Work plan for dhow specialists. Long-term work plan for a speech therapist teacher

Plan of interaction between the speech therapist and the participants of the correctional pedagogical process

The success of joint correctional and pedagogical work with children with severe speech impairments largely depends on the properly organized interaction of the speech therapist, educators, psychologist, music director, physical culture and specialist in visual arts, medical workers, social teacher and parents. Each of them, solving their own problems, certain educational programs and regulations on preschool educational institutions, must take part in the formation and consolidation of correct speech skills in children, the development of the sensorimotor sphere, higher mental processes and health promotion.

The speech therapist organizes the interaction of specialists in the correctional and pedagogical process of the preschool educational institution. He plans and coordinates psychological and pedagogical support for children with severe speech impairments.

Rational organization joint activities helps to correctly use personnel potential, working time, determine the main directions of correctional and developmental work and skillfully implement personality-oriented forms of communication with children.

Events Term Responsible Note
Organizational events
Comprehensive psychological, medical and pedagogical examination of preschool children at the PMPK May Head of preschool educational institution, speech therapist, medical workers
Staffing speech therapy groups taking into account the recommendations of the IIMPC May June Head of preschool educational institution, speech therapist, psychologist
Questioning parents to obtain information about the early psychophysical development of children and identify requests and wishes September Speech therapist, head nurse
Discussion and approval of the annual plan for joint work of participants in the correctional and pedagogical process to overcome speech disorders and improving the cognitive sphere in children September Speech therapist, teachers
Exhibition of books, teaching aids, didactic games used in correctional pedagogical work January Specialists, speech therapist, psychologist
Design of stands and folders for parents with recommendations from relevant specialists Monthly Speech therapist, specialists
Formation of information readiness among teachers and parents for correctional work with children with speech problems
Features of speech and psychophysical development of children with speech disorders (seminar) December Speech therapist, psychologist, physical education instructor, head nurse
Specifics of the work of educators and specialists with children in speech therapy groups (workshop seminar) November Speech therapist
Consultative and informational assistance to educators, specialists, parents: - organization of individual lessons with the child; - methodology for performing articulation gymnastics; - personality-oriented model of interaction between an adult and a child; - creation of a subject-developing and enriched speech environment in speech therapy groups; - consultations on requests October October November December Throughout the year The same Head of preschool educational institution, speech therapist Speech therapist
Innovations in preschool special education (pedagogical living room) April Deputy for water management, teachers
Joint correctional and pedagogical activities
Examination of various aspects of the psychophysical development of children September Educators, specialists
Drawing up individual plans (programs) for correctional and pedagogical work - II - Same
Adjustment of calendar and thematic work plans of specialists based on generalized data obtained during the survey and other sources of information September October Specialists
Mutual attendance at classes: group; - individual; - integrated December - April Speech therapist, specialists
Conducting thematic parent meetings October, January, May Speech therapist, educators, specialists
Participation in the work of the psycho-pedagogical council During the school year Specialists, educators, parents
Analytical activities
Conducting psychological, pedagogical and speech therapy monitoring December - April Specialists, educators
Analysis of correctional pedagogical work for the year. Setting goals for the new academic year ( round table) May Same
Drawing up a digital and analytical report - II - Speech therapist
Speech at the final pedagogical council - II - - // -

Nina Kurepina
Plan of joint activities between a speech therapist and specialists

Plan for joint activities of specialists MBDOU by periods of study for 2016-2017.

I period: September – November

Deadlines for completion No. Contents of the event Participants,



3. Software and methodological support for the correctional and pedagogical process in school. G.

A brief description of the state of children’s speech based on speech therapy diagnostics, identifying the main areas of work with each of them.

"Children's speech disorders preschool age» . specialists

honey. staff

4. Collaborative planning and conducting parent meeting“Formation of correct sound pronunciation in children of senior preschool age with speech disorders using complex speech gymnastics.” teacher speech therapist


educational psychologist

physical instructor culture


October 5. Consultation “Use modern forms working with parents to develop the speech culture of preschool children. Games in the kitchen"

teacher speech therapist,

art teacher activities of educators

But November 6. Consultation: “The role of answers in the cognitive and speech development of children or how to correctly answer children’s questions”

speech therapist, teachers

II period of study: December - February

December 1. Collaborative planning work on speech development, pronunciation formation for the 2nd period of study specialists,


2. Participation in the regional seminar-workshop “Organization of work to support the education of children with disabilities in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education” with a speech “Interaction between the Center for Medical Education and Education and educational organization in choosing an educational route and determining special conditions for raising a child with special educational needs" teacher speech therapist, educational psychologist, senior educator, educators.

3. Consultation “Enrichment of vocabulary. Word Formation Exercises" teacher speech therapist, educators

4. Joint work to prepare for the holiday. Recommendations for educators. teacher speech therapist, educators

January 5. Preparation of the booklet “Speech games. What are they and how to play them?

teacher speech therapist

February 6. Consultation “Game as a means of development and correction of speech of preschool children in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard” teacher speech therapist, physical instructor culture


7. Collaborative planning and holding a parent meeting. Speech at a meeting in senior group with a message “Results of speech therapy work for six months” teacher speech therapist, educators,

educational psychologists

8. Collaborative planning and holding a parent meeting in the middle group. “Causes and types of deviations in the speech development of preschool children” teacher speech therapist


educational psychologist

III period of study: March - May

March 1 Collaborative planning work on speech development, pronunciation formation for the 3rd period of study. specialists,


2 Preparation of materials for the website of the preschool educational institution “Game technologies in correctional and developmental work with preschool children” teacher speech therapist

3 Consultation “The influence of a teacher’s speech culture on positive communication with families of preschool children” teacher speech therapist, educators.

4 Preparation for carrying out CPMPK in preschool educational institutions specialists, educators

5 Consultation “Prevention of speech disorders in children of primary preschool age” teacher speech therapist, educators

6 Collaborative planning and holding a parent meeting in the senior group. “Results of speech therapy work for the 2016-2017 academic year” teacher speech therapist, educators,

educational psychologist

7 Speech at the seminar "School Readiness" with the message “Continuity of kindergarten and school on issues speech development graduates of kindergarten No. 2 "Firefly" specialists, senior teacher

8 Presentation on the topic self-education: “Correction of speech of preschool children by means of gaming technologies». teacher speech therapist

9 Participation in the work of PMPk preschool educational institution Specialists, honey staff

Updating material for speech therapist corners

- By lexical topics : "March, April, May, summer"

"Do not do it!"

"Rules of conduct and communication"

Publications on the topic:

I work as a teacher-speech therapist in a compensatory group with children 5-7 years old with STD. Features mental development children.

Annual work plan for a preschool teacher-speech therapist Annual plan for the organizational, methodological, correctional and developmental work of the speech therapist of group No. 2 for the 2017 – 2018 school year. year Purpose of work:.

Annual plan of a speech therapist teacher at a speech center in a preschool educational institution Annual plan of a speech therapist teacher at a speech center in a preschool educational institution for 2016-2017 Goal: Timely identification and overcoming of various oral disorders.

Work plan for mentoring a speech therapist teacher Mentor function. Availability of supporting documents. 1. Copy of the order. 2. A copy of the mentoring regulations. 3. Mentoring work plan.

Generalization of the work experience of a speech therapist teacher

Murtazina Aisylu Radikovna
Educational institution: MADO kindergarten No. 29
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2018-08-13 Long-term plan speech therapist work Murtazina Aisylu Radikovna MADO kindergarten No. 29 Organization of the educational and developmental environment, diagnostic and analytical activities, correctional and developmental work, scientific and methodological work, relationship with specialists and educators, relationship with parents.

View certificate of publication

Long-term work plan for a speech therapist teacher

Target:identifying and overcoming speech disorders that delay the child’s further development and create communication difficulties; creating conditions for the formation of the child’s personality and his successful socialization.


1. Timely identify speech disorders in children who need speech therapy help.

2. Determine the level and nature of speech disorders.

3. Develop the direction and content of speech therapy assistance for each child.

4. To explain to teachers and parents of children special knowledge of speech therapy in order to prevent speech disorders.

5. Involve preschool teachers and parents in the correctional pedagogical process.

The content of the work




I . Organization of educational and development environment

1. Preparing the office for the new school year


Murtazina A. R.

Cabinet passport

2. Production of visual and demonstration material for speech therapy classes

during a year

Murtazina A. R.

Visual and demonstration material

3. Production and design of didactic games and manuals for the speech therapy room

during a year

Murtazina A. R.

Didactic games and benefits

4. Replenishment of the card index of finger and speech games, logorhythmic exercises

during a year

Murtazina A. R.

Finger games, speech games, logorhythmic exercises

5. Acquisition of the necessary methodological literature

during a year

Murtazina A. R.

Methodological literature

II. Diagnostic and analytical activities

1. Diagnostic examination of the speech of children in senior and preparatory school groups


Murtazina A. R.

2. Diagnostic examination of children's speech middle group


Murtazina A. R.

Journal of examination of children's speech

3. Examination of children with severe speech impairments

September October

Murtazina A. R.

Preparation of documents for PMPK

4. Enrollment of students in need of speech therapy assistance


Murtazina A. R.

List of children enrolled in speech therapy classes

5. Studying the medical records of children enrolled in speech therapy classes and filling out medical records


Murtazina A. R.

Medical records

6. Filling out speech cards

September October

Murtazina A. R.

Speech cards

7. Scheduling speech therapy sessions


Murtazina A. R.

Schedule of speech therapy classes

8. Preparation of documentation for a speech therapist

September-October, May

Murtazina A. R.

1) log of attendance at speech therapy classes
2) a log of children’s speech examination

3) speech cards for each child
4) list of children enrolled in speech therapy classes

5) sound pronunciation screen
6) forward planning for the academic year

7) scheduling for the academic year

8) lesson planning correctional work with kids;
9) schedule and cyclogram of the work of the speech therapist teacher
10) schedule of speech therapy classes
11) individual notebooks for correcting sound pronunciation

12) notebook on the relationship between the speech therapist and educators

13) notebook on the relationship between the speech therapist and parents

14) self-education plan

15) report on the work done for the year, statistical and analytical report

16) cabinet passport

9. Analysis of correctional work


Murtazina A. R.

Statistical and analytical report

III. Corrective and developmental work

1. Conducting individual and subgroup classes according to the working time schedule

Murtazina A. R.

Lesson plans, individual notebooks

2. Literary evening in middle groups “Oh, these fairy tales!”


Murtazina A. R.

3. Literary evening in senior groups “Visiting Doctor Aibolit”


Murtazina A. R.

Conducting a literary evening, summary

4. Literary evening in preparatory groups “In the country of Lukomorye”


Murtazina A. R.

Conducting a literary evening, summary

IV . Scientific and methodological work

1. Drawing up a plan for self-education “System of working with non-speaking children of preschool age”

September October

Murtazina A. R.

Self-education plan

2. Release of booklets for educators and parents:

– “Advice from a speech therapist to caring parents”

- "Development speech breathing»
– “Articulation gymnastics”

– “Playing with our fingers – developing speech”

– “Fairy tale therapy – Magic world around us"


Murtazina A. R.


3. Participation in city methodological associations speech therapists in Neftekamsk

according to the GMO plan

Murtazina A. R.

GMO meeting, visiting colleagues' classes

4. Participation in seminars, conferences, meetings

during a year

Murtazina A. R.

5. Carrying out open classes for educators

during a year

Murtazina A. R.

Self-analysis, analysis of colleagues

6. Scientific and methodological assistance to educators on speech correction issues

during a year

Murtazina A. R.

V . Relationship with specialists and educators

1. Meeting of the psychological, medical and pedagogical council

during a year

Commission members

2. Conversation with teachers of the senior and preparatory groups based on the results of an examination of children’s speech


Murtazina A. R.

3. Conversation with teachers of the middle group based on the results of an examination of children’s speech


Murtazina A. R.

4. Consultations for educators:

– “Prevention of speech disorders”

– “Theatrical activities as a means of preventing speech disorders”

– “Game techniques in correcting sound pronunciation”

– “Logorhythmics in the system of correctional work with children to eliminate various types of speech disorders”

– “Methodology for conducting logorhythmic exercises in kindergarten»

– “Individual approach to working with preschoolers with speech impairments”

– “Health-saving technologies in speech therapy work»

– “Education of correct and clear speech in preschool children”

– “Early teaching reading to children with speech impairments: problems and difficulties”










Murtazina A. R.


5. Consultation for a music director: “Using logorhythmics in music lessons”


Murtazina A. R.

6. Consultation for a physical education instructor: “Outdoor games for children with speech disorders”


Murtazina A. R.

7. Master class “Fairy tale therapy as a means of speech development for preschool children”


Murtazina A. R.

Speech at the teachers' meeting, notes

8. Maintaining a notebook of relationships speech therapist teacher and educators

during a year

Murtazina A. R.

Notebook of interaction between speech therapist and educators

9. Attending classes

Goal: to determine the level of automation of corrected sounds in free communication.

during a year

Murtazina A. R.

Exchange of experience, self-education, monitoring

10. Participation in holidays and entertainment held in kindergarten

during a year

Murtazina A. R.

VI. Relationship with parents

1. Familiarization with the results of the examination at parent meetings and individually

during a year

Murtazina A. R.

Notebook on the relationship between the speech therapist and parents

2. Questionnaire and individual conversations with parents whose children are enrolled in the logo center

during a year

Murtazina A. R.

Application, questionnaire

3. Parental five-minute meetings:

– Sound pronunciation problem

Homework, work in notebooks

Our achievements and skills

during a year

Murtazina A. R.

4. Participation in parent meetings:

- “Why is it difficult to speak?” (first junior group)

– “Speech development in preschool children” (second junior group)

- “How to improve children’s vocabulary?” (middle groups)

– “Interaction between a speech therapist and parents in the process of correctional work with children with speech disorders” (senior groups)

– “Readiness for school” (preparatory groups)

during a year

Murtazina A. R.

Parent meeting notes

5. Consultations for parents:

- “What is a logopunkt?”

– “Work rules when doing homework”

– “Techniques for enriching the vocabulary of preschool children”

– “Phonological hearing is the basis of correct speech”

– “Development of coherent speech of children in the family”

– “Prevention of violation of the syllabic structure of a word”

– “Fairy tale therapy in the life of preschool children”

– “Speech readiness of children for school”

– “Teaching Reading”










Murtazina A. R.


6. Individual work in home notebooks.

during a year

, . .

Teacher interaction plan preparatory group № 8
with specialists from combined preschool educational institutions

Event theme

1. Conducting a parent meeting " Age characteristics children of the seventh year of life"
2. Comprehensive speech therapy examination of the level of speech activity of children.
3. Establishing the psychological background for the development of cognitive, personal and emotional-volitional spheres in children"
4. Questioning parents: “What do you expect from kindergarten this year.”
5. Development fine motor skills.
6. Consultation: "Everything about baby food".
7. Conversation about the peculiarities of working with left-handed children.
Art. teacher
Coach MOU DSD Youth Sports School


Art. teacher

Speech therapist
Honey. sister

Art teacher

1. Physical state children of the group.

2. Rules for organizing the working day.
3. Assistance in making costumes. decorations, attributes for the autumn holiday.
4. Consultation "Bayushki-Bayu. All about children's sleep"
5. In-depth psychological examination of children based on monitoring results.
6. Individual speech therapy examination and parent counseling.
7. Information stand "Prevention of injuries in preschool children."
Coach MOU DSD Youth Sports School
Art. teacher

Music supervisor

Honey. sister


Speech therapist

Deputy head of security


1. Preventive vaccinations - harm or benefit.
2. Seminar for parents "The Painted World" role children's creativity V emotional development child."
3. Study cognitive activity children.
4. Organization of the musical environment in the group.
5. Consultation for parents "Development of phonemic processes in preschool age."
6. Questioning of parents “growing up healthy”.
Honey. sister

Art teacher


Music supervisor

Honey. sister

1. Organization of the motor mode of children during a walk.
2. Design of the folder - movement "Attention! Pyrotechnics".
3.Teaching children to read. Tips for parents.
5. Monitoring of intra-family relations of the group. Using the "family drawing" method
6. Attending group classes by school teachers.
7. New Year's party. Learning songs, dances, games, poems for the holiday.
Coach MOU DSD Youth Sports School
Deputy head of security
Speech therapist


Art. teacher

Music supervisor

1. Conducting a parent meeting “Child’s readiness for school.”
2. Different kinds works with mosaics, puzzles, cut pictures for development purposes mental functions according to the principle from simple to complex.
3. Use of a pencil in art classes.
4. Development of individual educational routes for the development of children with special needs.
5. We create a need for healthy way life.
6. Consultation for parents: “Finger games aimed at developing fine motor skills.”
Art. teacher

Speech therapist

Art teacher


Coach MOU DSD Youth Sports School

Music supervisor

1. Prevention of community-acquired pneumonia.
2. Consulting parents on requests and as necessary.
3. Fire safety rules.
4. Consultation for parents “Speech readiness of children for school”
5. Development of rhythm and tempo of speech. musical ear.
6. Excursion to the school grounds, to the school library.
Honey. sister


Deputy head of security
Speech therapist

Music supervisor

Art. teacher

1. Help in learning songs and rhythmic movements of the spring matinee with children.
2. Consultation for parents “The role of games and toys in preparing children for school.”
3. Identification of the level of satisfaction of parents with the quality of the activities of the preschool educational institution. Parent survey.
4. Seminar - workshop "Finger games with children."
5. Questioning parents: “Growing up healthy”
6. Excursion to the fire station.
Music supervisor

Art. teacher


Speech therapist

Honey. sister

Deputy head of security

1. Open day for parents.
2. Psycho-emotional stress in children. methods and techniques of prevention.
3. Outdoor games while walking, taking into account the development of basic types of movements in the summer.
4. Consultation for parents “How to avoid illiterate writing.”
5. Seminar - workshop "Acquaintance with fairy-tale characters in music."
6. Selection of visual material for making the stand “Features of children’s nutrition in the summer.”
Art. teacher

Coach MOU DSD Youth Sports School

Music supervisor

Honey. sister

1. Consultation for parents “How to organize the routine of a future first-grader”
2. Identification of the psychological background of the development of cognitive, personal and emotional-volitional spheres in a child.
3.Usage natural factors for hardening children in summer.

4. Rules of conduct for children near bodies of water.

5. Preparation and holding of the graduation party “Goodbye, kindergarten”!
Art. teacher


Honey. sister

Deputy head of security
Art. teacher
Music supervisor

Attached files

Based on the results of diagnostic examinations of children at the preschool educational institution “Combined Kindergarten No. 9” at the beginning school year children of the so-called “risk group” were identified.

The number of newborn children with various developmental disabilities is steadily growing. Violations are becoming more common mental health, neuropsychiatric disorders in children. Among the reasons for this:

  • Abnormal, traumatic course of labor, rough obstetric procedures in which various parts of the child’s central nervous system are injured; biologically and socially immature parents;
  • Low level of psychological literacy, obvious neuroticism and psychopathization of a certain number of adults - parents, teachers, who often do not know how to behave flexibly, situationally and kindly, from whom children are “infected” with anxiety and tension;
  • The crisis, transitional state of our society, a feeling of uncertainty and anxiety among a significant part of the population, a large number of stress and accumulating emotional stress;
  • Early start of education, complication of educational requirements, features of interpersonal communication in a children's team.

Almost every second of the newly concluded marriages breaks up. Behind this lies the mental traumatization of children, various violations in the development of their character and personality formation. Modern family became a small family, and in a complete family, for one child, as a rule, there are several adults, who do not always raise him in a coordinated and consistent manner.

Children are faced with the problem of socio-psychological adaptation: there is no contact, communication with peers, the child is not accepted, isolated or rejected. Meanwhile, the successful development of a child’s relationships with peers is the main condition for his development, the most important factor in the formation of personality. Undeveloped communication skills lead to many problems and neuropsychiatric diseases. Therefore, it is extremely necessary to provide psychological and pedagogical assistance to children at risk before they enter school.

At the beginning of the school year low level of development cognitive processes, intellectual development and communication skills demonstrated:

1st junior group - 59%;

When entering a preschool educational institution, all children experience adaptation stress. Children early age emotional and impressionable. They tend to quickly become infected with strong, both positive and negative, emotions of adults and peers, and imitate their actions. A child’s stressful state is caused by separation from parents, an unusual environment, the appearance of unfamiliar adults and a large number of children. To reduce the impact of stress factors, it is recommended that the first sessions be conducted with the participation of parents.

A psychologist conducts group classes with children 1 according to the A.S. program Ronzhina “Psychologist’s classes with children 2-4 years old during the period of adaptation to a preschool educational institution.”

Purpose of the lesson:

Overcoming stressful conditions in young children;

Training teachers in methods of conducting group classes during the adaptation period;

Formation of an active position of parents in relation to the adaptation process;

Relieving emotional and muscle tension;

Reducing impulsivity, excessive physical activity, anxiety, aggression;

Development of children’s interaction skills with each other;

Development of attention, perception, speech, imagination;

Development of a sense of rhythm, general and fine motor skills, coordination of movements;

Development of gaming skills and voluntary behavior.

Since children often get sick and after illness need to re-adapt (and the replenishment of the group with newly arriving children can continue throughout the entire year of study), classes are held throughout the entire academic year. Classes are held once a week for 10-20 minutes. Each lesson is repeated 4-5 times so that children remember the words of nursery rhymes and songs, and the rules of games.

Development of motor skills;

Development of objective actions;

Speech development.

Home educational games.

Games-activities that develop the perception of size, shape and color;

Games-activities with plot pictures.

Speech therapy group – 37.7%

IN speech therapy group Every year the composition of children changes. This is the cause of children’s emotional instability and problems of their adaptation to new group, new adults, new peers.

To help children overcome communication problems, development and formation of their cognitive processes and emotional-personal sphere, a psychologist conducts correctional and developmental classes according to the program of V.L. Sharokhina “Correctional and developmental classes in the senior group.”


Development of auditory and visual perception;

Development of focused attention and observation;

Development of auditory and visual memory;

Improving numeracy skills;

Development of thinking and speech (activation and enrichment of vocabulary, improvement of grammatical structure and coherent speech skills);

Development of general and fine motor skills;

Improving communication skills;

Cultivating a friendly attitude towards others.

The psychologist works with children 6-7 years old according to the developmental program of M.N. Ilyinna, L.G. Paramonova, N.Ya. Golovnevoy, T.G. Syritso “Development of intelligence and communication skills in children.”

Goal: prepare the child for school.


Promote the development of mental processes of memory, attention, thinking, imagination;

Develop communication skills;

Establishing mutual understanding, partnership, mutual responsibility;

Develop self-confidence.

Psychoprophylactic classes are also conducted with children and parents throughout the school year.

Thinking and speech;



Preparatory group -13.87%.

The age of 6-7 years is favorable for the formation of necessary mental functions and social significant qualities personality. It is at this time that the foundations of the future are laid educational activities child, his cognitive abilities are actively developing.

To prepare children for school and to develop their communication skills, a psychologist conducts developmental classes according to the program “Development of Intelligence and Communication Skills in Children” by M.N. Ilyina, L.G. Paramonova, N.Ya. Golovneva, T.G. Syritso , as well as psychoprophylactic classes with children and parents throughout the school year.

Based on the developmental characteristics of children of this age, the following areas of work can be distinguished. Recommendations for educators, specialists and parents on how to conduct games, activities, and exercises (see table) aimed at developing the cognitive and personal sphere of children, i.e. for development:

Thinking and speech;



Learning songs, nursery rhymes, jokes, rhythmic and dance movements to musical accompaniment.

Games that develop coordination of movements, teach you to run fast, jump, and develop crawling skills.

Activation and enrichment of vocabulary, improvement of grammatical structure and coherent speech skills. Expanding ideas about the environment. Automation of native language sounds.

Only in close interaction of all participants in the pedagogical process is the successful formation of a child’s personality possible.

Action plan for working with children who have low rates of development of cognitive processes, intellectual development and communication skills.

Group number


carrying out


1 ml.g:

Group classes according to the program by A.S. Ronzhina “Psychologist’s classes with children 2-4 years old during the period of adaptation to a preschool educational institution.”

Individual games and development exercises:

motor skills:

Boat, Log, Bun, Crawling on the stomach, crawling on all fours, Spider, Goslings, Step on the spot, Zoo).


Steam locomotive, Kids are dancing, Catch-up, Walking along the bridge, Run to me, etc.

Learning rhythmic movements to musical accompaniment.

Individual games and exercises for the development of objective actions:

Games-activities with a doll: contribute to the formation of practical skills, instill a positive attitude towards washing, physical education, and encourage you to take part in work as much as possible.

Games and exercises for speech development:

Who is more attentive, Do what I say, Snow, In the yard, The clock is ticking, The dog is barking, Drip-drip-drip, Let's ride a horse.

Finger gymnastics.

Learning songs, nursery rhymes.

Home educational games:

Cubes, Mosaic, Find the mistakes, Fix the toy, Dress up the dolls, Find the same one, Counting sticks, Magnetic alphabet.

Games-activities developing the perception of size, shape and color:

Which ball is bigger, What shape is it, Multi-colored beads, etc.

Games-activities with plot pictures:

Who's doing what? Let's go together, Who's eating what? Let's wander through puddles, Driving, Airplanes, etc.

During a year

During a year

During a year

During a year

During a year

During a year

During a year

During a year










5-6 years:

6-7 years:

Subgroup classes according to V.L. Sharokhina’s program “Correctional and developmental classes with children of the senior group.”

Activation and enrichment of vocabulary, improvement of grammatical structure and coherent speech skills. Expanding ideas about the environment. Automation of native language sounds.

Games to develop thinking and speech:

Collect a flower, what does it look like? Eliminating unnecessary things.

Games to develop imagination:

Change the ending of the fairy tale, Magic Blots.

Memory development games:

Draw a figure, recognize the subject.

Games to develop attention:

What do you hear, be careful! Listen to the clap, Four elements.

Learning songs, nursery rhymes, jokes, rhythmic and dance movements to musical accompaniment.

Games that develop coordination of movements, teach you to run fast, jump, and develop crawling skills.

Subgroup classes according to the program by Ilyina, Syritso, Paramonova “Development of intelligence and communication skills in children.”

Activation and enrichment of vocabulary, improvement of grammatical structure and coherent speech skills. Expanding ideas about the environment. Automation of native language sounds.

Eliminating the superfluous, What does it look like?

Memory development games:

Repeat after me, In the mirror store, Find out the object.

Games to develop imagination:

Let's bring the picture to life, How it can be used.

Games to develop attention:

Dwarfs and giants, Four elements, etc.

Learning songs, sayings, rhythms, dances to musical accompaniment.

Games that develop a sense of balance, teach jumping, play with a ball, teach you to run fast.

During a year

During a year

During a year

During a year

During a year

During a year

During a year

During a year

During a year



Physical instructor



Prepared gr.

6-7 years:

Subgroup classes on the program “Development of intelligence and communication skills in children.”

Games for the development of thinking and speech:

Collect a flower, what it looks like, Opposites, Eliminating the superfluous, How to use an object.

Ira for the development of imagination:

How it can be used, Change the end of the fairy tale, Revive the picture, Traces, Letters, Like people, Magic blots.

Memory development games:

Draw a figure, Find out the subject, Repeat after me, Remember the movement, Remember your pose, Remember the order, Who did what.

Games to develop attention:

Listen to the sounds, Canon, Dwarfs and Giants.

Games and exercises that develop coordination of movements, a sense of balance, teach you to run fast,

jumping, playing with the ball.

Learning songs, nursery rhymes, jokes, sayings, rhythmic and dance movements to music.

During a year

During a year

During a year



Physical instructor


  1. N. Yakovleva. Psychological help preschooler. - St. Petersburg: 2001
  2. Workshop on child psychology: games, exercises, techniques / O.N. Istratova. – Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2007
  3. The ABCs of Communication: Development of a child’s personality, communication skills with adults and peers. (For children from 3 to 6 years old.) - CHILDREN'S PRESS, 2003
  4. More fun together! Didactic games for developing cooperation skills in children 4-6 years old. – M.: IRIS-PRESS, 2003
  5. Psychological games and trainings in kindergarten / L.V. Chernetskaya. – Ed. 3rd – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2006
  6. Game therapy of communication: Tests and correctional games. A practical guide for psychologists, teachers and parents. – M.: Publishing House GNOM and D, 2001