Why does a newborn baby cry? What could be the reasons? Is your newborn baby healthy? What do you need to know about a newborn when going to the hospital? The concept of newborn tone: “fetal position” and hypotonicity

A woman walking the nations knows one thing, the most important thing for her is the importance of hearing the first cry of her newborn baby in the first minute after birth. We know that the faster and louder a child screams, the healthier he will be. In fact, a baby's cry is nothing more than a sign of physiological maturity. When the fetus is still in the womb, its glottis is tightly closed to prevent amniotic fluid from entering the respiratory system. Once the baby is born, his glottis is still closed. And the first cry of a newborn baby occurs due to exhalation from a narrowed gap.

It is a mistake to believe and trust folk signs, which say that the first cry of a newborn baby is his attitude to everything that happens. Some grandmothers went so far in their predictions as to claim that a newborn baby cries at birth because he knows how hard life awaits him. These are just fables and they have no scientific basis.

Scientists claim that the cry of a newborn is not at all a signal of painful sensations. On the contrary, infants have no pain reactions at all for some period. It’s just that children are so savvy that they soon understand that screaming is the most effective way attract parents' attention. So they take advantage of it.

To hear the cry of your baby immediately after his birth, you need to approach not only the birth process, but also the entire pregnancy with all responsibility. Unfortunately, there are few future mom approaches the birth process with full awareness of what is happening to her body, with an understanding of the physiology and psychology of childbirth. Most women rely on Mother Nature, hoping that she will do everything right. In fact, for pregnancy and childbirth to be successful, you need to prepare yourself for it in advance.

It is necessary to be especially careful in following all recommendations of obstetricians and gynecologists in the last weeks of pregnancy. This is the time that is given to you so that you can prepare yourself emotionally for the upcoming changes in your life. Finish all your work at work, rest more, try to improve your sleep and spend more time on fresh air. Leading an unhealthy lifestyle, nervous shock, emotional distress, chronic lack of sleep are factors that can provoke premature birth. Premature babies are at greatest risk of harm to health in the first minutes of life, due to an inadequately formed respiratory system.

Take a responsible approach to examining your health and the health of the future dad before conception. The percentage of children contracting various infections from their mother during the birth process is enormous. Infections penetrate the defenseless and fragile infant body during passage through the birth canal. And if for the mother the bacteria could be absolutely harmless, then for the newborn they are dangerous and aggressive. Note that almost all children become infected with various infections during childbirth, but full-term healthy child can easily cope with illnesses, while for a premature baby a mild infection can cause irreparable harm to health and become a serious threat to his life.

Throughout your pregnancy, be observed by an experienced doctor, follow all recommendations, attend special courses and trainings for future parents that will teach you how to cope with pain during childbirth. And then you can fully enjoy the loud, healthy first cry of your newborn baby.

It is known that a cry is born with a person. And it appeared much earlier than speech. This is an attribute of human self-preservation. Even the ancients understood that if a fellow tribesman was lost, then his loud cry would be heard far away and they would come to the rescue. If there is danger or something happens, then by shouting you can attract help and scare away the enemy. Through a cry, a person expresses his deepest feelings and emotions, instincts.

Baby crying in children under two years of age

Every new parent understands perfectly well that the baby will scream and cry. Mothers learn that the baby cries from hunger, from a desire to communicate, from the fact that the diapers are wet, and so on. But what to do if the baby screams for no reason at all? He is dry, he has eaten, he recently woke up, they are playing with him, the doctors assure him that he is completely healthy... What else does he need? Why is he crying, no, even just screaming loudly? Experienced specialists in children's problems immediately tell the mother: “Be patient, you got such a child! He will outgrow it.” And kind people will give a million recipes. And if you ask on the Internet... Well, every mother who has encountered a problem knows herself...

There is no reliable information about the reasons why a child screams for no reason in the first year after birth. Only assumptions are made: stress during the mother's pregnancy, difficult childbirth, poor nutrition, lifestyle and age of the mother... . They also say that this is how maturation occurs nervous system The child has. But, of course, the constant screaming of a child, especially without obvious reasons, is a difficult test for the nervous system of all family members. Especially for fathers.

If a child screams, it means he feels bad. It is a fact. We don’t know why he feels bad and why he perceives something this way. And, as it sometimes turns out in the process of visiting doctors, no one knows this. It is clear that the child screams primarily from his helplessness, that he (and no one else) can save him from something that he perceives as “I feel bad.” We were all small children once, and we all experienced, to a greater or lesser extent, similar emotions and feelings of helplessness when we were babies. We may not remember this time. But precisely because an adult perceives a child’s cry as unbearable sounds that one wants to drown out in any way, it suggests that his unconscious remembers very well the times when he himself was like that. And the adult does not want with all his being to face that inner little child of his, who also suffered and, perhaps, also screamed, like his son or daughter. To the extent that an adult pushes away, does not recognize and does not accept the presence of that infantile experience when he himself cried and screamed, does not want to recognize and see it, to the extent that he experiences irritation, anger, anger, helplessness when the heart-rending cries of a child are heard. At high level rejection, a person may even experience a clouding of reason, so as not to see in himself the experience of helplessness and the feeling of “bad” that he experienced in infancy. Therefore, from a psychological point of view, those cruel actions (or the desire to commit such actions) of parents towards their young children, which they commit during children’s tantrums or. Although from a human and pedagogical point of view this is completely unacceptable, especially since in a normal state this person would hardly have committed violence. Also in this state of passion, an adult can transfer his anger and feelings of powerlessness from the child to himself or to some object with varying degrees of destructive consequences. For example, out of anger, hitting your hand on a door frame and breaking your wrist.

This is why men are much more intolerant and very irritated when they hear a child scream for no reason. For men, strength, independence, and the ability to act are much higher in the line of personal priorities than for women. Therefore, it is much more difficult for fathers to accept and realize their own, even if they were in the past, powerlessness, lack of independence, and the inability to change anything in their situation.

They say about parents who have more than three children that they “don’t hear” the cry of their children, they are just used to it. In fact, of course, they hear it and react, but with each child they (consciously or not) immersed themselves in their own sensations of the infant state and accepted them at the level of emotions and feelings. And, in the end, screaming ceased to be something painful and unbearable for them.

Another reason why parents (most often this concerns mothers) cannot bear the baby’s cry is the acute feeling of guilt that the mother feels towards the baby. It seems to her that the child is screaming because she did something wrong, that she could do something but does not, that she is not fulfilling her role as a mother. She thinks: “After all, a good mother’s child is calm and content, but since my baby is screaming, that means I’m a bad mother.” But the mother knows for sure that she is doing everything possible and even impossible for her baby, but he still screams. So the feeling of guilt turns into anger at the child and anger at his screams. In this case, it will help the mother if she gives herself the right to be an imperfect mother and understands that her child has reasons for crying that she is not able to influence.

How often does the thought creep into a parent’s head that their child is yelling incessantly, out of spite, out of spite, and intolerable character? The concept of “out of spite” contains a certain malicious intent, a degree of understanding and awareness that now I will do something specifically to annoy another person. Every mother whose child is prone to screaming for no reason can try to scream on purpose, as if to spite someone, adhering to the time frame that her child screams. Most likely, mom won’t last long, and she simply physically won’t be able to scream that much. Or rather, a mother can scream for a long time if she has accumulated fatigue, powerlessness, anger, or the inability to change anything. But a satisfied, calm mother will not be able to scream for a long time on purpose, because she will not have the incentive and motivation to scream for a long time. From this simple experiment we can conclude that a child’s cry is provoked by some deep personal characteristics his psyche and how he perceives the surrounding space and people. And, of course, he has no ill will or intentionally harmful attitude towards his family. He feels bad and that's why he screams.

Mom, like other family members, can do a lot to help the baby. Her participation and indifference to children's suffering, no matter how tired she herself is of the endless screams, will be of great help to the child, along with long-term breastfeeding, wearing in a sling, carrying in your arms, with a kind voice and a loving look directed towards the child. Frequent tactile communication between the baby and either parent can be a good reassurance. This is such an ancient type of communication, embedded in the genetic memory of a person, along with breastfeeding, that even the most noisy and restless baby can understand it. Any stroking of a naked body, pressing his skin to yours can have a truly magical effect. Mom needs to understand that a child under three years of age is very susceptible to the mental state of all the people around him, and especially to his mother’s. Therefore, you should not add your own to children’s mental problems: increased anxiety, clarification of relationships in the family, conflicts, quarrels, etc.

After two years: crying and screaming

A small child of two years old is traveling on a train with his mother. He runs through the carriage in complete delight from this wonderful state, when everything rattles and shakes, spreading his arms and shouting at the top of his voice, trying to drown out the sound of the wheels. Mom snatches him from the corridor into her compartment and from there a stern voice is heard scolding him: “How many times have I told you, don’t scream! Don’t run around the carriage screaming! Sit here with me.” Naturally, the baby’s sobs follow.

You can often hear mothers telling their children: “Don’t scream!”, “Speak calmly!”, “Speak in words that you are yelling!” It turns out that children are forbidden to express something that even before the very concept of “man” appeared, people had when they ran through the trees with their tails - screaming. Screaming is considered indecent, it is shameful to disturb others, the child must behave... and so on.

The system of prohibitions on shouting and loudly declaring oneself reaches the point that recently special trainings have appeared in which people are taught, provoked, forced to scream at the top of their voices, because For decades, their parents, educators, teachers have discouraged and suppressed the right and ability to scream. Sitting at the computer, it may seem that shouting at the top of your voice at the top of your lungs is easy. And if on some weekend a person finds himself alone in the forest and says to himself: “Shout!”, then there is a high probability that such a weak “Eeeeeee...” will come out of his mouth, not at all like the triumphant cry of Tarzan.

The consequences of the fact that from a young age total prohibitions on screaming, and indeed on any noisy manifestation of oneself, are introduced manifest themselves in the blocking of energy centers located in the throat area, which in turn leads to blocking creativity, various diseases in this part of the body. Exist special techniques singing, similar to screaming, voice exercises, which reduce the degree of energy tension, and illnesses go away on their own.

Children's screams make the adult feel his own blockage, and since it is very painful and unpleasant, the adult experiences anger, a desire to run away or do anything to keep the child silent. Therefore, if a child is forbidden to scream and behave noisily, then when he grows up, most likely he will not be able to tolerate the noisy and loud manifestations of his own offspring.

So, the child grows up and miraculously, for some time, he stops screaming. Mom is relieved to try to forget the time of screaming, which is finally over. But some families are less fortunate. The child already understands a lot of things, learns to speak, can convey his thoughts with gestures, but does not stop screaming. He screams when he is tired, when he wants to sleep or eat, when something doesn’t work out for him, when he wants to achieve something from his parents, he screams with tears or not for any reason, when he himself considers it necessary to scream.

It is believed that if a child puts any pressure on the people around him with any behavior unacceptable to his parents, for example, screaming, then he has formed a behavior stereotype that needs to be worked with pedagogical methods. Mothers are often recommended to apply it to their screaming child ignoring (going into another room, not looking at the child, making an indifferent face) and the invariability of the word she said. If you already said no, then scream, don’t scream - that’s final, know that you won’t achieve anything by screaming.

A child by nature cannot express many of his internal unconscious and invisible problems in words. He can only use the most ancient way of expressing himself in the human arsenal - screaming. Screaming is always a signal “I feel bad!” And it doesn’t matter whether the mother understands the reasons why the child feels bad (tired, hungry, offended) or not. He himself no longer knows what and why he needs, but he makes desperate cries.

It is known that from birth to five years of age, at an unconscious level, a child’s attitude to the world around him and his idea of ​​how the world refers to him. Naturally, for a baby, his parents and family are the very model from which the projection for this “download” is taken. Now they say that his personal picture of the world is being formed.

So what picture of the world does a mother form in a child when she ignores the child’s cries? I repeat, this is a signal “I feel bad!” He unconsciously receives the information “no matter how you ask for help, you will still achieve nothing, the world is indifferent to your problems and difficulties.” And it depends on a huge number of other factors whether this feeling will become dominant in an adult or whether it will be smoothed out and leveled out by other favorable circumstances of life. And who knows if this one, formed by the external environment little man aspect of relations with the world is fundamental at a time when teenage children, without any explanation and seemingly because of a trifle, attempt suicide?..

What puts the immutability and rigidity of mother’s “no” or “yes” into the child’s picture of the world? It's not hard to guess. A grown-up person with such a parental policy absorbs only one thing: “you cannot change those circumstances that you don’t like in the way that you choose for this; you don’t even have to try.” And what else, besides screaming and crying, can one choose Small child? “Only if you behave the way adults want you to, can you achieve and receive something from them (and in the future from the world and from life”). And is it possible to be surprised at the number of people around us who do not want to do anything and achieve their growing children? Each of them contains the following attitude: “Why declare yourself, it’s pointless. And I don’t know for a long time what I want from this life.” And besides, the protest that arises in the soul of a small child when his natural behavior (and screaming is the most natural and ancient form of self-expression) is not accepted? When you need to pretend so that your parents will accept you. Everyone knows that the most common forms of protest are poor studies, bad company, any kind of drugs, alcohol, extreme pastimes and antisocial behavior.

Of course, the mother does not need to immediately think about terrible things; she should not worry that by somehow ignoring or saying “no” she has already introduced unnecessary information and a negative attitude into the child’s unconscious. We are all human, and sometimes a child's cry can be truly unbearable. We are talking here about a strict and systematic educational policy that is carried out towards the child by all members of his family, especially those who are especially significant to him - parents and especially beloved relatives.

Over time, the effect of ignoring the child’s cries and saying a firm “no” can make life extremely easier for the mother and save her from the unbearable screams and violent pressure on her from the child. But every adult should definitely be aware of the consequences that come with their regular use over a long period of time. mental health baby in the future.

And for those mothers who still consider it possible to have these techniques in their pedagogical arsenal and sometimes use them in rare cases and for variety, it is worth imagining such a situation. For example, her husband comes, and mom wants to achieve something for him. It doesn’t matter what it is, we all want something from each other sometimes. And so the mother, not seeing the opportunity to quickly and immediately get this from her husband, breaks into a scream. And the husband defiantly leaves the room and leaves her alone to continue screaming, and even says: “Since you achieve your goal by screaming, then you won’t see what you want from me. If it’s said, no, it means no!” Imagine how it feels adult mother? Most likely, a deep resentment that a person close to her, instead of understanding that she broke into a cry from overwhelming emotions, and not out of ill will, pays attention not to what she wants to convey to him, but to how she behaves manifests. And behind the insult, perhaps, there will be anger and anger that they do not see her as a living person with his own shortcomings and characteristics, and the desire to somehow take revenge. How would a mother want her husband to behave with her when she herself breaks down screaming? Probably so that he would take her hand or hug her, saying at the same time: “My dear, I understand that you are not very good mood. It's hard for me to talk to you when you're screaming. I also start to get nervous and angry. Let us calm down, and then we’ll talk and definitely come to some kind of compromise.” So why doesn’t a mother say something similar to her baby when he demands something from her and breaks into a scream?

Growing up, the child will definitely learn other forms and ways to express himself, he will stop screaming or screaming for no reason because of invented nonsense. He will observe and learn from his parents understanding of different states of people and patience. He will have a strong feeling that his parents accept him exactly as he is. And he can freely choose any of the ways of expressing himself, even Tarzan's triumphant cry.

Victoria Karabanova

Throughout the entire period of the birth process, a woman awaits the very first cry of the child, which will indicate the completion of labor and the fact that her baby is now with her. Most women, of course, know that the louder a newborn cries, the healthier it is. In fact, everything is somewhat different and the cry of a child only means that he is physiologically mature. Throughout the entire time the baby is in the mother’s womb, his glottis is very tightly closed. This is necessary in order to amniotic fluid did not enter the baby's respiratory system. Even immediately after birth, this gap is still closed, and with the help of the first cry, which occurs due to exhalation from the narrowed gap, he opens it and begins to breathe.

In no case should you trust folk superstitions that say that a child’s first cry is his attitude towards the fact that he is in trouble. this moment surrounds. Some of the old women may say that the child cries immediately after birth because he knows how difficult his life will be. Don’t believe all this, because these are just another fable and they have no scientific basis.

Scientists, on the contrary, argue that the cry of a newborn is not a signal that he feels pain or any discomfort. It is worth noting that for a certain period of time newborns are generally unable to feel painful sensations. It’s just that most of the children, after a few weeks, begin to understand that it is thanks to loud screaming that they can achieve what they want. That's why they can take advantage of their advantage so often.

In order to hear your baby cry immediately after birth, you need to be very responsible not only about the birth process, but also about pregnancy itself. Of course, not every woman is fully aware of everything that happens to her body over the course of nine months. Most of them hope that everything will work out fine by itself. In fact, everything is somewhat different, and in order for pregnancy and childbirth to go smoothly, you need to prepare for them in advance.

Particular care must be taken to follow all recommendations of doctors and obstetricians during last weeks pregnancy. During this time, you should prepare yourself more mentally for the most important event in your life. You need to rest as much as possible, get extremely positive emotions and, of course, walk a lot in the fresh air. If you sleep little, worry a lot, get tired and lead an unhealthy lifestyle, then this may well even provoke premature birth, which, of course, will affect the health of not only yours, but primarily the child’s. As statistics show, those most at risk of developing pathologies in the first minutes of life are premature babies, who are weaker than those born at term.

Don't forget to get tested and examined regularly. This must be done before conception in order to minimize the risk of conceiving an unhealthy child. After all, if a mother has any infections in her body that may be completely safe for her, then at the same time they can cause irreparable harm to the health of a fragile newborn baby. It is worth noting that infection in almost all cases occurs during childbirth, when the child passes through the birth canal.

Throughout your pregnancy, undergo examinations and follow the doctor’s recommendations and then, nine months later, you will be able to enjoy the healthy and loud cry of your tiny creature.

Since the early 60s, a research group led by prof.

Vaz-Hockert, analyzed the cry of newborns- healthy and suffering various diseases or having congenital malformations - using spectrography. It was shown that the sound signal has a number of specific features and that the characteristics of the cry in healthy and sick children are different.

The difference in the nature of the cry of healthy and sick children lies, for example, in changes in the type of melody and frequency of the fundamental tone. The cry of healthy newborns is mainly characterized by a descending or ascending-descending type of melody; The fundamental frequency ranges from 400 to 650 Hz.

In cases of painful cry, a sharp change is sometimes observed— “shift” — of the fundamental frequency.

The cry characteristics of healthy children do not undergo significant changes during the first months of life. Spectrographic analysis showed that the nature of the cry is different if the child is sick. We have discovered specific features cry in children with chromosomal abnormalities, hyperbilirubinemia, hypoglycemia and hypothyroidism.

The results of these studies suggest that spectrographic analysis of cry may be useful in diagnosing a number of diseases in the neonatal period. One very important aspect of sound spectrography is the study of the cry characteristics of children with various diseases affecting the central nervous system.

In this regard, an analysis was carried out of the cry of newborns with meningitis, as well as full-term and premature children who suffered asphyxia. At the same time, it was possible to show that in asphyxia, cry analysis has not only diagnostic, but also prognostic significance.

This chapter summarizes the results collaboration research groups of the Pediatric Clinic of the University of Helsinki and the Institute of Pediatrics of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, which made it possible to compare the cry of children who had suffered asphyxia and the sound signals emitted by newborn rats with experimental intrauterine hypoxia.

Material concerning children was collected in Helsinki, concerning newborn rats - in Moscow. Because the cry of preterm infants has been found to differ from that of full-term infants, results obtained from preterm infants are not included in this work.

"Hypoxia of the fetus and newborn"

A total of 147 cry recordings were analyzed from 77 full-term newborns who had an Apgar score of 6 or lower at 5 minutes. The results of 45 of these children were described in previously published work; Data on the remaining 32 children are presented for the first time. All recordings were made during the first week of life, mainly on the first day. As…

Previous studies have also used additional characteristics of the cry. Those characteristics that are not given here were either uninteresting from the point of view of clinical work, or turned out to be uninformative when analyzing the effect of asphyxia. Painful cry of a child Painful cry of a healthy (a) and a child with pathology (b). In the first case, the main frequency of the sound signal is low, the type of melody is decreased or...

The characteristics of the cry of newborn children depend to a certain extent on the functioning of the sound-reproducing apparatus, but they are mainly determined by the state of the central nervous system, since the impulses necessary to start and stop the cry are of central origin. In addition, previous studies have shown that cry characteristics differ between children with laryngeal disorders and those with central nervous system lesions. We have installed...

About 400 sound signals recorded from 69 Wistar rats in the first 3 days of life were analyzed. Three groups of animals were used: control pups born from non-operated females (20), control pups from operated females (21) and rat pups who underwent intrauterine hypoxia(28). The operation was performed under ether anesthesia, the umbilical cord was clamped using a small hook. The compression continued until...

The baby is born, takes its first breath and screams loudly. The first cry is the first sound a baby makes. Both the doctors and his mother are waiting for him.

Why is the first cry important?

A few minutes before the first cry, the baby was still in the womb and received all the substances necessary for life through the placenta and umbilical cord. Once the baby is born, it stops receiving oxygen from the mother's body. Nerve cells in the brain give commands to muscles chest shrink. The child takes his first breath: when inhaling, all the alveoli in the lungs are filled with air. But since the chest muscles contracted all at once, the child experiences real pain.

The first cry of a baby is the main condition for his future life!

The child screams as he exhales. A baby's cry is vital. Firstly, during screaming, pain-relieving hormones are produced, which immediately enter the bloodstream. Secondly, the increase in carbon dioxide levels promotes intense breathing, which it desperately needs. Carbon dioxide stimulates brain cells, which are also responsible for muscle relaxation. After screaming, the child felt better, the pain went away, a sufficient amount of carbon dioxide in the blood neutralized the pain syndrome, so the baby calms down and falls asleep.

Scream develops mental capacity brain, increases the physical capabilities of muscles and eliminates pain.

How are the cry of a newborn baby and speech development related?

When screaming, the speech motor apparatus develops. You can hear your child even on the street. In order to develop his mental abilities through the speech-motor apparatus, the baby often cries, demanding either food, sleep, or attention to himself. If a child needs the warmth of the mother’s belly to relieve colic, then the baby will definitely achieve his goal.

Crying and intestinal colic

Newborns often suffer from intestinal colic. These are quite painful sensations that cause discomfort. The only thing a baby can do to relieve pain is scream. The cry of a newborn baby triggers the formation of carbon dioxide in the blood, muscles relax for an instant, and pain-relieving hormones are released into the blood. The pain gradually decreases, colic stops for a while. Tired baby calms down!

Intestinal colic accompanies newborns for several months.

The increase in carbon dioxide in the blood during screaming can increase up to 8%. Then the intestinal muscles relax again, after a while the colic goes away, and the amount of carbon dioxide again becomes the same, decreasing to 7%. The tedious process of creating spasms and releasing them is repeated again and again.

What are the benefits of singing?

In a normal conversation, the amount of carbon dioxide in human blood is at the level of 7%, oxygen - 2%. An increase in carbon dioxide in the blood stimulates the production of all hormones, so we feel good when we communicate. Our mobile phones always require recharging - and that's normal! Singing also occurs while exhaling. Only the exhalation is longer than during normal speech. Our children love to sing! When singing, the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood increases slightly to 7.5%, but the oxygen level is still about 2%.

Why do babies often cry?

If the baby screams, it means something hurts or there are discomfort, causing discomfort, even when the child “can’t get away with it.” He will become silent only when the pain goes away. That is, the amount of carbon dioxide will reach 8% and painkilling hormones will enter the blood.

Nikolay Nikonov

But the question arises: how to ensure that the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood is constantly at the level of 8%? How does the body know that this is exactly 8%?

Nature came up with intercellular regulation to ensure the constancy of the internal environment. Internal regulation occurs with the help of intracellular fluid, the endocrine system that produces hormones, as well as blood and lymph.

How do brain cells feed?

In order for the brain cells that are responsible for a child’s speech and mental abilities to develop, they must receive nerve impulses from other brain cells in a timely manner. Nutrients enter the brain from the general bloodstream. The brain receives information about the state of other cells in the body through the concentration of various hormones in the blood. Special areas in the brain cells are responsible for pain relief. These areas respond only to special hormones that the body produces and releases into the blood during pain. These same brain cells are responsible for speech and mental abilities. For the normal functioning of cells, a constant outflow of their waste products is necessary.

The lymphatic system keeps the cell clean.

If the speed of lymph is slow, the lymphatic system does not fully cope with the cleansing of cells. Swelling occurs in muscle cells, which causes developmental delays in babies.

Signs of muscle swelling and developmental delays in babies

If your baby:

  • at three months he clenches his fists and has difficulty reaching for toys.
  • At four months old he has difficulty turning over and does not try to roll over onto his side.
  • at six months, increased muscle tone remains on the legs.
  • at seven months the child has not yet begun to crawl.

This means that the baby’s development of certain areas of the brain responsible for movement and mental perception of the movement process itself is delayed. To help the baby develop correctly, it is necessary to do special exercises to accelerate brain development.

How Nikonov's muscle stimulation cures pain and stimulates muscle and brain development

The massage technique is to influence the child's problematic muscles, increase the speed of lymph and stimulate cell cleansing. During the massage, the pain is completely removed, and the child begins to develop quickly. The baby's mother participates in the massage and helps the author of this technique. Under the guidance of a myologist, she fixes (holds) the child’s problematic muscle. Nikolai Borisovich uses the Nikonov method to treat muscles that are in good shape. In this case, the child first experiences unpleasant sensations and even pain, since he cannot escape the impact on the muscle, he begins to scream. The amount of carbon dioxide in the blood increases. Excitation occurs in brain cells. The brain is enriched with oxygen, develops intensively, increased muscle tone is brought back to normal. The child not only mentally and physically catches up with his peers, but also begins to overtake them.