How to hold a bachelorette party before the wedding? Original, interesting and unusual ideas. Tips for brides and bridesmaids: how to dress brightly for a bachelorette party

Probably every girl, openly or secretly, dreams of marrying the man she loves. And now, finally, the two halves meet and prepare for the day when they can officially call each other husband and wife. These young people have a lot of preparation to do, which can be incredibly exhausting. But you also need to rest. It has become especially fashionable to hold parties on the occasion of the so-called “ last day freedom." This custom was taken from the West and very soon took root throughout the world as a mandatory ritual before a wedding celebration. The bride is throwing a bachelorette party, inviting all her girlfriends to the fun. And here a number of questions usually arise, the main one of which is what theme to choose and what to wear. This article presents clothes for a bachelorette party with photos and comments that will help the hero of the occasion make her evening unforgettable.

Holiday theme

There is no specific number of existing topics. After all, it all depends on the imagination and desire of the bride. Therefore, there can be an endless number of options - from images of cartoon or fantasy heroes to military style. The simplest option is a democratic theme. It does not imply specific outfits, costumes, accessories or color range. The bride and bridesmaids come in their own dresses, the main thing is that it is comfortable and fun.

Here are a few more options to choose from:

  • Indian theme;
  • pajama party;
  • military;
  • "dudes";
  • “hello” from the eighties;
  • Hawaiian party;
  • cowboy style;
  • men's party;
  • East style;
  • Marine theme.

Thus, to decide how to dress for a bachelorette party, you must first decide on the choice of theme and dress code.

According to the principle “All as one”

From the name it’s not difficult to guess how ladies dress up according to the “all as one” principle. The girlfriends wear the same clothes. The bride can dress the same way, but with some nuances, for example, pin a small veil to her hair, or wear the same suit in a different color, or wear a T-shirt with the inscription “bride.”

What options might there be? Here are some examples:

  1. "white on black" This theme implies black attire for friends. The bride, accordingly, puts on White dress. Of course, not a wedding. This could be a white sundress or an evening dress. The girlfriends wear black cocktail dresses.
  2. General detail. Guests may not dress exactly the same, but, by prior agreement, they will dress similar. For example, jeans and a blouse, a skirt and a top, shorts and a T-shirt. At the same time, each image should have a common accessory. It could be a hat, knee socks of the same color, a boutonniere on the wrist, bunny ears or a tail - the idea will correspond to the chosen theme.
  3. Light summer dresses are suitable for a Hawaiian-style holiday. At the same time, at the request of the bride, the dresses can be the same color and style, or they can be different. In addition to the dress, hair should be loose, Hawaiian beads should be on the neck, and boutonnieres on the wrists and ankles. This idea is well suited for a celebration on the coast; you can rent a swimming pool.
  4. If an oriental theme is chosen, then one of the successful ideas could be the style of Japanese geishas. The bride can choose kimonos of the same tones for her bridesmaids, and red or white for herself. Hairstyles and makeup should also be adjusted to this style for the full effect.
  5. If there is a men's party planned, this does not mean that men will be present. This means that guests dress in men's suits, and the bride herself too. Such outfits look very impressive and unforgettable. What should a bride wear to stand out? She can wear white or red or blue, in general, any bright shoes.

The main point is that the bridesmaids have the same outfit and the hero of the occasion has a different outfit from them. You can do it differently - absolutely all party participants, including the future spouse, wear everything the same, the bride may even have no distinctive features. There is a peculiar twist to this.

Where to have a bachelorette party?

The most best places for a bachelorette party:

  1. Night club. This is a holiday, so it should be fun and exciting. Where else to have a blast if not in a club?!
  2. At the bride's house. Who said you can’t have an amazing party at home with music and dancing, you can even have karaoke. Another cool idea for an at-home party is a pajama party. It means an overnight stay.
  3. Bar, restaurant. Almost all bars and cafes offer the service of renting several tables or the entire room for a holiday. At the same time, some also offer their own entertainment program.
  4. Bachelorette party in nature. Great option for summer holiday. You can have a small picnic. A cowboy or Hawaiian theme would be just right. You can also rent horses and arrange a beautiful photo session.

When organizing such a memorable and unique event as a bachelorette party, you need Special attention pay attention to the outfits of the bride and bridesmaids. The chosen clothes for a bachelorette party, a photo of which will certainly remain in the archive of every guest, must correspond to the style or theme of the party.

How to dress for a bachelorette party

Since the party is being held in honor of the bride, her outfit should accordingly stand out. Therefore, when choosing clothes, bridesmaids must adhere to the rule that their outfit should not overshadow the image of the bride.

In order for the bride to be immediately recognizable from the crowd of bridesmaids, you can use various eye-catching accessories, such as a veil or a tutu skirt.

Classic bachelorette party

When holding a bachelorette party without a specific dress code, the bride and guests can choose an outfit to their taste. It can be either jeans or evening dresses. The style of clothing depends on the location of the event.

Bachelorette party at the club

When holding a party in a nightclub, short cocktail dresses, both white and black, and bright colors, will be the current outfits for the bride and bridesmaids.

Dresses with an original cut or an elegant skirt with a bright blouse are also suitable. The bride can limit the choice of outfits by indicating specific preferences for color or type of clothing.

Same outfits

Hen parties where everyone wears the same outfit are becoming increasingly popular. This could be a dress, T-shirt with shorts or a skirt.

You can distinguish the bride from her bridesmaids by her veil or the contrasting color of her clothes.

Bright bachelorette party

You can choose different colored dresses for your bridesmaids to create a rainbow of colors when combined. The main thing here is to agree on colors in advance and select an outfit in a specific color scheme.

Fun bachelorette party

If you order T-shirts with funny slogans for each bachelorette party guest and bride, you can have a playful bachelorette party. The T-shirt can be combined with jeans, shorts or a skirt. These outfits are perfect for an active bachelorette party outdoors, at an equestrian club or in a limousine.

Japanese Bachelorette Party Outfits

Japanese clothing style can be learned from geishas. To create outfits for such a party, you will need bright kimonos with various patterns, a special wide belt and wooden wedge shoes.

Makeup with a whitened face and highlighted eyes with eyeliner will complement the look. Hair should be combed smoothly and pinned with flower decorations.

80s girl look

When creating an 80s-style bridal shower look, you'll need brightly colored clothing and eye-catching jewelry. You can wear leggings in rich colors or classic blue jeans. Sweatshirts or jackets with wide shoulders and sneakers with laces in a standout color would also be appropriate.

Hipsters of the 90s

A 90s party outfit should consist of a crop top, a belted skirt and fishnet tights. Acid-colored leggings are also suitable.

Retro style

When creating an image for a retro party, you need to proceed from the fact that the outfit should be feminine. An excellent option would be bright dress with a full skirt, stockings and high-heeled shoes. You can complement your outfit with gloves suitable color and a small head accessory.

Hawaiian bachelorette party

At a party with this theme, brightly colored swimsuits, hula skirts, summer sundresses, short shorts in rich colors or a beach pareo would be appropriate. The best shoes to wear would be flip flops, wicker clogs or sandals. You can decorate your hair with flowers.

Bachelorette party for the princess

Elegant clothes will help you imagine yourself as a princess. Long Dresses with full skirts, tiaras and chic high-heeled shoes.

Chicago Divas

When choosing what to wear to a gangster party, you should pay attention to long dresses with a low waist made of lightweight materials such as satin, chiffon or silk. It is preferable to choose shades of white, black, cream, blue or burgundy. You can complete the look by decorating the dress with sequins and sparkles.

When choosing an outfit, you need to pay attention to the neckline; it should be open.

Neat hats, mesh gloves or a bright boa are suitable as accessories.

An alternative option is a black pantsuit, complemented by a hat.

Cowboy style

A mandatory accessory for a cowboy is a hat and boots. When putting together a cowboy outfit, you can wear distressed jeans, a checkered shirt and tie a scarf around your neck.

Pajama Party

A great option for a home bachelorette party is a pajama party.

Undoubtedly, pajamas are the most suitable look clothes for such an event, but nightgowns with bright prints or T-shirts with short shorts are also suitable.

Funny slippers in the shape of various animals will help lift your spirits.

Sea party

A suitable choice for a nautical-themed bachelorette party would be a striped vest with short skirt. You can also wear a striped light sundress.

Accessories that complement the look can be sailor hats or caps.

A bachelorette party is a kind of farewell to your free life, so you need to have a lot of fun. The tradition of celebrating a bachelorette party came to us quite recently, so few people are familiar with how to organize a farewell to their “bachelor” life.

The main thing in the article

Ideas for a themed bachelorette party

In order for you to remember the celebration for a long time, you should not organize boring gatherings in the women's circle. Be sure to choose a theme for your bachelorette party. You'll have a fun themed party.

Celebration options:

  • Holiday on a yacht. If you live in a big city, rent a yacht or ship. Don't forget about the buffet and dancing. If space allows, organize a dance party with a DJ. You can play up the holiday on the boat as a party in nautical style
  • Party at the club. This is the classic and most affordable option. So, you don’t have to order a stripper, because the night program in such an establishment includes performances by dancers of the erotic genre
  • Limousine ride. Rent a luxury car, don't forget to buy drinks and food. Visit Beautiful places your city. You can combine such a bachelorette party with a photo shoot
  • Extreme party. It is suitable for extreme sports enthusiasts. You can start it with skydiving. Some cities have interesting underground cafes in the style of the Addams Family
  • Spa party. This option will allow you not only to get yourself in order, but also to relax properly. Buy a spa membership for the most common treatments. Be sure to include massage, face masks and wraps in your program
  • Picnic. Outdoor recreation is appropriate in the warm season. It is best to organize a celebration at a camp site. Of course, you need to buy groceries and think through the menu. If the camp site is outside the city, you should take care of a transfer.

Ideas for holding a bachelorette party at home

This celebration option is suitable for thrifty women. After all, most of the expenses go towards organizing the wedding. Many people think this option is boring, but in fact it is not. After all, a bachelorette party at home is not just about eating goodies at home and drinking, it is about fun and an interesting pastime.

Options for celebrating a bachelorette party at home:

  • Pajama party. This is a classic pajama party. The girls gather at the bride's in the evening, putting on pajamas or nighties. They eat pizza, drink beer or martinis and talk interesting stories. This option is ideal if there are very close friends among the invitees. The evening smoothly turns into night and morning. All the girls spend the night with the bride.
  • Spa party. In order to get a lot of pleasure and benefits for your body and face, you don’t have to go to the Spa. It is enough to invite a massage therapist and cosmetologist to your home. All the girls will be delighted with such a bachelorette party
  • Party in oriental style. All girls put on appropriate makeup and wear translucent tunics. The evening takes place to oriental music. Girls smoke hookah, sitting on pillows and drinking wine
  • Economic evening. This exciting idea for girls who love to cook or sew. A chef from a restaurant is invited to the bride’s home and conducts a master class on making sushi or rolls. You can organize a master class on making soap self made or a beautiful vase of coffee beans
  • Evening with striptease. A stripper is invited to the bride's home. He dances an erotic dance, and the girls drink champagne and chat.

Be sure to prepare competitions for your home bachelorette party, so you won’t be bored.

How to make a bachelorette party at a club unforgettable?

First, decide on the theme of the party. After all, some clubs offer an excellent striptease program, and in some the main direction is disco or music in the style of the 80s. Ask your friends where they want to go. If some of your friends are former members of the school choir, invite them to a karaoke bar.

  • You can rent a VIP room. This pleasure is not cheap, but at least you can retire and do whatever you want
  • Send out invitations. Be sure to indicate the dress code. Clothing depends on the theme of the evening
  • It is necessary for the friends to arrive at the club in advance and all congratulate the bride together.
  • Be sure to discuss the menu and drinks in advance. It is also important to discuss financial issues. Booze and cocktails are not cheap, so the bride’s friends may agree to help financially
  • Consider gift ideas
  • Prepare competitions and purchase everything needed for them
  • You can meet at a bar or order a taxi and pick up all the participants of the bachelorette party right from home

Fun competitions for a bachelorette party

Bachelorette party competitions can be aimed at the bride or bridesmaids. Usually, aptitude competitions are held for the future wife. Fun and active competitions are organized for girlfriends.

Competition options for a bachelorette party:

  • Professional suitability. For this competition it is necessary to prepare answer options. The presenter should have questions in the folder. For example, what should a wife give her husband for his birthday? Answer options: moped, bicycle, lunch or your own option. After the competition, the bride is awarded a certificate of “suitability”
  • Honest answers. For the competition, all the girls sit in a circle. You need to light a long match and pass it around. On whom it goes out, he must sincerely answer the question. Questions are printed on pieces of paper and rolled into tubes. Such convolutions are selected randomly
  • Pantomime. This is a traditional competition during which those invited to a bachelorette party are divided into two teams. The host thinks of a word related to the wedding. One of the girls shows what the presenter wished without words. For example, a veil, a wedding cake, a fight between guests.

Ideas for bachelorette party outfits

This is usually done based on the theme of the party. You can order identical outfits from a tailor for all the girls. But usually some accessory is simply chosen, which should indicate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcelebration.

Outfit options:

  • If the party is in a cowboy style, then the girls wear jeans, plaid shirts and hats. Hats can be rented from your local theater.
  • If you plan to relax in a club, then girls usually wear short dresses. To emphasize the idea of ​​the holiday, the bride wears a short white veil, and the bridesmaids wear a veil made of colored tulle. This has been very popular lately. You can unite your girlfriends with identical leg garters. They should be different colors
  • If you are having a pajama party, then everything is simple, the girls wear pajamas. Of course, it's best if they are the same
  • They often organize a party in a nautical style. In this case, girlfriends can wear vests and captain’s caps
  • A party in the style of the 60s implies the presence beautiful dresses sun-flare. Girls make babettes from hair. It is advisable that the dresses be made from the same fabric. On the contrary, you can choose outfits of different colors, but the same cut

Do they give gifts for a bachelorette party?

In general, there is no such tradition, but it is very nice to give and receive gifts. Accordingly, girlfriends usually discuss the idea of ​​a gift in advance. There are two ways to do this:

Each of the girls will give something from themselves or the girlfriends will collect a substantial amount and choose a good and necessary gift. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, analyze the character of the bride. If she likes to cook, give her something for the household. If she can’t imagine her life without sports, give her a certificate to a fitness club. Ask the bride in advance what she wants.

Comic gifts for a bachelorette party

Such gifts will help lift the spirits and cheer up all those invited. There are many options for funny gifts, here are some of them:

  • Rolling pin with the inscription "Heavy weapons"
  • Intimate maid, cat or bunny costume
  • Gifts from a sex shop
  • Boxing gloves with the inscription “I don’t like to fight”
  • An immodest cake. Usually made in the form of a male torso. This gift must be made by a professional
  • Corset and stockings

You should not give watches, piggy banks, candles, or figurines. It is believed that these little things can bring married life discord

DIY gift for the bride for a bachelorette party

Handmade gifts have always been most valued. Of course you can prepare beautiful postcard. A photo album using the scrapbooking technique would be ideal. If you and your girlfriends love to cook, then you can bake themed cakes. They are also called shameless. These are cookies made from biscuit or shortbread dough, which are painted with colored glaze. Cakes can be in the shape of a male sexual organ or female breast. If the bride is pregnant, you can bake cookies in the shape of a baby and decorate them with icing in different ways.

As you can see, there are a lot of ideas for celebrating a bachelorette party. Choose a topic that is closest to you and your friends.

VIDEO: Bachelorette party in Chicago style

For your friend’s bachelorette party, you need to choose the right outfit. If the bride did not announce a specific theme, then there will be no dress code and a democratic style is chosen, and you have a lot of choice. You need to choose clothes that suit you and make you comfortable, but the bride should remain the most beautiful.

In this article we will look at how you can choose the style of outfits for bachelorette parties.

You can choose from dresses, jeans, shorts, trousers, and it is advisable to avoid white outfits.

Fashionable jeans with a tunic or blouse are also suitable.

Therefore, you should not dress too elegantly and add too flashy accessories to your look.

Same style

Retro style

The retro style of any party looks elegant and stylish. You can choose a fluffy skirt or dress, or a lace blouse. Pay attention to the hairstyle so that it is in a retro style, for example, a voluminous bouffant.

  • Bachelorette party in 80s style

In the eighties of the twentieth century, clothing was bright and unusual. For example, you can wear brightly colored leggings with a knee-length tunic or T-shirt. Blue jeans, jackets with wide shoulders, and sneakers were popular.

  • Bachelorette party in the style of Chicago 20s

Chicago style of the twenties is, first of all, gangster style. For such a bachelorette party, it is best to wear a pantsuit that will highlight your figure, but a high-waisted dress will also work.

Bachelorette party in nautical style

The sea and summer are associated, first of all, with striped clothes and vests. Small skirts, sundresses, and shorts are perfect for clothes for a bachelorette party.

Complete your look with accessories featuring anchors and other nautical attributes. In this form you can go to the beach and to the sea!

Cowboy bachelorette party

It will be original party before the upcoming wedding. Ideal clothes for a bachelorette party there will be faded jeans, a plaid shirt, cowboy boots, and a hat.

Bachelorette party in Japanese style

Hawaiian themed bachelorette party

Recently, Hawaiian parties with the most original ones have become popular. If you have the financial opportunity, then a great option would be to spend it in the Hawaiian Islands, but it is very expensive.

For a Hawaiian bachelorette party, bright swimsuits, a pareo, or a top with a fluffy skirt, and flower beads around the neck are suitable outfits.

Swimming suits can be replaced with shorts, sundresses, and T-shirts in bright colors.
Add bracelets, beads, and necklaces to your look.

You don't need a special outfit if you're going to a spa or .

Here you will not only have a spiritual conversation, but also relax and receive useful treatments for your skin.

After a massage and caring procedures, your entire group will look great and rested.

For example, a nurse's costume in the form of a white robe, high-heeled shoes, a cap and a first aid kit, playboy bunnies with ponytails, or even ladies in fluffy dresses and wigs.

At any bachelorette party, whether it is themed or not, the bride should stand out among her friends, preferably with a veil. Hair and makeup are also chosen according to the theme of the party.

For example, a Japanese party will be characterized by a white face, black eyelashes, bright red lips, and hair tied into a bun with a hair clip.

At a party in the style of the 80s, slight negligence and loose hair can be seen in all details.

In other cases, it all depends on the girl’s imagination and preferences.

Friends should find out about the theme of the bachelorette party in advance in order to have time to prepare, think through the scenario, who plays what role, in order to give the holiday the right atmosphere.

And so that everyone enjoys the bachelorette party, a great mood and joy.

The bachelorette party should be bright and memorable. To do this you will need to choose interesting outfits. We will tell you how to dress correctly for a pre-wedding party. You will be able to create complete images of the bride and her bridesmaids, select the necessary accessories depending on the style of the event. In addition, here you will find videos and instructions for creating original wrist bracelets. They will become the highlight of the images.

The success of a pre-wedding party largely depends on a well-chosen outfit. For pajama party the bride can wear a short T-shirt top with shorts. If the party is casual, you can wear a swimsuit or robe. Soft slippers are a must.

To the party Hawaiian style the bride can dress up in a hula skirt, wear bright top. As accessories, just choose fresh flowers and decorate your clothes and hair with them. If the party is going to be casual, you can wear a swimsuit or pareo.

If the bride decided to spend gangster party, then you can’t do without the following gizmos:

  • Long dress with low waist and open neckline. If the bride chooses a black dress, then the bridesmaids should come in white and, conversely, the bride has a white dress, and the bridesmaids have a black one. The color may also be blue and cream. Burgundy is also in fashion. A satin, silk or velvet dress must be decorated with sequins, beads or fringe.
  • Bell-shaped hat. If it doesn't fit, you can decorate your head with a headband with a feather.
  • Mesh gloves. The accessory should be decorated with sparkles.

In addition, the bride needs a boa and fishnet tights.

Princess themed party- an unforgettable holiday. Dress code: the bride can choose something beautiful fluffy dress to the knee in any color with a fitted top. You can wear a comic veil (attach it to the back of your trousers) and a colored tutu skirt. Here it is written what it should be. You will also learn how to make it yourself. Shoes must be high heels.

Outfit for style party should make the bride very attractive. Therefore, you can choose a knee-length dress, always with a full skirt and a tight-fitting bodice. A patent leather strap will help highlight your waist. In such a spectacular attire you will attract the attention of men. But don’t get too carried away, because your wedding is coming soon! In extreme cases, you can wear jeans, bright shirts or shorts.

If the bride decides to have a party in nautical style and will celebrate it on a boat or yacht, then the most suitable outfit for her will be a set of “sea” clothes: white shorts or trousers just below the knee, a vest. You can wear a sundress with a striped collar. A cap will complement your look.

Here interesting option clothes, T-shirts + trousers and veil.

How to dress girlfriends depending on the style of the bachelorette party

For pajama party Pajamas are more suitable. But girls often wear T-shirts with various inscriptions and shorts. The outfit is very comfortable, as it makes you feel relaxed. Girls don't have to worry about it getting wrinkled at the most inopportune moment.

Outfit for Hawaiian style bachelorette party chosen depending on the venue. When going to the club, you can wear bright short sundresses or tops with denim shorts. An integral attribute of the Hawaiian style are beads and bracelets with fresh flowers.

Gangster party can be worn in formal trouser suits that perfectly highlight the figure. It would be trendy to wear a short black sheath dress.

Bachelorette party for princesses– this is a real fairy tale! Outfits - lush tulle dresses. But they are special: the top is tight-fitting, and the skirt should be full with a multi-layered petticoat. High-heeled shoes and a tiara on your head will help complement the outfit. You can walk in them and take some new shoes with you.

Bridesmaids can come to style party in fluffy short dresses. It should be plain or contrast with the bride's dress. The hair is decorated with beautiful hairpins. Alternatively, girlfriends can wear white shirts and trousers. A polka dot tie and a hat will help highlight your style.

Sea party suggests outfits in this style. Great idea to choose short ones bouffant skirts, shirts with stripes of blue color, sailors' hats and caps. The T-shirts may say: “Goodbye freedom”, “They stole a girlfriend”, “Be careful not to offend!”. The same goes for T-shirts. You can wear flower bracelets on your hands.

Dressing correctly is only half the battle, the main task is... This article will help you decide on a theme, place, and entertainment.

It is also important not to leave guests hungry. Here's what's delicious. Here you will find recipes for appetizers, first courses, salads, desserts and even drinks.

Food is food, but don't forget about entertainment. Here are the options. Here you can find information about forfeits, fortune telling from books, bottles, etc.

Selecting accessories for the bachelorette party before the wedding

A harmonious picture is created not only with the help of clothes, it is important to choose the appropriate accessories.

Here's what you'll need:

  • bouquets of flowers;
  • hairpins;
  • hats, wreaths, veils, tiaras;
  • clutches or handbags;
  • patent leather straps;
  • original beads;
  • gloves, tights, high-heeled shoes;
  • veil;
  • The highlight will be matching wrist bracelets.

Here it is full list you will find out what and where you can buy, and what is better to do yourself, you will be able to beautifully decorate the room and create bright images.

How to make a bracelet from fabric flowers with your own hands

Fresh flowers are very expensive, and they fade quickly, so if there is nothing else to do, you can make your own bracelets from fabric.

We will need:

  • satin ribbon;
  • compass;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors, needle and thread, glue (“Moment” or hot glue).

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Draw a circle on cardboard and cut it out with scissors. This circle will be the basis for the future flower. Now attach the blank to the fabric and draw 10 circles. To speed up the process of creating a flower, the fabric can be folded several times, circled and cut out. Thus, at one time you will get 5 circles.
  2. The circle is folded in half and then folded in half again. You will get one petal.
  3. When all the petals are ready, you will need to fasten each of them with thread, stitching several stitches along the edge.
  4. The finished petals need to be glued onto the cardboard so that one petal slightly covers the other.
  5. All that remains is to attach the rosette to satin ribbon. The bracelet is ready.

If desired, the bracelet can be decorated with beads, rhinestones or sequins.

Clothing sets the tone for the event and creates a certain atmosphere, so for a bachelorette party it should be chosen very carefully.