How to calculate the due date based on menstruation. Calculate the date of birth using menstruation - all methods. Let's determine the date of birth based on the last menstruation

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The expected date of birth begins to interest a woman from the first day when she learned about her situation. The approximate birthday of a child can be calculated in several ways, but none of them can boast of 100% accuracy. The pregnancy process can be influenced by many factors, and labor is often premature or late.

What determines the due date

Even a healthy woman carrying healthy baby, the date of birth may deviate from the approximately calculated due date and depends on:

  • depending on whether she gives birth in or;
  • on the duration of the menstrual cycle;
  • from heredity and other individual characteristics of the mother;
  • on the characteristics of the baby’s intrauterine development;
  • depending on how many children are in the womb.

In the presence of chronic diseases in a woman, disruption of intrauterine development of a child, acute diseases or injuries during pregnancy - the due date may deviate significantly from the planned date.

Methods for determining the due date

The most common methods for determining the estimated due date are:

  • by date of last menstruation;
  • by time of ovulation;
  • by date of conception;
  • by ultrasound;
  • by size of the uterus;
  • at the first movement of the fetus.

Let's look at each in more detail.

By date of last menstruation

The date of birth based on menstruation is the most common method of determining.

It has been used by obstetricians and gynecologists for many decades because:

  • not all pregnant women know the time of their last ovulation or the date of conception with regular sexual activity, but everyone remembers when they had their last period;
  • this is a fairly accurate method.

To determine the day of birth, you need to remember the first day of your last menstruation, add 1 year to this date, then subtract 3 months, and then add 1 week. The calculated date will be the guideline for the expected birth. Another way to determine it is to add 9 months and 1 week to the first day of your last period.

By time of ovulation or expected conception

The method of calculating the date of birth based on the date of conception can be used during a planned pregnancy, when the woman specifically calculated the days of ovulation and knows them. It is during this period that conception occurs. 266 days are added to the first day of ovulation and the date of delivery is calculated using the calendar. This method is called embryonic.

By date of sexual intercourse

This method is convenient to use if you have irregular or infrequent sexual activity. In this case, the woman knows which day in her life was decisive. Everything is very simple - 266 days are added to this date. This method is closer to the embryonic one. Due dates calculated by these two methods may differ by only a few days because the date of intercourse and conception often do not coincide. Not everyone knows that some sperm can live in a woman’s body for up to 9 days, waiting in the wings.

By ultrasound

Doctor with help ultrasound examination can determine the approximate due date based on the established age of the fetus. This is most accurately determined in the first trimester of pregnancy. In the future, there may be an error from several days to 3 weeks.

By size of uterus

An ancient medical method was to roughly determine the duration of pregnancy and, accordingly, the expected birth based on the size of the uterus. Just as in the previous case, you can more accurately determine the time of birth using early stages pregnancy. Subsequently, the size of the uterus depends on many factors (size of the fetus, amount of water). In addition, this method is only suitable if there is 1 child in the uterus.

At the first movement of the fetus

Antique the folk way Guessing the due date is based on the baby's movements. After the disappearance of menstruation, a woman could only suspect that she was pregnant, but when the fetus began to move, this was a 100% sign.

The woman added 20 weeks to this date and could quite accurately guess the due date with small errors. It should be borne in mind that multiparous women are already familiar with the feeling of fetal movement in the uterus and they, as a rule, feel it 1-2 weeks earlier than primiparous women.

Calculation efficiency

The exact day of birth cannot be determined, because the normal period for delivery is considered to be from 38 to 42 weeks of pregnancy. Thus, as many as 28 days can be considered the “due date” date. However, during normal pregnancy different ways calculations approximately coincide and circle around the same date in the range of +/- 14 days.

Gynecologists officially still use calculations to determine the possible day of birth based on the last menstrual period, which is why this period is called obstetric. This method guesses the due date with an accuracy of +/- 5 days in approximately 20% of cases, and this is a fairly high percentage. The exact coincidence of the date of birth and obstetric term is about 5%.

How do features of the menstrual cycle affect the date of birth?

Regardless of the duration of the menstrual cycle, the obstetrician-gynecologist uses a formula for calculating the due date based on the date of the last menstrual period. Accordingly, women with a short cycle and a long one will have the same due date. However, their ovulation date is different, so both conception and due date will be different.

With a short menstrual cycle (24 days) Ovulation occurs on the tenth day. Fertilization occurs on the days of ovulation. Therefore, the actual term in women with a short cycle will be expected a week earlier. The date of birth is calculated using the following formula: the date of the first day of the last menstrual period plus 1 year and minus 3 months.

With a long cycle (35 days) Ovulation occurs on the twenty-first day. The birth will be a week later than the gynecologist calculated. A woman can calculate the date this way: the date of the first day of her last period plus 1 year, minus 3 months and plus 14 days.

The date of birth for an irregular menstrual cycle with large jumps should be calculated using the classic formula.

When you can’t use the obstetric calculation method

The obstetric method of determining the date of birth based on the last menstrual period is the most common.

But it is not possible to use it in the following cases:

  • when pregnancy occurs immediately after a previous birth, and menstruation has not yet occurred;
  • with severe menstrual irregularities, when the interval between menstruation can be more than several months, as happens with menopause or various female diseases, for example, polycystic ovary syndrome or hormonal disorders.

What may be deviations from the deadlines?

Gestation lasts 9 calendar months, or 10 lunar months (28 days each), or 280 days.

Childbirth is classified into urgent, premature and late:

  • Childbirth at 38-42 weeks is normal. Statistically, 70% of mothers give birth between 39 and 41 weeks. Primiparas often give birth 1 week later than the normal due date. But when repeated births On the contrary, women more often give birth before 39 weeks.
  • Childbirth after 42 weeks is late. The baby is considered post-term. There are about 9% of such births.
  • Childbirth before 38 weeks is premature. The viability of the baby depends on the gestational age at delivery. The closer this period is to normal, the better.

Everything is individual, and with premature birth a completely healthy and mature baby may be born, most often this happens at a period exceeding 35 weeks. If the baby is underweight - less than 2500 grams, he will be considered premature.

The second degree of prematurity is established when the due date is from 32 to 35 weeks and the baby weighs less than 2000 grams. However, he also has a very high chance of “ripening” and gaining weight after birth without the use of life support.

In case of premature birth from 28 to 31 weeks, the child will be with grade 3 prematurity and low body weight (from 1000 to 1500 g). Such children are successfully cared for in perinatal centers.

When a baby is born at 22-28 weeks, he will have the 4th degree of prematurity. The baby has extremely low body weight and undeveloped lungs. There is no surfactant substance, which ensures the child’s free breathing.

Previously, a fruit weighing 700 grams or more was considered viable, now – with a weight of 500 grams or more. Such children are cared for in intensive care units using special plastic transparent boxes - incubators, which provide required temperature, humidity and sterility environment. The baby is connected to a ventilator, feeding is carried out intravenously or through a tube, and the necessary drug therapy is provided.

A child born before 22 weeks will not be viable due to severe immaturity. Medicine is currently unable to deliver such babies.

Causes of premature birth

For the total share of all premature birth accounts for about 10% of cases. The cause may be maternal or fetal pathology, or a combination of various factors.

The most common of them:

  • Social and household - smoking, alcohol abuse, drug use, stress, extreme physical activity, malnutrition and hypovitaminosis.
  • Pathology of the uterus - consequences of abortion, other operations on the uterus, hypoplasia, endometritis, endometriosis.
  • Pathology of ongoing pregnancy - placental abruption, oligohydramnios, premature rupture amniotic fluid, inflammation of the membranes, multiple pregnancy, .
  • Mother's diseases - diabetes, hypertension, rheumatism, bronchial asthma, severe anemia, mental disorders And so on.
  • Multiple anomalies of child development that are incompatible with life; currently, the latter is rarely the cause of premature birth, since women try to terminate pregnancy in the early stages for medical reasons.

If such risk factors are present, a woman should be especially careful, as she has a high risk of having a premature baby. She may have to spend some time in conservation.

Determining your expected due date is an important task. But in any case, the calculated period is approximate. It depends on many reasons. Therefore, during a long pregnancy, a woman should listen to herself and expect childbirth, starting from the 37th week of pregnancy, or even earlier.

Useful video about calculating the due date

Date of birth: are there accurate methods for determining it?

The date of birth is the main thing that worries women who are carrying a child. Every pregnant woman wants some certainty. Only after learning about the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy does the expectant mother want to know the date of her expected birth. But how to do it correctly? Many women try to calculate the due date based on the date of conception. And they do this in a not entirely correct way, adding 9 months to the estimated date of conception to calculate the due date. But this method of determining the date of birth by the date of conception is not entirely correct. Pregnancy lasts not exactly 9 months, but 280 days (10 lunar months). So how can you correctly determine the date of birth based on the date of conception? Are there other methods for determining the due date? Which one is the most accurate?

Determining the date of birth by the date of conception and the day of ovulation.

The date of birth is determined quite simply by the date of conception. As you know, the female body is capable of conception only during the period of ovulation - the release of a mature egg from the ovary. The female menstrual cycle lasts on average 28-35 days. And ovulation occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Knowing your ovulation date, you can easily predict your due date. Some women feel their ovulation. During this period, they feel a stabbing or aching sensation in the lower abdomen, the amount of vaginal discharge increases, sexual desire increases, and some even begin to experience mild spotting (bloody) vaginal discharge. Ovulation is accurately determined by ultrasound. But how can you determine the date of birth if you don’t know exactly the day of ovulation? To do this, you can simply calculate the middle of your menstrual cycle and add 280 days to this day. This way you will calculate the approximate due date based on the date of conception. For example, if your menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, then ovulation occurs somewhere on days 12-14 of the cycle. Add 10 lunar months (280 days) to the date of expected conception and get the approximate date of birth. If you calculate the date of birth based on the date of sexual intercourse, then this option is even more reliable, especially if sexual intercourse in the last menstrual cycle was single. But it is worth remembering that the date of conception may not coincide with the day of sexual intercourse. Sperm can "live" in female body up to several days. That is, if unprotected sexual intercourse occurred on the 10th day of the cycle, then ovulation and conception could occur on the 12-13th day. And you need to calculate the date of birth based on the date of conception, that is, starting from the day of ovulation.

Determining the date of birth based on the date of the last menstruation.

When you come for a consultation with a gynecologist, usually the first thing the doctor asks is when your last menstruation was. Young, inexperienced girls, for the most part, do not particularly monitor the regularity of their menstrual cycle and cannot name the exact date. Others begin to remember the start and end dates of menstruation. Although the doctor only needs to know the first day of your menstruation to determine the duration of your pregnancy and the date of expected birth. It is from this day that the menstrual cycle is counted and its duration is calculated.

The simplest formula that gynecologists themselves use to determine the date of birth is the Naegele formula. In order to calculate the date of birth using it, you need to subtract three months from the first day of your menstrual cycle and add seven days. For example, your last period started on April 3rd. We subtract three months - it turns out to be January 3. Now we add 7 days to January 3. It turns out that January 10 is the expected date of birth.

But this method of determining the date of birth is not always highly accurate. Since it is designed to determine the approximate due date for women whose menstrual cycle is exactly 28 days. If it is longer, then the due date will most likely come a little later and vice versa. This is due to the fact that with a long menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs later, and with a short one, earlier, 12-14 days, with the calculation for which this formula is derived. With an irregular menstrual cycle, it is very difficult to determine the date of ovulation and use this method to determine due dates is considered incorrect.

Determining the date of birth using ultrasound.

It is considered the most accurate to determine the date of birth using ultrasound in the early stages of pregnancy, up to 12 weeks. Having undergone an ultrasound scan at a very early stage, you can find out the duration of your pregnancy with an accuracy of literally one day, and in accordance with this, calculate the approximate date of conception and date of birth.

The pregnancy period is determined by ultrasound and more later pregnancy, in accordance with the size of the head and limbs of the fetus. But the conclusion of such an ultrasound can no longer be taken as a basis for determining the date of birth, since all babies develop in their own way, individually. And some babies are born weighing 5 kg, while others weigh 3 kg. Both are the norm. But only in the first case, a woman’s ultrasound in the second and third trimester of pregnancy will be given a due date that is a couple of weeks later than the present one and, accordingly, the due date will be given earlier. Childbirth, most likely, will begin later, and doctors, and the woman herself, will rush things, thinking that the pregnancy is post-term, and the expected date of birth has already passed. And vice versa, short, thin parents give birth to children with the same constitution. And on an ultrasound, a woman is diagnosed with “intrauterine growth retardation” or simply given a gestational age shorter than it actually is, thereby pushing back the correctly set date of birth to a later date.

Setting the approximate date of birth based on the results of a gynecological examination.

A gynecologist who conducts a manual examination of a woman’s genitals can determine pregnancy “by touch.” The pregnancy period can be determined absolutely accurately, starting from 3-4 weeks. It is worth knowing that at later stages (more than 12 weeks) it will be almost impossible to set the exact date of pregnancy and determine the approximate date of birth. The reason for this is the same as when performing an ultrasound in later stages - this is that each child develops in its own way, individually. So, what does a gynecologist pay attention to during an examination? First of all, it is the size and shape of the uterus. In pregnant women, the uterus takes on a spherical shape (in non-pregnant women healthy women the uterus is pear-shaped) and increases in size. A more or less experienced gynecologist gives the gestational age and approximate due date, based on the size of the uterus.

Determining the due date in later stages of pregnancy.

There are times when it is difficult to determine the date of birth based on the date of conception. In such cases, you can use such a proven technique as determining the date of birth by the date of the baby’s first movement.

The baby in the womb begins to make its first movements quite early, around 12 weeks. But a pregnant woman does not feel them, since the baby is still very small. A primiparous woman begins to feel real movements at 20 weeks, and a multiparous woman at 18 weeks. Thus, to calculate the date of birth, in the first case you need to add 20 weeks to the day of the first movement, in the second case - 22 weeks. Thus, we will get an almost exact date of birth. Many women say that they begin to feel the first movements much earlier due date- at 16, or even 14 weeks. Gynecologists usually do not take such statements seriously, attributing the baby’s alleged movements to intestinal contractions. But such sensitive women still exist and, in their case, determining the date of birth by the date of the baby’s first movement will be incorrect.

Somewhere from 14-16 weeks of pregnancy, a gynecologist can accurately determine the duration of pregnancy and the approximate date of birth through a routine examination (not on a gynecological chair). By touch, he will determine the height of the uterine fundus, on the basis of which it will be possible to judge the gestational age and calculate the date of birth not based on the date of conception. At 16 weeks, the fundus of the uterus is between the pubis and the navel, at 24 weeks - in the navel area, at 28 weeks - 4-6 cm above the navel, etc. There is another method for determining the gestational age and date of birth - measuring the abdominal circumference. But it does not differ in accuracy, since we are all different and initially our waist size is also different. In women who are prone to obesity, the volume of the abdomen will, in any case, be greater than that of a thin woman who has been given exactly the same due date. Measuring the length of the uterus is much more informative for calculating the date of upcoming birth.

Why is the date of birth called not exact, but only approximate?

Indeed, it is not possible to calculate the exact date of birth even based on the date of conception. We discussed the reasons for errors in calculating the date of birth based on conception at the beginning of this article. A relatively small percentage of women give birth exactly at the time determined by the gynecologist. Although they say that pregnancy should last exactly 40 weeks, in many cases this is not the case. The due date can occur at 38 weeks and this is also not a pathology. In case of multiple pregnancy, birth almost always occurs earlier than the date determined by the gynecologist. The date of birth, or more precisely its onset, may be influenced by some other factors, such as polyhydramnios, high blood pressure in a pregnant woman, diabetes mellitus, etc. You can calculate the due date based on the date of conception using an online calculator.

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Analyzes and examinations

Registration at the antenatal clinic. First appointment with a gynecologist

at 5-8 weeks of pregnancy

The doctor will conduct an examination, confirm the fact of pregnancy and draw up your individual examination plan. During the examination on the chair, the doctor will clarify not only the fact of pregnancy, but also the condition of the uterine appendages, and will also take all the necessary smears for infections and the epithelium from the cervix for oncocytology (examination for the presence of cells that can cause cancer). The gynecologist will collect data about your health, ask about your relatives’ diseases, and clarify the features of your lifestyle. The doctor will give you a considerable stack of papers - directions for subsequent tests.

Blood test for hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin)

at 5-8 weeks of pregnancy

The presence of pregnancy is determined by the level of hCG and the stability of its development is assessed. If necessary, the doctor can prescribe this test again to clarify the dynamics of the growth of this hormone, which can be used to judge how correctly the pregnancy is developing at this stage.

First ultrasound

at 5-8 weeks of pregnancy

The study will allow you to clarify the duration of pregnancy, see if everything is okay with the fertilized egg, and sometimes even see the heartbeat of the embryo.


at 5-8 weeks of pregnancy

Special examination of the cervix using a microscope.

Primary laboratory diagnosis

at 8-10 weeks of pregnancy

General urine analysis will help evaluate the functioning of the kidneys and bladder (urinary system).
Vaginal flora smear will show the presence of possible inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, hidden and obvious infections.
Examination for urogenital infection. The infection is sexually transmitted and has serious health consequences expectant mother and fruit.
General blood analysis which you take in the morning on an empty stomach will help assess the condition of your body. It reflects the blood’s ability to carry oxygen, the presence or absence of an inflammatory reaction, and the body’s ability to stop bleeding. This analysis is basic; deviations in it are the basis and starting point for a more detailed examination.
Blood for AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis B and C– this is the identification of antibodies to serious infections, each of which has a significant impact on the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus. If an active process is detected, the question may even arise about the advisability of continuing the pregnancy.
Determination of Rh factor and blood group needs to be done once, at the very beginning of pregnancy. When you detect negative Rh factor The future dad also needs to undergo a similar test. If the child’s father is Rh positive, it will be necessary to monitor Rh antibodies in the pregnant woman’s blood throughout the pregnancy, as they can greatly harm the child. Today, technology even makes it possible to determine the Rh factor of the fetus by its DNA in the mother’s blood long before birth.
Blood test for TORCH infections will indicate to the doctor the presence or absence of toxoplasma, mycoplasma, cytomegalovirus and herpes virus in your body. If necessary, the doctor will select the necessary treatment.
Coagulogram will help determine the main parameters of the blood coagulation system, identify the tendency to bleeding and thrombosis.
Determination of blood glucose levels will show the gynecologist how efficiently your pancreas works and whether glucose tolerance is impaired in the pregnant woman’s body.
Feces for worm eggs.
Blood test for hormones(TSH, T4, AT to TPO, AT (antibodies) to TG) - in order to find out the state of your thyroid gland. You may need additional drug support.
Blood chemistry will help determine the condition internal organs– kidneys, liver, pancreas.
Blood test for antiphospholipid antibodies- For accurate diagnosis diseases of the immune system. Prescribed if there is a history of pregnancy loss.

Visiting doctors

at 8-10 weeks of pregnancy

It is necessary to visit a therapist, dentist, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, surgeon, cardiologist, endocrinologist.


at 8-10 weeks of pregnancy

It will allow you to clarify the absence or presence of problems in the work of the most important muscle in the body, the load on which increases many times over from the moment of pregnancy. If abnormalities are detected on the ECG, the therapist will prescribe an ECHO-CG, which allows you to more accurately determine the degree of cardiac dysfunction.

General urine analysis

at 10 weeks of pregnancy

Dynamic control general analysis urine will allow you to evaluate the functioning of the kidneys and bladder.

First trimester screening

at 12 weeks of pregnancy

A screening study for chromosomal abnormalities and gross malformations of the fetus consists of several procedures:
- Ultrasound, by which the doctor can assess whether the fetus has visually gross developmental pathology, as well as the presence or absence of signs that may indicate any genetic disease (Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome);
- A blood test showing whether certain indicators are abnormal, which may also indicate the risk of systemic genetic diseases.
- computer analysis of the degree of individual risk of having a child with a chromosomal abnormality in this couple, taking into account the results obtained from ultrasound and biochemical research.
- vaginal examination, assessment of the condition of the cervix. This is one of the periods in which ICI can begin to form (isthmic-cervical insufficiency, when the muscles of the cervix weaken earlier than required). Therefore, the gynecologist needs to examine you and assess the size and consistency of the cervix. If during the examination ICI is indeed detected, depending on the situation, the doctor will either monitor the condition of the cervix over time or suggest hospitalization.

This day requires special preparation. There is so much you need to buy, prepare, study a huge amount of literature, think through all possible scenarios. And it seems to us, women, that it would be a shame not to take something into account.

The whole pregnancy is not only a spiritual mood, but also quite material troubles that should be carefully planned.

In a simple formula date of birth calculations The main component is the gestational age. Conception occurs most often on the days of ovulation, but not every woman knows when these very days occur.

Everything is simple - exactly in the middle of the menstrual cycle, i.e. 12-16 days after the first day of the last menstruation.

For example, your last period began on April 1, which means that the egg will begin its difficult journey on April 12-16.

This calculation of the due date is suitable for women with a menstrual cycle of average length - 24-28 days. If the days deviate in one direction or another, the date of ovulation also changes.

Let us assume that conception occurred in the middle of the last menstrual cycle. From this period of time the long 40 weeks of your pregnancy begin.

Trying to calculate the due date by week

Some women mistakenly add 9 months and get a “supposed” secret date. This is incorrect, because. pregnancy lasts a little longer - approximately 280 days or 40 weeks.

True, the doctor quickly eliminates this error and helps the patient decide using a special calendar that any gynecologist has.

This calendar has the easiest counting system - from the first day of the last menstruation you need to subtract 3 months (April 1 minus 3 months = January 1), then you need to add 7 days to the resulting date (1+7=8), the result obtained is the estimated date birth, which your gynecologist will add to the card.

The second method of calculation is to add 280 days to the first day of the menstrual cycle.

But you can’t rely only on these calculation systems, because for some, a full-term pregnancy can last 38 weeks, and for others - 42, all this is within normal limits.

Multiple pregnancies, as a rule, end before the date calculated by the doctor.

How to correctly calculate the due date based on movements. Folk signs

To determine the due date you can use folk sign, which for many centuries, even before the development of medicine, has helped expectant mothers.

Exactly in the middle of pregnancy, first-time mothers feel the movements of their baby for the first time - this significant event usually occurs at the 20th week.

Multiparous mothers identify kicks as early as 18 weeks, because... the walls of the uterus after childbirth become thinner, and therefore more sensitive, therefore, intrauterine movements are perceived better the second/third/fourth time.

By the time intrauterine movements begin, you need to add 20 and 22 weeks for the first and subsequent pregnancies, respectively.

But this method is not very accurate, because girls with different builds feel tremors at different weeks; a thin woman feels movements within herself already at 15-16 weeks, and a thicker woman at 21-22 weeks.

It is worth adding that not all expectant mothers can immediately correctly assess strange movements within themselves - some confuse this action with an intestinal disorder, sorry, or movement of the abdominal muscles (mild cramp).

You can also determine the approaching birth already in the last trimester - by the drooping of the tummy. This process makes pregnant women feel a little easier and occurs 2-4 weeks before birth.

Calculating due date using ultrasound

Another method for estimating the due date is computer diagnostics, or more simply, ultrasound. In the early stages (up to 12 weeks), ultrasound can accurately determine the day of conception based on the size of the head and body of the embryo.

Up to a certain point (approximately 3-4 months of pregnancy), all babies develop in the same way, after which the genetic predisposition, dietary habits and lifestyle of the mother take effect.

Ultrasound examinations in the second and third trimesters will have an error of up to 2-3 weeks, because babies are different and the weight of newborns can range from 3 to 5 kilograms.

Inexperienced gynecologists can take the date calculated by the computer as a basis, and after the “supposed 40 weeks”, begin to take unnecessary measures in connection with the “post-term” pregnancy.

Finally, a gynecological examination on a chair can be considered almost as accurate as an ultrasound.

An experienced doctor will be able to determine the gestational age by touch based on the size and shape of the uterus, based on which further calculations will be made, which we defined at the beginning of the article.

It is worth considering that you cannot rely one hundred percent on any of the listed methods; they are approximate and give results that can vary by 2 weeks in one direction or another. You should focus on your feelings and nature, which never makes mistakes.