What date is Teacher's Day, history of the holiday in Russia. Teacher's Day in Russia What date is Teacher's Day?

Teachers all over the world celebrate their professional holiday. This is the perfect excuse to thank your school mentors for their care, attention and hard work. The holiday is accompanied by obligatory congratulations, school concerts and the presentation of gifts. We will tell you more about Teacher's Day and its celebration in this article.

History of Teacher's Day

The exact date of Teacher's Day is controversial. To resolve them, we looked at the origins of the holiday. For the first time, honoring teachers began in distant Brazil in the 1940s. A few years later, the wife of US President Eleanor Roosevelt founded a holiday for teachers in her country in order to draw attention to the problems of American schools.

In 1965, the USSR government established Teacher's Day on the first Sunday in October. The celebration was loved by the staff and students of Soviet schools, who held fun events in honor of teachers. In 1994, UNESCO designated October 5 as World Teachers' Day. The holiday is celebrated in 120 countries around the world. The Russian government moved Teacher's Day to this day, but many educational institutions celebrate it the old fashioned way. IN former USSR events last throughout the first week of the second autumn month.

Holiday traditions

Since Soviet times, students have been preparing pleasant surprises to their mentors: they cover the classrooms with inflatable balloons and wall newspapers, paint the blackboard, prepare songs, dance numbers and funny skits. On a holiday, lessons begin with congratulations and presenting gifts to the teacher. Some schools hold a self-government day. High school students act as teachers for the kids, and real teachers enjoy their “day off.”

Graduates often come to their home schools to congratulate former teachers. However, do not forget that October 5 is not only fun party. On this day, pedagogical conferences, congresses and awards are held for teachers who have achieved special success in the professional field.

Teacher gift ideas

It's no secret that the most common gifts are flowers, sweets and symbolic trinkets. But sometimes parental committee decides that the teacher deserves a more significant gift. We have collected several options that will delight school mentors.

  • A beautifully designed album with photographs and wishes from schoolchildren will certainly touch the class teacher, who has devoted more than one year to his students.
  • A collective craft is a great gift for a primary school teacher.
  • A teacher with a sense of humor will appreciate a humorous diploma or medal.
  • An elegant diary or a convenient briefcase will come in handy for a busy teacher.
  • An elegant scarf or shawl will complement every woman's wardrobe.
  • A gift related to the recipient's passion will demonstrate Special attention to his person. For example, a teacher who is a book lover will be delighted with a rare edition of his favorite author.

And remember that Teacher's Day is better time to say “thank you” to the teachers and arrange an unforgettable holiday for them. After all, no gifts please as much as attention and sincere smiles.

It is difficult to overestimate the contribution of teachers to the upbringing of children, the formation of their personalities and life views. From the lips of teachers, students receive important knowledge, valuable instructions, advice, and for many people, it is the first teacher who is an example to follow. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that Teacher’s Day is considered important event and is celebrated in every school throughout the country.

In Russia main holiday All teachers are celebrated annually on October 5th. Teacher's Day 2017 falls on Thursday.

history of the holiday

This holiday was first celebrated in our country in 1965 - then the USSR government decided to create a professional holiday for all teachers. The day of celebration was the first Sunday in October. IN Soviet times, as now, the teaching profession was very important, and the work of teachers was highly valued, so Teacher’s Day took root very quickly.

The holiday was celebrated on a large scale - schoolchildren came to classes with bouquets of flowers, ceremonial assemblies were held in honor of teachers, as well as concerts at which students performed. Children and their parents tried to express their gratitude to the teachers for their hard work.

In 1994, it was decided to move the celebration of Teacher's Day to October 5, which corresponds World Day teachers. Since then, the date of the holiday has remained unchanged.

Every country has its own history of Teachers' Day. For example, in Brazil they began to celebrate the professional holiday of teachers in 1947 in one of the schools in Sao Paolo, and already in 1963 Teacher’s Day was recognized official holiday and began to be celebrated annually on October 15. In the United States, honoring teachers began in 1953 at the instigation of Eleanor Roosevelt. The country's first lady responded to the calls of teachers to pay attention to the problems of education and proposed celebrating Teacher's Day annually.

Celebration traditions

Today Teacher's Day is celebrated no less solemnly than it was during the USSR. Children also give teachers bouquets of flowers and prepare various performances for them. Schools organize holiday concerts, where students can show off their talents and express gratitude to their teachers through a song, poem, dance or a short theater performance.

On this day, many schools hold symbolic awards for teachers, celebrating their achievements and contributions to the development of the school. In addition, parents often give mentors to their children small gifts to thank them for their work.

However, Teacher's Day also has a more serious meaning, because it is intended to draw the attention of the authorities and the public to the problems existing in the education system. Thus, as part of the day, teachers often hold various congresses and conferences dedicated to the main issues that concern teachers.

At such events, problems of financing, development of new curricula, and teaching methods are discussed. various items. Teachers share their experiences and offer their own ways to solve current issues.

Congratulations on Teacher's Day

Many students and their parents are looking for interesting options Congratulations on Teacher's Day. Cute poems that can be written in a postcard, sent in an SMS message, or read when presenting a bouquet or a gift to your favorite teacher always remain relevant. For example, you can congratulate the teacher with the following lines:

Dear teacher, we thank you

For difficult work, for patience.

Receive from us at this festive hour

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.

May your path be easy, and students,

They appreciate all the instructions and knowledge.

And may your days accompany you

Success, luck and prosperity

We hasten to congratulate you on the main holiday of autumn,

We wish you teacher inspiration with all our hearts.

May there never be any big obstacles in your life,

But only moments of joy and constant growth in salaries.

On Teacher's Day, only warm words for you,

And sincere wishes of happiness.

Children are out of your hands every day

Receives a whole storehouse of knowledge.

Thank you for all the lessons of happiness,

For kindness, for wise advice.

Let bad weather bypass your life

Let life be easy in the world.

Gifts for Teacher's Day

On Teacher's Day, I would like to congratulate the teacher not only kind words and flowers, but also pleasant. But what is appropriate to give in this case? First of all, you should identify which gifts should definitely not be presented.

So, it is better to avoid the idea of ​​buying something too personal, such as an item of clothing, as a gift, as this may be taken by the teacher as a hint that he or she is a bad dresser. The only exception is a beautiful warm shawl if the recipient of the gift is a woman, or, for example, a bow tie if the teacher is a man who loves this accessory.

Also, you should not give money in an envelope - this is bad form, and is also associated with bribery. You can also include here too expensive gifts which may put the recipient in an uncomfortable position. Remember that the teacher needs to be congratulated and thanked for a really hard job without making him feel awkward.

A good idea is to give your teacher:

  • Symbolic gifts - your favorite teacher can be awarded to the whole class with a medal, cup or certificate with the inscription “To you.” the best teacher! or “For your patience!” The teacher will be pleased to receive such a gift and will be able to place the award in a prominent place in the classroom.
  • Stationery gifts - of course, this does not mean a box of pencils or a stapler, because to please the teacher, you need something more original. So, you can buy a leather folder for documents, a stylish organizer, a good diary in a beautiful binding, and a personalized pen. You can also give a small, convenient briefcase, in which it will be convenient for the teacher to carry notebooks.
  • Gifts for the interior - if you want to give the teacher something “for the home”, then you can buy a beautiful painting, panel, vase or lamp. It should be borne in mind that their design should be discreet, the same applies to the color scheme. Too many may simply not fit into the interior and end up in the far corner of the mezzanine.
  • Gifts based on hobbies - if you know what your teacher's hobbies are, then you can give something related to his interests. So, if he collects, for example, porcelain elephants, then you can buy him another item to add to his collection. You can give a geography teacher a small safe in the shape of a globe, and an English teacher an original book by a famous English author.

One more good option The gift is a beautiful photo album, but not a simple one, but with pictures of all the students in the class and wishes from each of them. At the same time, too original or funny gifts It is better not to buy as they may be misunderstood. An exception is allowed if the teacher loves pranks, interesting things and is not averse to playing tricks on the students.

Teacher's Day is a special holiday on which it is especially important to congratulate your teachers and express gratitude to them. The profession of a teacher is far from the easiest; every day teachers try to teach children new things, give them maximum useful knowledge and advice that will help them in life. adult life. And for this we definitely need to say thank you!

Teacher's Day is one of the most significant holidays autumn, this applies both to students and to the representatives of this noble, and, undoubtedly, very important profession. Today this holiday is celebrated in more than 120 countries around the world, including Russia. Moreover, in our country this significant day has been celebrated since the distant year 1965.

But at different times the date of celebration was postponed, so many are interested in the question: what date will Teacher’s Day be celebrated in 2017 in Russia?

The holiday in our country is a national one. On this day, public events are organized in many cities, and in the evening you can see fireworks.

Each of the students can say that on Teacher’s Day he feels special emotions, and this is not only due to shortened lessons and a simplified program. Everyone comes to school on this day “in parade”, teachers feel proud, knowing for each of their students that the profession is definitely significant for children.

But what date will Teacher's Day be celebrated in 2017 in Russia? Fortunately, today this date is known as October 5th. So, you can already start drawing Greeting Cards and prepare nice gifts for your favorite teachers.

World Teachers' Day – international name holiday. But what exactly does this holiday mean? We emphasize the role of all teachers working in different areas, their invaluable services in the process of improving the quality of education and great contribution to the development of the cultural level of society.

It is worth noting that in Russia Teacher's Day has been celebrated on October 5 since 1994. Then for the first time it was noted by the general public as international holiday. If someone doesn’t know when Teacher’s Day is celebrated in 2017 in Russia, and what date teachers should be officially congratulated, then you just need to remember the date, October 5th.

But why exactly October 5th? The fact is that in 1966, it was on this date that the Social Intergovernmental Conference took place, at which the status of teachers was considered.

It took place in Paris. But, as we know, quite a long time has passed since Teachers’ Day began to be celebrated on this very day.

For the first time in Russia, the holiday began to be celebrated on this day in 1994. But what happened before that? There was a tradition according to which All Teachers' Day was celebrated on the first Sunday in October. Probably for this reason, many are interested in the question of what date Teacher’s Day is celebrated in Russia in 2017.

How to celebrate Teacher's Day: different options for other countries

IN modern world, in which the democratic system and mass sameness are left far behind, different schools, and even classes, can celebrate Teacher’s Day in completely different ways. In the average Russian high school Parents of students, as a rule, collect money for a gift for the teacher.

The children themselves come with flowers, sometimes with candy, and give purchased or homemade cards. Some schools put theatrical performances, and organize various holiday events. Everywhere this holiday occurs in different ways, but what is important to the teachers themselves is the attention and warm attitude of their students, and not the formal gifts given on this day.

IN different countries Teachers' Day is celebrated in its own way. For example, in Poland it falls on October 14th. Main gift for teachers it means peace, on this day teachers are given a chance to get a good night’s sleep, which means they simply don’t come to school and devote the holiday to rest and to themselves. Who knows, maybe complete peace is the most relevant gift for any teacher.

In Australia, this day is celebrated on October 5th, just like here. But Australians are accustomed to celebrating any celebration magnificently and brightly: on this day, millions of fireworks burst into the sky, carnivals and festive processions take to the streets.

In the United States, National Teachers' Day falls on the Tuesday of the first week of May. In 1944, Arkansas teacher Mattie Whit Woodridge wrote letters to influential American leaders demanding a teacher's day. One of these leaders was Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt. On this day, students and their parents bring teachers lunch, flowers and small gifts. It’s worth thinking: maybe we will start giving teachers sandwiches, cakes and chicken legs?

In China, Teachers' Day is celebrated on September 17th. The holiday is given special attention, as it has a symbolic meaning. Teachers' Day was introduced in order to restore the prestige of workers engaged in intellectual work, because during the Cultural Revolution it was almost completely lost. Today this holiday in China is associated with pleasant emotions and gifts for both teachers and students: almost no one remembers its political overtones anymore.

But, no matter what country we live in, teachers should be treated with special respect. After all, they, whatever one may say, make perhaps the greatest contribution to the development of modern society and to the life of each of us.

At the same time, many of them sacrifice their own nerves, health and personal lives.

Of course, a holiday is good when Teachers' Day is celebrated in 2017 in Russia, we have already figured it out. But what would be a relevant gift for your beloved mentor on Teacher’s Day? It is this question that we will try to consider further.

What to give to a primary school teacher

When it comes to choosing a gift for a teacher, first-graders, or third- and fourth-graders, are unlikely to be competent enough to independently choose and give a pleasant and useful gift for the teacher. But parents come to help, but they also need to know exactly which gifts will be truly relevant and which ones should not be given.

So, the list of successful gifts for a primary school teacher can include:

  • photo frame with the inscription “Best Teacher”;
  • hours to class;
  • desk lamp;
  • book-shaped box;
  • photo album for school photos;
  • portrait of a teacher, painted on canvas from a photograph;
  • personalized memory card with engraving;
  • a stylish accessory, for example, a book holder, a cover or bookmark with rhinestones, a stand for stationery;
  • branded pen;
  • desktop stationery set.

It is worth paying attention to what is missing in the classroom. It might be worth buying new bookshelves, a heater, curtains.

Not all classrooms have everything necessary for a normal level of comfort for the teacher and the students themselves.

In general, there can be many options. Let’s not forget about personal symbolic gifts from the children themselves. It could be a homemade card or collage, a cake baked by a child with his mother, a small cute souvenir or soft toy. It all depends on how much the student loves and appreciates his teacher, and how much attention he is willing to invest in the gift.

Gift for the class teacher

On Teacher's Day, high school and junior high school students choose gifts for their beloved class teacher. As a rule, they also collect money for a gift on their own, and when buying a gift they are guided, first of all, by the size of the budget. Here it is important to know that for a small amount you can also buy a useful and memorable item.

The main thing to remember is that the class teacher spends a considerable part of his time at school, educating his students, so it is important to increase the level of comfort during work and make it more enjoyable.

The following gift options are suitable:

  • for a geography teacher - a globe or a beautiful map of the world;
  • You can give a biology teacher a flower in a pot or an encyclopedia of insects, plants or animals. Let’s not forget about microscopes, which today can be purchased at very affordable prices.
  • if the class teacher is a physical education teacher, a ball, tennis racket, personalized T-shirt or baseball cap would be a good and useful gift. There can be many options;
  • Don't know what to give your math teacher? This could be a good desktop calculator or any other useful thing in everyday life.

Now fashionable gifts are laser pointers, pens with telescopic pointers, UV lamps and other achievements of progress.

A cake with an appropriate inscription will always be a relevant gift; it could be a poem invented by the students themselves for Teacher's Day. A good tradition is to give away homemade baked goods from all students. You can also give it to your teacher.

What to give to the school principal

Every year a gift is presented to the school director. What could this thing be? As a rule, the choice is made in favor of subjects that are directly related to school work life.

Again, this could be an encyclopedia, a set of desk stationery, a painting or a wall clock that can be hung in the office, or a plant in a pot.

If the director is interested in something, for example, tourism, you can give him a good pair of binoculars or a monocle. Many will be glad to have a coffee machine, which is also simply an indispensable item for anyone involved in intellectual activities.

Sad statistics

Don’t forget what date Teacher’s Day is in Russia in 2017. Maybe it’s worth visiting your class teacher, who has already retired, or your first teacher, congratulating him with a bouquet of flowers and pleasant words.

After all, the world today has sad statistics: there are fewer and fewer teachers every year. This applies to both developed countries and third world countries; this is due to many factors:

  • reduction of the budget allocated for paying teachers (for example, the salaries of teachers in Tajikistan are not enough even for food);
  • lack of proper conditions for full-fledged work;
  • reduction of benefits;
  • constant stress causing health problems;
  • long working hours and unpaid hours.

In many countries, mainly African, there is a high percentage of teachers dying from AIDS.

It is important to remember that the work of teachers is associated with constant tension, dedication and the teaching to invest their souls in each of their students, which means that they need to appreciate teachers, past, present and future.

Teacher's Day is, without exaggeration, one of the most important professional holidays that are possible. How can one learn any other profession if one does not first obtain general literacy under the guidance of first preschool, then school teachers, and then master the profession, having already learned from teachers of a college, technical school, university, etc.? Celebrating Teacher's Day is a very kind and bright event every year, when students congratulate their teachers on their professional holiday and thank them for their work. Teacher's Day in 2018: what date is the holiday of teaching workers celebrated in Russia.

Teacher's Day in 2018 in Russia: what date is it celebrated?

Teacher's Day in Russia – October 5 every year. This holiday currently has the same, constant date.

As such, the holiday Teacher's Day appeared more than 50 years ago - in 1965, and, like many other professional holidays, it was tied to a day off, namely the first Sunday in October.

However, very close to the previous, unstable date for celebrating Teacher's Day, another international holiday appeared - World Teachers' Day, October 5th. This holiday was established in 1994 in memory of an event that happened a year later than the establishment of Soviet Teacher’s Day - in 1966, when on October 5, the first international document on the working conditions of teachers around the world - “On the Status of Teachers” - was signed.

At the same time, when the international holiday appeared, in 1994, Russian Teacher’s Day was timed to coincide with it. Therefore, for the last 24 years in Russia, the date of celebration of the professional holiday of teachers is October 5.

Many schoolchildren or people far from the education system often confuse Teacher's Day and Knowledge Day. Indeed, outwardly these holidays are somewhat similar. On September 1, teachers also receive bouquets of flowers and congratulations from students. However, Knowledge Day is a common holiday for schoolchildren who came for new knowledge, and for the teachers who will give them this knowledge. And Teacher’s Day is on the calendar a little later, in a little over a month, and it is exclusively a holiday for teachers.

What date is Teacher's Day in 2018 in other post-Soviet states

As for other states that were once part of Russia together with Soviet Union, That good tradition The celebration of Teacher's Day has been preserved in many of them. At the same time, everything is very heterogeneous regarding the date of celebration:

  • On October 1, it is celebrated in Uzbekistan (there it is even declared a day off), and in this state this date is permanent.
  • October 5 Teachers' Day is celebrated not only by teachers Russian Federation, but also by teachers in countries such as Azerbaijan, Moldova, Armenia and Estonia.
  • On October 7, 2018, the first Sunday of October, without changing old traditions, it is dated in countries such as Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine.

Be that as it may, no matter what date this wonderful holiday is celebrated, the teachers of all the listed states are essentially natives of one, Soviet system education, with all its undoubted advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the holiday also remains common.

Celebration as usual

In addition to the fact that the traditions of Teacher's Day are verbal congratulations that teachers receive from their students, these are often flowers, some gifts, etc. (where strict modern regulations do not prohibit this). Many schools prepare special concerts, draw wall newspapers, and host many other festive events.

IN last years Another interesting tradition has appeared, timed to coincide with Teacher’s Day. We are talking about days of self-government in schools, when students are invited to try themselves in a teaching position.

Days like these quickly make schoolchildren understand that a teacher’s work is not something simple and serene, and that giving grades is not the teacher’s only task. Students, at least for one day, can feel that teachers are essentially the same students who have to constantly prepare for lessons, only the teacher has no right to come to class unprepared, telling students that he forgot or could not prepare.

The editors of our site congratulate Russian teachers on their wonderful professional holiday! We wish that the ranks of school teachers are replenished only best graduates pedagogical universities, so that the state, not in words, but in deeds, values ​​the work of teachers, including financially. And so that teachers themselves perceive themselves and their profession with dignity, understanding that they are the main people in the education system on whom everything rests. Finally, so that, having felt this dignity, teachers could pass it on to their students, nurturing the uniqueness of each and raising future true citizens of our country.

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In 1994, she proclaimed October 5 as World Teachers' Day. It was on this day in 1966 that an important event for teachers took place: at an intergovernmental conference in Paris, UNESCO and the International Labor Organization adopted the Recommendations on the Status of Teachers - the first international document on the legal status of educators. The recommendations set out the rights and responsibilities of teachers and international standards relating to their training, professional development, recruitment and working conditions.

Meaning of Teacher's Day

World Teachers' Day is an opportunity to highlight the problems of teachers at the national and global levels and analyze their successes in an international context. This is also a reason to express gratitude to teachers.

Teachers are an investment in the future. They need knowledge and support to meet the diverse learning needs of each child.

In many countries, the quality of education is undermined by a shortage of teachers. There is also the problem of quality education: teachers often work without the necessary resources and without proper qualifications.

Lesson at school

The Russian Education 2030 Framework for Action highlights the fact that teachers play a fundamental role in equitable and quality education.

By 2030, an additional 3.2 million teachers will be needed to achieve universal primary education and 5.1 million teachers to achieve universal lower secondary education.

In the USSR and Russia, Teacher's Day was celebrated on the first Sunday of October for three decades. Later, Teacher's Day began to be celebrated on October 5.

Chemistry teacher

How to celebrate Teacher's Day

The traditions of Teacher's Day are constantly being transformed, adapting to the modern course of life. If in past years each class on Teacher's Day made wall newspapers for teachers, where congratulations to the teachers were beautifully written, now this tradition has not been preserved everywhere. But in almost all educational institutions Schoolchildren organize a concert for their teachers, where they perform dance numbers, songs and read congratulations from the stage.

In many classes, after lessons, a tea party is held with the class teacher, during which the teacher is presented with flowers and gifts.

Also on this day, parents of students come to school, and not because they were called there. They also congratulate the teachers.

Also recently, it has been customary to congratulate all teachers in in social networks and by email.

Also on Teachers' Day, schools try to make sure that teachers have a little rest on their holiday and spend time in the role of students. Lessons are usually taught by high school students, which is why the holiday is also called Self-Government Day.

Initially, the only events on Teacher's Day were congresses and conferences at which teachers discussed issues of school life. The main task of Teacher's Day at the dawn of the holiday was to draw the attention of the public and authorities to school issues. However, over the years, a tradition of celebrating Teacher’s Day developed, which has not undergone significant changes to this day. The most noticeable of them is flowers. Grateful students present huge, colorful bouquets of scarlet roses and fluffy asters to their favorite teachers. All free containers in the classroom are filled with flowers - and this floral kingdom cannot but please the eye.

What to give for Teacher's Day

A good gift for teachers on their professional holiday could be a set of good chocolate or candies, coffee or tea - it will always come in handy. It is also appropriate to give theater tickets for two. It is relatively inexpensive and very “intelligent”. Surely teachers will like books or CDs from the series “Museums of the World”, “Great Artists”, “Great Composers”.

You can also give a certificate for purchases in a store. For example, in GUM or TSUM: the teacher knows better what she is missing - paper, pens, folders or face cream. A calendar with a class photo would also be nice - touching, individual and useful.

Teacher in class

But what should not be given is cosmetics and perfume. It is clear that this may simply confuse the teacher. In addition, the chosen perfume may simply not suit her! But a body or hand cream from a well-known brand and good quality will please any woman. Tights, underwear, scarves and other items of clothing should also be excluded. Of course, as a woman, the mother of a schoolchild understands the teacher, but this is very personal.

The material is compiled on the basis of open sources.