How to marry a Norwegian woman. Strong, reliable and highly desirable Norwegian men. Get married in Norway: what men value in women

Anonymous Friday, October 23, 2015 Comments: 2

Every woman dreams of being the most beautiful. This fact applies to both Norwegian women and emigrants. There is an opinion that Norwegian ladies are not particularly attractive, which is why foreigners are in special demand in Norway. This opinion does not have a solid basis and, even if your Norwegian partner ardently assures you that it was your beauty that became the reason for his choice, do not rush to blindly trust it. Surely he is disingenuous and the reasons lie in your other qualities. We’ll talk about this in the next article, but in this one we’ll talk about common myths about the beauty of women, Norwegian and not, and facts that may surprise you.

Myth 1 is the most common. Norwegian women are much inferior in appearance to foreign women.

So, let's start with the fact that Norwegian women are naturally very beautiful with a natural healthy beauty. Most of them have a smooth soft skin, healthy glow, white teeth and natural blonde hair. Young people from countries Latin America, Where bright skin and hair is worth its weight in gold, they claim that for them Norway is a Barbie doll store.

Indeed, young Norwegian women look like they came straight out of pictures in glossy magazines. Among them are simple girls, plump and thin, but it’s difficult to call their general features unattractive. Older women often retain their naturalness, although the country is slowly gaining momentum as cosmetic procedures like Botox and plastic surgery. In addition, a whole generation of mixed children has grown up in Norway, replete with rare beauties of all shapes and colors. In any case, Norwegian women are in no way inferior to foreign women.

Myth 2. Norwegians do not take care of their appearance.

This statement is partially true. Mothers of the family, as a rule, really push appearance into the background, devoting most of their time to work and children. This fact is based on the mentality of Norwegian mothers. It is unusual for them to cut down time on their sleep, hobbies and just entertainment in favor of time for self-care. Therefore, unpainted nails, split ends and rough heels are not a sufficient reason to put down your favorite book after a hard day.

Young and carefree girls can devote a lot of time to their appearance. The very fact that cosmetic products are selling like hotcakes indicates that Norwegians still take care of themselves.

Myth 3. Norwegian women are not feminine and look like men.

This myth seems to be not a myth, since in the country of victorious feminism, “unisex” fashion and propaganda are flourishing. Sex, as such, and gender roles are being erased and traditional manifestations of gender fade into the background. What does it mean? This means that women can have a completely unfeminine profession, which is what girls are actually attracted to. Police officers, military personnel, welders, construction workers. Soviet leaders would be very proud to visit Norway. This trend, however, does not have special disadvantages. Here you can see a pretty military woman with long blond curls, a busty policewoman with eyelashes, and a very attractive welder in a clean overalls.

Some women, however, wear windbreakers and sportswear exclusively. This trend is observed mainly in small towns and villages. IN major cities you will meet many fashionably dressed girls.

Myth 4. Norwegian girls have no sense of style.

This statement is a myth solely because the sense and concept of style varies from person to person and from nation to nation. Norwegians have a different concept of beauty and style than Russian people, so combinations of colors, shapes and styles may seem strange to you. Having lived in this country for more than eleven years, I have become accustomed to the local style and enjoy wearing clothes typical of the local population. In case you don’t know what to wear so as not to seem like a black sheep, I can recommend wearing either classic clothes, in seasoned color scheme, or sportswear. There is a lot of sportswear in Norway. The most popular brands are Bergans and Stormberg, which differ greatly in price and slightly in quality.

IN this moment The population of Norway is so mixed that here you can meet girls of all colors, shapes and shades, literally. Moreover, approximately 70% of them will be native Norwegians, with one of their parents a Norwegian citizen, or from immigrant families.

©, ruigsantos

In Norway I only knew my husband

Asian Bian moved to Norway with two children and a dream of a better life. She and her husband Ula had no common language to communicate, they spoke using gestures and nods. And when the husband tied up Bian’s daughter and began to beat her with a wooden ladle, the woman had no idea what to do. In Norway, she only knew the man she lived with.

“I had no idea how Norwegian society worked,” she says.

Some found themselves at the mercy of cruel men

Every year between 4,000 and 4,500 foreign women are brought to Norway. The goal is marriage with Norwegian men. These figures were provided to Aftenposten by Statistics Norway.

Some women come from countries such as Sweden or England. And then it’s easy for them to integrate. But almost every year most women come from other countries, and for them new language and a new culture when moving to Norway become much greater challenges.

Lawyer Gro Wildhagen has represented many foreign women who came to Norway for marriage to Norwegians: “Some of these men treat them in ways that are unimaginable. Most people have no idea what kind of monstrous behavior we are talking about. I have had to deal with cases when even we, who deal with these problems, almost fell out of our chairs when we found out exactly what actions were being discussed.

It's difficult to estimate how many of these marriages are problematic, but the uneven balance of power often causes difficulties, says Fafo spokesman Guri Tyldum.

“He knows the language, knows how Norwegian society lives, and she is a foreigner, she has no contacts. Some of the men are very lonely themselves, and this leads to the fact that the spouses live in complete isolation,” says Tyldum, who has been studying interethnic marriages for several years.


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Marriage to the Norwegian Ula was supposed to help Bian and her children get out of difficult situation, in which they found themselves at home in Asia. Single mother Bian felt constant fear after her eldest son was killed. She had to take her 14-year-old daughter, Lan, 14, and 12-year-old son Kim as far away from native village, but she had no money. And then one of her relatives told about the Norwegian Ole, who was looking for a wife.

Bian and Ula met in her village. She was in her late 40s, he was over 50. He was divorced, had two grown children, a job, and lived in eastern Norway.

True, Ula kept silent about the fact that both his daughter and ex-wife refused to communicate with him.

Bian and Ula had known each other for two weeks when they got married. The ceremony was very modest. Ola then went home to get the documents needed so that Bian and her two children could come to Norway. "It looks like he - good man“, Bian decided.

Six months after their wedding, Bian and her children moved in with a man they didn't know, in a country they knew little about.

“Integration depends on men”

Behind last years 3,460 children arrived in Norway whose mothers married Norwegians. What it will be like for women and children in Norway largely depends on men.

“Society has largely left the task of integrating foreign women to the men they are married to. If someone has a good husband, they have no problems, but there are others whose husbands are either prone to violence or do not have sufficient resources,” says Gyuri Tildum.

Lawyer Kristine Aarre Hånes, who has represented many foreign women who have ended their marriages with Norwegian men, emphasizes that women's chances of integrating into Norwegian society depend on whether their Norwegian husbands want this integration.

“This further upsets the balance of power. Some women and their children live in terrible and dangerous conditions in Norway,” says Orre Hones.

The police also warned about this. When the government wanted to tighten the law on foreigners, the police pointed out the existence of a vulnerable group with a need for protection, a group whose knowledge of the Norwegian language and life in the country was low: “We had the impression that this group of foreigners had not undergone any integration process,” wrote the Oslo Police Department in its response to the hearing question.

Newly arrived asylum seekers and their family members have the right and obligation to participate in a two-year induction program. This is their main occupation during this period. Foreign women married to Norwegian men are deprived of this opportunity. Instead, they are offered a short course in Norwegian, which includes a 50-hour “introduction to social studies” course.

You are not sent to courses immediately: they must be completed within three years after receiving a residence permit.

But even if foreign women suddenly acquire the surname Hansen or Berg by marrying a Norwegian, this does not mean that the process of integration will happen on its own.

“Immigration for family reasons is the largest in Norway, and yet it is this group of immigrants who are offered integration programs that are inferior to those provided to refugees. This makes women extremely vulnerable. IN new country they are just as vulnerable as other immigrants, they face the same challenges cultural differences mi, and they also know little about their rights,” says Tove Smaadahl from the crisis centers secretariat.

Smodal emphasizes how important an induction program would be for women living in complex interracial marriages: “If women participated in a two-year program, it would give them the connections they need, they would feel more confident,” she says.

Her opinion is shared by Gyuri Tyldum: “An induction program would do much more to help them learn to stand up for their demands.”

A neighbor accidentally discovered a bruise on Rebecca's face.

One day, when a neighbor rang the doorbell, Rebecca answered. There was a bruise under her eye, and the eye itself was swollen. She lived in Norway for almost a year before it became clear what the real situation was.

“I didn’t know anyone in Norway except my husband, I didn’t know how Norwegian society lived. The neighbor called the police. That was the first time I heard the word “crisis center,” Rebecca said.

And it all started so well. Single mother Rebecca was sincerely in love with “Petter,” a Norwegian man of her own age, whom she met in her homeland in Africa. After an affair that lasted several months, Rebecca became pregnant. Petter wanted her and son Martin to move to Norway with him. Rebecca was happy about this.

Dream of peaceful life in Norway evaporated as soon as she crossed the threshold of Petter's house. She was met by an angry African woman. It was Petter's ex-wife. Rebecca claims that he never mentioned her, although he still lived with her. Such a terrible scandal broke out that the neighbors called the police. After some time, the ex-wife left, but everything did not go the way Rebecca wanted.

She lived in complete isolation from the outside world. And no guests came to their yellow house.

“He is a lonely man, he has no friends,” says Rebecca.

“He beat me in front of the children.”

Petter's job required frequent business travel. Rebecca was left alone with the children for weeks. When Petter was at home, his children from his previous marriage were also there.

“He treated children differently. He often came home with gifts for his biological children, but brought nothing to my son. And my son was very upset,” says Rebecca.

The first alarm bell rang when they were driving somewhere by car. According to Rebecca, this happened when she began to protest about the way he was talking to her son.

“And then he punched me, right in the face. The children saw everything,” she said.

Rebecca didn't say anything else on that trip.

Because of abuse, the victim may be granted permission to remain

Women who are abused in marriage can obtain asylum in Norway under the so-called “abuse decision” in the Aliens Act. It allows women to remain in the country even if they end their marriage less than three years after the wedding. The problem is that women experiencing violence in marriage are often unaware of these options because they do not have the necessary contacts and are poorly aware of their rights.

Children's Commissioner Anne Lindboe says mothers arriving in the country as part of family reunification should be told they can apply for a residence permit if they or their children are being abused.

“It is important to inform them about this in detail and not limit yourself to just one sentence. They also need to be made aware that this also applies if children are abused or neglected at home,” says Lindboo.

When the neighbor knocked

A few days before the car ride, Rebecca was approached by an elderly woman in the store.

“She was very friendly and asked where I lived. “I told you,” she says.

It was this woman who accidentally rang the doorbell one day and found out that Rebecca had been beaten. The woman called the police.

“I was afraid that they would put Petter in prison, because I didn’t know anyone else in Norway,” Rebecca said.

Rebecca and the children were sent to a crisis center. They spent several months there before Rebecca decided to return to her husband. A few months later, she reappeared at the crisis center after further problems at home. This time she was pregnant with her third child. An allegation of ill-treatment was made against the husband, but the case was dropped.

Rebecca was lucky anyway. They believed her when she described the conditions in which she lived and was granted a residence permit in accordance with the cruelty clause. It was only after she left Petter that she had the opportunity to learn Norwegian and get to know the society in which she lives.

Some men do for their wives
so many

Tyldum points out that there are many examples of successful marriages between Norwegian men and foreign women. But in order for a marriage in which there are great cultural differences to be normal, both parties have to work hard.

“It’s when you look at the most successful men in this regard that you understand what’s wrong with others. Many men spend a lot of effort and resources trying to raise their wife to a level where she would feel equal and independent. For example, they teach her how to ride the bus, try to find her a job and a social circle. Such women have a great life in Norway because they have found men who want love, who want their partner to become independent,” says Tyldum.

Many women find it very difficult to leave their husband if he is bad.

“The lower a woman’s level of education, the more vulnerable she is. Some of these women are former prostitutes. Others are not particularly attractive on the marriage market at home because they already have children,” says Tyuldum.

Had to use a neighbor as a translator

Bian went to school for only three years at home. For her to understand the laws and regulations that exist in Norway was simply unthinkable.

“Everything was as Ula decided,” she says.

The couple did not have a common language, and when sign language was not enough, they had to turn to the Bian family of compatriots who lived next door to help with translation.

“We were completely alone in Norway. Ula did not communicate with anyone except his old mother. It seemed like he didn’t have any friends,” says Lan’s daughter.

Bian's Norwegian courses were her only connection with Norwegian society. She is hard of hearing and the courses did not help her much. She did not go to the second part of the classes at all, because she gave birth to a son, David, the child she and Ula had in common.

“The new Norwegian courses would cost 8,000 kroner. Ula didn’t want to pay that amount,” says Bian. Although she has spent many years in Norway, she still does not speak Norwegian and gives interviews with the help of a translator.

In subsequent years, Bian was at home. She says that she noticed that Ola drinks a lot and often. But she had no idea how much people usually drink in Norway.

Demanded 20 thousand crowns per month

And then Ula lost his job. He began to drink more. He brewed moonshine in the basement, says Bian.

Lan turned 17 years old. She was accustomed to hard work from childhood and found work in a restaurant for both herself and her mother. Bian did not have her own bank account, so her salary went directly to Ole. Lan and Bian worked six to seven days a week, from mid-day to late evening.

“Ula demanded 20 thousand crowns a month from us,” says Lan.

“He sat at the computer, drank and lost all his money playing poker online. And he kept itching that we should give him more money. We worked as hard as we could, but it was never enough,” says Bian.

“He had complete control over my mother.”

Lan went to a Norwegian school and became increasingly aware of the country in which they settled. She noticed that Norwegian women lived completely differently from her mother.

“He had complete control over her. I started talking about it and he didn’t like it,” Lan says.

The stepfather allegedly threatened Bian several times to send Lan home.

One morning, my stepfather was fed up with Lan's protests. He grabbed his skinny stepdaughter and cuffed her arms and legs with plastic handcuffs. Then he pulled off her trousers and began beating her with a wooden ladle. It seemed to her that he beat her for five minutes.

“The humiliation was as intense as the pain,” Lan admits.

In an expert report obtained by Aftenposten, Ola confirmed that he once violently shook his stepdaughter out of despair at how bad she was affecting her mother.

It's not easy for children to move in with a man they don't know.

Children coming to Norway can find themselves in difficult situations, says Hilde Lidén, a researcher at the Institute for Social Research.

“It can be very difficult for children to come here and find their place in a family that includes a Norwegian man they don’t know. Perhaps this man has never had children in the house before, and then a teenager appears, with whom he also cannot communicate,” says Liden.

This group of women and children has been poorly studied. “The authorities didn’t seem particularly concerned about the issue,” admits Liden.

“They should know about their rights from childhood”

Commissioner for Children's Rights Anne Lindbo says that more preventive work needs to be done at the level of local municipalities.

“It is necessary to talk with parents and examine children in children's clinics. Violence, assault and lack of attention should become the same natural topic as nutrition, smoking and other risk factors that are discussed, both in the clinic and with the local doctor,” says Lindboo.

Children should learn about their rights already in kindergarten.

“Many children don’t even know that violence is something bad. And we know that in a number of other countries violence is more common. And so children who are abused, harassed, or have their parents neglect their responsibilities may think that there is nothing wrong with it,” says Lindboo.

Marriage on the verge of real human trafficking

Some women living in interethnic marriages need special help. According to lawyer Gro Wildhagen, such cases involve repeated severe cases of violence and isolation.

“Some men hand over a woman to other men against her will. This exploitation is very close to human trafficking. It was not easy to get the courts and the police to believe this, because all this happens within the framework of marriage,” says Wildhagen.

Tyldum also describes some of these marriages as actual human trafficking.

“Some need sexual services, some need a female nurse or servant. Men in such relationships hold on tightly to power in order to prevent the woman from becoming independent,” says Tyldum.

Tove Smodal from the secretariat of the Crisis Center says that crisis centers throughout Norway have been receiving many foreign women who have been subjected to violence for several years, sexual harassment and mental abuse by Norwegian men.

“In many places in the country, women who have been abused by the same man come to crisis centers because some men import multiple wives,” Smodal says.

About the importance of neighbors

Tyuldum believes that the entire responsibility for the integration of foreign women and their children cannot be placed solely on the official authorities of the country.

“The human factor is no less important. Say hello to your neighbor, help a foreigner with her work. All forms of contact make a woman’s situation more stable,” says Tyuldum.

For both Rebecca and Bian, it was chance encounters with Norwegians that helped them escape marriages in which they felt completely isolated.

Suffered in silence

A young Norwegian who often came to the restaurant where Bian and Lan worked became Lan's boyfriend. When the man and his family found out the conditions Lan and Bian were living in, they were truly shocked.

“Bian and Lan had lived here for many years when we met. They had a residence permit and a work permit, but they had no idea that they could apply for Norwegian citizenship,” says Lan’s Norwegian mother-in-law, who has become a loyal assistant to the Bian family.

Now Bian and his children live in an apartment in a town in eastern Norway. Bian and Ula divorced, Bian is the guardian of their common son.

Bian and Lan still work hard, but now the money comes into their own account.

“We now have many friends in Norway thanks to work, school and my Norwegian boyfriend and his family. Without them, my mother would not have been able to end this marriage,” Lan says.

Bian's lawyer, Marie Sølverud, told how Bian suffered in silence and felt trapped in her marriage.

“They lived very isolated lives and my husband didn’t want them to integrate. Bian is an uneducated woman, like many other Asian women of her generation. She would hardly have been able to end this marriage if the daughter had not integrated and began to question her stepfather’s total control,” says Sølveryd.

Aftenposten has decided not to contact ex-husbands Bian and Rebecca to get their opinions because it would be unsafe for the women. In both cases, Aftenposten reviewed case documents and spoke with several sources who corroborate what the women said.
"They get basic knowledge"

The representative of the Progress Party, Per Sandberg, serves as the government's minister for immigration. He declined an interview. Communications Adviser at the Ministry of Justice and Public Security Andreas Bjørklund pointed out that everyone who comes to Norway under a reunification or family formation program has the right and obligation to take advantage of the opportunity provided to them to learn Norwegian and gain basic knowledge of Norwegian society.

“It is wrong that integration depends on their Norwegian spouses. Getting to know the basics of Norwegian society is a very important aspect of basic knowledge about society,” writes Björklund.

He emphasizes that municipalities can offer this course not only to asylum seekers, but also to other categories of immigrants if they see a need for it.

“The ministry does not have sufficient information about the extent to which local authorities are using this opportunity,” the official said.

InoSMI materials contain assessments exclusively of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the InoSMI editorial staff.

Many girls dream of marrying a Norwegian, because this country is famous for its riches. Indeed, the Scandinavian Peninsula is rich in gas and oil deposits and a lot of men are employed in this area, which brings a good stable income.

Historically, people associate the country of Norway with rude Vikings, eternal cold and delicious fish. This idea is partly true, since Norway is not a completely warm country; in winter the air temperature is slightly below zero, and in the summer only in July and August local residents can walk in a T-shirt and shorts. But the days of the Vikings are long gone and what most perceived as rudeness was actually determination, perseverance and strength of character. Modern Norwegians have inherited these qualities from their ancestors.

Marriage to a Norwegian – dream or reality?

The fact is that there are much more men than women in Norway. And many representatives of the stronger sex are looking for foreign brides, since local women are very passionate about emancipation and make every effort for personal development, and starting a family is in the background.
Getting to know Norwegians must be approached with the utmost responsibility, so that the relationship develops immediately and there is no misunderstanding.
But in order to successfully marry a Norwegian, you need to get to know the habits and characteristics of Scandinavian men.

What kind of Norwegian man is he?

If you decide to get married in Norway, then you need to be prepared for the fact that Norwegian men are not supporters early marriages. A Norwegian has been coming to the idea of ​​starting a family for years, saving money, creating himself as an individual, and only when he is completely sure that he wants to unite his destiny with his soulmate, does a Norwegian decide to look for a life partner. But, if a man begins to look for a wife, then the seriousness of his intentions can no longer be questioned. Let's learn about the national characteristics of Norwegian men.

Characteristics of Norwegians

  1. Courage
    The people of Scandinavia are famous for their courageous nature; they are not afraid to take risks. And this applies to business and international marriages. Men clearly know what they want from life, so they try to get it with all confidence.
  2. Enterprise
    A man will always find his niche in society; with a busy schedule, he can always find time for his family. Even with average income, this man will be able to organize a decent life for his beloved and children.
  3. Support
    The Norwegian is ready to give a lot to his chosen one, but he, like no one else, needs moral support. In Norway, some feelings are not usually made public, but between a married couple they value complete mutual understanding and support. Men are not ashamed to appear vulnerable to their wives in some way; they value sincerity in their chosen ones, the ability to listen and give practical advice.
  4. Independence in everyday life
    Norwegian guys are very hardworking, they don't hesitate to do housework. In Norway, it is considered normal for a man to wash his own clothes or clothes, cook dinner or go shopping. Therefore, you can get married in Norway without hesitation; girls will be pleasantly surprised by these men.
  5. Responsibility
    Men in Norway never abandon their children. Even if things didn't work out with their mother a good relationship, then they will help their children financially and morally all their lives. Therefore, if your chosen one has heirs from a previous marriage, then you will have to come to terms with this moment, otherwise you risk worsening the relationship.
  6. Love for nature The beauty of the Norwegian countryside develops a love for nature in boys from early childhood. Therefore, a Norwegian would rather spend time fishing, having a picnic or hiking in the mountains than going to a restaurant or nightclub. If you are a lover of outdoor activities fresh air, That interesting leisure with your chosen one on the weekend you are guaranteed.
  7. They don't forgive betrayals
    Many Norwegians are monogamous, this is due to the fact that serious relationship they start at a conscious age and therefore they simply do not accept cheating. For them, this is a betrayal that simply does not deserve forgiveness.
  8. Positive attitude towards single mothers
    It’s not scary if before meeting Norwegians a woman was already married and has children. For many men, a woman’s child from a previous marriage becomes an obstacle to starting a relationship, but this is not the case for Norwegians. Having children will never stop a true Scandinavian; on the contrary, these people are distinguished by their love for little children. In Norway, it is even customary to leave the city with the birth of a baby so that the child can only breathe fresh air.
  9. Simple people
    Grooms from Norway are distinguished by their simplicity in communication; they will never try to publicly humiliate or insult anyone. On the contrary, a Scandinavian will praise his wife to his friends only in best qualities. When you marry a Norwegian, you can be sure that he will never discuss or complain about you.

Get married in Norway: what men value in women

Before you decide to marry a Norwegian, you need to
You can decide for yourself whether you can give a man sincere support, accept his children as your own (if there are any), relax with him under the Scandinavian sky in the mountains and dine on dishes prepared by your husband.
Is this your ideal man? Feel free to visit the Norwegian dating site. If in doubt, take a closer look men from other countries, because marriage should bring pleasure to both partners, otherwise such a family will not last long.
But, if a girl is happy with everything, then getting married in Norway will be her best decision, because such a man will bring stability, prosperity and mutual understanding into her life.

Marry a Norwegian: features of communication with Norwegian grooms, nuances in customs and mentality

After meeting Norwegians, communication begins, which helps couples get to know each other more closely. To be fully armed, it is better to know the peculiarities of the mentality of future lovers.

  • Norwegians are wary of open compliments. It is better not to praise a person to his face, otherwise for a man such a manifestation of feelings will be mistaken for undisguised flattery;
  • They take punctuality seriously. Norwegians value their own and other people’s time, so if you don’t get in touch at a certain time, the man will consider this an insult and disrespect;
  • It is customary among Norwegians to treat older and younger people on equal terms. If a Norwegian is given a seat on public transport, this offends him;
  • It is not customary to spoil children in Norway. The heirs of the family are brought up in severity and restraint;
  • Norwegian men are not used to discussing family problems at work. Therefore, if a man finds out that you discussed your relationship with employees (even if there is a friend among them), then trust in you may disappear;
  • For Norwegians, it is considered bad manners to inquire about health. Such personal topics will be appropriate after marriage, but during the period of courtship and dating, these topics are best avoided;
  • Men from Norway give a pair of flowers when they meet. You need to pay attention to this feature, since this difference is very significant. Scandinavians wear an odd number of flowers to funerals, so that one flower does not get bored; they select several partners;
  • Scandinavian men do not tolerate unnecessary display of their status or position in society. Therefore, even if you, as an enviable bride, have managed to reach certain heights, you should not remind your chosen one of this at every opportunity

To avoid misunderstandings and insults, it is necessary to study in advance all the mental characteristics of Scandinavian men. After all, it is very difficult to mend something that is broken, but treating it with care from the very beginning will be a smart and prudent decision on the part of the future bride.

Obtaining citizenship in Norway

Unlike other Scandinavian countries, dual citizenship is prohibited in Norway. Therefore, if you are going to marry a Norwegian, get ready to give up your Ukrainian passport. You can obtain Norwegian citizenship after four years of marriage, if you lived in Norway for three of them. This rule also applies to unmarried couples (civil cohabitation). Norwegian citizenship law is based on the principle of jus sanguinis, so a child born to a Norwegian father automatically receives citizenship.

Happy Family dating site will help you find a Norwegian husband

The Norwegian dating site “Happy Family” will find you a great match. Our specialists will be happy to eliminate the language barrier between you, if there is one, and help you establish productive communication.
Thanks to the Norwegian dating site, hundreds of happy women are getting married in Norway.
Every year, with our help, new international families are created who are infinitely grateful for the happiness they have acquired.

All you have to do is register or just call and the “Happy Family” dating site with Norwegians will be happy to find for you the couple you have dreamed of all your life. We work only with verified life partner applicants, so you can be sure that our clients are wealthy men who are committed only to serious relationships, whose main goal is to create a strong and loving family.

The desire to find our soulmate often forces us to overcome unimaginable distances, to study foreign languages and traditions, puts up with many things that previously might have seemed strange or unacceptable. Anything to find the real hero of your novel. A man, next to whom you will finally be able to feel like a 100% woman - loving, happy, tender, feminine and sexy.

But the search for the chosen one is a long and painstaking process. Often, a meeting with the one person destined for by fate is preceded by dozens of failed acquaintances and hundreds of empty correspondence. And sometimes, before the registry offices open their doors to happy lovers, you have to go through a lot of disappointments and unpleasant moments.

The desire to finally find long-awaited happiness among Russian beauties is sometimes so great that no distances, differences in traditions, language and mentality can hold them back.

Women are ready to make any sacrifices, put up with seemingly absurd things, just to find themselves in the hands of that same, real Man who could open the door of femininity in her slightly coarsened soul.

Fate often rewards our women for long and difficult searches. Examples happy marriages with foreigners you can find on our website and forum. But sometimes there are very deplorable situations. When a woman is simply not ready for such a drastic change in her lifestyle, for the national characteristics of her foreign fiancé, his habits and morals, and even more so for his environment.

That is why the site never tires of reminding everyone who is planning to marry a foreigner that they need to know their candidates as much as possible in advance. Only then can you accept correct solution and predict the development of your relationship.

In today’s article we will look at “hot” Scandinavian men, because statistics show that more and more marriages are between Russian women and men of the North.

By the way, about the “hotness” of Scandinavian men. Where this expression came from is still unknown. Some believe that this is due to the hot Finnish sauna, which all northerners love. Others see the “hotness” of the Scandinavians in their excellent health. They say they are always hot, they walk around without scarves or hats, with their chests open, in winter they eat ice cream with spoons, and they are not afraid to drink ice-cold tap water. Still others draw analogies with their tough character. But men themselves like to think that they are hot in relationships with women.

So, first, let’s define the very concept of “Scandinavian men”. It seems that everything is clear, these are residents of the “Scandinavian countries”. But in reality everything is very, very blurry. Purely geographically, the Scandinavian Peninsula is divided by Norway, Sweden and Finland. Officially, this term refers to the former ethnically close states of the Varangians: Norway, Sweden and Denmark, which have general history and a single proto-language. In colloquial speech, Iceland and the Faroe Islands are often included here.

The Finns, although they belong to a completely different linguistic and ethnic group, are still popularly called “Scandinavians”. . You can read more about them.

All these peoples, we will conditionally call them “Scandinavians,” are both similar and dissimilar to each other at the same time. Each nation has its own character and characteristics, but the Nordic character often prevails, so the Norwegians, Swedes, and Finns remind those who know them of their neighbors. The Danes - prominent representatives of the Scandinavian group - stand a little apart; they are more Europeanized and have little in common with the same Norwegians (for example, different climatic conditions leave their mark on their way of life). About national characteristics Danes read on.

Scandinavians appear in the eyes of Russian women as stately, blue-eyed blonds. Tall, athletic northern handsome men win the hearts of our women once or twice. Of course, one should not say that every Swede or Norwegian is head and shoulders taller than any Russian man; you can meet men of any height and stature (everyone has spots in their family tree), but in the overwhelming majority they are considered tall and strong peoples, continuing the traditions of the glorious Vikings.

What you need to know about Scandinavian men

Despite the fact that Scandinavians are drawn to foreign wives (they clearly don’t have enough women of their own), communication between a Russian woman and a Swede or Norwegian is very difficult at first. You are excitingly telling him about something, and a frozen mask is looking at you. There is zero emotion on the face! Many ladies are immediately offended, they say, he is an insensitive boor, but all the national characteristics of the Scandinavians rest on tradition - the more interesting the interlocutor, the deeper and more respectful the silence.

Kindness towards people and hospitality are in the Scandinavians’ blood; here a parallel can be drawn with the broad Slavic soul. However, calmness, in some places even phlegmaticity, leaves its mark. The scope and enchantment characteristic of us, Russians, are not held in high esteem here. Complete calm, lack of panic and pathos - these are the distinctive features of a typical Norwegian.

By the way, such a measured life is often the reason that a temperamental and active Russian woman begins to get bored in a foreign country and experiences acute emotional hunger. Life here proceeds monotonously, perhaps due to the influence of the majestic and harsh nature, and our ladies lack national humor, noisy campaigns, bright holidays, and for some, banal drinking bouts and showdowns.

In fact, they are okay with this. Scandinavians also know how to have fun, however, they have a unique sense of humor, and there are parties where it is customary to smash glasses on the floor. And behavior at such events goes beyond restrained - there are no complexes at all, public striptease of top management at a corporate party is quite appropriate. But most of the time, northerners are reserved and taciturn in all areas of life.

What clearly distinguishes northern men is a tender, almost reverent attitude towards their family and children, an equal distribution of responsibilities for raising and caring for them. Communication between fathers and children begins from the very maternity hospital. In Scandinavian countries, the presence of a spouse at childbirth is a matter of course. And then the father takes a very active part in their lives; he, as a rule, plays with the children, provides them with leisure, and can study intellectual development child.

Gender problems do not exist at all among these peoples. Historically, women in Scandinavian society are independent and have equal rights with men. Like the wives of the ancient Vikings, today they are economically free, because they are not used to sitting on their husband’s neck, they are active, and easily occupy the highest government and commercial positions.

Norwegians absolutely do not feel violated in any rights. Yes, they give birth and feed children (it so happens that only they can do this), but the rest of the time they do not work fewer men. And therefore, of course, the feeling of their own inferiority or inequality is alien to them. And fathers will play with their children not because they are supposed to, but because it is really pleasant.

Since a woman works and provides for her family on an equal basis with men, then they take part in household chores together. Ironing clothes, washing dishes, setting and cleaning the table are considered purely male responsibilities. The spouses will clean the apartment (here, by the way, it is worth especially noting the innate cleanliness of those same Swedes), take care of the garden, and the car.

Russian wives need to be prepared for the fact that they will have to do men's work. It is believed that a woman can change a tire, hang a picture, or move furniture on her own.

Scandinavians hold sports in high esteem, especially winter sports; they put their children on skis as soon as they learn to walk. A popular Norwegian saying politely reminds us that “a Norwegian is born with skis on his feet”! They love the sea very much, respect and protect nature. A reverent attitude towards all living things (forests, lakes) is natural for these peoples. There is not even a bit of falsehood in it.

Scandinavians like to spend their weekends outdoors. Their stations are simply overcrowded with people hiking backpacks! The whole family, young and old, gets out of the house. Talk about Scandinavians being homebodies is all lies!

However, their picnics are not at all similar to our parties, there are no drunken screams, everything is in order. In our country people with such faces only go to church. However, there is some truth in this; for a Scandinavian, nature is the temple of his life: leave garbage behind, break a tree, throw empty bottles into the lake? Don't even think about it.

In everyday life, Norwegians are unpretentious, which cannot be said about. Everything should be sparkling clean; they can polish the tiles in the bathroom all day long. Norwegians make do with the bare necessities. If your future spouse lives in a small town, be prepared for the fact that you can only buy living wage. 10 types of cheese to choose from? For what? You can get by with just one.

The Scandinavian peoples do not have the cult of food as a class. They approach the issue of nutrition very pragmatically. The saying is appropriate in this regard: eat to live, not live to eat. Many men generally eat breakfast on the run and have snacks for lunch; they don’t understand how they can spend their lunch break solely on filling their stomach.

From year to year, the Scandinavian countries, led by Norway, occupy leading positions in all sorts of living standard ratings. It is therefore not surprising that they are becoming increasingly popular for emigration. Foreign girls are increasingly striving to marry a Norwegian - this way they provide themselves with stability, well-being in all areas of life and get a reliable companion who will not abandon them in difficult times. Are Norwegians as good as people think?

Norwegians in everyday life - what are they like?

The short answer is yes, they are exactly as good as people think. For the most part, Norwegian men are handsome, physically developed (thanks to a careful approach to medicine and the development of sports in the country) and respectful towards women. Their character, as they say, is “calm, Nordic.” And this is the honest truth - it is very difficult to get a Norwegian angry. At the same time, they, like all Scandinavians, despite the stereotype, are not at all gloomy and stern, but, on the contrary, very emotional. In Europe it is generally not customary to hide one’s emotions, this distinguishing feature countries of the post-Soviet space. So the Norwegians even surpassed many other Europeans in this: demonstrating their feelings (even with tears) in public in Norway is absolutely not shameful and no one tries to keep them to themselves.

In the economy, Norwegians also give a head start to many nationalities. They are extremely unpretentious both to their environment and to food, and will never demand anything supernatural. Moreover, a Norwegian man will meekly take care of housework on an equal basis with a woman. In general, in Scandinavian society there is no division into exclusively male or women's occupations or household chores. Each man is fully trained to lead his own life, and it is remarkably well-established even among single Norwegians. It may not be fully suitable for a family home, but, as we have already said, the Scandinavians are very unpretentious and are accustomed to being content with little. Despite the fact that the capabilities of most of them allow you to have a lot.

Institute of Family in Norway

Marriage plays out in the life of a Norwegian important role, not only personal, but also social. Being married in Norway is an honor and status; in some cases, a wife can even become a kind of pass to a previously closed event. But Norwegians, as a rule, are in no hurry to formalize relationships - rare couples get married before the age of 26-27. In addition, the serious role of marriage requires a careful approach to choosing a life partner.

What is curious and deserves special mention is the status of people living in the so-called “ civil marriage" In Norway, it is quite consistent with an ordinary registered marriage. Let's say a marriage contract (with detailed description everything that each party brought to the relationship) even for such families is a more than common occurrence. And in general, marriage contracts are a well-known practice in Norway; you should not perceive them as a lack of trust in your partner or something like that. As already mentioned, marriage in Norway is a very important event, so disciplined and law-abiding Scandinavians take it as seriously as possible.

However, divorce for the residents of this country is also not an insurmountable tragedy. Thanks to all the same marriage contracts The parties most often disperse calmly and peacefully. The most important thing is that the child (if there was one) is never left without support. If he stays with his mother, the father pays alimony without question, if he stays with his father (which, by the way, happens even more often), then he is generally more likely to be spoiled. Norwegians dote on children! Since Norway has a huge number of places where you can usefully go or visit, such outings are organized regularly. There are a lot of options for a walk in the forest, fishing, in the mountains. Great family time!

A married couple also takes care of a newborn child together - the maternity leave also applies to the husband. A woman can choose for herself how long maternity leave she needs. Minimum – seven months with salary payment in full size. Then - with a gradual decrease.

Features of life in Norway

Norway has been the leading country in terms of living standards for several years in a row. Competition occurs exclusively between other Scandinavian countries - Sweden, Finland, Iceland. There is a minimum level of crime, inflation and unemployment. The last point is especially important for any potential wife of a Norwegian man. But there is no need to worry too much - finding a job in Norway is quite easy. The same goes for getting a local education. The working day in Norway is shorter than ours - you are supposed to work no more than 37 hours a week. Almost the entire population of the country speaks fluent English, but it is still advisable to learn Norwegian. Although even in Norway you will most likely meet many compatriots, girls from countries former USSR regularly move to Scandinavia.

At first, visitors are very surprised by the lack of generally accepted rules of conduct towards women among Norwegians: let them through the door first, offer a hand, bring a heavy bag, and so on. But these are also features of the mentality, nothing more - equal rights and time have led to the fact that Norwegians simply stopped taking these actions for granted and now it is considered something of a demonstration of a woman’s weakness. But if you ask or explain your attitude to the issue, they will not refuse you help.


It is extremely difficult to formalize the documents necessary for marriage in Norway. Each county (administrative unit of the kingdom, province) may have different rules regulating how a Norwegian can marry a foreigner. It is advisable for their husband to find out in advance. In some places, a girl may need a fiancee visa (you can wait several months to receive it), but in others, an ordinary tourist visa will suffice. In any case, you will need an invitation. In addition to your passport, you will probably need a birth certificate and a certificate of marriage license. Translated and certified, of course.

As an option, the marriage can be registered in the church. In Norway, the church is not separated from the state and a marriage entered into here will have exactly the same legal force. The abbot will also definitely look at the documents, but the whole procedure can go faster and without minor quibbles about the subtleties.

Upon arrival in Norway, you will definitely need to go through the registration procedure with the local police. There you will be given a personal number, to which all services guaranteed and provided by the state are linked: insurance, training, medical services.

How and where to meet a Norwegian

If you are interested in a Scandinavian man and you, in particular, want to get married in Norway, then rest assured that you have this opportunity at any age. As we have already said, most Norwegians, like many Europeans, are in no hurry to look for a wife, preferring to first get on their feet. The opposite situation, when a Norwegian couple divorces after a long relationship, is also not uncommon. As a result, Norwegians aged 35-45 are left alone with a very limited number of options for dating methods.

And the most popular of them is online dating. This method is beneficial for everyone, because it quickly allows you to weed out those who are not serious. But there are nuances here too. Unfortunately, most existing dating sites do not provide for checking the data that the user declares about himself. You are encouraged to do this yourself. And this can lead to an ineffective loss of time and nerves.

Paradise Date Agency and case study

So it turns out that the only way that is guaranteed to allow you to make a promising acquaintance with a representative of such a distant and exotic country for us as Norway is an international marriage agency. In Kharkov, the largest such company is called Paradise Date and, in addition to others, offers girls acquaintance with Norwegians. The most recent example is a girl named Natalya, who only after 35 seriously approached the issue of finding a spouse. She was not looking for a man of a specific nationality, she was not chasing better life(fortunately, she earned enough money herself), but, having rejected several candidates who were too persistent in her words, she chose the quiet and calm Norwegian Arne. The man charmed Natalia with stories about his family and joint travels. When it was time for the man to return, Natalya followed him without hesitation. Now she has returned, but only to prepare documents for a full move to Trondheim.

Natalya's story is not unique. Since 2008, Paradise Date has formed more than a hundred married couples. Men from Europe, America, and the Middle East leave their information with the agency, because the company’s impeccable reputation speaks for itself. All data that clients leave about themselves is confidential, and only verified candidates have access to it. All services are paid in full by men; the girl is only required to fill out her profile.