Encyclopedia of beauty Women's magazine. Cotton - it's all about simplicity

During pregnancy at different times (I, II or III trimester), the appointment of certain medications causes a lot of questions for patients. And very often, only among them are those that relate to the safety of the baby and mother, as well as contraindications and recommended dosage.

Is the drug prescribed for pregnant women?

Paracetamol (including children's) has established itself as an effective drug for headaches, toothaches, and colds. This is confirmed by sales ratings, in which the drug has been a leader for many years in a row. However, questions about its use by pregnant women still remain relevant - is it possible to take pills (drink syrup, put candles).

In most cases, experts advise taking paracetamol for ailments of the following nature:

  • , dental, traumatic pain or menstrual nature;
  • with painful sensations in the joints, muscles, sprains;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • at the first symptoms of colds and flu;
  • with other inflammatory processes.

Regarding whether it is possible to take the drug paracetamol during pregnancy, there are no cardinal prohibitions. However, as the instructions for use say, it is worth drinking tablets or syrup (putting candles) only if the indications and dosage are observed. Especially for patients on early dates pregnancy (I trimester).

Manufacturers of the drug paracetamol formulate the possibility of taking this drug for the purpose of treatment in different ways. In some instructions, the annotation indicates the careful use of the pain remedy, provided that the allowable dose is observed. In other inserts, it is written that taking the drug is considered permitted only in situations where the benefit from it will be greater than the harm. But, despite this, some experts strongly advise taking paracetamol during pregnancy.

It is worth noting that, indeed, negative impact no embryotoxic, mutagenic, teratogenic nature was detected during the ongoing studies. However, paracetamol should not be called useful for pregnant women, because there is a potential risk.

Therefore, you should not resort to self-medication, especially in the early stages of an "interesting" situation. Asking whether it is possible to take paracetamol for headache, toothache in patients in the I, II or III trimester, it is worth remembering the mechanism of action of the drug.

Impact features

The main danger of taking paracetamol, which is worth remembering for pregnant women, can be called the ability to penetrate into the mucous membranes and bloodstream. Therefore, when a pregnant woman takes the drug (even if the dosage is observed), it will certainly spread throughout her body and get to the fetus. It would be appropriate to note that as a result of taking the famous medicine for headaches, toothaches, and colds by pregnant women in the I and II trimesters, the risk of developing various malformations in the fetus increases.

If the patient in position for up to 3 weeks will drink such pills, they may well provoke a miscarriage.

According to the results of the studies, the adverse effects of paracetamol on the kidneys and liver were also revealed. This effect is a consequence of long-term treatment, as well as if the recommended dose is exceeded.

Features of treatment

In the first six months

Among many other antiviral drugs and medicines for headache, toothache, paracetamol during pregnancy is more or less safe. It is he who can be appointed by a specialist with whom the patient in the position is registered.

In particular, it is recommended to resort to paracetamol treatment (drink tablets or powder) during the first and second trimesters during an increase in body temperature of more than 38-38.5⁰. At lower rates, it is worth using other household methods (heavy drinking, bed rest, decoctions with an antipyretic effect).

In the first trimester, taking paracetamol is highly undesirable. In the early stages of pregnancy, when all organs of the body are laid, the fetus is very sensitive to extraneous influences.

Even if it becomes necessary to drink a medicine for a headache or toothache, fever in the I or II trimester, it is better to consult a doctor leading the pregnancy. He will tell you whether it is possible to resort to this treatment option in your case, and also determine the optimal dosage. The same rule applies if the patient decides to take paracetamol during pregnancy for children (baby syrup).

In the last three months

In the third trimester, if it becomes necessary to take a remedy for a headache, toothache or cold, self-medication with paracetamol should not be done. Even if a woman decides to drink children's paracetamol, she will first need to see a doctor.

An experienced specialist will examine the patient and evaluate how effective this medicine will be in a particular case, and whether it can be replaced with another remedy. At the same time, simultaneous treatment with several agents containing the same composition should be taken into account.

Quite often there are questions about the recommended dosage in pregnant patients who want to get rid of headaches, toothaches or cold symptoms with paracetamol. Information about the permitted doses of a pregnant woman can be obtained from a doctor.

Also, such information is disclosed by the instructions attached to the drug - 0.5 tablets no more than twice in 1 day. It is worth drinking half a tablet 1 hour after a meal. The medicine is washed down with plenty of water. As a rule, this dose is enough for the pregnant woman to feel relief.

In order to avoid negative consequences, it is not recommended to continue treatment with such a remedy, which has proven to be the best for headache and toothache, for more than three days in a row. If the symptoms do not disappear, it is better to consult a doctor so that he can help to understand the cause of the ailment and prescribe a more adequate treatment.

When taking paracetamol during pregnancy (in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd trimester), you should always be aware of the possible adverse effects medications on the baby. Therefore, faced with a situation where you need to eliminate the symptoms of pathologies, it is better to contact specialists for help.

MBOU Troitskaya secondary school

Zalarinsky district

Irkutsk region

With. Troitsk



Done by a 7th grade student

Chekhova Veronika

Leader: Rudaya T. A.




Project Goals……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Justification for the choice of the project topic………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Home style....................................................................................................................................3

Dressing gowns are different ................................…………................................……….…...4

The history of the bathrobe ............................…………………………………...................................................................6


Model Selection……………………………………………...........................................……........9

Choice of materials, tools, equipment...............................................................................11

Process sequence manufacturing………………………………………………………….12

Robe drawing……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Cutting sequence....................................................................................................................18

Organization of the workplace....................................................................................................18

Rules for safe work....................................................................................................................18

Requirements for the quality of the finished product....................................................................................18


Economic feasibility study of the project…………………………………………………………………..19

Environmental assessment project………………………...…...................................…...…...19

Evaluation of the quality and complexity of the project…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

List of references………………................................................……...…..........21

PROJECT PROTECTION…………………………………...................................................................22



1) Learn to sew correctly

2) Save the family budget

3) Learn to sew a bathrobe


Dear women, admit that you love to walk around the house in a playful dressing gown. And many modern men increasingly prefer home bathrobe old sweatpants and grandfather's shirt. A coat is a must. The bathrobe gives rest, silence, a modicum of luxury and laziness.

A comfortable bathrobe can be made according to your own project. A thing sewn independently, I think, always in a single copy, is beneficial. Now in stores there is an abundance of fabrics: from artificial, synthetic, natural fibers, different shades and invoices. In my opinion, cotton terry cloth is ideal for bath clothes.


A comfortable and beautiful bathrobe is an integral part of the wardrobe, the same as jeans, your favorite sweater and seamless underwear. And if you have a luxurious bathrobe hanging in your closet, such as is usually offered in the best hotels, this is great way bring a sense of relaxation and relaxation to everyday life.

In addition, bathrobes are a wonderful gift. They are chic yet practical, traditional yet ultra-modern, trendy yet comfortable. They are great for all occasions, they can be given for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, Valentine's Day and March 8th.

Love for this comfortable thing is understandable, because many of us strongly associate a bathrobe with calmness, comfort, silence and relaxation.

Even today, the bathrobe occupies an honorable place in the wardrobe of any self-respecting fashionista. When the delicate fabric of an expensive dressing gown is on your shoulders, you so want to believe in a fairy tale about a rich and carefree life, you so want to dream of great love, stretched out on a supple armchair, and allow yourself a few hours of laziness.



Coming home from work, we are happy to change into a comfortable dressing gown. When we hear the words: doctor, nurse, pharmacist, seller, then immediately an image appears before our eyes: a man in a white coat. In a word, the bathrobe is universal: both at home and at work, it serves us. But when did he "appear"?

Since ancient times, the robe has been the main type of clothing in the East. It had a loose cut, wide sleeves ended with cuffs. It was sewn mainly from silk, since it was believed that the friction of silk on human skin helps to cure many diseases. Moreover, the patterns on the fabric were closely connected with folk ideas about life, nature, and happiness.

Over the centuries, the robe became either narrower or wider, there could be slits on the sides, the collar was made closed, the floors could be single or double-breasted, with a closed asymmetrical fastener or loosely wrapped around the chest. The medieval period is the golden time of the robe: it served not only as everyday wear, but also as a solemn one. In this regard, special state decrees are issued that clearly regulate the shape, color, and material of the emperor's gowns, his close associates, and officials.

In Europe, the robe became known only in the 17th century. He came from Turkey, and the Turks. probably borrowed this type of clothing from the Arabs.

"Turkish" robes in Europe were usually sewn from fabric with a longitudinal strip. Under the robe, the men wore a waistcoat-type camisole with or without semi-long sleeves. A long wide satin robe with braid decorations also came through Hungary from Turkey.

The more elegant and heavier the "street" clothing became, the more necessary was a comfortable, simple home attire. At home they did not wear dresses hung with flowers and jewels, high-heeled shoes and wigs. Luxurious hairstyles were replaced by a cap. home clothes even got the name "neglizhe" (on French- careless, careless).

When, at the end of the 19th century, oriental motifs entered the design of interiors, furniture, decorations, robes with kimono sleeves, with fire-breathing dragons and intricately curved trees became popular.

The robe came to Russia as clothing in the 18th century from Europe. But in Europe, he appeared twice. The first European dressing gown is a brother of the old toga - solid pieces of fabric, which, elegantly draped, were thrown over the chiton and tunic in the cold season.

A convenient front slit was later transformed into a clasp and penetrated Europe at the beginning of a new era - these were original raincoats that were belted with a thin strap. These outfits were necessary because medieval castles, and even later palaces, were not really heated, and the cold was often a mortal danger for guests and residents. In the 17th century, when the dwellings were already fairly warm, relatively light home clothes were needed, and soon they appeared in the wardrobes of both sexes. Men immediately dressed up in the same robes, which did not undergo noticeable stylistic changes over a long period of time. Fabrics, finishing methods and materials were different, but the outfit itself remained exactly the same as three centuries ago: loose, with wide sleeves, a soft collar and a long one - at first in order to cover nightgown, then - pajamas, and later - legs.

Interestingly, in Arabic, "robe" means "dress of honor." Then they understood this in the literal sense, and for almost a century and a half it was even allowed to receive guests in it, which dapper young men and ladies liked to do, and later even small estate nobles.

Today we sew bathrobes of various styles from chintz, flannel, silk, terry fabrics. But its main property - to be comfortable and not interfere with our work and rest - is preserved in all models.



X alat in the style of "kimono" with a belt, pockets. Made of multicolored shiny fabric, trimmed with blue one-colored fabric. Composition: 80% polyester 20% cotton, 100% cotton lining inside.

Women's velor dressing gown. This lightweight velor dressing gown fits perfectly on any figure. This way you will always look attractive. Composition: 80% cotton, 20% PE.

Women's dressing gown made of lightweight pink terry cloth. It is pleasant not only to plunge into the world of tranquility and comfort after a working day, but also to devote yourself to daily household chores. Composition: 80% Cotton; 20% Polyester.



    my favorite color is cream,

then a sketch of my bathrobe:




    Tape measure;

    Graph paper;

    Terry cloth for a dressing gown is a very practical fabric that does not require special care and is soft to the touch. It has low creasing, is easy to wash and irons well. Finally, terry cloth is made from 100% cotton and is therefore a natural and breathable fabric. Due to its properties and characteristics - strength, practicality and environmental friendliness - cotton is considered one of the best fibers for bed linen.





    bobbin threads;

    Sewing machine;



    Ironing board;





Tools, materials

Development of a sketch of a bathrobe

Pencil, paper.

Taking measurements. pattern making

Measuring tape, ruler, pencil, graph paper, scissors.

open the robe

Pattern, fabric, soap, scissors.

The connection of the side sections and the shoulder sections of the dressing gown: sweep and stitch the sections, the seam width is 1 cm, overcast and iron the sections.

Back and front details, scissors, thread, needle, sewing machine, iron, ironing board.

Processing the neck and sides with a fabric: fold a strip of fabric with the wrong side inward, attach to the front side of the robe, baste, stitch, overcast and iron in the direction of the robe.

Bathrobe, fabric, scissors, thread, needle, sewing machine, iron, ironing board.

Processing the lower cut with a hem seam with a closed cut.

Bathrobe, scissors, thread, needle, sewing machine, iron, ironing board.

Pocket processing

Pocket detail, scissors, needle, thread, sewing machine, iron, ironing board.

Iron the product

Bathrobe, nightgown, iron, ironing board.


To build a drawing of a bathrobe, you need to take measurements:

    W = 18 cm

    SG = 32 cm

    Di = 115 cm

    Dst = 36 cm

    Op = 24 cm

Free fitting allowances: Pg = 6 cm, Pog = 15 cm.

Nightgown length = Di=115cm

Shirt width \u003d (Sg + Pg): 2 \u003d (38 + 6): 2 \u003d 19

Complete the rectangle BB 1 H 1 H

Neck width \u003d (Ssh: 3) + 1 \u003d (18: 3) + 1 \u003d 7

Back neck depth =BB 2:3=7:3=2.5

Connect with a smooth line t.V 2 with t.V 3

Waistline = Dst =36 cm

The construction of the smell from T.T to the right 10 cm.

From t. T 1 set aside 3cm upwards.

Connect t. T 2 with t. B 2 along the ruler

Armhole depth \u003d (Op: 2) + Pog \u003d (24: 2) + 7 \u003d 27

Sleeve length =20-25cm

Sleeve width at the bottom = 16-22cm

Connect t. G with t. B 5

Bottom extension = 8 - 12 cm

Connect with a straight line t. G with t. H 2

Set aside 1.5 cm from point H 2 up

Segment HH 1 divided in half - t. H 4

Connect with a smooth line t. H 4 with t. H3


BB 1

BB 2

BB 3


TT 1

T 1 T 2

In 1 G

B 1 B 4

B 4 B 5

H 1 H 2

H 2 H 3






    Lay out the pattern pieces according to the diagram and pin them.

    Circle the patterns first along the contour, and then taking into account the allowances for the seams.

    Check the correct layout, the direction of the shared thread and the size of the allowances.

    Cut out skirt pieces along seam allowances.

    Break off the pattern pieces.


    There should be no unnecessary items in the workplace.

    Hair must be collected in an elastic band.

    You need to sit straight on the entire surface of the chair.

    The machine should stand from the table at palm level, and 30-40 cm from the eyes.

    Light should fall from the left side.


    When installing the needle, bobbin case and threading the upper thread on the machine with an electric drive, you need to remove your foot from the starting rheostat pedal.

    Do not leave the machine plugged into the mains unattended.

    Before work, check the condition of the cord.

    When turning the machine on and off, handle only the fork body and only with dry hands.

    Correctly put your foot on the pedal, press smoothly and without jerking.


    Appearance products must match the selected model.

    The finished product must be well ironed.

    Paired parts must be of the same size and symmetrical arrangement.

    Hand and machine stitches must comply with the specifications for the performance of manual and machine work.










266 r.

4oo r.



1 PC.

20 p.

20 p.


420 r.

Many people can't afford the prices in stores. Making things with your own hands, you can show your individuality, as well as save the family budget for more important purchases. My bathrobe cost me 420 rubles. Of course, there were costs, but what is the effect of hand-made production.


So, we can say with confidence that this project is environmentally friendly!

Salon: "All for sleep"

He won't be too small

Spacious soft my dressing gown.

'Cause I'll be comfortable in it

Whether in the morning or in the evening.

Come to us! We will pick up a robe for everyone, for any style and color, We are waiting for you from 10:00-18:00 without weekend breaks, we will be happy to help you!

« Daria"


My bathrobe was liked not only by me, but also by my family. Mom said that I was doing well, and my sister was jealous of me. Sewing was easy and fun. I tried myself not only as a seamstress, but also as a fashion designer. This profession always attracts many girls. Even if in the future I don’t choose this path for myself, I think sewing skills will come in handy in family life when I become a mother and wife.


My project is called "Bathrobe". Project Goals

1) Learn to sew correctly

2) Save the family budget

3) Learn to sew a bathrobe

4) Sew a dressing gown according to your size and good quality

A coat is a must. The bathrobe gives rest, silence, a modicum of luxury and laziness. A comfortable bathrobe can be made according to your own project. In my opinion, cotton terry cloth is ideal for home wear.

Since ancient times, the robe has been the main type of clothing in the East. It had a loose cut, wide sleeves ended with cuffs. Interestingly, in Arabic, "robe" means "dress of honor." Then it was understood in the literal sense, and for almost a century and a half it was even allowed to receive guests in it.

Model selection:

    Robe in the style of "kimono" with a belt, pockets. Made of multicolored shiny fabric, trimmed with blue one-colored fabric.

    This lightweight velor dressing gown fits perfectly on any figure. This way you will always look attractive.

    Women's dressing gown made of lightweight pink terry cloth. It is pleasant not only to plunge into the world of tranquility and comfort after a working day, but also to devote yourself to daily household chores.


    I'm interested in the "kimono" style;

    cotton terry dressing gown;

    my favorite color is cream, then I designed my model.

To make the kit I needed:



    Tape measure;

    Graph paper;

    Terry cloth for a bathrobe is a very practical, low-maintenance fabric that is soft to the touch. It has low creasing, is easy to wash and irons well. Finally, it is made from 100% cotton and is therefore a natural and breathable fabric.





    bobbin threads;

    Sewing machine;



    Ironing board;


Manufacturing technology:

    Development of a sketch of a bathrobe.

    Taking measurements. Pattern making.

    Open the robe.

    Processing and finishing of the dressing gown.


Making things with your own hands, you can show your individuality, as well as save the family budget for more important purchases. My bathrobe cost me 420 rubles. Of course, there were costs, but what is the effect of hand-made production.

My bathrobe was liked not only by me, but also by my family. Mom said that I was doing well, and my sister was jealous of me. Sewing was easy and fun. I tried myself not only as a seamstress, but also as a fashion designer.

There was no water consumption in the manufacture of my bathrobe. The atmosphere was not polluted, since everything was made not by industrial, but by hand. The materials used are natural - 100% cotton: both threads and fabrics. When wearing clothes made of such materials, the body will always feel comfortable and cozy.

My project turned out

    original, unique;

    very cost effective;

    hygienic: it is body-friendly, hygroscopic, breathable, soft and light.

Come to us! We will pick up a dressing gown for everyone, for any style and color, We are waiting for you from 10:00-18:00 without weekend breaks, telephone - 89513011469, call us, we will be happy to help you! Salon "Daria"









Lazareva Victoria Sergeevna, student of the 10th grade

Scientific adviser: Lazareva Oksana Alexandrovna,


MOU "Razumenskaya secondary school No. 2 of the Belgorod district of the Belgorod region"

Place of work: p. Reasonable, st. Filippova d.2


Table of contents

Introduction 3

    ABOUT braz of a dressing gown in the work of P.A. Vyazemsky and N.M. Yazykova 5

2. Nikolai Yazykov's poem "To the Bathrobe" as a source of the novel

I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov"………………… ……………… . …… ……………… . … 6

3. Comparative analysis of the works of P.A. Vyazemsky "Farewell

with a bathrobe”, N.M. Yazykova "To the robe" and I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" …… …… 9

Conclusion 11

List of used literature ……………………………………………… 12

Annex 1Poems by N. Yazykov andVyazemsky………………………………13

Annex 2 Photographs by Vyazemsky, Yazykov and Goncharov…………………15

Annex 3 Photos from the film "A Few Days in the Life of I.I. Oblomov" 16

Appendix 4 Illustrations for the novel "Oblomov"………………………………… 17


A bathrobe is a comfortable, practical everyday item that each of us has. According to the dictionary of V.I. Dalia (1) dressing gown - indoor, home wide clothing of oriental cut. The fashion for bathrobes came to us from the East at the endXVIIcentury, where they were the main clothing. The word itself comes from the Arabic word "hil'at" - "dress of honor." Perhaps the origin of the word just determines why our ancestors respected this element of the home wardrobe. It was even allowed to meet guests in a bathrobe: “Do not receive guests of honor in a torn bathrobe!” (Kozma Prutkov). Among many Asian peoples, a richly decorated male robe serves as a symbol of social status. The more worthy a person, the richer his robe.

As the main home wear, the bathrobe came into use first in Europe, and then in Russia. At that time, the bathrobe rightfully occupied an honorable place in the wardrobe of every person. For a long time in Europe, the robe was a symbol of relaxation, idleness and laziness. This is where the expression came from - “negligently treat something”, in other words, irresponsibly, with disdain to treat the matter. Sources of folk wisdom invest in the concept of "robe" the meaning of not only laziness, but also a prolonged internal illness. “If you take off your bathrobe, then fatigue will also be removed,” says folk wisdom. The meaning of this symbol begins to expand in the 19th century:a poet's robe, a sloth's robe, a robe like fate, "ha“plate” way of life, a dressing gown as an attribute of a lordly life, life as a “worn out dressing gown”.

An archetype is a way of connecting images that pass from generation to generation. Archetypes set the general structure of the personality and the sequence of images that pop up in the mind when creative activity awakens, so spiritual life bears an archetypal imprint. Jung saw in them a formative principle present in the psyche of every person. The set of archetypes is limited; they underlie creativity and contribute to the internal unity of human culture, make possible the interconnection of different epochs of development and mutual understanding of people (2, p. 12).

In this research work on extensive material artistic creativity N.M. Yazykova, P.A. Vyazemsky, I.A. Goncharov, an attempt was made to prove that in Russian literature the image of a dressing gown acquires the qualities of an archetype.

Lotman Yu.M.Conversations about Russian culture: Life and traditions of the Russian nobility (XVIII - early XItenth century). - St. Petersburg: Art, 1994. - 415 p.

Yazykov N. M.Poems and poems. - L .: Owls. writer, 1988. - 592 p.

Losev A.F. Sign. Symbol. Myth. - M., 1982.

Ermolaeva N.L.“Oh my bathrobe, as in the old days, welcoming!” // Literature at school. 2009. No. 6. S. 21–24.

Ermolaeva N.L. Epic thinking of I. A. Goncharov. Ivanovo: Ivanovo State University, 2011. 324 p.

Prutskov N.I. The skill of Goncharov the novelist. - M.; L., 1962.

Annex 1

N. Yazykov's poem "To the dressing gown"

How I love you, robe!

Clothing of idleness and laziness,

Companion of Secret Delights

And poetic delights!

Let the servants of Areya

Their tight livery is sweet;

I am free with the body, as with the soul.

From the age of our infection,

From life swearing and empty

I am healed - and peace be with me!

Kings of leprosy and orders

Do not spoil my youth -

And my days are like me in a dressing gown,

A hundred times more captivating days

The king who lives inopportunely.

Night sky president

The moon shines golden;

The worldly vanity fell asleep -

The thinking student does not sleep:

Despising blind light noise,

He laughs, in delighted thoughts,

Above modern Herostratus;

He is not seen in dreams

Daggers of Zand and Louvel,

And our glory is empty

An exalted soul is not afraid.

A simple chubuk in his mouth,

Before him, sadly burning,

There is a non-wax candle;

Carelessly, proudly he sits

With the dreams of a living genius -

And a patient tailor

Thank you for your coat!

December 1823

PoemVyazemsky P. A. "Farewell to the bathrobe"

Sorry robe! an idle comrade of bliss,
Leisure friend, witness of secret thoughts!
With you I knew the monotonous world,
But a quiet world where lights shine and noise
It didn't occur to me in oblivion.
The art of living is an undereducated schoolboy,
In the field of customs and fashion,
Where whim-king tyrannizes his people,
Who didn't wag? In the living room I'm a slave
In my corner I am master,
Your height is not measured by someone else's arshin.
Like a miserable slave paying tribute to the villain,
And day and night, exhaust yourself in captivity,
Tastes paradise, freed from bonds,
So, pulling off the shoulders of the living room livery
And with her the yoke of exacting vanity,
I came to life when, dressed in a bathrobe,
Reconciled again with the abandoned Penat;
With you, vanity was alien to me,
Caressed dreams and nursed dreams.
At the fireside, where a bright stream
Red fire, sometimes in the evening,
Thoughtful, eloquent friend,
She lived the dream of my deep mold.
The awakened shadows of the past
In transparent darkness they crowded around;
Or in the future, stained with a dream,
I cut through the mist of obscurity,
Bringing the distance together, lived in a distant life
And, mixing deceit with truth,
He painted the plan of castles in the air.
Like me in your accommodating attire
In movements he was not a slave to the tailor,
So my thought rushed in the open
With hope and memory three together.
On happy days of successful inspiration,
When it's easy, without the knowledge of labor,
The verse under the pen lay down forever
And rhyme, the enemy of innocent pleasures,
Whiplash, was kind to me;
How often, getting up from Morpheus's bed,
I walked straight to the table, where Muse with caress
Waiting for me with a message or a fairy tale
And fiction, whispered yesterday.
She liked my home outfit:
Her reception is alien to the secular charter,
Favored my negligence.
The verse flew out freer and simpler;
He wrote jokingly, and in a light-winged joke
The trace of a smile did not frighten the work.
How pitiful is the hateful lover of the Muses,
Who didn’t eat a bathrobe!
Fashion fan dressed like a doll
And warmed up with prim delight,
He enters his office as if he were at a ball.
Its flowers are rouge and white,
And dipped in fragrant ink
His pen paints a madrigal.
Let grace cutesy in the restroom
Gives him a fake smile
For what he showed in verse
A syllable with a receipt and a muse in curls;
But an example to me: this immortal slob -
Anacreon, friend of beauty and Bacchus,
Believe me, I drank and sang in my dressing gown;
Muse is a minion, pampered by Charitami
And to one fun is attached,
Playing, he touched immortality.
I am not flattered to be his partaker of glory,
But in laziness I will not yield to him:
Like him, I love the carelessness of fun,
Like him, I love leisure and quiet sleep.
But soon the trace of them will get cold with me:
Dashing worries will surround me,
And you, robe! my best friend,
Sorry! An unfaithful friend will leave you.
Crowded in the ranks of servants of the authorities,
I follow the path of tempting nets.
What awaits me on the way, where under the fog
Can't you distinguish the light of truth from deceit?
Where, blind man, inexperienced blind man,
Will I hit? Where does the journey end?
How will I show myself in front of the tinsel throne
Mistresses, from a wayward urn
Throwing bribed hand
Your gifts to the praying swarm,
Crowding with censers before her?
I do not understand her commandments, -
Pretense is alien and coercion is an enemy,
From youthful days, a connoisseur of quiet blessings.
In awkwardness, before note agility
Artisans, brought up by pretense,
My every step will expose me.
And a newbie still in the science of flexible:
Everyone to be sometimes and together to be nothing
And bend your neck with a spare smile
Under a golden but heavy yoke;
In the field, where the incessant clash
Rows of opponents are worried
I will leave to the triumph of enmity,
Perhaps the trace of my vain courage
And shameful traces of failures.
Oh my dressing gown, as in the old days friendly!
Then take me into your arms.
I will find my joy in you.
Receive me with leisure, dreams,
Crowning my spring with flowers.
Return the treasure of the former blessings;
Give me joy, alone with you,
In the silence of passions, with a calm soul
And not blushing before the secret judge,
Find yourself in yourself.
Warm me in cold compulsion
The cooled heat to the blessings of the muses,
And my genius, freed from bonds,
Sleeping awakens inspiration.
Let me revive my old life again
And, sweet dreams in a magical rapture
Being reborn, let me find oblivion
All that I saw in reality.

Annex 2 Photos

    Vyazemsky P.A. 2 Languages ​​N. M.

3. I.A. Goncharov

Annex 3 Photos from the movie "A few days in the life of I.I. Oblomov»

Movie title: Original name: A few days in the life of I.I. Oblomov
Release year: 1979
Genre: Drama
Director: Nikita Mikhalkov
Roles played by: Oleg Tabakov, Yuri Bogatyrev, Elena Solovey, Avangard Leontiev, Gleb Strizhenov, Evgeny Steblov, Oleg Basilashvili, Lyubov Sokolova

Annex 4 Illustrations for the novel "Oblomov"

Official website of the Group for the preparation of the Academic Complete Collection of Works and Letters of I. A. Goncharov of the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) of the Russian Academy of Sciences

What associations do you have when you hear the word "robe"? These are soft, cozy and comfortable home clothes that we change into after a hard day's work. For representatives of many professions, it is the bathrobe that is an almost permanent form of clothing. Vendors, doctors and nurses, pharmacists and cleaners cannot do without gowns. This simple thing present in the wardrobe of not only women, but also men. As you can see, the dressing gown is universal.

Have you ever wondered when the world's first bathrobe appeared?

The very first bathrobes appeared in the East many centuries ago. It was a staple piece of clothing worn by both men and women. The ancient robe had a loose cut, with very wide sleeves that ended in cuffs. In the East, dressing gowns were sewn from silk, because it was believed that silk, touching human body, able to relieve many different ailments. Ornaments and drawings on the fabric conveyed the judgments of ancient people about the forces of nature, life, and happiness.

Women's robes appeared somewhat later and were originally worn by numerous wives of Arab sheikhs who sewed in harems. Women's robes of that time were hand-painted with flowers and fantastic birds. There was a belief that such a painting would bring happiness to its owner.

Bathrobes were known in China And Japan. The local robes were distinguished by a special cut. Usually the length of Chinese robes reached the knees, and they were distinguished by very wide sleeves, in which it was convenient to hide weapons or scrolls. Women's dressing gowns were fitted and emphasized the female figure.

Japanese robes better known as " kimono", and belong to the type of over-the-shoulder robes with a belt. Such clothing is considered traditional clothes Japan and it is worn with pleasure by both men and women.

Months, years, centuries passed by day by day. Fashion has changed. That's robe experienced many changes: it became either wide or narrow, freely wrapped around the chest or had a clasp, side slits appeared and disappeared, the shape of the collar changed, the floors were either single or double-breasted.

Attitude to bathrobe changed in the Middle Ages. This period can be safely called the high point of the bathrobe, because it moved from the category of casual wear to the category of festive. You will not believe it, but there were even special decrees that clearly described the shape, color and material from which it was possible to sew robes for the emperor, his retinue and officials.

The Turks brought the bathrobe to European countries in the 17th century, who, in turn, borrowed it from the Arabs.

In Europe, these robes were usually made from materials decorated with vertical stripes. Under the robe, the men wore a camisole like a vest with or without sleeves. From the same Turkey through Hungary, a wide long robe made of satin fabric, decorated with braid, also came to us.

Over time, streetwear became more elegant and voluminous. People just needed an easy and comfortable clothes for home. At home, they did not wear expensive dresses and jewelry, wigs and hairpins. At home, the hair was hidden under a bonnet, instead of building a luxurious hairstyle. Thanks to some carelessness, the clothes for the house even earned the name "neglije" (which in French means sloppy).

With the advent of fashion at the end of the 19th century, oriental motifs in interior design became popular. robes in oriental style : with kimono sleeves and oriental designs.

In Russia women's dressing gowns appeared relatively recently, around the middle of the eighteenth century. They came to us from France, as fashion accessory for wearing at home. There are many portraits of famous people of that time in dressing gowns. So Alexander Pushkin, Griboyedov and Krylov liked to walk in dressing gowns.

Coming home from work, we are happy to change into a comfortable dressing gown. When we hear the words: doctor, nurse. a pharmacist, a salesman - then an image of a man in a white coat appears before his eyes. In a word, the bathrobe is universal: both at home and at work, it serves us. But when did he "appear"?

Since ancient times, the robe has been the main type of clothing in the East. It had a loose cut, wide sleeves with cuffs. It was sewn mainly from silk, since it was believed that the friction of silk on human skin helps to cure many diseases. Moreover, the patterns on the fabric were closely connected with folk ideas about life, nature and happiness.

Over the centuries, the robe has become narrower or wider, with slits on the sides or a closed collar, single or double-breasted, with an asymmetrical closure or loosely wrapped around the chest.

The bathrobe came to Europe from Turkey. The medieval period is the golden time of the robe: it served not only as everyday wear, but also as a solemn one. A convenient front slit was later transformed into a clasp - these were original raincoats that were belted with a thin strap. Such an attire turned out to be necessary, since stone castles, and even later palaces, were not really heated, and the cold often posed a mortal danger to guests and residents.

In the 17th century, when the dwellings were already fairly warm, relatively light home clothes were needed, and soon they appeared in the wardrobes of both sexes. The men immediately put on the same robes, which did not undergo noticeable changes over a long period of time. Fabrics, finishing methods and materials were different, but the outfit itself remained exactly the same as three centuries ago.

The more elegant and heavier the "street" clothes of the 18th century became, the more necessary was comfortable home attire. At home they did not wear dresses decorated with flowers and jewels, high-heeled shoes and wigs. Luxurious hairstyles were replaced by a cap. Home clothes even got the name "neglizhe" (sloppy, sloppy).

When, at the end of the 19th century, oriental motifs came into fashion in interior design, furniture, and jewelry, robes with kimono sleeves, with drawings of fire-breathing dragons and intricately curved trees, also became popular.

The robe came to Russia in the 18th century from Europe. Translated from Arabic, "robe" means "dress of honor." Then this was understood in the literal sense, and for almost a century and a half it was permissible to receive guests in it, which was what dapper young men and ladies liked to do, and later even small estate nobles.

A comfortable and beautiful bathrobe is an integral part of the wardrobe, the same as jeans, your favorite sweater and seamless underwear. And if a luxurious bathrobe hangs in your closet, this The best way bring a sense of relaxation and relaxation to everyday life.