How to get your child used to kindergarten? How long does it take for a child to get used to kindergarten and how to make adaptation in the first days painless? Adaptation of a child to kindergarten - consultation, advice from psychologists to teachers and parents How long does adaptation to kindergarten take?

Brothers and sisters.

At 5-6 years old, conflicts with brothers and sisters intensify. This happens not so much because of jealousy as such, but because of the child’s inability to direct his feelings in a positive direction - to give his mother a gift and hear praise. Show him how to behave.

In the turmoil before September 1, not many parents have time to think about such a phenomenon as psychological adaptation child to school. Meanwhile, in one day the whole way of life changes for a first-grader. Games fade into the background, and the main activity now is studying in a completely new place and in an unusual group.

What is the adaptation period?

Adaptation can be described as getting used to new living conditions. For a first-grader, this is almost a shock period, since school changes the child’s daily routine, responsibilities, and social circle. He finds himself in a new environment where he needs to quickly build a good relationship with peers and with teachers. In addition, from the first day of school, children have to follow a lot of unfamiliar rules, many of which turn out to be quite difficult.

It is very important that parents understand how difficult it is for their child at this moment, and support him in every possible way. Adaptation is a multifaceted process that covers several aspects of life, so family members should help in a comprehensive manner, and not just with homework.

How long does the adaptation period last?

The adaptation period to school can last from a couple of weeks to six months or even more. The specific time depends on the nature of the child and the conditions in which he has lived for the last 2-3 years. Obviously, kindergarten children settle into school more easily than children at home, simply because they are familiar firsthand with a strict daily routine and a large group of peers. Important factors are the child’s self-esteem and parental attitude.

It is also no secret that sociable extroverted children quickly adapt to school reality, while introverts often keep all their fears and experiences to themselves, which somewhat slows down adaptation.

Signs of successful and difficult adaptation

A child can be congratulated on successfully adapting to school if he enjoys the learning process and does not experience excessive self-doubt. An indicator is also the fact of how he copes with the curriculum, if it does not involve increased complexity. But main feature well-passed adaptation is the degree of independence of the student. If he himself understands what he needs to do when he gets home homework, and calls you for help only when something doesn’t work out for him - this means that your baby is coping well with this difficult stage in life. Relationships with classmates also play a role. The appearance of friends at school is a necessary condition For comfortable feeling child.

Difficult adaptation is indicated by the baby's increased fatigue and sleep disturbances. It is also characterized by a lack of faith in one’s strengths and a reluctance to learn: “I’m afraid,” “I won’t succeed,” “I don’t want to go to school tomorrow,” etc. The number of friendly contacts a child has in the class also matters.

The absence of at least two good friends in 2-3 months at school is an alarm bell. Perhaps, in the above cases, it is worth visiting a neurologist, who can prescribe a course of sedatives with nootropic effects. Such means include Tenoten for children - it increases the child’s concentration and memory, calming him down and helping him adapt to school conditions.

First of all, the psychological attitude of the child, which is largely shaped by the parents, is important. Constantly let your child understand that studying is a serious process that requires effort. Everything can't be perfect, and small setbacks are inevitable. At the same time, do not forget to emphasize the advantages of the school: communication with new guys, all kinds of extracurricular activities and trips, the joy of educational victories. In general, talk about school in a positive way, recalling interesting stories from your school life.

If your child is still struggling with routine tasks like clearing the table and getting dressed after a walk, take the time to improve the situation. The child’s independence in such trifles greatly facilitates school everyday life and does not allow the child to feel behind the rest.

Please pay Special attention to do homework. The option when parents themselves seat the child at the table at a time convenient for them is completely unsuitable. There should be a specific time in your home schedule for educational process. The ideal time is from four to six o'clock in the afternoon, when the baby has time to rest after school, but does not yet feel tired in the evening.

It is advisable to postpone enrollment in clubs and sections until the second quarter or at least until October, so that the child’s workload does not exceed its critical maximum. Wherein additional classes should please the child and perform the function of switching to the new kind activities. In other words, a mug in English, if it is already taught at school, at first it is better to prefer the sports section.

Parents also should not make Napoleonic plans and see their child as an excellent student in advance. A first grader needs help and understanding more than harsh demands. You can ask your child “to the fullest extent” only at the moment when he begins to demonstrate a stable emotional state and good performance. In the meantime, until the adaptation period is completely completed, treat mistakes and shortcomings with understanding.

Elena Perevalova
Adaptation in kindergarten. From work experience

Essay on the topic of:

« Adaptation in kindergarten»

Every child, at a certain period of time, must become capable of living among other people, i.e. "socialize". At the beginning, the baby grows up in a family environment and gets used to a certain routine (daily routine, diet, a certain environment, ways of handling him, requirements from family members. He has developed certain habits, a behavior style has been developed, relationships with family members. By 2-3 years all habits become stable.

When a child enters a preschool institution, his usual living conditions change. And, of course, for a child this is a difficult task, requiring a restructuring of behavior. During this period, the child may develop problems (diseases, loss of appetite, sleep disturbances, disturbances in the emotional state, which will resolve with time). the adaptation period passes.. Some parents not understanding "temporariness" This phenomenon begins to panic. Children are taken from kindergarten without giving him the opportunity adapt. They have particular difficulty in adaptation period children who are accustomed to communicating only with their parents or who do not know that they will be denied anything.

So Kirill K. came to my group on June 1, 2013. The boy came from a complete family; before entering the preschool educational institution, he communicated mainly with his mother, father, and grandmother. From the first days I reluctantly remained in kindergarten, had difficulty communicating with children, and began to get sick often. The parents, in turn, decided that it was all due to oversight and the wrong attitude of teachers and others towards the boy. workers garden and took the child away.

How long does it last adaptation period, and what is his character?

It all depends on the following features;

*age of the child

the younger the child's age, the it's harder for him to adapt

* health status, level of development

healthy, good developed child copes with difficulties more easily adaptation

*individual characteristics

Children entering kindergarten behave differently in the first days. Some are capricious, cry, refusing to eat, sleep, and ask to see their mother. But some time passes, literally a few days, and the child’s behavior is changing: appetite, sleep are restored, the child watches his friends play with interest. Other children, on the contrary, in the first days willingly join the group, are calm, but after a few days they refuse to go to kindergarten, cry when parting with their parents, refuse to eat, sleep, and do not play. This can go on for quite a long time and this is normal.

*experience communication of the child with peers and adults.

Average duration adaptation in children early age lasts 2-3 weeks. But even this is relative short term It is far from harmless for a child. A positive result depends on how together parents and kindergarten workers will work.

I I work in a rural kindergarten, where children begin to come to kindergarten at 2 years old. I believe that educators and parents during this period have a common task - to help the child enter life as painlessly as possible. kindergarten.

And here for a less painful passage adaptive I spend the next period of the child work;

*before the child enters kindergarten for a long time, I have a thorough conversation with my parents (preferably both dad and mom). I find out as much as possible about the child’s life at home (how the child uses the toilet, how he falls asleep, wakes up, whether he knows how to feed himself, his favorite toys, type of communication, level of independence in self-care, etc.). I take the information received into account in the process of subsequent individual working with a child.

During the conversation, I introduce you to the daily routine in kindergarten. We discuss together what needs to be done to coordinate the home and kindergarten regime. If your child has difficulty communicating with peers or communicates only with his parents, I advise parents to take him to school more often. playgrounds, invite his peers to visit. In the case of a habit of what all adults do for a child, I draw the attention of parents to encourage any desire of the child to do something on his own (supported his desires; eat, dress himself, etc.). At home in the family, I advise you to create a calm climate for him. In the first days, do not leave it in kindergarten for the whole day, take it home earlier. Instill in a child that he has grown up; they even take him into kindergarten.

Arrival in children's The child's kindergarten should be gradual. At the beginning, they bring him into the group to meet teachers and peers, look at toys with him, and arouse interest in the new environment.

I talk to the baby in a friendly, affectionate manner (in the obligatory presence of the mother, I help him change clothes, showing him the locker. I invite the baby with his toy, and together with his mother to go to the group. I convince the mother to play a little with the child and other children in the group, because... in the presence of the mother, the child feels protected. I introduce the baby to toys, try to involve him in games. Then I ask the mother, having warned the child, to leave for a while (stay in the waiting room, and definitely come back. This will show the child that he was not deceived, and he can trust.

Every day I increase the time the child stays in kindergarten. Every morning I greet the baby warmly and friendly. I tell him that there are toys and other children waiting for him. I try to interest the child different games. If he continues to follow me, I put him on a chair and offer him to look at his favorite toy.

During routine moments, I take into account the individual characteristics of children, their habits and preferences. If your child is used to falling asleep at home with his favorite toy, then place his toy next to him. While falling asleep, I caress the child, and when asked to sit with him, I sit next to him. I try to gain the baby's trust.

The faster the baby feels trust in me and establishes contact with me, the calmer he will cope with changes in his life and separation from loved ones.

A sign that the period adaptation completed, is the child’s good physical and emotional well-being, he enthusiastically plays with toys, treats me and the children of the group kindly, painlessly partes with his parents in the morning, greeting them in the evening with a smile.

In any family, sooner or later the time comes to send the child to childcare facility. The reasons are very different. Most often, it’s simply time for a mother to go to work, as maternity leave is coming to an end. All children have different temperaments and habits at home, so they tolerate their new environment in different ways: some easily get used to it and make contact with teachers and other children, while for others this process is painful.

This article will be devoted to the question of how to adapt a child to kindergarten.

Why do parents send their young children to kindergarten?

In some families, the child is sent to kindergarten before the age of three. This can be done for several reasons:

  • the child himself is so eager to go to the garden that he literally forces his parents to take him there;
  • it is easier for the mother to cope with the adaptation period and help the child with this, because she will not have to go to work for several more months, which means she will be able to pick up her baby earlier;
  • the family is strapped for money, and the food in kindergarten is much more varied and higher in calories than homemade food, and much more.

Whatever the reason for sending your child to this government agency in each specific case, parents must take into account the peculiarities of the child’s adaptation to kindergarten, to new conditions for the child. Some children do this better, others worse, but in the end, 99% of children successfully adapt to changes in life.

What are the benefits of kindergarten for kids?

Before it starts school age, parents are actually the only authority for the child. But it is important to remember that with three years old the child must begin to communicate with peers, develop sociability and communication skills. The kindergarten fully copes with this task, providing a lot of opportunities. The main problem becomes the question of how best to adapt a child to kindergarten.

Pros of the children's community:

  1. In a group of peers, it is much easier for a child to master and understand self-care skills: learn to put on clothes on their own, clean up their things and toys, and master the rules of personal hygiene.
  2. Thanks to their stay in kindergarten, children develop communication skills, kids learn to take into account common interests and work in interaction with other children. Successful adaptation of a child to kindergarten is especially important for the development of these skills in only children in the family.
  3. The attitude from infancy “I am mine” passes into the understanding “ours is common.” Children begin to willingly help others and share toys.
  4. Children receive a variety of information and experiences, which contributes to the rapid development of speech, logical thinking, musical abilities and artistic inclinations.

Every mother who intends to soon take her child to kindergarten should think in advance about the process of helping her child during the adaptation period. There are several tips from psychologists and teachers on this matter:

  1. You shouldn’t make a deal out of visiting kindergarten. You need to try to explain to the baby in advance where he is going, why, what he will do there, and so on.
  2. It is advisable to find out the approximate child development program adopted in the kindergarten and begin to introduce the child to it. key points. This is important for solving the problem of how to facilitate a child’s adaptation to kindergarten.
  3. All explanations should be as simple as possible, with a positive attitude in order to interest the child in the garden.
  4. If your home is located next to a kindergarten, you should take walks on its territory more often.
  5. It’s a good idea to get to know the teachers who are recruiting the group in advance and introduce your child to them. And what? better baby gets to know the teacher before he is left with him without his mother, the easier it will be for him in the future.

Regarding strengthening your baby’s health, before starting to visit the kindergarten, you should pay attention to the following tips for adapting your child to kindergarten:

  1. First of all, you should prepare the child’s immune system for an early meeting with new viruses. Most likely, the baby will still be sick for some time.
  2. When the family goes on vacation in the summer, it is better to give preference to the climate zone that exists in the territory of permanent residence, so as not to experience acclimatization. If a trip to the sea is planned, the vacation should be calculated in such a way that the child is on the coast for a whole month (and not seven days, as most often happens). It is important to know how to adapt a child to kindergarten in terms of health, since the baby’s immune system works at full capacity, adapting to changes, and instead of improving in the first five days, the condition worsens. Therefore, if for financial or any other reasons it is not possible to provide the child with thirty days of stay at sea, it is better to refuse to visit him completely (at least in the year when the child starts attending kindergarten).

How to make things easier for educators

You shouldn’t think that it’s only parents who have a big problem adapting their children to kindergarten. This is also a difficult process for educators, and parents can help them and their children. You need to remember the following:

  1. You should not think that educators are obligated to teach a child all the skills he needs themselves. This is the child of his parents, and the more independent skills they instill in him at home, the easier and faster the adaptation to the new environment will be.
  2. You should begin to observe the daily routine adopted in kindergarten at home, at least two months before the start of his visit, so that the baby has time to get used to a certain ordered system of actions, as well as the order in which these actions should be performed. This will easily help solve the problem of how to adapt a child to kindergarten.
  3. You need to try to start developing your child as early as possible. socially: instill in him the skills to speak correctly, be able to ask and answer questions. It is useful to visit clubs for this early development children.

Length of adaptation period

Many parents are interested in the question of how long it takes for a child to adapt to kindergarten. There is no definite answer to this, since much depends not only on the adults, but also on the character of the baby, as well as his environment and the period of preparation for the first day of going to a child care facility. For example, there are special adaptation clubs where you can send your child before sending him to kindergarten.

It may happen that the early childhood development club located closest to home is attended by only one child of a similar age. It’s suitable for a start, but after a month you’ll have to change the establishment.

A group with an average attendance of 5-7 children the age of a child is ideal, where parents are allowed only to the first 1-3 classes, and then they work with the children on their own. It would be nice if there is video surveillance, and parents, being in the waiting room, monitor the learning process of their child. This will instill in the child the skill of listening to new adults, communicating with peers and gently preparing the immune system to meet new microflora.

IN best case scenario Adaptation of young children to kindergarten occurs over the course of a month, sometimes the period reaches three to four months, and for some children even a couple of weeks are enough.

Changes in behavior

For every mother, her child is the best, most beloved and most obedient. He doesn’t scream or be naughty at home, fulfills all requests and helps his mother, goes to bed on time and plays on his own. But then the child went to kindergarten, and everything changed beyond recognition: the baby began to scream, or, on the contrary, fell completely silent, stopped helping, dressing or undressing himself, forgot the skill of using the potty, perhaps he even began to hit his mother, bite and break dishes ...

The list of possible changes is endless. All this is a sign of the child’s ongoing adaptation to the new environment. There is no need to sound the alarm, all this is natural and predictable.

What to do if behavior changes

Regardless of how long the kindergarten lasts, parents soon begin to notice changes in the baby’s behavior. This is where the following tips may come in handy:

  1. The first thing psychologists advise is to be patient. At first (from two weeks to three months), children cry, change their behavior, and become aggressive. They protest against the destruction of their usual comfortable, safe living environment.
  2. Do not suddenly leave your child alone in kindergarten. A little man can easily be captivated by something new, and he will willingly go to a group without tears or screams, having become interested new toy. But if the mother, overjoyed by this behavior, leaves without saying goodbye, the baby may throw a tantrum the next day at the mere mention of kindergarten. He does not understand where his mother disappeared to the previous day; the problem of the child’s adaptation to kindergarten in this case may worsen.
  3. Perhaps the baby will stick to his parents both mentally and physically, and will only let go with a roar. This is a normal reaction to too sudden a change in life. You should not immediately leave your child for the whole day. It’s better first - for an hour or two, then until lunch. From the second week you can leave it on all day.

Preparatory games

At the age of three, most often children still do not understand explanations, notations and shouts. For them, all learning occurs through play, and you can use this feature to your advantage and think about how to quickly adapt your child to kindergarten.

It is worthwhile to spend some time with your child role-playing game“a baby mouse attends kindergarten” (instead of a mouse, any toy that the baby loves most can be taken). The purpose of this game is to make the baby feel safe, comfortable and interested in the garden. The most important thing is that if you don’t have time to play, it’s better not to start today, because every a new game a baby mouse's journey must necessarily end with mom's arrival, a hug, a kiss and going home. It is important to remember and understand how to properly adapt a child to kindergarten.

It’s better to skip some things (washing your hands, going for a walk) than to stop playing until your mother comes home in the evening. You can invite your child to tell the little mouse himself how good it is in kindergarten, and why he goes there. Let the baby become an older brother/sister for the mouse and protect him. At this time, parents need to listen very carefully to what the child says. Most often, by coaxing a toy, children describe their problems and experiences, and by understanding your child, you can better help him overcome the difficulties of adaptation.

How to easily adapt a child to kindergarten

You can help with the adaptation problem in the following ways:

  1. Allow the child to take a home toy with him the next day (if this is not prohibited in the garden), he will show her his locker, crib, and high chair. Let him sit his pet next to him in class, because in in this case This is not just a toy, but a piece of home, a substitute for mom.
  2. Visiting a preschool institution is a huge stress for the baby, even if he does not show it outwardly. He cannot relax in front of his teachers, he is afraid of doing something wrong. For this reason, when a child comes home, he may be capricious - he “relieves” the tension that has accumulated during the day. You can deal with this by increasing physical activity baby, games.
  3. When going to pick up your child, you can take a soccer ball with you or ask friends who have a dog to go with you. The child will be simply happy to play outdoor games with his parents or run around with his dog. fresh air. Thus, he will relieve stress, get tired and go to bed easily.

Why do you need sleep?

To answer the question of how to adapt a child to kindergarten, you should know the importance of sufficient time for sleep. The more the child sleeps, the better. At first, he may wake up in the middle of the night, cry, scream, rush to his mother in fear that she will not take him next time. In the first two weeks, children often dream about this, especially if contact with teachers is not found. You have to be patient - this will pass.

During sleep, the body rests and restores emotional and physical strength, so this time is very important.

Parental behavior

Since the parents themselves should first of all facilitate the child’s adaptation to kindergarten, a lot depends on their behavior during this difficult period. Often they themselves are to blame for the child’s delayed adaptation.

If they scold the kindergarten or the teacher in front of the child, scare him with the kindergarten, if bad behavior is discussed with all relatives, but good behavior is not shown to anyone, then it will be doubly difficult for the child. He needs support, not reproach, and considers his mother’s behavior to be a betrayal.

It’s better to forget about tears completely and simply not pay attention to them, distracting you with games. In the presence of the baby, it is necessary to praise the kindergarten, teachers, and other workers. Focus on how well the baby adapts, what (albeit small) successes he has today, what he can achieve in a month, a week, or by the end of the year. This will help solve the problem of how to quickly adapt a child to kindergarten.

You need to come up with your own special ritual of saying goodbye and meeting your baby, discussing the details with him and teaching him to follow them. Then the child will develop the habit of saying goodbye without tears, going to bed on his own, and asking the teacher for time off when they come for him.


The key to a child’s successful adaptation is the parents’ calmness and confidence in a positive end result. The child “reads” the information and becomes calmer. Therefore, if the mother cannot look at the children’s tears, moreover, she subconsciously expects them all the time, let the father or another, more calm-minded family member take the child for the first month or two.

Any type of adaptation is an adaptation; in this case, the child adapts to a completely new and largely incomprehensible environment. Kindergarten is a new unknown space, new relationships, acquaintances. Adaptation includes a wide range of individual reactions, and their nature is determined by the personal and mental capabilities of the child. Also important are the relationships that have developed in the family, the conditions of being in a given preschool institution. Each child gets used to kindergarten in his own way, but there are still some patterns that you should pay attention to.

It should always be taken into account that until the age of two and three years, a child has no need to communicate with peers. An adult is a role model and play partner for a child. Moreover, the child is constantly in a friendly environment. Peers cannot provide him with such an attitude, since they themselves need it. In this regard, the adaptation of an ordinary child to a nursery cannot happen quickly, because he is very attached to his mother. If it disappears, it causes a stormy protest. This is especially true for emotionally sensitive and overly impressionable children. Small children under three years of age are afraid strangers, find it difficult to accept new communication situations.

All these factors fully manifest themselves when the child enters kindergarten. Such fears are main reason, preventing the child from adapting to the new conditions of the child care institution. Often the baby becomes whiny for no reason, he is constantly offended, and also begins to get sick more often. All this is explained by frequent stressful situations that deplete the body and undermine its defenses. It is known that boys at this age are more difficult to adapt than girls. During this age period, they have maximum attachment to their mother, and separation is very painful. Psychologists say that it is more advisable to send children to a child care facility as early as possible, in this case, in the future, children will become better accustomed to the group.<

When a child attends kindergarten early, emotional primary contact is quickly established with peers. But in this case, it must be taken into account that this has a special effect on his emotional sphere. It is possible that in the future such children may be deprived of deep affection and compassion for others. The stronger the emotional connection with the mother, the more difficult the adaptation occurs, but the problem is that not every baby can overcome a difficult situation, and the child develops neurosis. In the event that adaptation to a preschool institution has not taken place, although the child has been attending kindergarten for several months, then parents should know that the help of a specialist is required.

Based on research by psychologists, the adaptation period is normal when it takes up to ten days in a nursery, and in kindergarten for three-year-old children it lasts up to three weeks. Normal adaptation for children of senior preschool age is one month. Of course, these are just general indicators, and not all children have the same reaction to a new environment, although there are similar traits. The hardest thing is for those children who are extremely dependent on their mother, who are the only ones in the family, and who are accustomed to exclusive and constant attention. Also, children with a phlegmatic temperament feel worse in the garden than others. The pace of kindergarten seems too fast for them. They are late getting dressed, eat slowly, and are the last to go for a walk.

It happens that the teacher does not notice such problems and constantly pushes the child on. But as a result, even greater inhibition occurs, and the baby becomes indifferent to what is happening, lethargic, and is not interested in anything. If you notice that your child is having difficulty adapting, talk to the teacher. In this case, the child requires increased attention; the teacher must encourage and support the child. It is known that other children often tease the more dependent and weaker ones. Therefore, the teacher’s adherence to principles and his exactingness will have a positive impact, inhibiting the aggressive behavior of some children.

Children are small, independent individuals in many judgments, and they must be taken into account. Therefore, the age at which a child can be enrolled in a preschool institution is considered individually. In any case, it is necessary to pay attention to possible complicating factors that are a serious obstacle to normal adaptation. For example, the uncommunicative behavior of parents and various family conflicts play a role. Children very quickly internalize any negative traits they notice in their parents’ behavior. In a children's group, such children are characterized by indecisiveness and uncertainty, and this greatly complicates relationships in the children's group. Therefore, such children are not accepted as peers in the group.

Experts are inclined to believe that a child with a nervous disorder should be sent to kindergarten no earlier than he reaches the age of three. As for boys, it is better to send them to kindergarten not at three years old, but at three and a half. It happens that the child is the only one in the family, and at the same time he is often sick and tends to be afraid of everything. In this case, entry into a preschool institution is also possible, but it should be gradual. Start by bringing him to the group, introducing him to other children and the teacher. Then you can look at the toys together. In such a situation, it is necessary to arouse the child’s interest in this environment. Then we need to go home together. Then, for a few days, bring the baby in for a few hours and pick him up before the children go to bed. Thus, the child gets used to it faster, and perhaps he himself will not want to return home at lunchtime, when all the children remain in the garden.

One of the first challenges a child will have to face in life will be adapting to kindergarten. Many parents consider morning crying, screams and protests to be practically the norm and try not to pay attention to them. But this is the wrong position, it’s already difficult for the baby, he needs to be supported and helped. Therefore, every mother should know how to accustom her child to kindergarten in order to protect him from severe stress.


Many mothers make a big mistake when they start introducing their baby to kindergarten on the eve of the first day. When thinking about how to accustom a child to kindergarten, conversations need to be had from the moment the baby begins to speak. Of course, a son or daughter is unlikely to understand the full meaning of what was said, but such conversations will become the foundation. You need to tell your child about the people around him, about goals, tasks and responsibilities.

The baby must understand well that his mother does not disappear forever, she will definitely return and take him home. In addition, adaptation can take place gradually; there is no need to send the child away for the whole day at once.

It will be useful for mothers to meet and establish contact with the future teacher in advance. Together we need to develop a specific strategy and understand how to adapt the child to kindergarten. The mother must trust the teacher herself and instill this trust in the baby. He must clearly know that while his mother is away, he must contact the teacher with all questions.

About three months before the baby needs to go to kindergarten, the mother should prepare for this really important event in the life of the little man.

At what age should I go to kindergarten?

Previously, psychologists insisted that it is better to send a child to kindergarten after three years, when he is physically and mentally stronger, and is also ready to “let go” of his mother. But in recent years, the belief that a child should be taken to kindergarten before the age of three has become increasingly popular. In some ways, this is convenient: he easily adapts to a new environment and often calls the teacher “mom.” But in this case there is a certain problem: the child’s development of natural attachment to home and parents is disrupted. In the future, this may negatively affect the child’s perception of the adult world.

It is difficult for a child to adapt to new conditions and feel confident without his mother’s support, so the child’s adaptation to kindergarten is often very difficult.

If possible, it is better to stay at home with your child until he is three years old. The appearance of a younger child is not a reason to take the older one to kindergarten. We need to teach him to be a helper and support, to make friends with the baby. Strong relationships between children established from childhood will become a good basis for later life.


Particular attention should be paid to the child's daily routine. It must be arranged in such a way that the routine is as close as possible to the one that will be in the garden. If the baby no longer sleeps during the day, it is worth teaching him to at least lie quietly in his bed at the appropriate time. It will be useful to tell him about finger games and explain how to write poems or fairy tales. Getting up in the morning should be an hour before you are supposed to leave the house.

Going to the toilet

To make it easier for your child to get used to kindergarten, you need to teach him how to use the potty or toilet. This skill will help your child feel more confident in an unfamiliar environment. It will be good if the child gets used to going to the toilet “in a big way” at a certain time.


Parents often encounter this problem when children do not want to eat in kindergarten. Unusual food repels babies and does not cause appetite. To avoid such a situation, you need to accustom your child to the taste of kindergarten food in advance.

Parents need to eliminate all snacks and slightly reduce the caloric content of the daily diet. This will help awaken the feeling of hunger. The child must learn to eat quickly and independently. If he cannot do this, it is worth considering - perhaps the baby is still too young to attend kindergarten.

Knowing the characteristics of your child, you need to talk with the teacher and ask her to be more attentive and patient with the baby, giving him the opportunity to finish the meal. Many kindergarten workers are sympathetic to parents’ requests and try to make the child’s adaptation easier.

Hardening and healing

Every parent should toughen up their children, but this applies more to those who are thinking about how to get their child used to kindergarten. Frequent illnesses are inevitable, since the baby will communicate with a large number of children in an unfamiliar environment. Strengthening the immune system will help avoid various complications.

Walking in nature in any weather, water procedures of all types and cool drinks are useful. This way, the child’s body will be more resistant to infections and colds, and the baby will not suffer from constant runny nose and cough.

Parting with mom

Often, a child begins to cry when parting with his mother. If, after much persuasion, the baby still remains with his relatives and feels well, the “tradition” of separation needs to be changed. You can involve your child in the care process: ask him to bring his purse, wave to mom through the window, or walk him to the elevator. Such “responsibilities” will help the child feel like an adult.

If the baby is very nervous without his mother, does not want to play or eat, you should seek help from a psychologist. Often this behavior is a consequence of parental mistakes. The mother’s increased anxiety before separation and excessive care on a subconscious level worry the child and prevent him from feeling comfortable.

In this case, it is best to create situations where the baby himself asks the mother to leave. For example, he needs to make a gift for his parents, or he started playing with friends at a party and doesn’t want to leave. It is necessary to ask the baby more often to personally keep order in the mother’s absence and to remember the daily routine. When meeting, parents should ask their son or daughter about their successes and find out how they spent their day. Praise and approval will be the best incentive for a child to repeat such a feat again.

Peer relationships

Before adapting your child to kindergarten, you need to observe how he communicates with other children. Teach him to cooperate with people, offer his toys to his peers, and respond correctly to reluctance to communicate with him. You can take him to children's rooms so that he can occupy himself for the agreed time and does not ask to go home immediately when he gets bored.

Do not worry!

When taking a child to kindergarten in the first days, parents are always nervous. But mommy must understand that worries and worries are natural. There is no point in projecting them onto the child, as he subtly senses the mother’s mood. There is no need to discuss possible difficulties in front of the baby, but it is also worth “drawing” ideal pictures. The optimal position is awareness of the need to attend kindergarten.

First day in the garden

Parents should know that if a child starts kindergarten, adaptation may not begin from the first day. This is due to the fact that the baby simply did not understand that he would have to do this every day and, moreover, stay for a long time. Therefore, it is too early for mothers to rejoice. Often this problem arises when the process of addiction is delayed. In the first days, teachers allow mothers to be in the garden with the child, and he takes this for granted. It is better to leave him alone in the group for a couple of hours and wait in the locker room if the child does not let his mother go.

Run away or take time off?

The first question that interests all mothers who are experiencing their child’s adaptation to kindergarten is the process of care. What is the best way to leave: run away secretly or get permission from your child? Because of this, there are constant disputes and discussions, but the smartest thing is to study the child’s character traits and choose your own strategy. You can ask the teacher to help and distract the baby.

Free your morning!

Morning should be mom and baby time. No problems or worries should prevent them from enjoying each other's company. It is better to leave all questions and matters for the evening. In the morning, the mother must be decisive and gentle in order to convey the appropriate mood to the baby.

Every evening, when you cross the threshold of kindergarten, you need to leave all your worries behind and devote time exclusively to your child. With all her appearance, the mother should show how glad she is to meet and how she has been waiting for this moment of reunion.

Under no circumstances should you feel sorry for your child because he spends the whole day in the garden. It is better to emphasize how much fun he has there, how many friends he has and how delicious the food is. All negativity, even if it exists, and your own experiences should not be passed on to the baby. Show him an example with your own attitude to life - this will be the best contribution to his adult life.

Work is not forever!

When developing a plan for how to get your child used to kindergarten, you need to develop a positive attitude towards work and responsibilities. It is necessary to explain to the child that everyone always returns from work, and also that they do not live in the kindergarten. Each time you need to emphasize this with examples: dad went to work, he will help other people and will definitely come home in the evening. Over time, the child will get used to this and will be sure that his mother will always return and pick him up from the kindergarten.

Only positive!

All the child’s complaints and dissatisfaction must be played out and presented in a favorable light. The mother should help the baby look at the situation from a different angle and with a positive attitude. You need to admire the kindergarten more often and convince the child that he is very lucky that he can go there. On the way to the garden, you need to describe in vivid colors all the delights of communication with children and concentrate his attention on pleasant little things: interesting toys, exciting activities and favorite dishes.

What time of year is best to go to the garden?

Mothers often think about how long it takes for a child to get used to kindergarten and when is the best time to start taking him. Psychologists and pediatricians claim that the best time is the end of summer and the beginning of spring, and the worst is the end of autumn and winter. This is due to the fact that the child must get used to kindergarten before the start of the school year. In addition, the peak of diseases occurs in autumn and spring.

If a child cries...

All children adapt differently: one gets used to it quickly, while another child cries in kindergarten and calls his mother. Tears in the locker room are common, and parents should not worry too much about it. It is important to pay attention to how the child behaves after entering the group. If he gets distracted and starts playing, then adaptation is going well.

But if a child cries in kindergarten all day long and refuses to play or eat, then he needs help. Difficult adaptation may be accompanied by regression: the baby urinates in his pants, sleeps poorly at night and does not let his mother take a step. In this case, all stress on the baby’s nervous system must be minimized and surrounded with care and warmth. The child must have clear confidence that he is loved and his mother will never abandon him.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to accustom a child to kindergarten quickly and painlessly, because children have a hard time accepting a new environment without their mother. Parents should be patient, and then the baby will definitely delight them with his successes.