Receiving free gifts on VKontakte. Free gifts on VKontakte and sending a gift to yourself Paid gifts on VKontakte

On the VKontakte social network, among many different functions, there is a rather important opportunity to give gifts, which will subsequently be displayed on the user’s page in a special block. Despite the fact that most of all existing features are paid, and the main payment is the internal currency - votes, there are still several free elements available to every user.

Before moving on to a detailed analysis of the free options for donating VK, it is worth clarifying that not all of the following aspects are official. That is, some free postcards are not the development of the VK administration and will not be displayed in a special block of the social network site.

Today there are only two ways to give free greeting pictures:

  • official;
  • unofficial.

We will consider both options in detail below, however, keep in mind that despite the general attitude towards the functionality of gifts, you, as a user, get a completely different result, which sometimes does not quite meet expectations. Moreover, it is recommended to use standard VK functions to avoid all possible child problems.

Site features

The most relevant is the basic feature of the site, thanks to which you can give a gift to absolutely any VK user, subject to blacklist restrictions and other similar blocking, by paying a certain amount of money. However, for the purposes of this review, we are only interested in free features.

The administration of the VKontakte site, under some circumstances, provides its users with the opportunity to give special pictures for next to nothing. Usually, this phenomenon has a direct relationship with some important events, in the opinion of the administration, for example, due to holidays.

Opportunities are relevant only in cases where celebrates an important event. Otherwise, the once available opportunity to give free gifts is blocked due to the irrelevance of the event.

To find out about the possibility of a free gift, you should open directly the window of the corresponding functionality.

When donating free postcards There are no restrictions on users, that is, you can give the same gift multiple times to one or several users of the social network.

If you have this moment There are no free items in the corresponding section, no need to worry. To always be aware of the availability of free congratulatory pictures, it is recommended to subscribe to one or more on the website.

Also carefully follow VK news in your activity feed in the section "News", since the administration quite often mentions the emergence of new opportunities in such a way that it is simply impossible not to notice them. Of course, this only happens in extreme cases important events, and not because of each individual free gift.

Please note that free gift items include some stickers, the appearance of which can also be monitored using special public pages.

Internal Applications

The second method of receiving free gifts is more of an additional feature than a full-fledged functionality, since in this case the postcard will not be presented in the corresponding block. However, you can easily place the necessary picture and the necessary signature on the wall of any site user.

When using special applications, you can send free gifts or just postcards only to those people who are on the list of your friends and do not block the ability to publish posts on the wall. In any other case this method won't suit you.

In the vastness of the section "Games" VKontakte has a huge number of different applications aimed at sending gifts. In this article, we will only touch on one of the most popular and fairly secure applications in order to clearly show how it all works and what you will get by using such features.

  1. Through the main menu of the VKontakte website, go to the section "Games".
  2. Scroll the page and use the search field to find applications by word "Postcards".
  3. It is possible to search applications by word "Present", however, in this case the functionality remains the same, but the choice of add-ons presented is significantly reduced.

  4. Open the application and familiarize yourself with the interface (in in this case application is used « » ).
  5. You can use one of several sections presented for quick access to gifts according to your requirements.
  6. It is also possible to search using keywords.
  7. After you have selected a suitable picture, left-click on it to open a special window for sending a gift.
  8. Here you are given the opportunity to configure the mailing in detail, regarding the selection of people with the available option of sending a postcard and writing an original message supplied with the picture. In addition, thanks to additional sorting, you can automatically send messages to all birthday boys, girls or boys.
  9. After detailed settings, click the button "Send" to send a postcard to a friend’s wall.
  10. As soon as the postcard is sent, the application will post a corresponding post on the user’s wall with a picture and your personal signature.

Apart from this feature, the application does not perform any other functions. Thus, the problem of sending free gifts through applications can be considered solved.

In addition to the basic information, it is worth considering that the standard functionality of VK allows you to send not only pictures with captions, but also stickers. Applications, unfortunately, do not have this feature, but despite this, VKontakte also has a number of solutions regarding the process of receiving free stickers.

Don't trust scammers. We wish you to receive more gifts!

IN modern world It’s difficult to find a person who is not registered on the VKontakte social network or has not at least heard of it. In less than 10 years, the service managed to gain enormous popularity and became one of the most visited in the world. Of course, the VKontakte administration is doing everything possible to attract users and offer them the maximum number of services. One of the most desirable services on VKontakte are gifts.

How to quickly earn gifts on VKontakte

The popularity of this social network is growing every day. Now users who are in another country or city, without having the opportunity to personally congratulate their friends on the holiday, send them gifts. Of course, with the advent of this opportunity, many began to wonder whether it was possible to receive free gifts. As it turned out, yes. There are many services on the modern market that offer their clients the opportunity to sell VKontakte gifts.

The essence of sending gifts on VKontakte is as follows: a social network user goes to the page of the person to whom he plans to send a gift, selects it and clicks “Send”. However, this service not free: depending on the gift chosen, a certain number of votes will be withdrawn from the user’s personal account.

During some public holidays The VKontakte administration offers users the opportunity to send several free gifts to friends. Of course, the number of such gifts is limited and there will not be enough for all friends. Therefore, buying gifts for free is a great opportunity, without investing your own money, to congratulate all your friends on the holiday or simply make them feel good.

It is worth noting that selling VKontakte gifts on your own is an impossible process. The service is designed in such a way that it is impossible to send a gift to someone without votes. But you can get votes not only for money, but also from other users. The essence of services for boosting votes is that for certain actions of yours, other users of the social network transfer votes to your personal VKontakte account. You can spend them on gifts on VKontakte. Cheating gifts on VKontakte using specialized services will allow you to get votes in as soon as possible.

So, you have decided that you need to boost VKontakte gifts, which does not require any financial investment. The best way This kind of cheating is our service. Our site is the best help in the process of receiving votes to send free gifts. With us you can receive VK gifts in any quantity. Our website employs highly qualified specialists, so we can guarantee the safety of your page from blocking and hacking. The process of buying gifts presented on our resource does not violate the rules of use of the VKontakte social network, therefore it is completely legal. Thanks to a clear interface, everyone can now buy gifts on VKontakte.

At the beginning of our journey, we were confident that our service would gain popularity every day. We worked hard on it to simplify the interface as much as possible and make it clear for users. Every day more and more people resort to using our site in order to buy VKontakte gifts. Compared to our competitors, we have a more understandable and accessible system of interaction between the service and the user, which qualitatively sets us apart from other sites.

Who needs VKontakte gift wrapping and why?

Gifts are one of the most popular services of the VKontakte social network, which allows you to please any of its users. In addition, for some Internet entrepreneurs who specialize in promoting their business on VKontakte, gifts are an excellent opportunity to attract an audience. For example, for certain actions, the group owner sends gifts to participants. Thus, gifts, to some extent, allow you to conduct advertising activities, and they are completely free if they are purchased using our service.

As already noted, gifts are sent using votes - the internal currency of the VKontakte social network. Today, there are several ways to get votes for free. For example, you can try your luck in applications that give out votes for reaching a certain level in the game. However, the most in an effective way is the use of our service.

Users visit the site and perform certain tasks from other users. In return, they receive not only likes, but also gifts, as well as votes that can be used to send gifts to other users of the social network. Thus, the promotion of gifts on VKontakte is carried out free of charge and in a short period of time. Effective paid promotion of gifts on VKontakte

Of course, not every person has the opportunity to perform actions and tasks from other users of the social network. In this case, an excellent choice is the effective paid promotion of gifts that our service offers. A staff of professional employees can generate gifts in the shortest possible time. The prices for our gift wrapping services are more than affordable, since we strive to provide every person with the opportunity to receive VKontakte gifts for free. A huge number of clients allows us to keep prices at a minimum level, which qualitatively distinguishes us from our competitors.

Thus, selling gifts on VKontakte is a great opportunity to get them absolutely free. Thanks to our service, you no longer need to spend your own money to receive gifts or votes to send them.

The social network VKontakte, in addition to many other opportunities, allows its users to send emoticons, stickers and give gifts. Of course, these gifts are virtual; they are simply a picture, which, after receiving, is displayed on the user’s page in the special “gifts” section. Sending such a gift can show your friend that you do not forget about him and want to please him. Paid gifts can also say that you are not stingy in spending money on this person, even if it is very small. Gifts in VK are bought for votes. Voices are a virtual currency in VK, which is usually used to buy paid gifts. Votes, in turn, can be bought. But now we'll talk about free gifts.

Free gifts they also exist in VK. They usually appear before the holidays and remain active throughout holidays and a few days after the holiday. If you want to give a person a free gift, then you need to act in exactly the same way as when giving a paid gift.

How to give gifts on VK for free using the full version of the site:

The gift appears in your friend’s messages, he presses the “accept” button, and the gift is moved to the “gifts” section.

Usually, any person visiting a user’s page can see what gifts this person received and from whom, and what message was sent. But sometimes there is a situation when a person does not want the authorship of his gift to be known. For example, this is true if the girl to whom he sends a gift has a jealous friend or very strict parents.

In this case, the question arises of how to send a gift to VK anonymously. VC provides for this possibility. Below the gift image there is the inscription “Show text and my name only to the recipient.” You need to put a mark next to it.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to send a gift so that even the recipient does not know your name from his page. You can, of course, make a second page using another phone under someone else’s name, but it’s hardly worth doing this for the sake of an anonymous gift.

How to make a gift in VK for free from the mobile version?

In general, the actions of sending free and paid gifts with full version and with a mobile phone they are not much different. If you use a phone or tablet, you need to do the following:

How to give a gift in VK for free not on a holiday?

Usually free gifts appear on VK only on holidays. Several gifts are themed around the upcoming celebration, and users are given the opportunity to give them to their friends for free. On other days they are not available. What to do if the holiday is still far away, but you want to please your friend now?

There are two ways out here. Or simply give a paid gift (the amount of 21 rubles cannot be called significant), or if, for example, a student wants to give a gift who does not yet have his own money, instead of a gift you can send simply beautiful ones to your friends cool pictures. There are a huge number of sites with such pictures. The only difference is that such pictures cannot be moved to the gifts section.

Also, sites periodically appear on the Internet that offer to download some kind of program that allows you to give free gifts in VK all year round.

You should not succumb to such provocations, because as soon as you download this “miracle” by entering all your personal data on the site, including the password for the VK page, your account will immediately be hacked.

Ransomware is what you will most likely download instead of a “VK hacker or unwinder” or free stickers, audio and video, VK gifts

How to send a gift to yourself on VK?

First of all, you need to figure out why this is necessary and whether it is necessary at all. If you are absolutely sure that you need a gift from yourself, then you can do the following:

  1. Go to the mobile version of the site, for which you need to add the Latin letter “m” before the address,
  2. Go to your page
  3. Open the "Other" section
  4. Select "More"
  5. In the following list, select “gifts” and “send a gift”,
  6. Choose any friend and replace his ID with yours.
  7. Press enter
  8. The username will change to yours,
  9. Then choose the gift you need and send it.

How to send a gift for 10 years VK

When you visit the “Ten Years of VKontakte” page, the VKontakte administration gives you a set of stickers as a gift for visiting it. For free. You can give this set of stickers to any of your friends. However, it is worth recalling that the promotion took place throughout the social network, and most likely, your friend already has such a set of free stickers.

How to get gifts on VK for free?

However, instead of thinking about how to give a gift to yourself on VK, it is much cooler to receive these gifts from real users who will be added to your friends. But what to do if the page has been registered for a long time, you post interesting posts regularly, but the number of friends does not increase, and no one sends gifts?

In this case, perhaps you yourself should be more active - send a friend invitation, subscribe to interesting groups, where you can express your opinion in the comments, respond in detail and in a timely manner to messages from those friends you already have.

List of gifts

Unfortunately, this is not always possible. Studying and working take up a huge amount of time, but I also want to go for a walk. Then to promote your page you can use a special secure free program. For example, right on our website you can download Brobot at any time, even without registration. He will find interesting friends for you, precisely according to the parameters you set him up for, and will briefly respond to the message while you are busy, and will put likes on your friends’ posts. And you won’t have to think about how to get gifts in VK, you will have more than enough of them, because your friends, in response to your attention, will also want to do something nice for you.

In April in social network VKontakte They introduced new free gifts, but you could only send one to your friend. But I always want to congratulate and please all my friends. Therefore, today we will tell you how, using a little trick and a VK bug, you can send yourself or your friends as many as 5 gifts. And everything is done without any special difficulties. The main thing to remember is that From one account you can send a total of only 5 gifts to yourself and other people.

1) Log in to your VKontakte account via your PC. (will only work on PC)
2) Go to .
3) Scroll to the bottom of the page and find this menu:

If you want to send gifts to yourself:

1) Instead of the number 868, enter new codes, after each time we press the Run button. Here are 5 codes:
813 - bear with hearts.
818 - ice creams.
819 - rosette.
822 - hand with the inscription Like.
823 - sun with the inscription Hi.
2) We receive 5 cool gifts to our account.

If you want to send gifts to a friend/other person:
*remember that the maximum number of gifts in TOTAL (that you can send to yourself and friends) is exactly 5 for one account*
1) Go to .
2) Paste the copied code here:

3) Paste the page ID of the person to whom you want to send a gift into the required place, select the gift code. (which code is responsible for which gift - above) Click Execute.
4) So I sent myself a gift from another account. This is how you can do it 5 times(unless you sent gifts to yourself!). You can also send 5 various gifts 5 different people. In general, everything is done very easily.

When it's your friend's birthday, you probably want to not only congratulate him, but also give him a gift. But what if your friend is many kilometers away? In this case, they will help out virtual gifts in VK. Today we will tell you how to give a gift to another user.

We go to the user’s page and click “Send a gift”.

In front of you you will see a huge list of gifts for every taste.

You have chosen one of them. Let's say it costs 21 rubles. You have these funds on your balance. A window will open in front of you where you will see the selected gift, its cost and recipient. You can add a recipient, but then the cost of the gift will double. You can also write a message if you wish. Just below, you can check the box next to “Show the text and my name only to the recipient,” so that the recipient will know in any case who sent him the gift. Then click the "Submit" button.

The user will receive a gift, which he will learn about from the corresponding message. The gift itself will be seen only by those users selected by the recipient in the privacy settings.

If you do not have enough funds on your balance to pay for the gift, after clicking on the “Send” button you will see a message with your account balance and you will be asked to pay the difference in cost via SMS message.

By clicking on the “Change” button, you can choose a different payment method for the gift.

How to send a free gift to VKontakte?

There are no free gifts in VK. Or rather, there is, but only on holidays. For example, on May 9 social network VK allows you to send free St. George's ribbon friends.

There were free gifts and New Year— the user could send a wonderful Christmas tree.

By the way, you can follow the updates of the “Gifts” section in the official VKontakte community of the same name (

How to send a gift to yourself in VK?

There is a legend on the RuNet that says you can send a gift to yourself on VK. Perhaps this was once true, but today, when entering the recipient of a gift, the sender's name is not displayed, which means you cannot send a gift to yourself.

There is, however, one simple way out of this situation. All you need is to create another page, possibly a fake one. And from there you can send gifts to your main page in the way that we described in this article.

If you have any questions, please ask for help.