How is the "purity" of a Woman manifested? How to be well-groomed and clean? The girl is clean

There are five character traits that a woman must develop in herself, otherwise she will not be happy.

The first trait is cleanliness.

A woman who is unclean is a lost woman. She will not have any happiness in her life. Because a clean woman becomes inaccessible to a man. Because a man will appreciate her. A man has no cleanliness in character. He comes home and has one sock flying in one direction, the other in the other. Very rarely, when a man is capable of cleanliness, this is a feat for him. A woman should be clean, it is in her blood and she creates respect for herself. When a woman behaves cleanly, a man will always respect her. Therefore, a woman should not look sloppy in front of her husband. This is more important than looking good next to your boss.

A woman must be experienced.

Experience means knowing what you are currently learning. It is a woman who must be experienced, a man in family relationships must be a complete layman. She must anticipate his every move. A woman should know well the psychology of a man, woman, children, parents. She should know what her husband loves, what her children love to eat. She must know all their character flaws in order to avoid a conflict situation on occasion, to steer. She must know how children should talk to their father, she must manage the situation in the family. Complete control of the family environment. And everyone becomes happy from this. If a woman behaves like this, then no one will mind.

A woman must be faithful to her husband.

A woman who does not want to be faithful to her husband, she simply destroys her family happiness. Because the more faithful a wife is to her husband, the deeper love develops. Most people now think that love is sex for 5 minutes. And these 5 minutes need to be decorated so that the bed is lush, rubbed with oils, turn on the music. Everyone thinks that these 5 minutes need to be done as beautifully as possible in life, and everything else burn with a blue flame. So, according to Vedic knowledge, this is all good, but happiness does not happen in 5 minutes in life, but in the remaining 23 hours 55 minutes. So, in order for happiness to be all 23 hours 55 minutes, for this, when the family is created, their relationship should deepen in the direction of increasing the vision of good in each other, and not bad. And here is this opportunity to see good friend in a friend it goes through the faithfulness of the wife. If a wife is very firmly faithful to her husband, then through this he will see good in her. Then she will see more and more good in him, as a result, their relationship deepens and love becomes deeper and happier.

A wife should always be pleasant to her husband.

She must do everything for this. She must look good, it is the woman's responsibility. If a woman looks bad at home, then she will be neglected, prodded, she will become just a servant. If a woman has self-esteem, then she will look better in her apartment than at work. A person is respected according to how he looks. This is especially true for women, so a woman should always be attractive at home.

The next four character that a woman must develop is truthfulness.

She must always tell her husband the truth, she must not hide anything. Because if a man at least once finds out that a woman has hidden something from him, then he will not be able to forgive himself for it. Because this is the worst thing for a man to find out that his wife has cheated. He loses male happiness. She just deceived, changed by itself. A woman can forgive when her husband cheats. A man, of course, can also forgive, but now we are talking about love. If his wife deceived him, then wild jealousy develops in him. And when there is jealousy, then family happiness will be destroyed. She destroys her happiness. What happiness can a woman have if a man does not give her a step, is constantly jealous of her.

If a woman says everything to her husband, then he believes in her so much that he will forgive her everything. If she told him that she did this, then he will immediately forgive her, because truthfulness is such a force coming from a woman that a man cannot but appreciate it. If she says to him: “I liked this guy, help me, I need to do something, otherwise my roof will go down,” then he will respect and love her very much for this. He may scold at first, but then he will understand that she told the truth, so he loves him. But a man should not blabber all his thoughts, if he tells everything, who looked how, etc., then this is not a man already. A man should be serious and mysterious. For example, the family is discussing something, the wife speaks, the children, and he sits and is silent. If he sits: "La-la-la-la-la." This is not a man, a man should be calm, he chopped once and was silent. The man must hit twice: once on the forehead, and once on the lid of the coffin. A man must keep his thoughts inside, control his mind.

O. G. Torsunov.

At first, clean people cause admiration and envy among friends, and spouses cannot get enough of the fact that they got such household halves. The house is clean, there is not even a hint of dust and dirt, the dishes look as if they are not being used, and the clothes are in the closet so neatly as if they are not being worn. The appearance of such people is always at their best, their clothes are clean and ironed, and their hairstyles are in perfect order.

Unfortunately, such exemplary cleanliness can become manic over time, when the cleanliness begins to perceive the family solely as a source of disorder, and also confuses friends and acquaintances who are tired of listening to lectures about their sloppiness.

From the story of Elena, a thirty-year-old young mother: “We are very lucky that the owners of our rented apartment live in another city and come with revisions only twice a year. More frequent visits, I would definitely not stand it! My husband rented an apartment alone, because I was in the last month of pregnancy and could barely walk, so I met them when the child was already six months old. My husband described them as a positive couple our age, so I was sure that they would not find fault with much. Nevertheless, we cleaned the apartment for about a week. When they arrived, we first chatted nicely, but then the hostess visited the restroom, and upon returning, she immediately started yelling at me that my husband and I were pigs, and personally, I am a bad hostess and a bad mother, since my child lives in such unsanitary conditions. The child, by the way, was there. This surge of emotion was associated with ... the hair in the sink. I confess I didn’t keep track of it. Before leaving for work, my husband combed his hair before, it just hangs over the sink. Naturally, she did not begin to be rude to her in response, because a week before the New Year I wanted to decorate the already purchased Christmas tree, and not move. However, she did not rush to correct the mistake, although the hostess clearly insisted on this. When my ears were almost full of steam, her embarrassed husband, who had been hiding in the corner all this time, almost forcibly took the raging wife out, mumbling something about the fact that they were just from the plane and were very tired. Already at the entrance, she called my husband (he was at work) and also scolded him. This ten-minute acquaintance unsettled me for the whole day, since then my husband has been taking time off and communicating with them himself, and I am leaving. "

This is just one of the many stories associated with obsessively clean people. Unfortunately, not all of them can simply not be met. It is especially difficult for husbands and wives to live in a "museum" arranged by lovers of perfect order right in the apartment. Cleaners are usually disgusted with children, but sometimes they have them for reasons that a family cannot be considered ideal without a couple of heirs. Babies grow up completely unadapted to household chores, because their clean parent does not have the patience to wait until they learn how to do everything right. He will definitely finish or redo everything, and sooner or later the children will understand that there is no point in trying if they still fail to please.

What is the reason for this behavior?

The main reason for excessive cleanliness is misophobia (fear of dirt). People suffering from this nervous disorder wash their hands twenty times a day, shower too often, are afraid of crowded places where "you can catch some kind of infection", do not pick up, avoid shaking hands, kissing and sex, and also suffer from all types of allergies and skin irritations, because constant contact with cleaning agents and water does not go unnoticed. Ironically, such people get sick much more often than others, because the body, spoiled by "greenhouse conditions", reacts too sharply to microbes and dirt.

Misophobia is just one of the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder that occurs with neurosis. It can manifest itself in another way. For example, when a person demonstrates selective cleanliness, they often wash floors and clean plumbing to a shine, but at the same time eats in bed and scatters clothes on their clean floor.

Some hypertrophied cleanliness are not afraid of terrible diseases, they just try to assert themselves at the expense of the ideal order in their home. Most often, this form of obsessive-compulsive disorder affects women who do not have a personal life, as well as men with unfulfilled career ambitions. And even if the husband of such a clean woman goes on a spree and leaves her alone with a small child for several days, completely disregarding her opinion, but she has clean dishes and a freshly washed coverlet on the sofa. And a man, who is not highly appreciated at work, returns home with pleasure, because everything is laid out on the shelves there and his family goes “on line” like in a barracks. It seems to such people that if they follow some of the rituals invented by them, everything in their life will go, if not better, then at least not worse. Naturally, if someone from the family prevents them from following these rituals, a scandal cannot be avoided.

V last years there was another reason for manic cleanliness - the widely publicized image of the ideal hostess. In advertisements, films and entertainment shows, beautiful, well-groomed people are shown, ideal houses and apartments filled with coziness and a sense of style. On the Internet and in magazines, you can see many articles with vivid photographs, teaching you how to make decor with your own hands and prepare dishes that have an amazing appearance and taste. Naturally, in practice it turns out that doing something like this is much more difficult than it seems.

Most people understand that all these beautiful things and dishes are created by professionals and captured also professionally, that all these interiors are beautiful, but it is very difficult to live in them, because carpets, an abundance of textiles and decor are not compatible with a dirty metropolis, small children and animals. Nevertheless, some women develop a complex about their economy. From this moment on, their goal in life will be the pursuit of an unattainable ideal. Why strive for it is another question. Such a desire can be another manifestation of neurosis, or an exacerbated complex, at one time imposed on a woman by her parents or a picky husband.

Better to be sloppy?

It turns out that if almost all cleanliness suffer from nervous disorders, then slovens - happy people without any problems? In fact, this is not the case. Unwillingness to maintain cleanliness in your home speaks of a person's infantilism and unwillingness to take responsibility for their lives. This is especially true of those sluts who perfectly see what a mess they have made around them, but do not make any effort to change something. They confine themselves to complaining to everyone around about the mountains of dusty rubbish, asking for advice on how to quickly remove it, and then find themselves a neat person who is ready to scrub everything voluntarily. Moreover, they never make life easier for that, clinging to every trinket.

Another type of sluts are those who really don't mind the dust and the fact that the slippers stick to the floor. They wash the dishes only when the clean one ends, they wash clothes according to the same principle, they clean up only on major holidays or when there is a mood to perform some kind of feat. Some of them did not receive proper education in childhood, it is almost impossible to re-educate them, for the rest, sloppiness may indicate a prolonged depression, a desire to challenge the public or hide from this public under a layer of mud. Often people stop keeping clean because they no longer consider their home to be theirs. For example, when they are already ready to move out from their parents, rent a house or move to their beloved ones without being sure that this was the right decision.

Selective dishonesty allows you to identify areas to which a person treats with dislike. Sloppy workplace signals that a person is not doing his business, a dirty kitchen speaks of dissatisfaction with his weight, and an unmade bed, constantly littered with extraneous things, eloquently hints at problems in sexual life.

The main thing is to know when to stop.

Cleanliness and order in the house is an indicator of a mature attitude towards life. Unscheduled cleaning is in a great way relieve stress or put things in order in your thoughts by thinking about a problem, but clean house should also be cozy, so if the guests have forgotten the way to the cleanliness house, and the household members try to spend as little time there as possible, it is time to reconsider their views on cleanliness.

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    What does excessive cleanliness say?

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    At first, clean people cause admiration and envy among friends, and spouses cannot get enough of the fact that they got such household halves. The house is clean, there is not even a hint of dust and dirt, the dishes look as if they are not being used, and the clothes are in the closet so neatly as if they are not being worn. The appearance of such ...

Beauty is, first of all, health. And it, in turn, assumes a well-groomed appearance. And you don't have to have a lot of money - you can look great without big expenses. It is enough to acquire a few good habits and never neglect them.

Charming smile

To make her one hundred percent brilliant, make it a rule to visit the dental office every six months for a full check. On other days, keep your teeth in good condition. Of course, you shouldn't bleach them to an unnatural shine, just don't forget about oral hygiene.

Toned body

Sports work wonders. This can be swimming, tennis, exercise on simulators, fitness, regular jogging in the fresh air, or just home physical activity. In general, there are many options. It remains only to choose something to your liking and wallet.

Healthy lifestyle

A well-groomed look is impossible if you are addicted to bad habits... Snacking heavy food, smoking, drinking alcohol negatively affects health, skin condition and internal organs... Keep track of your daily routine and quit dangerous hobbies.

Correct make-up

Too much makeup on the face adds several years. It looks untidy, defiant, unnatural. Learn to apply decorative means keeping the golden mean. Accentuate your beauty by highlighting your virtues. Focus on either the eyes or the lips, but not all at once. And, of course, never confuse evening and day makeup.

Graceful gait

A person who looks after himself should be able to beautifully present himself even to strangers... Stoop, haste, closeness are in disharmony with grooming. So watch your gait: walk slowly, swinging your hips slightly and keeping your back straight.

Neat brow shape

If the eyes are the mirrors of the soul, then the eyebrows are their beautiful frame. Do not be lazy to do eyebrow correction at least twice a week at home or in the salon, because chaotically growing hairs indicate neglect of your appearance.

Clean nails

They should be neat, because most often when meeting or meeting people, they hold out their hands to each other. Ugly nails will immediately betray your uncleanliness, and the interlocutor will have an unflattering opinion. It is better to trim them and then decorate them with interesting designs, bright or colorless varnishes.

Pleasant perfume

The light, unobtrusive scent has its own charm. But do not overdo it with perfumes, choosing too caustic, aggressive compositions and "pouring" them over yourself from head to toe. Preference should be given to mild aromas in small quantities and apply them only to a clean body. Otherwise, they will mix with the smell of sweat and lose their charm.

Correctly fitted shoes

Your goal is to create a holistic, harmonious image, and every detail must match it. Shoes are not in the last place. In favor are good, high-quality, fashion shoes, ballet flats, boots, etc. By the way, they also need to be monitored so that they do not lose their original beauty.

Drinking enough fluids

For healthy appearance you should drink a strictly defined amount of water. Best of all - half a glass every 120 minutes. You can dilute the monotony by making yourself a drink with healthy herbs and fruits. The main thing is to never forget about such a useful little thing.

Compliance with the culture of food intake

Even if you are alone at the table and you are bored, you should not read a book or watch TV while eating. And you can't neglect the correct posture: sitting straight, you will help your digestion. Behave like an aristocrat, use all the cutlery, and it will gradually become a habit.

Compliance with the rules of daily care

Pay attention to the skin: it suffers greatly from heat, cold, sunlight, dust and other unfavorable factors, therefore it needs a special treatment. Moisturizing, toning, cleansing - these are the main weapons that will help you achieve the desired results. Do these treatments early and late in the day to keep you looking tidy.

Morning work-out

Dedicate at least 10 minutes to it. The most elementary exercises are enough to cheer up. Choose a complex that will target your weakest spots. For example, for the press, legs, buttocks, etc.

Cold and hot shower

Make it a rule to take a shower after waking up and before bed: it is good for the whole body. Get used to cleanliness, develop a stable habit so that you never have the thought of missing at least one procedure because of laziness or fatigue.

Following a strict routine

For the body to be healthy, you need to stimulate digestion: drink 1 stack in the morning. heated water with a couple of drops of lemon juice. After 10 minutes. - table. l. flaxseed oil (for weight loss and metabolism stimulation). After 30 min. you need to have a full and hearty breakfast so that you have enough energy until lunchtime. You can have dinner after six, but 180 minutes before bedtime. And remember: you should not drink water while eating, it is better to do it after 40 minutes.

Complete wardrobe

Only wear loose, tidy items that look good on your figure. It is not at all necessary to have only branded outfits in the closet - you need to learn how to combine advantageously even cheap clothes, and then it will look just as good on you. Conduct an audit of the wardrobe: there must certainly be a cute black dress, cashmere coat, dress pants, warm fashion sweater, a strict blouse, a tapered pencil skirt. Choose stylish and appropriate accessories for them, because jewelry makes the image very charming.

Clean things

Even if it seems to you that your shortcomings are known only to you, this is a big mistake. Often, stained collars and dirty bra straps peeking out from under a summer outfit do not hide from the glances of passers-by. Even such trifles, with all the perfection of the image, testify to untidiness and neglect. Wash your bra regularly - every two days, and change your panties and socks daily.

Fight perspiration

People sometimes themselves get used to their own smell of sweat and do not realize how sharply it is noticeable to others. Getting rid of sweat is worth not only because of the unpleasant scent, but also for the sake of a neat appearance: armpit circles look sloppy and spoil the fabric.

Beautiful speech


Again, in order not to spoil the first impression of an attractive appearance, you need to pay attention to your personality. Nobody forces you to cram quotes from outstanding people. On the contrary, if you decide with their help to show off your intellect in everyday conversation, it will look ridiculous. This is where popular science / educational films and books come in handy. And also a fascinating hobby. Then you will become an interesting conversationalist and will always find something to keep the conversation going.

There is a type of women with whom men will always find it easy and pleasant. These women are always looking for an affair. Their appearance is very deceiving, they may look quiet, meek, gentle and fluffy, but inside they have an impenetrable core of a deep disregard for others. And it reads in detail. You just have to take a closer look to see.
These women often act like royalty, they can be very hot in bed and attractive, but at the same time they are extremely unclean inside.

**** says that this woman smeared the sofa with blood, and when asked why the stain was not washed out, she grinned and replied that she could show her underwear. And that she was not at all in business. She turned and left. And her man then apologized for her for five minutes. Another took away the pack wet wipes from the apartment. The third opened the bag in the freezer and inquired about its contents. And there are a lot of such stories.

The question arises: maybe it is really psychologically easier for men to fuck unscrupulous women? They love dirty sex. Maybe this sex is called dirty not because in what positions and with what you please each other, maybe there is dirt in all this - just the inner content of one or both partners? Therefore, sex with a woman who does not feel guilt and banal neatness, for whom the word "dignity" is an empty phrase and is far from an object of inner feelings, is much more pleasant and tasty?

Be that as it may, if the male brain turns off for an hour or two, and then comes to its senses, then you still need to be fools to reach for this. I understand why they get relaxation in this, and then they themselves hide this truth from themselves.

Once I asked a friend why I am not at all attracted to men who are noble to the point of squeaking. He replied: "you just need to be able to make them bad, to include them in good guys wild animals. "There is some truth in this. A person who is tormented, self-flagellating and indecisive causes little physical attraction.

But making someone out of someone is an unrealistic and very arrogant task. It's just that everyone initially needs to be smart enough to reach the golden mean, and add a little wormhole to their nobility that does not cross the border. And then it will be pleasant to fuck you and will be respected for something.

Well, if you are unscrupulous, then the pigs have always been indifferent to what to eat. The one you deserve is with you.

Saved by

Last time we talked about what qualities a man needs to find harmony in a relationship, now it is the turn of the weaker sex of mankind. Yes, yes, it is the weak, and this is his strength. Female power. :) So. What are best qualities women are able to help create friendly family, in which there is a place for love and no place for quarrels?

It should be said that the most difficult problems, as a rule, are in family relationships, where everything is so confused that no psychologist can help. No one can help, except the spouses themselves.

And in order to restore the desired peace at home, it is necessary not to demand that the partner change, but to work on the development of the missing qualities.

This is especially true for women, because a woman is responsible for intra-family relationships, including close and distant relatives. While the man is more in contact with the outside world and cares about protecting his home and family.

The best qualities of a woman:

First best quality Cleanliness

Needless to say, any woman should keep her body clean. She will always look well-groomed and therefore very attractive. Even at home when no one sees her. But this quality applies not only to her own appearance.

If she does not monitor the cleanliness of the clothes of her husband and children, it is unlikely that she has this quality. In addition, a sure indicator of cleanliness is the order in the house, which a woman tries to maintain with all her might.

In her closet, every thing knows its place, and there is no chance of getting lost. For this reason, she can help her husband cope with finding clothes, because this can be problematic for him, especially in a hurry. (And there is no point in taking offense at him if he does not remember where his dress shirt is, the woman herself will find it and prepare it for "use").

Second best quality Chastity

This quality is very similar to the previous one, but if cleanliness is more about external manifestations, chastity is the culture and purity of a woman's mind. Such a woman not only will not dare to cheat on her chosen one, she will not allow moral betrayal even in her thoughts.

For her, the choice of a spouse will always be the best. And if it doesn't seem to be noticeable, she just made a decision that it is. From now on, she will not waste energy thinking that she could somehow get married more successfully. In addition, no man is able to outshine her husband, be he a hundred times stronger, more beautiful or more sincere than him.

By showing chastity, a woman will not make friends with other men who are not suitable for her fathers or sons. Here we are no longer talking about age as such, but about preventing flirting and, as its faithful companion, lust.
A chaste wife will not have any secrets from her husband, on the contrary, she will entrust all the most intimate only to him. For her, the husband is the eldest in the family and you need to consult with him.

For this reason, a woman should not hide if one of the other men is persecuting her. Who, if not her husband, will protect her? But it is unlikely that a sufficiently chaste woman will have such incidents ...

The third best quality of a woman is Mastery

It is a collective term that includes skill as a mistress, wife, and mother.

A woman, like a skilled craftswoman, skillfully makes any women's work: sewing, cooking, cleaning, washing, ironing, etc. This is not only not a burden for her, but brings a certain amount of pleasure and therefore the matter is in her hands.

The skill in providing a man with sexual gratification is manifested in her ministry in intimate life... She should know not only better ways how to give your man unforgettable pleasures, but also how to give a body massage to calm and relax him after a busy day.

There is such a cunning trick, from which all husbands are simply thrilled: foot massage. Try to do this to him more often, and you will see how the relationship magically changes for the better.

The skill of a woman is manifested in her understanding of how to properly build relationships with her husband, children, parents and relatives. In this case, the woman, showing the accompanying quality of tolerance, will never become a victim.

And if her husband behaves in an inappropriate way, she will find a wise way out of the situation. She owns the tactics of behavior in a quarrel and after a quarrel, if any. She skillfully builds relationships between everyone: children, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, etc.

A woman is a Psychologist with a capital letter in the family. Who, if not her, will reassure loved ones if they come home upset. Who, if not a woman, will take care of the peace of mind in the family, because her inner state is reflected in the relationship. If she is depressed, there are conflicts in the family. And vice versa. because

Family relationships are an accurate indicator of the wife's inner mental state!

If they are unstuck, then the woman is not satisfied with something. But it hurts a man to see this, and he, noticing the slightest upset, will certainly ask: “What happened? How do you want it to be? " And he will go to meet her desires, if he is able to fulfill them.

A woman does not need to raise screams, to prove her case. These are non-feminine ways. And in general women are the weaker sex, and their methods of education should be more sophisticated.

Thus, by developing these best qualities, a woman indirectly (on the subtle plane) influences her partner, thereby developing his best qualities of a man. Paraphrasing the famous phrase of the great thinker F. Nietzsche, we can say: "For only a real woman will awaken a man in a man." And vice versa, no one has canceled yet.

Ponomarenko Lyudmila