constantly improves her skills, attended a seminar on the Maria Montessori method, reads various books on the upbringing and development of young children. Lyudmila quickly found mutual language with Vanechka, showed both gentleness and severity towards the child, depending on the circumstances.

I would like to note Lyudmila’s punctuality, conscientiousness, accuracy, diligence, kindness, patience towards the child, politeness and tact towards us. Lyudmila could interest the boy in various games and activities, and knew how to quickly calm down a naughty child. Vanechka happily greeted the nanny, willingly walked with the nanny, and during walks the nanny played with the child and took him on excursions to the park. Lyudmila worked with the child: she paid a lot of attention to the development of speech, instilled in him an interest in books, used educational, active games in her work, and performed puppet shows for him. Lyudmila also sculpted with clay and plasticine with our son, they drew together, paid great attention to applique and design from waste material. The nanny and the baby were learning songs. I think thanks active pursuits Vanya speaks well. Lyudmila tried to cooperate with us: she told us about the child’s successes or failures, correctly perceived our wishes, and responded calmly to comments. Upon returning home, we were greeted by a cheerful, clean son.

The nursery, kitchen, bathroom and hallway are tidy and clean.

Now we are sending Vanya to kindergarten and therefore we are parting with our nanny.

Ivanova Lyudmila Ivanovna is a reliable, conscientious, decent, child-loving nanny. I am happy to recommend her as a nanny for a child from one to three years old. But I must note the following: Lyudmila could not always stay at our request.
I am ready to answer all questions about the work of nanny S.I. Ivanova

by phone ________________________________________________________________________

Nikolaeva Olga Konstantinovna ________________________ ______________________

When a family decides to hire a nanny for a child, the child’s parents are primarily interested in nannies with good recommendations. Indeed, a nanny’s resume is great, but, of course, you want something more compelling than a list of positive characteristics that a potential assistant can use to describe herself. This is why letters of recommendation from past employers of the nanny the family is considering hiring are so valuable.

However, there are situations in which a letter of recommendation for a nanny has to be written rather than read. Let's say you break up with your assistant for various reasons: the baby goes to kindergarten or school, you change your place of residence, or the nanny herself has special circumstances due to which she is forced to stop working with you in this moment. Of course, a nanny who wants to continue working after some time or simply work with another family will ask you to write a letter of recommendation. A reasonable question arises: how to write it so that it is informative, optimal in size and useful for future employers of the assistant?

There is a kind of unspoken code that all parents should remember: when making recommendations for a nanny, you need to be as objective and truthful as possible. Remember the moment you hired a worker: did you want to have the opinion of an “independent expert” who could honestly tell you how the nanny performed her duties? What would interest you most? Make recommendations based on your own wishes regarding the information you would like to receive about a complete stranger.

There is no standard template for writing a letter of recommendation, but a free format is not encouraged in this matter. Generations of experience in this regard allow us to note a number of tips that will make it easier for you to write recommendations for your assistant.

    Write briefly and to the point.


    Think back to the entire time you worked with the nanny and note what you liked about being an assistant and what you didn’t. Remember: if future employers don’t like the nanny, no amount of recommendations, even the most laudatory ones, will convince them to take the nanny into their family, and people who rely on your opinion risk losing time and nerves. Put yourself in their shoes again: would you want this in their place? Be also careful with excessive negativism: unfounded negative recommendations can deprive a nanny of her job forever. Abstract yourself and write about how the assistant coped with her responsibilities.

    There is no need to show off literary delights: use simple, understandable words, for example: “The children loved to play the games that the nanny offered” instead of “The organization of children’s leisure time was at a satisfactory level.”

  • An important point: be sure to indicate what the child learned with the nanny, what skills the assistant instilled in the baby, what interests the children discovered with the help of the nanny.
  • Note the reason for ending cooperation with the assistant.
  • Perhaps the most important part of the letter of recommendation is the conclusion: does your family recommend the nanny to work with other children?
  • Also, the letter must contain an official part: at the very beginning, indicate the nanny’s passport details, and at the end – your personal ones. Remember, without your phone number, account in in social networks or Skype recommendations lose all meaning, because they could have been written by anyone, including the nanny herself. Don't waste a little of your time to help other people make the decision to hire a nanny.

    Below is a sample example of what a letter of recommendation might look like. The key word here is “can”, not “should”: each family, nanny and situation is strictly individual. Make sure that your own writing matches the actual situation more than the sample.

    Semenova Daria Leonidovna, born in 1971, who lives at the address (specify the address, for example - a nanny for a child Biryulyovo Vostochnoe), passport (you should indicate the series, number and date of issue of the passport), performed the duties of a nanny in our family. Daria Leonidovna helped us with raising our son Nikita from 3 years 7 months to 6 years (indicate calendar dates of start and end of work).

    Daria Leonidovna's duties included taking care of Nikita from 9.30 to 18.30 six days a week. The nanny took care of our son: she taught him the habit of washing himself and brushing his teeth properly, dressing himself, using the potty, and then the toilet. Daria Leonidovna’s responsibilities also included preparing food for Nikita, washing dishes for him, keeping Nikita’s clothes clean, his room and toys in order. The nanny played educational and educational games with our son. By agreement, she could prepare dinner for the whole family, which we paid for as a separate item at the end of the month.

    Daria Leonidovna is educated as a nurse (she graduated from medical college in 1989). Worked for ten years nurse in the children's infectious diseases department. Spent a lot of time with children abandoned by their parents. Daria Leonidovna adopted one of them. While working with her son, she studied many developmental methods; in his upbringing she gave preference to the methods of Leonid Bereslavsky, Doman and Cecile Lupan. Our son was raised in the same spirit. Before our family, Daria Leonidovna worked as a nanny for a family with a boy aged one and a half to six years.

    The qualities that the nanny showed while working with our son: the ability to quickly adapt to the child’s character; gently, unobtrusively set boundaries beyond which the son cannot go; strict adherence to our requirements (if a child cannot have sweets, she will not give him candy under any pretext, and the son will not even throw a tantrum); honesty; diligence - you can always rely on Daria Leonidovna in the most serious matters; patience and kindness towards the child; the ability to interest him; accuracy and decency; tact and strict observance of chain of command; a big plus is the ability to quickly recognize signs of illness in a child and knowledge of what to do in a given situation when the baby is unwell.

    Several times during her work, Daria Leonidovna was 10-15 minutes late. This happened infrequently and we deducted the amount stipulated by the working agreement from the nanny’s daily earnings.

    During his time with his nanny, Nikita learned to speak competently, express his thoughts correctly, became fully interested in the world around him, and learned many songs and rhymes. My son began to read early and enjoyed reading and drawing. The nanny taught Nikita self-hygiene and instilled in him a desire for cleanliness and neatness. He loved the nanny very much, he liked playing with her. Daria Leonidovna studied modeling, drawing, reading fairy tales with Nikita, sang songs to him and acted out performances. She calmly accepted our comments and corrected shortcomings if we found them. Every evening after we returned home, Daria Leonidovna told us about how Nikita behaved during the day, what they did and what they planned to do tomorrow. The apartment was always clean.

    The reason for the nanny's departure is that the son is entering first grade. When the baby begins his studies, he will need a nanny of a different profile (accompanying with a car), for which Daria Leonidovna is not suitable.

    Our family is pleased to recommend Daria Leonidovna Semenova for the position of nanny for a preschooler. It should be noted that the nanny welcomes an active lifestyle and engages in active games and walks with the child, which is why a melancholic or phlegmatic child will not enjoy communicating with Daria Leonidovna. In addition, Daria Leonidovna promotes hardening, which also may not be suitable for every child. In general, our family characterizes the nanny as a conscientious worker, a responsible person and a good educator who understands the child’s psychology and does not exceed her official authority.

    We will be happy to answer any questions regarding the specifics of cooperation with Daria Leonidovna during non-working hours (for example, from 19.00 to 21.00) and weekends. Contact number (leave your mobile phone number) or Skype (user account login).

A letter of recommendation serves as proof of work experience and is a review of the nanny's work and a description of her responsibilities. Usually, a letter of recommendation is given to a nanny after finishing her work in the family, describes the content of the work, gives an assessment of her work, her attitude towards work. In the letter of recommendation, the nanny is given the parents' contact phone number so that they can call and ask questions, if necessary.

Milenko Irina Andreevna worked in our family from January 2010 to May 2014.

Her responsibilities included:

child care, feeding cooked food, training, games, walks.

During her work, she proved herself to be a conscientious, careful and efficient worker.

There were no complaints about the quality of the work performed.

05/15/2014 Dorenko Natalya Vasilievna

living at Kyiv, Svoboda Ave., 119, apt. 509, passport ZHU No. 0500000 issued on August 24, 2000.

Ryzhenko Olga Stepanovna worked in our family from November 21, 2013 to November 20, 2014. At first our family consisted of three people; after the birth of our second child, our family needed the help of a nanny-assistant.

Olga Stepanovna performed her duties efficiently:

Baby care,

Games and walks

Cleaning the children's room,


Olga Stepanovna is a sensitive and attentive person, she conscientiously carried out her duties and small assignments. She is attentive and caring with children. Household affairs were carried out neatly and efficiently. We recommend Olga Stepanovna as a nanny-assistant, since we are leaving to live in another region.

Sanin Vladimir Anatolievich

Olga Dmitrievna Lagidna, born in 1975, passport OH 555555, actually worked as a nanny in our family from March 2010 to September 2012. She was raising our daughter Eva, who was 3 months old at that time, because due to our line of work we were not able to take care of the child all day. We considered it advisable to hire two nannies who worked on a rotation basis, 5 days after 5 days or by agreement.

The nanny's duties included: full care of the child, starting from the moment of awakening, hygiene procedures, massage, cooking, feeding, walking fresh air, caring for my daughter’s things, games.

I would like to note that Olga Dmitrievna has become an indispensable assistant in our family. She conscientiously fulfilled her duties, responded adequately to our requests and recommendations, behaved kindly and tactfully, was responsible for the child’s safety, and constantly maintained professional contact with the second nanny, which had a beneficial effect on Eva’s development.

As a teacher, Olga Dmitrievna knows how to find an individual approach to a child, knows and skillfully applies in practice methods of early childhood development, knows a lot of children's poems and fairy tales, which is necessary for the development of a child's speech. Spent a lot of time sensory development and development fine motor skills. Olga Dmitrievna explained to us why this is so important to use when working with a child.

Olga Dmitrievna contributed to the development of the child’s speech. Our daughter studied simple rhymes, sculpted and learned to paint, and learned to fold a pyramid.

In September we enrolled Eva in kindergarten. Olga Dmitrievna helped us with our daughter’s adaptation while getting used to kindergarten.

I am grateful to our nanny for the love and care she showed for Eva.

For additional information about Olga Dmitrievna’s work, you can call me on my mobile number 025 98 76 - Santa Llewit.

It is important to remember that if positive reviews You won’t be able to write about the nanny’s work; parents can be allowed to call and provide feedback about the nanny’s work orally.

For employers, this is an opportunity to check the accuracy of information about a candidate who is applying to work with their child.

The tradition of writing letters of recommendation in Russia dates back to the 19th century, when governesses who worked in families were required to provide written recommendations from previous owners. Abroad, letters of recommendation are fully used - without recommendations from families for whom the nanny previously worked, it is almost impossible to get a new job.

IN last years This trend is regaining popularity in our country. Rarely will a family agree to hire a person into their home who is known only from his own words, so after parting with the nanny on a positive note, you will probably need to write a letter of recommendation for future employers. The prepared material will discuss how to correctly write a letter of recommendation for a nanny.

A letter of recommendation is written in free form. There are no legal restrictions here, but in order for the letter to correspond to the original purpose of its writing, generally accepted norms must be adhered to. A letter of recommendation consists of two parts:

  1. The first, so-called formal part. This part requires you to provide the nanny’s full identification information, such as full name, age, date of birth, address of residence, passport series and number. This part also displays information about the duration of work in the family, explains the child of what gender and age the nanny interacted with, and also indicates a complete list of duties performed;
  2. The second part, called informal, reflects the personal qualities of the nanny, the characteristics of the approach to the child, relationships with other family members and other information that may be potentially useful to the new employer.

As was said, a letter of recommendation for a nanny does not have strict restrictions, but it is not recommended to make it too long - it is unlikely that a detailed story about how each day of the employee’s stay in the family went would be of interest to new employers. As a last resort, if parents considering a nanny are interested in the details of her location at her previous place of employment, they can always call the parents who recommended the nanny to clarify certain information.

Sample letter text

The text of the letter is compiled according to the following scheme:

  • Full name of the nanny, full age, date of birth, place of residence according to registration, passport details;
  • Working hours in the family;
  • Information about the child - gender and age;
  • Designation of the range of responsibilities assigned to the nanny;
  • Describe the employee’s character, positive qualities, identified shortcomings - how the relationship developed with the child and with other family members;
  • Describe the results achieved by the nanny while working with the child;
  • It is advisable to write the reasons, citing which the employer would recommend hiring the specified candidate;
  • Be sure to indicate the reasons why you separated from the nanny (for example, the child grew up or there was a need to move);
  • When finishing the letter, you must write down the full name of the originator with a contact phone number.

From parents

“Klementieva Oksana Mikhailovna, born in 1984, living at:____________________

Passport series ____№________, issued ___________________________________________________

Oksana Mikhailovna worked in our family from 2013 to 2016 with our daughter Angelina from one to three years old. Oksana Mikhailovna came 5 days a week, being with the child from 08-00 in the morning until 18-00 in the evening. Oksana Mikhailovna’s responsibilities included: caring for Angelina, cooking followed by feeding, walks, games and age-appropriate developmental activities, keeping the child’s room and children’s supplies clean.

Oksana Mikhailovna has a higher pedagogical education and extensive experience working with children. She worked for a long time as a teacher in a kindergarten preschool institution, has repeatedly attended courses and seminars to improve her qualifications, in support of which she has a number of certificates. Oksana Mikhailovna uses her own method of building relationships with a child, as a result of which she very quickly managed to find an approach to our Angelina.

Separately, I would like to note Oksana Mikhailovna’s conscientiousness, accuracy and punctuality, her gentle persistence and good nature in relation to our daughter, as well as tact and good manners in relation to other family members. Thanks to the efforts of the nanny, Angelina quickly developed speech, thinking, memory and other skills. Great importance Oksana Mikhailovna devoted developmental activities that she conducted in game form. The nanny also spent a lot of time with the baby outside, selecting outdoor games taking into account weather conditions. The girl became very attached to her teacher and waited for Oksana Mikhailovna even on weekends.

The reason we had to part with Oksana Mikhailovna was that Angelina went to kindergarten. Together with my husband and Oksana Mikhailovna, we came to the conclusion that, despite the wonderful individual program development, the child needs communication with peers. The nanny did an excellent job preparing our daughter for kindergarten, making the adaptation period painless.

Klementieva Oksana Mikhailovna is an excellent teacher and a wonderful person who treats the child with love and responsibility. Based on the observations I have made over the years of Oksana Mikhailovna’s work in our family, I can confidently say that you can completely rely on her. I did not notice any disadvantages in her work. If you have any questions, I am ready to provide more detailed information regarding the work of O.M. Klementyeva in our family by phone:_________________________________

Tarasova Irina Nikolaevna.

Date, signature."

From the employer

A letter from the employer is written by general principles applied to written recommendations. The main difference from a letter of recommendation to a nanny written by parents is that the employer must indicate the full name of the organization or recruitment agency and certify the finished letter not only with a signature, but also with a seal.

Sample recommendation from an employer - recruitment agency


Children are the most valuable and precious thing in life, therefore the choice of the person to whom the child will be entrusted should be approached with extreme caution. Even if the candidate has written recommendations from previous places of work, it would be useful to contact the guarantors independently in order to double-check the information and once again make sure that the written text fully corresponds to the applicant in reality.

Despite the best laudatory recommendations, the new nanny needs to check personal documents, medical certificates and make copies of them just in case. As for education, it may not always play a primary role. For example, a person with a pedagogical education who has seniority in child care institutions, she may not be able to find an individual approach to the child, while a nanny, without being a teacher, can easily become practically a new member of the family.

When choosing a suitable nanny, when considering candidates, it is necessary to focus on the reasons for the applicant leaving her previous place of work. If, in response to such a question, one hears information that the reason for leaving is related to the family moving abroad, this should, at a minimum, be alarming. Of course, such a scenario is possible, but, on the other hand, such a response may indicate the dishonesty of the employee who provided “fake” recommendations written by herself or someone from her environment. Therefore, when it comes to the life and health of your own child, despite the best written recommendations, you should definitely double-check the information provided.