Causes of darkening of silver and methods of cleaning. Why does silver turn black on the human body and how to prevent it? What does it mean when silver turns black on the body

Silver is very popular. Precious metal jewelry is beautiful and has antimicrobial properties. Since ancient times, metal has been used in religious ceremonies. But it happens that he turns black. Regardless of whether the products were cleaned or not. The reasons for the darkening of silver on the human body and the options for response are of interest to many.

Opinion of esotericists: damage is induced

Esotericists are sure that everything made of this metal cleanses the human aura of negativity. Therefore, when directing damage to the owner of the product, it sharply begins to turn black.

Darkening of the metal may be due to the fact that:

Elderly people claim that it is possible to determine the type of damage depending on the type of jewelry. If the ring turns black, a crown of celibacy is placed on the owner. Earrings darkened - the woman has a powerful evil eye. Many are interested in why the silver cross on the body turns black and what to do in this case. You can get rid of it in one way: by removing damage and the evil eye.

It is known that the cross turns black to trouble. To avoid it, it is necessary to perform a special ceremony. To get rid of the evil eye, three candles should be placed in three different churches, and the cross should be replaced.

Silver is a conductor between the world of living people and spirits. The metal begins to blacken if the owner of the jewelry has escaped a great misfortune.

But it is not always necessary to look for mysticism in an ordinary phenomenon.

Description of a chemical reaction

Metal products, both silver and gold, have a hallmark. Silver is produced in 925 or 856 samples.

925 rings and chains contain 92.5% silver, everything else is impurities. The composition also includes copper. It reacts with sweat and air. From this, the metal begins to darken.

Accordingly, the lower the sample, the more impurities are contained in the product, and the probability of its darkening increases.

Jewelry blacken on the body

This phenomenon is observed quite often. The silver chain turns black on the neck, since there are many sweat glands in this place, and the darkening of the chain may indicate changes in the body at the hormonal level. The owner of the jewelry needs to be tested for hormones.

Products darken after using a new body care cream. Experts advise removing rings and chains when cosmetic procedures are carried out.

The reason can also be changes in the temperature regime in the room or humidity. Sometimes a product cleaner causes a reaction. Silver can turn black from contact with household chemicals, as well as products: onions, raw eggs, salt.

Cleaning at home

Do not worry if your favorite decoration has turned black. To get rid of plaque, there are many ways:

  1. Silver cleaner. You can buy it from a jeweler, or in a regular store. The drug label contains detailed instructions by application.
  2. Home Methods:

Jewelery that does not undergo oxidation is plated with rhodium. Ring, chain or bracelet will not darken. The disadvantage of the coating is that after a few years it breaks off, scratches or wears off with careless handling of the product.

Characteristics of blackened silver

Blackening is done using a special technology. Methods of creation have been known since antiquity. By blackening the metal was given strength and decorated with patterns of incredible beauty.

They make it by coating the metal on top with niello, consisting of alloys of lead, copper and sulfur oxides of silver. The blackening solution is applied to clean metal. It heats up at high temperature to melt black.

Blackened silver is used to make snuffboxes, crockery and cutlery. The products depict cities, ancient hunting. And today you can find amazing masterpieces.

These works are highly valued. Blackened silver is as popular today as it was in ancient times. It gives any product extraordinary beauty and sophistication. Jewelry made from it is durable and strong. They do not need to be cleaned often, and their original appearance of jewelry is retained for years.

  • Before doing household chores such as cleaning, cooking.
  • Before application cosmetics on the skin.

Subject to simple rules, silver items will last for many years and remain in excellent condition.

Attention, only TODAY!

One of the most common precious metals is silver. It has special energy properties, so the darkening of the metal causes many concerns. From this article, you can learn about what promises suddenly blackened silver.

Many people prefer silver jewelry over gold. Silver looks elegant, it is cheaper than gold, and in addition, this metal has special energy properties. Of course, not everyone can wear silver. However, if you are not among the people for whom this metal will be harmful, then silver will serve you good service For example, it will protect you from negative energy.

Surely you have noticed more than once that periodically the jewelry on your body turns black. And even cleaning does not help to get rid of darkening: after some time, silver changes color again. It is not necessary that the impurities that are in the precious metal are to blame. Perhaps a lot of negativity is simply directed in your direction. There are several old signs associated with this.

Bad thoughts

Any negative emotions, especially if they are experienced by a strong personality, can be special efforts and even accidentally direct in the direction of the person who calls them. Surely you yourself noticed that many wishes you said in your hearts sometimes come true. It's all about the negative energy that was splashed out on the person annoying you. However, this energy is not strong enough, and a silver jewelry is quite capable of absorbing it, preventing it from reaching the owner. Therefore, if your chain, ring or earrings made of silver have darkened, then you managed to avoid trouble.

Damage or evil eye

Silver reacts to any negative energy directed at the owner of the jewelry. If these are not just bad thoughts, but a strong evil eye, damage or even a curse, then silver is unlikely to cope. But it will certainly warn its owner about the impact that they are trying to make on it, and it will darken. The darker the color, the stronger the damage or evil eye. You yourself can feel changes in yourself: if the world becomes dull and boring, nothing pleases you, and longing seems to have settled in your heart, most likely you have been jinxed. Cleaning the jewelry in this case will help little - it will immediately return to its dark "look" and brighten only when the damage is removed. You can protect yourself from the evil eye with the help of amulets, but first you need to understand what exactly you are dealing with. Your decoration will help you with this again.

  • Pectoral cross. The worst thing is if your pectoral cross darkens. It means a strong curse. Think about who you have angered so much, and try not to delay in order to get rid of the misfortune directed at you. A blackened cross is a very bad sign, and if you do not take action, serious dangers may await you: for example, health problems.
  • Ring. Most often, rings are worn by women. If the decoration has darkened, it means that a crown of celibacy is sent to its owner. In this situation, everything is not so scary: the crown of celibacy can be removed independently and without much effort. Most likely, an unpleasant wish came from one of the envious girlfriends, so you should take a closer look at your surroundings.
  • Earrings or chain with decoration. These decorations warn the wearer of an evil eye attempt. To avoid problems in the love and financial spheres, you need to get rid of the negative impact.


Another sign says that silver darkens when the owner falls ill. In fact, this phenomenon even has a scientific explanation. The fact is that the sweat of a sick person is different from the sweat of a healthy one. Therefore, when silver comes into contact with the body of a person affected by this or that disease, it begins to oxidize and darken. If you notice that your silver jewelry has darkened, even if nothing bothers you yet, pay extra attention to your health. Better yet, visit a doctor and get tested. Sometimes the disease can be hidden in the body for a long time, without manifesting itself. And the sooner you diagnose it, the better.

Darkening of silver on your body is a bad sign. Which means you can't slow down. Prepare for the fact that something can go wrong: go to the doctor and start timely treatment. And if you are sure that they want to jinx you, it is recommended to protect yourself. To do this, you can put on yourself an uninterrupted amulet from the evil eye, envious people and problemsthat can protect you. Also don't forget to clean your silver. We wish you happiness, and do not forget to press the buttons and

Silver jewelry is popular due to the attractive appearance and properties of this noble metal. But over time, jewelry can change, lose its former gloss. An unpleasant coating appears on it, visually similar to artificial blackening. So why does silver darken on the human body? What is the cause of such a transformation, and how to avoid it?

What do the omens say

In folk tales, legends and other stories, silver is often mentioned as a powerful energy tool. It kills werewolves, protects from evil spirits, plays important role v magical rituals. The church rite of consecration of water is also carried out using Argentum spoons, pre-charged with special prayers. Therefore, believers and people inclined to magical thinking take the change in the state of the metal very seriously. Here's how they explain the reasons why silver can darken.

On the limbs

Most often, jewelry can be seen on the hand: fingers or wrist. But there are also bracelets on the legs. The latter option does not have a special sacred meaning, since from ancient times it was used exclusively as a symbol of human prosperity. But silver ring darkens randomly. It is believed that a crown of celibacy was placed on a girl with a blackened decoration on her finger. If a man wears a ring, then the life of a bachelor awaits him. Turning to the medium for help, you can avert misfortune from yourself and return the former gloss to the metal.

The darkening of the bracelet on the wrist is not considered separately from other jewelry. According to folk signs, in this way the metal protects its owner from evil forces, damage, evil eye, failures or diseases. If the color changed, then the person was attacked by magic, but silver saved him from trouble. It is for this reason that amulets and charms are often made from argentum.

On the neck

Not only jewelry, but any silver items can turn black. Dishes changed in this way testify to the presence of evil spirits in the room. The best way getting rid of uninvited neighbors - sprinkling with holy water. Not without reason, on the feast of Epiphany, Christians have a custom to call a priest to conduct the rite of purification of the house. The ancient Slavs used wormwood and garlic for this purpose, hanging bundles and bundles of plants at doors or windows.

Scientific arguments

Progress contributes to the formation of other, more mundane versions of many misunderstood incidents to mankind. So there is a new explanation of why the silver on the human body turns black. At the same time, the opinions of scientists also do not always coincide. But in one thing they are in solidarity: an unpleasant gray-black color is associated with sweating.

Silver itself is a soft substance. So that things made from it do not crumble and do not break, argentum is mixed with other metals. Copper is present in all alloys, and it oxidizes when interacting with sulfur.

In turn, human sweat is a waste product of the body. Among other components, it contains sulfur. In contact with earrings in the ears, chest or other jewelry, it enters into a chemical reaction. In this case, it does not collapse, but is covered with dark silver sulfide. Therefore, blackening is not an inevitable or irreversible problem. The main thing is to find and eliminate the factors affecting the state of the appearance of products.

Reasons for darkening:

  • diseases of the internal organs
  • stress
  • alloy composition and quality
  • hormonal changes
  • high air humidity
  1. Doctors believe that the color can change with problems with the kidneys, liver or gallbladder. In such cases, the sweat becomes more acidic and caustic, so the silver reaction is enhanced. This also includes the reaction of the body to the use of certain types of drugs, the remains of which are excreted through the sweat glands.
  2. The amount of sulfur also increases during training in the gym, lifting weights, playing sports. The body tenses up, makes a lot of effort to perform certain actions. There is no need to think for a long time why the silver chain with the pendant darkens, because there are a large number of pores on the chest.
  3. In stressful situations, the body also reacts violently. Sweating profusely, it tries to get rid of excess negativity, calm the nervous system. This reason should not be overlooked in the busy pace of life.
  4. The more impurities in silver, the more often and stronger it darkens. This way you can determine the quality and sample of metal products. Sometimes blackening is applied on purpose, to create a special effect of jewelry.
  5. The ratio of sweat components also changes during periods of hormonal surges. Pregnancy or problems with the endocrine system can lead to such not very pleasant consequences. The unattractive dullness worn on the body will disappear after the restoration of the natural level of hormones.
  6. Another reason why silver changes color when worn is atmospheric conditions. Plaque forms with high humidity or prolonged contact with water. Therefore, it is not recommended to bathe in the bath or swim with any jewelry on the body.

How to clean silver

Silver polishing cloth as a gift! !

Now you know why a silver chain turns black, or any other creation of jewelers. But what if it has already happened?

In some cases, the metal may brighten suddenly, without third-party intervention. After all, sweat also contains nitrogen nitrates, which destroy argentum sulfide. If their concentration increases, then a kind of cleaning of products will occur.

Silver items - from crosses and spoons to rings and rings - are in every home. And probably, everyone has ever wondered - why does silver turn black on the body? Why can it darken on the neck and remain light on the finger? And most importantly - how to clean it, saving appearance products? We'll talk about this.

Why silver turns black on the body

People have been using silver since ancient times. jewelry and have long noticed that the more often you wear it, the more likely it is that it will darken sooner or later. There are many beliefs and signs associated with this phenomenon. For example, sharply blackened silver was considered the result of the imposition of damage or the evil eye on a person, and brightened silver was considered a special grace (perhaps because this happens extremely rarely).

Modern scientists answer the question of why silver darkens on the neck in a simpler way: chemical reactions are to blame for everything. The fact is that silver easily reacts with some elements, in particular with sulfur, forming dark gray and black sulfides. And human skin releases sweat and fats, which may contain some sulfur. Gradually accumulating on the surface of the product, sulfides create a dark coating, which eventually becomes visible to the naked eye. This was discovered by scientists back in the 1970s.

Another reason for darkening is the impurities of other elements in silver, especially if it is of low quality. In particular, silver jewelry often contains an admixture of copper, which also darkens on contact with the body and air. Since in addition to sulfur, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, lactic and uric acids are present in human sweat, almost any impurity can find a “pair” for itself. Of course, the quantities of these elements are scanty. But over time, a lot of them can accumulate, and they will contribute to the dark coating on your favorite silver chain.

You can often hear the opinion that silver changes its color due to the illness of the person who wears it. Scientists say that there is some truth in this, since the composition of sweat and its amount depend on the state of human health. However, it should be remembered that our skin releases a small amount of substances all the time, even when there is seemingly no question of sweat. Therefore, even in a perfectly healthy person, silver jewelry will darken.

You may have noticed that even those things that we wear at the same time, for example, a chain and a ring, often darken unevenly. This is due to the fact that human sweat has an unequal composition at different points of the body. In part, the composition of sweat differs for natural reasons, but to some extent it also depends on the state of individual organs. For example, changes in the functioning of the thyroid gland can cause increased sweating in the neck and décolleté, which means that chains, pendants, crosses and other jewelry that come into contact with this area will darken faster.

American scientists conducted studies that showed that in some kidney diseases, the amount of nitrogen in the skin secretions increases. In this case, when in contact with the skin, silver brightens.

Why does silver turn black in my ears? This question is more complex. On the one hand, the contact of the earrings with the skin is limited, on the other hand, the holes in the ears give the silver close contact with the deeper layers. skin. It should also be borne in mind that the composition and humidity of the surrounding air affects the surface of the jewelry.

If your jewelry has turned black sharply or darkens much faster even after cleaning, then first check if sulfur is included in the composition of the cosmetic substances that you use. Then pay attention to your health: it may be worthwhile to conduct additional diagnostics of the endocrine or genitourinary system.

How to clean silver

There are many ways to clean silver from dark plaque:

  1. The most reliable method is to buy a special silver cleaner from a jewelry store. It will clean your favorite jewelry efficiently and delicately. Remember: many modern jewelry have a special coating that gives them shine and is easily damaged when cleaning with home methods.
  2. If you are not ready to spend money on a special tool, try our grandmothers' tried and tested method - brushing with tooth powder. It will remove gray spots.
  3. A somewhat less effective, but softer cleaning agent is toothpaste.
  4. If the silver is very blackened, soda and salt will help. In severe cases, you can add ammonia and mix thoroughly before applying to the product. You should be careful with this composition, especially if the silver you want to clean serves as a frame for stones or glass.
  5. Clean hard-to-reach places by soaking the product in ammonia or a solution citric acid. After removing the product from the solution, rub it with a dry cloth, and then be sure to rinse thoroughly with water. Remember: many gems sensitive to chemicals. This method is not suitable for products that contain them.
  6. Darkening of an average degree can be removed with a solution laundry soap. Rub it on a grater and pour hot water (but not boiling water). Dip a brush or hard brush into the solution and clean the product. You can rub a cotton swab around the stones, which will protect the stones from damage.
  7. Ash is another ancient cleaning method. Mix it with a small amount of soapy water and add a couple of drops of ammonia. Remember that ash is a very strong alkali, so work with gloves.
  8. Popular experience also offers a method such as potato starch. Grate the potato on a fine grater and soak the product in the resulting slurry for 15-20 minutes, then carefully rub it with a piece of cloth until it shines. After completing the processing of the product, rinse it thoroughly with water, because when it dries, the starch forms a white coating.

Whatever way you choose to clean silver, do everything carefully and accurately - and your favorite jewelry will delight you for a long time to come.

Silver jewelry is well-deservedly popular. Almost every woman, and often a man, wears a cross and a chain or a silver ring. But, unfortunately, this metal can change color over time and become darker.

Why does silver turn black? There are many hypotheses to explain this phenomenon. Some of them are associated with superstitions and folk omens. However, there is a scientific explanation that proves that the blackening of silver jewelry is nothing more than a simple chemical reaction.

Signs and superstitions

Damage or evil eye

According to popular belief, a blackened cross on the body is a bad sign. Most likely, a strong damage or evil eye lies on a person. When the curse loses its power, the decoration will return to its original color. Also, by the color of the plaque on a silver item, one can judge the strength of damage: the darker it is, the stronger the curse.

To understand jinxed or not, it is enough to listen to yourself, to your feelings. According to legend, the surrounding world of a person who has been spoiled becomes “gray”, joyless, everything irritates, tormented by longing. He constantly feels someone's presence nearby, especially at night.

The type of negative magical effect can be determined by the decoration that has changed color:

  1. Ring. The girl is wearing a crown of celibacy.
  2. Earrings or chain. Blackening speaks of the evil eye.
  3. Cross on the body. Strong curse.
  4. Silverware. If she changed color, then there is an evil spirit in the house.

Protection from negativity, the effects of dark forces

According to another sign, silver jewelry takes on all the negativity, protects its mistress or owner from dark forces, evil spirits. If the chain and the cross around the neck have darkened, then their owner has avoided serious trouble or trouble.

Health Problems

Another popular belief says that silver turns black because the owner of the jewelry is sick. There is some truth in this explanation. In fact, silver jewelry on a person changes color, as it oxidizes when interacting with sweat, which mixes with a secret on the surface of the body. sebaceous glands.

Since the metal in most cases touches the skin (decoration hangs around the neck, on the ears, worn on the wrist or finger), a chemical reaction occurs, due to which the silver changes color. If the amount of sweat released is normal, a person may not notice the oxidation of jewelry on the body, since it occurs slowly and plaque appears gradually.

But if sweating suddenly intensified, silver items on the body - most often a chain and a cross - begin to darken rapidly. And it is possible that the causes of increased sweating are health problems. For example, such a reaction is observed during hormonal disruptions, pregnancy and endocrine diseases.

It is also believed that silver changes color if a person has kidney or liver pain. However, this superstition is not supported by scientific facts.

scientific explanation

Why does silver really darken? This is due to its interaction with sulfur-containing compounds. Under the influence of oxygen, the metal reacts with hydrogen sulfide and a chemical reaction occurs, which is called the oxidation of silver.

As a result, a dark layer of silver sulfide appears on the surface of silver products, which changes their color.

4Ag + O2 + 2H2S = 2Ag2S + 2H2O

Why did the silver chain and silver cross darken, although such a reaction had not been observed before? Perhaps the fact is that the owner of these decorations moved to an area where there is more hydrogen sulfide in the air.

But most often, as mentioned above, the cause is contact with sweat on the surface of the human body. The composition of human sweat includes sulfates - salts of sulfuric acid, therefore, when sweat and silver interact, a chemical reaction occurs, as a result of which the surface of the metal jewelry oxidizes and turns black.

What can enhance the oxidation of silver?

Stressful situations, sports

The work of the sweat and sebaceous glands depends on many factors, however, a person begins to sweat intensely due to stress or during active physical exertion.

If you go to the gym or work out at home, and you have a silver cross and a silver chain around your neck, then you should not be surprised that they have changed color. With increased sweating, the concentration of sulfates increases, which means that silver darkens more quickly.

Therefore, if you want to wear silver jewelry on your body, and at the same time have to do hard physical work or exercise regularly, be prepared to clean them regularly. How? We will tell further.

High humidity

What else influences this process? Air humidity! If you wore a chain and a cross on your chest in rainy weather or they didn’t take them off in the sauna, then the reason that the silver changed its color is precisely in this.

At high air humidity, the evaporation of sweat slows down (since there is already a large concentration of water in the air, sweat does not evaporate so intensively on the human body). As a result, as in the previous case, the concentration of sulfur salts on the surface of the skin increases and jewelry on the body begins to oxidize.

Interestingly, over time, the same sweat can cause bleaching of silver products, since in addition to sulfates, it also contains nitrates - salts of nitric acid.

Reacting with them, silver sulfide (dark coating on products) is able to break down. Thus, the silver on the ears or on the body of a person can change color again, only this time in reverse side- from dark to light.

Low sample of silver, the presence of a large amount of impurities in it

These are not all the reasons why silver jewelry can turn black when worn on the body. The sample of silver plays an important role: the higher it is, the less products made from this metal are subject to color change, and vice versa.

Jewelry made of pure silver without impurities is practically not made, since it is very soft and can lose its shape. In order to make the cross, earrings and other products more durable, other metals are added to silver, including copper.

When copper in a silver product interacts with sulfur salts (in contact with sweat on the skin or in air rich in hydrogen sulfide), copper sulfide is formed on its surface. It, like silver sulfide, also looks like a black coating.

How to clean blackened silver from plaque?

We figured out why silver turns black on the body. But what to do when it has already happened?

If you believe in signs and think that the reason is damage or the evil eye, superstitious people advise you to go to church, confess, take communion, and pray more. If you feel unwell, we strongly recommend to be examined by a doctor and start treatment. A darkened silver ring, earrings or a cross and a chain just need to be cleaned.

How to clean silver items without stones and coatings from blackness?

The simplest and safest thing is to contact a jewelry workshop for this. Also today on sale there are products specifically designed for cleaning silver products at home. They can be bought in jewelry stores and in stores that sell household chemicals.

Or use one of folk methods, for example, clean a silver ring or chain with a solution of ammonia (0.5 liters of water - 1 tablespoon of alcohol), soda or tooth powder.

Please note that not all silver jewelry can be cleaned with the compositions listed above! For example, rhodium-plated silver products (and most of them are on sale today) from the above methods (ready-made composition, soda, powder and ammonia) are very likely to lose their appearance and become unsuitable for wearing.

Cleaning jewelry with rhodium and stones

To clean rhodium-plated silver jewelry, it is recommended to rinse them under a stream of warm (not hot!) water, then wipe dry and polish with a special cloth (you can buy it at a jewelry store).

Silver items with stones can be cleaned in the same way. If heavily soiled, you can pre-soak them for half an hour in warm water, adding a little laundry soap to it.

After cleaning, try to properly care for silver items so that they do not darken again!