The pensioner did not go to work. Indexation of pensions for working pensioners, what benefits they are entitled to. Pensions for working pensioners

Retirement and work are incompatible things. Pensioners may be in for trouble, because the Pension Office has the right to demand the return of illegally received money.

The Pension Fund reminds who will stop paying if they are employed:

1) Social old age pension. These pensions are assigned to men upon reaching 65 years of age, and to women at 60 years of age, unless their right to insurance pension(no length of service or “retirement points” required).

If a citizen receives social pension and at the same time got an official paid job, then the payment of the pension will be temporarily suspended for this period.

2) Survivor's insurance pension– when the recipients are the spouse, parent, grandparent of the deceased breadwinner, or an adult brother, sister or child who is caring for children, brothers, sisters or grandchildren of the deceased under 14 years of age.

The law makes it clear that recipients must not have income in the form of a pension.

3) State pensions for long service. State civil and military employees, law enforcement officers equivalent to them, as well as cosmonauts receive a long-service pension only upon dismissal from service.

Upon reinstatement in service, pension payments to such categories of pensioners are automatically terminated. At the same time, engaging in other types of paid work is not prohibited.

4) Social supplement to pension(federal or regional). These payments are assigned in cases where the total amount received by the pensioner social security does not reach the value living wage, approved for the corresponding region of residence of the pensioner.

The absence of any type of income for a pensioner is a prerequisite for receiving social supplements.

5) Compensation payment for caring for a disabled person. Monthly compensation payments are assigned to able-bodied persons who care for an elderly person (over 80 years old) or a disabled person of group 1.

While receiving such payments, the caregiver is prohibited from engaging in paid work.

Recipients of any of the following pension payments, you need to remember that the Pension Fund authorities carefully monitor the receipt of insurance contributions to the personal accounts of these categories of pensioners. As soon as it becomes known about the transfer of insurance premiums, the overpayment of the illegally obtained pension is subject to recalculation and a claim for damages is made.

At the same time, it does not matter what contract the pensioner worked under - labor or civil servants.

According to Article 25 of Federal Law No. 173, if false data is provided to the Pension Fund, which subsequently leads to overspending cash payments, the citizen must compensate the state for the damage caused in full, the Pension Fund reminded.

In “” on the PFR website, pensioners can see information about the type, amount and date of assignment of the pension received and assigned social benefits.

In addition, it contains information about those pension rights that were not previously taken into account when calculating the pension. This refers to contributions for 2018, which the Pension Fund converts into points.

Note: At the same time, information on earnings, insurance premiums, points and length of service of a pensioner for previous years is not available in the service, reminds the Pension Fund.

Points accrued for 2018 will be taken into account when recalculating the pension in August 2019.

Moreover, there is a maximum threshold.

For example, a pensioner’s ILS for 2018 shows 8 points. However, when recalculating the pension amount from 01.08.2019, the maximum amount of individual pension coefficient– 3. It’s unclear where the rest will go.

Russia is recognized as one of the worst countries for retirees

Russia entered the top five worst countries in the world for retirees, ranking 40th out of 43. Only Brazil, Greece and India were worse.

According to "", which is compiled annually by Natixis Global Asset Management, the leaders were Norway (86%), Switzerland (84%) and Iceland (82%). In Russia, the index fell from 46% to 45% over the year.

The index measures the comfort level of retirement in a given country. The calculations use four key parameters: financial situation, material well-being, quality of life and health. Each of these parameters can be rated on a scale from 0% to 100%.

Working pensioners 2019

The article will help you find out what will happen to the pensions of working pensioners in 2019, whether they are entitled to benefits and what part of the pension will still be indexed.

As of January 1, 2015, there were about 15 million working pensioners in Russia. This amount can be explained by the fact that to a greater extent the size of pensions is not able to satisfy the needs of citizens. In this article we will tell last news about the indexation of pensions for working pensioners, we will tell you what benefits they can count on and give practical advice on finding work for retirees.

Article outline:

  1. Rights of working pensioners in 2019.
  2. Frequently asked questions on the topic “Rights of working pensioners.”
  3. All about indexation of pensions for working pensioners.
  4. Benefits for working pensioners in 2019.
  5. What are working pensioners deprived of compared to non-working ones?
  6. How to find a job for a pensioner?

Rights of working pensioners

Every year in Russia more and more pensioners prefer to continue working after the onset of retirement age. There are many reasons. Here are some of them:

  • Small pension payments, which are not enough to maintain a comfortable standard of living.
  • The retirement age in Russia is not high, so citizens are still able to continue working.
  • Reluctance to lose position.
  • Having free time that you want to fill with interesting activities.
  1. Pensions to working pensioners must be paid without restrictions in the manner prescribed by law.
  2. Whether pensioners will work after they reach retirement age should be decided in accordance with the Labor Code Russian Federation. You cannot fire a working pensioner just because it is time for him to go on vacation.
  3. Citizens who have retired due to age can get a job according to an employment contract.
  4. Pensioners have the right to work part-time.
  5. From January 1, 2019, working pensioners have the right to receive annual paid leave.
  6. Sick leave must be provided to working pensioners legally.
  7. Every citizen can quit his job upon reaching retirement age. The employer does not have legal right resist his decision.

They want to completely cancel pensions for working pensioners

The Government of the Russian Federation is working on preparing an anti-crisis plan, one of the points of which provides for the complete abolition of pensions for some working pensioners.

In accordance with the document being prepared, the state can cancel all types of pensions for citizens of retirement age who continue to work and whose income exceeds 1 million rubles per year. According to officials, such a measure will at least partially stabilize the Pension Fund's budget.

Frequently asked questions on the topic “Rights of working pensioners”

Question 1: Can a working citizen count on additional leave after going on vacation?

Answer: Every person who continues to work after reaching retirement age has the right to an additional unpaid leave of 14 days, provided once a year. This rule is stated in Labor Code RF.
The following are entitled to additional unpaid leave:
  • WWII participants - up to 35 days annually.
  • Disabled people - up to 60 days annually.

Question 2: Can an employer force a pensioner to go on unpaid leave?

Answer: Legally, an employer does not have the right to force a pensioner to go on vacation.

Question 3: If a citizen took an additional leave of absence for 14 days, can he interrupt it at any time and go to work?

Answer: Yes, it can. Additional leave can be added to the main annual leave without pay.

Question 4: Is it possible to fire a pensioner?

Answer: Working citizens do not have privileges and they can be dismissed in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if there are appropriate grounds, like any other employee with the exception of disabled people and pregnant women.

Question 5: Should a citizen work the two weeks established by law after dismissal?

Answer: According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, he can quit without working off.

Question 6: Can an employee of retirement age be laid off?

Answer: Reduction, just like the dismissal of a working pensioner, occurs according to legal grounds without any restrictions. Only disabled combatants who received disabilities in connection with the defense of the Fatherland and disabled WWII have privileges. This is written in detail in Article 179 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Question 7: Can an employer terminate an employment contract with a retired citizen and instead enter into a fixed-term employment contract?

Answer: Such actions are possible only mutually. Termination of an employment contract is not permitted without the employee’s consent. Otherwise, this fact can be appealed in court.

Question 8: Can an employee petition the employer to reduce working hours?

Answer: Maybe, but the employer has the right to refuse him if he is not disabled.

Question 9: Does a retired person have the right to work overtime and on holidays?

Answer: Of course it does. Just like an ordinary employee.

All about indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2019

Working pensioners will not be affected by those who work. The pension will remain at the established level. The increase will only occur after these citizens are fired. Then the missed indexations will be carried out for them, as a result of which the pension will reach the required level.

Working pensioners do not need to quit immediately

Note: Source: Rossiyskaya Gazeta

The Pension Fund hastened to dispel rumors that appeared in the media that pensioners who did not retire by 2019 will be deprived of their pensions starting next year.

All citizens who are now eligible to receive a pension will receive pensions in 2019. Moreover, regardless of whether the pensioner works or not. The citizen himself decides whether to quit his job.

If a working pensioner decides to retire, his insurance pension will be recalculated upward. The fact is that upon termination of work, a citizen’s pension is paid taking into account the indexations that took place during the time when he was a working pensioner.

True, he will begin to receive a new increased pension only 3 months after his dismissal. This is due to the period during which the Pension Fund receives from employers the information necessary to recalculate pension payments.

Benefits for working pensioners in the Russian Federation

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, pensioners have the right to benefits that apply to all citizens who have reached the age of retirement, regardless of whether they continue their working activities or not.

In this section we will look at the rights and benefits that are available to working pensioners. Some of them are relevant exclusively for the working population, while some are suitable for all retirees, regardless of status.

So, the following benefits and rights are provided for working pensioners:

  1. Persons who have retired due to age cannot be dismissed solely at the request of the employer without reasons specified by the Russian Federation.
  2. Every citizen who has reached retirement age has the right to stop working and write a letter of resignation at his own request.
  3. Pensioners can get a job again. However, their pension will not decrease.
  4. The length of the working day for pensioners cannot be changed if the employer wants it without reasons specified by law and the consent of the employee.
  5. Working pensioners have the right to additional leave. True, it will be provided at your own expense. Vacation period is up to 14 days. To receive leave, you must write a corresponding application. Additional leave can be used immediately or partially within one year.
  6. When concluding an employment contract between an employer and a pensioner, compulsory insurance contributions must be deducted in favor of the latter, which will go towards the funded pension.
  7. If a person of retirement age is a veteran or disabled, he can receive a free trip to a sanatorium. This may be within the framework of special programs at the local and regional level.
  8. Upon reaching 60 years of age, Russians have the right to receive a free flu vaccination.
  9. Obtaining heat and gas at the expense of government funds.
  10. According to the decision of a local or regional authority, retired citizens have the right to receive free medical care not only in a clinic on your site or a city hospital, but also in a gerontological center.
  11. If a pensioner has a disability, he can receive the necessary medications on preferential terms.
  12. Pensioners receive money from the state.

Tax benefits for pensioners

Pensioners have privileges in paying property taxes. Citizens of retirement age who own real estate can take advantage of the benefits described below.

If a pensioner has a premises that is used for a library, creative studio etc., then he may be exempt from paying property tax, provided that the area of ​​the specified premises does not exceed 50 sq.m. and the land plot on which the building is located is provided for individual housing construction, a summer residence or private farming.

You can receive such a benefit only once and for one object. Even if a pensioner has several garages or apartments and uses them as a library and a non-state museum, then the benefit can only be used in relation to one of the real estate properties. The choice remains with the owner.

If the property owner does not submit an application by November 1 of each year, the tax authority will independently select an object that is not subject to property tax.

It is worth noting that in the regions of the Russian Federation it is provided governmental support on payment of transport tax for pensioners (working and non-working). Residents of the Krasnodar Territory, the Republic of Adygea and the Kostroma Region pay half of the accrued amount to the budget.

Only one vehicle is exempt. It is chosen by the payer. Please contact your local tax office or administration for details.

As for the land tax, this issue, like the previous one, is resolved at the regional level. This is explained by the fact that the tax funds received are sent to the local budget. Therefore, detailed and accurate information can only be obtained at your place of residence.

Pensioners in the cities of Rostov-on-Don, Tomsk and St. Petersburg are completely exempt from paying land tax on a land plot of up to 25 acres. Pensioners in Novosibirsk pay only half of the land tax.

To receive assistance, you need to apply to the appropriate authority and provide a pension certificate. The deadline for submitting documents is determined individually for each region. Be sure to pay attention to this.

What do working pensioners lack compared to non-working ones?

Despite the fact that working pensioners are entitled to benefits, non-working pensioners still have more benefits. For example:

  1. Retired citizens and those who have stopped working can benefit from compensation for travel to a place of rest. Working people do not have such opportunities.
  2. Social supplement to pension is provided only to non-working citizens of retirement age. Even pension amount a working pensioner is less than the subsistence minimum, he will not be able to receive additional payment until he stops working.

Whether it is profitable to be a working pensioner or not is determined only on an individual basis and is primarily influenced by the size wages.

How to find a job as a pensioner

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not limit or prohibit the labor actions of citizens who have reached the age of retirement. However, this rule often applies only at the legal level.

Often employers do not want to hire pensioners and use all possible means to force their employees to retire no later than the due date.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with several for retirees:

  1. If you have certain skills, share them with those who wish. Pupils and students are willing to pay to gain knowledge. Many retired teachers earn money by teaching classes, or simply by tutoring. It is worth noting that the payment for such work is not too small and will constitute a noticeable addition to the pension.
  2. Work as a concierge, cloakroom attendant or janitor. Such work is not highly paid, but if you have free time, an extra penny won’t hurt.
  3. Another job option is to become a nanny for a child or a caregiver for a sick person.
  4. Taxi dispatcher.
  5. Call center worker.
  6. Needlework. Today results are valued manual labor- embroidery, knitting, lace weaving, making wooden and clay products, etc. Turn your favorite hobby into a way.
  7. Growing vegetables and selling them. Working for personal plot You can earn a pretty penny this way. It's not easy, but there will always be buyers for vitamin-rich vegetables and fruits.
  8. . After retirement, citizens can work without leaving home. You can give online lessons, write articles for sale, participate in competitions, etc.

If the time has come to retire, do not despair and prepare for boring and monotonous everyday life. Find something you like and be glad that you have time to do what you love.

From 2016, working pensioners will receive an insurance pension without indexation. Payment of insurance pensions to working pensioners

From January 2018 after termination by a pensioner labor activity full size pensions, taking into account all indexations, will be paid for the period from the 1st day of the month after dismissal. This became possible thanks to the adoption of Federal Law No. 134-FZ on July 1, 2017, which will come into force on January 1, 2018.

Note: Download the booklet for working pensioners (.pdf 88.5 Kb)

In accordance with changes in pension legislation, since 2016, working pensioners receive an insurance pension and fixed payment to it without taking into account planned indexations. This provision of the law applies only to recipients of insurance pensions and does not apply to recipients of state pensions, including social pensions.

In February 2016, it applies only to pensioners who were not working as of September 30, 2015.

If a pensioner belongs to the category of the self-employed population, that is, is registered with the Pension Fund as a notary, lawyer, etc., such a pensioner will be considered working if he is registered with the Pension Fund as of December 31, 2015.

What documents and where should a working pensioner submit?

To resume receiving an insurance pension, taking into account indexation, a citizen submits an application about the fact of termination of work. In most cases, a copy of the work record is attached to the application, from which it follows that the citizen has stopped working. You can submit an application after the relevant entry into force federal law, i.e. from January 1, 2016. Applications are accepted by all territorial bodies of the Pension Fund and MFC, which accept applications for the assignment and delivery of pensions. The application can be submitted in person or through a representative, or sent by mail.

  • Application form for the fact of implementation (termination) of work and (or) other activities
  • Rules for filling out an application for the fact of carrying out (terminating) work and (or) other activities

The pensioner left work in December 2017

In January 2018, the Pension Fund received reports from the employer for December, in which the pensioner was still listed as working. The fact that the citizen no longer works became clear from the report for January - his employer submitted it in February 2018. In March, the Pension Fund decided to pay a pension taking into account all missed indexations, and in April the pensioner will receive the full amount of the pension, as well as the monetary difference between the previous and new pension amounts for the previous three months - January, February and March.

If a pensioner plans to retire this year and wants to understand when they will actually start paying him the full amount of his insurance pension, he can use the table as a guide:

  • Everyone non-working pensioners, whose total amount of material support does not reach the pensioner’s subsistence level (PLS) in the region of his residence, a social supplement is made up to the pensioner’s subsistence level.

  • Provides information about the rules, as per new formula pension is considered. How's it going? pension reform.
  • Month of dismissal of the insurance pension recipientStart of payment of insurance pension with all past indexations
    January 2018May 2018
    February 2018June 2018
    March 2018July 2018
    April 2018August 2018
    May 2018September 2018
    June 2018October 2018
    July 2018November 2018
    August 2018December 2018
    September 2018January 2019
    October 2018February 2019
    November 2018March 2019
    December 2018

    I `m a pensioner. A few months ago I got a job. And recently they brought me a pension, the amount of which turned out to be less than the usual amount. At the department of the PFU of the Suvorovsky district, where I turned for clarification, they told me that I had to report the employment, and since I did not do this, I now have to return the money that was overpaid to me. What does overpaid mean? I was given this pension, and I always received it in this amount.” - Evgeniy Goloborodko. Natalya Ivanovna Ksenzhuk, head of the department of the Pension Fund of Ukraine in the Suvorovsky district of Odessa, answers: - Labor pensions are assigned and paid to both working and non-working citizens (with the exception of long-service pensions, which are assigned subject to dismissal from work, giving the right to appointment such a pension).

    Does a pensioner need to inform the Pension Fund that he has gotten a job?

    If an employer does not want to hire a retiree, a written refusal must be provided stating the reason. A similar rule is enshrined in Article 64 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. If a company does not want to work with a person because of his age, it will be considered discrimination. However, there are a number of professions for which a maximum age threshold is established.

    This category of citizens has certain benefits. Thus, WWII participants and combat veterans have the right to receive additional annual leave of up to 35 working days without pay. You can use the privilege at any time. Step-by-step instruction hiring a pensioner The procedure for hiring a pensioner does not differ from the standard one.

    Pensioners do not need to report to the Pension Fund about facts of employment or dismissal

    The law makes it clear that recipients must not have income in the form of a pension. 3) State pensions for long service. State civil and military employees, law enforcement officers equivalent to them, as well as cosmonauts receive a long-service pension only upon dismissal from service. Upon reinstatement in service, pension payments to such categories of pensioners are automatically terminated.


    At the same time, engaging in other types of paid work is not prohibited. 4) Social supplement to pension (federal or regional). These payments are assigned in cases where the total amount of social security received by the pensioner does not reach the minimum subsistence level approved for the corresponding region of residence of the pensioner. The absence of any type of income for a pensioner is a prerequisite for receiving social supplements.

    Should a pensioner report this to the Pension Fund when going back to work?


    Compensation payment for caring for a disabled person. Monthly compensation payments are assigned to able-bodied persons who care for an elderly person (over 80 years old) or a disabled person of group 1. While receiving such payments, the caregiver is prohibited from engaging in paid work.

    Recipients of any of these pension payments need to remember that the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation carefully monitors the receipt of insurance contributions to the personal accounts of these categories of pensioners. As soon as it becomes known about the transfer of insurance premiums, the overpayment of the illegally obtained pension is subject to recalculation and a claim for damages is made. At the same time, it does not matter what contract the pensioner worked under - labor or civil servants.

    How to hire an employee of retirement age?

    But in the event of a job loss, the pension is automatically increased to an amount that takes into account all previously indexed payments. If the amendments to the laws had not been adopted, then retired pensioners would have to collect certificates and go with them to the Pension Fund office to have their pension recalculated. Now all this will be done automatically. If someone does not trust electronic services, they can come to the territorial office of the fund themselves and notify them of their dismissal.

    But now it is simply a right, not an obligation. The decision to increase the pension, taking into account missed indexations, is made for each person after all the data about him has been analyzed.

    Working pensioners will be specially registered

    Pension Fund employees automatically learn about the employment or dismissal of a working pensioner. Simplified reporting for employers came into force on May 1, 2016. The Russian Pension Fund said that all information about working pensioners will now be contained in a personalized accounting database. READ ON THE TOPIC: The government wants to introduce mandatory corporate pension programs After dismissal, pensioners' pensions increase - to the level that all non-working elderly Russians receive. Previously, the citizen himself collected certificates and went to the fund. Now pension recalculation for working pensioners will occur automatically. Let us remind you that since 2016, the pensions of working pensioners have not been indexed.
    More precisely, it is indexed, but this information is reflected only on their personal accounts. And they receive unincreased amounts in their hands.

    What does a pensioner lose when he gets a job?

    So the loss of this money at the current levels of pensions is very noticeable. Here the question may arise: why, when the fact of employment or the start of business activity is revealed, the Pension Fund body, by its decision, changes the amount of the pension and begins to withhold the overpayment, and the termination of work must be reported to the Pension Fund? The fact is that while the Pension Fund body receives information about the dismissal of a pensioner, during this time he can re-enter work. In order to avoid such situations and unwanted showdowns, we strongly recommend that you promptly submit an application for a change in labor status to the office of the Pension Fund of Ukraine at your place of residence.

    About pension

    Continue the dialogue Pay for response Yours sincerely, lawyer Osipova Natalya Vladimirovna. Email Do you have an answer to this question? You can leave it by clicking on the Reply button Similar questions Do I need a certificate 182n when applying for a job if I have never worked anywhere before. Do I need to pay for a medical examination when applying for a job? Is it necessary to undergo a medical examination when applying for a temporary job? Is there a law on libel in an administrative offense charge? Thank you) Do I need a 2nd personal income tax certificate when applying for a job after maternity leave? I quit my job while on maternity leave.

    Why should a pensioner, having got a job, report this to the pension fund?

    In order for a citizen on well-deserved rest to be able to start working, the following actions will be required:

    1. Select a company that requires employees and go through an interview. If the parties have reached an agreement, an application for employment of the pensioner is submitted.
    2. Prepare a package of documentation and present the required papers to the employer.
    3. Conclude an employment agreement with the company. The paper must be studied by the employee and signed by him.
    4. Familiarize yourself with internal regulations and other documents that a pensioner to be hired must know.

      The person leaves a signature as confirmation of agreement to comply with the established rules.

    5. Wait for the order to come out. The employer is responsible for processing it.

    The state allows a person on a well-deserved vacation to take additional leave at his own expense. Additional leave If a person continues to work, he has the right to receive standard leave. An employee can take a break from work after six months from the date of commencement of work in the company.

    However, the legislation provides for a number of benefits for citizens receiving an old-age pension. According to Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a pensioner has the right to receive 14 days of annual unpaid leave. Provision of required rest is carried out in accordance with the established schedule or on the basis of an agreement with management.
    Tax deductions If a pensioner continues to work in retirement, deductions will be required in favor of the state.

    When a pensioner gets a job, what does he lose in his pension?

    El No. FS77-61432 dated 04/10/2015

    “I am a pensioner, but I worked until March 11, 2018.

    Now I quit. I plan to find a job again in the summer. Tell me, can I get a 4% increase in my pension as a non-working pensioner?

    Will my pension decrease again if I go back to work? Should I apply to the Pension Fund if I go back to work after some time?”

    Deputy Head of the Department in the Kolpinsky District Nina Mikhailovna Grushevskaya answers the question:

    The indexation of insurance pensions in February 2018 applied only to pensioners who were not working as of September 30, 2015.

    If you stopped working between October 1, 2015 and March 31, 2018, you can notify the Pension Fund about this.

    To do this, you need to submit an application to the PFR department before May 31 of the current year and provide documents confirming the termination of employment, namely work book. In some cases, other documents may be needed.

    It is important to note that if the pensioner then gets a job again, the amount of his insurance pension will not be reduced.

    Do you need to work in retirement?

    It should be noted right away that survivor’s pensions are assigned to disabled family members of the deceased breadwinner whom he supported.

    Children, brothers, sisters and grandchildren who have not reached the age of majority. In the case of their full-time study - until the end of this study, but longer than 23 years, older than this age, if they were disabled before the age of 18.

    Does a pensioner need to inform the Pension Fund that he has gotten a job?

    Accordingly, there can be no talk of any recalculation.

    If you officially got a job, the Pension Fund will know about it, as contributions will be received.

    And if it’s unofficial, they don’t carry out checks, so you can keep silent.

    In any case, when I worked unofficially, I didn’t bother with this problem, the price of the issue was pennies, in fact. In general, according to the law, of course, you are required to report that you have started working, but you must understand that in this case, his pension accruals will be reduced, because many pensioners work secretly and hide it from the pension fund.

    The pensioner does not owe anything to the Pension Fund.

    Pensions for working pensioners

    Every year in Russia, more and more pensioners prefer to continue working after reaching retirement age. There are many reasons. Here are some of them: Rights of working pensioners from January 1, 2018: Working pensioners want to completely abolish pensions The Government of the Russian Federation is working on preparing an anti-crisis plan, one of the points of which provides for the complete abolition of pensions for some working pensioners.

    Now it is not necessary to submit such an application to the Pension Fund annually.

    Here is some more information that may be of interest: So, so far there are no changes in the laws to reduce the pension of a working person, although there are such attempts and I think they will continue. Medvedev will not cut pensions for working pensioners. Earlier, the government decided to freeze savings part As of 2015, a citizen of retirement age has the full right to get a job, in accordance with Article 3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and has equal opportunities to exercise the rights to work as citizens who have not reached a certain age.

    Working pensioners will be specially registered

    Those who left work, received an increased pension, and then returned to it again after some time should not worry.

    No one will take away the “bonus” they receive from their pension.

    A disabled person gets a job: will the pension be smaller?

    As practice shows, the issue of employment of disabled people is becoming increasingly relevant. At the same time, a temporary order is in force in Ukraine restrictions on pension payments to working pensioners.

    Mostly, working pensioners are paid 85% assigned size pensions. After layoffs From work, pension payments are resumed in full.

    But, the rule on reducing pensions for working pensioners to 85% of the amount of pension payments provided for by the current pension legislation, does not apply to everyone.

    Working disabled people of groups I and II, regardless of the cause of disability;

    War disabled people of the 3rd group;

    Participants in hostilities;

    Persons covered by paragraph 1 of Art. 10 of Law No. 3551.

    Besides, pension amounts exceeding in 2017 12470 UAH, subject to taxation(Clause 164.2.19 NKU). At the same time, the base for calculating personal income tax ( 18 % ) and military collection ( 1,5 % ) is the same.

    If a pensioner gets a job again, will this entail a reduction in pension or cancellation of benefits?

    Tell me, if a pensioner (56 years old) gets a job again, will this entail a reduction in pension or the abolition of benefits?

    What are the consequences if a pensioner gets a job again?

    Here interesting information about this theme:

    Non-working pensioners can learn new professions and find employment.

    They have been given this opportunity since September 1 within the framework of the federal law “On Employment in the Russian Federation.” Unemployed citizens who receive an old-age pension can receive additional vocational education at the direction of the employment service in specialties in demand on the labor market. Special courses are planned from the new year. More detailed information for this project can be obtained locally at employment centers.

    In addition, every year a working pensioner has to recalculate his pension, because... the employer pays insurance premiums for him and submits reports based on individual information:

    Recalculation labor pension- this is a change in the size of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension and disability labor pension due to the pensioner having additional income, from which insurance premiums were paid for insurance part labor pension, as well as in connection with other reasons.

    Many pensioners after leaving

    and continue to work for retirement. In this case, employers pay insurance contributions for them to the compulsory pension insurance system, taking into account which the bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFR) recalculate the size of the labor pension.

    Let us recall that until 2009, working pensioners had to annually apply to the territorial body of the Pension Fund at their place of residence with an application to recalculate the amount of the insurance part of their labor pension. Now it is not necessary to submit such an application to the Pension Fund annually.

    Here is some more information that may be of interest:

    Since the decision was made at the highest government level not to raise the retirement age, but to encourage citizens to retire as late as possible, the Ministry of Finance began to offer one idea after another to save on working pensioners. At first it was proposed to completely deprive such workers of pension payments. Then there was a proposal not to regularly recalculate pensions for workers. Finally, the idea arose to pinch off the basic portion of workers’ pensions, which is approximately 35 percent of the average old-age labor pension.

    So, so far there are no changes in the laws to reduce the pension of a working pensioner, although there are such attempts and I think they will continue.

    Information agency "Rassvet"

    In the modern world it is quite difficult to live on one pension, so more and more often pensioners are trying to get a job or part-time job. What vacancies can older people apply for and how should they be employed? Let's talk about this.

    Where can people of retirement age get a job?

    Finding a job for retirees is quite possible. People in this category have some advantages over younger applicants. They have extensive life and work experience and are willing to work for less money compared to ambitious young people.

    It is also worth finding out about possible loans for pensioners.

    Today, pensioners are offered a wide variety of jobs with different pay for them. Most often, older people are hired for low-paid jobs, for example, as a courier or cleaner. However, many are satisfied with the quiet work of a watchman or concierge. You can get decent money by getting a job as a nurse or nanny.

    Pensioners can also work as taxi drivers. In many cities across the country there are centers that can send orders to drivers’ phones from several taxi services at once. The advantage of this job is a flexible schedule.

    Pensioners can try themselves as extras in various talk shows and TV series. During one shift, 50–120 actors can be filmed in them. And if you consider that each TV channel films 3-4 programs a week with the participation of extras, then there should be no problems with employment.

    Reception and dismissal of a pensioner from work

    With employees of retirement age the following may be concluded:

    • employment contract for an indefinite period;
    • fixed-term contract;
    • contract of civil law type.

    To conclude an employment contract for an indefinite period You will need the following documents:

    1. passport;
    2. employment history;
    3. insurance certificate of state pension insurance;
    4. military registration documents.

    If the position for which the pensioner is applying requires the presence of a certain education, he must provide the corresponding document. Depending on the specifics of the job, a health document may be required. It is not necessary to present a pension certificate when applying for a job.

    A fixed-term contract must be concluded by mutual consent of the employee and employer. A similar document can be issued in case of seasonal work. In this case, the employee has the right to paid leave or compensation if he does not use rest days. A fixed-term contract turns into an open-ended one if the employer draws up a similar document again. It is important to remember that a fixed-term contract cannot be drawn up against the employee’s wishes. This is punishable by law.

    When drawing up a civil law, the employer has the right not to pay vacation and sick days. When hiring, these points should be discussed in advance.

    When a pensioner is dismissed from work, everything happens according to the same pattern as everyone else, regardless of age. Like other members of the team, pensioners have the right to compensation:

    1. severance pay, equal to the average monthly earnings;
    2. preservation cash benefit before finding a new job, but no more than 2 months.

    Where people of retirement age are always needed

    The following vacancies are most popular among retirees:

    Retired men can always get a job as watchmen, drivers, watchmen or couriers. In the first two cases, attentiveness and diligence are required, in the second - the desire to work and the availability of a vehicle.

    For women of retirement age, the vacancy of a cleaner is suitable. The work is not difficult, but requires good physical fitness. If your health allows and there is a desire, there should be no problems with finding employment in the cleaning industry.

    Often in some regions, military retirees are offered live-in work.

    Office work for retirees

    Office work for active retirees should be included in a separate category. It is suitable for purposeful, sociable individuals. As a rule, the work schedule is offered freely, but requires the presence of a certain number of hours per day or per week in the office. The work itself can be informational or advisory in nature.

    Thus, even in old age it is quite possible to find a job. And during your job search, these may come in handy simple tips:

    • Older people have every chance of getting a job, as they have their advantages in the form of rich experience;
    • Pensioners, like any other employees, are subject to existing labor legislation;
    • People of retirement age can work in different areas with certain knowledge and skills.
    • Pensioners can always count on such vacancies as: watchman, watchman, cleaner, courier, since they do not require special knowledge and skills.

    Now it will be more profitable to recalculate your pension after two years of work without taking into account your salary for this period

    Ministry social policy emphasizes that rumors about the cessation of payments to working pensioners from January 1, 2012 are untrue. People's pensions will be fully funded

    Oddly enough, the pension reform has excited working pensioners the most. In the couple of months the new law has been in effect, they have accumulated many questions. For example, how will pensions be recalculated now after two years of work and will they be recalculated at all? What salary will be taken into account when recalculating payments? What documents need to be submitted to the Pension Fund? In addition, there are still rumors in the country that starting from the new year, payments to working pensioners will either be cut in half or stopped altogether. What changes has the pension reform made in the lives of working pensioners, FACTS asked director of the department pension provision Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine Mykola Shambir.

    “When assigning a pension, an important role is played by the ratio of a person’s earnings and the average salary in the country”

    Nikolai Ivanovich, let’s first dot the i’s: are working pensioners still able to recalculate their pensions every two years?

    “The law has no retroactive effect. So no recalculations were made to people who had already retired.”

    It turns out that due to the growth of the average salary in the country, submitting information about earnings is not always profitable; this can reduce the overall coefficient and, accordingly, the size of the pension

    “The new law makes it possible to submit salary information for the period only from July 1, 2000”

    Well, let's look into it further. The woman retired in 2006, but continued to work. The last recalculation of her pension was made in 2008. In 2012, she will submit documents to recalculate payments based on her earnings. What salary will be taken into account - for 2005 (on the basis of which she was assigned a pension) or for 2007 (taking into account which the last recalculation was made in 2008)?

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    Today in Russia there is enough a large number of pensioners who have to work. Unfortunately, the amount of a pension cannot always satisfy all human needs, which is why many pensioners remain at their previous place of work even part-time or are looking for a new part-time job.

    Working in retirement has its pros and cons.

    • pros:
      • the amount of material support for working pensioners is higher than;
      • While a citizen is working, insurance premiums are deducted for him, and, consequently, the amount of his pension increases;
      • upon later retirement, the final amount of pension benefits will increase by a certain increasing factor.
    • Minuses:
      • In 2016, the indexation of pensions for working pensioners was canceled and to this day it is not carried out.

    Is it possible to work and receive a pension?

    At the request of the employee, it is possible to make an entry in the employment record, which specifically indicates that the employee is leaving at his own request. due to retirement.

    If the statement contains the phrase "due to retirement", then the employer must dismiss the pensioner within the period specified in the application , without two-week work(Part 3 of Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). And in this case, the pensioner is not obliged to warn in advance about his desire to stop working.

    Dismissed pensioners are provided with all the same guarantees as other employees.

    Those laid off through layoffs are provided with severance pay, equal to the average monthly salary. At the same time, during the period of employment, this pensioner retains the average monthly salary for 2 months.

    Increasing pensions for working pensioners

    A large number of pensioners continue to work after retirement. IN in this case employers pay insurance contributions to the system (OPS) for them. Taking into account contributions, the Pension Fund makes an annual recalculation of the amount of the insurance pension. Consequently, with an increase in the transferred insurance premiums, the amount of a person’s pension savings increases and, accordingly, the pension itself increases.

    Recalculation of pensions for pensioners who work, taking into account insurance contributions, is carried out without a declaration every year from August 1st.

    Additional restrictions are:

    • When recalculating the maximum score no higher than 3 for those working pensioners who do not have, and 16% of compensatory pension contributions go to;
    • For working pensioners whose contributions are distributed: 10% for the insurance part, and 6% for the funded part, the maximum the score is 1.875.

    Increase in pension accruals for working pensioners happens once a year, no earlier than 12 months from the date of the previous recalculation.

    Recalculation of pensions for pensioners in Russia

    Recalculation of the pension of a working pensioner is a change in the amount of the pension due to an increase pension capital(amount of insurance premiums) of the worker. This happens provided that the person worked legally and insurance premiums were transferred to the Pension Fund for him.

    The amount of the insurance pension is recalculated using the formula:

    SP st = SP stp + (IPK i / K / KN x SPK),

    • SP st- insurance pension;
    • SP STP- the established amount of the insurance pension as of July 31 of the year in which the recalculation is made;
    • IPC i- individual pension coefficient as of January 1 of the year in which the insurance pension is recalculated;
    • SPK- the cost of one pension coefficient on the day from which the amount of the insurance pension is recalculated;
    • TO- coefficient for calculating the amount of the insurance pension, calculated in accordance with Part 11 of Art. 15 law “About insurance pensions”;
    • KN- the coefficient for calculating the amount of the insurance pension for age and disability is equal to 1, and for calculating the insurance pension for the loss of a breadwinner - the number of dependents of the deceased breadwinner as of August 1 of the year in which the recalculation of the insurance pension for the loss of a breadwinner is made.

    Those pensioners who receive their salaries unofficially cannot count on recalculation.