I need a strong dua for my husband. Dua to make a guy fall in love. What does the Qur'an say about wealth and poverty?

This article contains: Muslim prayer for my husband to return - information taken from all over the world, the electronic network and spiritual people.

Muslim girls, if they want to bewitch a man, should know that this magical ritual has its own characteristics. But just as in Christian rituals to attract love, the main role is still played by faith in what you are doing, how you follow the rules for conducting such magical rituals, as well as the personal abilities of the one who performs it. There is very little information about the conduct of Muslim magical rituals and it is practically difficult to find any information about this, even on the Internet. Of course, it is possible to get an answer to this question on the Internet, but the final search result most likely will not provide a complete and specific answer. The whole point is that the specifics of Muslim magical spells and their correct execution is kept secret by the Muslim witches. Although if you look at it, magic is the same for everyone, whether you are Muslim or Christian. There would be desire, faith in one’s strengths and abilities. Of course, Muslim magic has its own peculiarities of reading conspiracies, and these peculiarities must be known and respected. The most effective and most effective when reading it will be a conspiracy read in the Muslim language. Most Christians are sure that Islam is one of the very strict religions, and this is in fact the case. But nevertheless, light magical rituals to attract love into your life do not contradict the Muslim faith. Among these conspiracies and prayers, there are very strong ones that help to establish and arrange your personal life and find happiness. Sharia law allows some magical rituals - reading spells and prayers for water, using herbs and other plants. Muslim conspiracies have one more rule - they must be read as incantatory prayers. But basically they are similar to reading Christian conspiracies and prayers. In the Muslim religion, along with ordinary ones, prayers are read, which are called doga or doha, dua. In their magical practice, Muslims, just like Christians, conduct rituals and rituals that help get rid of problems or to protect themselves and their loved ones.

How to correctly read Muslim prayers and spells.

When reading Muslim prayers, several rules must be followed:

It is necessary to read the prayer by heart, without departing from the text that is written in the conspiracy. Usually the plot is read from three to five times, but if necessary, up to twelve. When performing any magical ritual, your gaze should be turned towards the qibla, that is, Masjidul Harama Mecca. Before you begin to read prayers-spells, you must perform ablutions. When water is charmed, they blow lightly on it, reading the spell.

Muslim prayer - a conspiracy to attract love (for a successful marriage).

This Muslim prayer will help unite two loving hearts and have a successful marriage. In terms of its power, it is equal to a full-fledged magical ritual; after pronouncing it, you will no longer be able to cancel its effect. Before reading the conspiracy, perform a ritual ablution (taharat, abdest), after ablution, perform two additional rakats of prayer, and only after that read the following words:

How to win love with a Muslim love spell

Love knows no boundaries. A person of a different religion can become the only and desirable one. Very often conspiracies are used that are somehow related to Christianity. For these rituals, church candles, holy water, etc. may be needed. But there are rituals that are called Muslim. Conspiracies from the Koran are read for them. Some people believe that they can only be used by people of this religion, others are sure that they will help to bewitch a person of another faith. But there are also those who do not see the difference in love spells, believing that they are all effective and do not depend on religion.

The Koran is the holy book of Muslims. Will help when performing a Muslim love spell.

Rules for using a Muslim love spell

Although some witches allow the use of this magic, others warn that Muslim love spells should only be read by those who adhere to this religion and know the Koran well. Alternatively, the person grew up in a Muslim family.

If a person turns to higher powers, he is helped by some otherworldly entities. These energy beings who help people cast a Muslim love spell have enormous power. But they are also distinguished by their original behavior. Therefore, for those who do not want to experience their anger, it is better to be on the same wavelength with them, i.e. follow Muslim traditions.

If in doubt, use regular love spells. These love spells should also work, because... Muslims are people just like everyone else. If you want to use a Muslim love spell or you adhere to this religion, you can read love spells called Muslim ones. Those who are willing to take risks, although they are far from Islam, need to follow a number of rules before using love spells.

  1. You cannot read conspiracies during fasting. There is no specific date for fasting; it may shift slightly every year. Therefore, before performing the ceremony, you need to make sure that it is not the month of Ramadan.
  2. At least a week before using a love spell, you must eat according to Muslim traditions. Do not eat pork (almost every sausage, frankfurter, and commercial jellied meat contains it), carefully studying product labels. Do not drink alcohol, eliminating it completely, even champagne.
  3. This rule applies to women. If they have their period, it is better to forget about love spells for a while. But a few days after the end of menstruation (complete absence of discharge) are the most suitable for a love spell.
  4. The last rule applies to men. You cannot cast a Muslim love spell on a girl of this religion if the person does not have respect for women. It is very important. You can show your respect for the female sex by giving several grandmothers things that they dreamed of but could not buy. After presenting these gifts, you can begin reading love spells.

How to bewitch a Muslim woman

This Muslim love spell is suitable for men who are in love with Muslim girls. For it you will need different herbs, which you need to take one teaspoon at a time.

Tea rose petals for a love spell

Namely cornflower, mistletoe berries, tea rose petals, rosemary. All this is mixed with juniper sawdust. Also, for the ceremony, it is advisable to get a photograph of your beloved person and print one of your photos. On both photographs the words are written in red felt-tip pen:

“Tyre kofren inhome.”

As soon as Friday evening arrives, you need to attach both photographs to each other (face to face) and sew them together using gold Lurex. One side should remain unstitched.

All prepared herbs need to be crushed. They will become like powder. It must be placed in the envelope that was obtained by stitching the photographs. After this, the last side is sewn up, and the envelope itself is placed under the Koran. There he must lie for seven days. All this time, a person reading love spells should not swear, eat as a Muslim should, and try to think only about good things.

As soon as next Friday comes, you need to get a red candle. It burns photographs along with herbs. At the same time, it is necessary to read suras of the Koran (56 and 112). At the end you have a pile of ash. It needs to be collected and then added to the food or drink of the woman you love.

How to bewitch a Muslim man

Girls who dream of winning the love of a Muslim guy can use this spell. To do this, you need to purchase a pair of livers on the market. However, this shopping trip should be a little different from other walks around the market. If a girl is friends with the person she is in love with, she should ask him what he needs to buy at the market.

If the relationship is not so close yet, you need to get a photo of your loved one and mentally ask him:

“What is the master of my heart doing?”

Then immediately answer:

“The same as you, my lady!”

While moving along the meat aisle, you need to say the following words 6 times:

“Allah told me to watch your (name) liver. I will feed my beloved (name) and satisfy him with love! May Allah allow me into his liver forever!”

After going to the market, you need to get a photo of your loved one at home and feed the purchased liver to a dog, your own or someone else’s. She must eat it all. At this moment the words of the conspiracy are spoken:

“The dog is treating himself, and dear (name)’s melancholy increases without me!”

After this, from time to time you can take a photo and say to it casually:

“Do you remember what I did?”

Spell with a scarf and a candle

Before reading this plot, it is advisable to fast for two days, eating only vegetables and fruits. When you are cleansed spiritually and physically, you can begin. To do this, you need to lock all the doors and curtain the windows. Lay a white handkerchief on the table and place a candle (made of wax) on it. Directly in front of the scarf there should be a glass filled with clean spring water.

Glass with spring water

Throwing another one over my head snow-white scarf, you need to say the cherished words:

“La, illya, ill, alla, alla ekber.”

As soon as they are said, you need to touch the edges of the scarf that lies on the table and start thinking about your soul mate. You can say three wishes related to the object of love. Then the candle is lit. Looking at its flame, you need to imagine yourself next to your loved one. This ceremony is carried out over three days. It is important that conspiracies are read once in the morning, and another time in the evening.

Conspiracy with a candle

This is one of the most simple conspiracies, which does not require special effort. But his success depends on his innate magical abilities. The ritual is performed for three days in a row. In the evening you need to turn off the lights in the room and light one candle. You need to look at its flame, trying to imagine how your loved one looks at you tenderly. It is important to do this until the image becomes clear enough. Before and after visualization, you must say the following words with an imperative intonation:

“Besmilakhir rahmanir rahim! Min abdihi allazi layla ila rabi aljalilu rabi anni masanialazara wa anta arkhamar rahimin!

Spell with water

It is necessary to read the words of this conspiracy very clearly, trying not to make mistakes. You really need faith that the conspiracy will help. To bewitch someone, you need to take off your clothes at sunset, stand in some kind of container (a basin will do) and pour water over yourself. It may be a little - no more than a glass, but it should wet the whole body, including the head. After this, the water is again collected in a glass and the magic words are said seven times:

“Allahumma, Antal - l - Kadiru wa ana-l - makduru, fa - mfn yadu-l - makdura illa-l Kodiru, ya Rabbi.”

After this, the charmed water must be poured on the threshold of the house where your loved one lives.

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Muslim prayers and love spell to bring your husband back

In Islam there are good prayers - dua for the return of a husband to the family, which are used by women of any religion who are married to a Muslim. It’s hard when a family collapses, especially when there are children in the family and the husband has left, most likely for good, there is no time for ways to return the husband home. We will tell you about some of the best and most effective Muslim prayers and love spells to return your husband to your family from your mistress. The surest way to get your husband or boyfriend back is black Muslim magic, but prayer is no worse.

The Almighty will improve the relationship between husband and wife, rewarding them with a harmonious family life if at least one of them reads this Surah.

To return your husband or wife you need to take a bath. Then read these words 17 times:

“Qul 'Ūĥiya 'Ilayya 'Annahu Astama`a Nafarun Mina Al-Jinni Faqālū 'Innā Sami`nā Qur'ānāan `Ajabāan.Yahdī 'Ilá Ar-Rushdi Fa'āmannā Bihi ۖ Wa Lan Nushrika Birabbinā 'Aĥadāan.Wa 'Annahu Ta `ālá Jaddu Rabbinā Mā Attakhadha Şāĥibatan Wa Lā Waladāan.Wa 'Annahu Kāna Yaqūlu Safīhunā `Alá Al-Lahi Shaţaţāan.”

“Allahun Massali Eli Muhammadin Wa Ali Muhammad”

A'uuzu bil-lyahi minash-shaitaani rrajiim. Bi-smi-Llahi rrahmaani rrahiim. Allahu laya ilayahya ilaya huwal-hayyul-kayuum, laya ta'huzuhu sinatuv-valaya naum, lyahu maa Fis-samaavaati wa maa fil-arz, men zal-lyazi yashfya'u 'indahu illya bi izkh, ya'lamu maa baina aidihim va maa halfakhum wa laya yukhnituune bi sheyim-min 'ilmihi illya bi maa sha'a, wasi'a kursiyuhu ssamaavaati val-ard, wa laya yauduhu hifzukhumaa wa huval-'aliyul-'azim. “

Then read 40 times:

“Tabbat Yadā ‘Abī Lahabin Wa Tabba.Mā ‘Aghná `Anhu Māluhu Wa Mā Kasaba.Sayaşlá Nārāan Dhāta Lahabin.Wa Amra’atuhu Ĥammālata Al-Ĥaţabi.Fī Jīdihā Ĥablun Min Masadin.”

And then read 7 times:

Do not be intimidated by the volume of the Muslim dua prayer for the return of your husband. Not at all complicated and even an easy Muslim love spell to return will very quickly affect the man you love - your husband - and he will soon return to the family. Try it and you won't regret it.

  • 33 209
  • healer from 11/19/2012, 08:57

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How to get your Muslim husband back - Muslim magic

All women experience the severance of family ties hard, but only for a Muslim wife, divorce is sometimes much worse than death. That is why Muslim women actively use various prayers and love spells to separate their husband from his mistress and return him to the family.

In this article we will tell you how to get your Muslim husband back using one of the most powerful magics - Muslim black magic. So, to carry out this love spell you will need a piece of paper, a cloth and an ordinary pencil. The abandoned wife must use this pencil to write her full name at the top of the sheet, and at the bottom of the sheet - the name of the man whom she wants to return. After this, the piece of paper is folded in half (so that the names touch) and then wrapped in a piece new fabric. A woman should wear this bundle on her chest until the full moon, while reading (twice a day) a special Arabic prayer. On the day of the full moon, the package should be buried under some flowering tree or bush.

The tree or bush should be either in the woman’s yard or not far from the house where she lives, since every day she will have to go to this tree or bush and water it with the charmed water. Charmed water is made as follows:

You need to pour water into a jug, dip the fingers of both hands into it, and then recite Sura Nisa forty times. The charmed water is ready. While watering a flowering tree with it, a woman should think about her beloved husband and mentally ask him to return.

The ritual must be continued until the husband returns. However, no one knows how long this may take. How stronger woman will love her spouse, the more she longs for his return, the sooner the ritual will work. It is very important not to tell anyone about the love spell, because if even one person suspects that a woman is practicing magic, she will have to look for another way to get her husband back.

If the husband did not leave the family, but took a mistress, then in this case the Muslim woman must perform a ritual to get rid of her rival. To do this, she must, looking at any disgusting or terrible sight, repeat the following words:

“How scary it is for the whole world to look at this,

How the whole world looks at this in disgust,

So let my husband (name)

It will be scary and disgusting to look at your mistress!”

Allah Almighty ordered for His slaves to create families, give birth to children and live in peace and harmony. Therefore, by creating a family, a person finds his happiness. This gives our life a special meaning by the grace of Allah Almighty.

Family - this is a gift from Allah Almighty, an amanat from our Lord, which we must preserve and protect from everything that could harm it. But not always and not everyone succeeds in maintaining relationships, and sometimes, without having time to get together, new family begins to quarrel, sort things out - unpleasant situations arise that end in divorce.

The main reason for discord in the family is the weak iman of one or both spouses and non-compliance with the instructions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) when choosing a bride or groom.

This is stated in the hadith transmitted from Abu Huayra (may Allah be pleased with him) - the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

تُنْكَحُ الْمَرْأَةُ لِأَرْبَعٍ: لِمَالِهَا، وَلِحَسَبِهَا، وَلِجَمَالِهَا، وَلِدِينِهَا، فَاظْفَرْ بِذَاتِ الدِّينِ

« A woman is married based on four qualities: her wealth, her nobility, her beauty and her religiosity. Choose your wife based on her religiosity " (Muslim)

In this hadith, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) does not talk about the desirability of paying attention to the wealth of a girl; the hadith implies something completely different. Imam An-Nawawi, commenting on this hadith in his book Sharh Al-Muslim, writes the following:

« The true meaning contained in this hadith is that people, when choosing a future spouse, pay attention to these four qualities, and their religiosity is on last plan, so you look for a religious bride. This hadith talks about the motivation to look for a religious girl...»

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) gives similar instructions when choosing a future husband. In a hadith also narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), it is reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

إِذَا أَتَاكُمْ مَنْ تَرْضَوْنَ خُلُقَهُ وَدِينَهُ فَزَوِّجُوهُ إِلَّا تَفْعَلُوا تَكُنْ فِتْنَةٌ فِي الْأَرْضِ وَفَسَادٌ عَرِيضٌ

« When people come to you for marriage, whose religiosity and character you are satisfied with, then marry them (your wards). If you do not do this, then temptation will appear on earth and immorality will become widespread. " (Ibn Majah", 1957)

In this hadith, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) also strongly advises marrying daughters to religious young men of good character. The meaning of this saying comes down to the fact that if for various reasons you refuse worthy suitors and do not marry your daughters to them, then young people, not being able to get married, will fall into sin, and immorality will increase and spread in society.

However, these instructions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) are often not followed, which leads to a deterioration in the relationship between spouses. Relationships are constant work, including constant appeals to Allah Almighty with prayers and requests to strengthen feelings and send down happiness and mutual understanding in marriage.

In the collection of authentic hadiths of Imam Al-Bukhari, it is reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

“When one of you gets married, let him say:

اللهم إنى أسألك خيرها وخير ما جبلتها عليه وأعوذ بك من شرها ومن شر ما جبلتها عليه

« Allahumma inni as'alyuka hairaha wa haira ma jabaltaha 'alaihi, wa a'uzu bika min sharriha wa sharri ma jabaltaha 'alaihi».

« O Allah, I ask You for all the good from her (wife) and all the good from her offspring. I also resort to Your protection from her evil and the evil of her descendants! ") (Bukhari, Abu Dawud).

Another version of this hadith, reported by Abu Dawud, adds:

« Then let him put his hand on her forehead and ask the Almighty for grace (barakah) "(Abu Dawud", 2162).

Khatib Ash-Shirbini in his book “Mughni al-Mukhtaj”, specifying this dua, writes: “It is advisable (sunnah) for the husband to put his hand on the bride’s forehead on the first night and say:

بارك الله لكل منا في صاحبه

« Baraka Allah li-kullin minna fi sahibihi».

« May Allah Almighty make each of us blessed for each other ».

Immediately before getting close, it is always advisable for the husband to read the following dua:

بِسْمِ اللهِ، اَللّهُمَّ جَنِّبْنا الشَّيْطانَ وَجَنِّبِ الشَّيْطانَ ما رَزَقْتَنا

« Bismillah, Allahumma jannibna shaytana wa jannibi shaytana ma razaktana».

« In the name of Allah! O Allah, take the devil away from us and take the devil away from what you have given us (that is, from the child with whom you will give us)».

Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with them both) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

لوْ أَنَّ أَحَدَهُمْ إِذَا أَرَادَ أَنْ يَأْتِيَ أَهْلَهُ قَالَ بِاسْمِ اللَّهِ اللَّهُمَّ جَنِّبْنَا الشَّيْطَانَ وَجَنِّبْ الشَّيْطَانَ مَا رَزَقْتَنَا ، فَإِنَّهُ إِنْ يُقَدَّرْ بَيْنَهُمَا وَلَدٌ فِي ذَلِكَ لَمْ يَضُرَّهُ شَيْطَانٌ أَبَدًا

« If any of you says when he wants to have sexual intercourse with his wife: “In the name of Allah! O Allah, remove the shaitan from us and remove the shaitan from what you have endowed us with (that is, from the child with whom you will give us)” and if conception subsequently occurs, then, verily, the shaitan will never be able to harm the child " (Bukhari, 6388; Muslim, 1434)

It is reported from some righteous predecessors that if a person forgets to say this prayer, then the Shaitan will certainly harm the child, or the Shaitan will certainly participate with the husband in sexual intercourse. Therefore, you should always observe the recitation of this dua and be consistent in it.

Also, to strengthen feelings and harmony between spouses, it is advisable to read the dua, which is transmitted from the words of Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him); The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) taught him this supplication (du'a):

اللهم ألف بين قلوبنا ، وأصلح ذات بيننا ، واهدنا سبل السلام ونجنا من الظلمات إلى النور ، وجنبنا الفواحش ما ظهر منها وما بطن ، وبارك لنا في أسماعنا وأبصارنا وقلوبنا وأزواجنا وذرياتنا وتب علينا إنك أنت التواب الرحيم ، واجعلنا شاكرين لنعمتك ، مثنين بها وقابليها وأتمها علينا

« Allahumma allif baina kulyubina, wa aslih zata bainina, wa hdina subula s-salami, wa najjina mina z-zulumati ila n-nur, wa jjannibna l-fawahisha ma zahara minha wama batana, wa barik lyana fi asma'ina wa absarina wa kulubina wa azwajina wa zurriyatina. Wa tub ’alaina, innaka Anta T-tavvabu R-rahim. Wa j'alna shakirina li-ni'matika, musnina bi-ha wa kabiliha wa atimmaha 'alayna».

« O Allah, unite our hearts and make our relationship good. Lead us along the paths of peace and bring us out of darkness into light. They have kept us away from obscenities, both secret and overt. Bless our hearing and sight, our hearts, our wives and offspring, and accept our repentance. Verily, You are the Acceptor of repentance and the Merciful. Make us grateful for Your mercies, praising You for them and accepting them, and give them to us in full " (Abu Dawud 969, al-Hakim 1/397, Tabarani)

اللهم وفِّق بيني وبين زوجي ، واجمع بيننا على خير .. اللهم اجعلني قرة عين لزوجي واجعله قرة عين لي ، وأسعدنا مع بعضنا ، واجمع بيننا على خير .. اللهم اجعلني لزوجي كما يحب ، واجعله لي كما أحب ، واجعلنا لك كما تحب ، وارزقنا الذرية الصالحة كما نحب وكما تحب

« Allahumma waffik bayni wa bayna zawji, wa jma' baynana 'ala khair(in). Allahumma j'alni kurrata 'ainin li-zavji, waj'alhu kurrata 'ainin li, wa as'idna ma'a ba'zina, wa jma' baynana 'ala khairin. Allahumma j'alni li-zavji kama tuhibbu, wa j'alhu li kama uhibbu, wa j'alna laka kama tuhibbu. Wa rzukna z-zurriyata s-salihata kama nuhibbu wa kama tuhibbu».

« O Allah, bring peace and harmony between me and my wife (my husband) and unite us in good. O Allah, make me a joy to the eyes of my wife (my husband) and make her (him) the joy of my eyes. And grant us happiness in living together with each other and unite us in good things. O Allah, make me for my wife (husband) the way she (he) wants to see me and make her (him) for me the way I want to see her (him). Also make us for Yourself what You want us to be. And grant us good offspring, such as we desire and such as You desire. ».

If someone really wants to strengthen feelings between him and his wife (her husband), then he (she) will constantly ask Allah Almighty to strengthen feelings by reading the above and other duas and show sincerity and patience in this.

information with friends!

A complete collection of materials on the topic: duas to make a guy fall in love from experts in their field.

Is it possible to make dua to make someone fall in love with you?

Is it possible to make dua to make you fall in love with yourself?

When making dua, you need to ask only for good. For example, a slave cannot know exactly what is good for him and what is evil. Since a person starts from the external. Yes, we can be charmed by the morality, beauty and manners of the girl we would like to woo. However, Allah Almighty knows everything better. He knows what is truly good for His servant and gives to him based on this. After all, what we ask may turn out to be a big test for us and for the other party.

For example, one of the most important conditions for accepting our duas is consistency in them. However, when turning to Allah Almighty, we should ask Him for what is really good for us, and not what we consider to be such. Because what appears to be good for us can actually turn out to be a great evil for us.

Another very important point that we must not forget is that making a dua for the girl we like to fall in love with us can be considered an infringement on her rights. Since dua is one of those factors that can influence predestination.

Violating the rights of another person is one of the greatest crimes. One of the hadiths says:

“There are three types of evil deeds: evil deeds that Allah will not forgive; a crime that Allah can forgive; and an atrocity that Allah will not leave without retribution. The crime that Allah will never forgive is shirk (associating partners with Him). The crime that Allah forgives is the evil of slaves towards themselves, in those matters that concern the relationship between the slave and Allah. As for the evil deeds that Allah will not leave without retribution, this includes the evil that slaves commit against each other” (Ibn Kathir).

In conclusion, I would like to say that loving and being in love, of course, is not a sin. Love is one of the feelings that Allah Almighty has endowed on his slaves. However, the slave should never forget that, first of all, our Lord, who gave us this ability, is worthy of love. It is human nature to be attracted to members of the opposite sex. And the result of this attraction can be a feeling of love.

In this situation, instead of making a dua, asking to make this or that person fall in love with you, it is best to make a dua asking for the gift of what is good, and try to find out the opinion of the opposite side. And if the answer is positive, you should enter into marriage as quickly as possible in accordance with the requirements of Islam. If this is not possible, then in this case a person is obliged to protect his honor.

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11 duas to find your love

Love is the most beautiful and valuable gift from Allah Almighty

Everyone strives to find a righteous person with whom he will go through life. And those who have already tied the knot want mutual understanding and respect to reign in their relationship. Love is the most beautiful and valuable gift from Allah Almighty, with which he fills our hearts and makes us closer to Him. Every person comes into the world to love and be loved truly, because without this it is impossible to know true life. True love and warm relationships, like everything in the world, are from Allah. And dua is for the believer a mediator between him and his Creator, in which he is given the opportunity to ask for everything he desires. Allah said: “Call upon Me and I will answer you.” These duas are a request from the Almighty to send happy love and mutual understanding in relationships:

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1. Allahumma allif byaynahuma kammya allafta byayna Adama wa Havva, wa kamyya allafta byayna Yusuf wa Zuleikha, wa kamyya allafta byayna Aliyil-murtada wa Fatymatiz-zahra, wa kamyya allafta byayna Muhammadanil-mustafa wa Khadijatil-ku sconce Allahumma-gfir lyana jamian, warhamna jamian, vanajjina minan-nari jamian. Wa sallahu ala khairi khalqihi Muhammadin wa alihi ajma'in.

“Oh Allah! Unite them in love and harmony, as You united Adam and Hawa, Yusuf and Zuleikha, Ali and Fatima, Muhammad and Khadija in love and harmony. Oh Allah! Forgive, have mercy and protect us all from fire. And may Allah bless his best slave - Muhammad and his family and descendants."

2. Anyone who wants to get married should first pray a prayer of two rak'ahs, in each of which one should read Surah Al-Fatihah and Surah Ya Sin, and after finishing the prayer and praising Allah, say:

“O Lord, grant me a pleasant, child-bearing, grateful wife (husband); a wife (husband) who will be grateful to me if I treat her (him) well, and will forgive me if I act badly towards her (him); a wife (husband) who will help me if I remember Allah, and will remind me of Allah if I forget Him; a wife (husband) who will protect me in my absence and make me happy when I am with her; a wife who will obey me if I order her to do anything and who will accept my apology if I do anything against her (him), a wife (husband) who will reassure me if I I'll get angry. O Most High and Honorable Lord, send me such a wife (such a husband). I ask You for it (him), and nothing will come to me until You give it to me.”

3. “Allahummaj-al haza-l-aqda maymunan mubarakan waj-al baynahuma ulfatan wa mahabbatan wa karara, wa la taj-al baynahuma nafratan wa fitnatan wa firara. Allahumma allif baynahuma kama allafta bayna Adama wa Havwa wa kama allafta bayna Muhammadin wa Khadijatu-l-kubra wa kama allafta bayna Aliyin wa Fatimata-z-Zehra. Allahumma a-ti lekhuma avlyadan salikhan va ryzkan vasian va umran tavilyan. Rabbana heb lana min azvajina wa zurriyatina kurrata a-yunin wa-j-alna li-l-muttakyina imama. Rabbana atina fiddunya hasanata-v-va fil akhirati hassanata-v-va kyna azaban nar.”

“My Allah, make this marriage happy and blessed. Please strengthen their marriage and give them lasting love. They were given away from strife and gossip. Strengthen my Allah this marriage just as You strengthened the marriage between Adam and Eve, between the Prophet Muhammad and Khadija, peace and blessings of Allah be upon them, between Ali and Fatima, may Allah be pleased with them. My Allah, give them pious children, great wealth and long life. Lord, send down your goodness on us in this world and the next world, and save us from torment.”

4. If anyone feels the need for the support of Allah, and with His help, for the support of another person, let him perform taharat and read the prayer in 2 rak’ats, then praise Allah and salawat, and finally turn to Allah with the following words:

“Allahumma inni asaluka tawfika ahli-l-huda, wa-amala ahli-l-yakyn, wa-munasahata ahli-t-tavbah, wa-azma akhlis-sabr, wa-jidda ahli-l-lhashyah, wa-talaba ahli- r-ragbah, wa-taabbuda ahli-l-vara, wa-irfana ahli-l-ilm, hata akhafak. Allahumma inni asaluka mahafatan tahjuzuni am-ma syatika hata amala bi-ta attika amalan astahikku bihi ridaka wa-hatta unasyhaka bi-t-tavbati haffan minka wa-hatta uhlisa laka-n-nasyhata hubball-laka va-hatta ata-wakkalu alayka fi -l-umuri wa-husna zannin bika subhana haliku-n-nur.”

There is no god but Allah, the Kind and the Generous. Glory be to Allah, Lord of the Great Throne. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds! I ask that by Your mercy You will endow me with qualities that will remove sins, I ask for all the best, liberation from sins. Do not leave a single sin that has not been forgiven by You, not a single loss that has not been compensated by You. Fulfill my desire, with which You can be pleased and which corresponds to Your desire, O Most Gracious of the Merciful!

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5. It is reported that one day, having heard a person say: “Allahumma, la-kya-l-hamdu, la ilaha illya Anta wahda-kya la sharika la-kya-l-Mannanu, Badi'a-s- samavati wa-l-ardy, Za-l-jalyali wa-l-ikram!” The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “You turned to Allah Almighty with a request by His greatest name, know that when they turn to Him with a prayer, calling Him by this name, He answers, and when they ask Him, calling Him that, He grants to the petitioner what he asked for.”

“O Allah, praise be to You, there is no god but You alone, without partner, All-Merciful, Creator of heaven and earth, Possessor of greatness and generosity!”

6. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever has a need for Allah Almighty or another person, let him perform ablution thoroughly, then perform two rak’ah prayers, then let him praise Allah, bless the Prophet (peace be upon him) and read:

“La ilaha illya lahul halimul karim, subhana llahi rabbil’ ‘arshil azim. Alhamdu lillahi rabbil 'alamina, wa asaluka mujibati rahmatika, wa 'azaima magfiratika val ganimata min kulli birrin, wa ssalamata min kulli ismin la tada' li zanban illa gafartahu wa la hamman illa farrajtahu wa la hajatan hiya laka ridan illa kadaitah and I am Arhama Rrahimina" .

7. With the intention of reaching mutual understanding in family relationships spouses should read Surah at-Tahrim.

8. “Allahumma innii a’uuzu bikya minal-hammi wal-khazan, wal-‘ajzi wal-kasal, wal-buhli wal-jubn, wa dola’id-dein wa galabatir-rijaal.”

“O Almighty, with Your help I am moving away from anxiety and sadness, from weakness and laziness, from stinginess and cowardice, from the burden of debt and human oppression.”

9. “Allaahumma innakya takdir wa laya akdir wa ta'lyam wa la a'lyam wa ante 'alla-yamul-guyyub, fa in ra'aita anna (name of a girl or boy) khairun li fii dii-nii wa dunya-ya va aakhyratii fakdurkhaa li, va in kyanet gairukhaa hairan lii minhaa fii diinii va dunya-ya va aakhyratii fakdurkhaa lii.”

“O Allah! Everything is in Your power, but I am not able to do anything. You know everything, but I don’t. You know everything that is hidden from us. And if You think that ... is the best way to preserve my religiosity and well-being both in this and in the future worlds, then help me so that she becomes my wife (husband). And if the other is the best for preserving my religiosity and well-being in both worlds, then help me so that the other becomes my wife (husband).”

10. Dua for women:

“O Allah, adorn me in the eyes of my husband, instill love for me in his heart, make me his only wife. Grant me righteous offspring from him. O Allah, we call upon You, answer us as You promised. O Allah, make me nur (shine) in the eyes of my husband.”

11. Dua for men:

“Allahummazhgalil kurana lyana fi ddunya karinan, wa fil kabri munisan wa gala sirati nuran wa fil qiyamati shafiga. Allahumma alkyi bayni wa bayna zavzhati mahabbatan gazimatan wa mavvadatan khalisatan ila yavmil qiyamati kama avkada nara atfaagyu llah inna llah la yuhibbul mufsidin.”

“O Allah, make the Quran for us a proof in this world, and in the grave - a defendant, on the Sirat Bridge - a light (nur), and on the Day of Judgment - an intercessor. O Allah, strengthen and create great, mutual and pure love between me and my wife (you name your wife) until the Day of Judgment. Strengthen this love just as Allah Almighty lights a fire in an extinguished place.”

Saida Hayat

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Portal of magic

There are no barriers to love, so young people, people over 50, Christians and Muslims can fall in love. What to do if you like a person of a different faith? Don’t worry, the modern world is not so categorical about the love of a man and a woman who have different religions.

Muslim love spell

There are new conspiracies that can be performed at home on a certain day, except for Ramadan, one of the greatest Muslim holidays. In our article, you will learn what to do if you fall in love with a person of the Muslim faith, how to get your husband back, bind him or make him fall in love with you again, how Muslim rituals differ from Christian rituals, and how to make Muslim love spells correctly.

Important Rules

What is the difference between a Muslim love spell and the usual pagan or Christian one? Muslim conspiracies to attract a Muslim man or woman can be read at home only by those who know the Koran and believers in Allah. Why do we list this condition as the most important? Any conspiracies are an appeal from me to otherworldly forces for help.

Muslim energy beings are endowed with enormous power and are distinguished by original behavior. That is why, in order not to become the object of their anger, you should follow the rules of communication with them, that is, the traditions of Muslim love magic. And then the love spell, the Muslim ritual for love, will be successful and as safe as possible for you. The photo involved in the conspiracy must be of high quality without blurring the image.

Preparing for the ritual

So, how to get your husband back the Muslim way or make a Muslim woman fall in love with you.

  • If you want to use spells, you must observe national Muslim food traditions at least a week before the ceremony. Avoid pork, alcohol and even champagne.
  • When a woman who wants to marry a Muslim has her period, Muslim conspiracies are prohibited. At the same time, there are several most favorable days that occur after the end of menstruation, when drying will be ideally effective.
  • If a man does a love spell, he must respect all women in general. Before the conspiracy, give several grandmothers such objects or things that were previously inaccessible to them, but were ardently desired. Only after this will the most favorable time come to read Muslim conspiracies.

Making a Muslim love spell is very simple - you need to honor the Koran, be able to live by its precepts, respect women and men, and have bright goals for the ritual. If you want to carry it out to spite someone, remember that evil always returns like a boomerang and the punishment or rollback can be so strong that the state of health, personal and family life, career and financial well-being.

Male love spell

If I am interested in how to bewitch a Muslim woman, this Muslim love spell requires the following items and things:

  • Photo of your beloved girlfriend or wife;
  • 1 tsp. herbs and flowers of cornflower and rosemary, mistletoe fruits, tea rose petals, juniper sawdust;
  • Own photo.

Muslim strong love spell dua from a photograph - how to do it correctly? On both photographs you need to write the words of the conspiracy with a red felt-tip pen. On Friday evening, place both photos right sides together and sew together three sides of both photos with gold lurex thread. Place the herbs crushed into powder inside the resulting envelope, sew up the fourth side and place the bag under the Koran for seven days.

At this time, those who cast Muslim love spells should eat right, cultivate good thoughts, and exclude foul language from their speech. See what this one looks like strong ritual can be seen in the photo.

Next Friday, take a red candle and burn both pictures with herbal powder in its flame. At the moment of burning the enchanted objects, one must read suras 56 and 112 of the Koran until a handful of ashes is formed. The prayer should sound clear and distinct. Carefully collect it and sprinkle it discreetly into the drink or food of the woman you want to conquer or return. Numerous reviews of those who have performed this love spell indicate the high effectiveness of the ritual.

Female love spell

How to make a Muslim fall in love with you if you have different faiths or just want to return the love of your boyfriend or husband? Think carefully about your desires, because often there is no turning back, magical rituals are a rather serious thing and you can’t just do them, especially to spite someone.

There is an old Muslim love spell for a guy to love him from a photograph, when the blood of an animal is used in the ritual. Go to the market and buy a fresh liver, but if you know a man closely, ask him what to buy for him. Otherwise, if you haven’t had any relationship yet, you will need to get a photo of the guy you want to bewitch to yourself and read the plot six times in the meat aisle.

As soon as you return home, you will need to get a photo of your husband or boyfriend and feed any dog, your own or someone else’s, a hearty meal of the purchased liver. Make sure that the animal eats the entire liver, and while it eats, you need to read the spell so that the prayer sounds clear and distinct. This is how you can quite effectively bewitch a Muslim in a short time.

Scarf and candle

A Muslim love spell is done not only on blood or a photo, but also on a scarf with a candle. Who can perform this ritual? A woman of Muslim or Christian faith, familiar with the Koran and living according to its precepts. As always, you need to prepare in a special way to cleanse your body and spirit of foreign substances and thoughts.

  • Switch to a fruit and vegetable diet for two days. After this, a person can use Muslim magic for love on his husband or boyfriend.
  • All doors in a house or apartment must be locked and windows curtained for the duration of the ceremony.
  • You will need to lay a white scarf on the table and place a wax candle on it.
  • Place a glass of spring water in front of the candle.
  • You need to cover your head with a second white scarf and cast spells to bewitch your loved one.
  • Now touch the handkerchief lying on the table and remember your loved one. Think about the three main desires that you want to receive from the ritual, for example, for your husband or wife to return to the family or for an unmarried guy to pay attention to you.
  • Light a candle and imagine yourself standing next to your husband or loved one. The whole ritual is well presented in the photographs.

In order to firmly bewitch a husband or woman, you need to carry out the ritual for three days in a row, alternating the time of casting the spell. Today you need to read it in the morning, tomorrow in the evening, the day after tomorrow again in morning hours. Be sure to comply with these conditions, otherwise all your efforts will be unsuccessful, and sometimes even dangerous for yourself.

Any love spell - Muslim magic - is a strong ritual for the love of a man or a woman, which requires special spiritual and physical training, without which Muslim conspiracies will be ineffective for me and even dangerous.

The power of fire

To cast a love spell on a Muslim husband, you do not need innate magical abilities. This is a rather strong ritual that even married man. At the same time, a Muslim love spell is ordinary magic; anyone can do it, although you will need to carefully prepare for it. Anyone who can make a conspiracy for marriage or to attract a beloved man in order to dry a woman leaves grateful and enthusiastic reviews, since Muslim conspiracies are really very powerful in their impact.

The ritual should be carried out daily for three days in the evenings, with the lights in the room turned off and a candle lit. Peer closely at its light and imagine your loved one, man or woman, he is also looking at you with a tender and loving gaze. Persistently imagine the scene until the picture becomes clear and undistorted. Before and after the ritual, you will need to read the spell with an imperative intonation. This magic is called visualization, which effectively affects everyone, both for me and for the person being bewitched.

The power of water

There is another powerful Muslim love spell on water. Who can do it? A man or guy is of the Muslim faith, but the ritual can be performed on a Christian if he is familiar with and follows the precepts of the Koran.

In order to bewitch or tie a woman, girl or man, you need to undress, stand in a basin, pour a little water on your head, about a glass or a ladle, so that it wets the whole body. Then collect this water in a glass and read the prayer seven times. At the last stage of the ritual, the enchanted water should be poured on the threshold of the loved one’s home.


Muslim magical rituals in photographs or other objects on a Muslim woman or a Muslim can be done without consequences, the main thing is the correctly chosen prayer or suras from the Koran, compliance with the rules of preparation for the ritual and strict adherence to the subtleties of a particular ritual.

The reaction of the object of the ritual occurs very quickly, he begins to show increased attention to you, and the further development of the relationship depends on you. The main thing is to think carefully about whether you really want to bewitch someone this person or return your husband’s love in a Muslim way, because removing a love spell can be very difficult or even impossible.

Complete collection and description: Muslim prayer for everyone to love me for the spiritual life of a believer.

In Islam, as in other religions of the world, there are prayers for all occasions and, of course, duas for love. This article will discuss how to correctly perform Muslim prayers for love. This prayer, which helps to unite two loving hearts, does not have a reverse effect and is very strong, think carefully about whether it is really worth asking a Higher power for help, if you agree, read Muslim prayers for love. Before prayer, a ritual ablution is performed (taharat, abdest), after which one must perform two additional rakats of prayer and say the Muslim prayer for love:

fa in ra'aita Anna (says the girl's name) khairun li fii dii-nii va dunya-ya va aakhyratii fakdurkhaa li,

va in kyanet gairukhaa khairan lii minhaa fii diinii wa dunya-ya va aakhyratii fakdurkhaa lii.

O Allah! Everything is in Your power, but I am not able to do anything.

You know everything, but I don’t.

You know everything that is hidden from us.

And if you think that

is the best for preserving my religiosity and well-being

both in this and in the future worlds, then help me in that

so that she becomes my wife (husband).

And if the other is the best for preserving my religiosity and well-being in both worlds,

then help me so that the other one becomes my wife (husband).

  • 10 716
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Arab magic and Muslim conspiracies

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Black love spell at home

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Muslim conspiracies for all occasions

Muslim conspiracies are part of Islam folk culture. There is little information about such magical rituals, but they are very effective. Let's talk about what Muslim conspiracies will help attract money, love and luck into your life.

Features of Muslim magical rituals

The main feature of Muslim conspiracies is that they are compiled on the basis of chapters from the Holy Koran.

There are two types of Muslim conspiracies:

  1. Permitted by Sharia and not contrary to religion. They are read in the language of the original source, that is, in Arabic. Most often pronounced on water, because it is believed to have a powerful magical power. When reading a sacred text, a person turns to Allah or the prophets
  2. Prohibited by Shariah. Unlike the first option, while reading the conspiracy, a person turns to saints, demons, and prophets. Talismans, amulets and other magical attributes are often used for rituals. The texts for such conspiracies are taken from ancient Arabic magic, both black and white.

There are some rules that must be followed for the conspiracy to work:

  • Ritual purity. It is understood that the person who is going to read the plot must be pure in body, soul and thoughts. The room in which the ritual will be performed must also be clean.
  • A woman should not read sacred text or perform any other magical rites during menstruation
  • You cannot drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes or take any other “prohibited” substances on the day when the magical ritual will be performed.

Spells to attract love

Love magic stands apart in the Arab world. There was always a particularly strong interest in her. Therefore, we are sharing ways to perform rituals that will attract love into your life.

Morning plot

Performed at dawn. When the first rays of the sun appear, you need to, standing in a bathtub or basin, pour a glass on your head cold water. Then you need to try to collect the flowing drops with the same glass. Afterwards, the text of the conspiracy is read over the collected water:

The water must be hidden in a secluded place, and then quietly added to the chosen one’s food or drinks. After he tastes the charmed water, he will begin to feel a strong attraction to the woman who pronounced the spell.

Love plot on the road

This option magical ritual will be useful for girls who do not have a lover. The ritual will help attract worthy candidates for the role of her life partner.

Every day, at dawn, you need to come to a deserted road and, looking at the horizon, imagine that your future husband is coming towards you. In this case, you need to pronounce the following text:

Muslim love spell from photo

To perform this magical ritual, you need to prepare a photograph of the man who needs to bewitched. Wait for the new moon, pick up the Koran, put the photo next to you.

The fifth sura must be recited 66 times over the photograph. It is important to read without interruption, mentally imagining the image of your beloved man - a photo will help with this. You should feel as if your chosen one is present in the room next to you.

After reading the plot, put the photo in a book, close it and put it in a secluded place.

Watch the video about how to make an effective Muslim love spell:

Conspiracy to attract money

There is no need to do any special manipulations. Just say the text of the plot in the morning, when you wake up, and before going to bed. You should feel calm and peaceful. Make sure no one interferes.

The text of the conspiracy is as follows:

Gradually, you will notice that money begins to come into your life faster and in larger quantities. It is important not to miss the opportunities that the Higher powers will send you. Follow the signs of Fate and wealth will come.

Spell to attract good luck

In Muslim culture, it is believed that in order to attract good luck, it is necessary to expel shaitans and jinn from life - evil spirits that steal luck from a person and poison his existence.

There is even a sign: if a person yawns and does not cover his mouth with his hand, an evil spirit will fly in and take away his luck.

If you’ve hit a rough patch in life, nothing is going well, and you can only dream of success, it means you don’t have enough luck. You can attract her with the help of a Muslim conspiracy. Its text is as follows:

Spells for successful trading

These conspiracies will be useful to businessmen and entrepreneurs who want to protect their business from competitors, attract more clients and, as a result, make as much profit as possible.

Muslim conspiracies for trading are especially effective, because in the Arab world great importance is attached to the ability to sell.

Here is the first version of the conspiracy:

It helps to attract profitable buyers and increase profits several times.

This version of the conspiracy helps to protect the merchant from ill-wishers, enemies, competitors, and to avoid problems with the law.

But this version of the sacred text must be read in the morning, before you get to work:

Muslim magic can bring great results if you follow all the rules and recommendations. It is also very important that your intentions are pure, and that you act only for the good, and do not seek to harm someone.

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The unknown world of magic and esotericism

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Muslim love spells

It hasn’t occurred to you that some of the strangeness of the structure of our world has occurred. It seems that people are trying to separate themselves, they have invented countries and religions for themselves, but nothing works out for them. Love unites everyone, regardless of views and languages ​​of communication, ignoring religious beliefs. If you look at it from this side, it turns out that the whole world (or the one who organized it this way) is trying to defeat the great power of love. Will it work? Most likely no. Every nation has special rituals aimed at generating love. When it comes to her, everyone thinks and feels the same. Wings grow behind your backs, your heart speeds up, youth blossoms in your soul. And religion remains somewhere in the background.

Muslim love spells: what are their features?

If you compare magic from the point of view of religious views, then purely outwardly you can find a lot of differences. Only all of them do not concern (almost) the forces involved themselves, but rather the instruments. Christians use prayers, Muslims use suras. What is the difference? Believe me, nothing for love. The tender trembling of the soul does not arise from which of the Holy books it is inspired by. It’s just that each religion, through the mediation and direct participation of its admirers, has created its own egregors. They do work. But on a higher plane, they are also one and the same. Why then do they distinguish between Muslim and Christian love spells?

The point is in egregors - energy clots with which certain people are connected. It is easier to influence a Muslim with the energy that he perceives as native. There will be no rejection or opposition. Therefore, Muslim love spells are used to bewitch people of a given religious group. For some reason this works better for men. That is, it is better for a Christian woman to bewitch Muslim men in this tradition. But if it’s the other way around, then the guy is recommended to use the rituals of his own people. Maybe because both worldviews are based on male leadership?

Muslim love spells: examples

To complete this you will need herbs. It would be nice to collect and dry them yourself. Pharmacy ones greatly reduce the effectiveness. But here's how it goes. You need to take the same amount of rosemary, mistletoe berries, and cornflower flowers. Also prepare a photo of yourself and the victim. You will need a small metal fire dish. If you go to the store to buy it, then choose a wide, flat one with a thick bottom. The dish needs to be beautiful, decorated with embossing or curls with gilding.

Fold the photos so that the images look at each other. Take the gold thread and needle. When stitching the photos, repeat the fifth surah. If you don’t know Arabic, it is recommended to find an audio recording and practice reading, copying sounds and intonation. You can also perform a ritual while recording. Have you sewn it? Place herbs on a plate and set fire to it. When the flame flares up, say:

“Tamore kotashen intema!”

Now use the fire of herbs to light the stitched photos. While they are burning, cast the spell two more times. Now again Sura No. 5. It must be repeated in a chant until only ashes remain. The latter must be collected and a pinch added to the victim’s food or drink. Don't throw away the leftovers. They can be used later if the result is not satisfactory the first time.

The ritual is associated with water. It is held at dawn. You need to completely undress and stand in an empty basin. Take a glass of water in your hands. Gently pour it onto the top of your head. Wait until it drains into the basin. Do not wave your hands to avoid splashing the liquid. Pour the water collected in the basin back into the glass. Say the following words to her:

“Allah commanded to endure! And I'm waiting! Allah commanded to love! I'm burning! Allah turned to (name) and told him to wait and suffer! As soon as he drinks the water, he will fulfill the command!”

Water must be added to the victim's drink. Just a few drops are enough. In this case, you need to read the first sura. This will be a kind of protection against negative impact. That is, this is a sign that you agree with any decision of the Higher Powers. If they allow it, the victim will fall in love with you. You show that you are not going against them. In case of non-compliance this condition you can earn punishment.

Recommendations specifically for those who do not know Muslim customs

The fact is that Higher power are perceived in this religion as something that cannot be resisted. Everything happens according to the will of Allah. If it’s bad, it means the faithful deserved it; if it’s good, he earned it. When you turn to this egregor, you need to truly feel humility in your soul. Don't be cunning, don't deceive, this is funny. Magic will happen when you truly feel trust in the forces you are asking for assistance. Therefore, it is recommended to read the first sura appropriately and inappropriately. This is a sign of humility and non-resistance to the will of Allah. At the same time, you, of course, are not obliged to renounce your religious beliefs. Just agree that with your own charter, going to a monastery that is not yours is somehow not very good...

Muslim love spells: we continue...

For a loved one to propose, there is such a ritual. It is necessary to go out every day on the road running into the distance. Position yourself so that nothing blocks the horizon, imagine that it is coming towards you from afar. Read odd number once:


Before you begin to perform the ritual, know that the reading of the plot is carried out until the proposal is received. That is, you will have to walk on the road every day. Stop and say goodbye to your dream.

Held on a new moon. We need the Quran in a printed edition. Take a photo of the victim. Put it in front of you. Take the Koran in your hands. Start reading the fifth sura. This must be done sixty-six times without interruption. Book in hand, photo opposite. Imagine what you want happening. It is necessary to achieve a bright picture. In fact, the vision will show whether the surah is valid or not. If after the ritual there remains a pleasant feeling of the “presence” of the victim nearby, then everything is going right. When finished, place the photo in a book, which is wrapped in a beautiful embroidered scarf.


Have you gone completely crazy? To pick up the Holy Quran you need to be a Muslim and ablution. I ask people of other faiths not to buy the original Holy Scripture. There are no such fortune telling in Islam.

Pray. In prayer, ask for what you want (but it should not harm others) or to calm your heart... If this person is yours, he will return. If not, calm down. Believe me, the retribution for trying to tie someone else’s fate to yourself is very great: loneliness, endless loneliness or very serious illnesses of children born from an “attached” person. And these conspiracies and rituals are deception and blasphemy. In Islam, it is enough to take ablution and pray, voicing your requests in prayer.

I will tell you how to get a Muslim back now without herbs. and then, but you must answer me now, are you a peasant woman or a Muslim woman or a peasant woman who has become a Muslim woman, I’m waiting for an answer now

Tell me how? I am a Muslim, but recently converted to Islam

There are no prohibitions for anyone to pick up the Holy Quran... there are no prohibitions for anyone to hold the Holy Bible in their hands... and I will say more - there are no prohibitions for keeping these Holy books at home.. The Bible for non-Christians and the Koran is not for Muslims .. and even more so there are no prohibitions on visiting mosques and churches ..

The Koran cannot be picked up without ablution, just like other holy books.

hey, what are you doing there, anonymous, don't disgrace our Koran, fatema, well done, aty, you're a brainless fool, your jokes are bad, you're a fool, what are you playing with, you know, no, you don't know, try playing with your screen and Ana will show you where the crayfish land and your relatives too, remember my words, I, who played too much in a dream with this Koran and received too many horrors kamuba know if not for me if you knew what the Koran is you would not dare to talk about it like that, know you would not even want to live and sleep you were never able and breathe thanks to the photema and the like

yes, I forgot to say about the main thing: no one is allowed to pick up the Bible as a Muslim; also, a Muslim is not allowed to enter the church because this is all for peasants; also, a peasant is not allowed to even touch the Koran and enter the mosque; this is all for Muslims, so you know, if you don’t get it, then you don’t understand at all. no, become a pure Muslim and use it for your health, and only from a pure heart then you can

It's all black magic, I'm a Muslim! Muslims do not have such conspiracies; this is the worship of genies and shaitans (dishonesty). There is Surah Al Fatiha, there is a translation into Russian, read it and ask the Almighty, merciful and merciful. give you forgiveness for your sins and guide you on the right path. And everything that is written here is not good

There is no magic in Islam there is only worship and ask for dua do not believe in magic brothers and sisters

When getting married, life together seems wonderful and cloudless. People are not perfect, they tend to make mistakes, and their relationships are not perfect. Allah the Almighty united husband and wife with the sacred bonds of nikah, but the servants of the Almighty are not always able to preserve that love and those reverent feelings that were in the early stages of marriage. Misunderstandings, quarrels and resentments arise between them. When a couple is on the verge of divorce, the only thing they can do is turn to their Almighty and cry out to Him with a dua to save their relationship:

Dua to strengthen feelings

“Allahummazhgalil kurana lyana fi ddunya karinan, wa fil kabri munisan wa gala sirati nuran wa fil kiyamati shafiga. Allahumma alki bayni wa bayna zavzhati wife's name mahabbatan gazimatan wa mavvadatan khalisatan ila yavmil kiyamati kama avkada nara atfaahu llahu inna llaha la yuhibbul mufsidin.”

Dua for happiness in marriage

“Allahummaj-al haza-l-aqda maymunan mubarakan waj-al baynahuma ulfatan wa mahabbatan wa karara, wa la taj-al baynahuma nafratan wa fitnatan wa firara. Allahumma allif baynahuma kama allafta bayna Adama wa Havwa wa kama allafta bayna Muhammadin wa Khadijatu-l-kubra wa kama allafta bayna Aliyin wa Fatimata-z-Zehra. Allahumma a-ti lekhuma avlyadan salikhan va ryzkan vasian va umran tavilyan. Rabbana heb lana min azvajina wa zurriyatina kurrata a-yunin wa-j-alna li-l-muttakyina imama. Rabbana atina fiddunya hasanata-v-va fil akhirati hassanata-v-va kyna azaban nar.”

“My Allah, make this marriage happy and blessed. Please strengthen their marriage and give them lasting love. They were given away from strife and gossip. Strengthen my Allah this marriage just as You strengthened the marriage between Adam and Eve, between the Prophet Muhammad and Khadija, peace and blessings of Allah be upon them, between Ali and Fatima, may Allah be pleased with them. My Allah, give them pious children, great wealth and long life. Lord, send down your goodness on us in this world and the next world, and save us from torment.”

Dua of support

If anyone feels the need for the support of Allah, and with His help, for the support of another person, let him perform taharat and read the prayer in 2 rak'ats, then praise Allah and salawat, and finally turn to Allah with the following words:

“Allahumma inni asaluka tawfika ahli-l-huda, wa-amala ahli-l-yakyn, wa-munasahata ahli-t-tavbah, wa-azma akhlis-sabr, wa-jidda ahli-l-lhashyah, wa-talaba ahli- r-ragbah, wa-taabbuda ahli-l-vara, wa-irfana ahli-l-ilm, hata akhafak. Allahumma inni asaluka mahafatan tahjuzuni am-ma syatika hata amala bi-ta attika amalan astahikku bihi ridaka wa-hatta unasyhaka bi-t-tavbati haffan minka wa-hatta uhlisa laka-n-nasyhata hubball-laka va-hatta ata-wakkalu alayka fi -l-umuri wa-husna zannin bika subhana haliku-n-nur.”

“There is no god but Allah, the Good and the Generous. Glory be to Allah, Lord of the Great Throne. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds! I ask that by Your mercy You will endow me with qualities that will remove sins, I ask for all the best, liberation from sins. Do not leave a single sin that has not been forgiven by You, not a single loss that has not been compensated by You. Fulfill my desire, with which You can be pleased and which corresponds to Your desire, O Most Gracious of the Merciful!

Dua of mutual understanding

With the intention of achieving mutual understanding in family relationships, spouses should read the Surah "at-Tahrim"– in the sura, believers are instructed to protect themselves and their families from fire.

Dua for husbands

“Allahummazhgalil kurana lyana fi ddunya karinan, wa fil kabri munisan wa gala sirati nuran wa fil qiyamati shafiga. Allahumma alkyi bayni wa bayna zavzhati [name of wife] mahabbatan gazimatan wa mavvadatan khalisatan ila yavmil qiyamati kama avkaada nara atfaagyu llah inna llah la yuhibbul mufsidin.”

“O Allah, make the Qur’an a proof for us in this world, a defendant in the grave, a light (nur) on the Sirat Bridge, and an intercessor on the Day of Judgment. O Allah, strengthen and create great, mutual and pure love between me and my wife (wife’s name) until the Day of Judgment. Strengthen this love just as Allah Almighty lights a fire in an extinct place.”

Dua for wives

“O Allah, adorn me in the eyes of my husband, instill love for me in his heart, make me his only wife. Grant me righteous offspring from him. O Allah, we call upon You, answer us as You promised. O Allah, make me nur (shine) in the eyes of my husband.”

Dua for peace

“Allahumma, ahsin hulyuky kama ahsanta halky.”

“O Almighty, perfect my morality, just as You perfectly created me.”