Hiking shoes: we travel in comfort. How to choose trekking boots

Clothes and shoes for hiking

Hiking equipment should be selected so that you are comfortable, warm and dry, and things should not duplicate each other. Maximum functionality with minimal quantity and weight is the ideal to strive for. We dress according to the “cabbage” principle: you can take off excess clothes in the heat or, conversely, put on something if it gets cold.

For simple hikes, you can get by with simple and inexpensive equipment. Clothing requirements increase in proportion to the difficulty of the hike. There is no need to buy “cool” equipment if you are going on an easy hike for the first time in your life. Membrane jacket- good, but on a simple hike you can get by with an ordinary inexpensive windbreaker. “Branded” fleece can be easily replaced with a Chinese one for 300 rubles. And so on. But if you have to hike in serious mountains and snow, then you need to approach the selection of clothes much more carefully, because poor-quality equipment can result not only in discomfort, but also a big problem.

ATTENTION! This is NOT a camping gear list! Many (almost all) possible positions that are taken on different hikes are listed here.


Walking pants – You will be wearing these pants all day on the route. They are needed for almost any trip. It is best to have such pants made of synthetic materials: they are lightweight, dry quickly and are easy to wash. Keep in mind that on a rainy day the trails will get wet and the bottom of your pant legs will be very muddy. It will be extremely difficult to wash cotton fabrics by hand while camping. If you have pants with detachable legs (these are the ones that “turn into trousers”), that’s very good. Jeans are NOT suitable as walking pants: they weigh a lot and cannot be dried when wet.

Raincoat (raincoat, rain cape)– a must-have if your windbreaker gets wet. When going on any hike, both easy and difficult, you need to think about protection from the rain. The argument “I thought it wouldn’t rain, so I didn’t take a raincoat” sounds very childish, although our instructors hear this from time to time. Almost EVERY equipment list has a “raincoat” item (a rare exception is countries with a pronounced tropical climate, where it never rains in a certain season). It’s better to have a raincoat in your backpack for the entire trip than not to have it in a downpour. If you are happy with the prospect of walking through wet in a piercing wind, then you don’t need to take a raincoat :) There are raincoats:

Thin polyethylene multi-colored ones - in which grandmothers usually sell flowers at the metro. We don’t take such raincoats on hikes, because the colored polyethylene will remain on the very first bushes or will tear when putting on the backpack;

Thick polyethylene ones can be taken, but there is a drawback: polyethylene raincoats “don’t breathe” and you can’t walk in them for a long time, you will get wet anyway, because... sweat;

Made from special fabric – sold in equipment stores, inexpensive, breathable (you don’t sweat under it) and can withstand heavy rain;

Sneakers or sneakers– we take them on light NOT mountain hikes or as spare shoes for parking lots, simple radial excursions, for civilization and the road. Sneakers should be comfortable, worn in, and light in weight. Preferably without mesh on the sides and top: the mesh breaks very easily on the roots. But sneakers with holes in them are suitable for rafting - so that water pours out of them faster.

Rubber boots – we don’t take it on almost any trips. Although during the hike itself, many times it may seem that rubber boots would be very useful here - remember how much they weigh and add this to the weight of the backpack. And if you scoop up water into your boot, it won’t dry until the end of the hike. In addition, rubber boots are not intended for walking in the mountains; they are heavy, uncomfortable, and slip even on a wet forest path (slipping in the mud, even with dry feet, is not much fun). Rubber boots are required for a minimum number of hikes, and the coordinator will tell you about this separately.

Galoshes– light rubber, without holes, “gardener’s slippers.” They are very useful as spare shoes in parking lots when you need to walk on wet grass or moss. Crocs will not work because... with holes.

Rubber flip-flop slippers (“corals”)– take it on trips abroad, where there is a lot of sea and sun. The rest can be easily replaced with Velcro sandals.

Shoe covers- these are rubber galoshes with a thick fabric top that completely cover the shoe along with the sole and trouser leg to the knee. Shoe covers are useful to take on mountaineering and winter hikes. They prevent shoes from getting wet and protect them from snow and rain.

EXAMPLE of shoe covers:

Gaiters or “flashlights”- these are “pipes” made of dense fabric; they cover the leg of the trouser and only the upper part of the shoe. Lighter than shoe covers, but do not provide 100% protection from getting wet if you step in a deep puddle. Gaiters are taken on serious mountain hikes; they help keep shoes dry when walking on wet grass, mud, and snow.

EXAMPLE of gaiters:

Have a nice training camp!

Tell your friends!

When going on a hike, you need to take care of your equipment. First of all, you need to prepare your hiking shoes. Why does she get so much attention? Because when hiking, the main load falls on the legs, which means they need to be protected and taken care of.

It will depend on whether you choose the right shoes. How far and how quickly will you get there, will your feet hurt, will you get calluses. And often whether you will have injuries. The right shoes make any trip much easier.

The choice of shoes for hiking directly depends on where and how you are going to go. In the city and asphalt paths, you can get by with regular sneakers or sneakers. But as soon as the asphalt ends and a field, forest or mountains begins, it’s time to put on specialized hiking shoes.

Firstly, it is more durable and wear-resistant, easier to bear multidirectional loads and the increased weight of the owner due to the backpack. Secondly, it protects the legs from injury and damage.

Specialized shoes differ in both the selection of materials and manufacturing technology. Everything is important here: the treatment of the seams, the quality of the glue, the impregnation and much more. The more difficult the transition to make, the more complex the shoes will be.

For short walks around the city, with a minimum of obstacles and almost complete absence of things, hiking shoes are suitable. Hiking is the word used to describe light, uncomplicated walking.

These are lightweight yet durable shoes with soft soles. It is perfect for walking in the summer. This category includes:

  • hiking sandals;
  • lightweight sneakers with mesh;
  • sneakers with membrane.

Thanks to the wide range of such shoes, you can choose not only a comfortable and durable model, but also a rather stylish one.

Long hiking trips in winter and autumn

The best shoes For long hikes in the forest, trekking boots are ideal. By the word trekking, professionals mean multi-day hikes over rough terrain. They involve terrain, long descents or ascents, hills and ravines.

Hiking boots are taller than regular running shoes. This is done in order to at least slightly fix the ankle joint. This fixation helps to avoid dislocations and bruises. And injuries on a hike are the last thing. In addition, they have a more durable and firm sole, which protects your feet from chafing.

In general, trekking shoes are a kind of universal layer between urban and highly specialized shoes. It allows you to diversify the load as much as possible.

Experienced people prefer to wear trekking shoes even for light walks in hot weather. It is also suitable for quite difficult, almost extreme routes. It is also recommended for novice tourism lovers to buy it. For the first time. Until a person acquires special shoes for all occasions.

Often trekking boots are made with a membrane to further protect the shoes from water. The membrane is a special coating on middle layer a boot that does not allow moisture to pass inside. But it does not interfere with air exchange.

However, you need to understand that the membrane is neither 100% moisture protection nor an absolutely breathable material. With constant contact with water, it will still get wet, and drying such shoes is much more difficult than ordinary ones. And the feet breathe in such shoes somewhat worse than in ordinary ones.

Therefore, professionals advise taking shoes with a membrane only on short hikes, or on hikes that do not involve prolonged contact with water. In other cases, it is better to choose quick-drying shoes or take care of special water-repellent impregnation in advance.

As for materials, trekking shoes are still often made from natural materials, such as leather and nubuck. After all, leather is truly a very durable material, wear-resistant and at the same time breathable and protects from water. However, this is quite heavy material.

Today there are synthetic materials that are not inferior to leather in strength and wear resistance, but at the same time have less weight.

Winter hiking

Shoes for winter hiking are insulated trekking boots. They are heavier and have a special insulated layer. However, at temperatures down to -10 degrees, it is quite possible to get by with ordinary tack boots.

This is justified precisely due to greater lightness and less rigidity, which makes movement easier. However, this should not be abused. Non-insulated shoes will not withstand severe frosts.

Shoes for hiking in the mountains

For long ascents and descents, difficult, extreme conditions use specialized climbing boots. They are very uncomfortable for regular walks: the sole is too hard, the boot is high and has a strong hold. But the above conditions are ideal.

In some cases, such shoes are made composite: two shoes inserted into one another. The outer boot in this case is made of plastic, which makes it more protected from water penetration.

Usually Special attention In mountaineering shoes, attention is paid to the sole. As a rule, it is multi-layered, often with a steel reinforcement, as well as a special welt for attaching additional equipment, such as crampons.

Since modern wild tourism takes on more than a variety of forms, specialized footwear can also be very diverse. For example, there are shoes for hiking in places associated with constant contact with water. Rafting on mountain rivers or routes involving crossing a large number of rivers.

Such shoes definitely do not have a membrane, dry easily, but do not accumulate water. These shoes can be complemented with neoprene socks, which provide your feet with comfort even in conditions of constant humidity.

Another point is the special sole that does not slip on wet stones.

Another type of specialized footwear is rock shoes or simply rock shoes. They have a thin enough sole for the foot to feel all the features of the terrain. In addition, the sole of such shoes is made of a special material that provides the most durable grip on the stones.

Shoe covers and gaiters

In order to ensure greater waterproofness of shoes, there are additional devices, in particular, shoe covers and gaiters made of waterproof fabrics. Their task is to prevent water from entering through the top.

As a rule, even for mountain hiking, gaiters are used, which cover only the upper part of the shoe. Shoe covers cover the boots entirely, but this is rarely necessary.

Caring for Hiking Shoes

Technological shoes, quite naturally, require special care. When purchasing shoes, it makes sense to immediately contact the seller for advice on care. And you immediately need to purchase all the necessary funds for this. You can also buy specialized water-repellent impregnations in advance.

It is also important to dry your shoes properly. Many people dry it on burners or even near a fire. In fact, you can only dry shoes at room temperature, naturally. To speed up the process, you can only stuff crumpled paper inside the shoe so that it absorbs excess moisture.

The main condition for choosing shoes for hiking is that you need to select them for a specific situation. After all, it cannot be said that, for example, city shoes are of lower quality than hiking shoes. It’s just that in the city we are not faced with so many obstacles and loads, which means there is no need for more durable shoes.

Also, you shouldn’t go out of town wearing running shoes, especially the now fashionable sneakers that destabilize the foot. For fitness, such shoes are really good, since such a sole helps better job leg muscles. But on a hike, destabilization can be very costly: you put your foot on a rock, you look for balance, but there is no balance. There is a high risk of falling and damaging yourself.

One more point - they never go camping in new shoes. Therefore, you should not buy boots immediately before going out. First, the shoes need to be broken in. This will require several weeks of short, half-an-hour walks around the city. This time will be enough for the material to begin to get used to your foot, but not have time to start rubbing your feet. If you don’t take your shoes in first, the trip will end with your feet bleeding.

Who will benefit from this article?

  • For novice tourists who are determined to go hiking
  • For those who are going on a multi-day hike for the first time and want to buy equipment themselves
  • For fans who already have an idea about the right shoes, to systematize knowledge
  • To critics who like to argue in the comments
  • For highly experienced super professionals
  • Dinosaurs counting tarpaulins and boots best friends tourist


Shoes- the most important element of equipment; it is permissible to treat it mediocrely only for the first simple exits. If your friends invite you to go on a weekend hike, you can put on your favorite sneakers, and maybe you will be lucky and you will feel all the pain and suffering from bad shoes the first time. And if not, then you will go on a more difficult hike with confidence that you don’t need to wear anything special on your feet, remembering the previous sunny hike along the paths of some national park. And now, even in difficult conditions, serious problems can appear, and feet rubbed into blood is nonsense. The fact is that while hiking, your shoes are like a car during a road trip: the more reliable it is, the less likely it is to break down, which could lead to a stoppage or, in the worst case, an accident. It’s the same with shoes, the main thing is to realize this before the hike, and not in the middle of the route, in a deep forest or on a high mountain.

How are hiking shoes different from city shoes?

“I wore exactly the same sneakers for 5 years!” - stated my upset friend on the second day of the hike, looking at the sole that had completely peeled off from both sneakers at once.

Let's not blame city shoes for poor quality, especially since this is not the case. What is intended for the city can walk the streets for years. On a hike, a whole series of additional loads appear that ordinary sneakers cannot withstand. Multidirectional loads on descents and ascents, regular contacts with tree roots and sharp stones, a lot of water and moisture, and on top of that, 10-15 kilograms of additional backpack weight. Accordingly, when designing shoes for tourism, various methods are used to counter these destructive factors. These include reinforced seams using durable threads, and fundamentally different materials, including shoe glue, and most importantly, thoughtful design reliability, whereas design is always a priority for city shoes. Hiking shoes are tougher, stronger and much more comfortable (we are talking about use on a hike).

Types of shoes for tourism

There are no shoes in which you will feel equally comfortable in fundamentally different conditions, so before purchasing you need to decide where and how you will use them.

Gear is not mathematics, so there is no single formula by which hiking shoes are classified. Moreover, brands, competing in the ingenuity of advertising moves, often introduce new types and subtypes, completely intertwining the already confusing terminology. We won’t complicate things, but simply build a chain of expected conditions of use from simple to complex.

1. Very simple, no obstacles, no terrain, no backpack.

This applies to urban tourism and simple travel. Yes, such shoes also exist, and they are much more comfortable than fashionable city shoes. In the summer - these are sandals, open sneakers or light sneakers with mesh, and for cold times - insulated sneakers and boots. Unlike ordinary city shoes, specialized ones have a comfortable anatomical sole and much more wear-resistant materials (we will talk more about technologies and materials below). Among manufacturers, terms such as Life style or City style shoes are often used and often they look no worse fashionable sneakers from famous brands.

2. Simple, but possible obstacles, unpaved paths, light backpack.

This is where a little protection comes in handy. For example, there are sandals with a closed, impact-resistant toe that will protect your toes from damage. A simple lightweight mesh on sneakers can be torn by tree roots or bushes, so you need to look towards more durable materials for the upper of the shoe. Western manufacturers often call such shoes hiking (hiking), and sometimes even shoes for light trekking.

3. Difficult, sloping terrain, difficult trails, many obstacles, noticeable weight of the backpack.

As soon as the expected conditions include terrain, elevation changes, or, more simply put, when you are going to go to the mountains, you will need additional protection, in addition, the weight of the backpack begins to put serious stress on the ankle. First of all, it is important to fix the leg, preventing dislocations and sprains. Medium-height hiking and trekking boots can handle this. Often in foreign names you can see the word middle or mid, which actually means medium in height. Plus, the high height combined with moisture-resistant materials help keep your feet from getting wet. Accordingly, the requirements for wear resistance of such boots increase significantly. Here you can choose light and soft (relative to more specialized mountain boots) trekking boots.

In some cases, you can choose rigid high mountain boots, in which you will be even more reliably protected, but due to the additional weight and greater leg fixation, you will get more tired on areas with good trails. In this regard, I repeat once again, think carefully about where and how you will use your shoes.

For example, to hike to the foot of Belukha (the highest mountain in Altai), heavy boots are not required: since the route is very popular and follows a well-trodden path, light trekking boots of medium height will be sufficient. At the same time, to climb Belukha, you need a serious, hard boot with the ability to attach crampons. In this case, you can walk to the bottom in light sneakers, and wear a specialized boot for the climb. Of course, carrying an extra pair of shoes is not easy, but sometimes it is the most correct option. And if you start doing this professionally or at least regularly, your ankle will be more trained and will allow you to use light and soft trekking boots more often.

4. Very difficult – sports and extreme climbing

The main rule here is reliable protection of the legs from any damage and weather conditions, regardless of weight and even comfort. Starting from simple mountain boots, which have increased rigidity, to high-tech multi-component boots for mountaineering, all this is professional equipment that needs to be analyzed in much more detail, which is beyond the scope of this article.

If you suddenly decide to go on a difficult category hike, first of all, consult with the route leader about what kind of shoes you should use. If you are a leader, but for some reason you are reading an article for beginners, then I ask you, do not put the lives of participants in such danger, find an experienced guide!

5. Not just walking.

Running shoes are a separate topic for this article, and despite the fact that they are also intended for active use, it is better not to use them when hiking. I especially don't recommend using widely advertised fitness sneakers that destabilize your feet - they may actually stimulate your muscles to develop, but destabilization at the moment when you climb a mountain can be dangerous, to put it mildly. Remember the simplest rule– use shoes for their intended purpose: if you’re going on a race, yes, take running shoes, if you’re going on a hike, take shoes for hiking.

There are also a number of specialized models for outdoor enthusiasts. For example, during rafting, you will need special sandals that slip less on wet rocks, dry faster and do not accumulate water inside. Climbing requires rock shoes, yachting requires non-slip boots, and cycling has contact and non-contact boots. In addition, there are non-standard options such as five fingers from vibram, their concept involves preserving the natural sensations of walking and playing sports, while relatively protecting the foot from damage.

Anatomy of a hiking boot or “Why are trekking shoes so expensive?”

External material

The task of the outer layer is to resist environment, to be quite wear-resistant, but at the same time lightweight, at the same time not allowing water to pass through from the outside and removing moisture from the inside. All this difficult tasks, and developers are constantly refining their models, which inevitably affects the final price.

I already wrote in detail about materials in another article; this knowledge also applies to shoes. It is worth adding that shoes are still often made from genuine leather or nubuck (treated leather), as this material is truly durable. But in our time, synthetic materials are no worse, and sometimes even more effective, in resisting nature. In addition, synthetics are much lighter than leather and dry faster after being completely wet. It is believed that the fewer individual parts in the material of the upper of the boots, the more reliable it is, since first of all the shoes are worn at the seams. However, this should not be a decisive factor when choosing trekking shoes, since the seams in quality shoes are made securely and in the right places, and the final cost is often cheaper than one-piece models.

The use of a membrane in shoes is justified, however, the care of shoes must be appropriate. You should not have any illusions about the absolute waterproofness of the membrane, as well as about its ultra-high breathability. If you are interested in how a membrane works, I recommend reading the corresponding one. And here I would like to note that the use of a membrane in trekking shoes has increased the comfort of hiking significantly, and this is a fact. If you want to argue and say that leather is cooler, then I will even agree, but leather is a kind of natural membrane, it also does not allow drops of water to pass through, but allows steam to pass through; But the skin gradually absorbs moisture, and drying it quickly without consequences is extremely difficult. And of course, both the membrane and the skin come to the aid of special impregnations that help repel moisture, and these impregnations must be periodically restored.


Perhaps the most complex and important element of any hiking shoe is its sole. The purpose of the sole is to resist twisting in all directions, soften shock loads, insulate heat, protect against sharp objects and behave reliably on various surfaces, providing clear traction. Each task in good boots is solved by different layers, and the sole in this case consists of a whole sandwich of different materials.

Most often you will find a vibram badge on the sole in stores, but this is only part of the sole - the outsole, made of specially durable rubber. Vibram is trademark, under which many different soles and more are produced (five fingers shoes, for example). Of course, using vibram is good, but manufacturers do not always use it correctly, and counterfeits have been around for a long time. You can protect yourself from copies only by buying goods in good stores that you trust.

In addition to the bottom layer in contact with surfaces, the sole may consist of a torsion element, a vibration-damping layer, a heel support, reinforcing struts and other elements. Manufacturers pay special attention to the sole, and over the years hundreds of types of designs have been invented using completely different materials. Are they necessary? Certainly! All these elements are designed to protect your legs, not only your feet, but also, for example, your knees (the vibration-absorbing layer reduces shock loads), ultimately preserving your health.


An essential part of good trekking shoes. High-quality insoles have additional insoles and supports against pronation, as well as additional heel vibration dampers and a breathable base. The presence of antibacterial treatment is also important, since hiking conditions and when traveling, there is no opportunity to often change socks and wash shoes. For particularly cold hikes, as well as for people with problems with blood vessels, there are insoles with electric heating.

However, the insole is a problematic area of ​​the shoe, but not through the fault of the manufacturers. Each person's foot is unique, so it is simply impossible to produce insoles that suit everyone. Fortunately, the insoles can be changed and purchased separately, and in special cases it is possible to manufacture special orthopedic insoles to order, but this is quite expensive.


For lacing, serious models use metal loops, which are more reliable than textile and lurex ones; in addition, they provide easier and faster tightening of the laces. Synthetic insulation is added to winter options. Boots designed for heavy conditions may have an entirely rubberized bottom, and older models add a raised welt for attaching ice climbing crampons. Shoes for climbing have a complex multi-component design made of a warm inner felt boot and a hard plastic outer layer, somewhat reminiscent of a ski boot. Different models may have additional structural elements, but I will not dwell on each of them, since there will be separate articles about professional and specialized options. Subscribe to the email newsletter, you might be interested.

Hiking shoe brands

In general, there are quite a lot of manufacturers of good shoes, but unfortunately, not all of them can be found on the Russian market. Here I will only list the most famous and most respected companies among my compatriots:

Asolo, Lowa, Scarpa, La Sportiva, Meindl, Dolomite, Zamberlan, Millet, Garmont, Lomer, Keen, Vasque, Salewa...

Is not full list, but rather the one whose models I had the chance to touch personally. In addition to them, it can be noted Salomon, sometimes produces good shoes, but for some reason reviews specifically for this company are always contradictory. Also, shoes are often produced by so-called multi-brands, which make all the equipment without specializing specifically in shoes, for example Mammut(Raichle), American The North Face or German Jack Wolfskin.

I'm standing in a store, what should I look at?

1. Clearly define the conditions for applying for a future purchase

This is the most important step, once you decide this issue, you will be faced with a choice in best case scenario out of a dozen pairs (speaking of a large store, in my city there will be at most 2 - 3 options).

2. After solving the first point, all you have to do is try on all the available options

Definitely everything! Don't think about appearance, this will be the last factor in your choice. Remember: shoes in hiking should be as comfortable as possible.

Since the materials of trekking shoes are stronger and stiffer than the materials of everyday city shoes, hiking shoes are much more difficult to break in. That is, over time, it wears in very little, unlike usual city shoes.

Wear both shoes, lace them well, and walk around the store in them. If you feel real discomfort, take it off! If in 15 minutes you feel something is wrong, over many days and kilometers it will multiply many times over! And vice versa, if during the first use there is no discomfort, most likely the boot will suit you well. Never listen to advice about the comfort of certain models; human legs are as different as our faces. What is convenient for one person may be a bucket of nails for another.

3. Choose the right size

You can't take it end-to-end, the standard rule is to completely loosen the laces and, with your foot inside, move it forward so that your toes touch the front wall, while there should be a free space between your heel and the heel of the boot. forefinger hands. This way, when you lace up the boot and the heel is in place, your toes will have plenty of room in front. Failure to comply with this rule can result in calluses and pain in the fingers after long descents. Do not pay attention to the size numbers, take only by feel.

Also pay attention to the width of the last and the sensations in the heel area: it should not dangle freely up and down - this means that the instep of the boot is too high for you, try re-lacing the boot, if the heel still comes off the sole, take the next model.

4. If you don’t already have one, buy a special trekking sock and try it on with it

The special sock has thickenings in areas subject to heavy loads, which reduces the likelihood of chafing. In addition, trekking socks are often better at wicking away moisture. If you plan to use the boot in cold weather, consider that you will have to wear a thick sock, and you need a small amount of reserve inside the boot, which can be compensated for in the summer with a thicker insole.

I bought shoes, what else do you need to know?

After you have gone through all the stages of choosing trekking shoes, you need to break them in properly. Did you read the last sentence well? Necessarily! Spread it out before your first serious hike! This is not a city soft rag: the more serious the hiking shoes, the more thoroughly they need to be broken in!

A heavy trekking boot needs to be worn in for dozens of days; if you don’t want to do this or for some reason you can’t, then promise that you will remember this article, come back and send me a photo of your calluses after the hike. Later I will compile a gallery of the mistakes of modern tourists.

For preliminary breaking-in, short, half-hour walks around the city will be enough, so that the hard materials begin to rub against your foot, but do not yet have time to rub.

Shoe care

Now it is very important not to ruin what you have been choosing for so long. And the most common way to kill boots is drying them using burners, fires, hot stones, batteries and other heating elements. Shoes can only be dried at room temperature. in a natural way. The only thing that can be used is to insert crumpled paper inside, which will absorb excess moisture. Even very wet shoes should not be placed in the open scorching sun. If you do not follow these rules, the materials of your shoes will become deformed, crack, the glue will lose its strength, and as a result, at best, you will again have to endure the next blisters, and at worst, you will lose your shoes altogether.

Of course, it is unpleasant to put on wet shoes in the morning, but while you are walking, good shoes will not cause discomfort, and a thick trekking sock will help prevent the formation of blisters in a wet pair of leather boots. In addition, if the rain continues to fall, then there is simply no point in spending enormous effort on drying and risking your boots.

Links to other sites

I suggest continuing the educational program and reading articles on the same topic from other resources. I think it can be really useful to read alternative options, so you can better remember the most important moments.

  • Article - review on a site popular among professionals - risk.ru
  • Translation of an article by American traveler Brandon Lampley, who passed through the whole of America “through and through”
  • Review of the personal shoe collection of a good traveler - Dmitry Kovinov
  • A good review on the pages of LiveJournal 21 travel manufacturer shoes


This is a lot of text, but I hope this will help in choosing your faithful companions, and you will walk with them hundreds, or even thousands of kilometers through the most amazing places of our amazing planet! The more carefully you prepare for travel, the fewer things will distract you from true enjoyment. Have a comfortable hike, take care of your shoes and they will protect you!

No one knows exactly why tourism is such a popular pastime. Maybe it's nature that attracts us or it's the desire to explore the world around us? Most likely it is a combination of several factors.

When it comes to hiking, all you really need is a good pair of boots and an open space. We will talk about boots in our rating. We have prepared for you the best examples of various boots created specifically for hiking.

# # #

The perfect combination of durability and lightweight boot construction Targhee II Provides extra protection and cushioning where you need it, while retaining resilience elsewhere. The waterproof, breathable shoes weigh just over 450 grams (each shoe), which is currently a good value. Breathable waterproof membrane KEEN.DR The Y in the Targhee II boots will keep your feet dry, while the 4mm lugs on the outsole provide excellent traction and the boot's shape will prevent your ankles from spraining.

The shoes won't slow you down during your adventures. The nubuck outer layer will be a nice and beautiful touch to the overall impression of the shoe.

Price on keenfootwear.com - $135

# # #

These shoes are designed for outdoor activities and extreme travel. The GORE-TEX membrane miraculously provides excellent ventilation and prevents moisture from penetrating inside the boots. Padding and insole Capra Mid Sport impregnated with a special antibacterial composition, so you do not need to worry about the spread of bacteria and the appearance unpleasant odor on long and tiring hikes.

The outsole provides high reliability and better traction. The shoe's shape and midsole help stabilize the feet and prevent the ankle from accidental sprains and injuries, regardless of the terrain.

Price on merrell.com - $190

# # #

Shoes Breeze 1.0 from the company Vasque, released back in 2004, caused a lot of noise. It was wildly popular among hikers. This year Vasque has updated this line with the release Breeze 2.0 GTX, which has become even lighter and stronger; it provides greater ventilation and meets all the needs of the modern traveler.

Breeze 2.0 GTX- these are stylish shoes in which you can, without hesitation, go on long hikes of easy and medium difficulty, including mountain routes. You can feel comfortable in these shoes a large number of time.

The shoes have durable soles Vasque Exclusive Vibram® Contact providing excellent adhesion to the surface. The boots are made of materials that provide excellent ventilation due to the membrane structure. The outside of the boots is made of waterproof nubuck. The use of EVA foam has significantly reduced the weight of the boots (1104g per pair).

Price on vasque.com - $170

When going on a short excursion around the outskirts of your hometown or on a long hike to the other end of the country, take care of your shoes. The traveler’s endurance, his mood and even his normal physical condition depend on the comfortable condition of his legs.

Basic requirements for hiking shoes

Hiking shoes should be:

  • comfortable;
  • durable;
  • waterproof;
  • easy.

What types of hiking shoes are there?

Different types of shoes are used on different trips.


They are suitable in almost all cases. You can walk in them on the soft forest floor, on a dirt road, and on mountain slopes, but with rounded stones. Sneakers are also suitable for river rafting. When choosing sneakers, preference should be given to models made of genuine leather and with a very flexible sole. In summer, it is better to use sneakers with a mesh upper that allows air to pass through well.

Trekking boots

You can’t do without them when climbing mountains or moving through difficult rough terrain. High boots cover the ankle joint well and prevent dislocations in the event of an unfortunate fall or slipping from a wet stone. Modern models trekking boots are available with multi-layer soles and uppers that imitate a membrane. The upper material is permeated with tiny holes, through which heat does not escape from the inside, and moisture evaporates. The multilayer nature of the sole ensures that the foot does not feel any discomfort at all when moving even on very sharp stones. For winter hiking there are special boots with insulation.

Sports sandals

These shoes are suitable for not too long walks on sand or soft short grass in the steppe. You need to have sandals in your backpack so that you can change your shoes in them at a rest stop - your feet rest faster in them than in the same sneakers or boots. Sports sandals must have a closed heel and a fairly thick sole.

Choosing a hiking shoe size

When purchasing hiking shoes, you should use the “half a size larger” rule. But this rule only applies to sneakers and boots. No matter how comfortable shoes are, if they are chosen strictly according to size, they may cause difficulties while hiking. The fact is that when you stay in an upright position for many hours, your feet begin to swell and then the sneakers on your feet become tight. Compression of the feet leads to the formation of calluses and increased sweating.

Sandals for hiking are bought in the exact size that a person is used to wearing. These open, lightweight shoes should fit snugly around the foot.

Whatever shoes the future traveler chooses, they cannot be worn completely new on a hike. Before doing this, sneakers, boots or sandals need to be worn around the house or on the street. It is advisable to wear sneakers and boots with different socks: cotton or microfiber. For winter hiking, these shoes should be tried on with warm socks. If you pay attention to the distribution of shoes at least a couple of hours a day and during the week, then hiking shoes It will take the shape of your foot and your leg will feel comfortable in it. For any hikes, it is better to stock up on at least a couple of pairs so that you can exchange wet sneakers for dry ones or boots with very thick soles for the same, but lightweight ones.