How to remove stubborn chewing gum from trousers. How to quickly remove chewing gum from clothes. An iron will come to the rescue

The most popular places to sit on chewing gum are playgrounds in the yard, desks, chairs, window sills in schools, school canteens, children's cafes, benches in gyms, chairs in cinemas, stadium stands, public transport and other places where a lot of people gather. people mostly younger age. Chewing gum is dangerous because it eats deep into the tissue and is difficult to remove without consequences (stains appear, fibers stretch, etc.).

But you can still try to remove chewing gum from your pants; in most cases, this operation ends successfully.

Seven remedies and methods for eliminating chewing gum

  1. Freezer. Wrap your pants in plastic bag or film and leave for half an hour in the freezer; then tear off the chewing gum with some sharp object or fingernail, and try to carefully scrape off the remaining dirt with a knife.
  2. Ice. Place a piece of ice from the freezer on the gum until it melts, then use tweezers and a knife to slowly peel the gum from the tissue.
  3. Vinegar. Heat vinegar in a small container, soak a toothbrush in it and rub the affected area of ​​your pants. chewing gum If the vinegar has cooled down, heat it again and continue scrubbing until the stain is completely removed. Vinegar gives off a specific smell, so it is advisable to wash clothes after the procedure.
  4. Iron. Place the trousers on the ironing board so that the damaged area is between pieces of thick paper or a cotton napkin, run the hot iron several times over the chewing gum, it should soften and stick to the paper.
  5. Hot water. Fill a large saucepan with water, put your trousers in it and heat it on the stove, at the same time rolling out chewing gum with your hands, which will melt as the water heats up, remove the residue with a clothes brush, if the fabric of your trousers can withstand high temperatures without problems, you can boil the clothes to be safe (no more than 5 -ten minutes).
  6. Scotch. Cut a small piece of wide tape, press it firmly to the damaged area with chewing gum, then with a sharp movement tear the tape off the fabric, then cut a new piece of tape, repeat the procedure until the chewing gum is completely removed. The same method can be repeated by removing the gum with a piece of another piece of gum.
  7. Solvents and special products. Helps get rid of stains after chewing gum is removed. To prevent the fabric of your pants from changing color, choose solvents that do not contain acetone; you can also use regular alcohol, gasoline, nail polish remover, and gas used to refill lighters. Some companies produce stain removers that help remove chewing gum and plasticine from the surface of clothing (for example, SA8 SOLUTIONS spray from Amway). Before using solvents or other products, apply them to a small piece of fabric (for example, the waistband of your pants). inside, where no one will see it) and check whether they change the qualitative characteristics of matter.
If all of the above methods do not help or you are afraid of ruining the expensive delicate fabric from which the trousers are made, it is better to take them, along with the stuck chewing gum, to the dry cleaner. Rest assured: you will not be the first to turn to specialists with such a problem.

There are several effective ways to remove chewing gum from clothes and shoes. Not just any method will work for you. After all, everything depends on the material, color and quality of things. If one remedy does not help, feel free to move on to another, while observing the rules of caution. For example, fading colored items should not be treated with acetone or alcohol, and they can also be damaged by boiling water. General methods, how to remove chewing gum from clothes, are divided into cold, hot and others.

Cool ways to remove chewing gum from clothes


The most effective proven method for removing gum from clothing is to freeze it. Simply put the item, packed in a plastic bag, in the freezer for about an hour. The chewing gum should freeze and fall off on its own. If this does not happen, you can try to scrape it off. But if this doesn’t help, try another method.


If a thing big size and does not fit in the freezer, you need to apply a piece of ice to the contaminated area. After the chewing gum hardens, you need to remove it with a stiff brush. This method is ideal for removing chewing gum from carpets, rugs, fur coats, coats or other large items.

Hot ways to remove chewing gum from clothes

Boiling water

In order to use this method, you will need an assistant. One of you should pour boiling water from a kettle onto the damaged item, the other should clean the area of ​​chewing gum with an old toothbrush.

For greater effect, you need to immerse the contaminated area of ​​clothing in boiling water and wait until it gets wet. Without removing it from the water, pick off the chewing gum with a sharp object, then rub it with a cloth. After the procedure, the item must be dried and, if necessary, repeated.


You can use an iron to remove chewing gum from clothes. Use an iron to iron the stained area through a napkin, gauze or blotting paper. However, after this method, a chewing gum stain may remain on your clothes. But there is no need to panic - use Amway stain remover spray: apply to the stain, wait a few minutes, and then put the item in the wash. In this case, Fairy can also be useful - apply it to the stain and wash it off.

You can also place the item with the chewing gum down on a piece of cardboard and iron it with an iron at medium power until the chewing gum remains on the cardboard.


A hair dryer will help get rid of chewing gum on clothes. With its help, you need to warm up the chewing gum, and then clean the contaminated area with an unnecessary toothbrush.

Other ways to remove gum from clothes


This method is ideal for removing gum from jeans. It is necessary to slightly heat a little vinegar, dip a toothbrush in it, and then quickly, until the vinegar has cooled, rub the chewing gum with it.

Wedge with wedge

Funny, however, very effective method- remove chewing gum with its help. To do this, you need to chew the new gum thoroughly, take it out of your mouth, and then stick it - peel it off to the contaminated area until complete victory.


You can buy a special spray for removing chewing gum at hardware stores called Chewing Gum Removers. Its effect is similar to that of freezing and applying ice: it cools the surface contaminated with chewing gum. After applying it, you need to wait a few seconds and then scrape off the gum using improvised means.

You can also use sprays to remove chewing gum stains. These can be regular stain remover sprays.


Many people believe the best way removal of chewing gum using technical liquid toluene. It must be applied to the place where the chewing gum is stuck, then wash the item with powder.

Another chemical method suitable for non-fading clothing is acetone. Nail polish remover that does not contain acetone will remove gum from outerwear, such as a fur coat or coat, as well as on the carpet, without leaving a trace or spoiling the color.

Dry cleaning helps many people remove chewing gum from their clothes. So as not to waste energy and precious time, you can take the contaminated item there, and specialists will easily cope with the task.


This method is perfect for you if the chewing gum is deeply embedded in the fabric. How to remove chewing gum from clothes? Just soak the damaged item in water and apply a cleaning agent to the stuck area. You can use both dishwashing detergent, powder, and stain remover. The main thing is not to skimp on the cleaning product, apply it with all your heart! Next, you need to remove the softened chewing gum and wash the clothes in a machine or by hand as usual.

Peanut butter

When using this method, be careful not to get any peanut butter on a clean area of ​​your clothing. You only need to apply oil to the gum, and then carefully scrape it off with a blunt object. Then the item must be washed in a machine or by hand.

If oil does get onto a clean area of ​​clothing, apply a liquid stain remover to it before you start washing.

How to remove chewing gum from shoes?

In order to remove chewing gum from shoes, the above methods may be inconvenient. But there is a way out of this situation: take a tampon, soak it in alcohol, acetone or regular nail polish remover. Rub the area with a tissue for a few minutes, then wipe off the gum with a kitchen knife or scrap toothbrush.

Remember that the main thing for you is not to give up, and victory will be in your hands! Also, learn to be attentive and teach your children to do the same - then the problem of chewing gum sticking to clothes or shoes will become irrelevant for you.

An invention like chewing gum can cause a lot of trouble. Irresponsible citizens who like to chew gum often spit it out in the most inappropriate places. Therefore, no one is immune from the situation when chewing gum sticks to clothes. This can happen in the office, in public transport, or on a bench in the park. Most often, children bring chewing gum on their clothes. They love to put them under desks, on chairs and other surfaces. Parents get very upset in this case and believe that the item is hopelessly damaged. But you shouldn’t let her go to waste; it’s better to try to “reanimate” her. It will be useful for housewives to learn how to remove chewing gum from clothes and give things a new life.

Cleansing with cold

The effectiveness of any method depends on how quickly the problem is detected. The faster you react, the easier it will be to clean the item.

Cold helps a lot. Soiled clothing should be placed in a plastic bag and placed in the freezer. It is important that the chewing gum does not come into contact with any surfaces. If this is not possible, then the contaminated area must be placed on top of the bag. You need to refrigerate for about a day to achieve a good result. After this, the gum will harden and can be easily removed.

In cases where it is not possible to put the item in the freezer, you can apply a piece of ice to the chewing gum. It needs to be put in a bag so that there is no liquid. It is necessary to keep it on the soiled area until the chewing gum freezes. Then it can be separated from the fabric.

If gum is stuck to a sofa or other bulky item, apply dry ice to the stained area and then remove the gum. Naturally, it is unlikely that you will be able to wash the sofa, so you can treat the area that has been contaminated with ammonia. After this, it will be like new again, and not a trace of chewing gum will remain.

Wedge with wedge

No matter how funny it may sound, there is a way to remove chewing gum from clothes at home using chewing gum. It must be chewed until it becomes tasteless. Then you need to knead the gum in your hands so that it begins to stick to them. The stained area needs to be treated with this rubber band; it will collect all the dirt.

Hot iron

This method is more suitable for fabric that can withstand temperatures of about 100 degrees. Therefore, before getting started, you need to carefully study the label on the product. Using a heated iron, iron the contaminated area through the paper. The gum should melt and stick to the sheet. After this, the clothes will be clean.


When using this method, you need to be careful when deciding how to remove gum from clothes. Not every tissue can remain intact after such an aggressive impact. To clean things from chewing gum, you can use acetone, gasoline or the liquid that girls use to remove nail polish. After wetting the cotton wool, you need to apply it to the dirty area and hold it for a while. The gum may be difficult to separate, so be patient. After complete removal, the item must be washed. First, the fabric can be kept in bleach, which is suitable for this type of product.

Special means

Now there is a large selection of freezing sprays that give a freezing effect. They are used for injuries, so you can buy them at the pharmacy. After applying this drug, the chewing gum will freeze and can be separated from the tissue.


Experienced housewives know how to remove chewing gum from clothes by boiling. The damaged area on the fabric should be placed in boiling water and the chewing gum should be separated directly from the pan with a sharp object. If traces of chewing gum remain after drying, the procedure must be repeated.

Peanut butter and vinegar - useful things in the household

Not everyone knows how to remove chewing gum from clothes using peanut butter. This must be done with extreme caution, since if oil gets on the fabric, it will remain grease stain. After applying it with a sponge or cotton swab You need to wait a bit for chewing gum. The oil and gum should react with each other. After this, it can be easily removed with a knife.

To remove stains with vinegar, it must be preheated. After soaking your toothbrush in it, you need to thoroughly rub the gum. Gradually it will be cleaned off, but there is one condition - the vinegar should not cool down. To remove a specific smell, the item must be washed with the addition of balms.

Liquid soap

If you notice chewing gum on your clothes right away, you can try to remove it using liquid soap. It must be rubbed into the chewing gum and carefully pry it off with a sharp object, such as a knife.

Gas canister

Chewing gum stuck to clothes is not the best accessory. Sometimes it is not so easy to tear it off, and besides, this process takes time. If you need to clean an item short time, it is best to use a can of gas. You need to spray it onto the chewing gum, after which it will freeze. The advantage of this method is that dirt can be removed quickly and without removing the item. It's quite convenient and practical.

How to remove chewing gum using tape?

If the stain is fresh, you can try cleaning the product with tape. But you should not use it if the fabric is fleecy. A piece of tape needs to be glued to the chewing gum and sharply torn off. The procedure must be repeated until the stained area becomes clean.

If all else fails...

When not a single method has brought the expected result and the item is still dirty, you need to move on to drastic measures. How to remove chewing gum from clothes if nothing helps? If it is impossible to solve the problem at home, you should turn to professionals. The dry cleaner will carefully and carefully remove the chewing gum from the item and return it to its owner in a clean condition.

Before you remove chewing gum from your clothes, it is useful to remember the basic rules. Aggressive substances such as vinegar or solvents can damage the fabric. Therefore, they must be handled with great care without losing vigilance. When using explosive materials, you must make sure that there is no fire or devices nearby that can generate sparks. You should also avoid direct contact of products with the skin.

When thinking about how to remove chewing gum from clothes, do not forget that you need to be careful when working with sharp objects so as not to damage the fabric. Also, do not rub the product too much, otherwise it will lose its original appearance.

Many people have had to deal with chewing gum stuck to their clothes - they picked it up on a park bench or a bus seat. Most often, this Velcro can be found on children's things. But removing chewing gum from clothes is problematic, especially if you are away from home.

How to quickly remove chewing gum from clothes

Those who carry a gas canister to fill their lighter are lucky in terms of fighting chewing gum - you can get rid of it in 5-7 minutes. To do this, apply gas pressure to the sticky “misunderstanding” and wait until the chewing gum hardens. After this, it is easily scraped off from clothing with any hard object (knife, tweezers, keys, etc.).

The lack of a can can be compensated for (oddly enough) with fresh chewing gum. Having softened it in your fingers, perform several ritual-like actions: fresh chewing gum is “trodden” into the chewing gum that has already been ingrained into clothing and sharply pulled out. You need to repeat the procedure several times until there is no trace of the gum left on your clothes.

How to remove chewing gum at home

At home, there are more options for how to remove chewing gum from clothes, but all of them will take some time.

Exposure to cold
The structure of chewing gum is such that when exposed to sufficiently low temperatures, it hardens and easily loses contact with the thing it is stuck to. There are several ways to combat chewing gum, and they are all equally effective.

  1. Place the soiled item (wrapped in plastic) in the freezer. After 3-4 hours, remove and use tweezers to separate the “stick” from the clothing.
  2. If the freezer does not fit an item of clothing (such as a coat), you can line the area where the gum is stuck with pieces of ice.
  3. Those who have radio amateurs in the family are lucky - in the master’s arsenal there will definitely be a drug for freezing microcircuits. It is also suitable for combating chewing gum.
  4. Someone acts on the Velcro with a stream of cold running water, rubbing the gum with a toothbrush.

Some people prefer it hot
In addition to cold, chewing gum can also be affected high temperatures– if it is too soft, it can be easily removed. But in in this case After removing the sticky mass from the clothes, there may be a contaminated area that should be treated with a stain remover.

  1. If the fabric allows, soak the clothing in hot water and after a few minutes try to remove the gum with a toothbrush.
  2. You can use an iron in the fight against chewing gum in 2 ways: cover the problem area with a gauze napkin or newsprint and go over the hot iron several times. The soiled item can be placed on a sheet of cardboard and ironed from the inside out.
  3. A hairdryer will also help if you apply a stream of hot air to the chewing gum. At the same time, scrape it off with a toothbrush.

Tools from the kitchen
Modern housewives are so advanced that they easily use some food ingredients not only in cooking. They also know recipes for how to easily get rid of chewing gum on clothes.

  1. Peanut butter will help soften the gum. And then it will be quite easy to scrape it off the fabric. Just apply the oil carefully so as not to stain a clean area of ​​clothing (an ear cleaner is great for this).
  2. Soak a toothbrush in slightly heated vinegar and quickly rub it into the chewing gum. Particularly effective this method in cleaning denim.


Chewing gum is a certain chemical composition, which can be influenced by other chemistry.

  1. Nail polish is a great solution in this situation. Just keep in mind that acetone-containing liquid should not be used on shedding fabrics.
  2. On fabrics that are resistant to chemical influences, you can use toluene, a liquid used for technical purposes.

Don't “reinvent the wheel”
In order not to think too much about how to get rid of chewing gum, it is easier to buy a special spray preparation (“Chewing Gum Removers”). It is precisely designed to correct such problems. The main principle of the aerosol action is freezing. Step-by-step actions are given in the instructions.

The second option, which can alleviate your suffering, is a company called “Dry Cleaning”. Everything there will be done efficiently and accurately. You will simply have to pay for the service provided.

Whatever method is chosen to remove chewing gum from things, after the procedure the clothes should be washed (by hand or in a machine - it doesn’t matter). Before this, if necessary, the place where there was previously chewing gum should be treated with a stain remover or dishwashing solution.

And one more piece of advice: before using chemicals and hot methods of dealing with chewing gum, first make sure that this will not spoil the thing itself.

Video: how to remove chewing gum from clothes

Useful tips

It's very unpleasant when chewing gum sticks to the sole of your shoes, but it's doubly worse when it happens to your clothes. You tried to remove as much of this sticky mass as possible, but the remaining gum just wouldn’t come off.

Of course the most effective way is take your clothes to the dry cleaner, but this, of course, will cost you money and time. But in such places special solvents are used that can wash even the most thin fabric without damaging it.

How to remove chewing gum from fabric at home

There are several ways to remove gum from clothes, and most of them are listed below.

Click on any of the links below if you want to go to the method you need.

How to remove chewing gum from trousers or jeans by boiling

First you need to lower the place where the chewing gum has stuck into boiling water;

Let the water cool to the point where you can put your hands in it;

While the clothes are in hot water, try picking off the gum with a sharp object (for example, a knife);

Also holding the clothes in the water, rub the fabric;

Dry the clothes and repeat the procedure if necessary.

How to remove chewing gum from pants using hot water

Open the hot water tap;

Holding the cloth over the dirty area under a hot stream, try to clean the gum using a brush (or a toothbrush).

How to remove chewing gum using gasoline

Pour a little gasoline into the place where the chewing gum is stuck;

Gasoline will remove the gum. And then you should get rid of its smell, for which you should wash the clothes in accordance with the instructions on the label.

*You will only need a small amount of gasoline to remove the gum, and be careful as... This is a highly flammable product.

* If you don’t have gasoline, you can replace it with alcohol, which will have the same effect.

How to remove chewing gum by freezing

To begin, fold your clothes to place them in a plastic bag; you need to do this so that the place where the chewing gum sticks is on top;

Place the clothes in a plastic bag, make sure that the chewing gum does not stick to the bag and close the bag;

Place the bag in the freezer and wait for the fabric to freeze.

*If gum sticks to the bag while clothes are in it, you can place the cloth on top of the bag rather than in it.

* Place the fabric so that it does not touch the edges of the freezer.

Once frozen, take your item out and start scraping the gum off it as soon as possible.

* The chewing gum should not melt.

* If the gum has melted, put the clothes back in the freezer or try freezing the gum with an ice cube.

How to remove chewing gum using ironing

Place the fabric on the cardboard, soiled side down;

Set the iron to medium heat and turn it on;

Start ironing the fabric until the gum sticks to the cardboard.

How to remove chewing gum with vinegar

Pour vinegar into a tin container and heat it;

Soak your toothbrush in vinegar;

Quickly start rubbing the gum while the vinegar is still hot;

Continue to dip the brush into the hot vinegar and scrub until the gum is completely removed.

*If necessary, reheat the vinegar.

To remove the vinegar smell, simply wash the fabric.

How to remove chewing gum using liquid soap

Apply liquid soap to the stained area;

The soap needs to be rubbed into the fabric, which means arm yourself with a toothbrush;

Once the fabric has absorbed the soap, use a dull knife carefully to scrape off the gum without damaging the fabric;

Wash the item.

How to remove chewing gum using acetone

*This method is not suitable for delicate fabrics.

Use nail polish remover or acetone to wipe the fabric where it is stained with chewing gum;

Wash your clothes.