How to do natural makeup correctly. Natural makeup for every day that will make you more beautiful How to apply natural makeup correctly

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“Should I paint my eyes with shadows or not? What lipstick should I take: red or pink? You can’t wear bright makeup to work, maybe just apply mascara to your eyelashes?” - almost every woman asks herself these and hundreds of other questions in the morning when getting ready for work. He will tell you how to do natural makeup to look perfect website.

Perfect tone

To make your complexion perfect, use foundation, powder and corrector (concealer). Remember! You should not use a foundation that is too dark, even if you want a more tanned look. When choosing a concealer for your face, make sure that it is no more than one shade lighter than your foundation.

Thick eyebrows

Tidy up your eyebrows by filling in any gaps with eyeshadow, pencil or mascara. Don't forget that your eyebrow color should match your hair color. So, blondes are recommended to use a light brown pencil, and brunettes can use dark shades of the palette.

Focus on the eyes

Line your eyes with a light brown pencil or brown eyeshadow, blend the lines with a brush. Apply eyeshadow in as neutral shades as possible on your eyelids. For eyelashes - brown or black mascara.

Delicate blush

The ideal blush shade for natural makeup is beige-pink. It is better to apply them with a large soft brush, which you can lightly touch the side surface of the neck. Remember that blush should be applied to those places that appear when you smile.

Bright lips

Despite the fact that we have natural makeup, we must emphasize the beauty of our lips. Choose warm shades of lipstick or gloss and apply it to your lips using your fingers, so the makeup will look more natural.

Ideal makeup for brunettes

To do natural makeup, girls with dark shade hair can use black eyeliner. A translucent cherry shade of lipstick will look great on your lips.

This is an ideal option for everyday make-up, which, by the way, can easily be turned into an evening one by simply adding bright lipstick or focusing on the eyes with smoky eyes. The technique for making makeup as natural as possible depends on your appearance. Someone needs to concentrate on hiding skin imperfections: redness, acne marks, pimples. Someone needs to highlight their cheekbones, making their face visually slimmer (we're not talking about aggressive contouring, but about light correction!). Others simply want to make their skin look more radiant and fresh by adding a little blush. We offer basic instructions for creating beautiful natural makeup. It can be modified depending on your tasks.

How to do natural makeup


The main task of this type of make-up is to make the skin even and smooth, without overloading it with a huge amount of foundation. Minimum necessary set products for natural makeup - concealer and Foundation. With the help of concealer, you can quickly cover up dark circles under the eyes and correct redness, and foundation will allow you to achieve an even, beautiful complexion. Use products with creamy textures and apply them with your fingers or a damp sponge with light, fluttering movements. This will allow you to achieve high-quality shading, and the skin will look natural. If necessary, set the result with mineral powder, especially if you suffer from oily shine.


A light, natural blush will instantly make your look fresh and energetic. The main thing is to choose the right shade and not apply too much color so that the blush does not look like separate bright spots on your face. Give preference to neutral peach or soft pink shades. In summer, you can use bronzer for tanned skin.


As you have already seen for a long time, eyebrows immediately transform the face, so for proper natural makeup, they need to be given no less attention than the foundation. Wide eyebrows (only without tattooing!) can be the main accent of natural everyday make-up. Use a set of eyebrow shadows or a regular pencil.


In principle, mascara - black or brown - will be sufficient here. Don't apply it in 3 layers, save the doll lashes style for parties. It is not necessary to use shadows for natural makeup. If you really want, choose a palette in pastel natural colors - beige or pale pink.

In this article we will give instructions: how to properly make natural, light, beautiful make-up faces for every day at home, we will show videos and photos. The trend of invisible makeup has not lost popularity for many years. With its help, you can emphasize your strengths, hide your flaws and look great in any situation: at work, at school, at a gala evening. Despite its apparent simplicity, this image does not tolerate thoughtlessness and negligence.

To get a successful result, you need to have high-quality cosmetics and be able to apply perfect tone, since he is the basis of everything in this matter. It is also important to choose and create the right accent on one of the parts of the face so that inconspicuousness does not turn into fade.

What is the name of natural gentle daytime makeup, its types

This kind of makeup has its own name. Most often you can find the definition - nude or nude. This word is also used to describe certain decorative means. For example, lipsticks, eye shadows, concealer creams. It means maximum natural colors. This look includes long, fluffy eyelashes, glowing skin, light blush, and fresh lips.

In short, it is natural beauty. This kind of makeup can be divided into everyday and festive. The second one is most often done by brides. It differs only in the properties of cosmetics. For a celebration that lasts all day, it is better to choose durable products.

Also, daytime makeup is classified by color type. Girls with cold and warm colors will need different palettes. You will also learn about selecting the right range from our article. Another sign by which two types of nude are distinguished is accent. It can be done on the eyes - arrows, smokey eyes or on the lips - red lipstick. We'll tell you about the basic life hacks and rules that are relevant for natural makeup in principle.

Secrets of natural makeup

A few recommendations from stylists will help you create a beautiful look.

  • Choose one dominant. Remember that if you want to distract attention from some part of the body, you should not apply a bright color to it. For example, if you need to hide your neck, use a transparent gloss or balm on your lips.
  • Tint your eyebrows evenly and neatly. They are responsible for youth and open-mindedness. Choose a tone that matches your hair or is slightly darker.
  • Don't overuse blush. Their task is to give a light, healthy rosy tint to the cheeks.
  • Use soft or damp blending sponges foundation. This way it will better hide unevenness and be evenly distributed and will last longer.
  • Be sure to prepare your skin before applying cosmetics.
  • Use light-colored correctors to paint over those parts of the face that you want to enlarge or bring closer. For example, the area around the eyes.
  • With dark pigments, on the contrary, distance what needs to be hidden and reduced. Together with contrasting ones, they are good for creating relief.
  • Apply the base on your cheeks towards your ears, along the massage lines. Smoothly move to the neck so that there is no abrupt transition if the palette contrasts with your coloring. It is also needed on the lips and eyelids.
  • Avoid clear strokes; it is important to carefully shade all boundaries.
  • Give preference to matte shades. Natural makeup does not accept mother-of-pearl or obvious gloss.

How to do makeup in natural colors for every day, photo step by step

You will need a regular set of cosmetics. It should include: foundation, concealer, corrector, powder, blush, lip gloss or tint, shadows, pencils, sponges and, if necessary, brushes. As for the palette, it is important to choose colors that are as close to your natural ones as possible. Makeup artists advise relying on the following scheme.

Selection of colors for nude depending on the color of appearance

Girls with summer and winter types can use cool pink, lilac, and white shades. For young ladies with a spring and autumn type, warm colors are more suitable: peach, salmon, beige. You can also rely on other characteristics appearance. For example, hair, skin and eyes.

  • Brighter pigments are suitable for brunettes. Choose among coral, pink-brown, caramel, silver, blue, plum shadows, lipsticks. It is good to use bronzer and black mascara.
  • Fair-skinned blondes, depending on the color, go for matte creamy, orange-red, muted purple, cherry, brown, and gray nuances.
  • Owners of red curls need very delicate, translucent tones. Any pastel or coffee color will do. If the red color is copper, try brick, terracotta shades, and some berry shades.
  • For fair-haired women, both cold and warm options listed above can be suitable.

For different eye colors

  • Green. Calm purple, nude, honey, cream, pink, bronze and other pigments for spring and autumn color.
  • Brown. Golden, dark brown, caramel, plum, copper, chocolate nuances.
  • Blue. Coffee, red-brown, red-orange, walnut, white, powdery, graphite, lilac.
  • Gray. Copper, yellow, pastel pink, peach and everything listed in the previous paragraph.

How to apply natural makeup correctly step by step

It is important to create makeup in daylight. Artificial lighting can distort colors and the image will not look as intended. Makeup involves several steps. The first and most important thing is always skin preparation.

  • Cleanse your face with skincare products: scrubs, lotions, tonics.
  • Be sure to apply nutritious cream, lip balm and moisturize the eye area.
  • Wait until the products are absorbed.
  • Remove excess with paper towel.

Ready! Now you can proceed to the next step.

Natural makeup for every day: step-by-step photos

Another important step is creating a base for makeup. Use primer first. It will fix the layer of makeup and hide unevenness. This coating can be moisturizing and mattifying. First option will do for dry skin, the second for oily skin. Then comes the turn of masking pigments.

  • Using light patting movements, distribute a light or other suitable concealer under the eyes. Yellow neutralizes bruises. Place several dots or draw lines in the form of a triangle. Blend the edges to go beyond the dark circles.
  • If there are other imperfections, they also need to be covered with concealers. Removes redness green color, yellowness - lilac, freckles and spots - pink.
  • Moisten the sponge and paint your face with the selected base. Create a thin layer.

The even tone is ready! Let's move on to other features.


They are applied in small quantities to the apples of the cheeks, the bridge of the nose and, if necessary, to the sides of the forehead. Brush with a soft brush from the middle of your cheekbones to your temples. In the case of this cosmetic product, it is better to under-color than to overdo it, since red cheeks will look too contrasting against a light background.


Pick up a powder pencil and use short, jerky movements to carefully highlight the natural shape and color. Draw strokes where there are spaces. The darker the hair, the brighter the tones you can choose. Blondes and red-haired girls can pay attention to graphite, gray, brown nuances. Fix the result with a transparent gel.

How to do natural eye makeup

Fill in the eyelids with the selected shades using a brush, without leaving clear boundaries between the shadows. There are three rules for the correct combination of pigments:

  • Apply the richest sample to the outer corner.
  • Muted - in the middle.
  • Light - in the inner corner.

A tired look can be refreshed with white eyeliner. Simply trace your lower eyelid along the line of redness. The same effect can be achieved with a highlighter. Place highlights under your eyebrows or in the area near your nose. Expressiveness will be added by neat arrows in a color that matches the appearance. They are appropriate for both daytime and evening makeup. The final step is a layer of mascara.


In nude makeup, lipstick and pencil are usually not used. A translucent sheen is sufficient. If you decide to focus on this area, use all the necessary means and tools. It is important that the shade of the eyeliner matches the main sample.

  • You can visually increase the volume if you apply a lighter pigment in the center and then carefully shade it.
  • This effect is ensured by the highlighter point above the cupid’s bow and the drawing of borders protruding 1 mm beyond the natural contour.

The final stage is fixing with transparent, transparent powder. Just gently run the sponge over your face. Your natural make-up is ready! If you wish, you can quickly and easily turn it into a bright one. To do this, just add one more accent.

  • Skin that is too pale in certain lighting can create an unhealthy appearance. Therefore, try using pigments one tone brighter than your natural one. Remember that they are also applied to the neck and décolleté.
  • Stick blush is better than powder blush. They are easy to apply, they are more durable and easier to transform for a festive evening.
  • The relief of the face will add vitality to the image. It shouldn't be flat. To do this, combine two colors of powder: lighter and darker. For those areas that need to be highlighted, you will need the first option. For those that you want to hide - the second one.
  • Don't forget to shade the borders carefully.

And last but not least, take care of your face regularly. Moisturize it every day, cleanse, tone and drink enough water. This way you can keep the range of concealers to a minimum.

How to choose a tinted nude cream for problem skin

There are several factors to consider when purchasing.

  • A quality product always has a uniform structure. It is not too runny and not too thick.
  • The dense consistency will close the pores and create discomfort and will harm your face. This foundation can be suitable for a photo shoot or an evening event. For Everyday life choose a light fluid or emulsion.
  • Be sure to read the ingredients label on the tube. It shouldn't contain essential oils completely or they are present in minimal quantities.
  • Purchase a sample from hyaluronic acid and UV protection. This is especially true for “snow whites”.
  • Stop at products that tighten pores and contain bactericidal substances. For example, tea tree extract.
  • Try to choose a product that prevents shine.

Winter and summer foundation: is there a difference?

In the cold season, makeup artists advise giving preference to oil- and silicone-based versions. If your skin is prone to dryness, choose a base with moisturizing ingredients. In summer you will need a composition with SPF protection and a light consistency.

Correcting your face type using nude

Natural style does not involve sculpting and contouring techniques. But it is designed to emphasize the advantages of appearance, and even with a modest palette, you can hide some imperfections.

  • It’s easy to round off a face that is too long by adding dark color under the hairline and on the edge of the chin. Then add highlighter to your temples and sides of your jaw.
  • Round form visually narrows if you darken the temporal area and cheekbones. Glowing highlights on the chin, under the eyebrows, on the back and night light of the nose also visually elongate.
  • The angularity of the “square” will be smoothed out by blended concealing concealer on the sides of the forehead, lower jaw and apples of the cheeks.

Examples of invisible makeup: photos and videos with step-by-step application

This look has been popular for many years. Many girls love him, he is suitable for any age and appearance. The main thing is to choose the right palette and carefully apply it in the right quantity. We have put together a small inspiring selection with successful examples of everyday makeup.

Now you know all the rules and life hacks of natural makeup. All that remains is to apply theoretical knowledge in practice. For this you will need high-quality cosmetics. You can find everything you need at affordable prices in the First Moscow Customs Goods Store. The site presents a variety of brands, all products have certificates. There are consultants working for you who will answer any question and help you choose a product.

Agree, it is much more pleasant to catch admiring glances when there is no makeup on your face at all. Well, or at least it seems as if not.

Natural makeup is good because it perfectly hides skin imperfections and emphasizes individuality!

And any young lady can wear it, regardless of age and type. It's always nice to hear compliments on your appearance.

Helpful information:

Lightweight, natural, unnoticeable...

Natural makeup has the following main attributes: perfect smooth skin, fresh blush and, thanks to light rather than dark shadows, an expressive look.

Lips, as if made for kissing, are fresh, plump, berry or caramel in color.

As for eyelashes, the use of brown mascara and curling tweezers is allowed.

This kind of make-up seems uncomplicated, although in fact its implementation is a painstaking and time-consuming task.

How to do natural makeup at home? There are two pillars of this type of makeup: the right color and proper application technique.

All you need is to re-evaluate color palette your favorite tones and how to apply them. Remember that we mean almost imperceptible, light natural makeup. But this does not mean that your appearance will be a loser. Naturalness will simply unobtrusively emphasize your beauty.

And I give you the sequence of natural makeup below. Step by step how to do natural makeup.

Preparing the face

Don't forget to pre-apply a daytime moisturizer to your face and neck - the primer will apply more evenly to the skin. However, when lubricating your eyelids, try to get as little fat as possible onto the eyelash hairs.

After applying moisturizer, use a makeup base to even out your skin and prepare it for foundation.

Technique for applying tone

To create perfect skin, foundation and powder are your main assistants.

It would be a grave mistake if you do not do preliminary testing before choosing cosmetics. The first requirement for the procedure is daylight, which does not distort the shades of cosmetics and skin.

Makeup artists advise applying the tone directly to the face (for example, on the forehead), and not on the palm or wrist. The skin color in these areas of the body differs from the tone of the face.

Wet the latex sponge and squeeze it well on the towel. Then apply liquid primer to the middle of the sponge and bend it in half to allow the product to seep into the pores.

Important: if the sponge is not moistened, the primer will not spread well over the skin and the layer of cosmetics will not turn out transparent.

Now blot the entire surface of your face with the prepared sponge. Do this until the skin is covered with the thinnest layer of cosmetics.

Treat the dimple on the chin, wings of the nose, and eye sockets especially carefully. Apply less paint towards the chin, forehead and ears and rub it in thoroughly - do not allow the boundaries of the application of cosmetics to be visible.

If your skin is shiny...

Matte the middle of the face (T-zone) using translucent powder. Use a large brush to pick up a small amount of powder just to remove shine, no more.

You can use mineral powders

The composition of such funds includes exclusively natural ingredients(minerals), making them suitable even for sensitive skin prone to allergies.

Such cosmetics have a number of advantages: they do not clog pores, protect against ultraviolet radiation and hide imperfections well. Mineral powder will not cause irritation, will make the skin smooth, and give it a natural color.

If the skin is healthy

If you don’t have any particular complaints about the condition of your skin (the color is uniform, there are no spots or other imperfections), it is absolutely not necessary to cover your entire face with tone.

Why hide freckles or natural blush - they look so attractive! It is better to apply foundation on the forehead, nose, chin and thoroughly rub the product with your fingers or a sponge from the center to the edges.

Another tip for owners healthy skin: they can limit themselves to one corrector (it is better to choose a liquid one) and apply it locally - under the eyes and on the wings of the nose.

Important: when refusing foundation, you must choose a shade of corrector that completely matches your skin color.

Healthy blush...

It has long been the main attribute of Slavic beauty. Today it is a mandatory element of makeup.

Apply loose blush with a soft round brush in circular movements on the cheekbones and along the side of the face.

If the “rosy” cosmetics have a creamy consistency, take a little cream from the jar, lightly touch your cheeks with your fingertips and rub obliquely towards the ears.

Apply a drop of blush to the cheekbones, sides of the forehead, chin and rub well.

Gently blot the transitions from blush to the main tone of the face with a sponge again to make the border invisible.

Important: it is better not to rub the contours, but to lightly press the sponge to your face.

Face modeling with highlighter

Cosmetics for modeling by highlighting and emphasizing individual areas of the face allows you to achieve a voluminous, sculptural appearance.

The texture can be crumbly, liquid or creamy. The last two forms are considered the most convenient - such products are easily applied to the cheekbones, under the eyebrows and on the inner corners of the eyelids.

Using liquid camouflage (it’s good if it has reflective particles) correct the dark circles under the lower eyelids. Gently apply the product in dotted dots, working from inner eye to the outside. Then spread it with delicate movements using the tip of your ring finger.

Emphasize the contour of the eyes with a neutral colored kajal - gray or brown. For a cold color type, gray is suitable, and for women with warm shades of appearance, brown nuances suit them.

Draw a stroke from the middle of the lower and upper eyelids to the outer corner. Moreover, on the upper eyelid, expand the line outward. The contour should connect in the corner of the eye. Lightly rub the ridge line on the upper eyelid with the applicator.

The color of the stroke should match the shade of the shadows. Otherwise, the makeup will lose its naturalness. Instead of a pencil, you can use shadows - apply them with a thin brush.

To make your eyes shine, add accents

Place light accents under the eyebrows and on the inner corners of the eyes (you can use shadows or a light pencil) - this will add expressiveness to your look.

For the upper eyelid you can use mother of pearl. This will also enliven the expression of the eyes.

You can restore freshness and shine to your eyes using shimmering shadows on the inner corners of the eyes or mother-of-pearl on the upper eyelid. Their color should be similar to the shade of the powder, but only slightly lighter.

To make the result more natural, rub the shadows along the plane of the eyelid with your finger, leaving only the area under the eyebrows free.

Feel free to apply light shadows to this area - this will help “open” your eyes. Or you can simply powder the upper part of the eyelid or draw a line with a white pencil.

Only on the lower eyelid should you not use glitter shadows. Better take a concealer.

To focus on the eyes, use a classic brown shade or ash gray. Apply them at the inner corner of the eye and distribute with your fingertips.

The times of flashy shadows and harsh eyeliners have sunk into oblivion, and makeup in natural tones has entered the arena of modernity. Today, girls do not strive to stand out in everyday life with bright makeup; on the contrary, the less makeup, the better.

However, you should not discount cosmetics, but rather learn how to use them so that everything looks natural. In this article we will talk about natural makeup and how to properly do it yourself at home.

How to do natural makeup at home, step by step with photos

Before we tell you in natural tones, we want to remind you that the beauty of the skin primarily depends on proper care. Therefore, before starting the procedure, use cleansers and toners that suit your skin type. After that, do not forget to moisturize the epidermis with a special cream.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Apply a makeup primer to your skin if your moisturizer does not perform this function.
  2. To eliminate dark circles under the eyes, use concealer.
  3. To remove all skin irregularities, you can apply a thin layer of foundation, just don’t overdo it.
  4. Record the result at easy help loose powder in natural shades.
  5. Next, use special shadows, but try not to make them too different from your hair color.
  6. Apply a light coffee shade to the upper eyelid, and a shade lighter closer to the inner edge of the eye.
  7. To shade the part of the eyelid that is closer to the outer edge, use a darker shade of brown.
  8. Complete your makeup by applying mascara to your upper and lower lashes. For natural eye makeup, it is best to use black or brown mascara without additional volume.

Important! It is better to choose shadows for natural makeup in natural shades without adding sparkles and shimmering particles.

Natural makeup ideas

To inspire you to new experiments, we have made a selection with various everyday makeup ideas for girls with different hair colors.

Natural makeup for fair-haired people

Creating a beautiful one in natural tones is quite simple, but you need to consider some points. Blondes, as a rule, have a fairly light skin tone, and therefore this is what you should focus on.

To such women Do not apply foundation in a thick layer, it is better to use BB cream. For natural eyebrow makeup, experts recommend using special shadows that are 2 shades darker than the hair.

Mascara should be applied in no more than two layers to prevent the eyelashes from looking stuck together. And a pink, almost transparent gloss will look great on the lips, creating the effect of wet lips.

Natural makeup for brunettes

Girls with burning black hair are perfect for natural face makeup, created with the help of arrows and lipstick to match the skin tone. A “smoky eye” can also be a good solution, but in this case it is better to leave your lips without lipstick or gloss. Eyebrows can be slightly adjusted using a pencil or special shadows, but do not overdo it so that they look natural. And despite the fact that the eyes will stand out brightly, this will still look natural.

Natural makeup for redheads

In order to create a charming look, owners of fiery hair just need to use brown shadows with a golden tint for the upper eyelids. The lower eyelid can be lined with a pencil one tone darker and shaded using a special applicator.

You can use brown lengthening mascara or regular black mascara. It is better to paint your lips with nude lipstick so that the emphasis is only on the eyes. Another great option for red-haired women is to use pink-brown shades to create a natural make-up.

Natural makeup for brown-haired women

The ideal everyday makeup assistant for brown-haired women would be a soft brown pencil that a woman should use to line her eyes. Mascara should be brown or black with a lengthening effect.

Lips can be highlighted with soft pink lipstick. An excellent solution would also be to use a light purple or olive colored eyeliner pencil. Lips can be highlighted with a delicate peach-colored gloss, thereby creating a natural lip makeup.


To understand what natural make-up is, many women need to see it once rather than hear or read it a hundred times. Especially for you, we have made a selection of videos about natural make-up for women.

In the first video, the makeup artist explains step by step and shows with an example how you can do natural makeup. Also an expert on cosmetics gives useful recommendations on how to properly use various cosmetic products.

In today's article we told you about how to make natural makeup yourself at home. Also, especially for our readers, we have selected training videos with useful tips. Share your opinion in the comments about how often you use cosmetics and do this type of makeup.