Causes of early aging of the placenta during pregnancy. Premature maturation of the placenta. Factors That Trigger Premature Aging

What happens at 35 weeks with a baby and mom

By the 35th week of gestation, a pregnant woman begins to experience many not very pleasant sensations. Since most of the stages of fetal development have already passed, the increasing weight of the baby influences the woman's feelings.

Constantly something injects, hurts or crushes, fatigue torments. Therefore, it is highly undesirable to work during this period. Need to issue maternity leave and more time to rest and prepare for childbirth, collect the necessary things in the hospital, equip a place for the baby in the house, study the technique.

  1. 35 weeks pregnant: how many months
  2. Baby's height and weight
  3. 35 weeks pregnant with twins
  4. Breech presentation of the fetus
  5. Uterine tone
  6. Childbirth in the thirty-fifth week of pregnancy
  7. Allocations
  8. What happens to mom at this time

35 weeks pregnant: how many months is it?

35 obstetric week pregnancy and corresponds to the 8th month.

If you follow the calculations made by obstetricians-gynecologists, then pregnancy lasts not 9, but 10 months, because the countdown begins not from the moment, but from the beginning of the next monthly cycle. If you use the “household” calendar, pregnancy lasts a little more than 9 months.

35 weeks pregnant: baby's height and weight

Childbirth at 35 weeks gestation

Is it possible to give birth at 35 weeks of pregnancy? Actually, it is useless for nature to ask this question. If the baby has decided that it is time to be born, you need to help him and the mother go through this process as sparingly as possible.

The expectant mother should be extremely attentive to her feelings. If on 35 weeks lower abdomen hurts, as well as the so-called "omission" of the abdomen, it's time to cook.

Other signs:

  • the stomach turns to stone at 35 weeks of gestation;
  • diarrhea at 35 weeks gestation.

Toilet trips are becoming suspiciously frequent. Not that there is real diarrhea - just a noticeable loosening of the stool. So the mother's body is "cleansed" in preparation for childbirth. The urge to urinate increases as the fetus presses on the bladder.

Has your belly dropped? This means that there is not much left before the birth. Moreover, if during the first pregnancy this precursor of childbirth appears in a week or more, then in the case of the second, 4-5 days may pass from abdominal prolapse to the moment of childbirth.

This sign premature birth is noticeable not only to doctors, but also to the woman herself, and to those around her. The pregnant woman notes that it suddenly became easier for her to breathe, and at the same time she developed frequent urinary incontinence. Relatives say that visually the stomach is lower than it was a day or two before.

The woman's gait changes: due to the shift in the center of gravity, she becomes "duck". The likelihood of falls increases. Everything that happens speaks of the approach of childbirth. In addition, a pregnant woman may notice a decrease in weight: up to 1.5 kg. This is due to the release of excess fluid.

A woman at this time should be ready for possible childbirth.

Sex at 35 weeks pregnant

At 35 weeks, doctors do not prohibit having sex. Moreover, they even recommend it if the woman is doing well. Orgasm helps to normalize hormonal levels and improve mood, and also has a positive effect on the state of all systems and functions of the body.

True, if at 35 weeks of pregnancy the lower abdomen pulls and there are other unpleasant sensations or discharge, you need to wait with having sex and see a doctor as soon as possible.

Discharge at 35 weeks gestation

Light, fairly abundant discharge is the norm. The appearance of yellowish discharge in combination with a runny nose, sore throat may indicate a cold at 35 weeks of gestation. Distinctly yellow or greenish discharge indicates the development of an infectious disease of the genitourinary tract.

Brown discharge, mucous discharge, and even more so - the appearance of blood should be alerted. They indicate the need for urgent medical attention. Any discharge with an admixture of blood is a danger to the life of the baby, and mucous discharge in large quantities may turn out to be a cork. Take a look at the photo of what the cork looks like.

White discharge is a well-known symptom of thrush. Treatment of thrush must be carried out in order to exclude infection of the child during the passage of the birth canal.

What can bother a woman at 35 weeks

A perfectly smooth pregnancy is rare. Usually, by the end of the gestation period, various unpleasant symptoms appear:

  • haemorrhoids;
  • pain in the right hypochondrium.

High blood pressure may periodically disturb. What to do in such cases? If you often notice that your legs are swollen, you need to pass a urine test. ... Then the doctor may prescribe kanephron or other drugs to relieve the condition, as well as weak diuretics.

Often lead to hemorrhoids. It is necessary to find suitable suppositories for its treatment. With pain in the right hypochondrium (often combined with heartburn), it is necessary to establish a diet: eat a little 6-7 times a day. Such a diet will help eliminate the unpleasant symptom.

Nausea and vomiting, as well as a sharp increase in pressure, require immediate consultation with a doctor. The cause of this condition may be the development of preeclampsia, which is very dangerous. Specialist supervision is necessary and, most likely, bed rest.

By the 35th week, a woman is already looking forward to the end of the gestation period. She was tired, because it is not easy to constantly experience colossal overload. A little more than a month remains - and your little blood will be born. Or maybe everything will happen earlier - and you need to be ready for this.

You have already crossed the line of the eighth month of pregnancy, there are only a few weeks left before the baby is born, some five more weeks and you will be able to hold your baby in your arms. The toddler continues to grow, gain weight and prepare for life outside the tummy.

Fetal development

At this stage of the baby's development, there are several strokes left in the improvement of his body. All organs have already formed, the whole organism works harmoniously and harmoniously. The adrenal glands began to monitor the water-salt and mineral balance in the body.

In order for the baby to fully mature and be ready for life outside the womb, he needs to gain the necessary weight, accumulate subcutaneous fat to regulate body temperature. This week, the baby's nervous and urinary system continues to form.

This week of pregnancy, all the baby's forces are focused on the accumulation of fat and muscle tissue. Its weight is increasing by 220 grams every week. Now he weighs about 2600 grams, and is 48 cm tall. Of course, these figures are average, since everything depends on the genes and personality of the baby. In general, each baby is individual in its own way, each with a different height, weight, facial features, skin. The only thing that all babies have the same is the color of the eyes (gray-blue), but they will also change when the babies are born.

The baby's skin is completely smooth, pale pink, the hairline has completely disappeared from the body. The body continues to round up due to the build-up of subcutaneous fat, this week the shoulders are well rounded.

If the baby has not previously taken the correct position for childbirth, for many women it turns around this week of pregnancy. The child presses his head, lowers his shoulders and turns his head down. The baby has very little space in the uterus, he moves less and every movement is very perceptible for the expectant mother. Although the baby is cramped, and he is in an inverted position, he is very comfortable with his mother in the stomach. What cannot be said about the expectant mother, now it is not easy for her.

Sensations at 35 weeks gestation

Due to the fact that in most cases the baby has already turned head down, one event begins to delight the mother - shortness of breath has decreased, since the child does not press so hard on the diaphragm. And if he has not yet turned, the tummy is so large that it continues to press on the diaphragm. In some cases, because of this, a woman feels severe shortness of breath, a feeling that she will suffocate now. In this case, get into a pose on all fours, gently inhale and exhale. This will help relieve shortness of breath, normalize breathing and relieve fetal pressure on the diaphragm. In this position, you give all your organs the opportunity to take a break from the constant stress of the abdomen.

The size of the belly seems to you just huge, you can't even see your legs. Fatigue and aching pain in the back and legs continues to overwhelm you. By this time of pregnancy, you have already found your own individual exercises and ways to remove fatigue and reduce pain. To lift your mood and prepare your body for childbirth, continue to do breathing and regular exercises, get more rest.

In nutrition, you also need to be careful, as now heartburn may continue, which constantly torments you. Try to remove fatty smoked foods from your diet. Also, get used to drinking less after six in the evening, thus you will go to the toilet less at night, which will improve your sleep. And if there is swelling of the legs, it will go away.

You are already used to wiggling the baby, now they have changed a little. The baby is already very cramped, there is not enough space, and because of this, the movements became no longer in the form of a blow, but as if rolling. Continue to monitor the amount of movement your baby is making.

Dangers during this period

Placenta previa may be dangerous this week of pregnancy. That is, when the placenta is not properly attached to the uterus and part of it blocks the birth canal. Most often in this position, the placenta is located on early dates pregnancy, and then takes the correct position. This location of the placenta speaks of pathology, more often it occurs in women who have previously undergone a cesarean section and in women over 35 years old. The probability of misalignment of the placenta occurs in 1 woman in 180. It is dangerous that bleeding may open during childbirth and in the last months of pregnancy.

The discharge this week of pregnancy remains the same as during the entire pregnancy. If the discharge has become more mucous, this may indicate that the plug has begun to move away, which leads to premature birth. Also, any bleeding should worry you, in which case, be sure to consult a doctor.

Analyzes and examinations

You now see your doctor every week.

  • Blood and urine tests remain the standard procedure.
  • Also, the doctor will measure the volume of the abdomen, blood pressure, weight.
  • This week, with an additional analysis, the doctor prescribes a test to identify group B streptococcus.
  • If the child is lying incorrectly or there is some pathology of the placenta, the doctor may prescribe an additional ultrasound scan to identify the pathology and to decide on the upcoming birth.

Examples of ultrasound photos

Get some rest, pay more attention to yourself, a lot of rest won't hurt you. But, also do not forget about the walk in the fresh air.

Also consider preparing for young parents. It is better to go to them with the future dad, because he also needs to prepare for the fact that he will soon become a dad and morally tune in to this, remove his fears.

Of course, you really want to know exactly when you will give birth, but the doctor will not be able to tell you this. Some give birth at 37 weeks, and some women care until 40 weeks of gestation. Relax and just wait, when the time comes, your baby wants to be born, he will be born.

You should have your maternity hospital bag already packed. And decide for yourself in the event of the onset of labor, how you will get to the hospital, at different times of the day, so that you are not caught off guard by contractions. You should already be fully prepared to go to the hospital at any time.


The main thing is that now drive away all fears about childbirth, do not be alone with them, share them with family members. It's time to fully prepare mentally for childbirth. And remember, because soon you will give life to another person in this world.


At the 35th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother is increasingly thinking about what her baby will be like. To send thoughts in a positive direction, it is worth signing up for, where the expectant mother can learn a lot of important and useful information about pregnancy, the process of childbirth and how to properly care for the baby, as well as talk on "burning" topics with women like her in a position.

Such courses are conducted by psychologists, obstetricians-gynecologists, pediatricians, consultants on breastfeeding... Depending on the program, the expectant mother will be able to learn an anesthetic massage that will help to give birth without pain, correct organization breastfeeding.

Also, it is at such courses that you can often hear doctors who can take childbirth. Some of them come to lecture at such courses, and sometimes the courses are held right on the territory of the maternity hospital, which allows you to get acquainted with the internal charter of such a closed institution, ask its employees all the questions of interest and get important and comprehensive answers.


At 35 weeks of gestation, the fundus of the uterus is located at a distance of 35 cm from the pubic articulation, the head of the fetus with a cephalic presentation is located at the entrance to the pelvis. The child has already grown up enough, and although he is not so active due to the constraint in movements, on average, he must give his signal once an hour. Prolonged lack of movement of the baby is a signal for a visit to the doctor.

During this period, the expectant mother can periodically pull the stomach, and strain, and then relax the uterus. These are contractions Braxton Hicks- a kind of training of the uterus for childbirth. Braxton Hicks contractions, unlike true labor pains, are rare and irregular. Contractions last up to a minute, can be repeated after 4-5 hours. False contractions are painless. A walk or a warm bath can help completely Relieve the discomfort with a walk or a warm bath.

Also, at 35 weeks of gestation, a woman often has to get up at night to go to the bathroom. Frequent urination associated with a decrease in the volume of the bladder as a result of squeezing it by an enlarged uterus. In order not to wake up again, it is better to drink less liquid at night.


The thirty-fifth week of pregnancy ends the eighth (calendar) month of pregnancy. It won't be long before the baby is fully ready for life outside the womb. Now its length is about 46 cm, weight - about 2500 g.

Fat continues to be deposited in the baby's subcutaneous fatty tissue, due to which his skin becomes more and more smoothed and pale. Also, on the baby's skin, there is less and less vellus hair and original lubricant, now they remain in the area of ​​the natural folds of the baby's body. And the folds are becoming more and more, so in the area of ​​the joints on the arms and legs, under the buttocks and around the neck, they are already quite noticeable. Cheeks The cheeks have become noticeably rounded, due to which the face has acquired soft childish features.

The baby's nails have grown and practically cover the nail beds, the striation of the feet also continues to increase, the hair grows and accumulates pigment. The eyes remain closed most of the time, the iris gradually acquires a genetically determined color.

All organs of the fetus are almost ready to carry out their functions. In the lungs, the amount of surfactant increases again, contributing to the preservation of the airiness of the organ during breathing, meconium accumulates in the intestines, which will be released several hours after the birth of the child.

The 35th week of pregnancy is characterized by intensive development of the adrenal glands. These endocrine glands are located above the upper poles of the kidneys and are responsible for the production of hormones that regulate water-salt and mineral metabolism. In the adrenal cortex, active substances begin to be produced that mobilize the body during periods of stress.


Pregnancy is not only a physical stress for the body, but also colossal. The expectant mother asks herself a lot of questions, to which she often cannot find an answer. Mood often changes: a kind and cheerful state can suddenly be replaced by apathy and despondency, and the state of health and the reflection in the mirror are not very happy.

The baby takes on its real outlines on the surface of the abdomen: either his handle, or his leg, or his ass protrude through the skin and the expectant mother can almost touch him. This helps her to realize her future parenthood, to understand to whom she reads fairy tales and sings lullabies, with whom she talks when she is scared or lonely.

Many expectant mothers complain about distraction and forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating on important issues. This condition will pass after childbirth, but what is there, when the baby appears, each mother becomes just a walking encyclopedia.


35 weeks pregnant - if the figure of the scales has long passed the permissible mark, most likely, the doctor will recommend a diet that will bring the weight back to normal and improve well-being.

The main thing in the diet for expectant mothers is not to cut back on portions, but to eat less high-calorie meals, eat more often and in small portions.

By replacing high-calorie foods in your menu with foods with the light sign, you will gain fewer kilograms, and the body will receive the same amount of vitamins and microelements.

Low-fat dairy products or those with a low percentage of its content - up to 0.5 - can help. They are also useful, but do not allow you to get better, however, provided that no starch has been added to them. Therefore, do not forget to carefully read the labels and composition.

Be careful with sugar and sugary water. Better to drink mineral water without gas, green tea, decoctions of herbs. They are rich in vitamins, minerals and enzymes that strengthen the immune system.

Fall in love with unsweetened oatmeal for a gentle and natural bowel cleanse every day. Is it difficult to eat porridge without sugar? Add jam, preserves or defrosted berries to it - it will just be delicious.

Pay attention to muesli - they do not contain fat and sugar, but there are many trace elements that not only normalize metabolism, but also help vitamins to be absorbed.


At the 35th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother may experience - causing severe pain, the calf muscle, located on the back of the lower leg, contracts. The most common causes of seizures are poor circulation in the legs and a deficiency of calcium, magnesium, potassium or vitamin B6 in the body. The consumption of these microelements increases in the body of the expectant mother. Also, sometimes seizures are associated with a decrease in blood glucose levels, which is also important during pregnancy, because glucose is the main energy source and is actively spent not only for the needs of the pregnant body, but also for the life of the baby.

For the prevention of seizures, you can do light massage, stroking, rubbing. At night, you can wear warm socks, take cover warm blanket... An excellent means of preventing seizures is cold and hot shower- it should be taken in the morning and in the evening.

One of the companions of a pregnant woman. It is difficult enough to find a comfortable sleeping position due to the enlarged belly. Lying on your back is not recommended, as the uterus presses on the inferior vena cava, and circulatory problems are created, both in the mother and in the child, the position on the right side is preferable. Sometimes a pillow placed under your belly or between your legs helps to get comfortable. Often at night, a pregnant woman is disturbed by the need to go to the toilet, satisfy hunger or anxious thoughts about childbirth and future life with the baby.

In the third trimester of pregnancy - a complex and multi-component symptom. If the expectant mother is simply prone to edema physiologically, consumes a lot of fluids and does not follow a diet with a minimum amount of salt, the edema may not pose a threat to her health. However, if the swelling is accompanied by a headache, increased blood pressure and protein in the urine - this may be a sign of late toxicosis of pregnant women, with such symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor.


There are no tests required at 35 weeks of gestation. Most often, all ultrasounds have already been done, and if the next visit to this time comes, the doctor will examine the expectant mother, weigh her, measure her stomach, measure her pressure. If before that, urine and blood tests have already been taken, then the doctor will make the necessary conclusions about the course of pregnancy based on them.


Think about v you will give birth: the classic maternity position "lying on your back" is now losing its leading position and more and more maternity hospitals offer vertical or water births. It is important to study this issue, both in the context of the technical security of the maternity hospital, and to find out from your doctor what he thinks about this, whether he has practiced such types of delivery.

Don't forget that it's time to get ready and purchase necessary for the baby... And there are not so few of them, so get ready that you will be busy with this process seriously enough. Among what you will definitely need is a crib, a stroller, a bath, diapers, clothes for crumbs, baby cosmetics, bed linen, a mattress, diapers, diapers, a mobile for a crib. If the family has their own car, consider purchasing a child car seat.


Obstetricians consider the weeks of pregnancy differently than expectant mothers do. By default, doctors include exactly 4 weeks per month, so for a period of 35 it is 8 months and 3 weeks for them. And for ordinary people, this is the beginning of the final ninth month of pregnancy. Such differences are due to different ways in calculations, as well as the average value of the duration of the female cycle - 28 days (exactly 4 weeks).

The obstetric period begins when the woman had the first day of the last critical days. This is due to the appearance of a new egg, which later turned out to be fertilized. If you add 280 days to this date (exactly 10 "obstetric months"), you get the day of the expected birth. Women usually adhere to simple calendar, as a result of which the statement appeared that 9 months, although doctors always consider exactly 40 weeks.

At this time, with the normal course of pregnancy, the height of the uterus above the navel is 15 cm.In this case, the distance from the uterus to pubic symphysis- about 35 cm. The belly this week seems to be as large as possible, even relative to the last month of the term. The navel usually sticks out, and the strip of skin underneath towards the pubis becomes much darker than before. The chest may also begin to ache, and small whitish discharge will appear from the nipples.

From the beginning of conception, the woman had to gain 12-13 kg, and the child had already acquired a little adipose tissue. Mom's health is getting worse, she wants more time to rest. The lower abdomen may pull a little, and minor discharge is also considered normal. The stomach may itch, which should help a good moisturizer. Also, the stomach can become stony, become hard. If there is no discharge or severe lower back pain, then everything is in order. Otherwise, it may indicate an impending birth.

This period is characterized by shortness of breath, shortness of breath, back pain, a state of constant fatigue and very frequent trips to the toilet (every 40-60 minutes). Hormones have long since returned to normal and do not affect mood, but a woman this week is prone to irritation and bouts of sadness. This is caused by both emotional and physical fatigue from pregnancy.

At the same time, the kid on an ultrasound scan looks like normal healthy child... But the fluff that had covered his body all the previous months should have completely disappeared over the past week. Hair appears on the head, and on the fingers has already grown quite long nails... Remnants of bile have accumulated in the intestines of the fetus, amniotic fluid and skin particles that will come out with feces after the baby is born.

Due to the large size of the baby, this week the uterus begins to drop down a little. For this reason, the woman may feel the contractions of the uterus, and the obstetrician will observe a slight false cervical dilatation. Such false contractions last up to 2 minutes and are quite palpable, although not as painful as in real childbirth. Insomnia may also return during this period.

Description of 35 weeks: development of the fetus and the mother's body

In case of premature birth this week, the child will be able to exist without special devices. His respiratory system is already fully formed, the lungs can consume oxygen themselves. Under normal pregnancy, the baby is about 45 cm tall and weighs 2.5 kg. From this time on, he will gain adipose tissue and gain 200-220 g per week.

The skeleton is formed, but the bones of the skull are still a little soft and may deform. It is so necessary that during childbirth the child can calmly go outside. With a sufficient amount of calcium in the mother's body, the baby has already grown nails, with which he can accidentally scratch himself while in the uterus.

At 35 weeks, the fetus is in the “correct” position for the future labor process: it is turned head down and facing towards the mother's back. In this position, he will stay until the very birth, therefore, in the event of an incorrect position after the ultrasound scan, the obstetrician will already know about the peculiarities of the child's position and will be ready for this during childbirth. The risk of complications due to incorrect fetal position is now practically reduced to zero.

The baby is already quite cramped inside, so his legs are strongly bent at the knees. He is almost motionless, but sometimes he still shows signs of life and can hit his arm or leg against the walls of the uterus, and the mother can not only feel it, but also see. But in general, there is less perturbation than before.

The adrenal glands of the child already produce hormones themselves, thanks to which the water-salt and mineral balance is maintained in the baby's body. The child is already different from others of his own kind: his face may already resemble one of the parents. The baby's skin is smoothed, acquiring a light pink tint.

Not only the baby becomes cramped, but also the internal organs of the mother. Under the baby's weight, the uterus compressed the stomach, bladder, diaphragm and lungs. By the end of the week, the uterus will begin to descend, and the woman will breathe easier again, but she will have to endure for several days. If at some point it becomes too uncomfortable, you need to get into the "cat pose" on all fours and stand like that for a couple of minutes - it will be much easier to breathe.

At 35 weeks, the breast of the expectant mother is enlarged, the mammary glands are activated. Because of this, unpleasant sensations arise. Within the normal range, there will be a slight appearance of white discharge and a milky odor from the nipples. The mother's body is almost ready for the birth of the baby.

If, under the weight of the baby, the uterus sank down, and the false contractions at some point do not weaken, but intensify, you should urgently go to the hospital - this week childbirth may begin. So at the beginning of the week it will not be superfluous to pack up a bag and instruct the future father. If the training contractions have died down, then everything is in order. Within 35 weeks, they can go on for several days in a row, until the stomach finally sinks.


Since the baby is already quite large, both mother and child need a sufficient amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. At this stage of pregnancy, you can take a blood test and ask your doctor to prescribe a vitamin complex. For expectant mother there is still a lack of iron and calcium, protein and healthy fats are required.

The menu must include every day:

  • Dairy products (preferably cottage cheese and hard cheese);
  • Rye bread made from wholemeal flour (high in iron and fiber);
  • Iron-rich organ meats: liver and heart (preferably beef or chicken);
  • Healthy fats (red fish, vegetable oils);
  • Spinach and other greens (they are also rich in iron);
  • At least 2 servings of fresh vegetables per day (in winter it is better to give preference to frozen ones - they have more vitamins).

Due to the high risk of edema at this stage, it is better not to drink too much water (optimally about 1 liter per day). You shouldn't eat a lot of salty and sweet foods. Salty includes both the excessive use of salt itself during cooking, and the use of salted or pickled vegetables. This also includes all "purchased" snacks in the form of chips, crackers and nuts. As a sweet, you can eat natural sugars (fruits, dried fruits, berries), but it is better to refrain from pastries and cakes, as well as milk chocolate and bars. If there is no tendency to edema, then you can still eat these products in small quantities.

Also, at 35 weeks, it is undesirable to eat all types of cabbage and legumes, since in the last trimester, pregnant women are prone to bloating. Due to the fact that the fetus presses heavily on internal organs, it can be difficult for a woman to eat. It should be eaten 6-7 times a day in very small portions. In addition, having developed this habit this week, it may be easier for a woman to regain weight after childbirth.

If, due to discomfort, she does not want to eat, the woman should still overpower herself. The child needs building material more than ever, so his further development almost entirely depends on the mother's menu. At the same time, a woman is prone to heartburn, so it is better to choose foods that will not provoke this phenomenon.

It is important to move more. Don't bother yourself with serious physical activities but sitting in one position can make a woman's sensations worse. Once every half hour, you should walk for at least 7-10 minutes. In the evenings, it is worth taking a walk in the fresh air. It is important this week to keep in touch with the baby's father and prepare him for the arrival of a new family member. For a man, this can be a lot of stress, so now is the time to prepare the future father.

You can't get very tired, so before walking in the park or walking long distances (for example, buying food for a week in a hypermarket), you should make sure that there is somewhere to sit. To relieve lower back pain, you can do pelvic rotations several times a day. Acupuncture foot mats also have a beneficial effect on the entire body. Also, to facilitate the physical condition of a woman, you should not walk without a good bandage, and even at home. And to relieve the discomfort caused by breast enlargement, you can already start wearing a nursing bra.

This week is a high time to go to preparatory courses, especially if the expectant mother has not done it before. Ideally, these should be paired classes. There they will definitely tell and show how to use a fitball - doctors in every possible way praise its use for pregnant women. Fitball helps relieve back pain and is an excellent breathing trainer during childbirth. It is recommended to use it daily.

To cope with insomnia, in addition to regular walking, it is important to take the correct position on the bed. At 35 weeks, a special pregnancy pillow or several rollers will be very useful. Sleeping on your back now and until the end of pregnancy is not recommended, so a woman should sleep on her side with pillows as much as possible for general comfort. Apply sleeping pills or drink herbal infusions it is possible only after the recommendation of a doctor and in no case self-medicate.

At this stage, the woman is prone to all sorts of anxiety, so it is important to isolate herself from stress as much as possible. You should watch only good kind films, read books on parenting or fairy tales, go shopping in search of children's things. The support of loved ones is very important, so that a woman in no case should be silent if she is worried about something. Mom's company or close friend can perfectly cheer you up and make you let go of all worries.

After 35 weeks there is a risk of premature birth. A woman must collect a bag, decide on a maternity hospital and leave instructions to relatives. It will not be superfluous to draw up an approximate list of products for a week, so that after the hospital the husband can go to the store himself.

With regard to sex, this question should be left before going to the doctor. For half of women, it is contraindicated at this stage, and for the other half, there are no restrictions in this regard. In any case, only an obstetrician-gynecologist, based on all the features of the course of pregnancy, can make an unambiguous decision.

Fetal development ultrasound

An ultrasound scan at week 35 is done mainly in order to determine the types of childbirth: with the help caesarean section or naturally. In addition to the parameters of the woman in labor, this is mainly influenced by the position of the fetus. The doctor looks to see if he is lying correctly and if there is an umbilical cord entanglement.

Also, this procedure should warn the doctor if a woman has a placenta previa. Women after 30 years of age are prone to this phenomenon, as well as those who have not had this for the first time. In the early stages of pregnancy, presentation is common, but if in the last stages it has not risen and has not taken the correct position, then this can cause complications during childbirth. As a result, the placenta lies in the birth canal and bleeding may occur during labor. If the doctor identifies such a problem during an ultrasound scan, then this may be an indication for a cesarean section.

Also, the doctor examines the heart rate of the child, evaluates his physical activity. One of the important indicators is the maturity of the placenta: at 35 weeks it has a second degree. This indicator affects the natural process of childbirth, since when normal development placenta delivery will begin on time. Over time, its resources decrease, which is a signal for the body to give birth.

Someone asks for an ultrasound scan to finally determine the gender of the baby. If at earlier stages it was not possible to determine this, then it is unlikely to succeed now. Due to the low mobility of the fetus, it is in a static position and can close its genitals from the ultrasound machine. But modern technologies offer the option of 3D ultrasound, when future parents see not a black and white screen, but an almost color image. This procedure allows you to see the real face of the baby. And thanks to the fact that by this week individual characteristics are already formed, you can see which parent the child looks like.

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All of the baby's organs are fully functional and ready for birth. The kid has grown another 1 cm and is now the size of a jackfruit. Just a little more and the child will go down. And mom will breathe much easier.

Sensations at 35 weeks gestation

A woman this week may be experiencing severe contractions, and their frequency is increasing every day. The spasms occur in the upper part of the uterus.

All also continue to disturb the pain in the chest and pelvis. The uterus grows upward, pressing on the stomach and adjacent organs. The woman still has heartburn and belching. Breathing is hard and shortness of breath occurs after exercise. Another week and the stomach will go down - the woman will feel much easier.

As a result of disturbed intestinal motility, the expectant mother is worried about constipation. The child presses on the bladder and the woman has to go to the toilet often. For the same reason, her sleep is disturbed, it is more and more difficult to find a comfortable position. You cannot sleep on your back, it is advisable to lie on your left side.

The baby is no longer pushing the mother so hard - there is less and less space in the uterus. He has his own daily routine. When the mother walks, she thereby rocks the baby in the stomach as in a cradle and he sleeps. Conversely, the child prefers active activities while the mother is resting.

Changes in mom's body at 35 weeks gestation

The belly has grown a lot and gives the expectant mother a lot of trouble. The huge uterus squeezed all the organs, propping up the stomach and flattening the lungs. There is very little left - at the end of this week, the stomach will go down and mom will be able to breathe in deeply.

The woman is no longer gaining weight as much as in previous weeks - an average of about 300 grams per week. The fundus of the uterus is determined 15 cm up from the navel and 35 cm above the pubic articulation. Increasingly, the expectant mother can feel false training contractions. Thus, the uterus prepares for the upcoming birth. Kegel exercises are still useful - they will help prevent tears during childbirth and make the process of delivery more enjoyable.

As a result of the shift in the center of gravity, the back and legs may ache, especially in the evening. Some mothers are concerned about leg swelling at the end of the day, which usually disappears in the morning.

There is already a lot of colostrum in the breast, which after the birth of the baby will become breast milk... The future mother already has more than 5 liters of blood, which is 1-1.5 liters more than usual.

Baby at 35 weeks

All organs and systems are already fully formed and functioning. The body functions as a whole. The child becomes more and more well-fed - the accumulation of adipose tissue continues. The fat layer during this period mainly grows in the shoulder area.

The size of the baby is already quite impressive, he has less and less space for vigorous activity. It is already easy to recognize which part of the body he protrudes. The child is not gaining weight so quickly, adding 200-250 grams weekly. The primary fluff rolls down on his body, the baby's skin becomes paler and paler.

Now the weight of the child is about 2400-2600 grams, and the height is somewhere around 46-47 cm. Most of the children have finally settled down in the mother's belly in the very position in which they are to be born.

What's new?

The kid has already taken the final position. Even if it does not lie with its head down, experienced obstetricians will cope with any difficulties. In addition, the following events take place this week:

  • all organs and systems are functioning;
  • by the end of the week, the child will take the final position in which he will have to be born;
  • the baby has a daily routine;
  • the child recognizes the sounds of music and voices;
  • the baby's visual and taste perceptions are improved.

A child born during this period is considered to be prematurely born. Such children are already able to breathe on their own.

External development of the fetus

The following events can be attributed to the external signs of a child's development at 35 weeks:

  • all parts of the baby's body are proportional to each other;
  • pale skin color, no redness;
  • the baby becomes round, accumulating subcutaneous fat (30 grams daily);
  • marigolds protrude above the phalanges of the fingers, the baby can even scratch himself;
  • cheeks and folds of skin appear;
  • the amount of lubricant decreases.

The unborn baby's eyes have a blue color, which will change a few months after birth.

Internal fetal development

Internal signs of fetal development at 35 weeks include the following phenomena:

  • the brain is fully formed;
  • all systems of the body are also formed;
  • there is an accumulation of fat under the skin;
  • the lungs are fully ripe.

The baby's bones and muscles become denser. The bones of the skull have not yet grown together, so they may be slightly deformed when passing through the birth canal. This greatly facilitates the birth process.

Weight gain at 35 weeks gestation

For a period of 35 weeks, a woman can gain about 200-400 grams weekly. By the end of 35 weeks, the expectant mother is gaining weight up to 12-13 kg. At the end of pregnancy, she weighs a maximum of 15-16 kg more than her usual weight.

Having learned the wonderful news that the family will soon have a pleasant replenishment, many women begin to worry if everything is in order with their analyzes, whether they will be able to easily and carelessly bear a child with some diseases.

Signs and symptoms of pregnancy at 35 weeks

Many women 35 weeks old may be concerned about the following symptoms:

  • pain in the pelvis, back, chest;
  • indigestion and constipation;
  • bleeding gums;
  • frequent urination;
  • shortness of breath, which will soon decrease as soon as the abdomen drops;
  • headache;
  • varicose veins;
  • intermittent sleep;
  • enlargement of the mammary glands, leakage of colostrum.

While walking, the pelvic region may become numb, which is explained by the pressure of the child on the nerve endings. At this time, there is a weakening of the pelvic ligaments and joints before childbirth.

What Happens to the Belly at 35 Weeks of Pregnancy

The belly is already big enough and gives mom a lot of inconvenience. Child props chest and it is sometimes hard for mom to breathe. At the end of this week, the stomach will drop down and the woman will feel much easier.

A dark line on the belly divides the belly into two halves. The navel protrudes outward.

The skin itches because it is severely stretched. To reduce itching, the skin is lubricated olive oil or a moisturizer for stretch marks.

The kid is no longer hitting and pushing his mother with such force as before. His movements are no longer so active due to the too small space. You can feel the hiccup of the baby. Usually, by 35 weeks, the baby has already settled down completely in the position in which he is going to be born.


At a period of 35 weeks, the size of the uterus reached 33-35 cm.From the pubic symphysis, the uterus rises by 35 cm and its upper point is 15 cm above the navel.

As the baby sinks lower and lower, moving down to the birth canal, the woman can feel the contractions of the uterus. In this case, the cervix will narrow, expand and open up to 10 cm. This causes the onset of contractions and very unpleasant sensations.


35 weeks is already quite a long time. Many pregnant women are familiar with the sensations of discomfort: pulling in the lower abdomen and pain in the legs. The baby is already big enough and it is already very cramped in his stomach. Therefore, the mother's belly is in a tense state. Some mothers have a kind of abdominal petrification. And plus to everything, swelling of the legs and a feeling of fatigue - all this can knock off your feet.

To avoid these symptoms, doctors advise following a number of the following recommendations:

  • you cannot be in one position, you need to walk every 10-20 minutes;
  • do not drink a lot of fluids to avoid swelling of the limbs;
  • in the morning and throughout the day, you should do a special exercise for pregnant women;
  • eat right and little during the day.

By the end of this week, mom will feel much more comfortable - her belly will begin to sink. It will become much easier for a woman to breathe, she will no longer have shortness of breath. But another problem will appear - the expectant mother will urinate even more often.

Discharge at 35 weeks gestation

The discharge is normally odorless, moderate, having a light or milky hue. Over a long period of time, the discharge may become more mucous. This is due to the fact that mucus can be secreted from the vagina, which covers the uterus throughout pregnancy.

Yellow or grey colour discharge, similar to cottage cheese, with a pungent odor should be the reason for contacting a doctor. This most likely indicates an infection of the genital tract. Most common reason such symptoms are thrush. After diagnosis, the doctor prescribes treatment. It is imperative to get rid of the disease, since there is a high probability of infection of the child during the passage through the birth canal.

Bloody discharge can be a sign of placental abruption. This condition is dangerous due to the occurrence of hypoxia in a child. Another reason for the appearance of blood from the vagina, as well as the appearance of watery discharge, is the onset of labor.

Necessary medical observations, analyzes and examinations

For a period of 35 weeks, the following tests are prescribed:

  • ultrasound examination, in which the state of the placenta, the amount of amniotic fluid and its quality, the height and weight of the child, its position in the uterus, the baby's heartbeat are assessed, the blood supply system is assessed;
  • blood test for AIDS;
  • blood chemistry;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • a smear from the vagina to assess the microflora on the eve of passing through the birth canal.

Once a week, a pregnant woman is required to visit a doctor. At the same time, the mother is measured blood pressure, weighed, measure the height of the fundus of the uterus and abdominal circumference, listen to the baby's heartbeat.


For a period of 35 weeks with sex, of course, it is better to wait. There is no need to bother the child, especially since the uterus is already preparing for the upcoming birth with might and main. Moreover, male sperm tends to relax the uterus and thereby stimulate the onset of labor. The genital tract is now very vulnerable and you can easily get an infection. Even if the sexual partners are protected.


An expectant mother at 35 weeks should not overeat. A fractional meal is recommended, distributing your diet so as to avoid unpleasant consequences. It is better to eat little by little, in small portions up to 6-7 times a day.

It is necessary to minimize the consumption of the following food products: baked goods and flour products, cakes, pastries and other sweets. A pregnant woman's menu should remind children's diet food - no fried, smoked and too salty foods. Do not eat foods allergic: dark chocolate, peanuts, citrus fruits in an immense amount. Seafood is also undesirable. A baby may develop allergies to these foods after birth. You can also not eat spicy food, exotic fruits. It is better to give preference to products known for the given area of ​​residence.

The expectant mother is recommended to consume as much fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals, soups and borscht in vegetable broth as possible. It is better to drink compotes, not strong tea, plain water, non-carbonated drinks. It is desirable to give preference to dairy and cultured milk products, low-fat fish and meat and other healthy foods.

You need to monitor your weight. And in order not to think about food all the time, it is better to plan the whole day so that there is time for a walk in the park, visiting antenatal clinic and courses on pregnancy and childbirth. It is better to entrust your relatives and friends to buy products.

What to do this week

  • make the last scheduled ultrasound scan, if the woman has not done it before;
  • attend courses to prepare for the upcoming birth;
  • decide on a maternity hospital and find out the rules for admission to it;
  • prepare all the documents that will be needed at the hospital;
  • collect things and documents in the hospital.

If the pregnant mom has not yet gone on maternity leave, it's time to do it.

Dangers and complications

At 35 weeks gestation, the following pregnancy complications may occur:

  • late toxicosis (high blood pressure, headaches and dizziness);
  • bloody vaginal discharge (placental abruption or previa);
  • polyhydramnios or low water.

The reason for all pathologies during pregnancy is various diseases expectant mother (anemia, kidney and vascular disease, as well as smoking during pregnancy, a large weight gain).

Weight during long periods of pregnancy must be carefully monitored. The maximum weight gain should not exceed 300 grams. The amount of liquid you drink should not exceed one and a half liters per day.

If you experience the above complications of pregnancy, you should consult a doctor. With such complications, a woman is usually put in inpatient department or maternity hospital.

At 35 weeks gestation, the following guidelines will be helpful:

  • you should protect yourself from stress and irritation;
  • it is necessary to maintain a positive attitude;
  • monitor the number of movements of the baby (10 times in 12 hours);
  • control your weight;
  • monitor the condition of the arms, legs and abdomen;
  • not standing on last weeks have sex to avoid infection of the birth canal or provoke labor;
  • try not to get sick with colds and other infections;
  • wear a bandage - a belt supporting the abdomen;
  • be in the fresh air more often;
  • sleep on the left side;
  • do not drink a lot of liquid at night;
  • it is recommended to make a list and prepare the necessary things and items for the hospital.

35 weeks of pregnancy is a long-awaited time of positive mood and confidence. It is better for an expectant mother to watch a good movie, listen to calm music, and she should not neglect her own vocals. Children always like their mother's songs and after birth they will be happy to listen to their mother's voice.

The end of pregnancy is about to come, so you should really enjoy this state. And complete confidence can be achieved in communicating with the same mothers by attending courses for women in childbirth.