Hand-to-hand reception. How babies' skills develop from zero to three years old

Children's health is in the hands of adults

Children are our future, and providing for them healthy growth and development should be the most important task of all communities.


Child preschool age He is very susceptible to various kinds of infections, he experiences different stresses and is in constant contact with a large number of people. Most often, a child is susceptible to colds, acute respiratory infections, flu, sore throat, chickenpox, and rubella. Infection with pediculosis and conjunctivitis is also possible.
The key to strong immunity in such

cases, the following conditions are met:
1. A child needs a good night's sleep. It has been proven that children who do not get enough sleep develop worse, have a harder time withstanding physical activity, and are therefore more susceptible to illness. Therefore, the requirement to go to bed at 10 pm is also relevant for preschoolers, junior schoolchildren, and for teenagers.
2. Hand washing. It's very clear and accessible remedy prevention of infection with viral diseases. It should be remembered that this procedure produces an effect if it continues for at least 20 seconds. And if the child does not have the opportunity to wash his hands, then this can be done using antibacterial wipes.

3. Breakfast. A nutritious breakfast will help your child get a boost of energy for the whole day, and if supplemented with vitamins, it will help stimulate the immune system and increase resistance to disease.

Additional conservation measures

child health are:
1. carrying out all necessary vaccinations in the absence of medical restrictions. According to WHO, among unvaccinated children aged 3 to 18 years, the incidence of whooping cough is 6 times higher than among vaccinated children, and the incidence of measles is 22 times higher.
2. visiting an ophthalmologist. The child himself may not notice that his vision is deteriorating. The following signs may indicate visual impairment:
- the child sits closer to the TV or squints a lot;
- when reading, he loses the place where he read, or runs his finger along the line;
- rubs his eyes or complains about the light.
If your child has such signs, you should definitely go to an ophthalmologist. A mandatory visit to an ophthalmologist is also recommended for those children who already wear glasses. An examination by an ophthalmologist for preventive purposes can be done once every 2 years.
3. measure your feet more often and change shoes. According to experts, children aged 4 to 9 years should measure their feet and, if necessary, select shoes once every 4 months, and after 10 years, this should be done once every 6 months. School shoes are subject to great demands on comfort and durability, since during this period the foot is still developing, and the shoes experience heavy loads.
4. keep in contact with the teacher. The nurse and educators must be notified of all health problems and any additional requirements.

Often mothers have a question whether it is worth sending their child to kindergarten if he complains of being unwell. Doctors' recommendations are as follows: if the body temperature is above 37 degrees, there is vomiting or diarrhea, then it is better for the child to stay at home. You can also leave it at home if your child is coughing, sneezing, or has a runny nose, so that he or she does not become a source of infection.
And you should always remember that kindergarten is your ally in the fight to preserve your child’s health.

We don't need to explain in detail what great importance has for the father and mother raising the child. And the laws of chirognomy will help them understand the child’s character, which is not always clearly manifested, as well as his mental inclinations and abilities, state of mind and inclinations.


Let us turn to the created laws of chirognomy regarding members thumb child's hand (Fig. 36).

If we find a child’s hand in which the development of the three members of the thumb is harmonious, then we can conclude from this that of this child there will be living reason and initiative, supported by a corresponding amount of intelligent will.

Depending on whether one or the other of these members of the thumb will show inharmonious development, that is, it will be more or less than required by the correct normal proportion, accordingly, either reason, or initiative, or will will dominate in a given child. Consequently, the task of the educator is to strengthen, through appropriate treatment, the less developed ability, and to weaken the one that exceeds others.

Thus, the digital nail of the thumb, if it is narrow, slender, thin and short (Fig. 37), reveals in the child minimal ability to make any decisions, a tendency to obey other people’s opinions or prejudices. Such a child is suspicious and indecisive. All these are phenomena that, with inept upbringing, can lead to moral decline.

In this case, the teacher must strengthen the child’s self-awareness, weaken his subordination and develop his will.

Such a thumb is less common in boys than in girls at the age when puberty usually occurs, and is often the cause of those lovingly extravagant extravagant cases that cause so much concern for parents and doctors.

By becoming familiar with these tendencies long before the onset of a dangerous period, one can successfully counteract them and thus save many innocent children from the death that threatens them.

A small thumb is generally always a sign of patience, exclusivity due to submission to feelings; Such children reason later, and act more under the influence of momentary suggestion than rational reflection.

A large thumb indicates the opposite; Such children are guided more by their reason than by their feelings. This is why they love solitude; seclude themselves and avoid the fun and company of their peers; in a word, such children live more in the circle of ideas than feelings.

To choose a vocation, children with a small thumb need to avoid the role of leading persons, since they will not feel good due to their dominant sensitivity, and will not meet the requirements placed on them. We will have a completely opposite case with children whose thumb is large. They are precisely suited to such a vocation, where a man with mind and soul, with energy and self-awareness should take his place.

If a child’s hand combines smooth fingers with a small thumb, then one can always conclude from this that there is a hidden talent for various kinds of arts. Smooth conical fingers are a sign that mental capacity their owners are aimed at the ideal.

But you should not prevent children, if their small thumb is connected to the smooth others, from surrendering to one of them. fine arts, since they can do a lot in this field.

If a child's hand also has a great thumb next to the smooth, sharp fingers, then this means a gift for a type of art that is distinguished by method, logic and research.

If we find smooth and sharp fingers on a child’s hand next to the small thumb, then this is a sign that this child has a special gift for poetry. It would be very unfortunate if we wanted to suppress the nascent talent manifested by the mentioned signs and allowed it to be destroyed.

If a child in his hand connects the great thumb with the angular scapular fingers, then this signifies inclination and excellent ability for scientific life. It should also be noted that those hands that are equipped with a “great thumb” reveal greater willpower in the child, and therefore these children more easily transcend the limits into which they are placed by their nature.

If we finally find the child's thumb marked as in Fig. 42, then this is a sign of unusually highly developed stubbornness. You should pay attention to this sign and thus use appropriate measures to suppress the designated stubborn people, because stubbornness can, among other things, give rise to an explosion of fits of fury.


A child with conical fingers brings with him a definite disposition and talent for art. But the owners of such fingers are also characterized by other character traits that should not be developed together, since they, if care is not taken to limit them in a timely manner, can lead to bad mental vices. These are frivolity, passion, rashness, voluptuousness and arrogance.

These tendencies become noticeable in a child with smooth conical fingers already in early youth and often serve as a reason for trouble at school and in communicating with other children and friends. Therefore, it is very important to curb them in a timely manner through strict reasonable influence - mainly passion and voluptuousness, which lead to all other vices.

It is impossible to completely eliminate innate inclinations, just as it is impossible to change the innate shape of the fingers; but by creating a moral basis it is very possible to create a counterbalance to them, which eliminates the gross outbursts of harmful passions, or at least partially neutralizes them.

It is more expedient to prepare children with angular fingers (Fig. 34) for this kind of calling that requires precision and understanding of details.

They will, if properly trained, become good students, attending school regularly, never being late or missing school hours, and they will show, even in their early years, a decided tendency towards pedantry.

Children with angular fingers will first of all need to be instilled with a disposition to be in the company of friends, because although they have the inclination to become efficient, nice people, they always become boring, helpless, and clumsy in society. Everyone will respect and appreciate them, but rarely will anyone love them. And here the task of reasonable parents and educators is to develop comradely feelings, to wean children from this shortcoming, which in later years can cause them not only a lot of concern, but also harm.

Children with similar fingers tend to favor mainstream theories and methods; They have no understanding of sublime poetry and art. At the same time, they show extraordinary ability in the fine and practical sciences.

Children whose fingers end in a spatula (Fig. 35) have more inclinations towards trade and resourcefulness than towards studies. They are more dexterous in deeds than in words, more simple and sincere than graceful and gallant.

They are more practical than theoreticians; they can arrange or carry out something rather than go into theories.

Children with such fingers have only this in common with children whose fingers are angular, that their mind is directed towards the material, real, sensible, while children with conical fingers live in the realm of the beautiful, ideal, not real and not material.

Therefore, in order to prepare children with angular or scapular fingers for life not only practically, but also to stimulate their sensual life, it is recommended to direct their education in such a way that during lessons they pay more attention to the ideal and beautiful side of things.

If we pay attention to the basic principles just mentioned, we will easily understand that children with angular, scapular fingers should be brought up for the vocations of a technician, scientist, and technical official.

The knobby fingers, drawn in Fig. 57, are close in shape to the scapular ones, but differ from them.

About children with such fingers it should be said that they have a love of physical and spiritual movement, they are distinguished by a strong desire for independence, they have a talent for mechanical inventions, and finally, they are great lovers of animals, therefore they are often good riders, jockeys, etc.

When raising them, the main attention should be paid to slightly suppressing a particularly strongly developed sense of independence, and also try to put a curb on their desperate courage.

Completely smooth and knotless fingers (Fig. 32 A) indicate the same thing as the conical shape of the fingers, and what we have already talked about enough, namely, artistic inclinations with all the associated virtues and vices. If both signs occur together, that is, that the fingers of a child’s hand are both smooth and conical, then this is sure sign that this child has the strongest inclinations, talents and shortcomings discussed here.

And, no matter how definite the goal to which their instinct leads, they are still more inclined to rely in their behavior on suggestions than on logical reasoning, more on fantasy and feeling than on knowledge, more on synthesis than on analysis.

Knobby fingers (Fig. 32 B) always reveal a spirit full of speculative ideas, prone to thoughtfulness and research, which has a love of truth and a relatively insightful mind. Therefore, the basis for raising a child with such fingers should be an emphasis on the practical side of existing things, since their mind predominantly works speculatively and theoretically.

Children with gnarled hands are especially capable of those kinds of vocations that require a penetrating speculative mind and make great demands on logical thinking, in a word, for those positions where a somewhat philosophical mind is necessary.

Folding a child's hand

A child's hand, which feels soft, as if there were no bones in it, is always a sign of a reserved character, a soft being and, accordingly, with a very compliant way of acting, while strong hand always reveals a stronger will and a more unyielding character.

Moreover, of course, we must pay attention to the fact that children’s hands, especially in the first years of childhood, are always softer and less strong than those of adults; but with care and experience, significant differences can soon be found.

From this follows the main position of pedagogy, that with children with soft hands You should always treat them more gently than those with hard hands. Further, that among the former one should first of all strengthen willpower, while in relation to others it is recommended to apply severity - and if we are dealing with intelligent, but obstinate and evil children - it is necessary to break their stubbornness to some extent through reasonable persuasion, because it can easily degenerate into tyranny.

Soft children's hands usually correspond to other properties: indifference, gullibility, good nature, a cheerful mood, talkativeness, drowsy laziness and greater tenderness than depth in sympathy. While in children with strong hands we can note vanity, egoism, conceit, greater physical strength, quick determination, greater logic, in general - the predominance of the activity of the mind as opposed to feeling.

An intelligent teacher and educator will praise a child with hard hands less often and agree with him less often than with soft-handed children, in order, on the one hand, to soften vanity and conceit, on the other hand, to overcome modesty and lack of self-knowledge. For the first, more attention should be paid to enhancing the sensory life; for others, this should be suppressed, but the purely mental side of mental life should be raised.

Warm and fleshy hands also correspond to more sleepy, lazy, weak-willed behavior, while cold and thin hands always reveal a more energetic and more stubborn being.

Strong hands, which, however, should not be too rigid, like elastic hands, in which one cannot notice weakness, usually display more extensive and energetic activity of the mind than all other hands, since they contain the ability to theorize and bring into action execution.

But it is not at all indifferent whether the soft or hard hand is connected with angular, conical or scapular fingers; one gives its special imprint to the other.

So, for example, a child whose hands are large and scapular, but also soft, will rarely like activity, while he unusually loves to watch the activities of others.

As children, such people closely watch the games of others, but do not take part in them themselves. As adults, they will love to watch others play or dance in a coffee shop or dance hall; but they find it difficult to understand how they can personally take part in this.

Such individuals are suitable for all those types of occupations where they themselves will have to do as little as possible, but at the same time will be surrounded by lively activity and movement.

The size of a child's hand

A large hand is generally taken as a sign of incipient development; We usually find such hands among peoples who, both mentally and practically, are at a low level of cultural development. And in children, a large hand only indicates greater strength, but in no case does it indicate stronger spiritual development.

Small hands, if they show some width and knobby, quadrangular fingers, are a sign of a petty soul.

If the child big hands, which, however, are not full and soft, but cut, dry and hard, then this is a sign of an unhealthy physique, which does not allow any good judgment regarding the child’s mental abilities. Where this symptom occurs, the parents’ duty is first of all to ensure that the child physically develops his body and strength, at least for a while his mental development is a little behind. At an older age, such hands are almost always a sign of a hidden and melancholy being, at the same time showing a penchant for magical arts.

Large children's hands with palm average size always indicate a mind that reaches a certain perfection. Such children have more of an inclination towards the excellent than towards the great; therefore, despite the size of their hands, they are capable of graceful manual work and do a lot in the field of mechanical sciences and handicrafts.

If this type of hand is connected with the artistic type, then this is a sign that this child, if he devotes himself to art, will achieve a lot by depicting details. Such children become good painters of flowers, animals and quiet life, and can also work excellently in the field of plastic ornamentation.

Types of hands and special chirognomic features of the fingers of a child’s hand

Since we have already given comprehensive explanations of the types of hands and their meaning, and since this system retains its effect regarding a child’s hand, here we will specify only some of the signs that are taken into account when determining a child’s hand and have the same meaning for all types of hands.

If a child has slender and elastic fingers that can be easily bent, then one should assume that the child has wit, a thirst for knowledge and dexterity. And if they want to meet this, then the child should be prepared for those types of activities that rely on manual dexterity, but also require wit and combinational talent.

If the fingers are conical and, moreover, smooth, then we have a child who should best be assigned to handicrafts and mechanics.

If the fingers have different shape fingernails, then this should be considered as a bad sign, since this indicates versatility, developing at the expense of thoroughness. This leads to indecisiveness of character and little mental strength.

Palmists label such types as empty talkers. If you do not take care to soften these properties through well-thought-out, diligent education, then usually these people lead an unhappy, joyless life, and sometimes even try to commit suicide in this joyless life.

If we hold a child’s hand, the fingers of which are closed against the light, and the fingers turn out to be not transparent, not even showing through the faint shadow of that pinkish tint, known as the color of meat, then we need to overcome the tendency to stinginess. If the fingers are fleshy and run parallel in their contours, then educators should excite the child’s heart in such a way that natural goodwill increases, thereby softening greed and stinginess.

A child's hand with short and thick fingers indicates a cruel character. And in children with such hands we usually find a tendency to deal heartlessly with small animals.

This inclination should be suppressed if possible, and here again it is necessary to influence the child’s heart and increase his goodwill.

The long, very motionless fingers of a child's hand reveal diplomatic abilities, cunning, deceit, and even a tendency to deceive. Children with such hands are extremely difficult to raise, because they appear to parents and educators as completely different from what they really are.

Here it is up to the teacher to act with rigor to correct the child. If the nails and fingers of such hands are dull, then this is a sign of a tendency to theft, which can even become mania, and in such cases one should act not only with severity, but also with an increase in moral sense.

Smooth but transparent fingers are a sign of a supportive character, but also curiosity and thoughtlessness. Children show signs of a curious nature early, but they are often misunderstood and are praised by their parents for their curiosity. Therefore, parents and educators need to promptly pay attention to this sign in children in order to destroy this painful ignorance, which can subsequently be the reason for very unpleasant conflicts.

If we find smooth and cone-shaped fingers on a child’s hand, which to some extent resemble the artistic type of hand, we will not be mistaken if we take talkativeness, frivolity, and senselessness as the most striking character traits.

These traits are only in the most rare cases susceptible to the influence of educators and can only be eliminated through exercises of mental activity. In any case, here too rigor and slow reading of excellent works should be recommended.

Strong and knobby fingers on a child’s hand, as already follows from the basic principles stated above, can always be considered a sign of intelligence and the ability to quickly learn something. Children with such hands are certainly capable of science, and they should not be deterred from doing scientific activities.

The only thing we have to overcome with these children is that they study too much and sit over books, as a result of which they forget about their physical development. Care must be taken to ensure that the appropriate distribution of time is strictly observed so that physical movement and science follow each other accordingly.

A gait with swinging arms should be taken as an indisputable sign of speed and exuberance, and the same thing is indicated to us by the frequent opening and closing of the arms.

If the palm is soft, then this allows us to recognize physical and mental laziness - a bad quality, which, as we know, often leads to depravity.

A sign of strongly reflected sensuality is several lines on the palm, of which the most significant is the so-called belt of Venus. This line reveals sensual inclinations, and its significance increases if the crumb of the thumb on the palm is strongly developed and cut with numerous deep grooves. This is a bad sign. If the belt of Venus is double, then a tendency towards the most unnatural debauchery is revealed, and if signs of a voluptuous hand are added to this, then there is a desire for the unconditional satisfaction of passions.

It is often found that the mount of the Moon lying opposite the crumb of the thumb, located at the edge of the palm below the little finger, is poorly developed and covered with numerous folds of skin. This is a sign of a nervous tendency and, combined with other signs already mentioned, means nervous sensuality.

If we find these signs or at least one of them on a child’s hand, then we can conclude about a sensual inclination. In order to promptly mitigate its bad consequences, parents or educators should first of all pay attention to preventing the influence of bad society on children, because this is for the most part the reason that leads the bad inclination to perfect development and vivid manifestation.

A remedy against the manifestation of unnatural sensuality can be cold rubdowns, not too warm clothes and bed, elimination of food with pepper, stimulating books and movement. fresh air to the extent possible. All these means together serve better than exhortations and teachings.

Of all the vices that pester children, sensuality ranks first. Often it is noticed quite early and later, during puberty, gives rise to unnatural vices.

A further main sign of sensual inclination, in addition to what has already been said, should be considered a short nail member of the thumb and a poorly developed second member of the thumb. Both of these properties mean carelessness, lack of moral restraint and logical thinking. If, in addition, there are smooth, pointed other fingers, then this further enhances the mentioned inclination, for this form of fingers belongs to voluptuous hands.

Falsehood usually goes hand in hand with sensuality. To detect deceit, palmistry has a means that makes it easier to ascertain the presence of this bad habit in children. The main signs are again a short thumb, very sharp other fingers and a highly developed mount of the Moon. Strongly divergent fingers also make it easy to recognize a tendency to deceit.

Therefore, first of all, if we are dealing with smart child, it is clear to him to explain the ugliness of this shortcoming from a moral point of view. One may try, through the advice of a competent physician, to cure this moral defect by hypnotic treatment, but this must be handled with great caution.

It is best to try to wean a child from this bad habit through energetic persuasion: after all, the strictly expressed word of a beloved teacher or father also has a suppressive effect. If we meet a child’s hand in which the thumb, relative to the nail, is so short that it has the shape of a crumb, moreover, the fingers are smooth and their ends are scapular, then this allows, especially if the skin color is dark and the hand seems thinner than thick, to recognize tendency to angry outbursts.

Hot temper is also a vice that, like sensitivity, can undermine a child’s health. And it often becomes dangerous for physical and spiritual development.

After all, there are children in whom, as a result of unreasonable upbringing and unforgivable compliance on the part of their parents, outbursts of anger become so strong that their consequences are attacks of suffocation and convulsions.

Thanks to our palmistry signs, we are able to recognize this passion in advance and prevent its growth, or completely eliminate it - through timely and proper education. If other childhood vices usually harm only the child himself, then hot temper makes several other people suffer.

In addition to chirognomic signs of a hot temper, complexion also matters. Usually this is a pale, gray-green complexion, which turns into a reddish color at the slightest excitement, but more often it becomes even paler if an outburst of anger is expected.

Another, unfortunately, frequently occurring drawback is laziness. One cannot help but know that this painful physical tendency must be eliminated. As a sign of laziness, chirognomes cite soft, thick hands, rather large, in which the first member of the thumb is very short. For the most part, this characteristic is associated with the pointedness of the fingers and their smoothness.

However, it should be noted that sharply finished fingers clearly indicate a peculiar type of laziness - “gazing”. Such a child is distinguished by a lack of understanding of causality and reflection, losing sight of the interests of the material world.

The main means of combating laziness should be called increased physical movement and cold rubdowns. If a child is ambitious, then this property should also be expediently used, since he cannot stand it if others are held up as an example to him or if he is praised more than himself. He then tries to surpass the example given.

If a child has a poorly developed Mount of Mercury, that is, the base of the finger that belongs to the little finger, then this indicates a lack of ability and talent for science. Apparent laziness in learning should be attributed to inability. In this case, it would be downright criminal for the child to force him to study.

Two closely related faults in children that go hand in hand are envy and greed. Here it should be noted that, of course, there are children who are greedy and envious, because greed without envy is unthinkable, but envious children cannot always be greedy.

Greed is revealed by chirognomes through the hands, which seem to belong not to a child, but to an adult, since they are dry, very thin and knobby. Curvature of fingernails is one of the most characteristic features greed. The thumb of such a child seems strongly bent relative to the inner surface of the hand.

Also, hiding the thumb in a clenched fist is a sign of a greedy, dirty character, and this can also be considered a sign of weakness of will. This is a habit that children should be weaned off in advance, because clenching fists is always considered a sign of rudeness and impudence.

Just as envy and greed are related moral shortcomings, so their chirognomic signs are quite suitable for each other. Consequently, envy will be indicated by a thin, claw-like hand of a disgusting color.

Treatment here is also tailored to the individuality of the children. In order for a good child to lose these passions, it is necessary to touch first of all his sensual side: he should be told how ugly it is to envy another person, and encourage him to do charity.

Quite the opposite should be done with a child who is not of a soft heart. Severity and punishment must take their right.

A further disadvantage is gluttony. Children, when they begin to grow strongly and become thinner, are literally stuffed with food by their caring mothers, grandmothers and aunties... Thus, many children artificially become gluttons, to the detriment of their physique and mental qualities. It goes without saying that with children who have a hereditary or congenital disposition to gluttony, it can be even worse. But a reasonable educator can take these circumstances into account, especially if he recognizes the presence of such inclinations through chirognomic signs.

Children who have a congenital tendency to the mentioned defect have hands whose fingers at the third member are very thick, short and sit on hands that seem swollen, fat and reddish...

Now we come to the worst of vices: the desire to appropriate someone else's goods. There are children in whom the inclination to desire to possess is so intense, and the restraint of the will is so small, that even the consciousness of injustice does not restrain them from turning into their property what they like.

If the fingers of a child’s hand are long, dry and thin, there are knots, and the fingernails and fingernails end in a scapula, then this is certainly a sign of deceit. Tendencies towards theft should be sought on the Mount of Mercury. In such cases it is soft, quite prominent at the base of the little finger, developed and cut by numerous lattice-like intersecting lines.

If, in addition, the child we are considering has very mobile eyes, his uncertain gaze wanders and is not able to bear the strong gaze of another, then we can assume that the tendency to the mentioned deficiency is evident. Especially if the above-mentioned signs include a sharp chin, half-closed eyelashes, light eyebrows and round shoulders.

To overcome this moral weakness, you must first of all pay attention to raising the child’s moral concepts. You should never forget that this tendency can later become mania (kleptomania).

With this we end the palmistry of the child's hand, which in connection with the type system

Natalia Kolesnichenko
Child's health is in the hands of adults

"Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations of physical, moral and intellectual development personalities baby", says the Russian Law "On Education." Many parents cannot serve as an example healthy lifestyle because they often drink and smoke. Many parents have no idea how to introduce child to healthy image life. He needs clean water, clean air, proper nutrition, friendly psychological climate. Irritation adults mechanically switches to baby. Therefore, we need to smile more and give joy to each other.

Adults must protect children's body from harmful influences, create conditions for increasing the body's defenses. Properly organize your daily routine and walks. Children should walk for at least two hours twice a day, regardless of the weather.

U baby it is necessary to develop interest in health improvement own body. If baby forcefully encourage him to exercise, he will quickly lose interest in it.

The principle of “do no harm” should be the basis of development baby. After all, “early learning” leads to overload and provokes neuroses. Preparation for school in kindergarten is carried out not only in speech development and mathematics classes, but also in physical education classes. Plays a big role play activity children. The better child play in role-playing games, the more successful you are at school the child will study. If we want to see baby healthy- it needs to be hardened. Minimum hardening involves air and water procedures and properly selected clothing. When hardening, immunity increases due to an increase in the production of interferon in the body. Therefore, hardening should be a family affair.

Publications on the topic:

“Our health is in our hands!” Short term project Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution « Kindergarten general developmental type No. 3 with priority implementation of activities.

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OD on ecology “The health of the planet is in our hands” (senior group) OD on ecology “The health of the planet is in our hands” (senior group) Goal: to create a desire to help adults when working in nature, desire.

Project “Our health is in our hands” Slide 1 Dear colleagues. I present to your attention the project “Our health is in our hands. Slide 2 To get health, you don’t have to go far.

Health saving project “Health is in our hands” The health of the child is above all, the wealth of the earth will not replace it. You can't buy health, no one can sell it. Take care of him like your heart, like your eyes.

Project on healthy lifestyle in the senior group “Health is in our hands” Healthy lifestyle project in senior group“Health is in our hands” Project on healthy lifestyle in the senior group “Health is in our hands” Relevance of the topic Samaya.

Project “Children’s health is in our hands” Type of project Educational - game Name of the project “Children’s health is in our hands” Project participants: children, parents, physical instructor.

Project passport. Project type: information-practice-oriented Duration: short-term Implementation period: 2 months (from 04/03/2017.

The more an adult carries the baby in his arms - with the correct support of the child and in different positions - the easier it is for him to later cope with the sling. Through carrying in our arms we learn to understand and feel the child, his body, and our own body too. This gives us confidence in our abilities, which is already half the success when mastering a sling.

There are quite a few positions for carrying a baby in your arms*. But we won’t talk about all of them now. Let's look at lifting the baby from the surface and the four main positions that are important when mastering a sling with a newborn.

We take the child in our arms**
Step one. We grab the child under the arms in this way: thumbs Both hands of an adult are on the child’s chest, palms are under the back, fingers hold the head under the back of the head, forearms tightly cover the body.

Step two. You can turn the baby on its side, especially if the baby is heavy.

Step three. We put the child on the shoulder. From this position we can easily move it to other positions

1. Position on the shoulder. The child lies with the chest and upper part of the tummy on the adult’s shoulder. The arms are behind the adult's neck, the head and arms hang freely. This position stimulates the baby to raise his head, is good for releasing swallowed air, and is also respected by those who like to look around :) Actually, we don’t wear it like that in a sling, but at the stage of “packing” the baby into the sling and when taking it out of it, it is irreplaceable.

An adult can support a child in several ways: a) along the upper part of the back, palm under the armpit, closest to the adult’s neck, forearm - along the shoulder blades; b) under the arm, farthest from the adult’s neck; c) any of these methods + the second hand under the butt or on the knees for additional insurance. The child lies very securely in this position, so one hand is often sufficient. Nevertheless, do not forget to be careful.

2. "Lullaby". The child is turned with his stomach towards his mother, the body is located slightly diagonally (the head is higher than the butt), the child’s neck “fits” into the elbow bend, the head is slightly tilted back.
IMPORTANT! The child's head, neck, back and pelvis are supported with one hand, the second is a safety hand for more reliable support. The weight-bearing arm can also support the child by the hip.

ERROR! It is unacceptable to hold the baby's head with one hand and the body with the other. Incorrect movement with such support can lead to injury to the baby's cervical spine.
ERROR! Often, it is not the neck, but the top of the child’s head that is placed in the crook of the elbow. With such support, the supporting arm does not support the entire back, it is uncomfortable and difficult to wear, the head “rolls” literally over the entire forearm of the adult.

3. "Reverse cradle". The position of the child is similar to the position in the “cradle”. The child's head lies in the palm of the adult's supporting hand, the body is supported by the forearm, and the pelvis by the elbow.

This is how we intercept the child from a simple “cradle” into a “reverse cradle”.

4. Vertically belly to belly. The child's head is at the level of an adult's collarbone or higher, the body is between the mother's breasts (for the father - on the chest, in the middle), the legs are under the chest, apart at an angle comfortable for the child, raised above the butt. One hand (palm and forearm) of an adult supports the child under the opposite armpit and along the shoulder blades, this is the main support, and the second hand is under the knees. (I can’t say that our photo is perfect: our knees are a bit low.)