Simple advent calendar. Waiting for the holiday: how to make an Advent calendar with your own hands and why you need it. How to make an Advent calendar with your own hands

Of course, you can buy such a calendar, but it is much more pleasant to make a waiting calendar with your own hands. We are sure that the children will be happy to take part in a creative search, throw up interesting ideas and help to implement them.

If the phrase "advent calendar" is new to you, we suggest reading our article. She will answer the question what is Advent. Introduces the history of advent calendars and Advent traditions. And, importantly, he will tell you how advent calendars help in the development of children.

And now, according to our tradition, we propose to look at a selection of new, original and easy-to-follow ideas for do-it-yourself advent calendars.

1. Advent calendar from boxes and rolls

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This advent calendar is like a big birdhouse. You don't have to go to the store to make it. Just look around and see boxes, paper towel rolls, or toilet paper... Small figurines of birds can be used as thematic presentations.

Another Advent calendar from boxes, which is shown in the first picture, you will find

2. Winter forest

If your family loves outdoor adventures, your child will love such an advent calendar made of colored paper and rolls: mountains, trees, a fire and a favorite dog.

3. Advent calendar "City"

With this waiting calendar, you can make a plan-map of your area and visit your friends for a whole month.

4. Advent calendar with your own hands in the form of Santa Claus

This Santa Claus is a great simulator for practicing scissor cutting skills.

5. Sweets for a sweet tooth

Advent calendar in the form of a garland of sweets. Small plastic boxes can be used to store sweets or small toys.

6. Advent calendar "Streets of the city"

Another opportunity to practice orientation on the ground. Make a school out of boxes or Kindergarten, shops and nearby houses. Take the shortest or longest route, for example, to a toy store.

7. Calendar of waiting from pompons in the bank

Such a simple waiting calendar is comparable to a daily one. affectionate word or good wishes... Glue strips of stickers onto the pom-poms and fold them into a small jar. Every day, the child will take out one pom-pom and read your little notes.

8. DIY Advent Calendar from a Big Box

Very cute and laconic boxes on which the date is written in chalk. Decorate the tree with them or spread them around the room. Or maybe you will play Zarnitsa every day and this cute present will be a treasure.

10. Advent calendar "Mini forest"

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Our review ends with such a mini-forest of boxes and small trees. He will cheer up anyone. Put funny erasers or sharpeners, tape measure, counting material in the boxes. Make sensory boxes or a set of sorters out of them. Any flight of fantasy.

3. Be sure to look large selection calendars in

Holidays are waiting for everyone, and the most anticipated holiday is, of course, New Year... And after him will come Christmas.

Winter holidays provide an opportunity to immerse yourself in a fairy tale, to feel the magical New Year's atmosphere.

Most of all, children want to bring New Year's festivities closer, but adults do not remain indifferent to these celebrations. And so that the children know exactly when the long-awaited Christmas will come, an Advent calendar was invented at the very beginning of the 19th century.

What is this Advent Calendar? it original calendar, which will remind every day of the approaching New Year, it provides for each day an individual task and a certain reward for its completion.

The Advent calendar is easy to make with your own hands, and how to fill it out and what gift ideas already exist - you will learn from this article.

New year advent calendar, photo

The holiday calendar was used in Catholic families; with its help, the days were counted until the onset of the great holiday - Christmas. The Advent calendar was packed with surprises for children, which they opened every day, starting from the first of December. The calendar contained extracts from scripture and small gifts. In addition, the children found sweet treats in the calendar - apples, tangerines, cookies, sweets.

In our country, such calendars began to be made not so long ago, but they are for short term became very popular.

You can buy a holiday calendar with gifts and treats in the store, but it's much more fun to make it yourself. The Christmas advent calendar is a classic option, but you can create a New Year's one too.

We will consider the subtleties of making such a calendar with surprises in the master class.

How to make a DIY New Year Advent calendar

To start work on making a homemade Advent calendar should, of course, be with an idea. You can find a large number of colorful holiday calendars with surprises and gifts, both for children and adults. Homemade masterpieces are admired for their beautiful design and a lot of original elements.

If you have the time and sewing skills and love creative work, this is the job for you. Choose the most interesting idea and start the creative process. With the effort and creativity, you can adapt any idea to fit your family.

Consider the most interesting options for those who like to do needlework: we also offer you to find out what an Advent calendar is and how to make it yourself.

If time is limited, and you want to make a holiday calendar, use easy-to-implement ideas that allow you to make presentable and cute crafts.

  1. Attach plain bags for wrapping gifts with tape to the panel.

    On a note! Use double-sided tape.

    Felt numbers (or on mini-plaques) will serve as a hint for which bag to open today. They are attached in a similar way.

  2. Plain white bags, a marker to draw numbers, and a base for placing envelopes (paper or cardboard) - these materials are enough to make a beautiful new year calendar... The assignments must be printed and placed inside along with the presents.
  3. To make another type of holiday gift calendar, you need a minimum of materials: identical bags, paper clips, clothespins and the main part - the base for the location, for example, a satin ribbon, strong thread or lace. We prescribe the numbers with a felt-tip pen or print them out, cut out and glue them to the envelopes. The bags are easy to make yourself out of paper. Choose a simpler template, cut and glue with scissors.
  4. Another simple option for making a New Year's gift calendar. You will need paper bags (opaque) and various decorative items such as cardboard Christmas trees, miniature stars or balls. Packages are sealed with clothespins, paper clips, tape or ribbons. Bags with presents can also be placed on a shelf in the children's room or made a composition of cones, spruce branches and other accessories corresponding to the theme of the New Year holidays.
  5. When creating a gift advent calendar, the materials at hand will be used: glasses, yogurt jars. The main thing is to choose identical packaging and supplement them with elements that will help make them festive: small toys, coniferous cones, walnuts... Use ribbons, cardboard figures for decoration. If the container does not have a lid, then the recess can be sealed with thin paper, which is easy to tear, or the contents of the cup can be packed.

Content for the New Year's calendar

The most important question: how to fill the New Year's calendar?

Sweet treats and a host of other things are used as content:

  • small gifts;
  • rhymes and songs dedicated to the winter theme;
  • tasks for kids for every day.

For filling pockets holiday calendar sweet treats that kids like will do. Don't put a large chocolate bar every day - just one piece of candy or another small treat will do.

If there is one child in the family, the task is simplified. To fill the Advent calendar, you will need 31 treats: put them all in sachets.

Advice: for new year's eve come up with a special surprise.

If the calendar is made for several children, then for one evening put identical sweet gifts for all. Observe this principle, both when making a calendar for each child, and one common to all.

Small presents are a great alternative to sweets. Gifts can help complete assignments. For example, put felt-tip pens, colored pencils, acrylic paints, New Year's stickers, cardboard sets, balloons, jars with soap bubbles. Any child will be delighted with such presents, and children will eagerly await the opening of the next package.

The calendar can be filled with rhymes on winter theme, small songs. But the most interesting thing will be if you put a small entertaining task in each pocket of the calendar. The children will be delighted with every surprise, all tasks will be completed with good mood in a relaxed atmosphere. From completing such tasks, surprises will be fun for everyone - both children and adults.

Older children will spend all the evenings of December, the winter month preceding the New Year, completing the tasks found in the holiday calendar. For small children from three to five years old, it is not worth thinking up a large number of problems - ten is enough.

Advice. Come up with tasks based on the age of the child, and invite him to do them every two to three days.


The order of execution of the tasks you have invented is set arbitrarily. Decide for yourself in which cell to place a particular task.

Advice. Tasks are more difficult for the holiday calendar, which counts the days until the New Year, put on the weekend, in case the child needs help in completing them.

Tasks can be thought up not only for small family members, but also for other household members. Making snowflakes Christmas decorations and watching New Year's movies together is much more interesting.

What tasks can you think of for the New Year's calendar? They can be very diverse: it all depends on your imagination, and of course, do not forget about the age of the child to whom they are intended.

Here are some Advent Calendar assignment ideas:

  1. To mold toys from plasticine to decorate the Christmas tree.
  2. Compose a letter to the residence of Santa Claus.
  3. Make New Year cards for older family members (most of all, grandparents will be delighted with such a gift).
  4. Draw a drawing on a winter theme.
  5. Make a snowman (if there is snow outside).
  6. Craft paper snowflakes.
  7. Decorate indoor windows.
  8. Inquire about New Year's traditions other countries, primarily neighboring ones.
  9. Learn a New Year's rhyme.
  10. Ask grandparents about where they spent new year holidays, where and with whom they celebrated.
  11. View or read a New Year's fairy tale.
  12. Make a bird feeder to feed the birds in winter, and hang it next to the window.
  13. Make a Christmas tree garland (you can use it to decorate a Christmas tree not only in the house, but also on the street).
  14. Help your grandmother in making sweet pastries.
  15. Make ice figures (pour water into balloons and place them in the freezer, and after they freeze, lay out paths in the yard with them). The figures can be colored.
  16. Take a walk on the street and blow bubbles during the walk.
  17. Draw a pet or the most memorable event of the past year.
  18. Decorate a Christmas tree.
  19. Help elders clean up before the winter holidays.
  20. Decorate your room for the New Year.
  21. Watch a cartoon about the New Year.
  22. Make a New Year's applique.
  23. Pack presents for relatives.
  24. If Santa Claus is expected to come, learn a winter song.
  25. Prepare little gifts for school friends.
  26. Make a mini Christmas tree with your own hands, for example, cardboard or plasticine.
  27. Draw an angel or other New Year's character on the snow cover.
  28. Play snowballs with friends and go sledding downhill.
  29. Come up with a magical New Year's story.
  30. Watch a movie about New Year or Christmas.
  31. Celebrating the New Year with your family!

You can think of other tasks as well; when compiling them, be sure to take into account the hobbies of your child, because the main thing is that it is interesting for him to complete tasks from the calendar.

We bring to your attention several useful tips to help you create a beautiful and interesting Advent calendar.

  1. Stop your choice on an idea that you can implement without much difficulty. Make the chosen option and you can improve it for the next New Year: alter, re-arrange, add new decor elements. Until then, get down to building something that has time and patience.
  2. There must be a riddle in the calendar. If you can see candy sticking out of the cells - what kind of interest can we talk about? It is important to surprise the child, to interest him. Sweet gifts and assignments should be nicely wrapped. Unpacking the package, the child will have fun.
  3. When making a calendar, there must be a desire to create a miracle. Do not refer to lack of imagination and creativity... The main thing in this business is desire: if there is one, everything will certainly work out, and the result will delight both you and the child. You don't have to tackle a difficult scheme. Use regular white paper envelopes, clip them to the base, and decorate with ribbons. Draw the numbers with a marker in accordance with the color of the ribbons. Create beautiful calendar really simple, and it won't take much time.
  4. Decide on the location of the holiday calendar. Hang it in a prominent place as a reminder of the upcoming celebration. The calendar can be placed at the entrance to the living room, put it on a shelf in the children's room or decorate the refrigerator in such an original way.
  5. Make your calendar with love. Initially, it was conceived for children, but tasks designed to be completed together can be placed in the pockets. Teach the kids to share treats by putting several sweets in the calendar boxes at once.

Making an Advent calendar only at first glance seems difficult, in reality it is not difficult to cope with this task. If you want to bring the holiday closer and bring joy to your loved ones, take the time and make such a calendar. With the Advent calendar, the anticipation of the New Year will become much more interesting.

Reconsider the proposed pictures, photos or come up with your own options for embodiment. You will enjoy the creative process, and the kids will enjoy the interesting tasks and presents contained in the calendar.


See the video below for more ideas on how to create New Year's advent calendars for children:

Another master class on making a festive Advent calendar with tasks for children:

Which you can do with your own hands, to all dreamer parents who like to create an atmosphere of magic and celebration for their children. Of all the festive preparations, the New Year's waiting calendar for children has a special place - the cutest decoration of the festive house.

30 DIY Advent Calendar Ideas

Since the waiting calendar came to us from Catholic countries, traditionally the Advent calendar for children consists of 24 postcards or cardboard houses with gifts, according to the number of days left before Catholic Christmas from December 1.

But since we are counting down to the New Year, then your Advent calendar can consist of 31 cards (now bags, sachets, parcels, pouches, pockets, mittens and everything that your imagination allows) or 24, as in the traditional calendar are also used expectations, just give it to the child not on the first of December, but a few days later.

Another reason to make a do-it-yourself waiting calendar this year is to teach your child how to use the calendar and count.

Advent calendar made of paper bags

All you need to make an Advent calendar like this is paper bags, stencils, a beautiful ribbon, and small gifts for children. As gifts, there can be various sweets (gingerbread, candy, marshmallows or marshmallows), postcards or stickers, small toys or figurines (children love to do something with their own hands, and not just receive ready-made gifts).

Advent calendar for kids from boxes

For this advent calendar, all the cardboard boxes that can be found in the house will come in handy, even cardboard tubes from paper towels. After all, gifts to children in the New Year's calendar do not have to be big. It can be an eraser or a funny pen with a New Year's print, new colored pencils with your favorite cartoon characters on the package, which, by the way, can also be made by hand.

Jewelry Box Advent Calendar

If you do not have jewelry boxes, then you can make cardboard boxes for the Advent calendar with your own hands here, for example.

Advent calendar made of envelopes

This is an excellent solution for the New Year's waiting calendar if you decide to give your child postcards, certificates for purchases and master classes, tickets to New Year's shows or photos with the brightest events of the past year.

Advent calendar with riddles

On each piece of the New Year's waiting calendar, write the place where the gift is hidden or that you need to guess in order to receive a prize. The kids love quests and riddles.

Advent calendar - Christmas town

Simple triangular advent calendar

This Advent Calendar can be without gifts or surprises. Its essence is that it will help children navigate how many days are left before the New Year. Just remove one card every day.

Advent calendar from different boxes

Advent calendar boxes are very easy to make. And also any gifts will fit in it: and crafts, and coloring, and sweets, and tickets for new year show, and toys.

New Year's calendar of waiting "Santa Claus"

It is very easy to make this calendar of waiting for the New Year with your own hands. Print both parts of the picture, glue. Santa Claus needs to be decorated and attached, for example, to the wall so that the beard is free. Every day the child will cut off one division from the Advent calendar with scissors - "one day". This will help him keep track of how many days are left before the holiday.

Puree Jar Advent Calendar

Christmas calendar garland

This advent calendar made of paper is perfect if you are sure that children should not give gifts every day, but still want to create festive atmosphere expectations of the New Year.

Cute advent calendar for kids with animals

We will gladly tell you how to make a winter forest for your Advent calendar with your own hands. For example, here's the instruction, or here. Christmas trees made of paper can be made

Clothes hanger advent calendar

This is perhaps one of the simplest Advent calendars that you can make with your own hands - just cling, everything that you are planning to give your child, on a clothes hanger.

New Year's calendar in a frame

To make such a waiting calendar with your own hands, you will have to work hard: at least 31 linen bags will need to be sewn. But such a complex frame can be replaced with a cork board.

Vintage advent calendar in suitcase

Another option for an Advent calendar that you can do with your own hands one or two times. We put gifts in a suitcase. Or a pretty bag.

Advent calendar of Christmas balls

If you were planning to upgrade your arsenal Christmas balls, then this Advent calendar is just for you.

Hanging new year calendar with garland

Christmas calendar in pots

Rag advent calendar

Cones made of multi-colored felt or cotton will not only beautiful garland but also a great Advent calendar for kids.

Advent calendar for kids from tin cans

How to make an Advent calendar for kids out of paper with your own hands

What we need:

  • office paper
  • a printer
  • pencils / markers
  • scissors
  • glue / tape

How to make an advent calendar out of paper:

  1. First you need to print the Advent calendar (download Advent calendar templates). I found these templates on the Internet last year, saved them and now we and the kids use them :) I print them on A4 sheets.
  2. Next, we give the sheets to the child so that he can paint with pencils or felt-tip pens.
  3. While the child is busy, we are engaged in cutting out pockets, in which he will put tasks and surprises for the child every day (as I said above, these pockets remain with us after the new year to pass surprises and letters to each other).
  4. After the kid has painted the Advent calendar, we attach the "New Year's Mail" mailbox to it.
  5. And now all that remains is to glue our Advent calendar to the wall.

That's all, a simple do-it-yourself Advent calendar for children from paper is ready. Easy and fast :) And most importantly, a child took part in its production). Below I will show a photo of the Advent calendar (better quality templates can be downloaded for free from the link above).

Advent calendar assignments for kids

And of course, what an Advent calendar without tasks and sweets? Below I will write examples of tasks for the Advent calendar. I would be grateful if you add this list in the comments. It is interesting to diversify the tasks every year. so that the expectation of the new year was interesting.

  1. Learn a poem for Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden for the matinee. Well, of course, no New Year is complete without a Christmas tree, Santa Claus and new year poem... So this task is a must in the Advent calendar. Samples of small and easy-to-remember poems can be viewed. And in I described our secrets, how my children and I quickly and easily memorize poetry.
  2. Decorate the Christmas tree. The main decoration of the New Year's house :)
  3. We decorate the apartment. You can see ideas on how to decorate an apartment for the new year).
  4. Make a Christmas garland chain. Remember how we did as children in anticipation of the new year? Now you can create such a garland with children and decorate the apartment. How we did it, I wrote
  5. Make ice toys for the Christmas tree. Of course, such toys are suitable for a Christmas tree outside. Last year we decorated the Christmas tree near the house with ice toys, this year we decorated the territory of our group in kindergarten(did this last Sunday). I described how we created these toys
  6. Make ice colored balls with the kids. Ooooh, this is another one interesting decoration for the street. We painted the area near the house with these balls. The yard has changed :) By the way, to decorate the territory of our group in the garden, they also used such balls. How to make them, see
  7. Guessing New Year's riddles. An interesting pastime for children and parents :) Examples New Year's riddles for children with clues we look
  8. Make a New Year's applique with your baby. For example, a simple new year applique Herringbone
  9. Draw a New Year's drawing.
  10. Make a Christmas tree toy out of paper. ()
  11. Write a letter to Santa Claus.
  12. To make a snowman.
  13. Build a slide
  14. Play snowballs.
  15. Go downhill on ice / sledges
  16. To blind Santa Claus, a Christmas tree. snow maiden from plasticine
  17. We paint the windows
  18. Make Christmas soap
  19. Cut out the snowflakes
  20. Watch cartoon new year
  21. Write congratulations to grandmother / grandfather, if they do not live with you, make a postcard with your own hands
  22. Draw or make a gift for parents, brothers, sisters. grandmothers, grandfathers
  23. Buy with parents Christmas toys and decorations for the apartment
  24. Colorize new year's coloring(there are many coloring pages)
  25. Singing New Year's songs and learning new ones
  26. Making Christmas toys from salt dough
  27. Making a bird feeder (my children and I made a simple bird feeder from scrap materials)
  28. Make a New Year's newspaper
  29. Try on / choose a New Year's costume
  30. Go to New Year's party
  31. Make a gingerbread house or Christmas cookies
  32. Reading New Year's tales
  33. Take a walk through the night city, glowing with New Year's lights

Advent Calendar New Year Gift Ideas

Together with the task, the kid will be interested in getting a small new year gift in your advent calendar pocket. Here are just some examples of what you can put there (if the gift is large, then you can put a note-card in the pocket where the gift is in the apartment and let the kid try to find it):

  1. new year stickers,
  2. candies in the form of Christmas tree decorations,
  3. chocolate Santas and Snow Maidens
  4. little new year cards for congratulating friends
  5. symbols of the coming year
  6. chocolate medals or printed on cardboard medal "The most best son"Or daughter
  7. tinsel and rain to decorate the apartment for the holiday
  8. christmas garlands
  9. coins with symbols of the new year or sochi 2014
  10. artificial snow can
  11. books
  12. gingerbread
  13. small chocolates
  14. hair clips and rubber bands for girls
  15. small cars
  16. transparent cone with sweets: nuts or raisins
  17. tickets for the New Year's performance
  18. photos on a mug or a puzzle from a photo
  19. tangerines with painted emoticons.

DIY Advent Calendar Ideas for Kids

Below I will share with you some ideas for advent calendars. which can be done for children. after all, no one says that there should be only one Advent calendar)

So, for everyone who is going to make family and friends happy this year and stretch it for the whole December, I will show my findings for the Advent calendar. I will repeat for those who missed the "first episode", what are we talking about here? small gifts or assignments for the whole family for each day of December. These things need to be arranged in a beautiful calendar and then opened and unpacked every day in anticipation of Christmas or New Year.

Well that is in my opinion, it is not necessary to be religious in order to simply adopt the kind, beautiful tradition of giving gifts. Therefore, you can make such a calendar for the entire December - 31 days, or only 24 days before Catholic Christmas(if this holiday has acquired for you over time and greater value than New Years). You can read about what Advent is and what things I made for it last time here:. (The link just leads to the "first series").

As you know, in order to get something successful and beautiful at the output, you need an input. In other words, our head needs information that can be digested, passed through the prism of our own consciousness, and only then can we get down to business.

Ideas for filling
For the December calendar with gifts, 2 things are important: appearance and filling. As will be seen from the examples below, the appearance very often depends on the filling. Therefore, first decide what your calendar will be filled with. Want some ideas? Please.

These can be small, penny trinkets (but here it is important to know whether the person being gifted likes this or considers it rubbish);
- homemade cards with heartfelt wishes;
- write tasks for all family members every day that will enrich family life: for example, you can arrange joint drawing, walking around the city, going to the theater, extreme shopping or going to the pool - there is something different every day!
- it can be large, full-fledged gifts - toys, books, musical tales for children, everything for creativity, and for adults some perfume shoes, jewelry, office supplies, etc.;
- pastries, chocolate and other culinary, daily surprises will also decorate your December (you can bake different types of cookies all month, and then beautifully pack many, many different bags of assorted cookies). Look, I already once made sweet pastries for Advent.
- it can be one big gift, disassembled into 24 or more parts so that you can collect it every day and enjoy every new "spare part";
- these can be parts of a message that will gather into one big one, or hints on where to look for gifts in the house;
- it can be parts of a large Lego-constructor, which needs to be assembled and at the end of December a whole city will be built from separate parts;
- hide exclusively thematic things in gifts: for example, everything for a hobby of a loved one, everything for vacation, everything for development or an old cherished dream. If these are big gifts, hide them in the house, and place a treasure map in the calendar :-)
- it can be a quest, thanks to which some objects or hints will be collected all month, by which you will need to guess what the speech is about.

In the comments to last year's post about Advent Calendars natalyon shared her list of assignments for adults. She had two types of them - some purely household ones (buy and put a Christmas tree, go to the festive table, hang bulbs around the house), and some are entertaining:
- make a selection of old Christmas movies for the holidays
- buy tangerines and eat them with pleasure all evening
- send postcards by mail
- go for dinner in some place you've never been before
- buy some exotic food in the store that you have never tasted
- make family portraits (a fun task, but very long, two hours imperceptibly flies by running between tripods and lenses)
- order pizza
- cut paper snowflakes
- dine at home by candlelight
- write yourself a letter to the future
- remember and discuss everything important for the year
- play dominoes.

From the experience of past years, I also decided that I no longer want to buy a bunch of small gifts for my child or my husband. It was too much for the kid, considering that his family again poured gifts on him for Christmas! As a result, all these things then roll around, although last year I tried my best to make gifts as useful as possible at least in the Advent calendar: brushes, paints, stamps, developing puzzles.

This year, I decided to dilute useful trinkets with surprises like cinema or theater tickets, trips to the skating rink or the Christmas market, joint movie nights with popcorn, evenings of watching filmstrips and old photos, or friendly baking of sweet buns.

And now more about the appearance.

1. For this calendar, you need to clearly prepare in advance in order to buy and eat such an amount of canned food :-) Photos from here (in the same place you will find detailed instructions for creating such a jar calendar for December):

2. If you have beautiful corner with a randomly free shop :-), you can dump beautifully designed gifts with such a decorative slide. Photos from here:

3. If these are small gifts, tasks or wishes, they can be hidden in such stars made of craft paper, stitched on sewing machine... Photos from here: By the way, the next number is a link to a master class on how to different elements thus.

4. Master class on making such a calendar at the link:

5. Please note that the gifts are attached to the rings here. The rug itself is clearly created specifically for Advent, because numbers are embroidered on it and these same rings are sewn. Photos from here:

6. White Christmas ... Take a closer look at the photograph. Here is clearly an example of gifts of an intellectual and bodily kind :-) For example, paper tubes in the upper right corner are obviously tasks or some kind of invitation tickets. Photos from here:

8. Calendar in the form of a Christmas tree made of plump envelopes. Photos from here:

9. This example is a repeat from last year from the blog of a German girl Valentina. She came up with such an interesting design: she tied a basket to a paper lamp from Ikea, put a monkey in it, and instead of sandbags her balloon received many multi-colored bags with small gifts. The numbers written on the stars are exactly the days from December 1 to December 24, in order to know exactly on which day a particular bag can be opened.

10. Boxes hanging on branches - why not a calendar? This is also from Valentina. She has instructions for boxes in the posting at the link:

11. This is how you can arrange a chocolate calendar. Also from here:

12. A bunch of small gifts for every day, decorated in the same style. From here:

13. Advent calendar, decorated in the form of stylish bags with sweets and small gifts. From here: ventskalender-ide ...

15. Calendar from paper cups. Photos are also from Valentina's blog: There are also a bunch of step by step instructions and templates for printing.

16. Calendar from triangular boxes. Taken from, here you can look at the lesson on how to make such a calender, if anyone is interested: Lesson.

17. Fabric calendar. Hence: