New Year for children 7-10 years old. New Year's children's forfeits for different ages. Video: cool gifts for the New Year

Each participant in turn receives a card with a certain phrase, which will need to be depicted so that the others can guess what exactly the participant showed. Thus, the participant shows, the rest guess, then change to a new participant until everyone tries themselves in the role of an actor. Example phrases that cards may contain:
- poor student at the board;
- crying baby who wants to eat;
- angry dog;
- Santa Claus brought gifts;
- dance of little ducks;
- the street is slippery, and so on.

What is he like, this Santa Claus?

Elimination game. All participants stand in a circle. And, starting with any one (which will be considered the first after), the guys say one word of praise for Santa Claus. So, what is he like, our Santa Claus? Kind, magical, cheerful, beautiful, wise, sincere, generous, strong, good, bearded, mysterious, unusual and so on. Let the children show their imagination and tell everyone how they see the good wizard. And whoever doesn’t name is out. And the few guys who stay in the game until the end will receive the title of winner and prizes.

And New Year is not New Year

Children sit or stand in a circle. Santa Claus or the presenter announces that now is the time to remember all the necessary things and objects that are elements of the holiday. In a circle, each participant takes turns naming one object. For example, a clock, a TV, a Christmas tree, a garland, Santa Claus, snow, a gift, and so on. A participant who cannot name the object is eliminated. The one who has the last word wins.

Savvy answer

The presenter asks questions that relate to New Year's characters and school subjects at the same time, and the children answer and the smarter and more interesting the answer, the better. For example: how is the Snowman related to geometry? (it consists of balls). How is Santa Claus related to geography? (he flies all over the world and delivers gifts to children at every point, so he must know geography to a solid 5). How is the Snow Maiden connected to the Russian language? (she signs Greeting Cards for children and must do it competently). The more interesting the participant answers such questions, the greater his chances of becoming a winner.

Secret for Santa Claus

The guys are divided into teams of about 10 people. Each team stands in a row, one after the other. The first participants receive a sheet - a letter, the information of which must be conveyed to Santa Claus, for example, on December 31 in the evening, hares and squirrels, deer and wolves, children and adults are waiting for you at the Christmas tree! At the command “start”, the first participants convey the information as they memorized to the second participant in the ear, trying to do it quickly and not loudly, so that the opponents do not hear, and so on in the chain. The team that is faster than the rest and, most importantly, correctly conveys the information to Santa Claus (that is, the last participant must say the original text of the letter) will win.

Happy New Year

The guys are divided into teams of 11 people, each participant is given a felt-tip pen or marker. For each team, easels with whatman paper are located at the same distance. Each participant must jump in a bag, like a wolf in the cartoon “Well, Wait a minute!” to the easel and write one letter at a time so that at the end you get the phrase “Happy New Year.” So, at the command “start”, the first participants jump in a bag to the easel and write the letter “C”, then jump back and pass the baton to the second participants, the second write the letter “N”, the third - “O” and so on. The team that finishes the relay faster and writes “Happy New Year” will win.

When it's cold outside

The guys are divided into teams of 5 people. Each participant must wear mittens. Each team receives identical puzzle sets (preferably with a New Year's theme) with a small number of parts. At the command “start”, the teams begin to put together the puzzle using mittens. The team that completes it faster will win and receive a prize.


Children stand in a circle and, to the music, they begin to pass the New Year's cap around in a circle. When the music stops, the participant who still has the cap in his hands puts it on his head and completes the task of Santa Claus. Usually, children prepare poems or songs for Grandfather in advance, so there are no overlaps here.

Remove all the needles from the tree

Two blindfolded participants stand in a circle of fans. 10 clothespins are attached to each participant's clothing. At the leader’s command, the guys must help each other get rid of the clothespins as quickly as possible. Everyone takes part in turn, with clothespins being attached to different places each time.

New Year on one leg

All children stand at the Christmas tree and, at the command of the leader, take the “stand on one leg” pose. A funny New Year's song comes on and the guys start jumping - dancing on one leg without changing it. Whoever gives up is out, and whoever holds out until the end of the song wins.

Fun around the New Year tree, decorated with tinsel, garlands and toys - such a holiday will probably delight any child. Games and competitions will make the celebration even more interesting. knows what competitions and fun to arrange for children to make the holiday unforgettable.

New Year's competitions for preschool children

Round dance around the Christmas tree
To interest the youngest players, you need to try: kids lose interest very quickly if the activity does not catch their attention. In such a situation, round dances around the Christmas tree will save you. This is a win-win option that kids of all ages love. Usually round dances are performed to the song “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter” or “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

Game “What types of Christmas trees are there?”
The presenter (the Snow Maiden or Father Frost can act in his role) says:
- Look how elegant our Christmas tree is: all in beautiful toys and garlands. Guys, do you know where Christmas trees grow? Of course, in the forest! Christmas trees can be different: wide and thin, high and low.
Next, the presenter must explain the rules of the game:
- Guys, stand in a circle and take each other’s hands, and I will tell you what Christmas trees are like. If I say, “High,” you should raise your hands up, and if you hear, “Low,” you should sit down and lower your hands. If I mention wide Christmas trees, I need to make the circle wider. And if I say, “Thin,” you should make the circle narrower. Is everyone clear? One-two-three, let's start!

Music game
(to the tune of the song “Good Beetle” from the fairy tale film “Cinderella”)
1. Stand up, children, stand in a circle, stand in a circle, stand in a circle! Clap your hands without sparing your hands! Jump like bunnies: jump and jump, jump and jump! Now stomp, not sparing your feet!
2. Let’s grab our hands quickly, cheerfully, raise our hands up, and jump higher than everyone else! We will lower our hands down, stamp our right foot, stamp our left foot and turn our heads!
The game is repeated 2 more times.

Game "Dress up the Christmas tree"
Children are divided into two teams. Each has a box of Christmas tree decorations (preferably unbreakable). The essence of the game is that players must dress up artificial Christmas tree, which stands at a distance from the teams. The child must take a toy from the box, run to the Christmas tree, hang the toy on it and return to his team. And so on until the last player. The team whose tree is decorated first wins.

Game "Cat and mouse"
Three players from the team are dressed up in cat costumes and given a stick with a long rope attached to it. A fake mouse is attached to the opposite end of the rope. Players, accompanied by cheerful music, wind a rope around a stick, and gradually the mouse approaches. The most agile cat, the one who managed to “catch” the mouse faster than the others, wins.

Games for primary schoolchildren 6–10 years old

Game "Christmas tree chants"
The presenter speaks quatrains, and the children shout out the words of each final line in chorus.

Looks good in her outfit
The kids are always happy to see her,
There are needles on its branches,
He invites everyone to a round dance... (Christmas tree)

Is on the New Year's tree
A laughing clown in a cap,
Silver horns
And with pictures... (checkboxes)

Beads, colored stars,
Painted miracle masks,
Squirrels, cockerels and pigs,
Very loud... (crackers)

A monkey will wink from the Christmas tree,
The brown bear will smile,
The little bunny hangs from cotton wool,
Lollipops and... (chocolates)

Old Boletus Man,
Next to him is a snowman,
Red fluffy kitten
And big on top... (bump)

There is no more colorful outfit:
Multi-colored garland,
Gilding tinsel
And shiny... (balls)

A bright foil flashlight,
The bell and the boat
Train and car,
Snow-white... (snowflake)

The Christmas tree knows all the surprises
And he wishes everyone fun.
For happy kids
Lights up... (lights)

Game "Who's first?"
Agility competition. First hang them on the backs of two chairs. winter jacket with the sleeves turned out, and put on the seats fur hat, a scarf and a pair of mittens. During the competition, players must turn out the sleeves of their jackets to cheerful music, then put them on and the rest of their winter equipment (hat, scarf and mittens). The prize will be given to the one who is the first to take a seat in his chair and shout: “Happy New Year!”

New Year's competition “Mask, I know you!”
Of all the guys, you need to choose only one player. The presenter puts a mask on him. Moreover, the player should not see whose mask he is wearing. The rest see what kind of hero this is. The player wearing the mask must guess who is depicted on it. He asks questions to other children and gets hints from them. Questions can only be answered “yes” or “no”. The person who guesses it correctly is given a mask as a prize.

Competition "Tinsel"
Competition-competition for two teams. As a prop, the presenter gives each child tinsel. A New Year's song is playing, for example Jingle Bells. To the music, in each team the first participant ties his tinsel in a knot on the hand of the second participant, then the second - on the hand of the third, and so on. The last player runs to the first and ties tinsel to him - it turns out to be a circle. The winner is the team whose members completed the task before their opponents and raised their hands with tied tinsel.

Game "Doctor Aibolit"
It's a team game again. This time the players line up. Doctor Aibolit wants to know: did anyone have a fever during the New Year holiday? Fairytale hero places a large cardboard thermometer under the armpits of the first participants of both teams. At this time, cheerful music plays. The second players must take the thermometer and put it on themselves, then the third players take the thermometer from them, and so on until the last child in the line. In the same way, the thermometer moves in the reverse order: from the last players to the first. The team whose first player returns the thermometer to Dr. Aibolit the fastest wins.

Competition "Christmas tree toy"
In front of two players, the presenter places a prize on a chair, wrapped in bright wrapping paper, and says the following text:
“At New Year's hour, friends,
You can't go without attention!
Don't skip the number "three"
Take the prize, don't yawn!

The Christmas tree greeted the guests.
Five children came first,
So as not to be bored on holiday,
Everyone began to count on it:
Two snowflakes, six firecrackers,
Eight gnomes and parsleys,
Seven gilded nuts
Among the twisted tinsel,
We counted ten cones,
And then you got tired of counting.
Three little girls came running..."
If the players missed the prize, the presenter takes it and says: “Where were your ears?” If one of the players turns out to be attentive, the presenter concludes: “Those are attentive ears!”

Game "New Year's Changelings"
Santa Claus says phrases, and children must answer “yes” or “no” in unison, regardless of the rhyme.

You friends came here to have fun?
Tell me a secret: were you waiting for Grandfather?
Will frosts and cold scare you?
Are you ready to dance by the Christmas tree sometimes?
A holiday is nonsense, let's get bored instead?
Santa Claus brought sweets, will you eat them?
Are you always ready to play with the Snow Maiden?
Can we easily push everyone around?
Grandfather never melts. Do you believe this?
Do you need to sing a verse in a round dance at the Christmas tree?

Competition “Make Nesmeyana Laugh”
For the competition, you need to prepare the details in advance: funny masks, false noses, ears.
Princess Nesmeyana knows where the Snow Maiden is hidden, but cannot reveal the secret to the children, as she constantly cries. The contestants' task is to make her laugh with funny movements and dances. For addition bright image The guys can use funny props.

For children from 10 years old

New Year's Costume Competition
For this competition you will need the following props: paper (enough big size- at least A4), tape, pins, scissors and glue.
In a certain time (say, 10 minutes) you need to come up with and produce new Year costume. The task is complicated by the fact that it is necessary to have time not only to make an outfit, but also to present it to the public, tell what exactly it means and what it serves (for example, is it an evening outfit or fancy dress). The jury evaluates the result with applause. The team that earns the loudest and longest standing ovation wins.

Competition "Ball with a surprise"
On sheets of paper you need to write humorous New Year's tasks, place notes in Balloons, and then inflate them. Each participant should be given a ball with a task. You have to burst it without using your hands. When the participant copes with this, he will need to complete the written task (for example, sing a song, dance the dance of little swans, etc.). The one who makes it the funniest will win.

Competition "New Year's Chain"
For this competition you should prepare A4 sheets, a glue stick and scissors. Two teams must take part. Within a certain time (5-7 minutes), participants must cut strips (3 cm wide and 12 cm long) and then connect them into a New Year's chain. The team that makes the longest chain wins.

  • 01 Remember that children switch their attention very quickly. Therefore, competitions should not be made too long.
  • 02 You should not hold several competitions at once. Dilute them with a dance program or concert numbers.
  • 03 Be sure to reward and encourage winners.

Children of any age love New Year's holidays. And it's not just about gifts, but about the opportunity to have fun with noisy company. , funny tasks, funny forfeits - they are ready to take part in all this until the morning. We especially love New Year's forfeits for children, which are at the same time interesting, exciting, and fun. Children's forfeits must be compiled taking into account age interests, so we offer tasks for both preschoolers and elementary and middle school students.

In this article:

Fanta for children 5, 6, 7, 8 years old

Preschoolers and junior schoolchildren are cheerful and playful children who love different games, fun and competitions. Table forfeits will help entertain both familiar and unfamiliar company. But even the easiest and funniest tasks always require the help of adults.

"Photo portrait"

Funny forfeits invite you to carefully look at the neighbor on the left, at the neighbor on the right, then, blindfolded, describe how they look with full details of their appearance (moles, hair color, etc.). If the company is small, you can describe everyone.


Speak a tongue twister (the text will be written by adults, focusing on children).


Eat various fruits finely chopped on a plate without your hands.

"I can do everything"

The presenter pronounces the text, and the performer should repeat (show) it, but in motion. "I'm going to kindergarten, with my right hand I brush my teeth, and with my left hand I wash my eyes. With my left hand I comb my hair, and with my right hand I eat porridge. I do exercises with my left hand, swings with my right leg, and stroke my tummy with my left hand after breakfast. I wave my right leg, exercise my left hand again, and comb my hair with my right again. With my left hand I drink milk, with my right hand I put on my pants, and with my feet I go to school, and now I have a ski on one leg and a roller skate on the other.”


Organize a train and take all guests to their rooms. A prerequisite: do not destroy anything on your way.


In 60 seconds, beautifully describe today's children's holiday.


Cover yourself with a blanket, choose a lion cub and sing the children's song “The Lion Cub and the Turtles.”



Grant the wish of the second player from the left.


Friends must hide an object in the room, and the player must find it using the “hot” and “cold” clues.


Come up with harmless nicknames for everyone, including yourself, and call each other that for the rest of the evening.


Use pantomime to depict how a bear goes into hibernation and sleeps in winter.


Tell a quatrain about the New Year holiday.


The task requires 5 words to come up with a fairy tale.

Words: “Forest, hut, boy, beast, Baba Yaga.”


Draw blindfolded christmas tree.


Laugh for two minutes without any reason, thereby making your friends laugh.

"Sweet tooth"

This New Year's party participant must eat the cake without his hands, while the child must stand on his feet and the cake lie on a chair.

"Circus Man"

Stay on one leg for a minute, you can jump without touching the floor. In case of contact, 10 seconds are added.


Draw, holding a pencil between your toes, a portrait of any of the guests, pointing to it to the others.

"Sign language interpreter"

Choose a partner who will tell any short tale or poem, and the phantom will have to show it in a silent language with different movements.

"Host of the Year"

Congratulate guests on behalf of the host of the year Japanese calendar. Everything should be appropriate: gait, manners, and voice.

"Fairy tales"

Remember 10 fairy tales, cartoons, films for children that talk about winter, Christmas or New Year. Example for the presenter:

  1. "12 months",
  2. "Nutcracker",
  3. "Winter's Tale"
  4. “The Snow Maiden” (from the cartoon “Well, Just Wait”),
  5. "The Snow Queen",
  6. "The Adventure of Vitya and Masha"
  7. "Morozko"
  8. "Last year's snow melted"
  9. "Winter quarters".


Remember 10 songs that talk about winter, Christmas or New Year. Example for the presenter:

  • "Three White Horses"
  • “Tell the Snow Maiden where you have been”
  • “Song of Santa Claus” (from the cartoon),
  • "If only there were no winter"
  • "Snowflake",
  • "Ice ceiling"
  • "5 minutes",
  • "Umka"
  • "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree",
  • "Little Christmas tree."

"Fashion show"

Organize a fashion show involving the assembled guests. If they are not very elegant, you should stock up on various wardrobe items and dress them up. Talk about children's costumes, show all their beauty on the catwalk.

"The president"

Come up with 5 new decrees on behalf of the president and announce them, taking on the role appropriate to the situation.


Show the Snow Maiden or Snowman, who began to melt with the arrival of spring and the appearance of the first rays of sunlight.

"12 months"

List the 12 months first from 1st to 12th, and then vice versa.

"New Year costume"

Make yourself a cool New Year's costume from scrap materials.

Fanta for children from 9 to 12 years old

Children 9, 10, 11 and 12 years old are very fond of New Year holidays and various funny Games, competitions. Involve them not only in the process of holding the event, but also in the preparation for it and they will be happy. The guys will be able to pick out cool details for children's New Year's competitions, and perhaps even give some advice interesting ideas. But leave children's New Year's forfeits as a surprise, children adore them so much.


This player needs to show everyone how he juggles three apples or oranges.


With the help of guests, depict the following plot tasks:

  • "Three heroes".
  • "Monument to the Janitor"
  • “Kitten from Lizyukov Street” (remember exactly how he is depicted).


Sing the song “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest” in rap style, making sure to dance while doing so.


The player is given two minutes. In the first minute, he must tell how he spent the week, describe the daily schedule: from morning to evening. For the second - tell the same thing, only in reverse, you should start from this evening and end with the morning of a week ago.


Come up with a short film script with the participation of your friends, with a good ending.


Come up with simple movements and show them to everyone, then dance together to the music.

“I love everyone, I praise everyone”

This phantom needs to tell the best about everyone present, giving compliments.


It’s childish to depict in front of an imaginary mirror how grown women put on makeup, from start to finish, and not just just their eyes or just their lips.


The task contains 5 nouns, 5 verbs, come up with a fairy tale.

Nouns: “Forest, night, witch, magic, princess.”
Verbs: “Hid, saved, ran away, cried.”


Show a pantomime of waking up in the morning and getting ready for school.


Prepare a fruit salad from what is on the table within a certain period of time and treat it to your friends, waiting for your skill to be assessed. Don't forget to wash your hands before preparing.

"Caring Friend"

Tie a towel to the neighbor on the left instead of a napkin, and feed him blindfolded.


Create a New Year tree from any guest. Dress up with available materials, napkins, spoons, etc.


Within a minute, name 10 cities (even countries) starting with the letter “A”.


Make all the guests laugh. You can show a pantomime or come up with some kind of joke.


For a certain amount of time (depending on the guests), pronounce the names of friends backwards.

"Burst the Ball"

Clamp balloon between your legs and burst it.


Tell your friends about your prank, which you have never told anyone about before.

"Dance of the Little Swans"

Put on a tutu, a cap and dance the dance of the little swans. You can also wear butterfly wings or something else funny.


Choose a partner and repeat the movements after him for two to three minutes. For example, this could be a children's pantomime of dressing for a holiday or the action of a dinner meal.


Walk around the entire apartment with your back without turning once. If the player turns around, then he needs to take a new route.


Choose your partner. Children need to stand shoulder to shoulder, hug each other around the waist with one hand. With their free hands they will have to snack, feed each other and walk around the room like Siamese twins.

"Ryaba Chicken"

Tell a fairy tale, showing and playing each character, including the author, yourself.

"The Cheerful Singer"

Sing any modern song with different sounds: “oink-oink”, “ba-be”, “woof-woof”.


Show how a chicken hatches from its egg and how it takes its first steps.

"Rope Walker"

Draw a tightrope walker walking across the room with his eyes closed. In this case, you need to do the same “steps” as a circus performer can presumably do.

When choosing games for teenagers, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden must remember that teenagers do not agree to unequal relationships typical for childhood. The guys consider themselves quite adults, although, carried away by the game, they forget about it. They require benevolent and tactful support from adults, which helps to fulfill the desire for independence. Children of this age are in contact with both peers and adults; they try to prove themselves and receive high praise from adults. Girls and boys actively defend their views, especially with regard to hobbies, fashion, tastes, and leisure activities, so it is best to organize for them new Year's Eve in the cafe.

It is necessary to take into account that at this age much attention must be paid to the individual. Therefore, I recommend that Santa Claus and Snow Maiden select games where there is an opportunity to express themselves. You can hold a knight's tournament; at this age, boys want to please girls and assert themselves in their own eyes. They perceive positively and willingly play in the “Miss and Mister Party” competition, which has the nominations “Most Charming”, “Superman”, “MissSmile”, “Mr.Gallance”, “Miss Charm”, “Mr.Courage”, “Miss Charm”, “Gentleman” " and so on.

Well received Mind games, especially if there are tasks that require players to think outside the box and have a sense of humor. These could be questions with double meanings or a fun crossword puzzle. In a word, just continuous dancing can very soon tire you and get boring. It is necessary to warm up not only for the legs, but also for the mind.

"Skinny" company

The hoop should fit as many people as possible. It is only advisable that the guys do not get too carried away - the hoop is not rubber, after all.

Circle, square, triangle

Two teams of 12 people each participate, both freely dancing. On command in the dance, players quickly move into a circle, then into a square and into a triangle.

Dance Marathon

Fast pieces of music are played in a row (it is best to take the most popular ones). Participants in the game must dance non-stop. The most resilient one wins.

Familiar melodies

They invite one person from the team, and place signs with the names of famous performers (composers) in front of them. A fragment of a musical work is played, the players must raise a sign with the name of the performer (composer) or title. You can use works of a certain theme or a certain direction (classics, modern hits).

Cheat sheets

The game requires two or more participants. They are given a roll toilet paper. These are the cheat sheets. The participants’ task is to hide the paper in their pockets, behind the collar, in trousers, in socks, tearing it into small pieces. Whoever does this first is the winner.


Toilet paper will make a magnificent “mummy”. Call two or more pairs of volunteers. One of the players in each pair is the “mummy”, and the second is the “mumiator”. The “mumiator” must wrap the “mummy” with “bandages” made of toilet paper as quickly as possible.


The presenter names proverbs of a particular country, the players indicate a Russian proverb that is similar in meaning. For example, an Arabic proverb says: “I ran from the rain, got caught in the downpour,” and a Russian one: “From the frying pan into the fire.”

1. Iranian: “Where there are no fruit trees, a beet will pass for an orange.”

Russian: “For lack of fish and cancer, fish.”

2. Vietnamese: “A leisurely elephant reaches its goal earlier than a frisky stallion.”

3. Finnish: “He who asks will not get lost.”

Russian: “The language will bring you to Kyiv.”

4. English: “Every flock has its own black sheep.”

Russian: “There’s a black sheep in a family.”

5. Indonesian: “The squirrel jumps very briskly, and sometimes it breaks down.” ,

Russian: “A horse has four legs, and he stumbles.”

Blindfold game

10 people are participating: 5 girls and 5 boys. The rest form a large circle, holding hands. The players are blindfolded so that nothing is visible. At first, everyone moves chaotically inside the circle, trying not to push each other. Then, on command, the boys try to form their own circle, and the girls try to form theirs. Intuition is needed here, because you can’t talk. You are allowed to touch each other and determine by touch who is yours and who is someone else’s.

Change your hand

Players are invited to try to draw or color something, but only with their left hand, and those who are left-handed use their right hand.

Guess the condition

Two teams of 6 people are required. Each player of two teams is given a drawing in an envelope that depicts a face with an expression of anger, thoughtfulness, fear, joy, irony, sadness, fear, boredom, surprise, admiration. Alternately, the participants of the two teams read the quatrain:

Guests came to us

Dear ones have come,

It was not in vain that we set the table,

They treated us to pies,

And they read with the same expression as in the picture. The player comes forward and stands in front of the team so that everyone can see his drawing, but the guessing team does not. If the opposing team guesses correctly, it gets 1 point. Whose team scored more points won.

Dance with an orange

2 couples participate. Each pair is given an orange. As soon as the music starts, they must dance with the orange between their partner's cheeks. The winner is the couple who manages to hold the orange while dancing.

Capricious apple

Number of participants - 4 people. One person is holding an apple in the air, which is tied to a short ribbon, and the second participant is trying to eat this apple without using his hands.


A team of 7 people must decorate the “Christmas tree” while the music is playing. A “Christmas tree” is any person from the company. You need to decorate the Christmas tree using improvised means. The winner is the team that decorates the “Christmas tree” with the most “toys.”

Orange boom

There are 12 people in the team. They stand in a row. The first player holds the orange under his chin. On command, players pass the orange to each other without using their hands. The team that doesn't drop the orange wins.

Strange dancing

Two people hold a thick cord 1.5 m long at a height as tall as a person. Those who want to play take turns walking under the cord, performing dance moves. Gradually the cord is lowered lower. The game continues until the most flexible player remains.

Name the fourth

Three words are named, and the fourth (of the same theme) is named by the participants in the game. This game can be played between players sitting at tables. The team that can name the most words wins. For example:

1. Dnieper, Don, Volga... (Yenisei).

2. Plum, pear, apple... (orange).

3. “Opel”, “Mercedes”, “Moskvich”... (“Ford”).

4. Masha, Olya, Lyuba... (Natasha).

5. “Spartak”, “Lokomotiv”, “Zenit”... (“CSKA”).

6. Poplar, pine, maple... (birch).

7. “The Golden Fish”, “The Three Little Pigs”, “The Frog Princess”... (“The Snow Queen”).

8. Chair, bed, table... (chair).

9. Gymnastics, volleyball, tennis... (football).

10. Pencil, pen, notebook... (ruler).

11. Cream, perfume, powder... (lipstick).

12. Chocolate, marmalade, candies... (cookies).

13. Goal, penalty, offside... (corner).

14. Boots, shoes, boots... (sandals).

Collect snowballs

The game is designed for two people only. Each player is given a basket. Snowballs cut from foam rubber are poured onto the floor. The players are blindfolded, and on command they begin to collect snowballs. The one who collects the most snowballs wins.

"Cheerful boots." Two teams, unlimited number of players. Props: 2 pairs of large felt boots. The players line up one after another. On command, the first player puts on felt boots and, quickly running around the tree, returns to the team. Having taken off his felt boots, he passes them on to the next one, and so on until all the players have completed the distance.

The team whose players complete the task faster wins.

Wonderful calendar sheet

Each guest receives a piece of paper from a desk calendar. The boys are given odd numbers calendar, and for girls - even numbers. As the evening progresses, guests are offered several tasks:

1. Find “yesterday”.

2. Build a team from only “Tuesdays” or from only “Thursdays”.

3. Gather by month.

4. Collect the first week of each of 12 months.

5. Collect all the Wednesdays of one of the months.

Based on the numbers of the flip calendar leaves received, be sure to indicate what month the date is, you can hold a New Year's auction with non-standard prizes.

Looking for a couple

Again, using the calendar leaves, you need to find a couple to dance. The game is played while dancing. The Snow Maiden names any number from 3 to 61, and the players must gather in pairs so that the sum of their numbers on the calendar sheet corresponds to the named number. The one who completes the task first wins.

Jumping bags

Very popular, very simple and at the same time hilarious funny game. Props: two bags. Two teams stand in front of the Christmas tree. The first player on the team is given a bag. Putting it on his feet and holding the edge of the bag on both sides with his hands, he jumps around the tree and returns to the team. He takes off the bag and passes it to the next player. The team whose last player gets to the team first wins.

Score a goal for Santa Claus

We designate the gates with two small Christmas trees. Santa Claus is a goalkeeper. Players take turns trying to score a goal. Whoever hits the goal moves on to the second round. In the second round, 2 attempts are given to score a goal. The players who scored 3 goals each advance to the third round. And so on until one player remains, the winner.

It is important not to prolong the game. If there are a lot of guests, limit the number of players.

Rooster fight

A game for real men. Two young men get into a gymnastic hoop. Take a cockfighting stance: hands behind your back, one leg bent at the knee. The task is to jump back, gaining momentum, and push your opponent into the chest or the opposite shoulder with your shoulder. And so on until one of the players pushes the opponent out of the circle.

How to make your holiday in the New Year unforgettable? Of course, go somewhere abroad, to snowy Austria or the wonderful Czech Republic, and if you want radical changes, then you can move from winter to summer and meet New Year to GOA or Bali. In general, as in any other month of vacation, the choice is huge. The choice depends entirely on the choice of type of holiday - beach or active. We tried to collect the TOP 10 holiday options in December, which are the most popular! So, let's go.

1. New Year in Prague, Czech Republic. This holiday option in December is the leader among all. If you want to find yourself in a real New Year's fairy tale, then the question of where to go on vacation in the New Year has been resolved - feel free to go to Prague!

Celebrating the New Year in Prague is a great idea! Walking along the ancient European streets, admiring the view of Prague Castle, you can feel the atmosphere of past centuries. The New Year can become wild, cheerful if you go there with a group of friends, and romantic if you celebrate the New Year in Prague together. In any case, the holiday will be unforgettable for you!

First place beach holiday in December, Thailand ranks due to its snow-white beaches surrounded by tropical greenery. This is a great option for a holiday at sea in December, suitable for those who want to relax and unwind from the hustle and bustle, which will be greatly facilitated by sessions of traditional Thai massage. A real piece of paradise!

An ideal option for celebrating the New Year with your family! During Christmas, the Finnish streets freeze, because for residents such days are the best opportunity to spend time with their family at home , attend a church service, participate in family events, for example, to do manual Christmas decorations. And how wonderful a vacation in nature can be, on fresh air in enjoying the picturesque landscapes ! New Year's Eve in Finland - the birthplace of Santa Claus, is an exciting adventure for you and your family!

Where to celebrate the New Year on a budget in warm regions? The best option, suitable for such parameters is Egypt. Despite the fact that local residents do not celebrate the New Year on the night from December 31 to January 1, nevertheless, a lot of things are being prepared for vacationers entertainment programs, palm trees are dressed up as Christmas trees, Santa Clauses are walking here and there along the streets and beaches. It all looks very funny and at first glance, awkward and surprising. New Year in Egypt promises to be hot and fun!

5. New Year in Paris, France. Holidays in the New Year in Paris are truly magnificent! There are bright colorful illuminations all around, houses are decorated in colorful garlands. Snow in Paris is very rare, so the city is decorated for the New Year artificial snow. The symbol of Paris - the Eiffel Tower looks magical these days! It is better to come to Paris a month before the New Year to enjoy a series of Christmas holidays. First date New Year's holidays December 6 is considered to be St. Nicholas Day.

6. New Year in GOA. Where to go on vacation in December? GOA is a luxurious destination for lovers of ocean waves, perfect beaches, relaxing massages and exotic cuisine. New Year in GOA is just the height of the season, when the autumn rains have already ended, and the summer dry weather will begin only in April. The temperature in Goa is very comfortable. Something specifically New Year’s, besides green trees decorated with lanterns and a festive dinner, as well as “conventional New Year’s” discos on outdoors, you shouldn’t expect anything from GOA, but even a standard tourist vacation program carried out in the middle of winter is an interesting pastime and cool memories.

New Year in GOA

What do you know about the features of the New Year in Italy, besides the tradition of getting rid of old things? Its celebration begins a week before Christmas in Italy and continues until mid-January. These are the days of folk festivals, fireworks and sales, when you can buy branded items at a ridiculous price, taste Christmas dishes and buy a lottery ticket for a symbolic price to win a gift from Santa. The aroma of cappuccino, hot chocolate and New Year's magic mix in the cool December air, everyone is rushing in search of gifts and every now and then giving each other smiles. Owners of shops and restaurants compete to see whose window display is more elegant. Ordinary residents do not lag behind them, decorating their windows and balconies with garlands, spruce wreaths and red ribbons.

A real tropical adventure! Azure sea and golden beaches, lush green jungle, unique celebration atmosphere- an excellent replacement for a slightly boring Olivier salad in traditional company. For those who choose a fashionable holiday, it is better to go to Jimbaran or Nusa Dua. Nightlife lovers will have a great time in Kuta. For those who prefer unity with nature, the tourist area of ​​Ubud is suitable. It should be noted that, despite the difference in tastes, every traveler will be able to have a great rest and have fun.

9. New Year's cruise in Scandinavia- this is an acquaintance with the most beautiful cities such as Helsinki and Stockholm, the snowy plains of Lapland, the picturesque Norwegian fjords will appear before you in all their glory. Most often, the cruise includes visits to 3 countries - Sweden, Denmark and Norway. Plunge into a real winter fairy tale!

New Year's Cruise in Scandinavia

For children New Year's holiday in Veliky Ustyug is a journey into the realm of fairy tales and adventures. However, for adults, entertainment tours to Ustyug for the New Year will be a wonderful break from everyday hustle and bustle and problems. Veliky Ustyug is the best budget option when you want a change of scenery and feel a real fairy tale!

Choose the best direction for yourself! Happy New Year!