When is Economist Day celebrated? What date is Economist Day celebrated? President of Russian Federation

The event will be attended by the best minds of economic science, scientists, academicians, representatives of the educational community and youth organizations, as well as government and public figures.

Celebrating Economist's Day will allow us to celebrate honored figures of the profession and encourage young talents, will help in the formation of professional responsibility and ethics, in the development of new competencies of the profession, as well as the preservation of existing traditions.

According to experts, movement towards innovation and an innovative economy is impossible without professionals dedicated to their work and capable of making a significant contribution to the development of our state. Therefore, it is difficult to overestimate the role of the economist profession in today's society.

“The All-Russian Economic Meeting is timed to coincide with the celebration of Economist Day and will take place on November 11, 2017,” says Margarita Ratnikova, vice-president and director of the VEO of Russia. “The date was not chosen by chance. It was on this day two and a half centuries ago that the first public organization dedicated to to intensify the economic development of the state - Imperial Free Economic Society. The goals and objectives that were defined by the Society several centuries ago are still relevant today. First of all, this is an expert assessment of the current economic situation in the country, the search for possible ways to modernize the domestic economy, and also educational and educational activities. The main theme of the All-Russian Economic Meeting will be devoted to assessing the historical path of Russia. This year we are celebrating the centenary of the October Revolution, but there is still no single assessment of past events. This topic still excites society, causing fierce debate and disagreement. In such conditions, it is impossible to reach a consensus in assessing the past, and without this it is impossible to give an objective assessment of the present and future. That is why experts of the All-Russian Economic Assembly will direct their efforts to finally reconcile society on this issue."

The organizer of the All-Russian Economic Assembly is the Free Economic Society of Russia with the support of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

The Meeting will also include a plenary session at which experts will discuss the prospects for economic growth in Russia, ways to create an effective model for the sustainable development of the national economy and other topical issues. It is planned that more than 1,500 people will take part in the event. The cross-cutting theme of the plenary session will be the motto: “Economists for Russia!”, the meaning of which is to develop a new model for the development of our state by the economic community.

The final and ceremonial part of the All-Russian Economic Meeting will be the awarding of the “Economist of the Year” prize to outstanding figures in the domestic economy.

Economist Day is a fairly young holiday, only 6 years old. It is intended to extol the profession of economist, which is very significant in modern society.

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Who is an economist and what does he do?

Although many consider this profession to be quite young, it arose quite a long time ago. The term economist was first mentioned in Ancient Greece as a designation for a person involved in housekeeping. The understanding of this word was based on a completely modern meaning - planning of income and expenses, as well as financial management. But the scale was meant to be very modest, within one family (which sometimes amounted to more than 20 people).

Nowadays, economist is a very significant specialty, because without these specialists it is impossible to imagine the work of any enterprise or company. This profession has become especially in demand in a market economy. This can explain the absence of this specialty in Soviet universities - the planned economy system did not need specialists involved in planning the work of enterprises. The work of an economist at that time was completely replaced by directives “from above”, in which production volumes and expected profits were written out.

After the transition to a market economy, large and medium-sized businesses simply needed specialists who were well versed not only in the financial sphere of any enterprise, but also could draw up successful business plans, development plans and the most profitable distribution of income. As practice has shown, specialists of a fairly high level were simply worth their weight in gold, which means their work was valued very highly. Good economists are always respected by their superiors, who strive to demonstrate their goodwill not only by their high wages, but also frequent bonuses. And how can one not incentivize such a specialist with big money if he has almost all the company’s finances in his hands?

The consistently high earnings of economists could not remain without popular attention, which is why more and more school and lyceum graduates see their future in this profession. And I would like to say that this is not at all in vain, since representatives of economic specialties are on the list of the most in-demand workers.

But becoming an economist is not so easy, because this specialty is considered quite complex and multifaceted. Despite the fact that representatives of this profession most often deal with numbers (money), a good knowledge of mathematics is not all that is needed. In addition to special knowledge of the fundamentals of economics and economic theory, graduates also need knowledge from other general sciences. Thus, we can say that economics is a kind of symbiosis of the humanities and mathematical sciences (which is quite rare, because these two directions have long been considered directly opposite).

The responsibilities of an economist include complete planning of the activities of any enterprise or company, financial management and their proper distribution. Thanks to the efforts of these specialists, each of us has not only a stable and timely salary, but also a permanent workplace. It should be mentioned that this profession also has a rather negative side, since in times of crisis and economic downturn, it is economists who develop an anti-crisis action plan. In practice, this means that, based on their calculations, management makes decisions to reduce the job structures of the rest of the team or to reduce staff. Be that as it may, neither of these will cause much delight among ordinary workers at an enterprise or company. While economic planners can't be blamed for this, they are simply doing their job.

A good economist must be educated, purposeful, patient, have leadership qualities and high organizational skills. People who want to master this difficult profession must also have a good memory, perseverance and be able to concentrate on details. Such human qualities as communication and responsiveness are also not alien to the economist.

International Economist Day

It would seem that representatives of this very popular profession in most industrial and capitalist countries must have their own official professional holiday on a global scale. But, unfortunately, to the question whether such a day is on the list of the most significant festivals in the world, the answer will be negative. It just so happened that the professional triumph of the geniuses of economic science went unnoticed. The modesty of economists is probably to blame for everything, because they never show off their achievements and are in no hurry to give their holiday international status.

But this does not mean at all that representatives of this profession do not have their own official holiday within the state. It exists in many developed countries of the world, but has no common date. What's not a reason to celebrate Economist's Day more often than once a year?

And if you really want to, you can celebrate your holiday with representatives of equally well-known economic professions, namely financiers or accountants.

Economist Day in Russia in 2018

Let's start with the fact that on the territory of our state there are two memorable dates at once - the official and unofficial Economist Day. The celebration of the first is associated primarily with the decree of the President of Russia, which established a new festival. The date chosen by the guarantor is November 11th. It may seem random to many, but it was on this day that the first Ministry of Finance was created. This happened back in November 1802, during the time of the Russian Empire.

The official date of the holiday is not temporary, which means that it will be celebrated every year on the same day. Thus, both in 2018 and in 2130, the day when the professional holiday of all economists is celebrated will remain unchanged - November 11. This memorable date is an excellent occasion to congratulate all representatives of this difficult profession, celebrate their achievements and encourage them not only morally, but also financially (the latter information applies more to directors and members of the board of various companies). If you want to solemnly congratulate one of your friends, then give them nice words, a funny poem, a themed postcard or a small but nice souvenir. By the way, this year, for the first time, economists will not celebrate their professional holiday at their desks (as was previously the case). We dare to disappoint - this holiday did not become a day off (as many would like), it’s just that November 11 in 2018 is Sunday.

As for the celebration, traditionally on this day there are noisy feasts, small corporate events, congratulatory speeches by officials from the Ministry of Finance on TV, thematic films and festive concerts are shown.

But November 11 is far from the only day when the professional holiday of all Russian economists is celebrated. No less memorable is the date of June 30 - a festival that, although not officially recognized, has been quite widely celebrated since the time of Soviet Union. It was on this day in 1917 that the Ministry of Finance of the USSR was established, and hence the emergence of such a concept as an employee in the economic sphere. By the way, most economists in the Russian Federation celebrate their professional holiday on June 30th. Therefore, this date is another reason to congratulate all economists we know on this significant day for them.

But that’s not all, because in holiday calendar There is another specific holiday - Economist-Financier Day. The narrower specialization of financiers does not prevent us from classifying them as economists. That is why the latter have the right to celebrate another memorable date- 8 September. This is when the Day of Economist-Financier is celebrated. This basis is provided by the first prefix to specialization.

Managing financial flows at an enterprise is the responsibility of another specialist in economics, namely the chief accountant. Representatives of this profession celebrate their professional triumph on April 21. The relationship between the occupations of these specialists and economists makes it possible to congratulate them on this day (and such a tradition exists in many regions of the Russian Federation).

Economist Day is a wonderful occasion to remember and congratulate representatives of this ancient and very prestigious profession and wish them new achievements in their professional field.

Russian economists are lucky; they have the opportunity to celebrate their professional holiday at least twice. Since time immemorial, June 30 has been considered Economist Day, albeit unofficially. And yet, it was on this day that specialist planners who work in all spheres of the national economy accepted congratulations. Economists plan, calculate and control the financial flows of the enterprise or company in which they work. These are the best analysts and mathematicians, capable of scrupulously analyzing huge amounts of digital information.

And so, in 2011, the Russian government decided to include Economist Day among the official holidays, although a different date was chosen for this. And now, on September 8, economists and financiers, and with them specialists from all spheres of the economy, solemnly celebrate their official professional holiday. But they don’t forget about the traditional date. Something, but their memory never fails.

Today glory and honor
For those whose profession is accounting:
Calculation, forecast, recalculation,
Cash counting issues.

An economist always has a price,
People need it like water:
The budget will be in order,
It will save you from unnecessary expenses.

I want to wish you happiness
And so that there is something to count.
More smiles, warm words,
May love surround you.

Valuable specialists -
All of us are economists.
Let's wish them health,
Life is so fun, with love.
So that the calculations are without errors,
Every day is full of smiles,
For relatives to help,
Respected at work
So that friends always appreciate
To be loved in the team,
All dreams always came true
So that the salary increases,
So that people are drawn to you,
And luck smiled.
Congratulations to you quickly
Let's say: “Happy Economist Day”!

Congratulations on Economist’s Day and I sincerely wish you confidence, good luck, and the ability to succeed in everything and always! Don’t save on yourself and your desires, don’t miss your opportunities in life and don’t make a single mistake in your work. Let the economy prosper and keep the crisis away.

Your element is payments, finances,
Papers, deposits and agreements.
And there are many nuances
And you know them. You know, with a bang.

Congratulations on Economist's Day
I am in a hurry today with great joy.
Let the numbers always be in order,
There is order in business, and peace in the soul.

Good luck, happiness, joyful smiles,
And long life, in happiness, kindness.
Let there be no mistakes,
Be as before, you are at your best.

Today is your day, economist!
Let the balance always be clear
And a bonus in salary,
So that wallets are rich,
So that the brain works perfectly,
Happiness reigned in my personal life!

Analytics, forecasts and reports
For some, scary words
And for you it’s an ordinary job,
My head is full of numbers.

On Economist's Day we wish
Well-coordinated, clear work,
To increase efficiency,
You have never been wrong.

To ensure accurate calculations,
So that the boss is generous with bonuses,
Affordable - southern latitudes,
And any expenses are not a question.

Who is smarter than everyone else in life?
Whose decisions are better?
Doc in numbers, realist?
He's the economist!

On a professional holiday
It would be more appropriate
Don't work, don't count -
Accept congratulations.

Economics is a science,
If only there was something like this:
Don't let your money melt away,
And the salary keeps increasing.

Finance, economics, calculations
For some it is a dark, dark forest.
And for others - their favorite job,
Full of excitement and full of wonder.

We wish all workers of science
A lot of finances are personal, not other people’s.
After all, saving benefits is very cool,
Sometimes we forget everything about them.

We wish you a good and rich life,
Health to you and your entire family.
So that you don't count your salary,
More precisely, they did not live on zero!

Let everything be, the champagne sparkles,
Smiles, congratulations, flowers!
Be proud, gentlemen economists,
Today is your day, the best in it are you!

Happy Economist Day
I congratulate you
Happiness Standards
I would like to calculate it.

Life plans
Enter into tables
Calculate all the advantages
And there are downsides along the way.

Correct calculations
Let fate confirm
Let it be 100 percent success
In the end it waits.

Figures, estimates and budgets -
Thoughts all mixed up into one,
Congratulations to you today,
Happy holiday, economists.

Let the world of magic numbers
Summarizes the good for you,
Evil will take everything from life,
Let the pain be divided into two.

And love, hope, faith,
May happiness and joy be for you,
Every day and even at night
Multiplies hundreds of times!

The life of modern society is directly dependent on financial resources. Money determines the possibility of functioning of manufacturing enterprises, medical and educational institutions, transport companies, etc. In order for an organization to operate stably, it is necessary not only to own funds, but also to be able to distribute them correctly. This task falls on the shoulders of economists, whose day is usually celebrated on June 30.

history of the holiday

Economist Day in Russia is unofficial, but in Belarus it is official holiday. It is celebrated by all people whose activities are related to financial means. These are employees of banks, industries, government organizations and private companies various forms property. This holiday is considered by students studying economics and research workers with the appropriate profile. The history of honoring economists goes back to the end of 1917. It was at this time that the People's Commissariat of Finance was organized.

Just a few years later it was renamed the Ministry of Finance of the Soviet Union. Employees of this service celebrated the holiday on June 30. This custom has been preserved among modern economists. This profession was known back in Ancient Hellas, where they came up with the appropriate name (which translates as “housekeeping”). Nowadays, it is interpreted more broadly and covers different areas.

It should be noted that economics is a scientific discipline and the economy itself, combining all the means of production that people need for self-sufficiency. Economists have long been called a specialist working in a given field. Some people jokingly claim that an economist is a person who knows much more about money than those who have it.

The Government of the Russian Federation supported the initiative of the Free Economic Society of Russia (VEO Russia) to establish and celebrate the professional holiday “Economist Day” on the founding date (according to the new style) of the VEO Russia – November 11.

The professional holiday “Economist’s Day” was established by order of the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation A.V. Ulyukaev No. 876 of November 24, 2015 based on No. 2215-r of October 31, 2015 Order of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev.

In view of the high role and special importance that the profession of economist has in society, the importance of public awareness of the significance of the chosen paths of economic development for the prosperity of the country, the relevance of state and public recognition of the significance of the professional mission of an economist, the need to develop competencies while maintaining the system of values ​​and continuity of professional traditions, the formation of a special professional responsibility and ethics, taking into account the challenges of the time, as well as career guidance of the younger generation, the Free Economic Society of Russia is implementing an extensive plan of events in 2016 dedicated to the professional holiday “Economist’s Day”.

The main culminating event of the preparation and celebration of “Economist Day” is

Organizer: Free Economic Society of Russia with the support of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

Purpose of the Meeting: organizing a broad discussion on the topic: “Russia in a global world: in search of a new model of economic development”, consolidating efforts on the issues of modernizing the Russian economy and developing an effective model of the country’s socio-economic development.

The event was attended by more than 1,000 people - prominent figures in economic science, world-famous scientists, managers and specialists of the largest Russian enterprises, prominent government and public figures and representatives of the field of economic education.



Participants and guests of the All-Russian
economic meeting

I welcome the participants and guests of the All-Russian Economic Meeting, dedicated to the professional holiday - Economist Day, which this year is celebrated for the first time in the Russian Federation.

Today economists are playing important role in all areas of public life. Movement towards an innovative economy is impossible without professionals who are dedicated to their work, making a significant contribution to the development of the country and being the main success factor that determines the competitiveness of our state.

I am confident that holding the annual All-Russian Economic Meeting on Economist Day will become a glorious tradition and will serve to develop special professional responsibility and ethics, taking into account the challenges of the time, as well as career guidance for the younger generation.

I wish everyone successful and fruitful work.

Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
IN AND. Matvienko


Address by the President of the VEO of Russia to the participants of the All-Russian Economic Meeting

On November 11, 2016, the Russian economic community celebrates its professional holiday for the first time - Economist Day. This date was not chosen by chance. On this day two and a half centuries ago (October 31, 1765 - old style), the first public organization was established in Russia, designed to intensify the economic development of the state - the Imperial Free Economic Society (now VEO of Russia), which has been in business for a quarter of a millennium at the forefront of modernization processes, being the initiator and promoter of advanced economic ideas and practices in the country’s economic complex and following the motto given to the Society at its creation by Catherine the Great - “Useful”.

The list of professional holidays is constantly expanding due to the emergence of new specialties. Military translators, librarians and programmers, inventors and innovators have their own holiday, medical workers, builders, journalists... As a representative of the professional economic community, I am glad that now Russian economists have their own holiday. For us, this is a reason to once again feel the significance of our activities and its importance for other people, to rejoice at the successes and achievements of our colleagues, and to focus on the upcoming tasks.

Although our profession cannot be called new, it is perhaps today that many Russians are discovering it for themselves in a new way. There is an understanding that economics is not only theories and formulas. Economic science describes life itself, explains its logic, capturing sometimes unobvious relationships between the facts and phenomena of everyday life.

John Keynes once formulated the criteria for a true economist. In his opinion, such a person must have a rare combination of talents, being at the same time a mathematician, historian, statesman and philosopher: “He must think in symbols and have a good command of words. He must understand the particular in the context of the general and be able to easily touch both the abstract and the concrete with one thought. He must study the present in the light of the past - for the sake of the future. Nothing in human nature and the institutions of society should escape his notice. He must be at the same time purposeful and heavenward, like a true artist, but at the same time stand firmly on his feet and be practical, like a politician.”

To these wonderful words, I would also add that he must love people and act based on the interests of the country, like many great Russian economists, members of the Free Economic Society. Russia will never forget such outstanding figures of the VEO as D.I. Mendeleev, S.Yu. Witte, P.B. Struve, N.S. Mordvinov, P.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky, N.Ya. Danilevsky, P.A. Sorokin, N.D. Kondratiev, M.M. Speransky, P.A. Stolypin. They stood at the origins of modernization projects that became breakthroughs for the development of Russian industry and education, financial and transport systems, many sectors of the national economy and areas of advanced scientific thought. If you look at the 250-year history of the Free Economic Society, and look through the Proceedings of the VEO, which have also been published for two and a half centuries, you can easily see what tremendous changes the very concept of “economy” has undergone during this time. From designating the way and means of doing business in agriculture, it has moved to economics as the science of happiness.

Well-being of people, demographic situation, development social programs, the cultural level of society, the health of the financial sector, the exchange rate, trends in domestic and foreign policy - all these are elements of one system, the relationship and interaction of which is studied and described by economic science. Understanding of this systematicity by both specialists and ordinary citizens is the foundation without which it is difficult to imagine success in the implementation of the new concept of economic development of our state that is being developed today - the task set by the President of Russia for the economic community, to which VEO of Russia pays special attention.

Among the most important tasks of the Free Economic Society of Russia is enlightenment. Our predecessors in the 19th century spread literacy among the people and were the founders of the introduction of universal and accessible primary school education in the country. We have come close to the need to solve a big problem in modern Russian society - the elimination of total economic illiteracy of the population. I would like to hope that through the joint efforts of scientists, famous economists, popularizers of science, representatives of the education system and public organizations, we will be able to interest people in obtaining solid economic knowledge, which acquires special meaning in our time, when the world is moving to a new technological structure, the formation of a new geo-economic structure and the emergence of new trends in the development of civilization. Many laws that yesterday seemed unshakable cease to work - and the search and formulation of new ideas of progress becomes a task not of the distant future, but of the current practical agenda of advanced economic thought.

Technological changes that are coming in the coming decades in the material basis of society will be accompanied by significant changes in its social structure, geopolitical system and global economy. The economy of the future, based on knowledge, high technology and new industry, is impossible without qualified and diversely educated specialists who are ready to constantly develop and improve their skills and abilities, without competent managers, workers, engineers, and designers. It is especially important for us, Russian economists, to realize this. For Russia, the consequences of the raw material imbalance in the economy have turned into a real threat to our national security. Russia is rich not only in natural resources. We must not forget that our country is the heir of the Soviet Union, which was a pioneer in a number of ambitious projects, in many areas related to the most advanced technologies of the 20th century. This is a country of high intelligence, great achievements and many breakthrough technologies that determined for many decades the appearance of not only the technical sphere of social life, but also decisively influenced radical changes in the economic sphere, ensuring the creation of many sectors of the economy and human activity in general, without which it is unthinkable today imagine our world. Suffice it to recall the names of A.F. Mozhaisky and I.I. Sikorsky - inventors of the first aircraft that lifted man into the air; A.S. Popova and V.K. Zvorykin, who opened the way to the creation of radio and television, S.P. Korolev and A.D. Sakharov - the creators of astronautics and nuclear technologies, and many others. The basis of the country's economic well-being, the foundation of its successful development, was formed by science and industry, the industrial sector.

Today, the economic community is concerned about developing a new model for the development of our state. We all represent different scientific schools and adhere to different political views, we have, perhaps, opposing points of view on the choice of the path for the future development of our country. But we are all united by the main thing - respect for our profession and our fellow citizens, love for Russia, the desire to serve it for the good and the understanding that the modernization of such a large-scale and complex complex as the Russian economy cannot, in principle, be limited to the rigid frame of one single scientific school. We must jointly look for additional incentives for the development of the state. We need fresh, new ideas, competent specialists who are professionally versed in the internal economic problems of our country, and who are actively researching trends and ways of developing the global economic space.

Economist Day is a wonderful opportunity, as part of a professional holiday, to hold events both to honor our recognized colleagues and to identify and encourage young talented economists. In 2016, the Free Economic Society of Russia announces the launch of two new important projects. With the support of the government, we are establishing the All-Russian Highest Public Economic Award “Economist of the Year” and the Youth Festival of Economic Science. Every year, on Economist Day, the results of these projects will be summed up, and new stars will sparkle on the walk of fame of the Russian economic community.

On behalf of the Free Economic Society of Russia, I congratulate everyone, dear colleagues, on a wonderful unifying holiday - Economist's Day, and I wish all of us to “acquire a peaceful spirit,” as St. Seraphim of Sarov said. We must unite and present to society the ideas and conditions necessary to implement the tasks set by the head of state as priorities. The economic leaders of the coming era are technological leaders, leaders in the discovery and development of knowledge. Russia can and should become a leader in those technological areas where it is important and strategically necessary for us. The task of the economic community is to help realize this potential as effectively as possible.

President of the Free Economic Society of Russia S.D. Bodrunov


The participants and organizers of the All-Russian Economic Meeting received numerous greetings, congratulatory letters, and telegrams:

From the President of the All-Russian public organization “Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs”:

I welcome the participants of the All-Russian Economic Meeting dedicated to the first-ever celebrated professional holiday “Economist’s Day”!

The officially recognized holiday emphasizes the importance of the profession of economist to ensure the development and prosperity of the country, high level its state and public recognition, not to mention the business community, for which it is key.

It is necessary to promote in every possible way the development of the competencies of the economic community while ensuring the continuity of professional traditions.

Two and a half centuries ago on this day, the Imperial Free Economic Society of Russia was created, which became a platform for developing proposals for increasing the efficiency of economic policy, introducing new technologies by the business community and solving other, no less important, economic policy problems.

The topic of the All-Russian Economic Meeting was not chosen by chance and continues the best traditions of discussions of the Imperial Free Economic Society of Russia. Russia needs to quickly move to a new model of economic development in the conditions of the “new normal” in order to take its place in the global economy and dramatically increase its efficiency, competitiveness and innovation.

I wish the meeting participants fruitful discussions and productive work!

A.N. Shokhin

- from the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation:

On behalf of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, I welcome the participants of the All-Russian Economic Meeting dedicated to the professional holiday “Economist’s Day”.

The sustainable socio-economic development of the country and the well-being of society largely depend on the achievements of domestic economic science, efficient work institutions of civil society. A striking example of a successfully operating scientific and expert union is the Free Economic Society of Russia, the organizer of the All-Russian Economic Meeting.

I wish the participants of the Meeting a constructive and fruitful discussion and further success in the activities of the Free Economic Society of Russia!

S.N. Katyrin

- from the SecretaryPublic ChamberRussian Federation:

Dear colleagues, Dear friends! On behalf of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, I welcome you to the All-Russian Economic Meeting!

This year, for the first time, we are celebrating a professional holiday - “Economist’s Day”, the establishment of which speaks of the attention and respect of the authorities and society for people in this difficult profession.

It is all the more important that we open this holiday with a large-scale, significant event - the All-Russian Economic Meeting.

I am convinced that the Meeting will become an open, effective dialogue platform on which representatives of business structures, public and expert organizations, government bodies, and the media will be able to discuss the prospects, principles and mechanisms for the further development of innovative and knowledge-intensive sectors of the domestic economy, on which the economic growth of the country and improvement of life of the population.

I congratulate you on your holiday and wish you a fruitful discussion, fresh ideas and constructive proposals - the basis for future decisions of government authorities in the field of economic policy.

A.V. Brechalov

The participants and organizers of the All-Russian Economic Meeting also received letters of congratulations and thanks from:

· heads of federal legislative and executive authorities of the Russian Federation;

· administrations of various constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

· Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of various states to the Russian Federation;

· leaders of public and educational organizations, economic institutions, leading scientists and experts and many others.

Post release about the All-Russian Economic Meeting