Pension in Russia. What is the minimum and maximum amount of old-age pension in Russia. Recalculation of pension payment amount

Topic of today's article: “Who has the largest pension in Russia?”

Pension provision Soviet Union was rightfully considered one of the most worthy in the world. The Soviet pensioner did not worry about whether his pension would be enough to pay for utilities and food; he was able to give gifts to his children and grandchildren, sometimes quite substantial ones.

The population of Russia has experienced a change in social formation, and today’s Russian pensioners already live under capitalism, the identifying phrase of which is “Nothing personal, it’s just business”. It contains, in addition to a dry statement of this fact, a certain hint of an apology: they say, I have nothing to do with you personally, but I will have to rob you - due to circumstances beyond my control.

Likewise, when it comes to pensions, officials of the Russian Federation hear words about the crisis, sanctions, unfavorable economic circumstances, and so on. This is all true, of course, but not all: there is no longer a huge country in the world that demonstrated high level social protection population, including in the field of pensions. And the deterioration of the situation of pensioners is happening all over the world, and not just in Russia.

In Russia, due to the fact that not all citizens have forgotten about their former life, the authorities are still trying to support the process of constantly increasing the size of pensions, either by indexing or revising the level living wage, then, then other measures that are taken annually.

Along with those citizens whose pensions are minimal, there are other pensioners in the country who do not experience any financial problems. Moreover, their life in retirement can generally be called luxurious, especially from the point of view of the average Russian pensioner.

This fact was brought to the attention of the ONF in 2015, a social movement created in 2011 and uniting several separate political organizations.

The ONF working group visited the leaders and government officials of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as a result of which they provided the public with information about how they take care of their own well-being in the Russian Federation. upcoming retirement, not forgetting to keep salaries at an appropriate level.

Thus, municipal officials are trying to bring their pensions to the level 100-300 thousand rubles, and they are not at all embarrassed by the fact that in the regions entrusted to them the average pension does not exceed 20 thousand.

Here are a few of these cities, the heads of which tried to ensure their personal retirement well-being:

CityOfficial positionEstimated pension of an official (thousand rubles)Average pension in the region (RUB)
Khanty-MansiyskMayor127-213 18200
-«- 149-248
EkaterinburgMayor107-156 13600
-«- Head of the city administration121-176
VoronezhMayor190-320 11000
NovosibirskMayor142-245 11690
Ulan-UdeMayor190-260 12700
Rostov-on-DonMayor122-166 11630
-«- Head of the city administration135-184

Former governors of the regions of Penza, Chelyabinsk, Rostov, Leningrad, and Astrakhan were also mentioned.

It should be noted that, according to regional legislation, rights to such a high pension are granted to municipal employees after 6 years of work in a given position, or after 3, or even after one year of work - wherever.

Pension supplements are also calculated in different ways, but almost everywhere the basis is not salary, as is done for federal officials, but average earnings, with all bonuses, financial assistance, and various types of allowances.

As a result, the pensions that the heads of cities of various constituent entities of the Russian Federation receive in due course turn out to be significantly higher than the pensions of major officials at the federal level.

Thus, the ONF report notes that persons who worked in high government positions receive significantly lower pensions, namely:

  • retired former deputy prime minister - 50-88 thousand rubles;
  • ministers of the federal level - 44-78 thousand rubles.

The fact is that their pensions are assigned on the basis of presidential decrees, and in the regions all additional payments and specific indicators regulating them are established by local authorities, and costs fall on municipal or regional budgets.

That is why there is no reaction from the Pension Fund on this matter - it does not spend its funds on paying astronomical bonuses.

Theoretically, the former president should have the largest pension in the country, about 530 thousand rubles, this is exactly what Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev could claim, since both were presidents of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the law adopted in 2001, the former president is entitled to a lifelong allowance at the level of 75% of what the current president receives.

Deputies can receive a pension that is based on the income of current officials - 55-75% of this amount. The pension of both ministers and parliamentarians is calculated on the basis of the basic salary, which is 81.5 thousand rubles, so the pension will be at the level of 18 thousand rubles.

But the additional payment, ministerial or deputy, will be slightly more, 44-77 thousand rubles, depending on how long the person occupied the corresponding chair, deputy or ministerial.

This means that the pension of a former deputy or minister will not exceed 90 thousand rubles. Regional bosses beat them!

In Moscow, the standard of living is traditionally higher, because everything costs more. Therefore, pensions must be larger than in the country as a whole. Otherwise, local pensioners would feel very uncomfortable, they would have to limit themselves in everything.

Thus, the average Moscow pension was 13.5 thousand rubles in 2015, 14 thousand rubles in 2016, and already about 15 thousand in 2017.

Moscow has its own difficulties with pension financing. There, the city's territory has increased significantly, new pensioners have been added, who need to be given a capital supplement, bringing their pension to the minimum value. But, given that relatively few pensioners live in the annexed territories, the capital’s budget will survive.

As for high pensions in Moscow, they are received by the same categories as throughout the country.

Former Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov, who once found his way to the hearts of the capital's residents, does not remember the exact size of his pension, but claims that it is approximately half that of his regional colleagues.

He believes that the size of pensions of heads of regions and cities, including in Moscow, should be linked to the following indicators:

  1. With the average pension of the facility that the official was in charge of.
  2. With his achievements in the leadership process.
  3. With experience and other technical indicators.

So, who receives the largest pensions in Russia?

These lucky ones - personal pensioners. State pensions enough big size received by civil servants from the administrative apparatus of the Russian Federation. They are awarded not in a standard way, but in a special order.

We will not know about their pension; it is a commercial secret.

Personal pensions are also provided to Participants in military operations, Participants in the liquidation of man-made accidents, Heroes of socialist labor, WWII veterans, and heroes of labor.

Military pensioners receive a pension through the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Grid Company, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Federal Penitentiary Service from the Ministry of Defense, it is one and a half to two times higher than the pensions of public sector employees.

In addition to the listed categories of citizens who receive high pensions, there are others who are well provided for after finishing their working career. For example, retired military judges, former...

According to unofficial data, these citizens receive pensions in the region of 100 thousand rubles. Approximately half of this amount, about 50 thousand rubles, is received by war invalids who have a solid seniority. Large pensions for former prosecutors, deputies and municipal officials.

As for ordinary pensioners, those who served in the army as a midshipman or officer have a chance for an increased pension.

And for other Russian citizens, in order to receive a good pension, they need to work longer, receive a decent salary and honestly pay contributions to the Pension Fund.

Judging by the information provided by the Pension Fund, in Russia it amounted to 9,227 rubles.

However, the spread of pension amounts is actually very large. Those can be 4 thousand rubles, or they can reach 40 thousand rubles. Is it true, no one in Russia receives a pension below the subsistence level, but the fact remains a fact.

And some citizens have difficulty reconciling this fact. They have nothing against the tenfold difference in wages, but they consider such a difference in pensions unacceptable.

The bad thing is that the inequality of pensions is very difficult to detect; it is not for nothing that only the ONF was able to publicize the enormous imbalances of regional leaders in terms of providing pensions for themselves and their loved ones.

Statistics on the actual amounts of pensions are not published; all data is limited to indicating the size of the subsistence minimum adopted for pensioners by region, the corresponding values ​​of the minimum pension and the average - for the country and for the regions.

The due bonuses and measures to increase pensions are also described in detail in the press. But when the question arises about what the real meaning of a pension is former teacher, or a health worker, or some other profession, then information on the merits, except for the average for the country or region, simply no. And the one that exists is given without reference to categories of pensioners.

It all comes down to the phrase that maximum pension does not exist in Russia, since it depends on many factors. This is understandable; we are talking about the fact that there is no limit on the amount of the pension.

But what are pensions really like, exactly those that are obscured by the average value “temperatures in the hospital”? So far, they can only be identified through a household survey, but how accurate is that?

For some reason, since 2007, the publication carried out by Rosstat on the size and number of new pensions established in a given period has ceased. This indicator would be very useful to understand the first results more clearly.

Apparently, the corresponding statistics will appear later, when the difficulties with pension provision are overcome. In any case, it is of great interest to specialists, retirees, and the general public.

Minimum pension amount usually interested in pensioners receiving a social pension, which is noticeably lower than the insurance one. Let's consider what factors influence minimum pension amount.

The influence of the type of old-age pension on its size

Today in Russia there are 2 main laws in connection with which old-age pensions are awarded:

According to the first law, the assignment of an old-age pension depends on the presence of the future pensioner with a minimum number of years of insurance experience and on the formation of the necessary pension coefficient. The size of the pension is determined in a rather complex way, taking into account not only the amount actually paid by the pensioner for labor activity insurance premiums, the amount of his insurance experience, a shift in the purpose of the pension towards a higher age, but also the possibility of receiving fixed additional payments, as well as an assessment of the impact of indexation both on the pension itself and on the amount of fixed additional payments. Such a pension future pensioner earns money himself, and the legislation does not limit its final size.

According to the second law, a pension, which is an analogue of an old-age insurance pension, is assigned to disabled persons and is called social. Due to old age, the right to receive it can be used by those people who have not earned the length of service necessary to assign an insurance pension.

In comparison with the insurance social pension, there are a number of conditions that significantly reduce the profitability of its purpose:

  • The age at which a person is declared disabled is 5 years later than the retirement age for an insurance pension.
  • It can only be received by persons who permanently (at least 15 years) lived in Russia before its appointment and continue to live here.
  • Working pensioners cannot receive it.
  • The size of the pension is small and, despite the mandatory annual indexation, on average remains lower than the amount of the insurance pension.

Therefore, considering the question of minimum old-age pension, you should, first of all, keep in mind the social pension assigned to disabled persons.

Amount of social old-age pension

The amount of the old-age social pension is directly indicated in subparagraph. 1 clause 1 art. 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ: this is 3,626.71 rubles. However, it is indexed annually, taking into account the average increase in the cost of living of pensioners in Russia (Article 25 of the Law of the Russian Federation of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ). The value of this coefficient is established by the Government of the Russian Federation. In addition, the size of the social pension depends on the regional coefficient applied in the territory of residence of the pensioner (Clause 2 of Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ).

Each Russian region sets the cost of living for pensioners independently. Therefore, it may differ significantly from the national average (and not only downward). Accordingly, it is possible that the size of the social pension and a number of insurance pensions in the region will be less than not only the average for the Russian Federation, but also the regional minimum.

For such situations, paragraph 1 of Art. 12.1 of the Law “On State social assistance» dated July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ provides for the mandatory social supplement to pensions. Its purpose is to bring minimum pension amount up to the regional subsistence level.

This surcharge may consist of 2 parts:

  • federal, additionally paid at the expense of the Pension Fund within the average level of the living wage for pensioners established for the Russian Federation, up to the level established for the region (clause 4 of article 12.1 of the law of July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ);
  • regional, additionally paid from the region’s budget if the cost of living for the region exceeds the minimum established for the Russian Federation (clause 5 of Article 12.1 of Law No. 178-FZ of July 17, 1999).

How much will the pension increase in 2016?

Minimum size pensions in 2016 will be indexed again starting in April. True, not in proportion to the increase in the cost of living, but with a smaller coefficient - 1.04 (Clause 1, Article 4 of the Law “On the suspension of certain provisions of legislative acts of the Russian Federation, amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation and the specifics of increasing the insurance pension , fixed payment to the insurance pension and social pensions" dated December 29, 2015 No. 385-FZ).

Since the increase in the cost of living will be more significant, it is very likely that the number of people who will have grounds for receiving social supplements will increase. Including non-working recipients of insurance pensions, the indexation of which in February 2016 also took place with a reduced coefficient of 1.04 (clauses 1-3 of Article 5 of Law No. 385-FZ of December 29, 2015).

Size pension payments, with which the cost of living is compared, consists of:

  • pensions of a non-working pensioner;
  • additional regular payments for social security and social services;
  • other regular social additional payments available in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Thus, in order to determine what is the minimum pension a person can apply in 2016, he needs to compare the total amount of payments he receives in connection with a pension with 2 values ​​of the living wage for pensioners for 2016: established for the region of his residence and calculated for the Russian Federation. If he sees grounds for increasing such a payment, he needs to contact the regional branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with a statement containing a request to increase the value of his pension to minimum pension amount.

Living wage by regions of Russia

The living wage values ​​both in the regions and throughout Russia are approved before the year for which they are established (clauses 3-4 of Article 4 of the Law “On the Living Wage in the Russian Federation” dated October 24, 1997 No. 134-FZ).

In the Russian Federation, the cost of living for pensioners in 2016 is 8,803 rubles. (Clause 6, Article 8 of the Law “On the Federal Budget for 2016” dated December 14, 2015 No. 359-FZ). And its values ​​​​set for 2016 for the regions can be seen on the Pension Fund website. The table of these values ​​contains a reference not only to the numbers of laws that approved the subsistence minimum for a certain region, but also an indication of the funds from which budget will be used to make a social supplement to the pension, thanks to which its size will become appropriate the size of the minimum pension.


Regardless of which law is used to calculate the old-age pension, if its value is less than the pensioner’s subsistence level established for the region of his residence, then the non-working pensioner has the right to receive a social supplement that will make his pension appropriate the size of the minimum pension by region.

In June 2018, a major pension reform started in Russia. From January 1, 2019, the retirement age will begin to be raised gradually and step by step. Retirement for women and men will be increased by 5 years to 60 and 65 years, respectively. The increase step will be - "plus one year in a year". For the first pensioners who will go along new reform for retirement in the first 2 years of the reform, the retirement age will be reduced by half a year - 6 months. The program “plus one year in a year” will continue.

As a result of the reform, the state promises that old-age pensions will be increased by 1,000 rubles from January 1, 2019, based on the average pension of 14,400 rubles in 2018. Pension indexation in 2019 will be 7.05%.

Pension increase in 2019, as reported last news from the State Duma, instead of the usual indexation on February 1 is postponed to January 1 and will be 7.05%, approximately 1000 rubles.

Based on the results of the implementation of the new pension reform, the average pension is expected to reach 20,000 rubles (+ 35 %).

According to the figures for increasing pensions from January 1, 2019, the following values ​​will be (the values ​​for 2018 will be indicated in brackets):

  • 15,430 rubles - the average old-age pension in the country in Russia (14,400 rubles);
  • The cost of the IPC will increase to 87.24 rubles (81.49 rubles);
  • The fixed part of the insurance pension will be 5334.19 rubles(4,982.9 rubles);
  • The disability insurance pension will increase from January 1, 2019 to 9,309 rubles(8,700 rubles);
  • The insurance pension in case of loss of a breadwinner will be 9,523 rubles(8,900 rubles);
  • The set of social services (NSS) will increase to 1,108 rubles (1,075 rubles).

From April 1, 2019, social pensions are expected to increase by 2.4%. The average disability pension in 2019 will be 5,366 rubles.

Indexation of military pensions in 2019 is scheduled for October 1. The increase will be 6.3%. Initially, it was planned to index pensions for military pensioners by 4.3%. In October 2018, Vladimir Putin announced an additional indexation of military pensions by another 2%.

Will there be indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2019?

Let us remind you that since 2016, pension indexation for working pensioners has been frozen. Pensions were also not increased in 2017 and 2018.

Anton Siluanov said at a meeting of the Federation Council on June 27, 2018 that indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2019 is not planned. According to him, the growth rate wages the country exceeds the inflation rate.

The only increase that working pensioners can count on in 2019 is a recalculation from August 1. This is an annual procedure and should not be confused with indexing. Recalculation occurs without a request, the maximum increase is limited to 3 points, which is multiplied by the cost of one point for 2018.

As a result, working pensioners from August 1, 2019 have the right to count on an increase in pension of no more than 244 rubles.

What is pension indexation?

Who will have their pension indexed in 2019?

Pension indexation from January 1, 2018 applies to citizens who, at the time of calculating the increase, are not engaged in labor activity, that is, not only working pensioners, but also the self-employed segment of the population. For example, individual entrepreneurs, lawyers and notaries.

For working pensioners indexation of pensions in 2016 was cancelled, but such a decision applies only to the procedure in the 1st quarter of the specified period. The second indexation should be carried out without taking into account the employment of a certain group of the population.

Top news for working pensioners, this is an obligation to visit the regional Pension Fund and submit an appropriate application if such a citizen has stopped working until March 31, 2016. When accepting documentation, you must attach papers confirming the fact of dismissal. Such documents may be:

  • Employment history.
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

For persons who stop working after the specified period, that is in the second quarter of 2016, the procedure for notifying the government agency will be changed. From this date, the pensioner does not need to visit the Pension Fund in person; all information will be provided by the employer automatically when submitting reports, which are entered into the pension fund database.

If an employee retirement age quit and was recalculated taking into account the social bonus, and then he got a job again - the established benefit, taking into account the indexation percentage, can no longer be canceled.

Indexation from January 1, 2019

Increase in old-age insurance pension from 01/01/2019 will be 7.05% or in monetary equivalent - 1000 rubles. The average old-age insurance pension will increase to 15,430 rubles.

The disability insurance pension will be 9,309 rubles. The fixed pension payment will increase to 5334.19 rubles.


The main provisions of the recalculation of pensions on 01/01/2019:

  1. Indexation is a procedure for increasing certain payments or any part of it depending on the level of inflation or consumer prices for household goods or services. This opportunity is regulated Art. 25 Federal Law No. 166 dated December 15, 2001 And Federal Law No. 400 dated December 28, 2013 According to the standards, the first indexation on February 1 of the current period depends on the level of consumer prices over the past year.
  2. The main condition for applying the February indexation to pension benefit– lack of employment or self-employment.
  3. For working pensioners, the current indexation was denied. Such citizens can receive this bonus in the event of dismissal or termination of business activity and provision of supporting documents to the Pension Fund. If such a person subsequently resumes work, the increase will no longer be cancelled.

A number of events and changes will occur in the Russian pension system in 2016 that will affect all participants in the compulsory pension insurance system: both current and future pensioners, as well as Russian employers.

Increasing pensions and social benefits

Will be indexed in 2016 insurance pensions and state pensions.

An important innovation is that from 2016, insurance pensions will be indexed only for non-working pensioners. Their insurance pensions, as well as the fixed payment to it, will be increased by 4% from February 1, 2016.

The size of the fixed payment after indexation will be 4,558.93 rubles per month, the cost pension point- 74.27 rubles (in 2015 - 71.41 rubles). The average annual old-age insurance pension in 2016 will be 13,132 rubles.

State pension benefits, including social ones, will be increased by 4% for all pensioners from April 1, 2016, regardless of the fact of work. As a result, in 2016 the average annual social pension will be 8,562 rubles.

The second indexation of pensions is planned for the second half of 2016, the decision on which will be made in mid-2016 based on the financial capabilities of the state.

In February 2016, the monthly monthly allowance will be increased by 7%. cash payment(EDV) - the most massive social payment made by the Pension Fund. At the same time with indexation of EDV the cost of the set of social services that federal beneficiaries can receive both in in kind, and in monetary terms.

At the same time, as before, in 2016 there will be no pensioners in Russia whose monthly income is below the subsistence level of a pensioner in the region of residence. All non-working pensioners will receive a social supplement to their pension up to the level of the pensioner’s subsistence level in their region of residence.

Assignment of pensions

In accordance with pension formula, which has been operating in Russia since 2015, to obtain the right to an insurance pension in 2016, you must have at least 7 years of experience and 9 pension points.

The maximum number of pension points that can be obtained in 2016 is 7.83.

The expected pension payment period when calculating the funded pension in 2016 is 234 months.

Every citizen can apply for any type of pension without leaving home - citizens can submit applications for a pension through the Personal Account of the insured person on the Pension Fund website.

Payment of insurance pensions to working pensioners

From 2016, working pensioners will receive an insurance pension and a fixed payment to it without taking into account planned indexations. This provision of the law applies only to recipients of insurance pensions and does not apply to recipients of state pensions, including social pensions.

Indexation of insurance pensions in February 2016 will apply only to pensioners who were not working as of September 30, 2015.

If a pensioner belongs to the category of the self-employed population, such a pensioner will be considered working if he was registered with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation as an insurer as of December 31, 2015.

If a pensioner stopped working in the period from October 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016, he can notify the Pension Fund about this. You can submit an application to the Pension Fund until May 31, 2016. After consideration of the application, the pensioner will begin receiving an insurance pension starting next month, taking into account indexation.

If the pensioner then gets a job again, the size of his insurance pension will not be reduced.

If a pensioner stopped working after March 31, 2016, there is no need to submit an application to the Pension Fund. The fact is that from the second quarter of 2016, monthly simplified reporting will be introduced for employers and the fact of a pensioner’s work will be determined automatically by the Pension Fund.

Pensioners who worked in 2015 will have their insurance pensions increased in August 2016 (non-declaration recalculation) based on the pension points accrued for 2015, but in monetary terms no more than three pension points.

Moratorium on formation pension savings

It was decided to legislatively extend the moratorium on the formation of pension savings until 2016. This is not a “freezing of pensions” and certainly not a “withdrawal of pension savings”. The moratorium on the formation of pension savings means that the 6% that could go to funded pension, will be used to form an insurance pension. Thus, in any case, all insurance contributions paid by the employer for the citizen will participate in the formation of the pension. At the same time, the indexation of the insurance pension for last years higher than the average return on investment of pension savings.

Maternal capital

Key innovation in the field of funds management maternity capital it will be possible to use his funds to purchase goods and pay for services for social adaptation and integration of disabled children into society.

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will begin to accept applications with supporting documents from certificate holders after the Government of the Russian Federation approves the corresponding list of goods and services, as well as the rules for allocating maternity capital funds for their purchase.

The maternity capital program has been extended for two years. Now, to obtain the right to maternity capital, it is necessary that the child who gives the right to the certificate be born or adopted before December 31, 2018. At the same time, as before, the receipt of the certificate and the disposal of its funds are not limited by time.

In 2016, the Pension Fund continues to accept applications from certificate holders for a one-time payment of 20,000 rubles. Families living in the Russian Federation who have received or will receive the right to a maternity certificate as of December 31, 2015 and have not used the entire amount of maternity capital can submit an application.

To obtain lump sum payment The application to the Pension Fund must be submitted no later than March 31, 2016. Families can use the money received for everyday needs.

In 2016, the amount of maternity capital remains at the level of 2015 - 453,026 rubles.

Insurance premiums and reporting

The insurance premium rate for compulsory pension insurance in 2016 remains at 22%. The maximum wage fund, from which insurance contributions to the compulsory pension insurance system are paid, was indexed in 2016 and amounts to 796 thousand rubles (plus 10% above this amount).

At the same time, as before, the additional tariff of insurance premiums for employers with jobs in hazardous and hazardous industries (if the employer does not conduct a special assessment of working conditions) in 2016 is 9% for List No. 1, for List No. 2 and “small lists” " - 6%. If the employer has conducted a special assessment of working conditions, based on its results, the class of working conditions in the workplace and the amount of additional insurance premium rates are established.

Preferential rates of insurance premiums remain for many categories of insurers, including insurance premium payers who have received the status of a participant in the free economic zone in the Crimea and Sevastopol, the status of a resident of territories of rapid socio-economic development, the status of a resident of the free port of Vladivostok and others.

As in 2015, if the number of employees exceeds 25 people, reporting must be submitted electronically with an electronic digital signature. Latest dates In 2016, paper reporting deadlines in 2016 are February 15, May 16, August 15, November 15, and when reporting electronically - February 20, May 20, August 22, November 21.

It is planned that from the second quarter of 2016, additional monthly simplified reporting will be introduced for employers. Its purpose is to determine whether the pensioner is working. This information will save the pensioner from going to the Pension Fund and filing an application for the resumption of indexation of the insurance pension. The Pension Fund will inform employers in more detail about the specifics of submitting this reporting in the first quarter of 2016.

The minimum wage in 2016 is 6,204 rubles. As a result, for the self-employed population who do not make payments to individuals, the fixed payment is 19,356.48 plus 1% of the amount over 300 thousand rubles, but not more than 154,851.84 rubles.

In addition, since January 2016, the budget classification codes for payment of insurance premiums by payers from among the self-employed population have changed, for penalties and interest - for all categories of payers.

You can learn more about all the changes regarding the payment of insurance premiums and reporting on the Pension Fund website in the “For Policyholders” section.

In accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2015 No. 385-FZ “On the suspension of certain provisions of legislative acts of the Russian Federation, amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation and the specifics of increasing the insurance pension, fixed payment to the insurance pension and social pensions” indexation from February 1, 2016 insurance pensions and fixed payments to it will be paid only to pensioners who were not working as of September 30, 2015.

The fact of work is established on the basis of individual (personalized) accounting information as of the last reporting day of the last reporting period of employers, which is at the disposal of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation before indexation is carried out from February 1, 2016 - this is September 30, 2015. If on the specified day a citizen, according to individual (personalized) records, will work, then indexation will not be carried out from February 1, 2016.

If a pensioner belongs to the category of self-employed people, incl. individual entrepreneurs, notaries, lawyers, then they will be considered working if they were registered with the tax authorities and the Pension Fund as of December 31, 2015.

In case of termination or commencement of work in the period from October 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016, citizens submit an application and documents confirming the fact of termination (resumption) of work. The application can be submitted directly to the Pension Fund Office, including by mail, as well as through a multifunctional center or in the form of an electronic document using public information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet, no later than May 31, 2016.

From the second quarter of 2016, monthly simplified reporting will be introduced for employers and the fact of work will be automatically determined based on the monthly data of employers. After receiving and processing reports from which it follows that the pensioner has stopped working, he will begin to receive the amount of the insurance pension, taking into account the indexations that took place during his work. If the pensioner then gets a job again, the size of his insurance pension will not be reduced.

As of January 20 of this year. 124 pensioners dismissed from work applied to the Pension Fund Office, including 52 people in the city of Kyzyl. We also received 1 application for a job in the Pension Fund Office of the Bai-Taiginsky and Chedi-Kholsky districts.

The total number of pension recipients according to operational data as of 01/01/2016. is 81,487 people, of which 60,666 people. (74%) are recipients of insurance pensions Federal law dated December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ “On insurance pensions”. From February 1, 2016, insurance pensions will be indexed by 4% for over 43 thousand non-working pensioners (72% of the total number of insurance pension recipients).

According to the reporting data of policyholders, 18,514 pension recipients are working, of which 17,036 are recipients of insurance pensions. (28%). This number may not include pensioners who work outside the republic.

From August 1 of this year, pensioners who worked in 2015 will have their insurance pensions increased (non-declaration recalculation) based on the insurance premiums accrued for 2015. The peculiarity of this recalculation this year is that for the first time, pensions of working citizens will be recalculated taking into account the pension points earned for the past year, 2015, but in monetary terms no more than three pension points. And such recalculation for working pensioners will be made annually.

The amount of the fixed payment (hereinafter referred to as the FB) to the insurance pension from February 1, 2016 will be 4558.93 rubles. per month (from February 1, 2015 4383.59 x 4%). In the areas Far North and equivalent areas, the PV increases by regional coefficients - 1.5 and 1.4 and will amount to 6575.39 rubles. and 6137.03 rub. respectively. The size of the EF is differentiated depending on the presence of dependents, disability group, and reaching 80 years of age.

As of 01/01/2016 general the average size insurance pensions is 12163.32 rubles ., old age pensions - 13,443.81 rubles, disability pensions - 10,072.07 rubles, survivors' pensions - 4,899.81 rubles.

According to preliminary calculations, the overall average amount of insurance pensions will increase by 487 rubles, old-age pensions by 538 rubles, and disability pensions by 403 rubles. and in case of loss of a breadwinner for 196 rubles.

State pension benefits, incl. social pensions, will be increased by 4% in April 2016 for all pensioners, regardless of the fact of work (both working and non-working). The number of pension recipients under the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ “On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation” as of January 1, 2016 is 20,821 people, incl. social pensions - 20473 people. (98.3%).

As of February 1, 2016, the total average amount of pensions for state provision is 9789.95 rubles, social pensions 9653.76 rubles. The size of social pensions varies depending on the category of recipient.