Beauty criteria for women in different countries of the world. The most shocking traditions of different countries regarding women Women from different countries of the world

Different. Somewhere they value curvaceous figures, and somewhere they prefer ordinary slender girls, some give naturalness, others definitely need makeup, in general, the selection criteria are different everywhere and sometimes very strict. Next, a little about what ideal girls look like, according to residents of different countries.

France - Natural

In France, preference is given to natural beauty. How less makeup- all the better. Hair is in natural disarray. A woman can be stylish and graceful at any age - this is a truly French approach to female beauty.

Malaysia - Pale and petite

In Malaysia, fair skin tones are valued, as in many other Asian countries. The lighter the skin, the better, and if it is the so-called “pearly white” shade, everything else no longer has special significance. Well, except for the graceful figure, of course.

Australia - Sportiness and activity

In Australia you have to look good in a bikini, there's no other way. They value sporty, athletic and tanned beach beauties. Well, what do you want from a country in which most of the population lives on or near the coast.

Poland - Proportionality and cuteness

In Poland, physical attractiveness does not require tall height, large breasts or hips. They value well-built, proportional bodies and long hair– either straight or wavy.

Sweden - Nordic Haute Couture

The Swedes are famous for their blond hair– often almost white or platinum, Nordic blue eyes and high cheekbones. And this is exactly what they think a sexually attractive woman should look like. But appearance alone is not enough: she must dress according to the latest haute couture. The approach to style is described by the phrase “the less the better” (this applies to makeup and bright colors in clothes). Everything should be simple, sweet and elegant.

South Korea - Lighter than everyone else

Wide apart Round eyes and very pale “porcelain” skin are the main features that attract attention to a woman in South Korea. Such beauty standards lead to the fact that every tenth woman in South Korea goes under the knife of a plastic surgeon to change the shape of her eyes and make them “better”. In addition, women change the shape of their face, narrowing it (V-line surgery includes bone resection and removal of cheek fat).

Iran - Graceful nose

Despite the strict dress code, Iranian women are just as concerned about their appearance as women in other countries. Perhaps it is the fact that they are covered in fabric from head to toe that makes them take such careful care of the only uncovered area - their face. They want their face to be so beautiful that it no longer matters that nothing else is visible. Therefore, they line their eyes with antimony and carefully comb their eyebrows. But the main sign of high status and beauty is the way their nose looks. It must be perfect. Therefore, everyone undergoes rhinoplasty and proudly wears bandages after surgery. Behind Last year More than 70 thousand rhinoplasty operations have been performed in the country.

USA - Everything and more!

In America it is difficult to choose a single standard of beauty, since this is a country in which all nationalities mixed and formed an explosive mixture. But there are still some things in common that Americans find sexually attractive in a woman: a slim and/or athletic build, tall stature, large breasts, a healthy tan, big eyes. Bright makeup does not bother anyone if it is applied skillfully.

Brazil - Country of Supermodels

In Brazil, the most attractive women are considered to be slender blondes with bronze skin and light eyes. These women get their nails done every day, waxing and go for a massage - in Brazil it is important to always look perfectly groomed.

Pakistan - Real Snow White

Here's another country that probably doesn't come to mind first when thinking about sexy beauties. And it should, because in Pakistan there are a lot beautiful women. The standards are: light, cream-colored skin, long black hair, blue or green eyes.

Thailand - Femininity

Thailand is not known for its originality: they also love cute and petite women with fair skin. That's why whitening creams and related products are so popular there. cosmetic procedures. And again, bright skin- a sign of wealth and high social status.

Denmark - Barbie Girls

Another Northern European country and another ideal of blonde beauty. The Danes, like the Swedes, love very light hair, but they also seem to like the presence of contrasting black - brightly highlighted eyes with black eyeliner. On the right face, such a contrast can look very sexy.

Serbia - Very clear standards

In Serbia there are very clear standards of sexual attractiveness: olive complexion, full lips, small neat nose, large Blue eyes, very thin and high cheekbones. Wow! The Serbs seem to know what they want.

Has anyone ever asked themselves the question why so many supermodels are natives of Brazil? The simple answer to this is because Brazilians are one of the most ethnically united nations on the planet. The consequence of this is a large mixture various forms, skin tones, hair and eye color. Such a mixture of races creates, perhaps, the most ideal bodies. And Brazilian women not only have such forms from childhood, which is why we know the expression “Brazilian butt,” but they work hard on them, be it a fitness club or a plastic surgeon’s knife, because Brazilians love to live on the beach, like, for example, in Rio. If you get to any fashion shows all over the world or just open Sports Illustrated, you will definitely find a Brazilian beauty there and most likely more than one.

Another 50 photos and nine countries.



Next to Brazil is Russia, which is most likely the nation with the most stunning women per square kilometer. Even if you take the metro in Moscow without going deep into the wilds of Siberia, you are guaranteed to find a girl there from whom you cannot take your eyes off. By the way, supermodel Irina Shayk was born in Siberia, and whether we like it or not, Russia is home to some of the most beautiful women you could ever find.

If you talk to gentlemen who prefer blue-eyed blondes, then most likely you will think that they will talk, first of all, about Sweden. But what will you say when you find out that the most stunning blondes can actually be found in Slovakia? Countless women around the world spend small fortunes every day on something that Slovakia girls have completely naturally. And it doesn't take them long to attract attention from the opposite sex.

Even though blondes are not uncommon in Slovakia, Swedish girls deserve to win the category of the most beautiful blondes. And thanks to this, they have won world beauty contests more than once.

As for the Miss Universe and Miss World competitions, many countries are concerned that the beauties from Venezuela will again take the victory with them. Women in Venezuela spend a lot of money on appearance, because everyone knows that female beauty has become the biggest source of national pride. It really doesn't matter that the capital Caracas is completely unattractive. Gorgeous women make this city unforgettable.

Okay, the reality is that not all women from Colombia will look like Sofia Vergara. However, there are many who come close to her beauty. Colombian women are proud and try to show off their curves. Who can deny that they are so sexy? Make sure you can control your urges when you go on holiday to Bogota.

Why does it happen that various people on the planet take brides from Ukraine? This topic has been discussed at length and many times. The answer is simple, Ukrainian women are well-dressed women who take very good care of their figure and have an alluring charm and attractiveness. Take a walk around Kyiv and you will have all your answers about these beautiful girls.

Not everyone will agree, but we argue that in the Middle East and Arab world, Lebanese women are the most beautiful. After one of the photographs in 2006 was published in one of the magazines, many photographers around the world began to pay attention to this fact. The photo shows young and tanned women in Beirut, an area devastated by war. The radiant and cheerful mood of the people will surprise all guests of the Lebanese capital.

This may be a bold statement, but the most attractive women in Africa can be found in Angola. This nation is one of 2 sub-Saharan countries that hold the title of Miss Universe. Models from this country are truly popular all over the world. Young ladies in Luanda are now constantly competing in local competitions to be noticed by international modeling agencies.

It is very unflattering for America that it has a well-known reputation as a country where the most a large number of overweight people in the world. With such a diverse mix of people, there is no one specific type of woman in the United States. From Eva Mendes to Jessica Alba, from Jennifer Lopez to Rihanna, there is a great diversity of types, skin colors and personalities.
But there are some cities within the country that stand out because of how many hot girls there are. If you take cities like Los Angeles or Miami, it has the highest concentration of beautiful women on the planet.

Spain - sensuality

Female beauty in Spanish is frankness and sensuality in everything: in clothing, in the expression of feelings, in seductive movements. A slender, curvy Spanish beauty of about thirty-five is not afraid to demonstrate her sexuality by wearing short skirts and figure-hugging dresses with deep necklines. Jet black hair dark eyes, dark skin are attributes of attractiveness in Spain. Spanish women also love jewelry, especially gold, and dancing. Even the most corpulent Spanish woman can move and dance gracefully.

Italy - excellence

Italian women are a priori a symbol of beauty, femininity and passion. They seem to stand out with their natural attractiveness against the background of other beauties. It has a feminine shape, rounded hips, a beautiful neckline and a thin waist. A slightly childishly naive face with sensual lips They give Italians a special chic.

Germany is a conservative ideal

German women are often accused of being too pragmatic. And in vain: the women of this country are distinguished by commendable athleticism, hard work in all respects and the pursuit of a conservative ideal. He is simple - blue eyes, blond hair, delicate facial features, a thin, fit figure. In a word, Claudia Schiffer. Phenomenal German discipline helps women bring themselves to any standard. Bright makeup is not very popular among German women. The exception is girls who desperately experiment with different colors of hair dye and nail polish.

France - naturalness

Modesty and luxury are two sisters,” said Coco Chanel. In France they prefer natural beauty. A minimum of makeup and slight carelessness when styling hair, impeccable style and effortless elegance - this is a truly French approach to female beauty. French women are truly characterized by moderation and elegance. No transparent or overtly tight outfits, no toxic colors. Female beauty is like good wine - French men are sure. Graceful, slender, well-groomed woman in a refined business suit pastel colors - this is the ideal of beauty in the fashion capital. The older the lady, the less makeup she wears. Pale French manicure and the sweet smell of perfume. And naturalness and lightness will always play in favor of their owner. “To please yourself, sometimes all you need to do is wash your hair,” says a French proverb.

Great Britain - restraint

There is a stereotype that English women are not very beautiful. Yes, it is difficult to apply the word “pretty” or “sexy” to an English woman, especially from the middle class. But this does not mean that British women are unattractive or do not know how to present themselves. English beauty is restrained and aristocratic: naturalness in everything, a minimum of makeup, comfortable clothes, often trousers, shoes with thin soles, thinness, pale face with freckles. Many people note that English women are quite emancipated and can act a little more masculine in their interactions so that they are taken into account.

Serbia - strict standards

In Serbia there are very clear standards of sexual attractiveness: olive complexion, full lips, small neat nose, large light eyes, very thin and high cheekbones. Wow! Serbs really know what they want.

Russia - white face, light eyes

The main thing that distinguishes Russian beauties from no less beautiful foreign women and their concepts of ideals is warmth and sincerity. Well, as for external beauty - are they light, brown or Brown hair, light eyes (gray, light green, blue), light skin, regular or close to regular facial features, the face itself should be oval or moderately round in shape.

Australia is an athletic figure

In Australia, the general attitude towards the beauty standard is to have an athletic figure in order to look good in a bikini. And, unlike Asia, a tan is a must. This is due to the fact that the country has many beaches and islands.

USA - the very best

It is quite difficult in America to choose a woman who would suit all the tastes of the men living there, since this is a country with a diverse culture. Therefore, it can be both thin and fat girl, with large or small breasts, with long or short hair, light-skinned or dark-skinned. Bright makeup is also welcome if applied appropriately.

Iran - regular shaped nose

Despite the strict laws in the dress code, Iranian women still have their own standards of beauty. For them have great importance beautiful facial features. Therefore, they carefully monitor the eyebrow line and the beauty of the eyes. A properly shaped nose is considered one of the statuses of wealth in Iran.
Therefore, Iran is the rhinoplasty capital of the world. There are more nasal surgeries per capita here than in the United States. Despite the high cost of the procedure, girls and women are ready to do anything in pursuit of European standards. A straight nose is not only beauty, but also a certain status in society. Even if you haven't had surgery, it's fashionable in this country to just wear surgical bandages on your face.

Saudi Arabia is a lush enigma

A few years ago, the first beauty of the Arab world was a girl from Saudi Arabia, Muwadda Nour, who weighed 90 kg. Beauty standards in Arab countries have been maintained for many centuries. When a woman does not go out without a long traditional loose dress with sleeves and a hijab on her head, it is not surprising that the main female charms are considered to be large expressive eyes, thick eyebrows, narrow lips, white teeth and graceful thin hands. The figure can be of any shape; fullness is often preferable.

South Africa - nothing extra

In African countries, from time immemorial, women who were as plump as possible were considered beautiful, as this testified to their health and the wealth of their family. With the spread of Western standards in South Africa, communities have emerged in which thin women are successful, while in other groups tall and thin African women are still looked at as sick in the truest sense of the word. According to surveys of local residents, a beautiful African face is a face with a yellowish skin color of a uniform tone. At the same time narrow thin face They often prefer round ones.

Brazil - model appearance

With the Brazilian climate, it is quite difficult to hide imperfections of the figure and face under clothes and a layer of powder. Therefore, Brazilians know how to take care of themselves. In Brazil, the standard of attractiveness is girls with beautiful tanned athletic bodies, blonde hair and beautiful eyes. However, the local standard of beauty is wide hips, large breasts, long curly hair, big lips and upturned nose. And the Brazilian butt is legendary. Haircuts are not popular; hair is simply tied into a ponytail or pinned up. Brazilian beauties wear large jewelry, mixing precious metals and trinkets.

Japan - open eyes and fair skin

Japanese women managed to perfectly fulfill the dream of all Asian women in the world - thanks to cosmetics and procedures, they became truly white-skinned. Thinness and youth - too sure signs beauty. Like the long ones shiny hair, clear skin and European eye shape, which is why plastic surgery to visually enlarge them is popular. For Japanese women, self-care is a whole ritual, like the tea ceremony, which is performed at least twice a day. And the ideal behavior has always been considered soft, timid and submissive.

India - life harmony

The Indian recipe for beauty is achieving harmony of soul and body. Preferably through yoga, natural cosmetics And proper nutrition, and not exhausting diets and visits to a cosmetologist. Here the priority is a healthy appearance, rounded shapes, large breasts - everything that gives a man confidence in the woman’s worth as the mother of his future children. Indian women have naturally thick skin and a lot of attention is paid to caring for it. Stateliness and smooth gait also increase the rating of a beauty.

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Yes, each country has its own culture, its own traditions and customs, as well as its own views on what a woman should look like. What are the beauty standards for girls in different countries?

Japanese crooked teeth

The Japanese simply love them. And ladies with straight European teeth are forced to pay a lot of money to bring their teeth to perfection.

Skin scarification in New Guinea and West Africa

Scars adorn not only men, but also women. At least that’s what ladies from New Guinea and some West African countries think, who get tattoos with scars.

South Korean heart-shaped faces

This kind of plastic surgery to change the shape of the face is very common in South Korea. Yes, you have to remove several jaw bones, change your chin, and then you can’t eat solid food for a long time. But what to do is required by the standards.

Mauritanian BBWs

A large and saggy belly is the standard of beauty in this state. Some girls are specially sent to fattening farms. And for this they eat 16 thousand calories a day!

Iranian surgical dressings

And on the face! Do you know what it means? Rhinoplasty is very fashionable in Iran, but only wealthy residents can afford it. Everyone else has to wear plaster casts, as if hinting at their well-being and the fact that they had a nose job.

Pale-skinned Chinese and Thai women

Aristocratic pallor, what else can I say. The paler the girl in these countries, the more beautiful she is.

High Fulani foreheads

It is these foreheads that are valued by the African Fulani people. And some women even cut their hair to make their forehead appear larger.

Burmese long necks

Many people have seen women with copper rings around their necks. It is inconvenient, difficult, difficult, but it is considered beautiful.

Mursi's ruffled lips

Actually, these are the plates in the lips. Moreover, the higher the girl’s status, the larger the disc in her lip.

Tajik eyebrows

Thick and large eyebrows are valued here. And a unibrow is a standard of beauty and a sign of good luck.

Did you know about these beauty standards? Tell your friends about them, repost them!

Every nation has its own standards of beauty, so it is quite difficult to talk about which country has the ugliest women. However, the dating site Beautyful People tried to create a rating based on its data.

The fact is that this dating club only includes beautiful people, which will be chosen by users: the applicant who receives the majority of votes appears on the pages of this site within two days.

The list of countries with the ugliest women includes states whose acceptance rate was 25% or less.

The most “pretty” of all the ugly ones turned out to be the inhabitants of this continent.

Residents of the African continent completely reject European values ​​regarding a miniature figure, and believe that a beauty must be plump. Therefore, every lady in this country tries to gain an extra 5-6 kg in order to please a man.


According to the rating, Australians have 21%. But still this figure does not reach 25%, which means Australian women are unattractive. Although handsome men in this country, according to users, it is even less - only 20%. Therefore, you should not focus on the handsome Chris Hemsworth, who has millions of fans all over the world.

But Australian men themselves value an athletic figure in their ladies. In addition, an attractive girl must have a tan, which is quite natural in a country with numerous islands and beaches.


It is generally accepted that Indian women, just like men, are stunningly beautiful, and their exotic appearance is simply mesmerizing. But for some reason, visitors to Beautyful People think differently. The site accepted only 16% of Indian girls.

Men of this country appreciate almond-shaped eyes, black straight hair and a sharp nose in Indian women. This is exactly what they think a real beauty should look like.


Only 15% of Chinese girls were rated excellent by site visitors. The Chinese were greatly outraged by this fact, because every nation considers its women the most beautiful in the world. And here, apparently, cultural differences played a role.

Great Britain

Users have equally bad reviews of the beauty of both women and men in the UK. Only 15% of English women were included in the list of beautiful ones, the rest were rejected by visitors to Beautyful People.

According to Greg Hoxha, managing director of the site, British women do not take good care of themselves, which is the reason for considering them ugly.

In the UK, they believe that a pale-faced, thin girl with freckles, wearing a minimum of make-up, is the most beautiful. British women are not shy about aging and consider wrinkles a sign of maturity and beauty.


It is believed that the reason for the unattractiveness of Argentine women lies in their origin. The fact is that Argentina has a huge number of immigrants, and this circumstance led to the mixing of genes, that is, the country’s gene pool suffered. But some hold the opposite point of view - incest further increased the attractiveness of girls.


Only 13% of girls in this country, according to users, look attractive. It must be said that German women have such a low rating not only on this site. All over the world it has long been believed that they are too tough and angry - this is what makes their appearance repulsive. Claudia Schiffer and Heidi Klum were probably in that 13%.

Summing up

  1. Beauty standards among different nations are quite contradictory, so it is impossible to say with certainty that women of a particular state are the ugliest.
  2. According to the ratings of the website Beautyful People, the women of the African continent turned out to be the cutest of all.
  3. Ladies from Germany are recognized as the ugliest.