Game competitions for children for the New Year. Fun competitions for the New Year for children. Games and competitions

1. New Year's competition "There are Christmas trees" "

We decorated the Christmas tree with different toys, and in the forest there are different types of Christmas trees, wide, short, tall, thin. Now, if I say “high,” raise your hands up. “Low” - squat and lower your arms. “Wide” - make the circle wider. “Thin” - make a circle already. Now let's play! (The presenter plays, trying to confuse. He says one thing and shows another)


2. Competition “Attach the Snowman’s Nose.”

(Two people come to the board. They are blindfolded and brought to the Snowmen. You need to attach a carrot to each Snowman. Repeat 2-3 times)


3. New Year's game "Christmas tree decorations."

We will play with you now

An interesting game.

What decorate the tree,

I'll tell you quickly.

Listen carefully

And answer definitively

If I tell you right,

Say yes in response

Well, what if it’s suddenly wrong,

Answer boldly - “no”.

Multi-colored firecrackers?

Blankets and pillows?

Cots and cribs?

Marmalades, chocolates?

Glass balls?

Are the chairs wooden?

Teddy bears?

Primers and books?

Are the beads multi-colored?

Are the garlands light?

Snow made from white cotton wool?

Satchels and briefcases?

Shoes and boots?

Cups, forks, spoons?

Are the candies shiny?

Are tigers real?

Are the cones golden?

Are the stars radiant?

4. New Year's competition "Snowballs. Hit the target."

(Snowballs are first rolled out of paper. Children are divided into two groups. Each has a snowball in their hands. Everyone needs to get into their own box. The team that collects the most snowballs wins).


5. The game “Who doesn’t wash their ears.”

(A question is asked; children must answer “yes” or remain silent.)

Who loves chocolate?

Who loves marmalade?

Who loves pears?

Who doesn't wash their ears?

Who loves pomegranate?

Who loves grapes?

Who loves apricots?

Who doesn't wash their hands?


6.Game “Pass balloon»

(Children are divided into two teams. At the command of the leader, each first is given a ball. It is necessary to pass it from hand to hand to the next team member as quickly as possible. You can give two or three balls at the same time)


7.New Year's riddles for children

If the forest is covered with snow,

If it smells like pies,

If the Christmas tree goes into the house,

What kind of holiday? ...

(New Year)

Christmas tree on New Year's holiday

Calls adults and children.

All people are invited

On New Year's... (round dance).

Powdered the paths

I decorated the windows.

Gave joy to children

And I went for a sledding ride.


There is noise everywhere on this holiday!

An explosion followed by cheerful laughter!

Very noisy toy -

New Year's... (cracker)

Christmas balls -

The best gift for children.

Fragile, fabulous and bright

This holiday... (gift).

Invisible, carefully

He comes to me

And he draws like an artist

He patterns on the window.


On trees, on bushes

Flowers are falling from the sky.

White, fluffy,

Just not the scented ones.


He's busy all the time

He can't go in vain.

He goes and paints it white

Everything he sees along the way.


I'm snowy, I'm white,

The guys made me

During the day they are always with me,

In the evening they go home.

Well, at night under the moon

I'm very sad alone.

(snow woman)

They fly faster than the wind

And I fly three meters from them.

My flight is over. Clap!

Soft landing in a snowdrift.


And not snow, and not ice,

And with silver he will remove the trees.


Everyone is afraid of him in winter -

It can hurt when he bites.

Hide your ears, cheeks, nose,

After all, on the street... (Frost)

Under my feet

Wooden friends.

I fly at them with an arrow,

But not in summer, but in winter.


We looked out the window,

I can’t believe my eyes!

Everything around is white - white

And it’s blowing... (Blizzard)

The hedgehog looks like her

You won't find any leaves at all.

Like a beauty, slim,

And on New Year- important.

(Christmas tree)

I'm rushing forward like a bullet,

The ice just creaks

Let the lights flicker.

Who's carrying me? ...(Skates)

There was barely a breath of winter -

They are always with me.

Two sisters will warm you up,

Their name is...(Mittens)

They are tossed around, rolled around,

And in winter they carry it.

(Felt boots)

It sparkles in the sky

Decorates our Christmas tree.

Will never fade

IN new year's day... (star).

Santa Claus for the New Year

He will bring a Christmas tree for the children.

And it's like a fire on her

Red is blazing... (ball).

We are not sad on New Year's Day,

We are sitting under the Christmas tree

And to each other with expression

We say... (congratulations).

Santa Claus bag big

He carries behind his back,

Calls all the people

For a merry... (New Year).

Santa Claus came to visit us

With a fragile, snow-white guest.

He called her daughter.

This girl... (Snow Maiden).


8. Game “Guess what’s in Santa Claus’s bag.”

( There are all kinds of things in the bag: cones, small balls, bows, an eraser, a toy, a cube, etc. The child puts his hand into the bag. He finds one thing by touch and describes it without naming it. Everyone must guess what it is).


9. New Year's competition “Collect snowflakes”

(2-4 people can play. Snowflakes (buttons) are scattered on the floor. Children wearing thick adult mittens must collect as many snowflakes as possible in a minute.)


Game program.

Competition 1 "Mosaic" (envelopes with postcards)

Each table is given an envelope in which beautiful card cut into different geometric figures. The task is to collect a postcard.

Competition 2 “Snowball fight”.

Teams of girls and boys of 5-6 people each line up opposite each other. Each team receives “Snowballs” - lumps of white paper, 2 snowballs for each team member. The task is to throw snowballs into your basket (bucket), placed 2-3 meters from the team. The winning team receives prizes.

Competition 3 “Telegram to Santa Claus”.

The guys are asked to write 13 adjectives. When all the adjectives are written down, the presenter takes out the text of the telegram and inserts into it the missing adjectives from the list.
Telegram text : "... Grandfather Frost! All... the children are looking forward to your... arrival. New Year is the most... holiday of the year. We will sing for you... songs, dance... dances! Finally- then... New Year will come! I don't want to talk about... studying. We promise that we will only receive... grades. So, quickly open your... bag and give us... gifts. Sincerely to you... boys and... girls!"

Competition 4 "New Year's Theater" .
Participants are given cards with the names of their roles. When their role is called, they go on stage and perform the proposed action.


Shines brightly Sun . Suddenly it blewwind . A little girl ran into the suncloud . Trees(2-3) shackled by winter sleep. Ran up to the treebunny . He stood on his hind legs and waved his ears cheerfully. Carefully, sniffing the ground, he approached the bunnyhedgehog . On its thorns sat a cuteapple . At this time the first snow fell on the ground. Merrysnowflakes(6-7) circled in the air and landed on the ground. Soon they fell asleep the hare and the hedgehog.
But then the sun came out again. It shone brightly, and the snowflakes melted. And the friends, freed from the snow, shook themselves off, rejoiced at the sun, jumped up and down, and each ran their own way.

Competition 5 “Gift Hunt”.

A rope is pulled, and various small prizes (toys, candies, etc.) are hung from it on strings. The participant is blindfolded and given scissors. He must go to the rope and cut off the prize he can.

    You got this soap

To wash your hands cleaner. (Soap).

    We are giving you (a notebook) so you have something to write on.

    Yes, the lucky ticket is yours, keep it up (pencil).

    Oh, what a great fellow you are, have a lollipop. (Chupa Chups).

    Portrait of himself handsome man. (Mirror).

    Since you got a chocolate bar,

It won’t be bitter for you - it will be sweet! (Chocolate).

    This prize was given to you to gnaw on in the evenings. (Seeds).

    Happiness fell into your hands, you got a big apple. (Apple).

    Receive quickly as a gift

Your winnings are (balloon).

    We'll have to live by learning grief,
    Don't forget about the days of the calendar. (Calendar)

    A means to combat infection in order to prevent mass absences from classes. (Disposable wipes)

    If you want to dress chic and have a wide range of clothes, you will need the best sewing machine. (Needle).

    Don't be sad, don't grieve,
    Go and kiss your neighbor.(Kiss the neighbor)

    So that your teeth don't hurt,
    Clean them at least once a week.(Toothbrush )

    Don't be bored in the evenings - drink aromatic tea.

    The yacht came with this ticket, now you can go out into the world. (Paper boat).

    Get it, hurry up, you have a notebook, write poetry. (Notebook).

    Dear comrade, get (candy),

Just don’t eat it yourself, treat your neighbor.

Competition 6 "Dance" . (New Year's disco.)


The participants of the game line up. There is a basket in front of them at a distance of 2-3 meters. Each participant is given a sheet of paper. Task: crumple a sheet of paper, i.e. turn it into a “snowball” and get into the basket.


Place a chair near the tree with a rattle on it. You need to ride around the tree on a broom and ring the rattle.

Competition "Snowflakes"

Teacher throwing up snowflakes three colors, reads a riddle.

On trees, on bushes

Flowers are falling from the sky

Cold, fluffy,

Just not the scented ones.

What is this?

All (in unison). Snowflakes!

As soon as the music starts, each team collects snowflakes of only one color, and then makes a winter word out of them (letters are written on snowflakes).

"What's hanging on the tree?"

So, what happens on the Christmas tree?

A loud cracker?

Beautiful toy?

Old tub?

This is the decoration on the Christmas tree! Be careful.

We repeat.

A loud cracker?

Cheerful parsley?

Hot cheesecake?

Cheesecake, and even a hot one, is unlikely to decorate the Christmas tree; most likely it will be eaten.

White snowflakes?

Vibrant pictures?

Torn boots?

Gold plated fish?

Are the balls chiseled?

Are the apples soaked?

Well guys, it's time to end the game!


Several couples participate. Children stand opposite each other at a distance of approximately 4 meters. One child has an empty bucket, the other has a bag with a certain number of “snowballs” (tennis or rubber balls). At a signal, the child throws snowballs, and the partner tries to catch them with a bucket. The first couple to finish the game and collect the most snowballs wins.


All children stand in a circle. Santa Claus loses his mitten.

The host of the holiday finds her and, turning to Santa Claus, asks: “Santa Claus, isn’t this your mitten?” Santa Claus replies: “The mitten is mine, I’ll catch up with it, friends.” The children pass the mitten to each other, and Santa Claus tries to take it from the children.


2 children compete. They get into bags and kick. The top of the bags is held with your hands. At a signal, children run around the tree in different directions. The one who runs faster wins. The next pair continues the game.


2 players participate. They are given a spoon with a cotton snowball in their mouth. At the signal, the children run in different directions around the Christmas tree. The winner is the one who comes running first and does not drop the snowball from the spoon.


Felt boots are placed in front of the Christmas tree big size. Two children are playing. At a signal, they run around the tree from different sides. The winner is the one who runs around the Christmas tree faster and puts on felt boots.


There can be 2 - 4 people playing. Everyone is given one balloon. At the signal, the children begin to inflate them. The one who inflates the balloon the fastest wins.

Running around chairs


A large hoop is placed on the floor. The players are chosen. They stand in the hoop on one leg, and at a signal, the players begin to push each other out of the hoop with their elbows. The winner is the one who can stay in the hoop (while standing on one leg).

For parents : Sing a song

Sing 1 verse “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, as if you...

Nursery group kindergarten

Military choir

Pensioners' Choir

The remaining verses of this song can be dramatized.

Competition "Funny Nonsense"

This competition improves the mood of those present and adds joy to the holiday.

The presenter has two sets of strips of paper. In the left hand - questions, in the right - answers. The presenter goes around the tables, the players take turns playing “blindly”, pulling out a question (read aloud) then an answer. It turns out to be hilarious nonsense.

Use your imagination when composing questions and answers. The larger the list of questions and answers, the more options for funny combinations you will get.

Sample questions:

- do you read other people's letters?
- do you sleep peacefully?
- Do you eavesdrop on other people's conversations?
- Do you hit dishes out of anger?
- can you screw your friend?
- are you spreading gossip?
- Do you have a habit of promising more than your capabilities?
- would you like to marry for convenience?
- when do you celebrate the New Year?

When does Santa Claus give gifts?

Do you drink champagne on New Year's Eve?

Do you torture cats?

you sleep in New Year's Eve?

Do you like to give gifts to relatives?

Do you love going to school?

Can you hit a friend?

Do you like to lick icicles and eat snow?

Sample answers:

- this is my favorite activity;
- occasionally, for fun;
- only on summer nights;
- when the wallet is empty;
- only without witnesses;
- only if this is not associated with material costs;
- especially in someone else's house;
- this is my old dream;
- no, I am a very shy person;
- I never refuse such an opportunity.

Find the word

Make a word from the letters: K E N J O S, V N O K G E S I. (snowball, snowman)

Quite difficult to carry out good holiday among school children. They already know everything and can do a lot, so in order to attract their attention and intrigue, you have to try. The competitions presented below will help make the New Year's scenario more meaningful.

I'm still that actor

Each participant in turn receives a card with a certain phrase, which will need to be depicted so that the others can guess what exactly the participant showed. Thus, the participant shows, the rest guess, then change to a new participant until everyone tries themselves in the role of an actor. Example phrases that cards may contain:
- poor student at the board;
- crying baby who wants to eat;
- angry dog;
- Santa Claus brought gifts;
- dance of little ducks;
- the street is slippery, and so on.

And New Year is not New Year

Children sit or stand in a circle. Santa Claus or the presenter announces that now is the time to remember all the necessary things and objects that are elements of the holiday. In a circle, each participant takes turns naming one object. For example, a clock, a TV, a Christmas tree, a garland, Santa Claus, snow, a gift, and so on. A participant who cannot name the object is eliminated. The one who has the last word wins.


Children stand in a circle and, to the music, they begin to pass the New Year's cap around in a circle. When the music stops, the participant who still has the cap in his hands puts it on his head and completes the task of Santa Claus. Usually, children prepare poems or songs for Grandfather in advance, so there are no overlaps here.

Happy New Year

The guys are divided into teams of 11 people, each participant is given a felt-tip pen or marker. For each team, easels with whatman paper are located at the same distance. Each participant must jump in a bag, like a wolf in the cartoon “Well, Wait a minute!” to the easel and write one letter at a time so that at the end you get the phrase “Happy New Year.” So, at the command “start”, the first participants jump in a bag to the easel and write the letter “C”, then jump back and pass the baton to the second participants, the second write the letter “N”, the third - “O” and so on. The team that finishes the relay faster and writes “Happy New Year” will win.

Remove all the needles from the tree

Two blindfolded participants stand in a circle of fans. 10 clothespins are attached to each participant's clothing. At the leader’s command, the guys must help each other get rid of the clothespins as quickly as possible. Everyone takes part in turn, with clothespins being attached to different places each time.

Find a letter from Santa Claus

For this competition you need to prepare a beautiful letter in an envelope from Santa Claus, where it will be written, for example, “Happy New Year, dear ones.” More high fives and sweets for you. And, if you behave well and also study, I will fulfill your cherished desires. The letter needs to be hidden in one of the offices or in the gym and a small quest must be made, for example, you will find the answer where the current and voltage are, and the team runs to the physics room, and there again a hint on the desk: find something that can attract iron, and the guys are looking for a magnet, there is another note on the magnet: follow the person who is responsible for cleanliness here, and the team runs to the technicians, there they get another hint: look where they won’t let you die of hunger, it’s clear that this is a canteen and so on. To search, the guys can be divided into several teams and whose team can do it faster and find the letter from Santa Claus, that team will win.

Save the Christmas balls

Participants are divided into 2 teams of the same number of people. Each team has a basket with the same number of balls, which are about to be stolen by an evil wizard and need to be saved. All participants stand in a row: two teams - two rows. A basket with balls stands near the first participant, and near the last there is an empty basket into which the team will put the saved balls. At the word “start”, the first participants take one ball each and pass it to the second participants, the second - to the third, the third - to the fourth, and so on until the last. When the last participant puts the ball in the basket, he shouts “there is”, and then the first participant takes the second ball and passes it. The team that saves all the balls the fastest will win.

New Year's race

The guys are divided into 2 teams with an even number of participants. Then each team is divided into their pairs. Each pair is tied with one leg of the participants, that is, the left of one and the right of the second. There are gifts (snowflakes, candies) at the holiday tree. And at the command “start” the guys begin their New Year’s race. The couple runs to the tree, takes the gift and returns to their team, passes the baton to the next couple and ends up at the end. The game continues until all the gifts from the tree have been collected. And the team that is faster and collects more gifts will win.

New Year's song (for kids)

The chairs form a circle, with the seats facing outwards, there should be 1 less of them than the participants. Children stand in a circle and walk in a circle to New Year's songs. When the music stops, children should sit in their chairs. One hero does not have enough chair, the Snow Maiden takes him as her assistant. One chair is removed and the competition continues.

The neighbor's is better!

The already traditional New Year's competition, however, is loved by children, because here you can fool around. So, everyone stands around the tree. The presenter asks: “Do you have ears?” The children answer in chorus: “Yes!” Question again: “Are your ears good?” Children: “Good!” presenter: “What about the neighbor?” And the delighted children scream: “Better!” And he grabs the neighbor on the right and left by the ears. And then the round dance begins. It’s so fashionable to go through all the parts of the body, and the children will rejoice.

New Year's bowling

You will need skittles or plastic bottles, as well as rubber balls. You can divide everyone into teams, you can hold an “individual competition”. Everyone’s task is to knock down as many “icicles” that have grown out of the ground with one blow of a “snow” ball from a certain distance. If the children are older, you can use heavier basketballs, but for preschoolers, regular rubber ones are better.

Deputies of Santa Claus

Each of the children takes turns naming what he asked from Santa Claus, and the rest of the children must give it to their friend, that is, depict this object with the power of arms, legs and possible objects located nearby. It will be interesting how a group of guys will turn themselves into a car, for example, or one of the guys will become a telephone, or a dog, or something or someone else. There will be room for children's imagination to run wild.

Guess the hero

Children are seated in a circle. The presenter invites everyone to take turns continuing the name fairy tale hero, for example, Red..., Baba... Snow... Anyone who cannot find the answer is eliminated from the game. The rest continue to complete the task in a circle. More often than not, the presenter in this competition simply runs out of questions, so be prepared.

Choosing a Christmas tree

Santa Claus invites the children to stand in a circle and asks what kind of Christmas trees there are. If they are tall, then all the children raise their hands up, if they are short, they squat and lower their hands down, if they are wide, the circle is made as large as possible, and for a narrow Christmas tree, they are narrowed. Now Santa Claus walks around and “chooses” the Christmas tree. “Oh, how tall!” or “No, this one is too narrow!” And the children, having heard the parameters, depict “the Christmas tree that Grandfather saw. At the same time, Frost himself tries to confuse the children by making the wrong movements.

Make Santa Claus laugh

Here the kids will need to use all their imagination. The task is this: to make Santa Claus laugh with everyone available means, for example, a joke, dance, funny song, a funny parody and so on. Whose “trick” makes Santa Claus laugh louder will win a prize.

Collecting snowballs

You need to create several teams. Prepare so many white balls - these will be snowballs. Take the largest garbage bags and cut off their bottom corners so that your feet can fit through. Now one team member climbs into this huge bag, and the rest, at the command of the leader, collect “snowballs” and put them in the bag. The team with the most snow globes wins.

New Year's films are my thing

New Year is a time to watch family-friendly winter comedies and magical stories. Therefore, it’s time for children to remember the names of good movies and share with others. For excitement, you can divide the children into two teams. As a result, each of the participants takes turns naming their favorite New Year's movie. First the member of the first team, then the second, again the first - the second, etc. A participant who does not give an answer is eliminated from the game. The team with the most participants left becomes the winner. If children know very little films, you can give them hints. After all, there are a lot of such films: “Poor Sasha”, “The Irony of Fate”, “Home Alone” all parts, “Curly Sue” and others. As a last resort, you can also use the names of cartoons.

make a wish

This is a romantic entertainment that will require so much balloons how many guests came to the ball. They say that on New Year's Day all dreams come true. Each invitee is invited to write his or her most cherished wish on a leaf, then these leaves are attached to a thread with which the ball is tied. And so all the guests of the ball go out onto the street or onto the balcony and, at the command of the host, after his fabulous spells, release their balls and secret dreams into the sky. The spectacle is amazing.

New Year's castle

Several people are invited to participate in the competition. They are invited to carefully study the drawing of the New Year's castle. Then everyone is given a set of plastic cups and blindfolded. Next, the “builders” of the castle begin work. Whoever reproduces the drawing faster and more accurately wins the competition.

My number

Gifts for children must be wrapped in the same paper and numbered. Indoors, in visible places, attach Christmas tree tokens to back side whose number is written. Children are invited to find a Christmas tree for themselves. And when Grandfather Frost comes with a bag, he will give numbered gifts to the children.

Protection of carnival costumes

As a rule, children of younger and middle age school age They are happy to put on New Year's costumes. The task of the holiday organizer is to warn everyone in advance that a best suit. But in order for your outfit to be among the winners, you need to “protect” it, in other words, show your artistic inclinations and enter into the role of your hero, performing his song, reading his monologue, etc.

Guess who it is?

For this competition you need to prepare various pictures (3 pieces for each item). And the children must guess these objects. For example, the presenter shows 3 pictures: a cobweb, a slipper, a skyscraper. If you think carefully, the child will guess that this is Spider-Man, or, for example, pictures of a beard, sleigh and gifts, it is clear that this is Santa Claus. Whoever guesses first raises his hand and answers. For the correct answer, the participant receives a point, and whoever has the most points wins.

Comic tasks, coupled with bright images And festive mood will create a positive background for the holiday. Even simple group game It will be exciting if you play with a friendly group. Children will especially enjoy the competitions, the victory of which will bring New Year gifts.

Tiger tail

Participants line up and take the person in front by the shoulders. Participant, first standing in the line is the head of a tiger. Closing the column is the tail. After the signal, the “tail” strives to catch up with the “head”, which is trying to escape. The “torso” must remain in the coupling. After some time, the children change places.

Merry round dance

An ordinary round dance can be significantly complicated. The leader sets the tone, constantly changing the direction and speed of movement. After several circles, lead the round dance like a snake, moving between pieces of furniture and guests.


Team play involves the use of blindfolds and pins. Place the skittles in a “snake” pattern in front of the participants of the two teams. Team members join hands and cover the distance blindfolded. All pins must remain upright. The team whose members knock down the fewest pins wins the game.

Magic words

Participants are divided into teams and given a set of letters that make up a certain word. Each team member gets only one letter. In the story that the presenter is reading, there are words from these letters. When such a word is heard, the players with the corresponding letters come forward and line up in the required order. The team that is ahead of its opponents earns a point.

What changed

Will help you win the game visual memory. Each participant carefully examines the toys hanging on the branches of the Christmas tree for a certain time. Then the children leave the room. Several toys are re-hung or new ones are added. When the children return, they need to voice what has changed.

Gift in a circle

Participants stand in a circle face to face. The host gives one of the players a gift and turns on the music. Afterwards the gift moves in a circle. After the music stops, the gift transfer stops. The player who has a gift left is eliminated. At the end of the game, there will be one participant left who will receive this souvenir.

The magical holiday of the New Year is awaited with equal impatience by both children and adults. No, perhaps the children are still waiting for him with great longing, because for them it is a miracle New Year's fairy tale reveals itself most fully this evening. Adults should try to create this fairy tale for their children by buying gifts, decorating a Christmas tree, sewing new Year costume and also take care that new Year's Eve became fun and unforgettable. This is what New Year's children's competitions, riddles, and quizzes are intended for.

Competitions for the New Year's party in kindergarten

Competitions for New Year's party V kindergarten, so we will focus on large groups of children and the obligatory presence of a host (traditionally, Santa Claus). However, most of these competitions can also be interpreted for a family holiday.

Friends of Santa Claus

The presenter asks the children to remember who Santa Claus's friend is and begins to list - giraffe, hippopotamus, deer, crocodile. Children must shout out the correct answer, remembering that this most of all refers to a deer. Most active baby may be rewarded with a prize. Other options: Baba Yaga, snowman, garden scarecrow; birch, willow, herringbone; Cinderella, Snow Maiden, Sleeping Beauty.

Best gift

Teachers prepare cardboard boxes for gifts for each child with identical sets of paper, rain, glue, markers, children's scissors, ribbons, etc. The children themselves must then make a beautiful and bright gift. No one should be left out of prizes, but they can be awarded in different categories: for the most interesting gift, most beautiful gift, most unusual gift etc.

What's in Santa Claus's bag?

All children love to solve riddles. IN in this case The props for New Year's competitions with children should represent Santa Claus's bag, in which objects will be placed that are also answers to riddles. For example:

  • They hit, but it doesn’t hurt, they walk, but not really (for hours).
    (a toy watch as a gift)
  • This is what they affectionately call bread and delicious sweets with or without filling (bar).
  • Who is gray in summer, white in winter, but always cross-haired? (bunny).
    (a toy or chocolate bunny as a gift)
  • It has a star, but not in the sky, there are balloons, but not air ones, bright rain, but not real (holiday Christmas tree).
    (as a prize - a magnet or a souvenir in the form of a Christmas tree)
  • When they hit him, it doesn’t hurt him; on the contrary, he is happy about it (the ball).
  • It lies beautifully, glistens in the sun, but if you take it in your hands, it will become wet (snow).
    (a cracker or a snowflake as a prize)

First, Santa Claus asks a riddle, then the children think a little and raise their hands. The one who gives the correct answer first will receive from the bag the item he named, but after that he is eliminated from the game so that the prizes go to other kids.


The most pleasant and long-awaited moment at a children's New Year's party is the distribution of gifts. It would be nice to accompany it with a game or attraction. We offer a game for a holiday where there are not many guests. Each guest must “redeem” a gift by fulfilling one or another wish of Santa Claus. Children and adults stand in a circle, and Santa Claus passes one of them a “snowball” made of cotton wool. Next, everyone should pass this lump around in a circle, and Santa Claus should say:

“We all roll a snowball,
We all count to five -
One two three four five -
Sing a song for you.
Or: Let me dance a dance for you.
Or: Should I read poetry for you?
Or: Let me tell you a riddle..."

The one who gets to redeem the gift must fulfill the grandfather's wish and leave the circle, after which the game will continue.

The last hero of the New Year

It is advisable that competitions for children's party On New Year's Eve they were not only cheerful, but also active, like this one. First, the presenter explains to the children that if he says “Father Frost,” then they need to say “ho-ho” and stamp their feet, if he says “Snow Maiden,” they need to jump and sing “la-la-la,” and when they say “Christmas tree,” raise hands up and wave them, when you hear the word “snowflake”, spin and continue in the same way.

After this, the performance begins, and the children react according to the words of the presenter and at the same time monitor whether any of them have gone astray. If such a kid is noticed, he is eliminated from the game, and so on until the very last participant, who rightfully deserves his prize.

Morning of Santa Claus

Santa Claus addresses the children, saying that they have behaved well all year, waiting for him to come to them. But they need to know how grandpa starts his morning, does exercises to keep up with everyone, and what grandpa eats to stay strong. Then he suggests, in turn, one sentence at a time, let everyone add something of their own to the story about the morning of Santa Claus. After this, the children take turns describing the supposed regime of the frosty grandfather.

This competition will allow all children to participate, and you can diversify it by drawing everything that the children say on a large sheet of paper. The end result will be an interesting and funny collage.

Decorating the Christmas tree

Many competitions for children New Year's celebration associated with its symbol - the Christmas tree. To conduct this competition, you need two not very large artificial trees and two carton boxes filled with unbreakable Christmas tree decorations. There should be an equal distance between the trees and the boxes (about 2-4 meters). Next, all children are divided into two equal teams. Teams stand close to their starting line near the toy box. The presenter gives a signal, and the first player rushes to the box, takes the only toy from there (no more!) and runs to the tree, where he finds a place for the toy, after which he returns to the team to pass the baton.

The winner will be the team that decorates its Christmas tree faster than its opponent and completely empties the box.


Children standing in a circle pass each other a New Year's hat to the music. Suddenly the music stops, and the player who this moment turned out to be a cap, he must put it on his head and fulfill the task of Santa Claus. To avoid embarrassment, children need to learn some New Year-themed rhyme or song in advance.

Wolf Hare

This New Year's creativity competition for children is not at all difficult, you just need not to confuse the actions. The kids need to be divided into two teams and lined up in two rows. After the “start” command, the first participants must jump to the tree like bunnies, and return back on all fours, pretending to be wolves. Then they pass the baton to the next participants, who repeat the same actions. The team whose last wolf hare reaches the finish line first will win.

I go, I go, I go, I lead the children with me

Children aged 3-8 years will enjoy playing this catch-up game. First, all the children stand behind the leader in a chain. He sets off and says: “I walk, walk, walk, leading the children with me, but as soon as I turn around, I immediately catch everyone.” After the word “overfish,” the children rush to a safe “city” (it can simply be separated by a ribbon lying on the floor, or these are chairs that the kids must have time to climb onto). The leader tries to catch one of the running children. Of course, he must play along with the kids, pretending that he can’t grab them, so that the caught little ones don’t get upset.

Especially good conditions to conduct such a game in houses where children can be led from one room to another for a long time, then the first part of the phrase will have to be repeated several times. When the “terrible” word “overfish” is heard, all the children, with noise and squealing, will rush back through the rooms to the saving “city”. This emotional, fun game invariably brings great pleasure to little children.

Having had a good run at these catch-up games, they will readily move on to participating in calm competitions.

Choosing a Christmas tree

Participants in this competition are all children who need to stand in a circle, hold hands, and with them Santa Claus, who explains to them what kind of Christmas trees there can be:

  • tall - in this case, all children stand on tiptoes and reach up with their arms;
  • low - everyone squats, lowering their hands down;
  • narrow – the circle of children is narrowed as much as possible;
  • wide - the circle expands.

After this, grandfather begins to walk around the circle, choosing a tree: “Well, this is too low!”, “And this is very wide!”, and the one to whom he addresses must, depending on the words of Santa Claus, depict such a tree. At the same time, Santa Claus is constantly trying to confuse the players, showing completely different parameters with gestures.

And the Christmas tree loves

Start baby New Year's competitions most comfortable from this warm-up competition. Santa Claus turns to children with a request to help figure out what his beautiful Christmas tree likes to try on for the holiday. Then he begins the list, and the children must answer “yes” or “no” in unison. Here is a sample list:

    Guns, beaters?
    Firecrackers, laughers?
    Dancing, round dances?
    Sadness and adversity?
    Laughter and mood?
    Joy and fun?
    Candies and gingerbread?
    Plates and teapots?
    Nuts and cones?
    Dresses and pants?
    Toys, tinsel?
    Tears and blues?
    Games and fun?
    Boredom and idleness?
    Riddles and jokes?
    Drums, pipes?
    Windows and stairs?
    Rhymes and songs?
    Kindness and generosity?
    Envy and harmfulness?
    Stars, lights?
    Sleds and skates?
    Children and gifts?
    Is the suit bright?
    Friendly children's round dance?
    And happy New Year!


To conduct this competition, preliminary preparation will be required - you need to stretch a thread with tinsel between the chairs, to which paper snowflakes are tied. The facilitator selects a pair of participants to blindfold and hands them children's safety scissors. Then both are brought to a stretched thread and ordered to begin. Participants need to cut off the maximum number of snowflakes in the allotted time. You can do without scissors, then the snowflakes should just be easily removed from the tinsel.

Christmas tree with a surprise

Here, more extensive preliminary preparation is required. You need to make a model of a Christmas tree from cardboard, in which you need to cut out holes that imitate Christmas tree balls. On the opposite side of the layout, you need to secure the bags under the holes (although you can do without them). The presenter gives each participant in the competition five small balls, which they must throw, trying to get into the holes in the tree. The one who turns out to be the most accurate shooter will win. For this he can be awarded a prize, which for the time being will be hidden in the crown of a real Christmas tree.

The same competition can be held with the model of the snowman you see in the picture above.

Who is first?

Fun New Year competitions for children are also needed so that they do not get tired and can cheer up. To conduct this competition you will need a couple of chairs on which the kits will be stacked winter clothes: inside out jacket, scarf, mittens and hat. Each round involves two guys who stand on the starting line waiting for the signal. Having heard it, they should rush headlong to their chair, turn their jacket back to normal, put it on and other warm clothes, then sit on the chair and loudly congratulate everyone on the New Year.

The fastest and most accurate participant, whose appearance will have fewer complaints, wins.

Magic scooter

For this fun you need to prepare a couple of children's scooters, as well as small artificial trees. Children are divided into two identical teams, each of which stands in front of its own row of trees. After the start, the first two competitors ride scooters around each tree in their row, then return to the teams and pass the baton to the next participant. The winner is not just the fastest team, but the one that knocks down the fewest Christmas trees.

New Year's tinsel

In addition to tinsel, all you need for this competition is a cheerful New Year's melody. All children are divided into two teams, each member of which is given a string of tinsel by the leader. The teams line up, the leader commands “start”, after which the first in the line begins to tie his tinsel on his neighbor’s hand, and he does the same with the next neighbor, and so on throughout the chain. The last one in the line must run up to the first player and tie his tinsel on his hand. When all team members have tinsel on their hand, they must unanimously raise their hands with sparkling tinsel. The first team to do this becomes the winner of the competition.

You need to keep in mind that there is hard tinsel that you can cut yourself on, so when preparing the props, you should remember this and choose a safe option.


For this sports game you need to attach 30 clothespins to a rope one and a half meters long. Then two guys must pull it over their heads. Participants of two teams must, one at a time, as in a relay race, run up to this rope, remove one clothespin and run to the “hedgehogs” sitting on the chairs. The latter can also be adults, especially since children love to play with their parents. They must attach their clothespin to any fold of clothing or to the hair of those sitting.

The team whose “hedgehog” turns out to be more bristly, that is, has more clothespins and needles on it, will win. This competition is best held on a spacious area, where you would have to run at least 10 meters to get to the “hedgehog”. For this game, it is advisable to buy multi-colored plastic clothespins, because then it will be more interesting for everyone to take pictures with such colorful “hedgehogs”.

This game can be continued if you then offer the children all the clothespins in the same mode to return from the “hedgehogs” to the rope, but now they can no longer run one at a time, but all together. The team that completed the task before the other also wins.

Which competitions did you like the most, and which of them will you definitely take for children's party? Or maybe you have your own favorite children's New Year's competitions? Tell us about them in the comments.

The most vivid impressions of the holiday, as a rule, are associated with games, fun activities, various funny “dress-up” and gifts. That is why everyone loves it so much when there is all this in abundance, when favorite games are played by favorite fairy tale characters, when they are showered with gifts, when they especially believe in miracles and fairy tales, because everyone on this holiday can reincarnate themselves into the hero of a fairy tale: Baba Yaga, Bogatyr or Thumbelina.

We offer our collection - New Year's games for children's parties, which can be held at a family holiday or a matinee organized in a kindergarten or school. The organizer of these entertainments can be Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, the hosts of the holidays or parents.

New Year's game "Magic Chairs"

For this game, the chairs are arranged alternately with seats left and right. They seat the children on them and explain to them that when Santa Claus approaches any of them and touches him with a magic staff, then he must stand up, grab Frost’s waist and repeat all his movements.

So after a couple of minutes, Santa Claus forms a rather impressive “tail” of boys and girls. Following the “prankster” Frost, children squat, jump, waddle and perform other funny movements.

But Grandfather, in a thunderous voice, notifies the children that now they must each quickly return to their place. And, by the way, he was in a hurry to take one of the chairs, so that while the kids were figuring out who was sitting where, there was no longer enough space for one of them. This child is out of the game. So that the baby does not get upset, the Snow Maiden should give him a small sweet prize and explain that soon another of his comrades will be left without a chair (the fact is that with each round one of them should quietly disappear from the row of chairs).

It is not at all necessary to bring the matter to one winner; four to five rounds are enough. You can sing a funny song with those children who “survived.”

Game "Throw the Snowball"

Lead this small competition maybe one of the fairy-tale characters or Father Frost and the Snow Maiden themselves. To do this, they will need a regular hoop for gymnastic exercises, entwined with Christmas tree tinsel. A mountain of cotton wool snowballs is placed nearby. It is better to divide the snowballs in half. Children will be taken from these two piles, and we will also divide them into two teams.

Their task: take a “snowball” from a “snowdrift” and, stopping at a special mark, try to throw it inside the hoop. The winner is not the team whose members throw the snowball into the hoop the fastest, but the one that hits the hoop the most times.

Game for children's party "Find a New Year's gift"

No more than four kids can participate in this almost detective game at a time.

First, the organizers of the holiday must draw four “paths” on the floor with multi-colored chalk, which would intersect each other, twist in zigzags, run in different directions, that is, they would be very dangerous and difficult routes.

In this case, each child is given a picture with an inscription and an image of the method of movement with which he must overcome his path: on all fours, single file, ten jumps on the left leg and ten jumps on the right leg, backwards forward.

The most important thing is that all the paths will lead to the Christmas tree, under which four gifts are hidden. It is better if one of them is larger - it is for the child who will be the first to reach the finish line. Let the other three be the same.

New Year's game "Gallery of portraits of Santa Claus"

Children love to draw, and they will definitely be pleased with the option of some unusual way of drawing. For example, invite children to portray Santa Claus with their left hand. Another option is to draw blindfolded. The third way to amuse the little ones is to invite them to make a drawing by holding a pencil or felt-tip pen in their teeth.

To make it interesting for all the children to watch the process, deploy five or six easels with sheets of paper attached to them into the room. Let the sheets be not just big, but huge. This will give the child the opportunity to express himself brighter and more fully.

Surely, each of the kids present will want to draw in one way or another, so it makes sense to use the above techniques in turn. It is also important to include a new melody each time so that children do not get tired of the monotony of sounds and lose interest in the process.

Naturally, the organizers will have to stock up on a large number of interesting gifts for this game, so that, in addition to creative satisfaction, each child will also receive material satisfaction.

Competition "Breath of Winter"

To conduct this competition you will need to stock up on paper cutouts big snowflakes- their mini-competition participants will blow them off the table.

There should be from three to five players, preferably both boys and girls.

Rules of the competition: snowflakes lying on the table, as at the start, must be blown off the table surface. However, the winner is declared not by the one who removes his snowflake from the table the fastest, but by the one whose snowflake falls to the floor later than everyone else. Thus, before the “start”, little players need to be hinted that the snowflake should float a little in the air.

As a prize, the child can be given mint candies or candies that would be associated with the name of the competition, for example, “Auntie Blizzard” or “Blizzard.”

Fun idea "Magic snowfall"

The host of this little fun venture should emphasize that the snowfall they are about to make is called magical, because it will be created by the hands of the children themselves. So, having intrigued her little guests, the presenter invites each of them to take a ball of cotton wool in their hands, fluff it up, throw it in the air and start blowing on the cotton wool from below so that a light “snowflake” begins to float in the air.

Those kids win - and there should be several winners! - whose “snowflake” can float as long or as high as possible.

Game "Harvest from snowflakes"

This game is suitable for very young children. It is better to use the Snowman in it, because this is the character that children associate with snow and fun at the same time.

So, explain to the kids that now they will be given magic baskets in which the snow does not melt. They need them in order to race to collect snowflakes. Pre-cut paper beautiful snowflakes Snowman demonstrates to the children. It is best to place them on a patterned tray.

Then, standing on a chair like a boy, the Snowman begins to throw snowflakes up. At this moment, the children need to turn on a pleasant melody and invite them to dance under this lacy snowfall. And then offer to collect snowflakes in magic baskets. Give the children two minutes, no more. The winner is the little one who is quicker than the rest and collects as many paper snowflakes as possible into his basket.

New Year's idea "Miracle Hat"

They play this fun game by forming a round dance. Father Frost or Snow Maiden begins. He or she takes off some funny hat from his or her head and places it on the head of a nearby child.

Explain to the children in advance that they take turns placing this hat on their neighbor's head. This will continue until the music stops or Santa Claus knocks with his magic staff. And the one who is wearing the miracle hat at that moment goes to the center and demonstrates any talent he has (must sing a song, recite a poem, ask a riddle, etc.).

Naturally, this child receives some kind of prize as a reward.

Entertainment "Talking Alphabet"

As an intellectual workout, you can invite children to play “Talking Alphabet.” His conditions: Santa Claus pronounces New Year's greetings, which begins with the first letter of the alphabet: “Ali Baba sends you warm congratulations!”

The second participant - already one of the children - comes up with his own speech, but only for the second letter of the alphabet - “B”. for example, “Barmaley asked not to worry, he will not interfere with our New Year’s Eve!” and so on. Surely it will be especially interesting for children to receive prizes for the same letter that fell to them for congratulations; it will be especially fun for those who get b, b, y, etc. Here, of course, the organizers will have to work hard.

Entertainment for a children's party "Funny Christmas tree"

It is most appropriate to organize such entertainment at a festival, since in this fun competition children will have to show good coordination of movements.

So, we put a small artificial Christmas tree in the middle of the hall. It comes with a box of decorations. However, toys should only be made of plastic so that children do not hurt themselves.

Three to four volunteers are called. They are blindfolded and in this state they are asked to decorate the Christmas tree. Father Frost and the Snow Maiden or other fairy-tale characters from the matinee can serve toys. It is advisable not to look for the losers in the competition and give them chocolate medals or Christmas balls every child.

As a variant of this competition, we can offer the following form: we do not place a Christmas tree in the center of the hall, but hand over the children plastic toy, turn around its axis three times and offer to walk and hang the decoration on the first “Christmas tree” you come across. The trick of the presenters should be to, while promoting the child, still direct him towards his comrades. Then, having reached one of the children, the little participant will certainly hang the toy on his ear, nose or button. Which will certainly cause friendly children's laughter.

Attention game "One, two, three!"

This game requires attentiveness and intelligence. It will certainly amuse children who are at least seven or eight years old: it uses numerals, so the child must be able to count.

Rules of the game: on a chair in the center of the circle formed by the players, there is a prize, decorated in a New Year's style. You can only grab it when you hear the number “three.” But the presenter will indulge in deception. He will try to say the word “three” several times, but will always add some ending. For example, “One, two, three... eleven!”, “One, two, three... a hundred!”, “One, two, three... twenty!”. And somewhere between these deceptions he should say the cherished word “three”.

The prize will be given to the one who turns out to be the most attentive, it is better to encourage the others too, so as not to get upset.

New Year's game "Let's make a blizzard"

Hi all! Are you already thinking about how to entertain your children for the New Year? Then consider these 13 simple games to play at home.

Children's New Year Games and Competitions for the home

Where is Santa Claus?

Of course, the simplest and most famous entertainment is the search for the long-awaited Santa Claus.
The presenter or the Snow Maiden invites the children to call Grandfather Frost.
And after that, together they light up the Christmas tree in chorus: “Christmas tree, light up!”

Tangerine football

To play this game, children are divided into 2 teams. To play you need tangerines and two fingers of each player.
Children play on the table and try to score a goal for the second team.
You can, of course, play this game with a goalkeeper, but then it will be much more difficult to score a goal.
This is very fun game to develop team spirit, as well as manual dexterity and motor skills.
Adults, join the kids - it's a lot of fun!

Round dance for kids

Children younger age They love to dance around the Christmas tree. It is simple and accessible for them.
It’s great to do such a round dance around the Christmas tree with the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” or “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter.”
If your child is doing a round dance for the first time or is shy, be sure to stand next to him and show with your example how great and fun it is.
Such a simple round dance unites children and adults and relieves tension.


Both children of all ages and adults love to play this interesting outdoor game.
From paper, masking tape, etc. you need to make as many “snowballs” as possible. By the way, I never use newspapers for children's games, because... I know that printing ink contains harmful substances.
Participants in the game take turns throwing these “snowballs” into any large “basket” (basket, box, bucket...) and try to get into it. Of course, the older the participants, the further away the basket should be placed to make it more interesting.
An excellent game for accuracy, dexterity and coordination.

"Attentive" song

Children sing in chorus a well-known song, for example, “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”
When the leader claps, everyone falls silent and continues to sing the song to themselves.
When the leader claps again, the children begin to sing out loud again.
Anyone who starts singing out of tune with the others is eliminated from the game.

Large and small Christmas trees

Santa Claus (or the presenter) tells the children: different Christmas trees grow in the forest - small and large, low and tall.
At the word “low” or “small,” the presenter and children lower their hands down. On the word “large” or “high” - they lift up.
The presenter (or Santa Claus) repeats these commands in different orders, while accompanying his words with “wrong” gestures, trying to confuse the children.
Excellent game for attention.

Collect snowballs

This game is for older children. Let's make lumps of cotton wool or balls of paper - these will be “snowballs”. We lay them out next to the Christmas tree or around the room on the floor. We give each participant a basket, bag or box.
The winner is the participant who collects the most “snowballs” while Blindfolded.
An excellent game that develops spatial thinking and sense of touch.

Flying snowflakes

This game can also be played by both children and adults.
Participants take a small piece of cotton wool - a “snowflake”, and simultaneously throw it and blow on it in order to keep it in the air for as long as possible. You know who wins. 😉
This is a wonderful outdoor game for developing lungs and dexterity.

Guess the gift

A wonderful game for younger children. You need to put different items in an opaque bag.
The child determines by touch what object is in his hand. And if he guesses right, he gets it as a gift.
An excellent game that develops spatial thinking and tactile sensations.

New Year's fishing

A game for older children and adults. Prepare unbreakable Christmas decorations with loops, put them in a large box, and find some fishing rods.
When the presenter gives the command, the participants in the game decorate the Christmas tree using fishing rods and try to do it as quickly as possible. The one who hangs the most toys on the Christmas tree wins.
A great game that develops dexterity.

Pass the orange

The participants of the game are divided into two teams of 5 - 10 people.
When the host gives the signal to start the game, each participant passes the orange to the next player on their team without using their hands.
The team that completes the task the fastest without dropping the orange wins.
This game also develops team spirit, dexterity and ingenuity.

winter wind

For this game, 3 to 5 participants sit around a smooth table. They try, like the wind, to blow away a paper snowflake, a wad of cotton wool or a paper ball from this table.
The game develops lightness and perseverance.

Collect snowflakes

For this game you need to make “snowflakes” - cotton balls or paper snowflakes. Stretch fishing lines in the room and hang these “snowflakes” on strings. All competition participants will be given scissors and buckets/baskets.
The winner is the one who, after the leader’s command, collects the most “snowflakes” in his bucket within a certain time.
This fun, active game develops speed and dexterity.

Let these cheerful New Year's games and competitions entertain you not only on the New Year itself, but also on holiday weekends. And just on long winter evenings, why not have fun with your children?! 😉

Everyone is preparing for the New Year, so share games with your friends using the buttons below.
Share in the comments what children's New Year's games and competitions for the home your Beloved Children liked. 😉