How to make a cone for topiary. Topiary from chestnuts “First Snow”: master class, photos and videos. What you need to create a New Year's topiary

Compositions with the unusual name “topiary” are attracting more and more attention from needlewomen and interior designers. The miracle tree is a small craft in a pot, topped with a decorative crown. The most unexpected materials and bright colors are used to decorate topiaries. This gives the “European trees” the appearance of fabulous alien plants. Find out all about New Year's topiaries and stock up on a couple of fresh ideas!

History of the Tree of Happiness

Although topiaries have appeared in our homes recently, their history dates back several thousand years. The art of topiary cutting of trees appeared in ancient Rome, and reached its peak in the 16-17th century. The parks of the then monarchs and aristocrats were labyrinths of plants of the most bizarre shapes - from balls and cones to figures of animals and people.

Examples of exquisite floral topiary

Today the word “topiary” means a decorative composition ranging in size from 15 to 50 centimeters. Why is the craft called the tree of happiness? This is the merit of the teaching, popular among Europeans. According to him, a tree in the house - no matter whether artificial or live - is a talisman for the whole family. The roots of the plant absorb negative Sha energy, and the spherical crown emits positive Qi energy.

Be that as it may, topiary is a stylish and non-standard piece of furniture. An artificial tree can easily replace ordinary flowerpots and help create an atmosphere of comfort and joy in your home. And the most interesting thing: you can easily make topiary with your own hands. For example, in honor of. You may not be able to create a complex multi-layer composition the first time. But even a beginner can make a small topiary.

Components of topiary

Despite the variety of topiaries, they are all made according to the same principle. The tree consists of several parts, fastened together with glue.

The topiary crown can be assembled from anything - from grains to coins!
  • The basis. This is the “crown” of our tree. Most often it has a round shape, but there are bases in the form of a cone, heart, number or letter. The base can be a foam blank, purchased in advance at a craft store, or porous floral foam. You can make the top of the tree of happiness with your own hands. To do this, crumple several sheets of newspaper into a ball, wrap it in another page and wrap it with thread or tape. Then wrap the ball with padding polyester and the job is done.
  • Trunk. As a rule, a tree branch coated with varnish or stain is used in this capacity. The barrel can be a cardboard tube, a piece of thick wire, or a set of wooden sticks or twigs tied tightly together. A pencil is also suitable for a miniature topiary. An unassuming trunk can be decorated with a beautiful ribbon or twine.
  • Crown. This is the highlight of our topiary. Almost anything can be used to create it: shells, artificial flowers, shiny coins, as well as ribbons, pebbles and sparkles. You can even find topiary made from banknotes and sweets! And you can easily find decorative elements such as cinnamon sticks, coffee beans or orange slices in your kitchen.
  • Stand. Mostly this is a flower pot, a strong box or a nicely decorated jar. The container can be decorated with elegant fabric or wrapped with colored thread. The stand should be filled with material to which the trunk and crown will be attached. A solution of sand and alabaster is best suited for this role. You can put a handful of artificial grass or moss on top, or sprinkle with “snow” - white sea salt.

New Year's tree of happiness

Topiary is a great gift for any occasion. A craft for Valentine's Day is unthinkable without hearts and bows, and paper flowers would be appropriate for topiary in honor. Well, the New Year's tree of happiness should be decorated with coniferous branches or sisal, pine cones, tinsel - everything that reminds you of your favorite winter holiday.

Whimsical New Year's topiary made of tulle and Christmas tree decorations

It is worth paying attention to color scheme products. It is advisable not to use more than 3-4 colors in one topiary. Classic New Year's combinations are duets of red and green, blue and silver or gold. As the year approaches, scarlet tones will be in use. We have collected several ideas that will help you decide on the decor of your topiary.

Evergreen topiary

Boxwood topiary will be useful to you at any time of the year

A real mini-Christmas tree can be made from boxwood branches or artificial leaves of another plant. You will also need decorative flowers, moss, twigs and wire for the trunk, a foam ball, gravel and a cute stand. Insert artificial branches into the base so that there are no gaps between them.

Step-by-step production topiary from living plants

Use wire to fasten the twigs. Make a hole in the base and place the “trunk” there. Place the tree in the stand, add gravel around it and cover it with moss. Decorate the crown with artificial flowers or bows. This “Christmas tree” will not need to be thrown away after the holidays, because it can please the eye all year round!

Topiary made of Christmas balls

Stylish New Year's topiary in

Is there a box of old toys gathering dust on the mezzanine? It's time to give them new life! Find a suitable material for the “trunk” of the tree and cover it with white or silver paint. Connect to the round base. Select Christmas tree balls of several colors and unhook their fasteners for hanging. Lubricate the “neck” of the toy with glue and attach it to the base.

Place the balls in diagonal rows, starting from the center. Alternate stripes of different colors, as shown in the photo, or decorations of larger and smaller sizes. Decorate the stand in the style of a Santa suit. Paint the pot red and draw a black belt in the middle. Place a piece of plasticine or some kind of loose material inside, insert a topiary and decorate the stand with a “snowball” made of cotton wool.

Candy Topiary

Examples of festive topiaries made from candy canes of different shapes

New Yearbest time to arrange for yourself! And in the literal sense. The topiary in the form of a huge candy will delight those with a sweet tooth. In addition to the main components of the tree (base ball, trunk and stand), you will need an elegant colored ribbon, 200-300 grams of brightly colored candies, a sheet of green paper and a bag of glitter.

Step-by-step instructions for making candy topiary

Place a piece of floral foam in the tree stand. Cover it with a green leaf of the appropriate size and sprinkle glitter on top. Cover the ball with tape and place it on the “trunk”. It is desirable that it be a white tube - this way the topiary will look more like a lollipop. Then lay out circles of sweets, grease them with glue and apply them to the foam. The craft will be completed with a cute bow.

Spectacular topiary made from the New Year's fruit itself

What's New Year without fragrant citrus fruits? But they can decorate not only the festive table, but also unusual craft. To create it, you do not need a foam or paper base. It is enough to stock up on the following materials:

  • 8-10 tangerines
  • linen rope
  • stand
  • tree branch
  • spruce needles
  • paralon or foam
  • wire or bobby pins
  • artificial snow

Step-by-step instructions for making topiary with tangerines

Wrap the rope around the fruit in a crisscross pattern. Attach a wire to them. Apply glue to spruce branches and dip them into a bowl of artificial snow. Shape the foam so that it fits into the stand. Fix the “trunk” of the tree in foam plastic. Carefully attach the fruits to it and decorate them with green ribbons. Place spruce branches in the stand. A beautiful and fragrant decoration is ready!

Decorative tree coins will bring good luck to your home!

A money tree is an excellent talisman gift. To create it you will need new shiny coins, gold ribbon, rhinestones, hot glue. Various decorative little things like openwork leaves and golden beads will come in handy. Let's not forget about the main components of topiary: a base ball, a branch trunk, a pot (you can use a glass) and its fillers.

Creating a topiary crown from a foam base and coins

First step: make a ball and cover it with coins using hot glue. Place the first three pennies as shown in the picture. Place the second row at a slight angle so that the coins slightly “step” on their predecessors. Cover the entire ball in this way. The last coins are the hardest to attach, so be patient in advance.

It won’t be surprising if a master class on what to give to friends and family for the New Year will soon be in demand. When you run out of ideas, you really want instructions to miraculously appear, and it becomes clear what to give, so that the gift is liked and remembered. Handmade gifts are good taste and an excellent sign of attention. And one of these gifts could be a New Year’s topiary.

Topiary is a decorative tree in a pot, usually with a round crown, a beautiful souvenir, the materials for which can be any objects. These include natural materials, handicrafts, and the most unexpected things.

New Year's topiaries can be a variant of a Christmas tree, decorated in an interesting way. But another bright topiary that will decorate your home or work area on the eve of 2018 is ball topiary.

Step-by-step instructions - how to make a New Year's topiary with Christmas balls:

  • The materials you will need are the following: a foam cone, small Christmas tree balls, a fairly large candlestick, wide ribbon, hot glue.
  • The candlestick in this MK is used instead of a pot. The more refined and elegant it is, the better it will emphasize the festive nature of such a topiary. Apply hot glue to the top of the candle holder. The foam cone must be firmly pressed to the place where the glue is applied. You need to hold the cone for some time so that it “takes” well.
  • While the glue dries, you can work with the balls. The first thing you will do with your own hands is remove the metal fasteners. For such a Christmas tree topiary, it is important that the balls are well fixed and do not cling to anything.
  • It's great if you prepare the cone for gluing the balls. Still, there can be, and probably will be, gaps, so the cone needs to be spray painted. For example, golden or silver, or maybe green with gold. Sometimes the cone is simply wrapped with thick golden threads with your own hands. There is no single method, one master class suggests painting, another – winding, a third – pasting with napkins.
  • Grease the top of the ball with hot glue. The ball must be literally pressed into the cone, very carefully, but so that it has a good grip. Many MKs indicate that it is better to pour the glue somewhere so as not to take the gun every time. An unnecessary frying pan will do. The ball is simply dipped in glue in the frying pan, and this way the process goes faster.
  • Slowly the entire surface is filled with balls, creating a Christmas tree. You can tie a ribbon with the numbers “2018” on the candlestick or just an elegant, beautiful one.

Ready! This master class is extremely simple, the main thing is not to put too much pressure on the balls, remembering their fragility. You can see in the photo color combinations such a ball topiary Christmas tree.

New Year's topiary: ideas and MK (video)

New Year's topiary: master class

For creatures different interesting Christmas tree you will need yarn in the pot. By the way, this MK is suitable even for children; it does not use hot glue, which is dangerous for them.

You will need:

  • Foam or cardboard cone;
  • Skein;
  • Scissors;
  • Sewing needles;
  • Very small Christmas balls;
  • Round nose pliers;
  • Pot;
  • Small rod-trunk;
  • Ribbon.

It is fair to say that such a tree is often not planted in a pot at all, but while observing a certain tradition, it is still worth doing everything more conservatively.

So, if you look at photos of such topiaries, you will see that it is better to take thick yarn, maybe embossed, or non-uniform. But some Christmas tree colors should be guessed in it - green, blue, white, light blue, silver, etc.

A DIY yarn Christmas tree is made like this:

  • Secure a skein of yarn with sewing needles at the base of the cone. Attention, the cone must not be hollow! Please worry about this in advance.
  • Gradually wrap the cone with yarn with your own hands, the turns should be tight, no gaps.
  • The threads can be secured in place during the process with the same sewing needles.
  • Having reached the very top of the Christmas tree cone, the thread is cut and fixed with a needle.
  • Half the work is done. You can place the cone on the trunk. At the Christmas tree it should be very small, almost invisible. A piece of pencil, any small cylindrical object. Think about how to secure it in a foam cone. At this point, it is still better to use glue, but if a child makes the Christmas tree with his own hands, fix it with glue yourself.
  • Now the tree needs to be inserted into the pot. In fact, you can use any flower pot, small and elegant. So the decor awaits him anyway; initially, color and texture are not so important.
  • Usually the master class suggests using plaster or alabaster. And this is the most reliable option. Be sure to decorate the top plaster layer with either New Year's tinsel, or sparkles and other decorative things associated with the New Year.
  • When the tree is in its pot, you can start decorating. Hang miniature balls on the yarn. An alternative to them is to make berries on needles, which are used in making jewelry. The top of the tree can be a star, also made by hand, for example, from twine or designer cardboard.

The pot can be decorated with the inscription “2018”, wrapped beautiful ribbons with gold or silver threads.

Christmas tree made of threads: New Year's topiary (video instructions)

New Year's topiary Christmas trees: step-by-step instructions

Good ideas on the eve of 2018 - soft Christmas trees. They are quite easy to make with your own hands, especially if you have already dealt with wool for felting.

And yet, what nuances may this master class have:

  • If a foam cone is not found, make a cone with your own hands from cardboard. Paint it the same color as the fur to prevent any gaps.
  • You need to stretch it to the very top of the cone a thick wire that will make such a “squiggle” at the top of the tree, with which the Christmas tree will be cute and cute.
  • The trunk for the tree can be wooden skewers. The base of the cone needs to be glued onto skewers, after which they are painted in Brown color so that they resemble a trunk.
  • The result is a Christmas tree that needs to be planted in a pot.. Look at the examples in the photo; they use both beautiful expensive pots and ordinary plastic glasses that are decorated with fabric.
  • A thin piece of wool needs to be separated from the total mass, and glue it to the squiggle wire. And from there the winding is carried out, so that there are no gaps.

A pot in the form of an unsightly container can be wrapped in a beautiful corrugated paper or foil and tie with ribbon or tinsel.

Topiary for the New Year: master class with coffee

Coffee, or rather coffee beans, is such a universal material that it is perfect for the 2018 New Year’s topiary.

A master class using coffee will be similar to other instructions.

Master class - topiary for the New Year 2018 with coffee:

  • For a change, you can stick to the idea of ​​a round tree. The basis, therefore, will be any spherical blank. If you don't have a foam ball or a small rubber ball, a wad of newspaper tied with thread will do.
  • The ball must be perfect, therefore, if it is not hard enough, it is covered with napkins according to the papier-mâché principle.
  • Next, the ball needs to be painted brown. acrylic paint . And after drying, you can start pasting with coffee beans. There are craftsmen who then specially paint over some of the grains with golden paint to make it look “2018”. It is better to glue coffee beans with a glue gun.
  • The blank ball leaves space for fixing the barrel. The trunk for such a coffee tree can be made from a drumstick or a thick pencil tightly tied with twine.
  • The trunk is fixed in plaster, which is poured into a pot. This must be done quickly and carefully.

Well, then directly what will make an ordinary coffee tree look like a New Year’s tree. Numerous examples in the photo offer several options at once. First, the pine cones lying in the pot. Ideal if you paint them with gold spray.

In some photos you can see beautiful ribbons with the inscription “2018” and Christmas tree prints. The Christmas tree can also show off like a picture on a pot. By the way, from coffee beans You can put a Christmas tree on the facade of the pot.

The aroma of coffee beautiful decor– a great gift for a coffee lover in 2018. Often such trees are used as an idea for a photo; photo sessions with such an accessory turn out to be very interesting.

New Year's topiary made from coffee beans in the form of a Christmas tree (video master-cash)

You can make your own photo or video master class, because many ideas come to mind while viewing someone’s work. One inspiring photo and you are ready to make your own Christmas tree topiary. Creative inspiration and interesting finds!

New Year's topiary (photo)

The New Year holidays are getting closer, and for those who like to spend their evenings with needlework, the most fertile time is coming - after all, now is the time to start making gifts for family and friends, as well as holiday decorations for your home.

You most likely already know what a topiary is - a small decorative tree that can be made in any style you like. And on New Year and Christmas, the most relevant tree is, of course, the Christmas tree. And creating topiary in this direction opens up truly unlimited scope for imagination. Everything is possible here - from a classic green Christmas tree to a ball decorated with ribbons and tinsel. The main thing is that it is bright, festive and tasteful!

Wherever our imagination takes us, the principle of creating these trees remains unchanged. Any topiary consists of the following elements:

  • stand
  • trunk
  • the basis
  • crown

The main criterion in choosing a stand is that it must be stable. It can be anything - a mug, a flower pot, a shell, a cut of wood. For a New Year's topiary, it is best to decorate the stand with bright fabric, sparkles; it is fashionable to cover the base of the trunk with tinsel or small gift boxes. If some kind of container is taken as a stand (which is the most convenient option, because it gives more opportunities to secure and beautifully hide the base of the trunk), then good material to fill it there will be polystyrene foam or a floral oasis.

The trunk must be flexible and wide enough so that it can be given the desired shape, but at the same time it looks harmonious. If you wrap it with a ribbon that sparkles mysteriously, it will be an appropriate touch for New Year's decor.

The base, as a rule, is a foam ball onto which the crown elements are fixed, most often with the help of toothpicks. First, the largest elements of the crown are distributed, and then the space between them is filled with smaller parts. For strength, everything is not only attached to the crown, but also glued together.

Little secret: In order not to make a mistake with the size and not make the crown too large, it is better to take a smaller base ball, and adjust the crown with the length of toothpicks.

A few New Year's ideas for inspiration

Soft Christmas tree

The easiest way to make a New Year's topiary similar to soft toy, this means cutting out two parts in the shape of the desired Christmas tree from felt or any other fabric suitable in style, sewing them together and stuffing them with cotton wool. Having secured it to the trunk, you can start decorating our Christmas tree. You can wrap it with beads, attach snowflakes, small balls, lace - in general, just like a real Christmas tree, only tiny!

Another option for creating a soft and fluffy-looking Christmas tree is to wind fluffy threads on a cone base.

And if you make legs as a stand, it will turn out very funny.

From the cones

Products from natural materials they always look cute and remind me of childhood, when I had to bring a craft to kindergarten or school. But if you have artistic taste, imagination and a can of spray paint, you can create quite stylish things from pine cones

From tangerines

What creates New Year's atmosphere in the home? Of course, the smell of tangerines and Christmas trees! A bright orange ball will attract attention and surprise guests.

candy ball

New Year is a time when everyone expects gifts and sweets, regardless of age. And if we receive gifts and give them New Year's Eve, then no one will stop you from surrounding yourself with sweets during all the holidays!

Three nuts for Cinderella

Walnuts have long been used as holiday decoration, they were wrapped in foil, and candles were inserted into the shells. They also look very interesting in the topiary version.

A very popular material for creating this kind of souvenir is coffee beans. And if you experiment with attributes and shape, such a topiary can fit into any holiday.

Christmas balls

In pursuit of originality, let's not forget about the classics. The main decoration of a real Christmas tree is the balls, and if you take them as a basis, you will get a completely new decoration for your home.

You can come up with types New Year's topiary to infinity. Use different materials and their combinations, artificial snow, tinsel, sparkles, light bulbs - it all depends on your inspiration!

And in order to better understand the intricacies of creating a New Year's topiary, we offer you these videos

Original decoration home interior on any holiday, including New Year's, you can make a homemade topiary. It is a small multi-colored tree created from scrap materials.

Thanks to the opportunity to watch a huge number of videos of topiary master classes, you will be able to create a decorative element that will not differ from a professional one. And today we will tell you which decorations of this type are suitable for the New Year’s interior.

Let's take a look at the DIY New Year's topiary master class made from satin ribbons with step-by-step photos: this material is the easiest to turn into a bright decorating element.

Basic materials for topiary

DIY New Year's topiary, photo

To prepare materials for crafts, you should find out in advance how to make a New Year's topiary, because they come in different shapes and design features. Any tree of this type will consist of a crown, an axis and a stand.

As a rule, the crown of topiary has the shape of a ball and is made from materials that can hold its shape: foam, plastic, paper (for papier-mâché technique), etc. If you decide to emphasize the theme of the decoration and make a Christmas tree topiary, prepare cardboard, fabric with cotton wool, or solve the problem even easier by using a wooden cone required sizes.

DIY New Year's topiary: master class, photo

The stand is made from ordinary flower pot, decorated jar or any other container that can support the weight of the tree. For the trunk, use wide wire, a branch, a pencil or metal knitting needles.

Not a single New Year's topiary master class is complete without scissors, glue, paints and brushes. You will also need threads, material to secure the tree in a pot (for example, plaster or cement) and accessories for decoration.

We will show several New Year's topiary master classes for beginners using satin ribbons, but you can use beads, buttons, shells, lacing, small Christmas decorations, rain, bows, cones, coins and many other materials and details.

It is not at all necessary to make the topiary bright. Two or three colors are enough for such a tree to emphasize the festive atmosphere in the house. Much will depend on the quality of work on creating such jewelry, so let's get started step by step instructions.

Creating a tree crown

For the crown, you can choose materials that initially have the required shape. For example, this may be large Christmas ball(it is better to give preference to decoration made of plastic rather than glass). In addition to the options already described, the ball can be molded from dough or plasticine, cut out of wood, or even sewn and filled with foam rubber.

If you decide to create a ball by gluing smaller pieces of material together, do not use solvent-based glue.

After gluing, the material is “polished” over the entire surface. Excess glue residue can be cut off. If the crown is not perfectly even, don’t waste your time trying to improve it. appearance a lot of time. As practice shows, subsequent decoration will help disguise imperfections.

AND christmas tree-topiary, and crown round shape can be created using a temporary foundation. For example, take balloon or a cone-shaped figure - and carefully wrap it with thick thread.

Apply glue to it, wait until it dries, and carefully remove it from the base. The resulting figure will have a stable shape.

The next stage is attaching the crown to the tree trunk. Keep in mind that the axle must support not only the weight of the top, but also all accessories that will be used in the future. Make a hole at the bottom of the crown according to the dimensions of the axis, lubricate it with glue - and insert it until it stops. Until the crown sets, hold the craft with your hands.

If you used a material with a strong base that you can't make a hole in, glue the axle to the bottom.

Decorate the tree trunk at this stage. Use ribbons, rope, paint and glitter. If you start decorating after fixing the topiary, it will be difficult to decorate accurately.

Recently, topiaries that can be directed in different directions have become increasingly popular. This is done using thick wire wrapped in cloth or masking paper. To make the tree resemble a bonsai, the axis can be wrapped with additional wires in a circle.

Preparing the foundation

The prepared base for the topiary also needs to be decorated. For example, use sparkles or paints, wrap the pot with satin ribbons to match the top decor, or cover it with themed pictures. For ease of design, cover the plastic base with paper or build a base for the tree yourself from papier-mâché.

To create a papier-mâché pot, paper or newspaper fragments are sequentially glued on top of a vase or other container. After the sheets of paper have cooled, remove the base - and you will have a durable multi-layer workpiece.

It is important to remember that the base of the holiday tree must be stable. Therefore, we recommend making a flat and widest possible bottom. The pot must have more weight than the crown, otherwise the topiary will constantly fall.

Now you can secure the tree: fill the bottom of the pot with hardening material. It is sold dry, so you must first fill it with water and prepare the mixture. If you do this procedure the other way around, that is, add the solidifying composition to the liquid, the powdery material will rise into the air. It can be hazardous to the respiratory tract and will contaminate the entire surface around it.

DIY New Year's topiary: step by step photo

Place the topiary in the not yet hardened solution. For brightness, add beads and beads here, decorate the pillar in a circle with small cones and other decorations. Until the mixture dries, keep the tree in the desired position. Then all the elements will stick securely.

At any stage of work on creating a New Year's topiary, you can be guided not by general rules, but by your own ideas. We will show you two options for creating and decorating such an element of the New Year's interior.

New Year's topiary with decor from ribbons and beads

To create a New Year's topiary we will need satin ribbons blue or white, beads for decoration, a small pot, wire and felt. It is planned to use soil as a material for holding the tree: this way the tree will look like a real one.

How to make a decorative topiary in white and blue tones:

The New Year's interior can be decorated with several topiaries of this type or made of different shapes and designs to make the room brighter and more colorful. For variety, we suggest making a New Year tree using this principle.

Making a topiary in the shape of a Christmas tree

The main element Christmas trees-topiaries is a cone-shaped base. Since not all materials will support the decor, We recommend wrapping the crown with fabric or wrapping it with wide threads: Accessories can be glued or sewn onto them.

One of the options for creating a small decorative Christmas tree involves the use of foam, wire, glue, cable and decorative elements.

Perform the work in several stages:

Instead of a pot, you can create an imitation of legs, as in the photo. But they should be heavier than the entire tree and not move when placing the decoration on a flat surface.

Just look at the photos of New Year's topiaries to see how diverse such decorations can be.

Homemade Christmas trees, as crafts and decorative elements, will do an excellent job of creating a festive mood.

Show your imagination and use available materials - and this New Year will be bright and colorful.

Video MK for beginners

We suggest watching a video tutorial with a master class on making a New Year’s topiary with your own hands below: