What types of condoms are there? Condom sizes. Choosing the right size How to find out what size you are wearing

Sexual activity is the key to health and happiness family life. Factors that may seem insignificant at first glance, such as inappropriate condom sizes, can affect your enjoyment. According to recent studies, not all men know how to choose them, and this affects the quality of sexual intercourse.

Do condoms have sizes?

There are many myths about what sizes condoms come in. For example, that in Asia they are predominantly small, but in Africa and the Middle East the values ​​are many times higher. In reality, the production of contraceptives is not affected in any way physiological characteristics in the region. Manufacturers latex products They produce them according to the specified parameters that are presented to them by customers. They are standardized. You can more often find European and Russian contraceptives on sale:

  1. European standards dictate a length of at least 170 mm and a width of 44 to 56 mm.
  2. Scope Russian manufacturers slightly wider: from 178 (plus or minus 0.2 cm) and from 54 mm.

Types and sizes of condoms

The most popular and reliable contraceptive is produced different types. The materials from which they are made affect the quality of sexual intercourse.

  1. Latex condoms are the most durable and affordable condoms, but they somewhat reduce sensations during sex.
  2. Polyurethane is thinner, more elastic, but more expensive.
  3. Preventatives made from lamb intestines provide the most vivid tactile sensations, but do not protect against.

It is not enough to guess with the material. The “elastic band” should sit comfortably on the penis: not slip off or put pressure. The question arises: what sizes of condoms are there and how to make the right choice? The size of the contraceptive is measured according to a special table and is indicated on the back of the package. By Russian GOST All condoms have the same length (18 cm) and differ only in width. They are divided into 4 types with corresponding markings:

  • S (basic or narrow, up to 4 cm wide);
  • M (medium – up to 5 cm);
  • L (large – from 5 cm);
  • XXXL and Extra Large (huge).

Large condoms

The typical dimensions of a “large caliber” condom have a semicircle of more than 5.4 cm and up to 20 cm from the base to the tip of the penis. European standards are somewhat high - up to 56 mm in diameter. Americans measure in inches, and the Large measurement is designated as 49. In our country, larger size condoms are also available for sale, marked Extra Large, XL or XXXL. According to Russian standards, this is more than 6.2 cm in the head area and more than 5 cm at the base.

Average condom size

When a man does not know his own size, when purchasing, he pays attention to the standard condom size, which “suits most.” It is marked “M”, length – from 17.6 to 19 cm and 5-5.2 cm in diameter. If the contraceptive is easy to put on and fits tightly, this is exactly the case when the “universal” option is suitable. However, to foreign manufacturers must be treated with caution:

  • when buying Chinese items, take a size larger than indicated;
  • American standardized means of protection, choose a size smaller.

Small condoms

The smallest condom size – S – is suitable for a penis with a circumference of 4.4 to 5.2 cm and a length of up to 17.5. When purchasing a product in a store, it is important to pay attention to the back of the package, where these values ​​are indicated. Accepted Standards different countries determined minimum size condoms (170 by 42), but they are almost never produced, since the demand for them is not great. The German brand “My Size” occupies a strong position in this niche of barrier contraceptives. The parameters of the manufactured “mini” products are 4.7 by 16 cm.

Female condoms - sizes

In cases where the use of standard condoms is impossible (allergies, decreased sensitivity, erection problems, etc.), you can use an analogue for women - a femidom. The usual size of a condom for ladies is 8 cm in diameter and from 15 to 20 cm in depth. The shape of the femidom is adjusted to the size of the vagina. Outwardly it looks like a man's, but has a number of advantages:

  • much more pleasant to the touch;
  • slightly higher in efficiency (up to 98%);
  • It is not worn right before sexual intercourse, but at any appropriate time.

How to determine the size of a condom?

If a man uses condoms that do not match his size, problems may arise, ranging from the “protection” slipping during sex to problems with erection. You should not hope for luck when going for contraception. In order not to make a mistake with the size of the condom, you need to carefully study the data indicated on the package and remember some nuances:

  1. The exact sizes of condoms are written on back side packs. These are not markings, but the width in mm.
  2. Manufacturers indicate the width of condoms in a flat state. This number can be safely multiplied by two and you get what you need.
  3. The standard phallus is 13-18 cm. But condoms tend to stretch, so even for a penis of 21-24 cm, a standard one marked “L” and “M” is suitable.
  4. Before you find out the size of a condom, you need to have at least the slightest idea about your own parameters.

How to choose the right condom size?

Before you go to the pharmacy or supermarket for “product number 2,” it is important to know what to buy. How to choose the size of a condom? You can't do without a ruler here.

  1. First you need to measure the penis in an erect state: find out the circumference of the head and penis in the middle and at the base. The three values ​​obtained are added and divided by three. The resulting value is the diameter of the penis.
  2. The length is also measured in the erect state. Take a regular ruler and press it firmly against the pubic bone.
  3. You can try on a condom immediately before sexual intercourse, applying it to the phallus in an unfolded form.

Not only men, but also women who are active sex life, should know how to choose the right condom size. But you don’t have to get hung up on this matter: you can always learn to determine the dimensions “by eye.” Basic measurements are carried out as follows: a “mini” (S) protective device is taken for a small penis, a “maxi” for a large penis, and a “midi” for a medium one. If inconveniences arise, all necessary measurements are taken.

The idea that condom sizes are predominantly small in Asian countries and large in the Middle East and Africa is just a myth. In fact, manufacturers produce products according to the parameters that customers need, so choosing a size based on the country of manufacture has no basis.

It is better to buy a condom at a pharmacy or supermarket

It is best to buy condoms at a pharmacy, since this is where the most correct and reliable conditions for their storage are provided. Of course, in pharmacies the cost of products No. 2 may seem higher than in supermarkets, but only from a medical professional can you get clear information about this product.

Buy condoms in large stores shopping centers quite acceptable, especially if information about the product is known in advance and you just need to take familiar packaging. But under no circumstances should you buy condoms at a kiosk at a bus stop. Firstly, it is not clear how they were stored, in case they were in the sun. And secondly, when choosing a size or any features (manufacturer, smell, taste, color, presence of pimples, etc.), these characteristics have to be discussed with the seller. And not every buyer finds it acceptable to communicate about some particularly personal preferences with a stranger.

Therefore, it is still better to go shopping at the supermarket, since you can choose the correct condom size only after standing with the package in your hands for some time. Or you need to go straight to the pharmacy, whose employees can competently answer any questions you may have and help you choose the right product.

Parameters of products of European, Chinese, American and domestic production

In order to make the right choice, you must first take into account the size of the condoms. In particular, in European countries the length of the product is 170 mm and the width is 52 mm (or 44-52 mm). But very often this information is difficult to find or is unreliable. There are 3 European sizes on sale: 49, 52 and 56. In accordance with the CEN 600:1994 standard, the width of the condom should be 44-56 mm.

But when choosing a Chinese-made product, it is recommended to purchase a product one size larger than necessary. The fact is that many buyers find them narrow in feel compared to their European counterparts.

American-sized condoms (49 mm wide) look wider compared to European ones (51-52 mm). This should also be taken into account when choosing a product.

Russian consumers often rightly believe that it is very important not to come across very small sizes of foreign-made condoms when purchasing. Domestic products produced in accordance with GOST are characterized by a length of up to 178 mm and a width of 54 mm.

How to choose the right condom size from those available on the market

So how do you choose the size of a condom? This is very important point for the convenience and pleasure of both partners, so this issue should be treated with due thoroughness. First of all, you need to measure the erect penis, namely its girth. The circumference must be divided by 2. The resulting value must be written down or remembered.

If the size differs from the standard 170*44 mm, you will need to select it more carefully. Today this is not a problem, since suppliers produce products increased to 54-56 mm.

Half-joking warnings for Russian men about not bumping into european size 44 mm often does not justify itself. In Holland, Germany and England, whose products are supplied to the CIS, the width is in the range of 49-56 mm, in Sweden it is 50-54 mm. And the most common is size 52 with a permissible deviation from the norm of 2 mm.

In America, the unit of measurement is the inch, and its fractional part is 1/8, and not 1/10, as is customary in our country. That is, 49 mm, 51 mm and 54 mm are the standard condom size in America. Moreover, there is an old joke that US citizens love only the largest things, that is, this statement was also reflected in latex products. They also produce condoms large sizes- 57 mm, 63 mm.

Quality of material and thickness of the condom

The fact is that differences in the labeling of manufacturers in different countries do exist. Therefore, consumers have reason to be concerned about whether condoms have sizes and how to learn to understand them.

Chinese products with a nominal width of 56 mm are much narrower than their American counterparts with a width of 54 mm precisely because of the properties of the material. For example, the LifeStyles Form Fitting (49mm) appears wider than a large number of European condoms 51-52 sizes. Of the products that can be purchased in Russia, the largest is Innotex Plus - 56 mm.

The thickness of condoms is usually 0.06-0.07 mm or 0.04-0.08 mm for the European standard. But although this is an established value, in practice everything is somewhat different. The fact is that different people may find, for example, Innotex condoms either thick or thin. LifeStyles are characterized by a thickness of 0.10 mm, but Primeros Erotic Ribbed (Czech Republic) with an actual thickness of 0.08 mm seemed uncomfortable and “thick” to many when using. At the same time, ladies usually prefer thinner condoms, since they do not block heat and do not create the sensation of sex with an artificial object.

How to prevent condoms from breaking and slipping

Very often two problems haunt us: tearing and slipping. It is very important to use a condom correctly, but its quality should also not be in doubt. The largest number of claims regarding the strength of branded protective equipment were brought against the American brand LifeStyles.

To reduce the problem of slipping, you should pay attention to contour condoms. They fit tightly and maintain the anatomical shape of the penis.

Tensile and slip strength directly depends on the width and thickness of the product, as well as on lubrication. But here you need to decide on the main criterion yourself, since abuse of these parameters can lead to a decrease in sensitivity.

And to eliminate these problems, it is very important to choose the correct condom size. If the product has smaller dimensions than required, then there is a risk of it breaking, and if it is larger, slipping becomes an unpleasant consequence. It is especially bad if it remains in the vagina.

How to choose the right condom quickly

If you don’t have much time for selection, then you need to buy a product whose length is more than 170 and width is 44-56 mm. In this case, the size will definitely be suitable. You should also consider options made from rubber, which can stretch well.

But since there are products on sale various lengths and width, then this must be somehow justified. It is logical to think that it is advisable to use small condoms for men with a small genital organ and vice versa.

Deciding on a condom that is suitable for a particular person can only be done experimentally. According to statistics, a standard size penis has a length of 13 to 16.9 cm when erect. Therefore, for such men, when looking for an answer to the question of how to determine the size of a condom, you should pay attention to the appropriate product options.

If, given the standard characteristics of the penis, the classic condom size is inconvenient

As practice shows, owners of classic sizes are not immune to the fact that the condom may seem short, narrow or wide. If this happens, then you need to inquire about the value indicated on the package (for medium condoms this is 52-54 mm).

And if the standard is narrow, then you need to purchase a product with a larger width, that is, 54-57 mm. XXL or King size is often written on the packaging, but since you need to find out the size of the condom correctly, the main criterion when choosing should be the width value.

But if the standard size turns out to be wide and slides down during sexual intercourse, then you need to buy a product with a value of 52 mm or less. Such condoms are called “tight-fitting”.

What other values ​​are taken into account when producing condoms?

When talking about the dimensions of “rubber product No. 2”, the following parameters are usually implied:

  1. Length.
  2. Width at the base.
  3. Width near the head.
  4. Reservoir size (for sperm storage).

The fact is that a man can choose a condom for himself that seems to be suitable for the length and thickness of the penis, but in reality he feels uncomfortable wearing it. In this case, you should take into account the discrepancy in the parameters given above, and then contact your pharmacist with a question about what sizes of condoms of the same trademark he can offer an alternative and find for himself suitable look goods.

But in fact, there are currently no special production standards for the production of latex products, since the material used for their manufacture stretches well and therefore the same size suits many men.

Types of condoms (a few more words about sizes and materials)

The difference between the width of the largest product and the same parameter of a small condom is 1.5 cm. The average length of a condom is 19 cm, the width at the base is 5 cm, and at the head it is a little more than 5 cm. Condom packaging largest sizes signed with the word Magnum or XL, XXL.

The most common materials for the production of condoms are:

  1. Polyurethane.
  2. Latex.
  3. Polyisoprene.
  4. The most expensive products are condoms made from lamb intestines, which provide the greatest sensitivity during sex.

If you need to buy a condom quickly, without thinking too much about its characteristics, then first of all you need to pay attention to rubber products. They tend to stretch better than others.

Mistakes when buying condoms

When choosing a condom, only 2 mistakes are possible: either the product will be too small, or, conversely, too large. Each of these reasons entails unpleasant consequences.

If you chose a medium-sized condom that could not withstand the stress of sexual intercourse, then this is not at all a signal to refuse products of this brand. Rather, in the future you need to give preference to a slightly larger thickness.

A very narrow product causes a feeling of constriction and can tear during sex. But the main rule of safe love is this: the more comfortable the condom is, the stronger the protection. A very important criterion when purchasing is how tightly the product fits the penis. But this does not apply to condoms that are too tight.

Numerical dimensions

Condom width in centimeters:

  1. Narrow condoms - up to 4.5 cm.
  2. Medium - 5 cm.
  3. Large - more than 5 cm.
  4. Very large - with a thickness near the head of more than 6.3 cm, and at the base - exceeding 5.1 cm.

And for owners of very large sizes, suppliers produce products more than 20 cm in length. There is usually no question about the length of the product, because it is usually 19 cm and is suitable for a medium-sized male genital organ.

The condom is rolled up so that it can be easily “rolled out” to the desired length. Owners of a very long organ can unfold the product completely, but other men - according to size. It is not at all necessary to use a fully unrolled condom, because this entails discomfort in the testicles.

Sensitivity in a condom

Skin sensitivity is ensured by:

  1. Thermoreceptors (for sensing temperature changes).
  2. Mechanoreceptors (for the sensation of slight stretching of the skin).
  3. Pain receptors.

Sensations during sexual intercourse are provided by the first two types nerve endings. That is, when putting on a small condom, the mechanoreceptors are irritated by pressure. And then the vagina’s abilities become insufficient for any sensations to appear during sex. As a result, you need to either make very sharp thrusts, or wait until the penis simply falls.

Therefore, when choosing a condom, first of all, you need to choose a fairly loose product, but one that does not fly off during sexual intercourse.

It happens that a man feels the need to reduce the sensitivity of the genital organ. It is also possible that a person, on the contrary, likes a tight fit. Therefore, again, everything here is based solely on personal preferences.

Let's summarize our conversation about how to choose the size of a condom. This is a very important process that allows you to avoid problems of tightening, tearing and discomfort during sexual intercourse in the future. It is necessary to try to choose the correct width of the product. Although in any case, preference should be given to the condom that feels most comfortable.

If you ask men what a good condom means in their understanding, most of them will immediately answer – the one that is comfortable.

And not the one in which it is safe. But all factors must be taken into account, otherwise there is no point in using a condom at all.

How to choose a condom so that it simultaneously provides comfort and maximum protection against sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy?

How to choose the right condom - basic criteria

Of course, it is very important that the contraceptive does not cause inconvenience during sexual intercourse and does not spoil the pleasure. In most cases, it depends on its width, thickness and quality of material.

But when purchasing, it is still impossible to check how comfortable it is. You can only reduce the risk of an unsuccessful and even dangerous acquisition if you do not neglect the following criteria:

  • Condom size;
  • Thickness and presence of additional functions - lubricant, flavoring, spikes, antennae;
  • Manufacturer;
  • Price.

Buying condoms at random is strictly not recommended. If it doesn't fit, you can't return it or exchange it. It is also important where these products are purchased.

It is best to trust the pharmacy - they will issue a receipt, which is also a guarantee for the product, and at the same time they can advise if you have any difficulties in choosing a condom.

In addition, condoms are stored in the pharmacy in proper conditions, which cannot be guaranteed if this product is purchased in a regular store or even on the market.

And now more about the sizes, material and other characteristics.

How to choose a condom size

As a standard, condoms are produced with a length of 170 mm and a width of 52 mm. The width is average. In Europe, three variants are common: 49, 52 and 56 mm. The established European standard CEN600:1994 requires that the width of the product be in the range from 44 to 56 mm.

The Russian manufacturer offers condoms of standard length 178 mm and width 54 mm. This is precisely why domestic consumers believe that imported products are “cramped” - however, quite rightly.

Although Germany, England, and Holland produce products in expanded sizes - up to the same 54 mm. And among condoms made in Sweden you can find models even 56 mm wide.

When purchasing Chinese-made latex products, it is always better to add one or two more sizes: those models that say 50-52 are in fact often designed for 44-46.

Condoms from an American manufacturer, despite the stated width of 49 mm, look larger than domestic ones with a width of 52-54 mm. No wonder there is a joke that Americans should have the biggest everything.

Size information must be clearly indicated on the packaging. But in practice, it is not so easy to detect them, and they often turn out to be unreliable. So which size is better to choose from all those presented and how to be safe from a possible mistake?

The most common condoms are 52 mm wide with an error of 2 mm in both directions - these are the most reliable ones to buy, so as not to make a mistake.

But before that you need to determine your own size. How to do this correctly?

First of all, the width of the condom is taken into account - both too wide and too narrow a product are equally unreliable and uncomfortable. The wide one will slide, and the small one will press. Therefore, in order to correctly determine your required size, you need to follow these simple steps:

  1. Bring the penis into an erect state;
  2. Measure its girth with a centimeter;
  3. Divide the resulting value by 2;
  4. Write the result on a sticker or just remember it, and then go to the store.

As was said, it is better to go to a pharmacy for purchases of this kind.

Thickness and material

How can we explain such a difference in the actual width of latex products and the declared one, if we compare products manufactured in different countries? Not only ethnic features of male anatomy, as most immediately think. It's all about the material.

But there really is a difference. Chinese condoms, with a maximum width of 56 mm, are actually narrower than the American counterpart, which is 54 mm wide. And the reason is the elasticity of the material. For clarity:

The Life Stiles Form Fitting model has a width of 49 mm, but in practice the width of the product is no less than the European nominal size of 52 mm.

Therefore, if discrepancies in sizes lead to confusion, and there is no time to think and guess, it is better to purchase condoms from a European or domestic manufacturer with a length of 170 cm and a width of 46 to 52 mm made of rubber. Rubber stretches better than latex, so even if there is a small mistake, the condom will fit.

As for thickness, the standard parameters are:

  • from 0.6 to 0.7 mm in our country;
  • from 0.4 to 0.8 mm in Europe;
  • and up to 0.10 mm in the USA.

It is noteworthy that, contrary to the generally accepted opinion that a condom reduces the sensitivity of a man’s penis, it is young ladies who insist on a “thinner” product.

This is motivated by the fact that when using a thick condom, they do not feel warmth and get the feeling of sex not with a living person, but with a dildo.

You need to take into account what you have different people different susceptibility. What seemed too dense for some may be just right for others. For example, the same American “Lifestyles” received different reviews, despite the thickness of 0.10 mm, as did the domestic “Innotex”.

But for some reason the Czech products Primeros Erotic Ribbed seemed thick and uncomfortable to many, although their thickness is only 0.08 mm.

The conclusion suggests itself: determining what length, width and thickness are optimal can only be done experimentally. In this case, one should take into account not only the size of the penis, but also the opinion of the partner, her feelings during sexual intercourse.

Because the standard sizes The length of the male genital organ in an erect state ranges from 13 to 17 cm, which is exactly the length that standard condoms are designed for. It is better to pay attention to the width; how to determine this parameter was explained above.

Actually, only those whose real sizes really differ greatly from the standard ones in one direction or another should worry.

In other cases, problems arise only if the packaging contains frankly false information.

Why a condom may not work

It also happens that the measurements were taken correctly and the product was selected in full accordance. But during use it turned out that the condom was too narrow, short or simply uncomfortable. What could be the reason?

The fact is that the sizes may vary according to the following parameters:

  1. Width at the base.
  2. Width at head.
  3. Tank size.

Each man has his own anatomical features, so even if the width and length of the condom are appropriate, the shape itself may not be suitable. In this case, it is better to consult with the seller at the pharmacy what analogues he can recommend in the same sizes.

In principle, modern materials are so elastic that there should not be any special problems, even if the size was chosen with an error of one. What is now called “rubber product No. 2” made from?

Publicly available products are made from the following materials:

  • Polyurethane;
  • Polyisoprene;
  • Latex.

They also produce premium class products from lamb intestines using a special technology - their main advantage is that they provide very high sensitivity during sexual intercourse. Such condoms are hypoallergenic and practically imperceptible.

From a practicality point of view, it is better to choose rubber condoms, especially if there is no exact information about the required size. By the way, if we talk about sizes again, then in fact the difference between the largest and widest condoms in width is 1.5 cm.

The average length is approximately 19 cm, and the girth is 5 cm. At maximum stretch, the parameters will be even greater, that is, in most cases the condom should fit even with sizes exceeding the standard ones.

If the product still turns out to be tight, you should pay attention to products marked “XL”, “XXL” or “Magnum”. Typically, such marks are used for extra-large size condoms, and there certainly shouldn’t be any problems with them.

And yet, there is such unpleasant news as, so if a man or a woman has this problem, you need to know how to solve it.

Does the condom have a size? Yes, sure! A properly selected condom is the key to comfortable, safe and enjoyable sex for both partners. Condoms differ in three dimensional parameters: condom thickness, length and width. The main factor in the comfort of a condom is, first of all, the correctly selected width. Other factors fade into the background.

Conventionally, condoms can be divided according to clothing sizes: S, M, L, XL; but such designations are not used in our country, with the exception of XXL sizes. But, again, each brand has its own xxl size, so, again, these designations are relative. Attention should be paid directly to the length/width indicated on the packaging.

Width! The width of a condom refers to the length of the semicircle, not the radius or diameter!

Where are the condom sizes indicated?

In most cases, the size of the condoms is indicated on the back of the package. As a rule, the dimensions are accompanied by a schematic drawing.

About standard condom sizes

Standard condom size in regulatory documents defines GOST No. 4645 of 1981, which states the following: The length of the condom must correspond to 178mm/54mm (length/width). The permissible error in dimensions is +/- 2mm.

Although this GOST corresponds exclusively to Russian products, practice shows that for the most part foreign brands Condoms have similar sizes.

Standard condoms have a size of 180mm - length. 52mm – width. Wall thickness – 0.06mm.

Manufacturers of contraceptives adapt to sales markets, releasing a “standard” that is suitable for most men. Thus, based on statistics, standard condom sizes will suit most men, but they will not prove to be the “standard” in terms of comfort and safety. For a more natural sensation, you need to select a condom individually.

Disadvantages of condoms not selected according to penis size

If the condom is larger than necessary, there is a high probability that the condom may fall off during sexual intercourse with all the ensuing consequences in the form of sexual diseases and the possibility of conception.

If the condom is smaller the right size, sexual intercourse will turn into a test: when your penis is tightly squeezed by a condom, in addition to discomfort, arousal may disappear. There is a high probability of rupture.

How to determine the required size?

How do you know what size you need? - measure it! The measurement must be taken while standing so that the penis is in an erect state.

You will need a measuring tape.

1. Measure the girth of the erect penis at the base

2. We measure the penis at the junction between the shaft of the penis and the head, or at the thickest place

3. Add up the resulting values ​​and divide by 2. We get the average girth of the penis.

4. Divide the resulting girth by 2 to obtain the required width (length of the semicircle) of the condom.

Example: We measure the girth at the base – 110mm

We measure the girth under the head – 112mm

We get the average girth value: (110+112)/2=111

Calculate the size of the semicircle: 55.5mm

Penis diameter: 3.5cm (111/3.14)

For latex condoms, values ​​of +-3mm are allowed

Now you know how to determine and choose the right condom size. But for your convenience, we have prepared an informative table.

Durex is one of the most famous brands today, producing barrier principle contraceptives and all kinds of additional products. The name is an abbreviation of three English words: Durability - strength, Reliability - reliability and Excellence - superiority.

Durex condoms began to be manufactured back in 1929. If we take into account the production of products No. 2 worldwide, then approximately one fourth belongs to the Durex brand, which is about one trillion copies per year. Durex products can be found in more than 160 countries around the world, and it is the undisputed leader in 40.

Features and advantages of the design

Durex condoms (Durex) are not just a product similar to similar ones, only of different brands. The developers brought a lot of innovation into their design, which enabled Durex to occupy a vanguard position in the market. Of course, many consumers may find the price of Durex somewhat high, but they should remember that price determines quality. With these types of products No. 2 you can feel much more confident.

Here are the main innovations of Durex manufacturers:

  1. It was Durex that became the condoms that were first given a shape based on anatomical principles.
  2. For the first time, it was Durex manufacturers who began to use special lubricants for condoms.
  3. Durex pioneered the invention of contraceptives for those who suffer from allergic reactions to latex - non-latex condoms.
  4. Durex was the first to create and launch a website for contraceptive products.

To learn about all the possibilities of Durex condoms, you need to dwell in detail on the Durex brand range.

Brand line: similarities and differences

Over its almost hundred-year history, Durex has tirelessly invented new products. The main types of Durex are represented by a line of 11 items. Each type has its own specifics, special features that help make the optimal choice based on personal needs and wishes. All Durex brand condoms are dermatologically tested and electronically verified. Durex has developed and successfully produces the following types of barrier contraceptives.

  • Durex Classic.

Durex classics are always relevant. These lubricated condoms are simple and indispensable. They dont have unpleasant odor, which is a consequence of production using a special technology. Not a single flaw that could interfere with complete relaxation and enjoyment. It should be remembered that no contraceptive can guarantee 100% protection. But provided that it is stored correctly - away from sunlight, in a cool, dry place - the percentage of reliability is close to the maximum. Classic Durex have the following features:

  1. Made of transparent latex, have a special storage and silicone lubricant.
  2. The special shape, corresponding to the laws of anatomy, makes it easy to put on a condom.
  3. Size: length is 20 cm and width is 56 mm.
  • Dual Extase.

This type of Durex is designed specifically for simultaneous orgasm of partners. According to statistics, only in 27% of cases a man and a woman reach their peak together. Most often, men get satisfaction faster. In order to provide maximum simultaneous pleasure, Durex has created an innovative contraceptive that has the following features:

These condoms slow down ejaculation in men and make sex last longer.
  1. Natural latex, has silicone lubricant with benzocaine. It is an anesthetic that helps slow down ejaculation in men and prolongs sexual intercourse.
  2. The texture is equipped with convex dots (pimples) and rings. This helps to increase the woman's stimulation and speed up the onset of climax.
  3. Size: length - 19.5 cm, width - 56 mm.
  • Elite.

These luxury condoms are specially designed to enhance sensual pleasure. They have additional lubrication and no unpleasant odor. The features of this type include the following:

  1. Latex with a smooth texture.
  2. They are ultra-thin (0.065 mm), which allows partners to get as close as possible and feel each other during the act.
  3. Standard dimensions: length - 20 cm, width - 56 mm.
  • Extra Safe.

Durex are designed taking into account the wishes of consumers to be confident in absolute safety. It is slightly thicker than regular products No. 2, but this fact does not affect comfortable use. Characteristics of this type:

  1. Made from natural latex.
  2. With a thickness of 0.08 mm they have a smooth texture.
  3. Dimensions correspond to the standard: 20 cm - length, 56 mm - width.
  • Fruity Mix.

Durex manufacturers were the first to introduce flavored condoms to the market. This species has four tastes and smells: orange, apple, strawberry and banana. The main features include the following:

  1. Natural latex ones with regular silicone lubricant are made of multi-colored latex, matching the color of the corresponding fruit.
  2. They have a smooth texture and are slightly thinner than standard ones: 0.07 mm.
  3. Size: length is 22 cm and width is 53 mm.
  • Long Play.

These are special condoms created by developers to prolong pleasure. Their lubricant contains benzocaine, an anesthetic that slows down ejaculation. They are not recommended for use if partners have inflammatory processes and wounds. In addition, not everyone tolerates benzocaine equally well; it can cause irritation, itching and other allergic reactions. If severe negative symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor. The technological features of this type of condom include the following:

  1. Latex with silicone lubricant, 5% benzocaine added to delay climax.
  2. The texture is smooth, the color is standard.
  3. This contraceptive is slightly shorter in length - 19 cm, and the usual width is 56 mm.
  • Pleasuremax.

Literally this name can be translated as “maximum pleasure”. The condom is truly designed with the goal of optimal stimulation for both partners, and therefore has the following design features:

  1. Made from natural latex with silicone lubricant.
  2. They have a dotted structure (pimples) and a ribbed surface. The ribs (rings) are located at the very base to maximize stimulation of the clitoris during intimacy.
  3. The size is close to classic: length - 19.5 cm, width - 56 mm.
  • RealFeel.

They can safely be classified as a new generation of contraceptives. They are created using a unique technology that provides a skin on skin effect. Not a single movement of your partner will go unnoticed. High-tech, have the following features:

  1. They are made from synthetic advanced latex.
  2. Their texture is smooth, their shape is anatomical.
  3. The dimensions are close to the classics: 19.5 cm - length, 56 mm - width.
  • Sensation.

Created for sharpness and sophistication of sensations. With the help of special manufacturing technology and special texture, stimulation is significantly increased. Features include:

  1. Natural latex, silicone lubricant.
  2. The surface is covered with pimples (convex dots) that enhance stimulation.
  3. The size differs from the standard: length - 18 cm, width - 53 mm.
  • Durex XXL.

The name speaks for itself. They are intended for those men who do not fit into the standards. Features of contraceptives:

  1. Natural latex with silicone lubricant.
  2. Standard color with smooth texture.
  3. Increased size: 22 cm - length, 57 mm - width.
  • Avanti.

This species was developed and released in 1997. Its difference from all others is that it is hypoallergenic, since it is not made of latex. Its features:

This type of condom is not made from latex but from synthetic polyurethane.
  1. Condom made of synthetic polyurethane with lubricant.
  2. The material from which the contraceptive is made is more elastic and softer than natural latex.

What is it average price for new Durex brand condoms? On various websites you can find a standard package of 12 pieces of products at a cost of 500 to 850 rubles. On the official website of the manufacturer Durex you can find consumer reviews, and on various forums everyone who has used this brand leaves very positive reviews.

Having examined the Durex brand line, we can say with confidence that no one fully knows how many more contraceptive products the developers of this brand will invent and produce. They confidently keep the bar they once raised and are not going to stop there.