How to get married Torsunov. Prayer for Torsunov to get married. How to marry a good man and raise children

Complete collection and description: prayer to marry Torsunov for the spiritual life of a believer.

Hello! Surely you are already familiar with the psychologist Oleg Torsunov, we mention his name in the articles. Quite recently, a reader contacted me and, answering her, I gave several links to the materials of Torsunov’s lectures, where he talks about women.

In psychology, this technique is called Bibliotherapy. In this case, a person can himself realize the root of his problems, without resorting to consolation from a psychologist. But when you understand the reason, you can eliminate it and, therefore, bring your happiness closer. If you don’t know the reason, you live in ignorance and don’t understand why such an “unfair” fate is happening.

The reader had an ambivalent attitude towards the things presented by Torsunov; by the way, almost everyone who hears him for the first time faces this problem, and it hits the sore spots without sparing.

Once they asked me: Why Torsunov? After reading this article you will understand why psychologists mention his name different countries peace. And yet, at the end of the published letter there is a video of those materials where Oleg Torsunov talks about a woman. So…

“Hello Lyudmila! Thank you for the material you sent. I am really very grateful to you, I just thought for a long time whether to write to you or not. The lectures initially repulsed me, then rejection and unwillingness to listen to it.

I have read different opinions about Torsunov, but I think there is a great deal of truth in what he says about the relationship between a man and a woman. After listening to his lectures, I turned off the computer for the first time and for some reason burst into tears. The following points really struck me:

1. When there is no personal life, or rather its development, work gradually becomes uninteresting and gradually just gets boring and such a woman will continue to jump from place to place. After the start of the activity there will be a surge, then an even attitude and then a gradual decline and extinction of any interest, as a result of which she begins to look for new job. Because work does not compensate for personal life in any way ( Torsunov about a woman).

I knew this and this is my sore spot. I don’t argue, it’s just 100% and touched a nerve.

2. The following particularly hurt: This husband is the one who will take responsibility for you and let an ordinary man offer you his hand and heart. Oh, I don’t like it, and you don’t deserve anything else according to the rules of the universe ( Torsunov about a woman).

Here I have a question for you, what about love? But what about the fact that you have to marry someone with whom you can live, and not from whom you are disgusted? What if, in my opinion, I deserve a prince?

Love is something that must be earned. Love is a verb. You need to learn love in marriage. You cannot love someone else’s husband as a man (and if he is not yours, then he will be someone else’s).

Getting married while simply in love is dangerous - there is a possibility that when the hormones overwhelm, the “love” will pass (divorce statistics testify to this).

You don't have to marry someone you hate. A man should attract with his responsibility, ethics, care, spirituality, and high goals. Can such a man turn you back? It is impossible not to love such a person.

As for women who skimp on this feeling, they themselves are giving up their happiness. Love is a stage in the development of close relationships, and not a given.

If you are not lucky enough to marry a “prince,” then this is not the end of the world. A woman can turn him into a “prince” - anyone will do for this purpose. The main thing is that the Woman is ready to work on herself and on relationships.

The indicator of who a woman really deserves is her man, her husband, or the absence of such at all.

3. " The desire to get married dries up a woman and with her search in her eyes she will only scare everyone away» ( Torsunov about a woman)

I agree, but if I really do want to have a family with the man I love? And if you don’t look for it, it will appear on its own?

Unfortunately, it is not up to us to decide whether it will appear or not. We decide whether or not to get married if an offer comes along. A worthy woman will not be lonely. Sooner or later they will woo her. The question is how to become WORTHY.

4. " A girl studies, works, looks for herself, and at 25 she discovers that she is a woman and should ONLY get married AT 25. But we must remember this from the beginning, I am, first of all, a woman, and then a lawyer, doctor, etc.” (Torsunov about a woman)

Then it really broke through for me, but that’s how I was raised. At the beginning, education, “become a higher level,” etc., and the topic of marriage was downright indecent and forbidden. Yes, then you will marry some myrkimbai (collective farmer from Kazakh)

I consider this an echo of Sovietism and 100% true. But if I really liked studying and wanted to learn more, read, become higher professionally, and believe me, this did not affect my personal life. What should we do now?

Then I calmly delved into myself and simply discovered that the topic of personal life was somehow painful and closed to me, maybe because I didn’t believe it?

Torsunov advises gradually revealing the woman within you, giving care, love, etc. This is who I am))) - I feed my single work colleagues, I always help, yes, with a quick temper, but very easy-going.

From time to time I feel terrible depression, I try meditation and try to read various literature so as not to completely fall apart. What am I living for? There is no beloved man nearby, there are, so to speak, all sorts of not attractive enough types who occasionally pee, ring, etc., who, frankly, are just crayfish without fish.

Sometimes I remember my ex-boyfriend, but I understand that now (after listening to Torsunov’s lectures), he was simply a sexual partner, and everything else is my fantasies and far-fetched intentions, for which he was not ready.

I don’t want to marry a “cancer”, I want to marry the man I love and look up to him as someone older, smarter, etc.”

Did you want to " become higher professionally and believe me, this did not affect my personal life. What should we do now?- everything has an impact. "Influence is just your question" What should I do now?" otherwise it would not have arisen.

« I want to marry the man I love and look up to him as an older, smarter» -

A very good wish! The right state of mind, worthy of respect. But, unfortunately, this is not enough. Only working with your femininity will allow you to reach the level when you are attracted to the right man the one you want to marry. This is the answer to the question “What to do.”

As for why psychologists and their clients listen to Torsunov’s advice, because they analyze their experience and everything is confirmed. Listen for yourself what Oleg Torsunov says about women and see for yourself.

Feminine strength and wisdom

(Excerpt from Oleg Torsunov’s lecture on how to get married, find a good man. Raising children.)

It is written here that the very first thing a woman must learn to do is she must learn to think about God. Now I will explain why. Because in order to love, you need to get strength from somewhere. The first, most important thing, if a person begins to work on himself, the first thing he notices in life is that he does not have the strength to get up early, there is no strength to wish everyone happiness, there is no strength to study, to forgive, there is simply no strength. The person feels that he does not have the strength to do it all. And therefore the Vedas say, the first thing one must learn to do is to find the source of strength. The only source of strength is God.

If a person begins to read prayer in the morning, even if he woke up late, he is filled with the power of happiness. You can check. And when the power of happiness is there, then many opportunities appear - to get up early, and eat right, wish everyone happiness, love your husband, and tolerate him, and forgive him, etc., many things manifest themselves - opportunities in life. And when a woman gains strength from God, this treatise goes on to say, the first thing she must do is she must begin to respect her husband and learn. Once she learns to respect him, there is no need to do anything else. Because this is already quite enough. Fate will do the rest itself. It’s written here and that’s enough.

And then it is said that this is a very great asceticism - to learn to respect your husband, for a woman it is a very great asceticism. If a woman is truly able to respect her husband, then she becomes so powerful that she can even control the clouds that will rain at her command. This is not an allegory, this is how it is compared in terms of strength, how much strength a woman becomes if she is able to respect her husband. Because when she is able to respect her husband, she, thus, respect for her husband leads to the fact that male and feminine energy begin to move harmoniously in the family. She turns on this mechanism of happiness in family life.

Male and female energy begins to move harmoniously, and as a result, the man changes. He becomes caring, humble, noble, strong-willed, etc., a lot of strength awakens in him because the woman must tune in correctly, and then the creative force turns on in the man. In fact, it is very difficult for a woman to change in life. She can be inspired by something, but it’s hard for her to change herself, and it’s also hard for her to maintain this inspiration. It is very difficult for a man to be inspired by anything, but it is easy for him to change like this, he can completely change himself, man.

Some women are looking for a good guy to marry, and as a result they are left alone. Because there are no good guys. All good guys already married. One woman wrote me a note and asked me why I always want to find myself good man, and only married people come across, what’s the matter, why is this, why can’t I find myself an unmarried person? And the answer was very simple, I answered her, because you are looking for a good man. But if you were looking for an unmarried person, then everything would be different. Because all good people, good men, arise as a result of the fact that someone has already taken care of this. Some woman had already made him good, so he became good.

So, what do unmarried men usually look like? They are very absent-minded, ragged, or goofy, or so sweet, they have a completely abnormal mental state, if the man is alone, or vice versa, he is like that - he is engaged in self-improvement. Absolutely abnormal condition. And if you want a good man for yourself, it means that you will fight him off from some woman, and by fate you will receive bad karma, that means for this. Your family will also fall apart as a result. Therefore, we should not look for a good man, but just an ordinary man, we should look for an ordinary man. There is no “prince on a white horse” to look for, some kind of dream, no, just an ordinary one.

The first one you come across or what? No. At least some criterion. I’ll give you the criterion now. There are two criteria by which a woman should choose a husband. The first criterion is that he must have principles in life. The second criterion is that he must be able to change. The masculine principle must exist, work, two things must be principles, which means the masculine principle works, the second - it strives for change. He wants to change, he changes for something, i.e. it is clear that he is changing, he is developing as a person. So this person will good husband. It can change anywhere, it all depends on where you send it. If a woman chooses the right direction in the family, she creates the right atmosphere, he will change in this direction. And he will have these principles, create for himself, which she will help him create, guide. All. Two signs of a good husband.

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Torsunov O.G. – How to get married

Torsunov O.G. in this lecture he tells how to get married.

This business has its own strategy and tactics, and he absolutely correctly teaches how to “catch” big fish - to find yourself best husband and lead him to think that it was he himself who decided to marry you.

And how to make sure that thanks to this strategy, your husband values ​​you very highly all his life.

A very, very interesting lecture, correct from the point of view of psychology and esotericism.

How to marry a good man and raise children?

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00:00:01 It is written here that the very first thing a woman must learn to do is she must learn to think about God. Now I will explain why. Because in order to love, you need to get strength from somewhere. The first, most important thing, if a person begins to work on himself, the first thing he notices in life is that he does not have the strength to get up early, there is no strength to wish everyone happiness, there is no strength to study, to forgive, there is simply no strength. The person feels that he does not have the strength to do it all. And therefore the Vedas say, the first thing one must learn to do is to find the source of strength. The only source of strength is God.

00:00:44 If a person begins to read prayer in the morning, even if he woke up late, he is filled with the power of happiness. You can check. And when the power of happiness is there, then many opportunities appear - to get up early, and eat right, wish everyone happiness, love your husband, and tolerate him, and forgive him, etc., many things manifest themselves - opportunities in life. And when a woman gains strength from God, this treatise goes on to say, the first thing she must do is she must begin to respect her husband and learn. Once she learns to respect him, there is no need to do anything else. Because this is already quite enough. Fate will do the rest itself. It’s written here and that’s enough.

00:01:43 And it goes on to say that this is a very big asceticism - learning to respect your husband, a very big asceticism for a woman. If a woman is truly able to respect her husband, then she becomes so powerful that she can even control the clouds that will rain at her command. This is not an allegory, this is how it is compared in terms of strength, how much strength a woman becomes if she is able to respect her husband. Because when she is able to respect her husband, she, thus, respect for her husband leads to the fact that male and female energy begins to move harmoniously in the family. She includes this mechanism of happiness in family life.

00:02:33 Male and female energy begins to move harmoniously, and as a result, the man changes. He becomes caring, humble, noble, strong-willed, etc., a lot of strength awakens in him because the woman must tune in correctly, and then the creative force turns on in the man. In fact, it is very difficult for a woman to change in life. She can be inspired by something, but it’s hard for her to change herself, and it’s also hard for her to maintain this inspiration. It is very difficult for a man to be inspired by anything, but it is easy for him to change like this, he can completely change himself, man.

00:03:16 Some women are looking for a good guy to marry, and as a result they are left alone. Because there are no good guys. All the good guys are already married. One woman wrote me a note and asked me why I always want to find a good man, and only married people come across, what’s the matter, why is that, why can’t I find an unmarried man? And the answer was very simple, I answered her, because you are looking for a good man. But if you were looking for an unmarried person, then everything would be different. Because all good people, good men, arise as a result of the fact that someone has already taken care of this. Some woman had already made him good, so he became good.

00:04:11 So, what do unmarried men usually look like? They are very absent-minded, ragged, or goofy, or so sweet, they have a completely abnormal mental state, if the man is alone, or vice versa, he is like that - he is engaged in self-improvement. Absolutely abnormal condition. And if you want a good man for yourself, it means that you will fight him off from some woman, and by fate you will receive bad karma, that means for this. Your family will also fall apart as a result. Therefore, we should not look for a good man, but just an ordinary man, we should look for an ordinary man. There is no “prince on a white horse” to look for, some kind of dream, no, just an ordinary one.

00:05:04 The first one you come across or what? No. At least some criterion. I’ll give you the criterion now. There are two criteria by which a woman should choose a husband. The first criterion is that he must have principles in life. The second criterion is that he must be able to change. The masculine principle must exist, work, two things must be principles, which means the masculine principle works, the second - it strives for change. He wants to change, he changes for something, i.e. it is clear that he is changing, he is developing as a person. This means this man will be a good husband. It can change anywhere, it all depends on where you send it. If a woman chooses the right direction in the family, she creates the right atmosphere, he will change in this direction. And he will have these principles, create for himself, which she will help him create, guide. All. Two signs of a good husband.

00:06:07 Any principles? Any. Men... those principles that come into his head, you know. A woman has a heart, and a man has ideas. Do you understand? When ideas without a heart are formed, where do they go? Anywhere. You see, a man has no heart, he doesn’t feel where to go. The woman feels. Therefore, he will go where fate takes him. And the woman directs his fate in the right direction. There is no need to try to make a woman out of a man. Don't try to think that he should be intuitive, he should be strong-willed, strong, decisive, everything. Let her think for herself where it’s taking me.

00:07:12 So, the only thing a woman should do in a family is to deeply honor her husband, respect him. He will do the rest himself in life together. To do this, it is very difficult for a woman to do this; for this she must take strength from God. And she must pray to God every day in the morning so that such strength will enter into her, capable of respecting her husband. As soon as a woman begins to respect her husband, everything bad immediately flies out of him, and everything good enters his heart itself. Thus, she blesses him to become a good person, and guides him in the right direction in life, in the right direction.

00:07:58 Tell me, respect means not arguing? If a woman respects her husband, she knows what it means to respect. If she doesn’t respect you, it’s impossible to explain it to her. Respect is a special feeling, which is the most important manifestation of a woman’s mind, rationality. A woman who respects her husband knows how to do it. Sometimes she argues and sometimes she doesn't, but she does it in such a way that he always agrees. If a woman respects her husband, it means that she is a reasonable person, and this means that she herself will make her life happy, and no one can stop her from doing this. Nobody. Because there is no force that would be stronger than a woman’s respect for a man. There is no such power. This power is the most difficult for a woman to achieve, and the most powerful. She gives all the results of female happiness that there is.

00:09:01 But a woman’s stinginess of heart does not allow her to be respected. She wants him to be different, and then for her to respect him. But the Vedas compare this desire to the fact that a person wants an apple and does not want to care for the apple tree. He will never see these apples, they will not grow on their own, the larvae will eat them. Therefore, a woman cultivates strength and respect for her husband, thus, with her great determination, she changes family life, changes relationships in the family with the help of this power of respect. A woman who respects her husband forces him to respect herself in this way. Because if she respects him, it’s bad enough to behave rudely towards her, she simply moves away from him and that’s it, he has nowhere to go, he will have to apologize because nowhere else in life will he find the kind of attitude towards himself that she created for him herself.

00:10:12 He has nowhere to go, he’ll just have to apologize, there are no options. Both the woman and the man are responsible for family relationships. A man cannot create a relationship. This is how he was taught, this is how he will behave, he doesn’t know what a relationship is. He does not have this knowledge in his heart. And therefore the Vedas say that neither seclusion (the next statement) nor other austerities that women perform in order to become strong will help them be happy. The only thing that will help them is strength, the development of strength, the ability to respect their husband. If a woman develops this strength, then she becomes strong, like a woman. She achieves success in life because if a woman knows how to respect her husband, it is not difficult for her to respect her boss at work. He would have to treat her well.

00:11:26 Respecting your boss does not mean making eyes at him. When a woman makes eyes at him, he treats her not as a subordinate, but as a woman, and begins to exploit her. If she respects her husband, then immediately a deep sense of self-esteem arises in her, which makes her respect everyone else. Because a woman who has achieved the ability to respect her husband becomes very strong as a person. She does not take with her eyes, but with her inner strength all other people. And she is a worthy person, and everyone will have to respect her because she has something to respect for. It’s clear, yes, the formula, we felt it.

00:12:19 That's it, we've covered this topic, what questions? You see, the most important thing here is that in this treatise, why I took it, it only gives the essence and that’s all. It is not dispersed into any further moments, but simply the main thing, and that’s all. Please tell me where this respect disappears, when a woman starts dating a man, gets married, she chooses him, it seems to her that she respects him, then it disappears. I'll explain now. When people fall in love with each other, they can see how it should be in their relationship, they can watch an advertising video of how it should be, what they should strive for in life. This commercial is not created by them themselves.

00:13:11 Some people think that we loved each other, where did it all go? This love is given by God, by the Higher Powers. This is called falling in love, this is an advertising video designed so that people know where to strive, how to treat each other, so that they feel. They remembered this emotional state, so that later they would try to achieve it in life. But this ability, the opportunity to achieve, is hard work, in fact, many years. And then this commercial comes back over the years. Therefore, there was no respect for this person; it was simply shown to the woman how she should respect this person. All.

00:13:52 And if initially they have a normal relationship, and with respect, can this happen? This is how I explain that initially it always happens because it is not the merit of these people, it is the merit of God. It just shows everything. (Sings a song) Did you feel the emotion? This is not our emotion, this is God's emotion. And we crave it so much, we all want that emotion, in fact, that means we want everything commercial. There will be a commercial, you have to strive for it, you have to try to become the kind of person so that it comes true in life. We always think that this should naturally exist. Most people believe that love itself should exist in life. Complete nonsense in general, a complete illusion because love is a reward, how can it exist on its own? How can a person immediately have a reward in life by itself?

00:15:09 Was it somewhere that a person immediately received a reward? It's crazy to think like that. The purest, most sublime, the brightest must be earned first, and then the reward will come. Maybe already in old age. Does this commercial trick work not only in family life, but in any aspirations in general? Yes, always if a person, for example, has encountered some kind of spiritual movement, which is his meaning of life, then God again makes a commercial, and the person begins to feel very sublime feelings, which then completely pass. This is not his merit, this is also an advertising video. And this happens in everything. For example, a person was inspired to work, God inspires a person to follow this path in life, to choose this specialty, also first a commercial, and then life.

00:16:16 That is, if the man or job is chosen incorrectly, then there will be no commercial? So God won't show it? Do you want to leave God? No, I’m interested in how it works. A woman is never shown a commercial because this is not her path. A woman’s path, a woman’s commercial will be at home, in her family. When she starts cooking, she will have a commercial, she will run around the kitchen, fly all happy. This will be a commercial. Work comes in third place for a woman. God comes first, like any person; for a man, work comes second; for a woman, family. For a woman, only work comes in third place, while for a man, family comes in third place. Therefore, the commercial will be where human nature works, God shows man the way. A woman cannot have a commercial at work. Work is entertainment for her, it is not her life path.

00:17:37 Please tell me, I understand correctly that before you start a family or relationship, at a time when they are not there, you take care of yourself, it’s better for you not to succumb to this feeling, not to commit some kind of... then mistakes, fleeting attraction, uncertainty, it is better first, at the moment of life, to understand the picture of the partner whom you see next to you so that just then... You are mistaken. This modern performance psychologists. Complete schizophrenia. Now I will explain why. Because, in fact, we think that we choose someone for ourselves. But the Vedas explain this point, they say that we do not choose anyone for ourselves. Fate chooses for us, go, try, choose someone, go, choose, and so that he becomes yours, try. No chance. Why? Because only fate chooses a person, only because of what we deserve.

00:18:46 I know a lot of psychologists who studied how to choose, created models for themselves, and then, damn it, they chose. A model who shows herself elsewhere, as a model, and not in her family life. You see, the idea is that there is only one way to choose a good person. There are two types of people. Some are stingy in family life, while others are generous. A generous person always stops thinking about the opposite sex when he is alone. He knows for sure that he needs to immediately start working on himself. This is a sign of the generosity of a person's soul. He thinks about self-improvement, he thinks about how to achieve this improvement, and does not think at all about who will come to him in life, how he will come. It's none of his business, he's just working on himself.

00:19:42 A woman who is left alone must develop feminine character traits in herself, and she must know that she does not have much time. Usually two or three years are given to a person to change his destiny so that he can make his desires and dreams come true because when the family falls apart, when things get bad, the person thinks, I don’t want this kind of life anymore. Okay, you don't want this kind of life, now is your time. The most precious thing a person has in life is time. Here's your time. please don't walk around at this time, work on yourself. A woman should develop feminine character traits. You must find a grandmother at the entrance who will wash, wash, cook for her, kiss her and look after her. There are some children, she must look after everyone, take care of everyone, establish relationships with parents with whom they were damaged long ago, try to make them love you, try to establish relationships with everyone with whom she can establish.

00:20:38 And when you see that you are strong in a relationship, no one can behave badly with you. This means that you have become a woman, a strong woman. And when such a good period comes strong woman, she becomes self-sufficient, as a result, men line up. Be equal, at attention, a real man step forward! They will take a step forward. Have you seen the cartoon "Mowgli" [?]. A woman who takes on feminine traits becomes so powerful that a bad guy won't even approach her. He won’t be able to approach her, she will just look at him, he will immediately... and everything will come out to him, what he wants from her - to get married or something else.

00:21:40 He won’t be able to come up because she is strong internally. Why is she strong? Because there are two types of women. There are women who are stingy or needy. A woman in need - just someone looked at her, she broke. She says I can’t help myself, I’m drawn to him. Oleg Gennadievich, one woman asked me a question, I’m drawn to him, I can’t. I say, develop as a woman, so that you are not attracted, so that he is attracted. Become self-sufficient, become stronger, let him pull him, break him, bring him to his knees, and you say: I will only lie with you when I get married, I unusual woman. And he will really love you very much. And he will sing such good songs (sings) “You are my dream, my beautiful, spring morning, like a new song, I take care of you, I take care of you.”

00:22:59 They will sing such songs. Why? Because she will deserve such treatment. She's a real person. Man, the Vedas say, a person can achieve strength, such self-love only with the help of austerities. A man, an ascetic man, is worthy of a real woman because he does not give in to simply feminine emotions, but he sees depth in a woman. A man, in fact, when he performs austerities, the main fruit of his austerities, his asceticism, is that he begins to discern... all women shine very strongly. Single women all shine, a certain energy that a man cannot differentiate.

00:23:44 A little bit, let’s say, coincides with him, and he falls in love with her. But if a man is ascetic, he performed austerities, abstained from family life, developed masculine qualities and responsibility, then he begins to discriminate. He sees beautiful girl, yes, but it feels like her character is wrong. And he doesn't get close to her. Therefore there are two types of men. Some are stingy, they go out when they have time, when they can’t get married, they go out. Men are wasting their strength, walking around. And there are men who are generous at heart. They perform austerities when they are left alone, the time comes, the Lord himself sends a good girl. It always happens like this, only the Lord sends us a person.

00:24:36 We think that we can find it for ourselves, but we don’t find it. Then we don’t know how to get rid of it. How to determine whether a person has found a person for himself or whether fate has given him one? Fate always gives the best. And a person finds what is most disgusting to himself. When a woman finds a man, he is usually married, and he begins to torment her, torment her life, and not let her go. Fate punishes, so you don’t need to look for anyone, you need to become the kind of woman who is worthy of a man, and he will find himself. Because Higher power They are watching our every move. They know what we need to give. And when it's time for us to give, they know. But a valuable thing in life is obtained very hard, with a lot of hard work. Something valuable in life is obtained through hard work.

00:25:35 And if you want faster, please, no problem. Everything is cheap, and accordingly everything is lousy. You can’t buy something good, something good, in life for cheap. It will be fake. Family life is the same. Therefore, when building a plan for your future husband, his construction, you are building an illusion that will never come true because, truly, a person must build a construction within himself. And then everything outside will reflect your life. If you want to look at your destiny, look around you at those people who are very close to you, and you will see your destiny. If you are surrounded by people who deceive you, are angry with you, swear at you, then this is who you are.

00:26:33 If you become a pure, elevated person, people change, their attitude towards you changes, everything around you becomes different. It means you have changed. It is very easy to understand who you are by what surrounds you. If you want something else to surround you, it is not created artificially. We can try to do this, but nothing works. We find ourselves a person, at first we go on a honeymoon with this person, everything is great, and then clouds gather, and the situation becomes even worse than it was before. It's terrible to change someone in life, to try to change someone in order to become happier. This then leads to big problems in life, terrible situations, unpredictable.

00:27:21 Any other questions on this topic? I must have tortured you. Everything is fine? More please. The statements are over, the next topic comes on. Relationships with parents, this topic. Everything will be there, there is a big treatise, 555 statements, and we are only on the eighteenth. Everything is fine. When will they be in Moscow next? And I actually live here. Is there a lecture here? When will the next lecture be here? It will only be October 7, because we are leaving for a month. Our festival begins on the Sea of ​​Azov, an Ayurvedic festival, I will be giving lectures there almost every day. There will be treatment, bathing and serious training. And go to the website, Torsunov dot ru, it’s not too late to even get tickets there. There are places there.

00:28:34 Say the site again. Torsunov dot ru. By the way, everything will be quite inexpensive there. There, the package costs about 15 thousand rubles, and everything is there - food, accommodation, training, everything. Two weeks. You can live, eat, swim in the sea, eat according to Ayurvedic rules. It starts from September 6 to 19, and everything is about to begin here. Well, okay, next topic, how long do we have, by the way, do we still have time? Eat. Twenty minutes to nine. Yes, yes. We came from afar, let's go. Where are you from?

00:29:30 The first statement is this. The Vedas say that the hardest fate comes through children. And the greatest reward in life also comes through children. Therefore, the first statement is: Of all the possible rewards, nothing can compare with the joy of having children who are raised correctly and grow up good people. And if we talk about this statement, then you should know that it is impossible to raise children, it is impossible to educate because children, i.e. mind, the Vedas describe how the mind functions. The deepest function of the mind is called faith. Depending on the faith in the family, the upbringing of children is directed there. The Vedas distinguish three main types of faith.

00:30:33 If the family thinks that we are the coolest, how we will tear from life, so will life. Faith in ignorance means that a person considers himself to be the basis of his destiny, and he wants to make himself happy by any means. By deception, at the cost of some losses, deprivations, cruelty, he achieves his goal in life, and if faith is like this in the family, then, accordingly, the children will have the same attitude. Naturally, no matter what you tell them as a result of this, it will not work. They will still grow up to be the same as the faith in this family. This is called faith in ignorance.

00:31:22 If a family believes that the most important thing is a car, a house, an apartment, a good position in society, one must strive for this all one’s life, give all one’s strength to these very things, then in this case this belief is called in passion. And this belief creates a mood of caring for oneself, and as a result, children grow up to be selfish. They grow up to be decent people, well-mannered, educated in appearance, but such children do not need parents. They build with them... such a person, who is brought up in passion, builds with everyone formal relations. He doesn't have true love, real decency, real honesty, everything he has, such a person, is ostentatious. He has everything external. And he can also only build relationships with a loved one outwardly because, truly, real relationships, real purity begins when a person’s goals in life are selfless.

00:32:30 If a family strives to achieve something high in life, to change its character, to learn to live correctly, to learn fidelity, honesty, respect, sincerity in relationships, then this family has faith in goodness, and good faith makes children noble. They do not need to be educated; they become noble themselves. Therefore, when a child is born, a person must first of all begin to educate himself. He must understand where he is being led in life, why I live, what I am striving for. If the aspirations are wrong, the children will undoubtedly grow up in the same direction. It is impossible to change them in any way because the children are inside the relationship. They are not, this is not my child, this is our child. Children are within relationships, the psyche is formed in relationships.

00:33:30 If a mother, for example, raises a child alone, she thinks that she is raising a child alone. In fact, the child is raised in her relationship with her ex-husband. If, say, the relationship is cold, the child grows up cold. If the relationship is one of hatred, she hates her husband, then the child begins to hate everyone. If, for example, she is offended by him, the child grows up touchy, etc. The relationship remains, so even if this person is not next to you, you have a child from him, you must learn to respect him in your heart, cultivate this respect for this person, and the child will then grow up to be a good person. Even in this case, if there is no loved one nearby.

00:34:16 Therefore, the biggest test in life is children. Children are born so small, so happy, smiling, and we love them very much when they are very small for the reason that we receive the fruits of our piety, which we performed in the past. In fact, the Vedas explain what less people, the more good fate comes from it, and the less bad fate comes from it. And the older a person gets, the less good fate comes from him, the more bad. This is why older people are often very nasty. And children can be very loved, you know? If a person has lived the right life, he will never become nasty, he will always be loved.

00:35:01 And if a person lived for himself, then in old age he begins to stink. This means that his thoughts become angry, he constantly grumbles, is dissatisfied with everything, walks around angry, unhappy, tortured, this means that he lived the wrong life. He reeked of old age. Why? Because bad karma accumulates and accumulates, and what remains for a person? He has nowhere else to go, he is shackled by fate, he has bad thoughts, a bad mood, bad attitude towards him, etc. But when a child is born, only good things come out of him, and this is good karma, it greatly inspires parents. They begin to love him, begin to become attached to him, do something for him, and devote their whole lives to him. And they think it's a very selfless feeling.

00:35:50 In fact, this feeling is based only on selfishness and that’s all, nothing else. Because the real selfless feeling, truly, is to not jump and run around him and kiss his butt at this time, when the child is just born, but at this time you need to start working on yourself. Begin new life, in the name of this child, you need to change your attitude towards life. We must begin to live correctly, more sublimely, more purely, and this will be real nobility towards the child. And not that we make him selfish when we just jump and run around him. When a person sees a manifestation of good karma in his life, everyone flocks to good karma like bees to honey.

00:36:34 Small child appeared, everyone wants to be closer to him. Why? Because good karma comes from it. There is no other reason. But then it stops coming from him. At the age of thirteen, what the parents gave to the child, he then gives back. The scales seem to fill up until the age of 13; from the age of 13 after puberty, the child changes his character because bad karma begins to flow out of him. Before this there was a good one, now a bad one is starting to happen, and the child begins to treat Kuzka’s mother to his parents if they have been enjoying him all this time. And if they worked on themselves, raised him, then in this case, even in this case he does nothing wrong. He behaves correctly, it is difficult for him to live correctly, but he behaves correctly in this case.

00:37:29 How to make sure that the child is well-mannered? We must do everything the other way around. Let’s say, if you want to kiss his ass hard, then you need to kiss him a little and move away from him. Because if the mother does this too much, he becomes selfish, demands attention to himself, begins to be capricious, begins to shake his rights, begins to grab everything, be greedy, etc., why? Because she puts her egoism into him, what should she give back to him? It reflects what was put into it. He has nothing else. He is an unreasonable creature, he is simply stewing in relationships. If he makes him feel selfish, he gives out selfish feelings.

00:38:10 If, no matter how much they enjoy him, they try to take care of him, educate him, then in this case he gives out something completely different. A real child is one who respects his parents. But in our life the opposite happens. The Vedas explain that there are very good way, a test on how to understand who respects whom, and what the situation is in the family. The Vedas explain that whoever eats cooked food first is the most respected. If Bug is the first to eat in your family, then she is the most respected. The second one eats if the granddaughter means she is the most respected, etc. What if they eat together? The husband should eat first. The wife should eat second, the children should eat third, and the elders should eat. At least the right to food should be distributed this way.

00:39:15 This means a sign of respect. And the Bug should be the last one to eat. When a child knows that food belongs to the father in the house, then he will respect his father all his life. Because as a child, in fact, I remember very well, I remember how the family of my mother’s friend was falling apart. I came to visit them, she told me, Olezhek, please eat the apple, otherwise it will disappear. I say, how will it disappear, it’s in the refrigerator. She says it doesn’t matter, her husband will come and it will disappear. Do you understand? For a woman, if a child eats an apple, it is not lost, but if her husband eats it, then it is lost. This means that she is selfish to the core. This means that she will lose, the first one she will lose is her husband, then she will lose her child. He will get on her nerves. Then she will lose herself as a woman. Because such a woman cannot be happy.

00:40:24 Therefore, a woman should first of all take care of her husband, then the child will begin to respect his father. When a child begins to respect his father, he will respect his mother too. And a husband who receives care will begin to love everyone. If a husband loves his wife, then the child loves everyone the same. First he begins to love his mother, then he begins to love his father. A mother is worthy of love, a father is worthy of respect. But the child must do all this; he must be taught to do this. But this is a difficult task to achieve because it is impossible to train a person to do what he does not see. We must first build this relationship, and then introduce the child into it. And you should always keep your distance from the child, and don’t suck up his snot.

00:41:17 Because if the distance gets closer, the child will become impudent and begin to behave disrespectfully. And if he is kept at a distance, he will always honor his parents. What if, on the contrary, you respect your mother and love your father? You love both, of course, but you respect your mother more. This means that everything in the family was turned upside down. It's okay, it happens. Therefore, raising children is the most complex topic of all the topics related to personal life, the most complex, elusive topic. Even just getting close to raising children is very difficult, not to mention... Is it time to end it or what? I'm not even talking about raising them correctly.

00:42:15 Just start doing it correct steps raising a child is very difficult because our basic principle of raising a child sounds like this: I must convey to the child what he should do. We are trying to convey to them, but this is simply impossible in principle because their minds are not developed. It is impossible to bring it to them, to convey it to them. It becomes possible to convey to a person, the Vedas say, a woman is 17-18 years old, and a man is 25. At this time, the mind matures. The structure that accepts knowledge matures at this time, and the rest of the time it is impossible to convey anything to the child because he only accepts what he sees in his life.

00:43:08 If, for example, a wife obeys her husband, then he will obey everyone, simply imitating his mother. And if, for example, a father loves his wife, he will love everyone, simply imitating his father. Because a person always takes the best in life. But if there is nothing to take in this family, if no one listens to anyone, no one loves anyone, then what can he take? How can he obey himself if the family is permeated with an atmosphere of disobedience? Let's say parents often say, come home, do your homework. Learning lessons means performing asceticism for a child. One can perform austerities in an atmosphere in which austerities are performed.

00:43:45 If parents come, oh, to the sofa, or, let’s say, go about their own business, no one performs asceticism, which means that then the child will not learn his homework, because he also wants to relax at home. And if he is forced to study homework, he cries and gets offended because he is put into a state that is not typical for the atmosphere at home. And he becomes an outcast, he doesn’t seem to want to live with these people because they mock him, he thinks so. His mother came and cooked, and he, as always, lay down on the sofa. Why did he lie down on the sofa? In particular, there are a lot of such situations. After work he comes and she prepares food. Why did he lie down on the sofa? I will now explain to you why he lay down on the sofa. If you want to hear something else, then you need to come to another lecture. Because I want to tell the truth here, not to satisfy your emotions.

00:44:59 I have already said that if a man does not experience affection in the family, he does not approach his wife. He approaches the sofa, the TV, where a person experiences love, there he goes, a man. If he feels love for TV, he goes to TV. If he feels love from Domino, he goes to Domino. If he feels love from his wife, he will not leave her when he comes home. Because she lives for him, she tried for him, she is tuned in to him. And even if he is lying on the sofa, he wants to find out what his wife is doing in the kitchen, he approaches her. I rested a little and ran to my wife to see what she was doing there.

00:45:39 And the child too, if he is in an atmosphere of love from this wife, he also runs home, he wants to find out what dad is doing, what mom is doing, he sticks to them because he feels love. So what can he do against? A child cannot understand what he should do because he does not have the mind to do it. If you can't understand what you should do, why do you think he should understand what he should do. For example, at a lecture, you came, you must listen humbly, it is your duty, but you cannot do this. Why do you demand that your child do what you cannot do? Debt is a very complex feeling, difficult to achieve. This is a feeling that a person cultivates in himself throughout his life. The child is very small, he does not know what he should, he has no such concept.

00:46:26 Debt is the most highest function mind, it develops only in mature people. The child does not have this function, he does not know what he should. He knows what he wants to do, he knows that, but he doesn’t know what he should do. Therefore, it is necessary to create an atmosphere in the family in which the child wants to learn his lessons. This means that the parents are also themselves, they come home, they want to study something, understand how to live, they talk about it, study, stew in this mess, the child comes, he also wants to study everything, it’s the same for him . The Vedas explain what a family should do in the evenings. When people get together in the evening, they should think about how to live, they should read inspiring examples, for example, the lives of saints, get together to study, read. Not to study, but to read together about how the saints live. Some inspiring examples of life, how to live.

00:47:22 When parents talk about this, the child is also inspired by this, he begins to act in the same way. The Vedas explain that a person’s inspiration comes not from the fact that he listens to teachings, but from the fact that he is in an affectionate and gentle conversation and is carried away by the conversation. Here we have an affectionate and gentle conversation, with the exception of some moments. So, you are involved in this conversation, do you feel it is easy for you to understand, easy in this atmosphere? Easily. Now, the second option. The Vedas explain how to live correctly. Ready? I'll explain now. Now everyone run away. Without love, nothing can be explained. In [inaudible] there is such a Vedic work, it says that the mind works only in the direction of love. If knowledge is given with love, the mind accepts it. If without love, the mind cannot accept.

00:48:40 In order to love a child, it is very difficult to love him when he does not learn his lessons because he wants to swear at this time, but he will not understand anything. In order for him to understand something, you need to explain it to him. An explanation can only take place in an atmosphere of love, which means in an atmosphere of play for the child. But even playing will not help him; this atmosphere of the apartment, in general, is desecrated. For example, if the parents drag everything into the apartment, they don’t want to give anything away, the child came with his friend, the mother at home says, you sit here, wait, Vasya will eat. Vasya is eating, this one is standing there chewing snot, so this means that this atmosphere of the apartment is saturated with greed. And this means that this child will be greedy by nature.

00:49:26 And even if you explain to him that he needs to share, it’s useless. Because if the very atmosphere of the apartment is saturated with greed, then this means that the child will be greedy. You see, it grows in a way that permeates the atmosphere of the apartment. And finally, so that you don’t be sad, I’ll tell you one story so that you understand that this is so. When I was a student, I lived, rented a room, I had roommates - my family lived nearby. I watched their lives. And from time to time a woman, she had a daughter, and she screamed at her in a simply terrible voice: what kind of fool have you become? She screamed in a terrible voice. I understood very well who, there was no doubt. Because it was precisely this emotion that I saw in both my daughter and my mother. They were very similar.

00:50:39 Know that the child is on your wavelength. If you created such a wave for him, reap its benefits. If you want the child to be different, create a different wave. This is very difficult to do; it is easier to blame the child for everything. It is very difficult to change yourself so that a child becomes different. Changing the atmosphere in the apartment, the atmosphere in the house is the responsibility of the wife, only the wife. Because the man is responsible for the external activities of the family, for its social status, for wealth, etc., this is what a man is responsible for. The wife is responsible for the atmosphere within the family. If children grow up lazy, mediocre, evil, all this is the problem of the woman who lives in this house. There are no other reasons.

00:51:38 I'm glad to see you all. Now we will repeat to you: I wish everyone happiness. The Vedas explain that there is only one force that can change our lives, this force is called the mind. And the mind is filled in the same way as any force must be filled with something. Let's say the muscles are filled because we perform exercises on them, the mind is also filled with strength due to the fact that a person exercises the attitude. When a person repeats I wish everyone happiness, after several months of calm, concentrated such attitudes, suddenly, unexpectedly, he begins to wish everyone happiness. Moreover, this happens arbitrarily, in a calm, arbitrary rhythm. This means that the mind has changed its orientation within.

00:52:38 Basically, we wish everyone something different. In order for us to tune in correctly, we need to accumulate strength within ourselves. Therefore, it was not in vain that people used to pray because it tuned their minds. Always a person in life must first tune in correctly before doing anything. There are three ways to repeat any mood. The first way is with your head, which means thinking at this time - I wish everyone happiness, I wish everyone happiness. A person is very focused on the fact that he wishes everyone happiness. And he thinks about how everyone treats him at this time. I’m determined to show myself that I Wish You All Happiness - that’s how I’m determined. This is called a mental approach; there is no benefit from such repetition.

00:53:50 The second option is that the throat psychic center turns on, and then the person not only wants to prove that he wishes everyone happiness, but he also wants to show it. And he thus repeats as follows: (depicts) I wish everyone happiness. Or - (depicts) I wish everyone happiness, like a man. That's all, at this time the mind sleeps. The mood, when read, the mind does not work because the mind, as the Vedas describe, is in the heart, here. And it is very difficult to wish happiness from the heart because to do this you need to stop thinking about how they will treat you, what your voice is, what you look like, and in general, whether it is cultural to wish everyone happiness in front of everyone or not.

00:54:54 A person shouldn’t think about this. He must tune in very deeply internally. And the mind doesn't work fast, so it's not an emotional thing. This is a thing that must be felt and understood; it is formed somewhere in deep understanding. Therefore, try to take the rhythm correctly, I will speak now, repeat it all together: I wish everyone happiness. If you repeat correctly, mentally bow to everyone at this time; in a humble state, the mind is more activated. And when you repeat correctly, inspiration will appear inside your heart, you will feel the desire to live, to change everything in your life, the desire to change your destiny. You will have the power that will continue to change your life. And every day we need to support it, just like we brush our teeth, we need to repeat it every day in the same way on this wave: we wish everyone happiness.

00:55:58 So, you need to sit up straight so that your psyche works very decisively. I wish everyone happiness. I wish everyone happiness. I wish everyone happiness.

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Feminine strength and wisdom

(Excerpt from Oleg Torsunov’s lecture on how to get married, find a good man. Raising children.)

It is written here that the very first thing a woman must learn to do is she must learn to think about God. Now I will explain why. Because in order to love, you need to get strength from somewhere. The first, most important thing, if a person begins to work on himself, the first thing he notices in life is that he does not have the strength to get up early, there is no strength to wish everyone happiness, there is no strength to study, to forgive, there is simply no strength. The person feels that he does not have the strength to do it all. And therefore the Vedas say, the first thing one must learn to do is to find the source of strength. The only source of strength is God.

If a person begins to read prayer in the morning, even if he woke up late, he is filled with the power of happiness. You can check. And when the power of happiness is there, then many opportunities appear - to get up early, and eat right, wish everyone happiness, love your husband, and tolerate him, and forgive him, etc., many things manifest themselves - opportunities in life. And when a woman gains strength from God, this treatise goes on to say, the first thing she must do is she must begin to respect her husband and learn. Once she learns to respect him, there is no need to do anything else. Because this is already quite enough. Fate will do the rest itself. It’s written here and that’s enough.

And then it is said that this is a very great asceticism - to learn to respect your husband, for a woman it is a very great asceticism. If a woman is truly able to respect her husband, then she becomes so powerful that she can even control the clouds that will rain at her command. This is not an allegory, this is how it is compared in terms of strength, how much strength a woman becomes if she is able to respect her husband. Because when she is able to respect her husband, she, thus, respect for her husband leads to the fact that male and female energy begins to move harmoniously in the family. She includes this mechanism of happiness in family life.

Male and female energy begins to move harmoniously, and as a result, the man changes. He becomes caring, humble, noble, strong-willed, etc., a lot of strength awakens in him because the woman must tune in correctly, and then the creative force turns on in the man. In fact, it is very difficult for a woman to change in life. She can be inspired by something, but it’s hard for her to change herself, and it’s also hard for her to maintain this inspiration. It is very difficult for a man to be inspired by anything, but it is easy for him to change like this, he can completely change himself, man.

Some women are looking for a good guy to marry, and as a result they are left alone. Because there are no good guys. All the good guys are already married. One woman wrote me a note and asked me why I always want to find a good man, and only married people come across, what’s the matter, why is that, why can’t I find an unmarried man? And the answer was very simple, I answered her, because you are looking for a good man. But if you were looking for an unmarried person, then everything would be different. Because all good people, good men, arise as a result of the fact that someone has already taken care of this. Some woman had already made him good, so he became good.

So, what do unmarried men usually look like? They are very absent-minded, ragged, or goofy, or so sweet, they have a completely abnormal mental state, if the man is alone, or vice versa, he is like that - he is engaged in self-improvement. Absolutely abnormal condition. And if you want a good man for yourself, it means that you will fight him off from some woman, and by fate you will receive bad karma, that means for this. Your family will also fall apart as a result. Therefore, we should not look for a good man, but just an ordinary man, we should look for an ordinary man. There is no “prince on a white horse” to look for, some kind of dream, no, just an ordinary one.

The first one you come across or what? No. At least some criterion. I’ll give you the criterion now. There are two criteria by which a woman should choose a husband. The first criterion is that he must have principles in life. The second criterion is that he must be able to change. The masculine principle must exist, work, two things must be principles, which means the masculine principle works, the second - it strives for change. He wants to change, he changes for something, i.e. it is clear that he is changing, he is developing as a person. This means this man will be a good husband. It can change anywhere, it all depends on where you send it. If a woman chooses the right direction in the family, she creates the right atmosphere, he will change in this direction. And he will have these principles, create for himself, which she will help him create, guide. All. Two signs of a good husband.

I have witnessed more than once the cruelest attack caused by the words of Torsunov, Gadetsky, Narushevich, Targakova and the hedgehog with them.

As a rule, it looks like this: some prostitute or an over-thirty-year-old madam, grown up in her own wildest psychopathy, who just can’t get married, although she really wants it, comes across quotes from one of them on the Internet, falls into hysterics from what she sees, posts on his blog with the words “oh-god-horrible - obscurantism - this insults the whole feminine" Then trolls or psychopaths like the lady come running in and begin to aggressively deny the statement and throw shit at the authors of the quote.

Most people are affected by sayings about intersexual relations. About how to get married or build relationships.

At the same time, people are struck by the illogicality of denying what Torsunov said. The guy says what a woman needs to do to get married. And unmarried ladies in their thirties and beyond say that he is a fool, wrong and generally a sectarian, and everything is wrong. That is, she is smart and knows the whole truth, and he carries all sorts of heresy. However, she is still not married. How so?

Or another example: a lady is married, but frankly unsuccessfully. Or many times in my life I was a participant in destructive relationships, when I suffered from all sorts of vampire-narcissists and other mythical characters. Or she is a strong and independent career woman who cries into her pillow at night [British scientists have long proven that all strong and independent career women cry into her pillow at night]. She is offered an alternative lifestyle. An option for a different behavior and way of thinking is offered, which promises to deprive her of crying into her pillow at night, to protect her from terrible psychopaths and, finally, to become more comfortable.

“Heresy!” she shouts, “I have the right to be strong and independent!” she hits herself in the chest with her heel.
But no one is trying to deprive her of this right. Use it to your health - all rights are given. It's all about whether you're happy and satisfied with life.

I am not a supporter of Vedic psychology, but before forming my opinion about the doctrine that they offer to the world, I chose not to read a couple of quotes on the Internet and shout that this is “nonsense,” but to listen to a series of lectures, read their articles, and personally visit a couple of seminars (yes, I saw Torsunov, Gadetsky and a couple of other people from their gang in person), and also get acquainted with the ancient Indian epic "Mahabharata" (it is actually imbued with this very Vedic knowledge), so that my understanding would be more full.

I will present the recipes given by Torsunov, Narushevich, Torgakova myself, so that they are easier to understand and perceive for those who are not familiar with their manner of presenting information (it is specific).

If you understand the essence, it becomes clear that ordinary, non-Vedic psychologists often try to convey the same things, only in different words. And just experienced people.

So, what does a woman need to do in order to get married successfully, according to Vedic gurus? It must be emphasized here (and they always emphasize) that the information is given to women who:

A) They want to get married;

B) They want to get married successfully. Successful = being happy in your relationship with your husband. Not right (!), not equal, not anything else, but simply happy.

That is, women who do not want to start a family, who do not want a happy and harmonious relationship with a strong man who takes care of them, but want something else, in principle, should not immediately pay attention to everything that is recommended to be done. After all, this does not apply to them.

The most first What a person who wants to get married needs to do, as Vedic gurus say, is to stop furiously wanting to get married. It’s not about walking around frustrated and embittered to the whole world and saying: “Only losers want to get married, but I’m strong and independent and I don’t need anyone.” But in the sense that you need to get carried away with something, to fill your life. The most desirable thing is to find an activity that will be associated with caring for other people. It is also advisable to communicate with girlfriends and engage in some kind of creativity. In this situation, the passionate girl automatically stops desperately wanting to get married until she has a toothache, as her life becomes fuller. She still wants to arrange her destiny, but she feels good even without a family. And she has no need to fill her life with a man (as a rule, women fiercely want to get married and cannot think about anything else, who cannot fill themselves and their lives with anything, and want to shift this responsibility to another person).
As you can see, there is nothing Vedic or “sectarian” about this. I could call the process proposed by the Vedantas the formation of an independent oral type of character. They desperately want to find a man and see the reason for their deep bitter unhappiness in the absence of a partner as oral, because it is important for them to “find support” in another person, to cling to someone, to force someone to “fill” them. That is, they think that their feeling of inner emptiness and melancholy is because they do not have a husband. He will appear and everything will be fine. In fact, their feeling of emptiness and sadness is because they are oral. And they are not looking for a husband, but for a mother - a tit that they can suck on. The ambush is that the husband will not agree to be a tit for them and will not be able to fill them. Men shy away from such women, and those who don’t shy away are immature individuals themselves, creating a family with whom is pure grief. That is, a woman who desperately wants to get married will not be able to get married (men shy away from such people for the reasons given above) or will marry a man who himself will be as immature as she is. To find out what this is fraught with, read stories about vampire narcissists.

That is, in order to become ready for marriage and begin to attract men, a woman is recommended to find her own support. The recommendations given by Vedic gurus on this issue are quite effective oral therapy.

Second, what a woman who wants to get married should do is become happy (in fact, it echoes the first one).

According to Vedic psychologists, family relations just ready happy woman– satisfied with herself, with her life, able to enjoy life and enjoy it on its own. According to the Vedas, a woman’s duty is to become happy. No matter what. That is, the attitude “I want to get married to become happy” is a priori an oral loser. To get married, a woman must first become happy. The opposite does not happen and will not work out. Again, we return to our oral ones - we are talking about the same own support, inner peace and inner harmony, which the oral ones do not have. But they have the illusion that someone from the outside (presumably the husband) is able to make them happy = the desire to shift responsibility for their own state of mind to someone else. Such desires are not satisfied in this life.

An initially unhappy woman, even if she gets married, will certainly turn into the same dull shit she was before, as soon as the clock strikes midnight and the love endorphins stop working. She, of course, will shift the responsibility for her reverse transformation onto the man - after all, he was supposed to make her happy... In general, nothing good will come of it. Another tale about vampires.

So, a woman who desperately wants to get married first needs to stop desperately wanting to get married and learn to do something for others (after all, it is recommended to acquire activities related to caring for others). Then become happy. By myself.

According to Vedic gurus, men themselves will start flocking to a woman who has done all of the above to herself. Which is logical, don’t you think?

It is recommended to acquire several boyfriends and date two or three men at the same time. This is true, because with only one option, you get stuck and don’t see anyone else. The option may frankly not be the best. + We add the notorious hunting instinct.
Meet on neutral territory, in in public places so that sexual relations do not begin prematurely. This is due to the fact that when a woman starts having sex with a man, she becomes attached to him. At the same time, her head may understand that this is not an option for her life, but something stronger than her head is already starting to work.

When sex starts, people are no longer interested in anything else.
A woman loves to idealize her partner. Painting a man an image that has little in common with reality.

In any case, sooner or later sexual interest subsides and people open their eyes.
And they find themselves next to stranger, with which, more often than not, it actually turns out to be not on the same path. This is the cause of enormous tragedies.

Many people at this point still like to deceive themselves, saying that you can have sex first, and then start getting to know each other. Exactly what to deceive. There can be no talk of any “getting to know each other” when people are captivated by sex.

You need to meet men to communicate and look for those men with whom your goals and outlook on life coincide.

Vedic gurus warn that you may meet many men with whom your views will not coincide, and who will be interested simply in sex. In such situations, it is recommended to simply send the man to go about his business - this is not your man.

It is necessary to focus on a person who is ready to take responsibility for the family, with developed masculine qualities, suitable looks.

Personally, this technique does not raise any questions for me. I understand the goal and the means. It’s not clear why there is so much hysteria on this issue. Well, it would be nice if those who were doing great would argue. Well, no, if you look into your medical history, your hair will stand on end.

Question:“Relationships with men don’t work out. What character traits do you need to work on? In one of your lectures you said that if a girl cannot get married, then she should live in a monastery for some time. How to understand what is better at the moment - to try to build a relationship or to go to a monastery?

Answer: A typical manifestation of fanaticism. Going to live in a monastery is not just something, it is a serious decision. I meant that there are monastery hotels, and you can go and live there for a couple of weeks, next to the monastery, attend services, attend prayers, and somehow become involved in spiritual life. And it helps to cleanse your existence.

Recently a man asked me a question: what if I don’t want to get married? If you don't want to get married, you must remain celibate in order to develop. Because if you are not celibate, you will have to date many women, and this very much destroys the mental structure of a man. Because the more such connections a man has with different women, the weaker his ability to control his feelings. Sexual relations involve an exchange of karma, and you unconsciously take on part of the character of the person with whom you have sexual relations. This refers to attitudes and habits. Unconsciously, you feel that you want to act the same way as this person, think the same way... This is especially true for women. It is in this regard that it is recommended to remain celibate and try not to get involved in sexual relations before marriage. There is great reason for this. Because when a man tries to remain celibate, he develops very much as a person, becomes more courageous, decisive, his willpower increases, and his character strengthens. The energy of the seed, when accumulated in a man, gives him determination, strength of character, energy and intelligence. When a woman remains celibate, she becomes purer and more beautiful. A woman has two options: to walk or not to walk. When a woman walks, she loses her feminine power, and may not get married at all. If a woman does not walk, she accumulates strength, becomes beautiful and radiant from this. But there is an option when a woman does not go out because she considers herself ugly, puts pressure on herself, and it makes her crazy. No, we are talking about not walking around and accumulating strength. This option leads to the woman “jumping” to a higher platform of the relationship. The point is not that a woman should refuse marriage, but that a woman should know how to meet people correctly, behave and how to wait for marriage. If a woman behaves correctly, then it is easier for her to get married, because she becomes stronger. In modern society, everything is the other way around, and psychologists still add fuel to the fire, saying that if you don’t train now, then when you’re married you won’t be able to satisfy your husband. They say you need to train every day. And in order to conceive a child, too, in antenatal clinics this is what they advise... But in Vedic culture, on the contrary, in order to conceive good child, you need to save up your energy, and celibacy before conceiving is highly recommended. At least six months. Yes, I am telling you revolutionary things. But don't stress, everything is fine. In general, in order not to stress, you don’t need to go to my lectures... This does not mean that you should live like that. I just say certain things that can help in life. I’m simply explaining to you that there is love based on the lower centers, and there is a higher one. And higher love stabilizes the family. It develops respect, loyalty and sincerity in relationships. And the more sex in the family, the more respect is lost, then fidelity - the Vedas explain that sexual energy, when it rages like fire, it is very difficult to stop, and even a wife becomes not enough for a man. And then sincerity is naturally lost when loyalty is lost. Therefore, in order for some higher relationships to develop in the family, some kind of self-control regarding sex is needed.

Women have periods when they can get married and when they can’t. These periods are very closely related to the horoscope. Therefore, you need to know when such a period ends. Consult an astrologer. You just have to wait this time out. There is no need to think about the monastery or anything else.

There is another reason: if a woman left someone very cruelly, and this person loved her very much, then she will not be able to start a new relationship until this person lets her go. Her heart seems to be drawn to this person. We cannot control the energy of our heart. It is controlled by those who love us. If she lived with someone and then left him, and he loves her, then it is very difficult for her to give her heart to another, because it is already attracted by someone.

The third reason is that the woman has a very weak Sun in her horoscope. This means that she cannot control her behavior and quickly gives in. The man beckoned her with his finger, and she immediately broke down and threw herself on his neck. And the man, accordingly, had sex, calmed down, his love did not flare up, and he then left her.

The fourth reason: a woman is not feminine by nature. And such women, not feminine by nature, tend to go to a monastery. But she needs everything the other way around: learn to dress properly, surround her room with flowers, learn to take care of her grandmothers, feed the bugs, coddle with children - i.e. develop femininity in yourself. How to determine whether feminine nature is developed or not? Looking at the mirror. If a girl feels that she lacks beauty, it means she needs to develop feminine nature. Because beauty is an acquired taste. Those. It is clear that a woman who wants to get married should not wear black clothes with dry lips, etc. Asceticism in this case does not mean trying to dry yourself up. A woman must perform feminine austerities: be caring, kind, sympathetic, humble, affectionate, patient, etc. These character qualities must be developed in communication with those who surround you: girlfriends, mothers, fathers, bugs, granddaughters... Then it is easier to get married. But during that astrological period, which is favorable. Because until he comes, there’s no chance of getting married anyway. During this period, a woman does not attract a person to her, she is cold.