Candy bar for a 30 year old girl. Everything you need to know when setting up a candy bar. Photo examples of wedding sweet table decorations

Children, unlike adults, love their birthday very much, they wait for their little guests, dream about gifts and a lot of holiday treats and sweets. And if more older generation accustomed to eating dessert only after the main feast, modern children receive all the delicacies at once in the form of a beautifully decorated candy bar.

What is a candy bar?

This fashionable foreign word usually refers to nothing more than a table with sweets, an alternative to the Russian children's school tea party. The tradition of creating a candy bar came to us from Europe, where it is customary to place desserts on the table at the very beginning of the holiday as not only a treat, but also a decoration for the evening.

The bright and beautiful candy bar quickly became popular among Russians; today almost no one can do without it. children's party. It looks very stylish, becomes a close object of attention for children and the main backdrop for a festive photo shoot. Many people think that only professional decorators can decorate a children's candy bar, but in fact, any mother can cope with this task.

What does a candy bar consist of?

  • Horizontal surface. Most often, a regular table is used, but it can also be a chest of drawers, a cabinet, or even a wide window sill.
  • Festive tablecloth.
  • Set of dishes: cake stand and plates, plates and shelves for sweets, fruit vases, candy jars, cups and spoons. Pay attention not only to the style of the dishes, but also to their material; it must be safe. For the youngest guests, we recommend choosing disposable cardboard or plastic tableware.
  • Beverages. This could be homemade fruit drink or compote, juice or tea. It is advisable to have regular drinking water on the table.
  • Sweets: chocolate and caramel candies, bright dragees or chocolate-covered peanuts, marmalade or marshmallows - everything that kids love so much.

  • Baked goods: cookies, cupcakes, muffins.
  • Birthday cake. It should become the main attribute of a candy bar; today, mastic cakes with edible figurines of their favorite characters are very popular among children.
  • Decorations for the table itself and general decorations, it is the large number of them that distinguishes a candy bar from an ordinary sweet table.

At the end of the article we have prepared additional material for you. Download the checklist “Preparing a holiday with your child” and organize interesting events together with the baby!

Children will be happy with a whole table of sweets in any case, even if you just put treats on the tablecloth, but so that sweet table looked truly impressive, you should adhere to these rules for designing a children's candy bar:

  1. Initially, determine the theme of the holiday; the color scheme of the candy bar should correspond to it. Decorate all table details in the same style.
  2. Calculate the amount of treats optimally; children should not quarrel over sweets. The calculation is approximately this: two cakes per child, the same number of cupcakes or muffins, but it is better to have candy in reserve.
  3. Determine in advance the “highlight”, the original detail of your table that will distinguish it from many similar ones. This could be an unusual cake, a chocolate fountain, or an edible figurine of your favorite fairy-tale characters.
  4. Decorations should be in moderation, you should not use all the ideas that you have at once; determine the general style of the candy bar and choose the decor in accordance with it.

How to decorate a candy bar?

So, you have decided on the contents of the table, chosen the main theme of the holiday, but don’t know how to decorate the table with sweets? The scenery can be anything your imagination allows:

  • Skewers with the name of the food on beautiful labels: “Marshmallow”, “Juice”, etc.
  • A stylized cake stand, you can simply decorate it with ribbons.
  • Balloons: under the ceiling and floor compositions near the table.
  • Original wooden inscriptions with the name of the hero of the occasion or frames with metrics.

  • Decorative figures of cartoon characters corresponding to the general theme. For example, if the room is decorated in the theme of the underwater world, then there may be a bright toy of the cartoon character SpongeBob on the table.
  • Inscriptions on sticks or in a frame: “I’m 1 year old,” “Happy Birthday, Styopa!” etc.
  • Streamers in the form of flags or garlands that will decorate the walls around.
  • A thematic poster that sets the overall theme of the holiday.

This is only a small part of the decorations that you can use when decorating a candy bar, but remember that all decorations should look harmonious.

At the end of the article we have prepared additional material for you. Download the “Preparing a holiday with your child” checklist and organize interesting events with your baby!

Which topic should I choose?

Sweet tables that are decorated in a single theme will look most impressive. If your baby is too young to understand a specific idea, you can simply put everything in one color scheme.

If you don’t know how to design a children’s candy bar for a 1-year-old boy, it couldn’t be easier! It is absolutely not necessary to use only blue tones for this; combinations of yellow-green or blue-lilac shades will look just as good. And to decorate a girl’s party, you can choose a delicate peach, bright yellow or hot pink shade.

If your child has favorite characters from fairy tales or cartoons, then they will definitely like the candy bar decorated in the styles of Peppa Pig, Luntik or Cars.

Among the universal ideas for boys and girls of all ages is decorating a candy bar in a marine theme or in a jungle style.

Whatever treats and decorations you choose for the candy bar, do everything with soul, involve the child himself and all family members in the design. Then the baby will be pleased not only with the result, but also with the process of preparing for his birthday.

Have you already tried to set up a children's candy bar? Share your ideas for decorating a sweet table and tell us whether the little birthday boy and his guests appreciated it?

Download the checklist "Preparing a holiday with your child"

​The most important thing in preparing for the holiday is to make it truly fun. But at the same time, do not overtire either yourself or the child. ​You can find out how to do this from the checklist.

What happened at the Food Show?

The 7th Gastronomic Festival was held in Gostiny Dvor on a grand scale. From November 29 to December 1, you could attend dozens of master classes from the best chefs on preparing healthy, tasty and beautiful food.

It is impossible to describe all this in an article, so today I will show only those ideas that I collected for decorating a New Year and Christmas candy bar.

Candy bar- a buffet table decorated with sweets in a specific theme. Beautiful treats, stylish dishes and festive accessories are used. The Western tradition has taken root; candy bars can increasingly be seen in Russia at weddings, children's parties, anniversaries and corporate events.

You can put small cakes, cookies and candies on the sweet buffet table. New Year's version, as it seemed to me, bright candies and unusual confectionery products would be very decorative. These are exactly what I was looking for at the exhibition.

Fashionable cakes from Popcakes Magnifique will decorate any occasion. We ourselves won’t be able to repeat this, but it’s very easy to order delicious cartoon characters on a stick via the Internet. It was not possible to photograph all the species (there were a lot of people near the stand), but I managed to capture these angry birds.

There was a lot of caramel. All types, tastes and colors. Of course, this is a very good idea for a Christmas candy bar, because after the holiday you can take the treats with you or receive them as a prize for winning competitions. I like!

Another popular idea is sweets in jars. Sometimes at the candy bar they put the most ordinary jars from baby food. More often, of course, they are unusual-shaped candy bowls with lids. I think this is necessary so that the caramel does not stick together due to the humidity in the room. Let's take the idea!

Of course, there were a lot of elegant gingerbread cookies at the exhibition. “Tsarsky Gingerbread” prepares collections for every holiday, personalized gingerbreads, curly ones, etc. The choice is huge, there are many ideas for our sweet buffet table.

I watched a master class that Sofi Bakery organized for children. A very exciting activity, and not only for children. The colored icing is in special pastry bags, and the marzipan decorations are in numerous jars. Children's imagination is limitless, so everyone will go home with their own personal gingerbread. Great idea for holiday fun!

The fortune cookies themselves look like a dumpling baked in the oven. Beautifully packaged in transparent film and decorated with ribbons. I think the guests will like it, because everyone will receive their own pleasant parting words for 2014.

I couldn’t pass by the Finnish meter-long sweets. They look quite original, bend and twist into spirals. Candies with different flavors, the smell is excellent. For the candy bar, I think it’s worth cutting them into identical 10 cm bars and inserting them into cups. An elegant treat with an unusual shape!

Stand with chocolates self made“ChocoMe” held me back for a long time. Yes, you could try all this. Looks amazing! It can be given as a gift, or it can be used for our candy bar. Gorgeous...

I noticed the decoration of the New Year's stands with candies. I photographed the house so that I wouldn’t forget to use New Year’s accessories to decorate the sweet table. Unfortunately, I can’t show you the fairy-tale train that moved between handmade sweets. Just believe me, it looked fabulous!

Large chocolate figures are quite expensive, but you can buy one such sweet toy. Let him decorate the candy bar New Year's Eve, and then... Well, the fate of these sculptures is like this...

Yes! This is a New Year's cake! Three white horses, Father Frost, Snow Maiden, a bag of gifts in a sleigh. Wonderful! (Moscow confectionery factory Accanto).

IN last years A candy bar or sweet table has become an indispensable attribute of a wedding celebration. This interesting detail emphasizes the wedding style and delights guests with all kinds of desserts. Best ideas for registration with photos – in our review.

An elegantly decorated buffet table on which fruits, juices, sweets, cakes, marmalade and other sweets are presented is called a candy bar.

On wedding ceremony it performs several functions:

  • lifts the mood of guests;
  • creates a festive atmosphere;
  • emphasizes the stylistic orientation of the celebration;
  • decorates the interior;
  • becomes an original photo zone.

Treats can easily be turned into nice gifts for guests, if you invite them to pick up the sweets they like before leaving.

Advice! It’s worth preparing small packaging boxes in advance so that each guest takes a piece of the holiday with them.

Having finally decided that a sweet table will be set at the wedding, the newlyweds must decide on its contents. It is better to opt for light desserts, which are convenient to eat without the risk of staining your holiday outfit.

Here is just a small list of the most popular types of filling.

Strawberries in chocolate

The relevant option will be when the strawberry ripening season begins. This will help save your wedding budget. In addition to strawberries, cherries, tangerines, oranges, grapes, and bananas are used.

Using fruits and toothpicks, they create elegant canapés or simply lay out sweets on special napkins. Before serving, decorate with powdered sugar or coconut.

Chocolate fountain

A striking detail of the candy bar will be a chocolate fountain. Having an amazing taste, it also looks very impressive on the table. Fruit dishes are placed around for guests to dip pieces of apple, banana, kiwi, strawberry or tangerine into melted chocolate.

You can rent the fountain or use fondue instead– special heat-resistant dishes in which chocolate or cheese is melted.

Other sweets

  • Fruits in caramel. Different types The fruit is drizzled with soft caramel and served on small skewers or toothpicks. This dessert will definitely not leave anyone indifferent;
  • Cupcakes with airy cream, fondant and delicious filling. It is better to choose options with different fillings: nuts, raisins, berries or chocolate chips;
  • Cake pops- sponge cakes in the form of balls. Top the cake pops with caramel and sprinkle with powdered sugar, chocolate chips or coconut flakes;
  • Macarons- French cookies with almonds and filling. The layer can be anything: chocolate, nuts, berries or fruits;
  • Oriental sweets baklava, Turkish delight, jalebi, halva, sherbet and karakotperfect choice for a wedding in oriental style;
  • Candied and dried fruits— healthy and tasty treats will appeal to both children and adults;
  • Marshmallow- candies that resemble marshmallows or marshmallows. To decorate the table, place it in a heap on a beautiful dish and sprinkle with chocolate chips.


When preparing a sweet table for a wedding celebration, you should remember the number of invited guests. It is advisable to use several types of desserts so that everyone chooses something to suit their taste.

Usually there are 5-6 treats plus drinks. For a modest wedding, you can limit yourself to 3-4 options.


The candy bar is usually supplemented with non-alcoholic and low-alcohol punches, fruit drinks, fresh juices and juices: orange, apple, cherry, pomegranate. An excellent option would be compote made from fresh berries and fruits.

Interesting! To support the wedding style, drinks and sweets are chosen in appropriate colors. You can also change the color of foods using harmless food dyes.

In summer, cold drinks are placed on the table, for example, fresh juices with ice and cocktails made from milk and fruit with syrup, and hot chocolate, fruit tea and coffee are suitable.

Cook or order?

Wedding treats are bought at a pastry shop or prepared with your own hands. You can buy pasta, cookies, cupcakes and profiteroles at your favorite restaurant. You should not buy them in the supermarket, as sweets often contain harmful ingredients.

Each option has pros and cons:

Sweets from the restaurant

The advantage is that at an average cost you can purchase desserts from a professional chef, while You don’t have to worry about serving and decorating. Often, dishes and service are included in the price of the order.

Disadvantages of this solution: rather limited selection and limited design options.

With your own hands

Having prepared desserts for the wedding with your own hands, no need to worry about the quality of the products. Guests will be delighted with the treats the bride has prepared for them.

There is only one negative point - you will have to spend the entire pre-wedding day cooking.

At the confectioner's

Using the services of confectioners, newlyweds receive a beautifully decorated and delicious candy bar. All wishes regarding theme and color will be exactly fulfilled.

The high cost is the main disadvantage when ordering a sweet table in a pastry shop. You will also have to take care of transporting sweets to the banquet venue and choosing a table, dishes and accessories.

Idea! You can use the “hodgepodge” option: the bride prepares one main dish, and the rest of the sweets are ordered in a restaurant or from a pastry chef.


It is not at all necessary to use special surfaces to place the candy bar. In this matter, everything depends only on the imagination of the newlyweds and the style of the wedding.

  • Use vintage tables, dressing tables, and decorative shelves. Even an antique piano can be used at a retro-style wedding;
  • For a wedding in a rustic style, a wooden table decorated with beautiful carvings is suitable;
  • Pallets and old boxes are useful for an eco-style wedding;
  • To decorate in Provence style, treats can be placed on shelves covered with linen tablecloths and the composition can be decorated with fresh flowers. Another placement option is elegant trays and plates with floral patterns.

The candy bar will be an excellent decoration for both a wedding with a European buffet and a celebration with a banquet.


The main purpose of the background is to highlight the candy bar from the general interior. It is better to place the sweet table near the wall so that he does not interfere with the dancing guests. The wall near the bar is decorated with ribbons, tinsel, and balloons.

To make the background for a candy bar effective and attract attention, it is important to respect the boundaries. Its width should not exceed the width of the table. Height – no more than a meter.

Popular background materials:

  • paper pompoms;
  • themed photo wallpaper;
  • a poster for warm wishes from guests to the newlyweds;
  • collage of photographs of the bride and groom;
  • a piece of fabric in a neutral color or with original prints: polka dots, stripes or chevron;
  • garland of corrugated paper or satin ribbons.


Creating a candy bar is an exciting creative process that requires good taste and creativity.

Individuality is added to the candy bar with the help of special labels for drinks, invented names and phrases, stickers on dishes, and signs with the initials of the bride and groom.

You can order the decoration of a candy bar in a specialized studio, where professional decorators will happily take on the preparation of the holiday. But it’s much more interesting to do everything yourself if you have free time.

When using a candy bar as a photo zone, you need to take care of the props for shooting. It’s easy to make yourself: cut out huge mustaches, lips, bowler hats or glasses from cardboard and secure them on long skewers. Bright lollipops will also be a fun addition to the photo.

To decorate a sweet table with your own hands, you need to purchase:

  • a beautiful tablecloth with embroidery or pattern;
  • kit glassware and cutlery;
  • sweets;
  • multi-tiered stands;
  • skewers or toothpicks;
  • decorative decorations: ribbons, garlands to match the main color of the wedding.


It is better to place the table with food in the shade of trees or in a tent. This will help save appearance and the taste of treats in case of sudden changes in weather conditions.

In summer, sweets are covered with transparent glass lids so as not to attract insects.

For registration use natural materials : leaves, twigs and flowers - for decoration, and wooden planks as stands for plates.


For so important event Do not use ordinary dishes. Each element must be original. To save space on a small table, use multi-tiered fruit dishes. It is best to choose unbreakable plates and dishes. To allow guests to better view the desserts offered, transparent vases and glassware are used.

Advice! If there are children at the wedding, the treats are laid out on multi-tiered dishes, but in such a way that the children can reach the sweets without knocking over the table.

The stems of the glasses are decorated with bows, ribbons and lace braid, and dessert spoons are served wrapped in beautiful napkins.

To make the treats look more interesting, small candies, dragees or marshmallows are placed in layers in tall transparent vases on legs. Dishes are also chosen based on the style of the wedding., it does not matter whether the plates and glasses have the same shape. The main thing is that the serving as a whole looks organic.


You can decorate a wedding celebration in the following styles: retro, ethnic, country, marine, classic, while sticking to either one main shade or adding decorative elements of different colors (but no more than three).

Ideas for unusual accessories:

  • for each delicacy they come up with a separate name and write it on special cards (they are ordered from a printing house or a sample is printed from the Internet);
  • Large wicker baskets are often used as original dishes;
  • several well-composed bouquets and chaotically scattered flower petals will decorate any candy bar, and original herbal wreaths are suitable for a rustic-style wedding;
  • you can arrange graceful figurines or cute Stuffed Toys;
  • decorate fabric drapery for the candy bar wall paper butterflies or ribbons.

Don't forget about candles. You can pour coffee beans into glasses and place candles inside. Or buy elegant candlesticks and arrange them beautifully on the table.

Useful video

Undoubtedly, a candy bar can become the highlight of a celebration, emphasizing the overall style of the holiday. Decorating a sweet table yourself is not as difficult as it seems, and much cheaper. There are several design secrets in the video:


A creative and delicious candy-bar will be appreciated by all guests, regardless of age. The main thing is not to be afraid to use original ideas in design and based on your taste.

Сandy-bar is an alternative to our sweet tables. In our country, it is customary to take dessert out after the feast; among Americans, it is customary to place it on the table at the beginning of the holiday, as part of the decor!

That is why in many of our articles we recommend our readers to pay attention to the candy-bar and its components!

If you've already done something similar, here are some interesting alternatives you'll find.

To create a candy bar with your own hands you don’t need much:

  1. Surface (table, cabinet, chest of drawers, folding tables, etc.)
  2. Beautiful bright tablecloth
  3. Various dishes made of glass, wood, porcelain, clay or plastic. Choose not only beautiful, but also practical items. You can also choose the style of dishes for the holiday. If you are planning a simple celebration at the dacha, then you should not install an expensive set :)
  4. Sweets
  5. Homemade baked goods, cookies
  6. Small labels for writing, cut from cardboard or printed on a printer
  7. Air balloons, paper garlands, ribbons and other decor that you can afford.

How to make a children's candy bar?

Start by choosing decorations for your dessert table!

After this, the children's candy bar and its decoration are completely in your hands! You can pour all the available treats into vases, arrange light sweet snacks, or decorate the table with a large cake!

The main thing is to use treats in the chosen color scheme, which will create the perfect picture!

For treats, use marshmallows, macaroons, dragees, chewing gum, lozenges, bars, homemade cookies, gingerbread and other sweets familiar to everyone!

The main thing is to use your imagination and then you won’t have to buy anything! You can take the dishes from home and cover them with napkins in the same style; the decor can be made of paper and cardboard!

It is better to make a DIY candy bar for a boy in blue, green, brown, and orange tones. Use his favorite films and cartoons, heroes, cars, construction and other activities typical of a real man in the theme:).

Of course, making a children's candy bar with your own hands is a labor-intensive process, but you must agree how spectacular and bright the result is!

Сandy-bar for a party

In fact, there are no differences between children's and adults' sweet tables. The only difference is the filling!

You can treat your guests to alcoholic cocktails or custom baked goods, pizza or other more serious products :). However, remember that this is already a FoodBar, which has a completely different look :).

We are sure that our tips will help you make your holidays the brightest!

An excellent article about the design of a candy bar “How to decorate a candy bar or a game without rules on a sweet table”

Candy bar is another Western tradition that we gladly transferred to Russian weddings, children's parties and corporate events. Candy bar differs from the concept of a “sweet table” five years ago in a large number of decorative elements and ostentatious confectionery chic

We support the topic
The sweet table is designed to support themed party. There are many examples on the Internet; you don’t need to imagine much. Very elegant! An incomparable sweet accent to almost any celebration.

Background, tablecloth and skirt
You definitely need a background.
the table can be stepped to make it easier for guests to find holiday decorations
I need an unusual tablecloth. Buffet skirts and draperies are often used

Dishes for candy bar
There are no rules here either; sometimes it is enough to place sweets on trays, but the use of unusually shaped glassware for dragees, marmalade and candies has already become a tradition. I think the most important thing in this case is to ensure tightness, because all these sweets quickly air out or, on the contrary, gain moisture. However, the most ordinary baby food jars and colored glass bottles are often decorated.

Designer things
On the sweet table it is customary to use beautiful objects for decoration, I will quickly list:
porcelain, plastic, metal figurines and figurines
volumetric letters and words (“LOVE”, “Family”, names and first letters of initials)
paper decorations
natural and artificial flowers
decorative candles
photo frames with newlyweds and birthday people
satin ribbons
Stuffed Toys
flags, caps, air balloons
confetti, streamers, coins

Finally, the sweets themselves
This, of course, is the most important component of a candy bar. Non-perishable products can be delivered in advance; cakes with cream are brought out when guests are present.
What can you put on your holiday sweet table:
cake (single-tiered or multi-tiered)
cupcakes and cake pops (I apologize for using these names, but many of the pastry shops you'll visit call these little cakes in an edible "one-tooth" cup and fun cakes on a stick.
meringue (a few drops of food coloring will turn the meringue pink, blue and green)
nuts in multi-colored glaze
oriental sweets (baklava, sherbet, Turkish delight)
dried apricots, prunes, dates, raisins and other dried fruits and berries
candied fruit
marshmallows, marshmallows
chocolate medals
marzipan figures

We continue the idea of ​​sweets,

You will be surprised, but spectacular and inexpensive filling For the sweet table, quite affordable and familiar sweets can become.

1. PASTILLA, MARMALADE OR SHERBET. Such a treat will look great on a square or rectangular plate, folded into a slide.

2. ZEPHIR. Covered with chocolate glaze, creme brulee, white and pink or just white. This treat will look great on a round, square or oblong dish. Can be supplemented with small toppers.

3. M&MS. You're having a colorful party and need red, blue or yellow colors? Divide the bag of candies by color and pour into any transparent container. If several of the listed colors suit you, then lay the dragees in layers.

4. CHOCOLATE. White, black, milky. Break into pieces and place in a pyramid on a square plate.

5. MINI CUPCAKES. Regular cupcakes can completely replace expensive cupcakes. Decorate the top with whipped cream and berries.

6. COOKIES. Now in stores a large number of various cookies. Placed in a mound on a beautiful plate, it will look great.

7. CAKES: eclairs, bouches, baskets, potatoes. The choice here is huge, just don't overload the table. Choose one or two types.

8. BARNEY BEARS. They will perfectly complement a party where the main theme is teddy bears. It is best to place them on an oblong plate.

9. LOLLIPPENS. Sold in specialized stores in large shopping centers. They can be placed in glasses filled with m&ms.

10. CORN STICKS OR POPCORN. It will look good in large volume vases or special boxes with a holiday theme.

Don't forget about fruits, berries, nuts.
Source: Workshop Gourmand

Fruits and berries

Most suitable option- in the form of canapés, dough baskets or portioned fruit salads. Can be combined with fruit and berry sauces, caramel and cream.


Sponge cakes are small cakes, also known as muffins or mini cupcakes. The cupcake top can be made of cream, glaze, mastic or just powder. They can be empty or filled inside. Moreover, I would choose the option based on the age of the birthday boy and guests. The younger the audience, the simpler the cupcakes should be.

Cake pops

Biscuit on a stick. At first glance, everything is simple, but they are amazing. It is worth noting that cake pops are not only tasty, but also beautiful. In this case, confectioners are akin to jewelers. Small sponge cakes in the shape of a ball on a stick. The dessert is covered with chocolate, caramel or fondant of any color and decorated.


Airy marshmallows are just as easy to decorate. If you dip it in frosting and then into a cup of sugar decorative balls- get an almost professional product

Macarons or macaroons

French two-layer cookies with filling. Using dyes, the dough and cream are colored in pleasant pastel colors. The dessert looks and tastes very delicate. A French dessert made from macaroons and fruit filling. Dyes allow you to make dough of any color: red, blue, green, etc.

A simple recipe for New Year's "Macarons".


Chopped almonds - 110 g

Powdered sugar - 200 g
- vanilla sugar - 1/2 tsp.
- sugar - 50 g
- egg white - 3 pcs
- for filling chocolate paste, jam or cream


1. Add sugar and vanilla sugar to the almonds, mix until smooth in a blender
2. Beat the egg whites until foamy, gradually add sugar until the mixture reaches the consistency of meringue (not very dry), add the almond mixture and mix quickly (the dough should become liquid)
3. Cover the baking sheet with parchment paper, use a pastry bag to place round cookies 4 cm in diameter 4. Set them aside for 30-40 minutes until they harden
5. Bake for 8-10 minutes in the oven at 150 C
6. Cool and grease with cream.
7. Draw with icing.

Enjoy your tea!

Eclairs, cream baskets and other cakes

Everything you can pick up and eat without utensils and practically in one bite. The main attention is on appearance

It is baked in different forms and decorated according to the holiday theme.

Marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows, candied fruits
Thanks to the variety of shapes and colors, they fit perfectly into any candy bar composition.

- portioned desserts consisting of biscuits, fruits, berries and cream. Served in transparent bowls. They are easy to prepare, look very beautiful and appetizing, and are eaten with great pleasure.

Sugar crystal on a stick

Bright straw.

You just need to melt the chocolate in a water bath and dip the straw


Lemonade, fruit drink, compote, juice are always in great demand. Such inexpensive but tasty drinks for children's table. The main thing is packaging.

Until the age of 12-13, the jugs on the sweet buffet have nothing to do. All drinks are served in portions in glasses, jars, bottles with personalized labels. Preferably with a straw.

Hot drinks (fruit tea, cocoa) can be offered once during the allotted time. So that there is an adult at the distribution and that children do not run around with cups at this time.

Milkshakes (milkshakes)

They must also be served at a certain time, as they tend to settle.


Dark chocolate and orange panna cotta


Dark chocolate:

- Dark chocolate - 125 g
- Orange zest

Panna cotta:

Cream (low fat) - 300 ml
- Milk - 125 ml
- Gelatin - 2 teaspoons
- Bitter orange confiture - 2 tablespoons
- Sugar - 1/2 cup


1. Dark chocolate cream:

Break up the chocolate and place in a bowl. Boil the cream and pour it over the chocolate, add the grated zest and stir until the chocolate melts. Place the glasses in a saucepan at an angle and pour in the chocolate. Thus, place the pan in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours to set the shape.

2. Orange Panna Cotta:

Pour gelatin into milk (25 ml) and place the bowl of milk in a water bath. The gelatin should dissolve. Bring the cream, sugar and the rest of the milk to a boil over low heat. Remove from heat and pour gelatin into cream, add confiture. Stir the entire mixture thoroughly to distribute the gelatin. Add sugar if necessary. Cool to room temperature and pour over frozen chocolate. Refrigerate for 4 hours or leave overnight.

Bon appetit!


● 4 cups sugar;
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● 2 tbsp. gelatin (20 g);
● 1 tsp. citric acid;
● 0.5 tsp. soda

Soak the gelatin in advance (2 tablespoons with topping per 100 g of water). Pour sugar into a saucepan, add a glass of cold water and place on medium heat, remembering to stir. From the moment of boiling, time it for 3 minutes and add the prepared gelatin, remove the pan and mix everything thoroughly until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Let the liquid cool a little, but only a little while we beat it while it’s hot.
Beat with a mixer for 5 minutes at medium speed, take a break for 5 minutes and beat again for exactly 5 minutes.
Add citric acid and soda.

Beat again, but with a hand whisk for about 10 minutes. Let the mass stand for about 20 minutes. The marshmallow mass will double in size, so there will be a lot of marshmallows. Prepare trays, cutting boards preferably made of plastic. Place the mass on boards, which must be moistened with water so that the marshmallows didn't stick.
When the cakes have hardened, carefully remove them with a thin knife and glue them together in pairs. Zephyr is ready!

Enjoy your tea!

Strawberry fudge


●340 ml condensed milk without sugar
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●600 g powdered sugar
●30 g oil
●275g fresh or frozen strawberries, chopped
●2 tablespoons lemon juice


1. Grease a baking dish (approximately 23 x 23 cm).
2. Combine condensed milk, powdered sugar, and butter in a large saucepan; bring to a boil over medium heat.
3. Add strawberries and lemon juice. Cook, stirring constantly, until the temperature of the mixture reaches 112-115 degrees or, if you do not have a kitchen thermometer, until it becomes a soft ball (if you drop the mixture into a glass with cold water, it should form a soft ball and not spread out).
4. Remove from heat and quickly pour the mixture into the mold. Once the mixture has hardened slightly, you can create patterns using a knife. Let cool completely before cutting.