Hotline to support large families. What measures of social support are there for large families? Rules for registration of benefits and payments

Status of a large family

The birth of a third child in a family gives her the right to claim if the first two children are alive and have not reached the age of 18 or 23 years. The latest age limit is established for those children who study full-time in educational institutions and are dependent on their parents. When obtaining status may be taken into account adopted children, as well as stepchildren and stepchildren.

The status of a large family allows you to count on different kindsand from the state. Regional authorities independently determine the form, list and size of assistance provided to large families. To obtain status, you should contact local services social protection population. The legislation of some regions of the Russian Federation has set the bar for the size of a large family at a higher level.

All large families are given special certificates. They are a document confirming the family’s status, which gives them the right to receive benefits guaranteed by the state. In 2018, no changes were made to the procedure for granting the status of a large family. All social assistance is aimed at supporting families and has two sources of payments - local and federal budgets.

Conditions for receiving targeted assistance for large families

Large families with lower income per family member living wage established in the region can count on targeted support within the framework of local programs. They are developed by each region independently, based on the capabilities of local budgets.

Provided targeted assistance to large families who applied for it to local authorities or social protection services for citizens, provided. To confirm your rights to receive it, you must provide certificates of income and family size. All types of targeted assistance are fixed by local legislative acts, which guarantee their payments to those in need. IN regulatory documents the order is established and the mechanism for providing social assistance.

Targeted assistance may be one-time in nature. It represents a one-time cash payments, food sets, etc. Reusable assistance is provided on an ongoing basis and is assigned in the form of monthly social payments, etc.

Amount of financial assistance for families with many children low-income family may depend on the number of children. She terminates when the family moves to a new place of residence located outside the region that provided this assistance. In many regions of the country, this type of assistance is provided under the condition of a concluded social contract between large families and local social protection services or municipalities.

The procedure for receiving targeted assistance for large families

Before applying for targeted assistance to social protection services, large families need to collect the necessary package of documents.

Documents must be submitted in person along with written statement to the social security authorities, where they are given an incoming registration number. The decision to provide assistance is made by a special commission after checking the authenticity of the documents and their compliance with all the requirements of current legislation.

List of required documents

The list of documents required to receive targeted assistance includes:

  • copies of passports;
  • birth certificates of all family members and marriage certificates;
  • certificate of income, place of residence and registration.

This mandatory list documents may be supplemented by other documents that each region determines independently.

The collected papers are attached to a written statement with a request for targeted assistance (you can view and download it here ]), which is submitted to the social protection authorities . The application must indicate in full the initials of the person asking for help, his passport details, place of registration and telephone number for contact. The period for reviewing documents is from three to thirty days.


  1. Regional authorities are developing their own programs to provide social support to large families, which are given the force of local laws.
  2. Targeted assistance is provided to large families that are recognized as low-income.
  3. The category of low-income large families includes those in which the total income for each member is below the subsistence level established in the region.
  4. A large family includes not only natural children, but also adopted children, stepdaughters and stepsons.
  5. Applications for targeted assistance are submitted to the social protection authorities.
  6. The amount of targeted assistance may depend on the number of family members and be temporary or permanent.

The most popular questions and answers to them regarding registration of the status of a low-income family

Question: Which family is considered large, and for which targeted assistance can she count?

Answer: The composition and size of a large family is determined by law; as a rule, this is three or more children. A large family in which, during a divorce, the children were divided between the parents, loses its status. For example, some child stayed with one of the parents, and the other two children stayed with the other.

The age of children in families applying for benefits from the state should not exceed in most regions 18 years. The exception is for students studying full-time and who are dependent on their parents. Benefits, allowances and subsidies may apply to them up to 23 years old.

For each child, a large family is paid monthly benefits and benefits for housing and communal services are provided. Targeted assistance is provided to low-income large families on an individual basis by local social services. It can be in the form of monthly financial support, payment for children’s travel passes, providing them with free school lunches and others. social benefits, which are determined by local authorities.

Students and schoolchildren studying can receive from the state assistance in purchasing stationery and textbooks. Students who are members of large families are given priority accommodation during educational process places in dormitories, if their studies do not take place in the city of their residence.

Samples of applications and forms

You will need the following sample documents.

For example, if a family has one or more able-bodied members, but they do not want to lead labor activity. The only exceptions are the following cases:

  • the need to care for children or elderly relatives;
  • loss of property due to reasons beyond the control of the applicants;
  • maternity leave;
  • inability to go to work due to serious illness.

However, increasingly, assistance is provided only to those families in which all able-bodied members are registered as unemployed or employed (earnings may be minimal). At the same time, the composition of the family can be different, and often it is not only parents and children, but also grandparents and grandchildren. In 2018, in addition to benefits for education, taxes and housing and communal services, other assistance to the poor is provided.

Benefits and privileges for large families in 2018

What is a large family? The main provisions on the need to provide assistance to such families and measures for its implementation are regulated by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 431 of 05.05.92. In 2018, parents or one parent raising at least three minor children can count on benefits for large families. In some areas, the child’s age can increase to 23 years.

A large family includes all children jointly and those remaining from previous marriages. The status of a minor also matters (adopted, under guardianship, full-time student, etc.). Parents who are deprived of their rights, who evade upbringing, or who sent their children to a boarding school, cannot claim the status of having many children and enjoy the benefits.

Download for viewing and printing Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 05.05. 1992 N 431.

Social support for large families

Such benefits are valid until the child reaches 18 years of age. However, if he decides to continue his education and enrolls as a full-time student, then the benefits will be extended for another five years. It would be useful to find out exactly what benefits such families are entitled to and what payments can be received.


Of course, utilities today take up a decent portion of a family’s budget. However, large families are entitled to a discount on utility bills. If, instead of central heating, the house uses wood for heating or other types of fuel, then you can count on a discount.

If there is a child in the family who has not reached the age of six, then you can receive free medicines. This requires a prescription from a doctor. By the way, they are among the first to receive the opportunity to send their child to a health camp.

Targeted assistance to large families

The applicant collects the necessary documents, then writes an application. Within a month, the competent authority reviews the application and gives a positive or negative response. Labor and pension benefits of parents with many children Concluding employment contract, mother of many children or the father can count on the following benefits:

  1. Early retirement ( seniority in this case must be equal to 15 years, and the age must reach 50 years).
  2. Additional two-week annual leave (condition - more than 2 children).

    This leave is unpaid and is issued at a time convenient to the parent. It can be combined with the main rest or taken separately.

  3. One additional paid day off per week (for a 40-hour work week).

Types and amount of assistance to large families


Preferential medical care, food and household services. Additional social support is expressed in the following benefits for families with three children:

  • Free prescription drugs for children under 6 years of age;
  • Priority care in hospitals;
  • Free supply of vitamins for children;
  • Free lunches and breakfasts for schoolchildren;
  • Rest in camps and sanatoriums without payment;
  • Issuance of school and sports uniforms;
  • One free visit to a museum, exhibition or amusement park (no more than once a month);

Mother or father can come to school with all documents and write an application for free food. In addition to passports and certificates, it is necessary to provide information on the registration of minors and papers on the income of parents. After reviewing the documents, the school will forward them to the social security authority.

State support for large families

Also, families with 3 or more children can receive a plot of land on preferential terms for farming or building a country house. Regional payments more varied. First of all, for the 3rd or 4th child a regional maternal capital(about 100,000 rubles, which can be used for the same needs as the federal one). There are a number of payments that compensate for the cost of purchasing goods for newborns, food and clothing.
For a complete list of benefits you may qualify for, contact your local Social Security office. Increasingly, with the advent of the third and subsequent children, the income of family members is not enough to provide everyone with a decent standard of living. In this case, pay attention to payments to the poor.

Amounts and types of financial assistance from social security in 2018

Receive free textbooks; Free visits to paid sports clubs; Students Lunch at low or free cost; Reduced travel costs (similar to schoolchildren); Parents Father or mother have the right to travel free of charge on public transport; They will not be charged for parking for 1 year; Exempt from transport tax; Free visits with children to zoos, parks, exhibitions and museums (once a month); The right to visit at a discount Grand Theatre; Visit Moscow baths for free; First of all, garden plots are received; Have the right to receive housing and subsidies for its construction; Mothers who give birth to 10 children receive an additional payment to their pension; They have the right to temporary use of social housing (if the number of children is 5). At the federal level, you can get free medicine for a child under 6 years of age. In Moscow this age has been increased to 18 years.

What measures of social support are there for large families?

If the property does not have central heating, the same discount on fuel applies. Additional benefits in various service areas These benefits include:

  • Schoolchildren are exempt from paying fares on suburban and intra-district transport, as well as city transport;
  • Children have the right to discounted attendance at budget clubs and sections;
  • Preschoolers are registered in kindergartens without a queue;
  • When the dilapidated housing is demolished, the parents of three children will receive a new one, taking into account the area of ​​the demolished one.

A mother or father has the right to learn a new profession for free and change their qualifications, taking into account the shortage of certain specialists in the region. In some regions, there is an exemption from property tax, land duty, delivery New Year's gifts and awards.

They are:

  • Standard (for each minor);
  • Social (one-time amounts returned by the tax service after payment).

However, children must not be 18 years of age or studying full-time. Parents with many children provide their employer with an application, a certificate from a technical school (institute, college), and a 2-NDFL certificate. Tax benefits for large families in 2017 they provide:

  1. Reduced rates of land tax or non-payment for a specified period;
  2. Exemption from payment of rent for a plot of land for a peasant or farm enterprise;
  3. Possibility not to pay a registration fee when running a business;
  4. Refunds paid for kindergarten amounts from 20 to 70% depending on the number of children.

This also includes a 30% discount on utility bills.

We have two children. The third one will be born in 2 months. The eldest, 4 years old, is a disabled child. Only the husband works and receives 16,000 rubles. We have no housing. What programs provide housing, where to apply, and what documents are needed? Answer According to Article 5 of the Federal Law “On state support large families" large families are provided with the following rights and benefits as state support measures, in particular, parents have the right to a mortgage loan with a loan term of up to 30 years (without a down payment) for the purchase of housing at the social rate with a deferment of the first payment for three years . The state compensates 75% of monthly payments. After the birth of the next child (or already having 4 or more children), the entire loan is repaid to the family.

With the help of a subsidy, you can pay off debt or interest on housing purchased with your own funds. Local authorities have the right to give a large family a preferential loan, subsidy or interest-free loan for the construction of a house and the purchase of building materials. Mortgage in in this case does not provide for an initial payment, the payment period is longer, and the first payment is deferred for 3 years. Since 2018, a program of state subsidies for mortgage loans began to function. Now large families will be able to participate in preferential mortgage lending at a rate of 6%. To fully participate you must:

  • birth of the 3rd or subsequent child after January 1, 2018, but before December 31, 2022,
  • purchasing housing on the primary real estate market,
  • initial contribution from own funds of at least 20% (including MSK).

The grace period for the birth of the 3rd and subsequent children is 5 years.

Benefits and privileges for large families in 2018

Other types of state support in 2018 Needy WWII veterans can receive one-time targeted assistance of up to 15,000 rubles in 2018 for the purchase of necessary household appliances, replacement of plumbing equipment or dental prosthetics. To do this, you need to collect basic documents, write an application and prove the need to purchase equipment or prosthetics.

Money to pay for dental services is the easiest to give - to do this, you just need to bring the relevant certificates and an extract from the outpatient card to social security. Read also: How to get a one-time payment for an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations social payment Retired families (with no able-bodied members) or single people old age can receive targeted assistance for repairs in residential premises.

Social support for large families


Employers provide parents with many children with preferential working conditions. By the way, women in such families retire early.

But here, too, there are several mandatory points that will affect this benefit. It’s better to find out about them first. Large families can count on:
  • A place in kindergarten is out of turn.
  • Meals at school and in the kindergarten are free.
  • Providing free school uniforms.
  • The student’s right to use public and suburban transport without paying.
  • Free medicines until the child is six years old.
  • The student has the right to visit a museum or exhibition at his discretion once a month.
  • Benefit when paying for housing and communal services equal to 30%.
  • Obtaining land.

Targeted assistance to large families

In 2018, its implementation is being carried out with the help of social protection specialists and the Employment Center. How to get help for large families Large families can also become applicants for assistance from the state in 2018.

They are supported in several ways - in the form of benefits, allowances and payments once a year. For example, in a number of regions, before September 1, large families receive funds to pay for their children’s school fees.
A prerequisite is the upbringing of all children in the family, and not in special children's institutions. Federal law subsidies are provided for large families in the form of a reduction in monthly utility bills, child benefits, payments to mothers (they are equal to working people and can receive 1 minimum wage before fulfilling their own youngest child 16 years).

Types and amount of assistance to large families


They are carried out by both social protection authorities and employers. A fairly wide range of people who find themselves in a difficult situation may qualify for help, so it is best, before you start collecting documents, to contact social security and find out which program you will be able to qualify for in 2018.

Below we will describe the most popular community outreach programs. Targeted contracts At the end of 2012, changes were made to the laws on social assistance. Appeared the new kind support - concluding contracts with the population. In 2017-2018, these amendments remain relevant.

State support for large families

Upon completion, the rate will increase, but will be calculated according to a special formula: the Central Bank rate in effect at the time the loan was issued + 2%. If a family already has a mortgage loan, and during the specified period of time they have one more child, then the parents will be able to apply for preferential refinancing of the existing loan.
Registration of housing and land benefits When issuing land ownership, Rosreestr takes into account the following mandatory factors:

  • Parents are officially married;
  • The family owns no other land;
  • Children live with their parents;
  • Parents are registered as needing housing;
  • The family has Russian citizenship and has lived in this region for 5 years.

Families who do not have their own apartment or whose area per person is below the established norm can apply for an apartment.

Amounts and types of financial assistance from social security in 2018

Documents may be different depending on the benefits, compensation and benefits, let’s look at the main documents:

  • Passports of both parents;
  • Birth certificates of children;
  • Certificates from school stating that the children are receiving secondary education;
  • Certificates from parents’ places of work in order to find out the parents’ income;
  • Documents confirming that the child is registered with his parents;

If one parent does not work, you must contact the employment center to obtain the appropriate certificate. All applications for registration of benefits and allowances are completed on the spot, on a special form. If the registration is related to receiving benefits for utility bills, then you must everyone necessary documents contact the HOA. For all social issues, you can call 8-800-777-32-63 for a toll-free legal line.

What measures of social support are there for large families?

The size of all incomes is also taken into account in accordance with the subsistence level. The queue may be refused if the fact of deliberate deterioration of living conditions is established (exchange of an apartment for a smaller one, registration large quantity people, sale or division of housing, fictitious transactions with living space).
To the main package of documents, title papers for housing and evidence of its unsafe condition are added. Within a month, the citizen receives a receipt confirming the family’s inclusion in the queue for housing or land.
Tax discounts for families with many children In order to save material income for families with many children, the state has provided tax deductions for them - amounts of money on which income tax is not levied.

  • Once a year, compensation is 50% of the cost of travel for treatment in a sanatorium (applies to one accompanying person).
  • It became possible for parents in such families to receive:
  1. Preferential working conditions.
  2. Beginning entrepreneurs do not need to pay a fee for opening an individual entrepreneur.
  3. Reducing the retirement age.
  4. Obtaining a garden plot out of turn.
  5. Lower mortgage requirements and interest rates.
  6. Tickets for visiting exhibitions and museum displays (no more than once a month).
  7. State payment for nanny services (this assistance is available only to residents of large cities, and details about it can only be found in the social security department at your place of residence).

In addition, it is possible to pay financial assistance in the form of benefits or one-time transfers, which is regulated by regional laws.
Advertising on the website Information about benefits: Benefits for single mothers 2014 Benefits for large families Benefits for transport. tax Benefits for disabled people Benefits for disabled people of group 1 Benefits for disabled people of group 2 Benefits for disabled people of group 3 Benefits for combat veterans Benefits for labor veterans Benefits for pensioners Housing and communal services benefits Benefits for disabled children Social benefits Social benefits Ukraine Benefits for kindergarten Utility benefits Moscow benefits Land benefits Military benefits Rural benefits When a family has more than two children, then spending increases accordingly. However, the state is trying to somehow help large families.

It is worth knowing that this category includes a family with three or more children. In this case, you can count on benefits for large families.

By the way, if there are adopted children in the family, then they are also taken into account.

We have two children. The third one will be born in 2 months. The eldest, 4 years old, is a disabled child. Only the husband works and receives 16,000 rubles. We have no housing. What programs provide housing, where to apply, and what documents are needed?


According to Article 5 of the Federal Law “On State Support for Large Families,” large families are provided with the following rights and benefits as measures of state support, in particular, parents have the right to a mortgage loan with a loan term of up to 30 years (without a down payment) for the purchase of housing under social security standard with a deferment of the first payment for three years. The state compensates 75% of monthly payments. After the birth of the next child (or already having 4 or more children), the entire loan is repaid to the family. As an alternative, parents with many children have the right to receive a housing certificate for the purchase of housing or individual construction in the amount of 90% of the cost of housing (a mandatory condition is that one of the parents has lived in the territory of a constituent entity of Russia for at least 12 years, the total work experience of the parents is 10 years , army and full-time education are counted).

The rights and benefits established by this law are provided to large families regardless of the average per capita income and the cost of living established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

It is worthwhile to advise you to familiarize yourself with this Law in more detail.

Hello, dear Vladimir Vladimirovich! I am writing to you the essence of my problem: We are a large family: I have four children, whose ages are (10 years, 9 years, 7 years, and 8 months), and we are still waiting for the fifth (pregnant). The essence of my problem is this: we don’t have our own home, we live in my mother-in-law’s apartment, the relationship with her is tense, she wants to kick us out. With the Maternal Family Capital in the amount of 399, 779, 15, we cannot buy anything normal, they don’t give a loan from the bank, explaining that there are many children, and I have a large debt in Renesan Bank 120,000 (bad credit history). The benefits are small: 1) 8600 - up to 3 years for the 4th child, 5700 - up to 1.5 years - for the 4th child, 2) and for each child a monthly benefit - in the amount of 257.40, 3) for 4- the child was given a certificate and received an allowance for adequate nutrition up to 3 years of age - 4310.70 for children in the first year of life, and children of the second and third year of life - 2394.80, and then receive this for 2 months in the period from April 4 to June 4, and the dairy kitchen was cancelled, the question is: What to feed the children?

I'm on maternity leave and in a situation, I don't have enough money. For the 4th child I received a certificate in the amount of 116,868. We are standing on the ground, it is unknown when the turn will come, for housing like large families, but there the line lasts a very long time. Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich! The fact is that we found a house whose price was 420,000 rubles. Our maternal family capital is 399, 779, 15 kopecks.

I’ll have to add my son’s pension, I get 17,800 for him (since the child is disabled) - with a diagnosis of “mental retardation”, I don’t know how to live then, I have a loan from the Renaissance Bank, I haven’t paid for a long time, a house, which I am going to formalize, without gas, can I use regional capital in the amount of 116,868 rubles for gas supply, and that probably won’t be enough. And the outside of the house also requires repairs, a bathtub and a toilet need to be installed in the house, it’s all money, they won’t give us a loan, and we would also like to start a household in the house, where can we get funds for repairs and everything else? Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, when will children’s benefits be increased? Well, they’re shameful and ridiculous? And why was the dairy kitchen cancelled, sometimes I don’t have money, there’s a crisis, and it’s over baby food mixture diapers, contacted the organization: Volunteer Association - “Common Children” - they helped 2 times, and then they said no, first of all we help disabled children, orphans, etc.

D. 2) I asked for help from V.V. Zhirinovsky. With exactly the same letter as to you, and this is the answer, I copy: what was sent to me by email: Dear voter! I received your message, which I have read carefully. I receive more than 300 letters every day asking for help.

I want to help everyone. But how to do that? Only we, deputies of the LDPR faction, decided to give part of our salaries to you. Unfortunately, the LDPR, as an opposition party, does not have large funds. We try to primarily provide assistance to those in dire need: pensioners, disabled people, orphans. Taking into account our capabilities, we are ready to provide you with financial assistance in the amount of 1000 rubles.

If you agree to receive a small financial assistance, then I ask you to write me a second appeal to me indicating the last name, first name, patronymic, full address with postal code, a copy of a passport or other other identity document and a BRIEF statement of the essence of the issue by email address Ru. Sincerely, V.V. Zhirinovsky We hope that for you, Vladimir Vladimirovich, our situation is not indifferent, and we really want you to provide our large family with at least some help, children need to be raised, put on their feet, but I have retired Money will be spent on repairs to living conditions. I ask you to provide at least some help.