The State Duma adopted laws on pension reform. Pension reform in Russia Pension reform of the State Duma

The next round of pension reform awaits our country after the parliamentary elections. The crisis left officials and deputies with no choice: to issue money to current retirees due payments may not be enough. And far-reaching projects, for example increasing retirement age For those who have just started their career, the situation will no longer be saved.

That is why the Government is considering both radical methods and already proven loopholes to solve the problem. For example, the extension of the freeze on the funded part of the pension in 2017. Such a moratorium was first introduced back in 2014, and if the authorities decide to extend it for another year, funded pensions will lose all meaning. Experts are confident that these savings will not be adequately compensated in the future.

It is obvious that there is no agreement on this matter yet. Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets presented the freezing of savings in 2017 as a matter already decided: according to her, in the next year’s budget there will be a transfer to the Pension Fund to compensate for part of the employers’ insurance contribution, which is used to create funded pension, is not mortgaged, which means that the moratorium will still have to be extended. Deputies call this statement premature, since State Duma deputies will discuss the budget only in the fall.

And yet, no matter what the people’s representatives say (especially on the eve of the next parliamentary elections), it is already clear that savings will have to be frozen: otherwise, due to the tense economic situation in the country, there will simply be nothing to pay current pensioners with. It’s just that deputies don’t want to give citizens an extra reason for protest voting, so they’re trying to present an issue that’s already actually been decided as debatable.

Moreover, the government has more radical proposals. " Shuvalov called a meeting to discuss the idea of ​​stopping the payment of pensions to working pensioners.

Another nail in the coffin of the Russian economy. If we are going to develop, then we need highly qualified specialists, and Shuvalov’s decision sends them into retirement", Boris Titov, Commissioner for Entrepreneurs' Rights in Russia, writes on Facebook. Of course, deputies will not agree to such a measure, but "on the quiet" they may adopt something less resonant, for example, the notorious freeze of pension savings.

Russians are already quite tired of these pension reforms: the rules for calculating payments change too often, and those who are not going to retire soon simply do not understand what they can count on in old age. " In general, of course, I would like that instead of these pathetic actions, the state would directly say that there will be no pensions at all, except for the minimum ones, and maybe even those born after 1970., writes political scientist Pavel Danilin on Facebook. - That is, for the state to be honest with me in this regard. Instead of changing the pension system every five years".

It is quite possible that this wish will come true: now the upcoming elections are keeping deputies from being honest, but after them the new parliament, especially if the party in power can maintain a majority in it, will be able to make unpopular decisions that Russians will have to get used to.

The Russian government is currently actively pursuing pension reform. Now the old-age pension consists of the insurance part and the funded part. Such concepts as individual pension coefficients (pension points), a fixed payment to the insurance pension, and increasing coefficients have been introduced.

At the same time, a number of laws were adopted, in accordance with which the requirements for minimum work experience and required quantity pension points to receive a pension.

Pension reform - this is a targeted state policy associated with changes in current legislation, aimed at changing conditions pension provision.

An innovation was the increase in the retirement age from 2019.

Thus, as a general rule, an old-age pension is assigned and paid to insured persons upon reaching the age of:

  • 65 years for men,
  • 60 years - for women.

New pension legislation stipulates that the following prerequisites are also required to receive a pension:

  1. having a minimum insurance period (the pension reform provides for an annual increase minimum experience work from 5 years in 2015 to 15 years by 2024);
  2. the value of pension points (IPK) (since 2015, pensions are assigned if there are pension points of at least 6.6, followed by an annual increase of 2.4 to 30 points by 2025).

The law proposes to set the retirement age for men at 65 years and for women at 63 years.

After the Government of the Russian Federation proposed raising the retirement age, deputies of the A Just Russia party introduced a draft law on the abolition of pension points and maintaining the retirement age limit at 60 years for men and 55 years for women to the State Duma of the Russian Federation for consideration. The size of the pension in the draft law depends only on the length of service and the salary received. More information about the draft law can be found here.

Opinion of Russian President V.V. Putin on raising the retirement age

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, in interviews before 2018, repeatedly stated that the issue of raising the retirement age was not being considered.

After considering the bill on raising the retirement age in the first reading, Putin V.V. August 29, 2018 in a televised address addressed the citizens of the Russian Federation and expressed his opinion.

Putin V.V. stated that raising the retirement age is a necessary measure.

The President of the Russian Federation proposed a number of measures that would make it possible to mitigate the decisions made as much as possible.

Below are excerpts from an interview with Vladimir Vladimirovich, the full text of which was published on the website of the President of the Russian Federation.

1. The retirement age for women should not increase more than for men. Therefore, I consider it necessary to reduce the increase in the retirement age for women proposed by the bill from 8 to 5 years.

Thus, women will be able to retire at the age of 60.

Further. Provide for the right early exit pension for mothers of many children. That is, if a woman has three children, she will be able to retire for three years ahead of schedule. If there are four children - four years earlier. But for women who have five or more children, everything should remain as it is now; they will be able to retire at 50.

2. The retirement age is expected to be raised gradually. So that people can adapt to a new life situation and make their plans. In this regard, I propose that citizens who were scheduled to retire under the old legislation in the next two years be given a special benefit - the right to apply for a pension six months earlier than the new retirement age.

For example, a person who, according to the new retirement age, will have to retire in January 2020, will be able to do this already in July 2019.

3. What worries and even, I would say, scares people of pre-retirement age? They are afraid of facing the risk of losing their job. With the fact that they may be left without a pension and without a salary. After all, after fifty, it is really difficult to find a job.

In this regard, we must provide additional guarantees that will protect the interests of older citizens in the labor market. Therefore, for the transition period, I propose to consider the pre-retirement age to be five years before the retirement date. I repeat, here we need whole package measures Thus, I think it is necessary to establish administrative and even criminal liability for employers for dismissing workers of pre-retirement age, as well as for refusing to hire citizens because of their age.

I instruct the Government to approve a special professional development program for citizens of pre-retirement age. It should start working as early as possible and be financed from the federal budget.

And if a person of pre-retirement age decides to resign himself, voluntarily and has not yet found new job, then in this case we must strengthen its social guarantees. In this regard, it is proposed to increase the maximum amount of unemployment benefits for citizens of pre-retirement age by more than double - from 4,900 rubles, as now, to 11,280 rubles from January 1, 2019 - and set the period of such payment to one year.

And finally, it is also necessary to establish the employer’s obligation to annually provide employees of pre-retirement age with two days of free medical examination while maintaining their salary.

4. When making changes, you cannot follow a template. We have already provided for the preservation of benefits for miners, workers in hot shops, chemical plants, Chernobyl victims, and a number of other categories.

We must support the villagers too. It has been repeatedly discussed and even decided on the need for a 25 percent increase in the fixed payment of the insurance pension for non-working pensioners living in rural areas with at least 30 years of experience in agriculture. But the entry into force of this decision was postponed. I propose to start these payments on January 1, 2019.

5. Those who started working early should have the opportunity to retire not only by age, but also taking into account the length of service they have earned.

The bill now establishes that the length of service that gives the right to early retirement is 40 years for women and 45 years for men. I propose reducing the length of service that gives the right to early retirement by three years: for women to 37 years, and for men to 42.

Yes, these benefits have traditionally been provided only upon retirement. But in in this case When changes are coming to the pension system, and people were counting on these benefits, we are obliged to make an exception for them, to provide benefits not in connection with retirement, but upon reaching the appropriate age. That is, as before, women will be able to take advantage of benefits when they reach 55 years of age and men from 60 years of age. Thus, even before retirement, they will no longer pay taxes on their house, apartment, or garden plot.

In custody The President of the Russian Federation noted that, as is known, many experts still believe that we have delayed too much in resolving the issues that are being discussed today. I don't think so. We just weren't ready for this before. But you really can’t put it off any longer. This would be irresponsible and could lead to dire consequences in the economy and social sphere, will have the most negative impact on the fate of millions of people, because, now it is already clear, the state will sooner or later have to do this anyway. But the later, the tougher these decisions will be. Without any transition period, without maintaining a number of benefits and those mitigating mechanisms that we can use today.

Thus, raising the retirement age in Russia is inevitable. And, as changes in legislation show, this will happen in 2019.

More details about retirement age in Russia You can read the article at the link.

Strategy for the development of pension policy proposed by Kudrin

The Center for Strategic Research, led by Alexei Kudrin, has prepared a plan for Vladimir Putin to create a sustainable pension system, the goal of which is to increase payments without increasing budget expenditures.

Important. The essence of Kudrin’s plan comes down to ensuring an increase in pensions relative to the subsistence level by reducing the number of people receiving these payments. It is proposed to increase the retirement age to 63 years for women and to 65 years for men!

In addition to raising the retirement age, it is also proposed to tighten the conditions for receiving a pension:

  1. The minimum length of service for calculating an insurance pension (which is now increasing annually to 15 years by 2024) will be further increased to 20 years.
  2. The strategy proposes to increase the minimum number of pension points (which also increases to 30 by 2025) to 52.
  3. The social pension, which is received by those who did not earn on insurance, is proposed to be assigned upon reaching 68 years of age.

At the same time, it is planned to tighten the conditions for appointment early pensions: for example, the minimum required length of service for doctors and teachers will be increased to 35 years (currently doctors have the right to retire early after working for 25 years). Read about who has the right to retire early in the article at the link.

According to CSR calculations, this will increase the ratio of the insurance pension to living wage and reduce budget transfers to finance pensions.

What to expect from pension reform in 2019-2020

The main positive aspect as a result of the reform and raising the retirement age is the annual indexation and increase in the pension amount by an average of 1 thousand rubles. As a result, it is assumed that the average size pensions will increase to 20 thousand rubles.

In addition to raising the retirement age, the issue of forming the funded part of the pension also remains relevant.

Let us remind you, transfers of funds to the funded part of pensions in Russia have been frozen since 2014.

The funded part of pensions in Russia will definitely not be formed in the next three years, confirmed Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets, without ruling out its complete abolition.

Please note that the budget Pension Fund Russia for 2018–2020 was compiled on the basis that the entire volume of the insurance premium tariff will be directed to insurance part pensions. The formation of pension savings is not provided for in the budget in 2019–2020.

Currently, the Government of the Russian Federation is developing concepts for an individual pension capital system, which should replace the mandatory formation of pension savings. According to the assumption of Deputy Minister of Finance Alexei Moiseev, the new system will start working in 2020.

Now citizens who have not yet decided on the method of forming pension savings within the framework of the new rules will have to finally decide whether they will remain in the state insurance system or start saving additionally for retirement. Based on their decision, pension savings will either go to the selected non-state pension fund, or they will be converted into points and they will become part of the regular insurance pension.

Thus, it is assumed that the Russian Pension Fund will lose its functions as an insurer for the funded part of the pension.

Participation in the new system will be voluntary, but entry into it will be by default. That is, a person will need to write a statement if he does not want to participate in it, and not vice versa. This is done to ensure that people take a more meaningful approach to saving for their future retirement.

Salary savings will be deducted by default unless they submit an opt-out request.

Every person who wants to increase their individual pension capital, will be able to contribute any percentage of his salary to the system at his own discretion. For this he will receive tax benefits. For contributions within six percent of the salary, he will receive a classic tax deduction, i.e. There is no need to pay income tax on this money.

It is assumed that if a person saved for retirement, but found himself in a difficult life situation, for example, became seriously ill, received a disability of the first or second group, or lost a close relative, he will be allowed to withdraw this money from the pension system and spend it on more pressing needs, for example , treatment.

Prepared by "Personal"

The Ministry of Finance proposed reforming the pension system. If deputies of the State Duma support the proposal of financiers, the retirement age will be raised, the rules for payment and indexation of pensions will change, and the structure of the pension system itself will change beyond recognition - mandatory savings contributions will be replaced by voluntary payments. The Ministry of Finance came to this decision after a government meeting in February 2016 on the issue of the pension system, changes in which were overdue due to the socio-economic situation in the country. However, before carrying out the reform, the authorities are going to discuss the problem with representatives of trade union organizations, public organizations, employers and experts and find out their point of view.

Fear of the “demographic hole”

First of all, the authorities were forced to take such a step by rising pension costs. According to the Russian budget, this year the number of pensioners will increase by 546 thousand and reach 43.2 million people, of which 39 million people receive insurance pension, and 3.1 million people - social. To provide people with pension payments, 5,972.9 billion rubles have been allocated from the federal budget, which is about 8% of Russia's GDP.

Explaining the need for pension reform and raising the retirement age, Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said that given the current state of affairs, the country may soon find itself in a “demographic hole.” This pessimistic scenario is due to the fact that the number of qualified workers is decreasing and the number of pensioners is increasing. By extending the retirement age, the situation on the labor market may even out in the coming years.

But experts point out that raising the retirement age alone will not be enough to improve the situation and it is necessary to reform the entire labor market. At the same time, they agree that it is necessary to start somewhere in the near future. And reforming the pension system is not the worst option.

“Six pillars” of pension reform

The Ministry of Finance identified six areas as priority steps within the framework of pension reform: changing tariffs, rules of compensation and payments, early retirement systems, retirement age, abolition of mandatory savings contributions and the introduction of voluntary transfers of funds.

As a measure to change the tariff, experts from the Ministry of Finance propose to establish a single social insurance tariff, which will be charged on all wages, and not, as now, only on wages up to a certain level. At the same time, the department notes the importance of maintaining pension obligations at the existing level. This will happen due to a reduction in budget transfers to the Pension Fund. In fact, the Ministry of Finance proposes to increase taxes and reduce social obligations. In addition, a reduction in pension indexation in 2017 will help reduce the tariff. True, the financial department does not specify how many percent reductions we are talking about.

As for raising the retirement age, this idea has been floating around in the Ministry of Finance for a long time. This time it is proposed to increase the retirement age to 65 for both men and women. It is planned that the retirement age will not be increased immediately, but gradually - by 6-12 months annually.

In addition, the department proposed returning to the practice of the USSR and abandoning payments to working pensioners. Considering that such a norm does not contradict the requirements of the International Labor Organization, it may be one of the first to be introduced. First of all, this applies to people working in hazardous industries and who have the right to early retirement, but do not use it, but continue to work during harmful conditions. Moreover, the number of such people reached half of all “premature conscripts.”

For workers in medicine, education, and creativity, who can also retire due to length of service, it is proposed to gradually increase the period of possibility of early retirement so that it becomes equal to the total in Russia.

The reform also proposes to abolish compulsory pension insurance and transfer it to the category of voluntary. At the same time, voluntary insurance will be stimulated by the government. However, the authorities are going to take such a step no earlier than 2019. The Ministry of Finance does not specify what is causing this delay.

Most of all, the expert community is discussing the abandonment of compulsory pension insurance. Indeed, such a practice will be introduced for the first time not only in Russia, but also in the USSR. Many experts note that they do not understand how such a step can be taken most painlessly in the current economic system. In addition, the Ministry of Finance is silent on this matter, providing only dry figures.

According to the plans, savings contributions will be withdrawn from compulsory pension insurance. Thus, all 22% of contributions will be in the solidarity system, and accumulative part will be called “individual pension capital”. The capital will include all previous savings, which will become the property of the person, and he will be able to spend them before retirement.

Savings contributions to a non-state pension fund will be paid from wages, and their size - from 0 to 6% - can be changed throughout life. These funds will not be subject to personal income tax, and the contribution to the Russian Pension Fund will be reduced by exactly this amount. So, for every 6 rubles from 100 earned, a person will receive 7.32 due to co-financing from the state.

Sergei Sidorin

The 2016 pension reform involves a huge number of innovations, the implementation of which began quite a long time ago. Starting this year, pensions throughout the country will be calculated using a completely new system. The essence of the pension reform is that the calculation will be carried out not in rubles for working years, but in special “pension points”, which will then be converted into cash equivalent by means of conversion at a certain rate.

Each point will be awarded based on indicators such as:

  • wage level;
  • seniority;
  • retirement age;
  • deduction of funds for the funded part of the pension.

Starting from 2016, pensions will be divided into two types: funded and insurance. The funded part will be calculated from the amount that was ultimately received for all working years of pension contributions. The total amount will then be divided by a certain period of time when citizens worked.

The insurance part of the pension will be calculated from fixed payments citizens who were transferred to pension funds, both public and private. In this case, the insurance period must be at least fifteen years.

Factors influencing the accrual of “pension points”

First of all, the accrual of points is influenced by the period when the citizen himself made contributions to the pension fund, that is, he formed his insurance part of the pension. The longer the insurance period, the larger the final pension amount in 2016.

The next important factor is the size of real wages. As you know, the employer makes small contributions to the pension fund from each salary of its employee. From these funds, the funded part of citizens' pensions will be formed in the future. Therefore, salaries “in envelopes” or hiding one’s income will be absolutely unprofitable for the population.

According to the terms of the 2016 pension reform, the later a working citizen retires, the larger its amount will be. In this case, the employee’s coefficient will increase, and additional pension points will be awarded, from which, as mentioned above, the amount of the pension will be formed.

In this case, of course, such periods in the life of each person as vacation, maternity leave, and service will be taken into account. According to the 2016 pension reform, certain points will also be awarded for the listed periods.

Categories of people covered by the new pension calculation for 2016

All citizens Russian Federation those who get a job starting from January 1, 2015 automatically fall into the category of people for whom the pension will be calculated according to new formula. For those citizens who are already working or receiving a pension, special recalculations will be made.

The new calculation formula will also apply to preferential pensions, that is, disability pensions, survivors' pensions, orphans' pensions, etc. According to the new rules, to receive these pensions, one single rule will be introduced - this is the length of service, which must be at least one working day.

New pension reform 2016 will not affect those categories of citizens who are completely supported by the state, namely:

  • residents of the Far North regions;
  • disabled people of the first group;
  • citizens whose age exceeded eighty years.

By latest news for Russian citizens whose work experience at the time of 2015-2016 will exceed forty years, when recalculating pensions according to the new formula, they should receive an increase of 600-700 rubles.

Work or retirement?

An important innovation of the 2016 pension reform is the fact that the category of citizens who simultaneously work and retire will be forced to choose one thing. If a person has reached retirement age, but does not intend to quit and retire, then he will be additionally accrued pension points. At the same time, the size of the storage part will increase.

Thus, the state wants to increase the incentive for pensioners to work and avoid forced measures to increase the retirement age. That is, at the moment there is no need to be afraid of raising the retirement age bar.

Back in the early spring of this year, the news became known that the pension reform next year will completely change the current pension calculation system in Russia. Starting from January 1, 2016, a new algorithm for calculating payments will come into force, and although many points in the upcoming structure will be familiar to those Russians who retired this year, the rest of the reform remains completely innovative. What will such changes lead to, and how will they affect the country’s economy? What will change in the calculation of collateral?

New pension system

The reform, which comes into force in 2016, completely abolishes the ruble accrual system familiar to all citizens. From now on, future pensioners will calculate their pension in points - a standardized unit of measurement of pension benefits. The cumulative point system is calculated for each pensioner individually, depending on the length of service and the harmfulness of the work.

What is included in this point system? This includes the following items:

  • wage. To avoid informal employment, the government will award points to every able-bodied resident of the country for official work. That is, if you still receive your salary “in envelopes” and it is not subject to a fixed tax, then you will not see any points;
  • working period. The pension reform, which comes into force in 2016, provides for a direct dependence on length of service and working period. The more you work, the larger your pension will be;
  • retirement age. If a citizen of the Russian Federation retires after the statutory 60 years, each year of subsequent work will increase his pension benefit, that is, working pensioners have a real chance to get more points;
  • non-working periods. Separately, records will be carried out in which citizens who are in compulsory service in law enforcement agencies, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, maternity leave up to 18 months or vacations due to the presence of a disabled child, and so on, will receive points for such forced “absenteeism.”

Following the newly introduced pension reform, the Law “On Insurance Pensions” was issued, which provides for a fixed coefficient for converting points into rubles. In 2015, the fixed coefficient was 64.1 rubles per 1 pension point. What the cost of 1 point will be in 2016 will become known after the re-indexing of the IPC. The individual pension coefficient is a unit that is calculated based on the income of the Pension Fund for the previous year.

Structure of pension reform 2016

In 2016, the pension of every working citizen of the Russian Federation will consist of two parts:

  1. Cumulative includes all pension contributions divided by a fixed unit specified in the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  2. Insurance – the main part pension payments, calculated based on incoming taxes. The calculation will include length of service with a minimum period of 15 years, the amount of a fixed tax, etc.

Although the pension reform will take effect only in 2016, the complete changes will pension law Those who started working this year and beyond will be included. Other citizens of the Russian Federation will receive a recalculated pension. Changes in pension accruals will not be changed only for three groups of Russian residents:

  • pensioners who have reached 80 years of age;
  • pensioners living in the Far North;
  • disabled people of the first group.

The reform will affect all citizens without exception. The new kind The calculation will work for all types of pensions, ranging from long-service pensions, old age pensions and ending with pensions for the disabled and those who have lost their breadwinner. To receive payments, the last two groups will need an entry in the work book with at least one working day. And for the third group of pensioners, special increased coefficients will apply, allowing them, as before, to retire earlier than expected.

Pension reform in 2016: news

Changes in the new pension reform of the coming 2016 prohibit the simultaneous payment of pensions and work activity. From now on, all pensioners must choose between pension benefit And wages. But the reform is created in such a way that for each year of work after retirement age, a person can increase his payment by 17%. Such innovations should encourage future retirees to work longer and retire later.

Disadvantages of pension reform

Despite all positive sides the new bill, which will certainly be useful for the country’s budget and the promotion of official employment, it also contains significant disadvantages that will affect the majority of the population of the Russian Federation:

  1. After entry into force new reform, most of the population, or more precisely, informal workers, will not be able to receive a full pension. According to a survey, as of 2015, more than 50% of people in Russia work in unofficial jobs, and to receive a pension you need more than 20 years of experience.
  2. The reform will also be unprofitable for those pensioners who work for this moment. After all, in order to increase their payout ratio, they will have to get a job again, and we all understand that at the age of 55-60 this is almost unrealistic.
  3. From now on, pensioners will not be able to calculate their benefits themselves.
  4. The minimum length of service to receive basic payments is tripled (not immediately, but such changes will take effect literally over the next 15 years).