Benefit for mothers of many children. What monthly payments are due to large families? Status of a large family

Large families are among the least protected sections of the country. The complexity of the financial and social situation is determined by the need to provide children with clothing, food, and education. Parents' income level is not always sufficient to cover these expenses. Therefore, large families are especially in need of federal assistance. We will tell you about current assistance programs for families with three or more children.

Status of a large family

The formulation of a large family is not contained in federal legislation. This is due to territorial characteristics: in one region, three children is an excess of standard indicators, while in another such a number is considered the norm.

There is a general definition: the status of a large family is given to a family subject to the birth and upbringing of three or more children under the age of 18. Specific criteria for assigning this status are approved individually by the territorial administration in the region.

The following are considered dependents:

  • Children before adulthood;
  • A child under 23 years of age in full-time education or enlisted in the army for compulsory service.

Only children who are related by blood to their parents and who are in official care are taken into account.

Benefits for large families in 2017-2018 to improve demographics

Subsidy payments are provided by the state to assist large families in raising and maintaining several children. Such measures make it possible to increase the demographic level and provide the country with decent labor resources.

State support can be in the form of benefits, allowances, financial assistance, etc. (see).

What benefits are provided to families with many children?

Today there are several existing programs:

  • Child subsidies, assistance to schoolchildren;
  • Payments once a month;
  • One-time subsidies;
  • Social projects;
  • Additional subsidies.

Children's subsidies

This program provides for payments to assist in preparing schoolchildren for education.

For a child entering first grade, the state provides a one-time subsidy in the amount of 7.5 thousand rubles. There is a limitation child benefit for a large family with ten or more children: the maximum payment amount is fifteen thousand.

For schoolchildren in grades two to eleven, assistance amounts to 5 thousand rubles. once a year. Obviously, these amounts of benefits are not sufficient to prepare children from a large family for school, but they are a significant addition to the family budget. You can find out what specific benefit amount a large family is entitled to at the regional administration.

Benefits for large low-income families

Such payments are one-time in nature and are made as additional financial support. low-income families. The amount of the subsidy is determined depending on living wage(PM) per child operating in a specific region.

To receive benefits, a large family must have a low-income status. The main criterion for classifying a family into this group is the average per capita income below the subsistence minimum in the region.

Additionally, low-income families can qualify for Mother's Day gifts and New Year for children.

Monthly payments

On the territory of the state based on the results of the 2nd quarter. In 2017, the minimum subsistence minimum (subsistence minimum) applies to children in the amount of RUB 10,160. The size of the PM directly affects the amount of periodic financial assistance.

Low-income families can count on benefits until the child reaches 16 years of age. Its size varies from one hundred and fifty rubles and above. The payment period is extended until adulthood if the child has not graduated from school before that time.

The amount of payments is determined at the local level. Applicants must provide social security with information confirming their status twice a year.

State assistance to parents for caring for children under one and a half years old is provided every month and has the following amounts:

  • For the first child – RUB 3,065.69. (40% of earnings);
  • On the second and subsequent ones - 6,131.67 rubles, but within the range of 23,089.04 rubles. in total measurement.
  • Spouses of military personnel can count on 10.5 thousand rubles. monthly assistance.

One-time payments upon birth of a child

For each family, the Russian government guarantees a one-time payment upon the birth of a child in the amount of RUB 16,350.33

For the birth or adoption of a second child, the family receives maternity capital (see). During 2017-2018, its size is 453,026 rubles. The right to receive payment is given upon issuance of the certificate. The subsidy must be submitted to the regional pension fund.

Incentives from the state - one-time benefits for large families

In 2017, the federal program provides the following one-time benefits to large families:

  • The birth of six children and their reaching the age of 8 years gives the family the right to receive the Order of Parental Glory and payments in the amount of 100 thousand rubles;
  • Subsidy to a parent with this order in the amount of 25 thousand rubles;
  • Payment to one parent who received the “Parental Glory” medal in the amount of 15 thousand rubles.

Each payment is carried out separately; three grants can be issued simultaneously.

Social programs for large families - list of benefits

In addition to the existing payments for large families in 2017, the following benefits and allowances apply:

  • Refund of 30% of the cost of fuel for houses without central heating;
  • Preferential medications by prescription for children under 6 years of age;
  • The use of public transport by school students is free of charge;
  • Alternative procedure for admission to preschool institutions;
  • Meals for students;
  • Additional areas of children's development (clubs, sections, etc.);
  • Cultural events once a month;
  • The first priority for the provision of land plots free of charge;
  • Preferential procedure for paying state duty when registering an individual entrepreneur, etc.

Fringe benefits

Women who have given birth to three or more children have the opportunity to receive an early pension. Mothers of 10 or more children are given a monthly allowance in the amount of 10 thousand rubles in addition to the pension.

The family can receive discounts on regional taxation on land and transport. There is a preferential procedure for the provision of housing, as well as subsidies to compensate for the rental of residential premises. Working citizens are entitled to the standard child tax credit (see)

Among the labor benefits, it is worth highlighting the right to additional leave, as well as protection for parents of children under 3 years of age from layoffs.


For employed parents, the subsidy for the birth and upbringing of children under 3 years of age is paid by the employer upon a written application and relevant documents about the birth of the child. The Social Insurance Fund provides such assistance to the unemployed.

Get access to social programs The family can receive support through the social security authorities.

The standard set of documents is:

  • Citizen's passport;
  • Documents about the birth of a child;
  • Confirmation of non-receipt of benefits by the other parent;
  • Application in the prescribed form.

Additionally, certificates of family income and extracts from the house register may be required.

Next, the USZN reviews the set of documents received from the family and opens a personal file. The processing time for your request does not exceed ten days. Based on a positive decision, the assigned assistance is transferred to the details specified by the applicant.

  • The period is included in the length of service;
  • Parents of a large family can receive additional education free of charge;
  • A family with three or more children can get a mortgage on preferential terms (see.

Benefits for large families help support their financial situation, reduce poverty, and provide children with quality medical care, cultural development, and education. Registration of subsidies will not require financial expenses from parents.

Large families in the capital receive different types of support from both the state authorities and the city administration. To receive it, you must meet certain criteria.

What benefits and allowances are provided to large families in 2018 in Moscow

Large families in Moscow are provided with benefits and allowances of a very different nature. But in order to be able to obtain them, you must have complete information.

State assistance to large families in Moscow: what is required

In 2018, on social media. the sphere in Moscow is allocated about 430 billion rubles. This amount is higher than allocated for other purposes. Compared to the previous year, payments increased approximately 2 times. This decision was driven by the desire to provide effective support to large families due to the rising cost of living.

Who can receive benefits in the Moscow region and Moscow

Preferences are intended for large families. The difficulty is that there is no definition of such a family at the state level. Therefore, different regions set their own indicators for large families. There are areas where this status is assigned only if there are four or more children raised in a family. However, in most of them, including in the capital and the Moscow Region, a family with three or more children is considered to have many children.

They must all be under sixteen years of age, or from sixteen to eighteen if the children are still in school. It does not matter whether they were born into the family, were adopted, or are under guardianship or care.

In social media parents must obtain a special certificate for protection. It is the basis giving the right to provide benefits. Until recently, a family lost its status of having many children when the eldest child turned eighteen. However, today parents can continue to enjoy all the benefits until the youngest child turns eighteen.

To be able to take advantage of the established exemptions, you must meet the following requirements:

  • family members have permanent residence permits in the mountains. Moscow;
  • children live with their parents.

What benefits are available in 2018 in the Moscow region and Moscow?

Most benefits were doubled by the beginning of 2018. By frequency they are:

  • monthly;
  • annual;
  • one-time.

Monthly payments in 2018

Every month large families receive 1.2 thousand rubles, if they are raising three or four children, 1.5 thousand rubles each. – if there are five or more of them, 1.8 thousand rubles. – if there are 5 or more children and the compensation includes the purchase of things.

Additional support in the amount of 1.5 thousand rubles. provided to families raising ten or more children.

A mother who has given birth to ten or more children receives a pension in the amount of 20 thousand rubles.

Social assistance measures in the Moscow region

Moscow families with the appropriate status receive compensation for the use of utilities in the amount of 1,044 rubles if there are three or four children in the family, or 2,088 rubles if there are five or more children in the family.

Every month they receive compensation of 250 rubles. for using a landline telephone.

For the purchase of clothing every year it is provided cash benefit 10 thousand rubles.

What are the privileges and benefits in the Moscow region if there are 3 children?

In addition to the benefits listed above, they are given the opportunity to enjoy a number of preferences. These include:

  • free riding on public transport (this is the right of both children and parents);
  • getting free medicines up to eighteen years, and dairy products - up to seven years;
  • registration of children in kindergarten on an extraordinary basis;
  • free visit to kindergarten;
  • free parking in the capital.

In addition, you are given the right to go to the bathhouse, visit a museum, exhibition or zoo located within the city limits once a month for free.

For one certificate of a parent with many children, you can get 2 tickets to Grand Theatre when submitting a preliminary application.

Also, for one vehicle the parent is exempt from transport tax.

Benefits in 2018: detailed table

It is convenient to express the provided benefits in the following table.

View Size in rubles
Compensation (one-time) for expenses during birth or adoption 5,500 (for 1st child)

14,500 (for the 2nd and subsequent)

Payment (one-time) for the birth of three or more children 50 000
Benefit (one-time) if parents are under thirty years of age 5 living wages – for 1 child

7 – for 2 kids

10 – for 3 and subsequent children

Low income for children until they reach adulthood 4,000 – from 3 to 18 years

10,000 – from 0 to 3 years

For the purchase of children's products (up to three years) 675
For expenses due to increased cost of living (up to sixteen and up to eighteen years) 1,200 (where there are three or four children)

1,500 (where there are five or more children)

In a family raising ten or more children, for each child up to sixteen (twenty-three) years of age 1 500
For housing and communal services 1,044 (where there are three or four children)

2,088 (where there are five or more children)

For using a landline telephone 250
If there are five or more children in a family, for the purchase of children's goods 1 800
If there are ten or more children in a family, where the youngest is less than eighteen years old, the purchase of children's goods 1 800
If a woman has given birth to ten or more children, she is granted a pension 20 000
To buy clothes (for each child) 10 000
TO international day families May 15 20 000
By the first of September 30 000
One time
Payment to parents awarded the “Parental Glory of the Mountains” badge. Moscow" 125 000

When they can refuse

Help may be denied for various reasons. It depends on the terms of the preference. If the family does not meet the stipulated conditions, it will receive a reasoned refusal from the authorized bodies.

The same can happen if, during registration, an incomplete package of documents was provided or the information contained in them turned out to be incorrect. Then parents can correct errors and resubmit documents.

If the refusal, in the opinion of the applicants, is illegal, it is recommended to seek legal advice. Experienced lawyers will tell you whether it is possible to count on the help of city authorities in a particular case.

As can be seen from the above, support for large families in the capital, and by many indicators also in the Moscow Region, is one of the most effective in the country. At the same time, the list of benefits and allowances provided, as well as their size, increases every year.

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We have already talked about benefits for large families in a number of articles on our portal. Nevertheless, there is enormous interest in this topic. And it was caused by those changes in Russian legislation concerning the situation with benefits for families with many children in the coming 2018.

We won’t repeat ourselves, but the main provisions of the legislation on large families are worth recalling.

Federal legislation recognizes large families as having more than 3 children, regardless of whether they are related or not. three or more children (born or adopted) are growing up. Regional laws may determine the status of a large family in their own way. Where the demographic issue is acute, the region gives the status of large families starting from those families in which a second child appears. In territories where historically many children are always born in families, local laws, on the contrary, recognize as large families only those families in which 4 and sometimes 5 children are born. Another important point that needs to be recalled is that the status of a large family, once given, may be lost over time. The point is that the state pays benefits until the eldest child turns 18 years old. It is clear that if the next baby appears in this family, she will again acquire such benefits.

What federal benefits are available to families with many children in 2018?

Federal benefits are regulated by Federal legislation, so they are mandatory, regardless of one or another region of our country. They are aimed at families with three or more children.

We are pleased to inform you that in the coming 2018 the following benefits for parents with many children will be maintained.

Firstly, this is a child care benefit, also free receipt medicines and vitamins. The rights to preferential treatment in medical institutions and priority visits to doctors in public clinics are preserved.

The Tax Code retains a provision on lowering the land tax rate and the possibility of not paying a fee for renting a land plot when operating large family farming. For entrepreneurs with many children, the tax code exempted them from paying a registration fee for engaging in entrepreneurial activities.

All families with many children have the right to receive a refund of 20 to 70% of the payment amount for the use of preschool institutions.

Departments social protection are still required to issue compensation payments related to the increase in family expenses with an increase in the cost of housing and food prices, which are among the necessary and irreplaceable, as well as compensation payments for the cost of items necessary to support children in large families.

In the new year, large families have the right to use free or discounted travel on city public transport, and children themselves have the right to use suburban transport.

Possibility retained in 2018 preferential registration children in budget clubs and sections, the possibility of receiving partial compensation for paying for a home telephone.

Extraordinary privileges have been retained when providing places in preschool and school educational institutions and the opportunity to eat free of charge in them.

People with many children can also count on a free trip to a sanatorium or Kid `s camp, and in case of non-use of such a right, or the purchase of a trip at the expense of the family - to receive appropriate compensation.

Schoolchildren from large families can receive free school uniform and a tracksuit.

And if a large family has also received low-income status, then it has the right to receive a lump sum of 7,500 rubles for a first-grader, and 5,000 rubles for other students, including graduates. Schoolchildren are also compensated for the costs of stationery.

Among those with many children, children can go to an exhibition, zoo, museum or amusement park for free.

Mothers of many children have the right to retire early upon reaching the age of 50 insurance experience 15 years.

Workers can take advantage of additional unpaid leave up to 14 calendar days per year and an additional day off.

New pension legislation allows families with many children to enroll additional pension points while on maternity leave.

Employment services are required to provide assistance to families with many children in finding work at home or temporary work, as well as direct them to free retraining for a new profession.

In the utilities sector, we see that in 2018, large families retain the opportunity to receive compensation when paying for services for electricity, gas, water, and heat supply to an apartment or house in the amount of up to 30% of the total amount.

In 2018 early production for pregnancy registration will be a payment of 613 rubles, and lump sum allowance at the birth of a child - 16,350 rubles. At the same time, for wives of military personnel this payment is noticeably higher - 24,500 rubles.

What regional benefits are available to families with many children in 2018?

At the regional level, many regions have retained the existing benefits for families with many children, which are provided in addition to the federal ones.

It is worth noting here that there is a housing subsidy for building a house and the opportunity to get free housing, apply for a soft loan or take out a loan for the purchase of building materials, or take out a mortgage without paying a down payment.

In the Moscow region in 2018, families with many children are completely exempt from paying for services kindergarten. For them there is a 50% discount for children school age and full-time students for travel on city public transport, including the metro. They are also provided with free sports sections, the cost of lunches for students is compensated, or they are provided free food. Free parking is also available for parents of large families. Car owners with many children are exempt from vehicle tax. They can visit the Bolshoi Theater for free. They can receive a garden plot as a matter of priority.

In general, the Moscow budget in 2018 allowed to increase spending on large families by 2 times compared to 2017.

This made it possible to pay large families in 2018:

Compensation for the costs of maintaining children at the rate of 1,200 rubles for families with 3-4 children and at the rate of 1,500 for families with 5 or more children;

Monthly compensation for the cost of children's goods at the rate of 1800 rubles for families with 5 or more children;

Monthly additional payment for those who gave birth to 10 or more children and are on pension in the amount of 20,000 rubles;

An annual payment on Family Day to families with more than 10 children in the amount of 20,000 rubles;

Annual payment to families with more than 10 children, dated to September 1 - 30,000 rubles;

Monthly compensation for expenses related to the payment of utilities - 1044 rubles for families with 3-4 children, 2088 - for those with 5 or more children;

Monthly compensation for telephone expenses in the amount of 250 rubles.

In addition, many social service organizations, rehabilitation centers, social shelters and organizations that provide psychological and pedagogical assistance to children from large families operate in Moscow.

Help for families from the President of the Russian Federation in 2018

In addition, since January 2018, in accordance with the additional measures proposed by the President of the Russian Federation to support the birth rate in the country, new cash payments have been established for the first child, and the program has been extended maternity capital until December 31, 2021.

Regarding the birth rate, the President emphasized that support for large families, families with modest incomes, and the creation of additional incentives for the birth of a second and third child are coming to the fore. He proposed launching a special mortgage lending program. Families in which a second or third child is born since January 1, 2018 will be able to take advantage of its opportunities. Families will be able to count on government subsidized interest rates in excess of 6% per annum.

The queues for nurseries for children from two months to three years will also be eliminated, and children's clinics will be repaired and re-equipped.

Large families need additional support states. The regions bear part of the burden. Moscow has organized assistance for large families in various areas of life.

Various benefits for large families in Moscow: types and methods of obtaining

Currently, there are almost 54 thousand large families in Moscow. Many of them need help.

The state provides support to such families. In addition, regional, that is, Moscow authorities also establish their own benefits.

The capital has adopted a law regulating these issues regarding social services. support for families with children in the mountains. Moscow. There are also other acts.

Support is provided in relation to medicine, utilities, transport, land, taxes. In addition to benefits, cash assistance is provided, as well as in kind: clothing and food. Especially distinguished mothers receive medals with monetary incentives.

Who is granted the status of a large family in Moscow

To receive the benefits and allowances due to such a family, you must first register for this status. To do this you need to meet the following conditions:

  • raise three or more children under eighteen years of age;
  • be recognized as low-income;
  • live with children and provide for them;
  • live within the metropolitan area.

All privileges provided by law for large families apply not only to born children, but also to adopted children, as well as those under guardianship. After the birth or adoption of a child, you should collect the necessary package of papers and submit them to the social authorities. protection. After reviewing the papers, officials will issue a certificate, on the basis of which you can subsequently count on various benefits. In the capital, as a wealthy city, sufficient child benefits are allocated, as well as for parents with many children.

Changes in the 2018 law on benefits for families with many children: what is required

Previously, a family with three or more children under eighteen years of age was considered to have many children. However, in 2008, the status changed, and remains only for those families where children have not reached the age of sixteen (or eighteen if they continue to study at school). In 2018, there were no significant changes regarding their position.

How to apply for benefits in Moscow for families with many children

To get the opportunity to use benefits, contact social services. protection at the place of registration. The same services can be obtained through the MFC.

Payment documents

  1. Identification.
  2. A document confirming marriage.
  3. Photos of the spouses.
  4. Documents for children.
  5. Certificates stating that the children are students at school or full-time at a university.
  6. If the child was adopted, provide the appropriate document.
  7. Statement of income.
  8. Proof of cohabitation.

Those parents who have single status are also entitled to receive benefits and benefits established for this status. To do this, you must provide a document confirming the divorce or death of a spouse, as well as confirming that the children are in the care of one parent.

How to get

Having prepared the necessary package of documents, you should write an application in the established form. Employees of the MFC or social services agency will help with this. protection of the branch where documents are submitted. After this, all that remains is to wait for the authorities' decision.

List of benefits for mothers to help

Since women who devote themselves to children not only spend their time on them, but also their health, the Moscow authorities have developed a number of measures for them different areas life. They touch medical supplies, pension insurance, compensation and so on.

Benefits for Muscovites in 2018

Mothers with many children can count on receiving a pension from the age of 50. In this case, the woman:

  • must have at least fifteen years of experience, she must give birth to at least 5 children and raise them by this time until they are eight years old;
  • raise at least two children under twelve years of age in the Far North or work there for seventeen years.

Mothers who gave birth (adopted adopted children into their family) and raised ten children can count on:

  • dentures provided free of charge (except for dentures made of precious metals) in municipal dentists;
  • medications prescribed by the attending physician.

Retired mothers can receive 10 thousand rubles. every month. In addition, women who have given birth to 7 children may be awarded the Order of Parental Glory, as well as financial compensation, the size of which is almost 100,000 rubles.

What child benefits are paid?

  1. Payments allocated every month in connection with price increases (600 rubles if there are three or four children, 750 rubles if there are more children).
  2. Periodic credits for the purchase of children's purchases (900 rubles - for a family with 5 or more children, as well as if among 10 children there is at least one who is under eighteen years old).
  3. 750 rub. for each child under sixteen years of age (or a student, or cadet, or intern, or graduate student up to twenty-three years of age), if the family has at least ten children.
  4. Prize for Knowledge Day, as well as Family Day (15 thousand and 10 thousand rubles, respectively), if there are ten or more children in the family.
  5. If there are three or four offspring, then a monthly compensation for utility bills is paid in the amount of 522 rubles, and if there are more offspring, the amount doubles.
  6. 230 rub. allocated for paying for a landline telephone.
  7. 5 thousand rubles. every year is allocated to buy clothes for school.

What additional benefits are provided?

Also, Muscovites and their children can receive additional support.

Child benefit: which one is entitled to receive

  1. For each newborn, regardless of its type, an allowance is issued in the amount of 14,500 rubles. a similar amount is paid to the family who decides to adopt the child.
  2. Child benefits are regularly paid until the child is one and a half years old. And if he is the second or third, then the size of the payment doubles.
  3. The special allowance provided for children, where the demographic situation is poor, also applies to Moscow. At the same time, an allowance is paid every month for the third child until he is sixteen years old. Only low-income families can count on this.
  4. Payments are provided for a child from one and a half to three years old in the amount of 2,500 rubles, and also for children up to eighteen years old - in the amount of 1,500 rubles.
  5. Food for children up to the age of three. In some cases, dairy products are sold on prescription until the age of seven.
  6. Medicines up to six years (according to the benefit established at the state level), as well as up to eighteen years (for residents of the Moscow region).
  7. Meals are served twice a day in schools, as well as in college.
  8. School attendance form and sports sections. Compensation for the purchase is usually paid.
  9. A trip to a health facility once a year is free, as well as a 50% compensation for travel.

Tax preferences

Obtaining tax benefits allows you to achieve significant savings. There may be complete or partial exemption from benefits. In order to exercise your right, you must contact the Federal Tax Service by submitting an appropriate application.

Personal income tax benefits are provided to all citizens with children. And in the case of parents with many children, the deduction is about 3,000 rubles. (for the 1st and 2nd child, its size is 1,400 rubles). It remains to sum up the deductions of the father and mother. The total amount will be almost 6,000 rubles.

If a single parent or the other parent refuses to use his benefit, the deduction is doubled for one parent.

The deduction remains if adult children continue to study at full-time department up to 22-24 years old. And when the eldest offspring reaches 18-24 years of age, a deduction of 3,000 rubles will continue to apply for the rest.

If parents decide to register as an individual entrepreneur, they do not need to pay a fee.

Right to housing

Parents with 5 children could get on the waiting list for housing benefits until 2005. But other families also have a chance to improve their living conditions at the expense of the capital’s budget. Moscow authorities pay partial compensation to those families who have less than eighteen square meters per member. m. In this case, you can choose from:

  • subsidies for the purchase or construction of housing;
  • take out a loan on better terms;
  • take advantage of the installment plan when other babies are born;
  • social mortgage with an initial payment of 30 percent and a loan at 11.7 percent;

For those who rent housing, the authorities pay half the cost, based on average market prices.

Comparison table of benefits for Moscow and other regions

Benefit In Moscow In other regions
Providing a pension With 15 years of experience and 5 children or 12 years of experience Far North and having 2 children – retirement from age 50
Free medicines Prescribed by a doctor – provided Available in most regions
Additional payments to pension Mothers 10,000 rubles. Is not provided
For every newborn 14,500 rub. Available, sizes from to RUB.
Benefit up to 1.5 years Provided
Benefit from 1.5 years to 3 years 2,200 rub. In many regions it is provided to low-income families
Benefit up to 18 years of age 1,500 rub. In many regions it is provided to low-income families
Nutrition in preschool age Up to 3 years, sometimes up to 7 years, dairy products are provided In many regions up to 3 years is provided
Meals at school and university Provided Available at school, not available at universities
Uniforms for school and sports. circles Provided In St. Petersburg and some other regions it is provided
Tax deduction Provided Provided
Right to housing Provided Provided

In other regions, other benefits may apply that are not provided in the capital.

The state provides various benefits for large families. But besides them, the Moscow authorities also pay due attention to this issue, which truly helps parents “get their offspring back on their feet.”

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The state program for demographic development, which was adopted in Russian Federation in 2006 with the aim of increasing the population, it turned out to be effective. Today, many Russian families are raising three or more children. So that parents can provide each of their children with everything they need and provide them with opportunities for development, they are provided with government support. In 2018, large families will retain all the benefits that were provided previously. At the same time, the amount of payments is planned to increase.

Types of benefits

According to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 431 of May 5, 1992, local authorities independently determine which families in their region are classified as large. In most regions of the Russian Federation, assistance is provided to families with 3 or more children. The benefit continues until the eldest turns 18 years old. In some regions, the preferential document is extended until the eldest child reaches the age of 23 if he is studying in an educational institution (full-time education). At the federal level, the following benefits apply to large families:

  1. Reduction by 30% of the amount of charges for provided utilities.
  2. Free provision of medications to children under 6 years of age (according to a pediatrician’s prescription).
  3. Priority enrollment of children in kindergartens.
  4. Subsidizing food in preschool, general education and vocational educational institutions.
  5. Free provision of sets of school and sports clothing during the entire period of study at school.
  6. Free entry to exhibitions, concert halls, theaters, circuses, zoos and other cultural places once a month.
  7. Use of city transport (except taxis) and suburban transport without payment (for schoolchildren). The accompanying parent is entitled to free travel.
  8. Parents are given the opportunity to take extraordinary leave (2 weeks per year without pay).
  9. Federal Law No. 173-FZ of December 17, 2001 “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" provides mothers who have raised 5 or more children with the right to early retirement at 50 years of age, subject to availability length of service(15 years). Women who have raised 10 or more heirs are provided with additional monthly assistance.
  10. A mother of many children receives pension points. All maternity periods are included in the insurance period (no more than 4.5 years in total).
  11. Spouses can take advantage of an additional day off. At the same time, a working week must have at least 40 working hours.
  12. Parents are given the opportunity to get an education or acquire a sought-after specialty for free.
  13. Father and mother are provided with assistance in finding temporary or remote work.
  14. Families who plan to create a farm or commercial enterprise are entitled to government assistance. Spouses receive a discount on land tax, rent and registration fees.
  15. Spouses with many children can receive all types state aid provided for by Federal Law No. 81-FZ for families with children.

The amount of benefits for children under 1.5 years of age is tied to the mother’s salary. Its size is 40% of the average earnings. There is a lower and an upper limit on the amount. From February 1, 2018, benefits for large families will be indexed by a factor of 1.032 (an increase of 3.2%). This is provided for by Law No. 444-FZ of December 19, 2016. In 2018, the amount of assistance to parents with many children should not be lower than 6,327.57 rubles and higher than 26,116.52 rubles.

What changes will there be in 2018

In accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 487 dated October 18, 2017, in 2018 it is used new criterion selection of subjects of the Russian Federation to participate in the program to stimulate the birth rate. After the total fertility rate was increased to 2, the number of participants increased to 60.

Support for large families will also be provided in Bashkiria, Kalmykia, Udmurtia, North Ossetia-Alania, Astrakhan, Irkutsk, Omsk, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk regions and in Perm region.

In 2018, the state will provide new benefits for spouses with many children. In accordance with the adopted Resolution No. 1711 of December 30, 2017, large families will have the opportunity to get a mortgage at 6% per annum. The state will compensate the difference between the preferential interest rate and the weighted average rate in the housing lending market for 5 years after the birth of the third or subsequent child.

Financing to compensate Russian financial institutions for lost profits on housing loans issued to borrowers with many children will be provided from the federal budget. If a family has previously taken out a mortgage, it can refinance it on a preferential basis.

After expiration grace period mortgage rates will increase. It will be 2% higher than the Central Bank key rate (not higher). To take advantage of the preferential program, a family must take out a loan in the amount of no more than 3 million rubles (for Moscow, the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region - 8 million rubles). In this case, the down payment amount must be 20% or higher.

According to Law No. 432-FZ of December 28, 2017, the maternity capital program has been extended until 2021. At the same time, new opportunities have emerged for using the amount provided for by the certificate. Low-income families Those who will have 2 or more babies born at the same time in 2018 (the second and subsequent ones) will be able to receive part of the maternity capital funds in cash. The amounts will be paid to parents with many children every month.

Right to monthly payments Maternity capital funds are received by families whose income per person is less than 1.5 times the subsistence minimum. As maternity capital money is paid out, it overall size will decrease.

Parents will be able to use maternity capital money to preschool education, supervision and care of a child up to 3 years old. Having the opportunity to place the baby in a nursery (from 2 months), the mother will be able to go to work or continue her studies. The amount of maternity capital in 2018 will remain the same, since indexation does not apply to it. It will be 453,026 rubles. Spouses will receive a certificate for maternity capital if they have not previously been issued one.

Benefits and allowances for large families in Moscow

In Russia, regional authorities have the right to provide citizens with additional benefits if they have the means to do so. Moscow is a financially prosperous region of the country. Therefore, large families living in Moscow are provided with good assistance.

So, children from such families under 7 years old will be allowed baby food without payment. Free medicines are provided for children up to the age of 18. The basis for receiving assistance is the conclusion of a pediatrician at a state medical institution. Schoolchildren have the right to free meals in secondary schools 2 times a day. They can attend clubs in government institutions without paying for them.

Monthly child benefits for large families in Moscow in 2018 will increase by 2-6 times. They will be paid for each child until he turns 18 years old. Basic value benefits will be: for children from 0 to 3 years old - 10,000 rubles, from 3 to 18 years old - 4,000 rubles. If an increased benefit is assigned, the spouses will receive 15,000 or 6,000 rubles, respectively.

In 2018, large families will be subsidized due to increased food prices (675 rubles per child under 3 years old). Citizens living in Moscow are entitled to payments in the amount of 1,044 rubles (with 3-4 children) or 2,088 rubles (with 5 or more) to compensate for the amount of charges for utilities, as well as assistance in the amount of 250 rubles to pay for using a home telephone.

For each child from a large family, there are social payments in the amount of 1200 rubles (in a family with 3-4 children) or 1500 rubles (in a family with 5 or more children) to reduce the impact of inflation on the standard of living. Schoolchildren can use city (except taxis) and suburban transport for free in the Moscow region.

Citizens with 5 or more children will be able to use monthly assistance from the city budget in the amount of 1,800 rubles to purchase children's items. Families raising more than 10 children will receive an additional 1,500 rubles.

The Moscow Government provides children from large families with the right to visit the zoo free of charge, and pay reduced prices for tickets to museums, cultural and entertainment centers, exhibitions and sports competitions in institutions run by the Moscow Government. Once a month, schoolchildren can attend any event for free.

Regional payments

In the Vologda region, additional regional benefits are provided for large families in 2018. Low-income parents are given the right to receive a monthly payment for the 3rd and subsequent children in the amount of 10,613 rubles. Additionally, one-time assistance will be provided from the state. Its size depends on the number of children in the family. Mothers of many children who have raised 10 or more children under 3 years of age will receive 500 rubles monthly. In Cherepovets, payments will be slightly higher, since a different coefficient is used there.

Large families from the Krasnodar Territory will continue to receive benefits in 2018. After the birth of the third child and subsequent parents, 9,665 rubles will be paid monthly for 3 years. For each minor child, 4,552 rubles will be allocated from the local budget per year.

In Bashkiria, benefits for large families will be 3,000 rubles in 2018. It will be paid on 3, 4, etc. child until he is 3 years old. The benefit will begin to be paid when the baby turns 1.5 years old. Families with 4 children will receive assistance in the amount of 1,500 rubles every month. Parents with 5 or more children will receive 2,000 rubles. Regional support in the Republic of Bashkortostan is low, as there is a high birth rate and positive population growth.

Benefits for large families in Tatarstan will be provided in the amount provided federal laws. Low-income parents will additionally receive a monthly (4,908 rubles) and compensation allowance (600-750 rubles) for each child under 16 years of age. Children under 3 years old will be given free baby food with a pediatrician's prescription.

In the Perm Territory, benefits are provided for low-income large families. For each student aged 7-23, an amount of 321.29 rubles is allocated. The regional government provides compensation of 246.75 rubles for utility bills. When 3 or more children are born at the same time, parents with many children are paid a one-time benefit for each child in the amount of 4,618.45 rubles.

The Middle Urals have good birth rates. Although the benefit for the third and subsequent children is not mandatory for this region, it is paid. In Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region, a large family will receive monthly payments in the amount of 10,207 rubles in 2018 until the child turns 3 years old. TO monthly benefits Regional coefficients apply.

Large families in the Rostov region will receive monthly payments in the amount of 8,013 rubles for the third and subsequent children throughout the year. Low-income parents with 8 or more children living in the Rostov region for at least 5 years will be provided with a minibus.

Large families in Samara will have benefits for utility bills (23%) and kindergarten (70%) throughout 2018. After the birth of 3 and all subsequent children, low-income spouses will be provided monthly assistance in the amount of 9,121 rubles.

State provision of land and housing

In 2018, large families are entitled to housing benefits. Parents who want to increase their living space must register with local authorities. According to Article 49 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, low-income parents with many children who do not own housing or have insufficient living space have the right to preferential housing. Each region has its own area standards per person. Spouses living in a dilapidated house can receive living space.

Registered large families may be allocated living space under a social rental agreement or for free use. Parents can receive a subsidy for housing or buy it on credit for up to 30-35 years. Local authorities can provide parents with many children with a temporary place to live. The contract for the temporary provision of living space is drawn up for 5 years. It is renewed regularly until the youngest family member reaches the age of 16.

Mothers and fathers with many children are allocated free plots of land with the right to transfer them into ownership. The procedure for the distribution of land plots is determined by local authorities. The area of ​​the allocated plot ranges from 6-15 acres. In some regions, instead of a free plot of land, local authorities may give the family monetary compensation.

Procedure for applying for benefits

In order for a large family to receive state financial assistance in 2018, it must issue a preferential document. Immediately after the birth of the 3rd child, parents must contact the regional office of the Social Security Administration with a corresponding application. All benefits will be provided to a large family only after the certificate is issued. Parents must also present:

  1. Passports of spouses and children over 14 years of age.
  2. A 3x4 photo of both parents.
  3. Birth certificates (all children).
  4. Documents establishing paternity, transfer of the child to foster family, about adoption and guardianship (if any).
  5. Marriage certificate or divorce document.
  6. A certificate from the educational institution stating that the son (daughter) is a full-time student (for regions where benefits are provided to students under 23 years of age).
  7. Extract from the house register. It must indicate all family members living in the same living space.
  8. Agreement between spouses on establishing the child’s place of residence (for divorced parents).

Documents can be submitted through the multifunctional center (“one-stop service”). Parents or parents can apply legal representatives children who are married. You can receive the document in 2 weeks.