How to shave for a man: everything you need to consider. How to properly shave a man's face with a razor Shaving correctly

No matter how much stylists “trained in Britain or Western European countries” tell us about the quality of close shaving, about ritual trips to a prestigious barbershop and other delights of caring for facial hair using newfangled and expensive means and methods, most men remain faithful to the traditional razor machine It is he who helps us out on vacation and on a business trip, it all starts with him as soon as the first stubble appears, and in the end we return to him when there is no time for barbers and the electricity is turned off. But, oddly enough, more than half of men do not know how to shave properly - although they do it every day throughout their adult lives.

What can I say? This article will help those who have just encountered facial hair and a razor for the first time, and for those who already have experience, but something constantly goes wrong (cuts, irritation, ingrown hairs, etc. after every shave) ). You can also have a beautiful and high-quality shave at home, and today you will learn how to do it step by step.

Shaving technique - step by step instructions

Some self-confident individuals believe that if a machine is called “safe”, you do not need to have any operating skills. Of course, the shaving technique with such a device is much simpler than straight razor, but you also need to know its basics and remember to apply them in practice.

Where to begin

And it all starts with going to the store and choosing the right razor and everything that comes with it. We described in detail how to do this and what you need to know when buying a safe machine in another article. Now let’s just remind you of what you still need for a perfect home shave:

  • safety razor - with replaceable blades or disposable as an alternative on the road or on vacation;
  • shaving product - foam, gel or;
  • shaving brush if using shaving cream;
  • aftershave or aftershave with a soothing and refreshing effect;
  • hydrogen peroxide in case of cuts - although if you do everything carefully and slowly, according to our instructions, there will be no cuts.

What else you will need is hot water, a mirror and good lighting. Very good, this is extremely important. If such lighting is not provided in the bathroom, it is better to go to the kitchen or even to the balcony.

Reminder: under no circumstances should you shave with a razor with a dull, rusty blade. In practice, it has been established that both the blade and the disposable machine should be changed every three procedures. If you save and are lazy, you will get hellish sensations with each subsequent shave, irritation and ulcers.

Skin preparation

And now the first and probably the most main advice: Never try to dry shave. This does not save time at all, it does not save money, and especially nerves. This does not save anything at all, but only leads to abrasions, peeling, pain, psychosis and, as a result, much greater costs for the treatment of pimples after shaving and ingrown hairs.

Therefore, remember once and for all: you can shave only well-moisturized, steamed skin, onto which a special shaving product is then applied - soap, foam, gel. Ideally, if time allows, shave after a shower or bath - then the skin is perfectly steamed, the shave will be fast, high-quality and comfortable.

As an alternative: just wash with hot soap and water or apply a terry towel to your face, soaked in hot water and wrung out well. By the way, this is exactly what professional barbers do - it is believed that warming up with a towel is more effective than regular washing. Apply the towel for about half a minute, this is enough to open the pores and make the hairs softer.

  • the hairs become softer and will be easier to shave;
  • A soap film forms on the skin, allowing the blade to glide smoothly and protecting against minor injuries.

Regular soap cannot cope with such tasks; it contains too many alkalis. The hairs will remain coarse, and the skin will be dry and irritated after shaving. But as an option, you can use a special shaving soap - some manufacturers produce this today. If you like it, use it for your health. So, the skin is properly prepared, moisturized, covered with abundant soft foam - you can proceed directly to shaving.

Advice: modern manufacturers offer a wide range of shaving products for various types skin. Take the time to read the label before purchasing and choose the appropriate one, then shaving will turn from an everyday torment into a pleasant and expected procedure.

Direction of movement

This is the second, no less important aspect. Remember once and for all your life: the destruction of facial hair starts from the top and gradually moves down. The machine must move strictly according to hair growth - and nothing else. In certain areas of the face, the machine can move diagonally, but still from top to bottom, and not vice versa. If you neglect this simple rule, skin irritation and ingrown hairs cannot be avoided.

In the most inaccessible places, exceptions are possible; hairs here can be removed only by direction against their growth. Try to do this in one movement. If this does not work, it is better to remove the remaining vegetation with tweezers or cut it with scissors.

Skin stretching

There is no need to press hard on the machine, nor is there any need to process the same area five times in a row. If you prepare the skin well and keep the blades of the machine sharp, all the hairs will be shaved well in two, maximum three passes. If you want to make the process easier and faster, stretch the skin with your free hand.

The most problematic area is the mustache growth area above upper lip and chin. These places are difficult for a razor to reach; it will not be possible to tighten the skin. All you can do is close your lips tightly and press them to your teeth. Try to make as few passes as possible; the skin in this area is very sensitive.


To shave your neck efficiently and safely, you will need maximum attention and very good lighting - we remind you again. Review is very important so you don't miss anything and get hurt. The direction of movement of the machine in this area changes: now you need to move from below towards the chin. The head should be tilted back if you need to slightly stretch the skin with your free hand.

That's all! Do not make unnecessary movements so as not to injure or irritate the skin, and after every third pass, rinse the razor under running water to remove hairs stuck between the blades. If the bristles are soft, then you can get by with cold water. If it is hard, rinse the machine in hot water.

Features of shaving with a disposable razor

A disposable shaving machine is used in essentially the same way as a regular one. What is the difference:

  • most inexpensive models do not have a floating head and a comfortable handle with a lock, so the risk of injury is higher, and the shaving process itself will take longer and require more accuracy;
  • on cheap disposable machines, the blades are not of the highest quality; they can only cope with coarse hair in the 3-4th pass. This increases the likelihood of irritation and cuts.

The problem can be solved simply: try using a little more shaving cream and rinsing the razor more often. Some require two disposable machines for one procedure. This is better than a red face covered in scratches and spots with islands of poorly shaved stubble. But ideally, think about purchasing a good, functional machine. After all, for yourself, your beloved, after all!

After shaving

First, you should remove the remaining foam and carefully examine the results of your efforts. If unshaven hairs are noticed somewhere - usually this is the chin area, around the lips and nose - then you should re-apply shaving cream to the problem areas and correct the situation. Ingrown hairs are removed with thin tweezers.

Also see:

After shaving, the face must be soothed and the skin disinfected. What can be used for this:

  • soothing and moisturizing gels;
  • softening and disinfecting balms;
  • disinfecting and refreshing lotions.

It is not recommended to use the cream immediately after shaving - first you need to soothe the skin and close the pores. To do this, you should first wash your face with water at room temperature - not ice! Then gently pat your face and neck dry with a soft towel or napkin or apply aftershave.

How to shave if you have a beard

Don't think that if you have a beard, you can now forget about the razor forever. You will still have to shave from time to time if you do not want to look like an Al Qaeda member in six months. They start with the cheeks, then move to the temples and sideburns, and finally treat the neck. At the end of the process, the beard itself is also combed and trimmed with scissors or a special machine.

Summary: The safety shaving technique is considered the simplest of all possible. It’s not at all difficult to master, the main thing is to remember three basic rules: good hydration using special products, the direction of movements strictly according to hair growth, a high-quality, sharp machine and good lighting. And the last instruction: take your time! Haste has never done anyone any good. And in in this case you will gain no more than five minutes, which will still not save you if you are late.

  • 1. What you need for shaving
  • 2. Shaving technique - step-by-step instructions
  • 2.1. Nuances on the T-shaped machine
  • 3. Subtleties and tips

What you need for shaving

In order for a man to shave without irritation, it is necessary to carefully select equipment:

  • Razor. Various shapes, number of blades, quality, and type of attachment are possible. This may be a disposable machine or with a replaceable head. You can get acquainted with all possible varieties. However, as practice has shown, a razor with three blades is sufficient.
  • Shaving brush. Classic shaving involves the use of a special brush, with which you can evenly distribute the foam or gel over the stubble. It is recommended to take a fluffy brush (brush) made from pork - it is quite soft because it works well to drive foam into the skin.
  • Gel, foam, or other similar hair removal products. As a rule, a man chooses what creates the least discomfort. To minimize the likelihood of irritation, you should make a responsible choice and learn all about aftershave products.
  • Hot water. It will soften the skin and simplify the process. It is necessary to use hot water as much as is tolerable.
  • Mirror, shaving brush container, towel, razor cup. You need tools for comfortable stubble care.

All this will help you shave quickly so that after treatment there is no feeling of discomfort and/or redness on your face.

Shaving technique - step by step instructions

Before shaving, you need to carefully study the direction of hair growth - based on this, you can choose the most successful movements.

You should shave in this order:

  1. Skin preparation. Many men prefer to steam their face. A compress with hot water will help soften it, which will relieve unnecessary pain.
  2. Treatment with foam or gel. Apply shaving cream evenly to the stubble using a brush.
  3. Preparing the razor. There will be no problems with a new one, however, in order to properly shave a man’s face with a machine that you are using more than once, you need to wash it thoroughly. If necessary, you can disassemble the razor and change the blade. If the razor becomes dull, it will make shaving difficult, and harmful bacteria may accumulate on it over time.
  4. Application of foam. Using a shaving brush, you can create an even layer that protects the skin from cracks and damage.
  5. Shaving. While stretching the skin on your face behind the razor blade, draw it first along the hair growth, then across it. You can smoothly shave your face with a final movement against hair growth.

Clean the machine thoroughly and rinse your face. If the bristles are thick, during the process, the razor must be cleaned under a strong stream of water so that it can remove new hairs. Detailed video for beginners will allow you to quickly understand how to shave properly.

When finished, treat your face with aftershave lotion. It should be chosen based on individual characteristics. For example, a moisturizing gel is needed for dry skin. To do this, you can use different means - mild creams or disinfectant tonics.

An economical option would be cologne “Sasha”, “Tete-a-tete” or “Triple”. And they are sold under the NIVEA and Gillette brands best creams for shaving. However, please note that their composition may not suit your type.

Nuances on the T-shaped machine

Often men prefer to shave their mustaches with a T-shaped machine. This tool is not as common, but it can shave facial hair faster and more efficiently.

When working with it, you should hold the handle firmly in your hand and make careful movements, keeping the cutting edge at an angle of 30 degrees relative to the skin. The shape of the machine may depend on the manufacturer. However, regardless of it, you should maintain this position of the razor. To remove stubble with it, follow these steps:

  • Touch the guard of the machine to the beard;
  • Use short strokes to gradually remove excess hair.

Over time, you will learn to select the optimal angle based on the shape of your tool, and the process itself will be faster and cleaner. When using a T-shaped razor, it is not recommended to shave the stubble against the direction of growth, as this causes cuts and irritation that could be avoided.

Having familiarized yourself with all the intricacies, you can avoid discomfort.

  1. Red spots and pimples on the face after shaving are caused by sensitive skin. Treat the affected areas with soothing lotions with a disinfecting effect.
  2. For cuts. Treat your skin with cologne or toner. For deep cuts, use potassium alum; you can buy it at the pharmacy. Wet the block and rub it over the cut. Alum quickly stops bleeding and protects the epidermis from irritation.
  3. Replacing the blade in a razor. Machines with average price supplemented with special locks that allow you to remove the blade from the razor, which simplifies their operation. Cheaper options, as a rule, cannot be disassembled; they can only be replaced with another machine.
  4. Frequency of machine replacement. Disposable ones can withstand 2–3 uses; expensive varieties with three to five blades can be “stretched” 5–10 times.
  5. Shaving frequently. The body reacts to the first procedure by accelerating hair growth. The rate of their growth increases according to the frequency of their cutting, so if you shave often, then over time you will need to shave off the stubble daily. Interesting observations related to the effect of hair removal frequency on hair growth rate are shown in the video.

From this article you will learn:

Why don't men like to shave? Women who know from their own experience all the nuances of depilation should understand them. Firstly, the skin of the face and neck has a complex, uneven texture, which creates a risk of cutting. Secondly, irritation often occurs after this procedure, which greatly spoils appearance. In fact, all this can be avoided if you know how to shave so that no difficulties of this kind arise.

Features of shaving for the first time

Features of shaving for the first time

One of the most problematic issues is how to shave for the first time- worries primarily teenagers who treat this process very responsibly. Unfortunately, many of them do this on the sly, locking themselves in the bathroom from their parents, borrowing their dad's razor. The result is predictable - cuts, irritation, unshaven areas. To prevent this from happening, dermatologists advise taking the following tips into account.

  1. Start shaving correctly at 16 years old, although this depends on the male type. For some, body hair as early as 15 years old forces teenagers to resort to this procedure.
  2. To do this, it is better to immediately stock up on an electric razor, which requires a minimum of effort, but is very effective. At the very least, it is almost impossible to injure the skin.
  3. If this is not possible, it is better to buy a disposable machine for the first time - just to learn how to do it.
  4. Wash with hot water.
  5. Place a terry towel soaked in hot water on your chin and cheeks. This will soften the bristles.
  6. Apply shaving gel or foam to your palms and spread evenly over your face.
  7. You need to shave from the cheeks to the chin, in the direction of hair growth.
  8. Using your free hand, lightly stretch the skin being treated.
  9. After each use, rinse the machine in hot water.
  10. Wash off any remaining foam.
  11. Moisten the skin with a special shaving lotion or cream. They should be marked “for sensitive skin,” which indicates that the product is ideal for caring for teenage skin.

Here how to shave for the first time as a teenager- this information is useful both for the young men themselves and their parents. It will help avoid irritation, burning sensation and discomfort. Everything must be perfect so that later this procedure does not cause fear and discomfort. However, it is not always possible to avoid redness and pimples - what to do?

Through the pages of the past

The history of shaving dates back to Neanderthals. About 100,000 years ago, they began to pull out their hair. To do this, they used shell shells and sharp fragments of quartz, which left scars on the face.

Shaving without irritation

Shaving without irritation

You just need to know how to shave without irritation so that it does not spoil the face. Dermatologists advise practicing the following.

  1. Be sure to steam your skin before shaving.
  2. Do not use excessively hot water for shaving.
  3. Do not use soap foam: only special gel or foam.
  4. If your skin is too sensitive and problematic, buy special care products for it.
  5. It's better to shave in the evening.
  6. Change the blades on your razor in a timely manner.
  7. After each shave, disinfect the blade.
  8. Shave from top to bottom, in the direction of hair growth. Many are in pursuit of smoothness skin they do the opposite and end up getting irritated.
  9. Do not run the razor over one area several times.
  10. After shaving, apply special creams, lotions, gels to the skin - but not alcohol-based ones.
  11. Do not wipe your skin with a towel after shaving.
  12. Give preference to floating heads.

This simple instructions will teach any man how to shave properly without irritation. Follow these rules - and there will be no trace of acne left. If redness continues to occur, the best solution to the problem is to visit a dermatologist. Perhaps the cause of irritation does not lie in shaving. And, of course, make the right choice as to what is best to shave with.

Interesting fact

In Ancient Egypt, according to Herodotus, rich Egyptians shaved several times a day. They sought to be pure before the gods and distinguish themselves from the masses of “wild” ordinary people.

How to shave with a razor

How to shave with a razor

In principle, everything has already been described in detail in the previous sections, how to shave a man with a razor so that the procedure does not cause discomfort. This is the most convenient and widespread device for this procedure. At some points, of course, it loses to an electric razor, but it shave much more thoroughly. You can only add a few nuances to the manipulations described above.

  1. Make sure that shaving products do not contain soap solutions. The less they foam, the better.
  2. It is better to shave with a razor no more often and at least 2 times a week.
  3. Wait until your face is completely dry and only then apply aftershave cream or lotion.
  4. Do not use cologne for this procedure.

It's better to figure it out first how to shave for men razor so that later this procedure did not cause any discomfort. According to statistics, this is the device that most men use. Moreover, their choice is floating heads and replaceable blades. And only 5% strong half of humanity - brutal guys who are not afraid to get involved with straight razors.


The Zafiro Iridium shaving machine costs $100,000 and features lab-grown white sapphire blades.

Rules for using the razor

Rules for using a straight razor

Let's get a look, . Let’s say right away that this is a whole science that is quite difficult to master. It is advisable to take several lessons from a real master, see how it is done in practice, and practice on some subject ( old toy, For example). And only after that take on your own face. Here brief instructions for using a straight razor at home.

  1. Soften the stubble: rinse your face with hot water.
  2. Make a hot compress.
  3. Lather softened hair with a special foamy shaving cream or real shaving soap, whipped into foam.
  4. Most best shaving brush- made from badger wool.
  5. A straight razor should be held with three fingers just in front of the handle. The blade should be positioned obliquely, at an angle of 30° to the skin.
  6. The skin should be taut with your free hand.
  7. Start shaving from your cheeks. The chin and upper lip come last.
  8. The razor is applied first in the direction of hair growth, then against it.
  9. Move the razor evenly.
  10. In dimples, corners, and above the upper lip, hold the razor more vertically.
  11. To avoid cuts, you need to carefully rinse the razor with hot water several times.
  12. The blade must be sharp, so change it immediately as soon as the quality of the shave decreases.
  13. Before shaving and after the procedure, each time you need to rinse the straight razor and wipe it thoroughly dry with a soft cloth.
  14. Store the tool in a dry place, but not in the bathroom.
  15. You must hold, open, and close the device carefully, by the tail.
  16. Any touch may damage the blade.
  17. Do not drop the razor or use it for other purposes.

Be sure to watch the video how to shave with a straight razor so as not to inadvertently injure yourself. Despite the fact that it is very difficult to use, it gives the maximum effect of long-lasting smooth skin without irritation. Only the most qualified person can decide to use such a tool. a real man. As for the safest shaving device, it is an electric razor. When purchasing this device for personal use, first read the instructions included with it. how to shave with an electric razor. There is nothing complicated about this.

  1. Decide which electric razor is more convenient for you to shave - foil or rotary. The first is ideal for sensitive skin, the second is famous for its amazing smooth skin effect.
  2. Before shaving with an electric razor, you can treat the skin with a special lotion, but you must ensure that it dries first, and only then shave. However, many men shave dry.
  3. To shave Philips rotary electric shaver Smooth, leisurely circles are recommended. Cheeks - puff out, chin - stick out.
  4. To shave Panasonic foil electric shaver it needs to be done differently. Movements should be progressive - up and down. Move along the jaw bone.
  5. Don't press electric shavers too close to your skin.
  6. When finished, the electric razor should be rinsed.
  7. Apply a special product to the skin.

This is a short guide, how to shave a man with an electric razor, which may have several options, depending on the model of the device used.


All these tips how to shave for a man, can serve good service. Following the rules for using all these devices reduces the risk of cuts, scars, ingrown hairs, and most importantly, irritation. Men's appearance sometimes requires no less attention than women's. Therefore, treat this issue responsibly, dear gentlemen.

A traditional safety razor provides a close shave with minimal trauma to the skin. This is only true if your technique is well developed. In this article you will learn how to shave with a T-bar correctly.

To get a clean shave with a safety razor, you need to practice your technique.

Safety razor shaving kit

You will need:

  • T-shaped machine.
  • High quality blade.
  • Shaving cream or soap.
  • Shaving brush.
  • Hot water.
  • Mirror.
  • Aftershave.

A clean waffle towel for steaming the skin, a container for whipping foam, and a cut remedy such as alum stone may also come in handy. Some men like to use pre-shave products: oil, cream, lotion or special soap. Plus, shaving goes better if you have some... free time and good mood.

Minimum shaving kit: razor, blade, shaving brush, cream and balm

Have you collected everything you need? Proceed with the procedure. It consists of the following stages: preparing the skin and stubble, whipping the foam and applying it to the face, shaving itself, finishing the skin and cleaning the tools. Please note that in practice some steps are performed simultaneously or overlap each other. But for ease of perception and maintaining the logic of presentation, they are described sequentially.

How to prepare skin and stubble

At this point you should prepare the skin and stubble for contact with the blade. For the skin, the encounter with the razor should pass with minimal damage. During preparation, it is necessary to moisturize the epidermis as much as possible. This makes it elastic. It is the elasticity or pliability of the skin that protects it from injury when it comes into contact with a sharp blade.

But the hair should be inelastic. The strength of hair is provided by the outer layer or cuticle. In its normal state, the cuticle consists of cells that are layered and tightly adjacent to each other. On top they are covered with sebum. Due to this, the hair is protected from mechanical damage and the penetration of excess moisture.

By the way, you've probably heard the comparison of the strength of human hair with the strength of copper wire. Hair is stronger than wire of the same diameter.

When water penetrates the hair, it becomes heavier and less elastic. The cuticle cells do not adhere to each other so tightly, which makes the outer layer less resistant to mechanical stress, such as cutting with a blade.

How to prepare your skin for shaving in practice? Proceed like this:

  • Wash your face with soap. This will degrease your skin. This promotes the penetration of water into the epidermis and hair. The water should be very warm or slightly hot. But avoid excessively hot water. It dehydrates and even burns the skin.
  • Take a warm shower. While washing, you can direct a stream of water onto your face for a few seconds. This will moisturize your skin and hair. Warm water will also expand your pores.
  • After a shower, do not dry your face. Prepare a lather from shaving cream or soap, apply it to your skin and start shaving.

Please note that applying foam to the face also applies to preparation for shaving. Moreover, this is a very important part of preparation. Why? Firstly, soap suds are always alkaline. Alkali reduces the strength and reduces the elasticity of the hair cuticle. This makes the blade cut hair easier.

Secondly, almost any shaving cream and soap contains moisturizing ingredients, such as glycerin or oils. When applying foam, the skin and hair are moisturized, which promotes a comfortable shave.

Third, foam makes the razor glide easier and acts as a buffer or cushion between your face and the blade. Thanks to this, the razor causes less damage to the epidermis.

Finally, as you apply the lather, the brush lifts the stubble, promoting removing the dead epidermal cells and massages the skin.

If you don't have enough time to shower, use a towel soaked in hot water to prepare. Wash your face with soap, moisten a clean waffle towel with hot water, wring it out and place it on your face. Hold the towel for one and a half to two minutes. After that, apply lather and shave. Please note that it is better to apply the towel over the entire face, and not just the shaving area. This stimulates reflex reactions, due to which the pores expand, and also relaxes facial muscles.

What about the so-called preshapes: oils, creams, lotions? If you want, apply them to your steamed face before preparing the foam. Take a few drops of oil or a small amount of cream, rub between your palms and spread over your cheeks, chin and neck.

Is it necessary to use a preshare? No. Cream or oil quickly moisturizes the skin and makes it elastic. Thanks to this, the blade injures the epidermis less. But this same problem can be easily solved with warm water and well-whipped cream or soap. Moreover, an excess amount of preshave oil prevents water from penetrating into the hair.

Start shaving when the skin is degreased, steamed and covered with foam. By the way, the latter will be discussed further.

How to make foam from soap or shaving cream

You will need a shaving brush, warm water, cream or special soap. The foam can be whipped directly on the face, in the palm of your hand or in a special container. This could be a scuttle, a shaving bowl, or even an ordinary cup, bowl or salad bowl.

To whip up foam, proceed as follows:

1. Before going to the shower, soak the shaving brush in warm water. The bristles of the brush should become wet and absorb moisture.

The shaving brush should stand in warm water for at least 10 minutes.

2. Pour the water out of the bowl, shake the shaving brush several times and squeeze the shaving cream into the bowl. Please note two things. First: if you are using a cream, it is quite easy to shake the brush two or three times. Before beating the foam, water should drip from it. And if you use shaving soap, you need to shake the shaving brush several times with force. When making foam from soap, it is better to add water to the bowl gradually.

Second point: to shave, just squeeze out a strip of cream the length of a knuckle thumb. This is about 3 cm. How much soap do you need to collect? Your brush should feel heavy and the hairs should stick together.

Helpful advice: if saving money is not your top priority, squeeze out a little more cream than you need. A strip 4 cm long, or one and a half khalanges of a finger, will allow you to make both thick and moist foam. Note, required amount may vary depending on the brand of shaving cream.

This amount is enough to make a very thick and at the same time moist foam.

3. Beat the foam with a brush in a bowl. Make circular motions as if you were stirring sugar in tea or whisking eggs for an omelet. If you use cream, it is enough to work for about a minute. You will have to tinker with soap longer. Experiment with water: add a few drops while whipping and evaluate the thickness and moisture of the foam.

How do you know when the foam is ready? For example, try placing the shaving brush without support on the sides of the bowl. If it doesn't fall off, apply foam to your face. Pay attention to its consistency. It should be thick. If there are a lot of large bubbles in the foam, you need to add a little cream and work with a brush. If it seems too sticky and dry, add a few drops of water and brush again.

If the shaving brush is standing, then everything is in order. By the way, this is a universal rule of life: it applies not only to the brush

4. Apply the foam to your face with a brush. The bristles of the shaving brush massage the skin, remove excess epidermis and promote hydration of the epidermis and hair. Now start shaving.

How to use a T-bar machine

Take the machine with the blade inserted. Please note that it is better to hold the razor by the end of the so-called leg or handle. This will prevent you from pressing the blade too hard on your skin while shaving. To prevent the machine from slipping during use, try not to touch the foam with your hands. If soap or cream gets on the razor handle, immediately rinse it under running water.

It is better to hold the machine by the end of the handle. In this case, you do not press the blade on the skin

Select the correct blade-to-skin angle. It should be approximately 30°. To ensure this contact angle, you need to hold the machine correctly. Its position depends on the design. For example, for Muhle R89 and R41 razors, an angle of 30° is achieved when the handle is almost parallel to the floor. The Merkur 37c machine head has complex geometry. But a suitable contact angle is also achieved when the handle does not look straight down at the floor, but as if obliquely.

This is how you should hold the Merkur to get the proper angle of blade to skin contact.

If this is your first time using a classic safety razor, experiment with the angle of attack. Proceed like this:

  • Gently touch the guard of the machine to the skin of your face. In this position, the handle will point directly to the floor.
  • Slowly move the handle up and to the side until you feel contact between the blade and your skin.
  • Make a few short strokes with the razor.

We are looking for a suitable angle from the guard. R41 head used as example

Most likely, during the experiment the blade came into contact with the skin at an obtuse angle. In this case, the blade does not shave, but scrapes off the hair. It is possible to shave at this contact angle, but you will need several passes to achieve an acceptable close shave. And extra passes can cause skin irritation. So continue the experiment:

  • Touch the skin of your face with the lid of the machine. In this position, the handle looks to the side strictly parallel to the floor.
  • Slowly lower the handle down until you feel the blade making contact with your skin.
  • Gently and without pressure, make a few very short strokes with the razor.

Looking for the correct angle of attack from the lid

For this part of the experiment you used an aggressive sharp angle. It was probably less than 30°. In this position, the razor injures the skin, causing irritation and ingrown hairs.

Now you need to find a middle ground. Please note this is not 45°. This angle is too obtuse. Take your machine with the blade and try to determine by eye which position makes contact at an angle of 30°. Try to maintain this position while shaving.

Approximately in this position the desired contact angle is achieved when using the R41 head

If you're just getting started with a traditional T-bar, shave according to the hairline. For most men, this is a top-down direction. When you feel ready, experiment. Try making razor strokes perpendicular to the direction of hair growth. Don't shave against the grain. In this case, the skin is seriously injured, and you pay for a close shave with irritation and ingrown hairs.

Please note that it is better to start experimenting with shaving direction a few weeks or months after you start using a classic razor.

  • How many passes with the razor? Focus on two aisles. At first, you may not be satisfied with the cleanliness of the shave. However, after a few months of starting to use a traditional razor, you will be shaving in two passes.
  • Do I need to reapply foam before each pass? Necessarily.
  • What about preshave? If we are talking about cream or oil, it is enough to apply them once before the first pass.
  • Which part of the face should you start shaving from? It's a matter of personal preference. You may find it convenient to shave your cheeks and cheekbones first, then the skin above your upper lip, then your chin and neck.
  • With what force should you press on the machine? If you have a metal razor, you don't need to apply pressure at all. The machine with the blade must move along the skin under its own weight.

After removing the stubble, proceed with the final procedures.

What to do after shaving

Take care of your facial skin first. Then pay attention to the shaving accessories.

During shaving, the skin is injured. Due to the removal of the top layer of the epidermis, it loses moisture. Add to this the stress of the harsh effects of alkaline lather from soap or shaving cream. Is it clear why the skin needs help? Proceed like this:

  • Rinse off any remaining shaving foam from your face with warm water.
  • If you see bleeding cuts, use a styptic and disinfectant. It can be alunite or alum stone. Wet it with cold water and rub it over the cut. Pause for a few minutes. For example, while the alum is working on the skin, you can rinse the brush.
  • After three or four minutes, wash the alum off your skin. Use cool or cold water. Cold helps close pores and narrow capillaries.
  • Pat your face dry with a clean towel. Please note that the skin should be blotted, not rubbed. It is better to use a cotton waffle towel that does not have lint.
  • Apply aftershave to your face. Use a balm, cream or gel without alcohol. Squeeze out a small amount of product, rub it between your palms and apply to your face.

Your skin is now restored and looking forward to your next shave. It's time to take care of your shaving accessories. First, spin up the machine and wash its parts. Between procedures, it is better to store the blade separately from the razor. So don't throw away the paper envelope it comes in. All metal parts must be dry before assembly.

Secondly, rinse the brush thoroughly under running water. Shake the brush several times to remove water. Store the brush on a special stand with the bristles down. Third, wash and dry the shaving cup. Don't forget to close and put away your aftershave and products on the shelf.

Shaving with a traditional razor is easy

For shaving to be enjoyable and effective, several conditions must be met. Pay attention to preparing your skin and hair. Learn to hold the machine correctly and choose the angle of attack of the blade. Shave with short strokes without pressure. After shaving, wash your face, use alunite if necessary and apply aftershave. If everything is done correctly, a great mood is guaranteed.

Shaving is one of the necessary procedures for most men. Every day, a man's facial hair grows by about 0.4 millimeters, and periodically he has to shave it off. For some men, this turns into real daily torture. But this is only due to the fact that they do not know how to shave correctly. What is proper shaving?

Proper shaving includes several stages and it begins with the correct choice of machine and cosmetics. In addition, it includes proper preparation skin, shaving itself and, of course, aftercare.

Choosing a razor and shaving product

The razor is the most popular shaving tool. Right choice The machine makes shaving easier and more enjoyable. What are they? Everyone knows that machines can be disposable or reusable. Disposable machines should be used only when absolutely necessary and no more than once. Such machines usually become dull quickly and do not have special strips to soften the skin or other devices to facilitate this procedure.

The ancient Romans tried to shave their faces so as not to look like barbarians, since a beard was considered their sign.

Much better are reusable machines with replaceable cassettes. The undoubted advantages of such a machine include the fact that you can use it for as long as you like, you just need to periodically buy new cassettes. The cassettes themselves also vary; some of them can last quite a long time and still remain sharp. If you don’t want to spend money on new cassettes often, then you’ll have to fork out for expensive ones, but really high-quality ones, for example, with platinum blades.

If you want to reduce skin irritation during shaving and improve its quality, then you should give preference to cassettes with floating heads. They do not put so much pressure on the skin and do not injure it. You can also choose cassettes whose blades move in different directions; they provide a smoother shave and less trauma to the skin. Diamond-coated blades are considered the most durable. In addition, it is important to pay attention to the presence of a micro comb that understands hairs and softening strips.

The average man shaves more than 8 meters of stubble in his life.

When choosing a shaving product, you need to keep your skin type in mind. For sensitive skin, it is necessary to select products without alcohol and, preferably, hypoallergenic. Alcohol-based products are also contraindicated for dry skin. But they will come in handy for oily skin, as will products with a drying effect, for example, containing oak bark extract.

It’s good if the shaving product contains silicone, it improves glide and makes shaving easier and smoother. If irritation pimples often appear after shaving, you can use products with triclosan and salicylic acid, which have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

Shaving correctly (Video)

Proper shaving includes several important stages, such as skin preparation, shaving itself and restorative procedures after. At first glance it may seem that everything is complicated, but if you follow simple tips, then everything will work out.

Preparing the skin

Before you start shaving, you need to prepare your skin for this procedure by washing thoroughly with hot water, which will help soften the stubble. You can also take a towel, wet it with hot water, squeeze it thoroughly and place it on your face for half a minute. You can also use a special cream. Then comes the turn of the foam; it must be applied to the skin evenly, in smooth circular movements, covering all areas that are supposed to be shaved.

It is very convenient to apply shaving products using a special brush. With the advent of shaving foams, brushes were undeservedly forgotten, and yet even modern foams or gels are applied much better with their help.

The average man spends 95 days of his life shaving.

Before you start shaving, you need to make sure that the razor blade is sharp enough. Dull machines in most cases lead to skin irritation and cuts. Men with sensitive skin need to change their products especially often.

Shaving wisely

We always start shaving from the cheeks. Here the hair is quite manageable, so there will be no problems, you just need to bring the machine to your face and move it from the beginning of the stubble to the chin. At the same time, we remember that it is necessary to shave only along the hairline and in no case is it against it. If this method does not give you a close enough shave, you can take the razor slightly at an angle to the direction of hair growth. With your free hand you can stretch the skin a little, this will make it more elastic and make your work easier. Under no circumstances should you put too much pressure on the machine; movements should be smooth and confident. We shave under the chin in the direction from the neck.

To avoid cuts during shaving, it is necessary to wash the razor as often as possible, ideally after each pass over the bristles. Those with soft stubble can rinse the blade in ice water to make shaving easier. But those with hard stubble should not use cold water.

The longest beard in the world belongs to the Indian Bhai Singh and reaches 2.5 meters in length.

Often problems arise at the stage of shaving the mustache. Here the bristles are very hard and must be softened especially carefully. It is better to treat these areas last so that the shaving product has time to work on them longer. The hair above the lip is shaved, pressing this area of ​​skin to the front, and it is better to direct the machine at a slight angle.

We treat hard-to-reach places

After shaving, you need to wash off the remaining product from the skin and inspect what you got. Most likely, you will find several areas where there are still hairs. These are your personal “hard to reach places”. If there are few such places, then it is not necessary to reapply shaving cream; you can simply moisten the machine in hot water and shave off the remaining hairs.

Very often, men have problems with hairs around the nose and jawline. The characteristic relief of the face often does not allow these hairs to be shaved in the direction of hair growth. Therefore, in these areas you can afford to deviate a little from the main rule and try to move the machine in different directions. At the same time, it is important to try not to go through one area several times and not to press too hard on the machine. If you listen to these tips, even dry shaving will not do much harm.

We carry out final procedures

Procedures after shaving are no less important than procedures before. They will help the skin recover faster and protect against irritation and other unpleasant consequences. The first thing to do after shaving is to wash your face with cool water. It is also advisable to make a cool compress from a damp towel. This will help close pores faster and narrow blood vessels, which will help protect injured skin from harmful bacteria.

After your face has cooled down a bit, you can start applying aftershave. Lotions often have an invigorating effect, so they are recommended for use in the morning when you need to quickly refresh and invigorate. The cream will be necessary for delicate sensitive skin, it has a gentle effect, nourishes the skin, moisturizes and helps it recover from the traumatic effects of the razor. It is better to use the cream in the evening before going to bed. Also, some creams are recommended for use in winter, as they allow you to restore the skin after negative impact cold.

In Europe, the tradition of shaving appeared in the 17th century in France, everyone tried to please the 15-year-old beardless King Louis XIV.

It is also worth noting that even when using an electric razor or trimmer that does not require the use of foam during shaving, the use of aftershave products is mandatory. These products help protect the skin from irritation and restore it after damage.