An effective Japanese facial massage. Massage Asahi (Zogan): reviews of Japanese self-massage. Contraindications and indications for Asahi facial massage

Every woman wants to look not only good, but also younger than her age. Beauty salons offer various anti-aging treatments. But, you can master the technique of Asahi's facial massage according to the Japanese doctor's system. Let's talk more about this wonderful technique.

About the Japanese Zogan Method

Japanese facial massage Asahi, or in other words Zogan, is very popular, and differs from other anti-aging techniques.

The technique was developed by the Japanese cosmetologist and stylist Tanaka Yukuko, and in 2007 she wrote a book about it. Asahi massage can be performed independently, or in a salon. Before starting the procedure at home, we recommend reading Tanaka's book and mastering the technique of performing the procedure.

The term Asahi or Zogan means sunny morning routine. The principle of Asahi massage for the face is based on the competent impact of special manipulations on certain points of the skin. If you correctly conduct a session, then every cell of the skin seems to awaken, and begins to live with renewed vigor.

Japanese Asahi facial massage differs from regular massage in the following ways:

  • certain points are massaged, so during the procedure there is a directed action. During a normal massage, strokes are performed aimed at the massage lines;
  • during the procedure, it is not the fingertips that work, but the palm;
  • massaging is concentrated along the lines of the lymph nodes;
  • during the session, the skin is freed from harmful substances;
  • lymph flow normalizes, due to which puffiness disappears;
  • the contour of the face becomes clear;
  • muscle tissue is strengthened;
  • the skin acquires a healthy shade;
  • existing wrinkles become less noticeable.

When performing Japanese facial massage Asahi Zogan, the main manipulations take place along the lines of the lymph nodes. Therefore, it is important to have information in which cases the procedure is indicated, and in which the session is undesirable or impossible.

Who is the Zogan technique shown to?

Important note: Asahi facial massage can not be done at every age, because the movements during the session have a certain direction. The procedure is indicated in the following cases:

  • blurred facial contour;
  • double chin;
  • when wrinkles and folds appear with age;
  • constant swelling of the face after waking up;
  • wrinkles of various origins, from mimic to age;
  • unhealthy skin tone.

If you master the correct technique of Japanese Asahi facial massage, you can look younger by almost 10 years. In a few weeks, after the first session, the result will become noticeable.


Like every cosmetic manipulation, the Zogan technique has contraindications. You can not conduct a session in the following situations:

  • pathologies associated with lymph nodes;
  • rashes on the face of any nature;
  • throat diseases;
  • any vascular pathology, dilated vessels;
  • too sensitive and delicate skin;
  • colds, occurring in an acute form;
  • chronic fatigue.

If the listed contraindications are ignored, the Zogan technique can bring side effects or exacerbate the course of diseases in which the technique is contraindicated.

Rejuvenating massage

When performing the rejuvenating Asahi Japanese massage, you need to pay attention to the smallest details. Even the mood with which you are going to do the procedure is important. Great importance there is a place where a rejuvenating procedure will be carried out.

For a competent Asahi rejuvenating facial massage, you must adhere to certain recommendations:

  1. massage must be done on clean and dry skin. If the face is slightly damp after washing, then before the procedure you need to get rid of moisture with a paper towel;
  2. desirable exfoliate the skin before the session to clear pores;
  3. needed for a massage use facial massage cream. You must first test the product for an allergic reaction;
  4. determine in advance where on the face and in the neck are located lines of lymph nodes. The impact is carried out precisely along these lines;
  5. during the session pain is not allowed, although pressing with the palm of your hand on certain points of the face should be palpable;
  6. to achieve the effect of the procedure, it is necessary to perform massaging in strictly defined directions;
  7. a sitting or standing session is performed, and the back must be straight. You can lie down if you wish.

The duration of the Asahi Japanese rejuvenating massage session is from 12 to 17 minutes.

The Zogan massage technique is used by women different ages. Therefore, there are some differences. There are differences in the Asahi rejuvenating massage for different types of faces.


To smooth wrinkles and rejuvenate a thin face, you must perform the following movements:

  1. hands are at shoulder level;
  2. the skin of the forehead is smoothed with fingers in the direction from the middle of the forehead to the temples. Manipulations resemble a broken line;
  3. then movements are performed with both hands, and the forehead is massaged. All manipulations must be horizontal.

If the face is thin, then usually the vessels are located close to the surface. With such a sensitive and thin skin, during the massage, the movements should be neat and careful. To eliminate bruising, you need to massage a little faster than with a full face.

Lifting movements

You need to rest your chin on your open palms, and do pressure for 3 seconds.

It is necessary to perform pressure 20 times. You can watch a training video on how to properly massage.

Double chin removal

Thumbs need to rest against the chin, and connect the palms on the neck in the form of a diamond. The nose at this time is located between the palms.

Massaging movements of the chin are performed using thumbs. Starting from the middle of the chin, disperse the blood to the edges, using the index and ring fingers.

Lymphatic drainage massage

Japanese lymphatic drainage massage Asahi, due to its influence on the lymphatic vessels, has the following positive effects:

  • delivers to cells required amount oxygen;
  • promotes the removal of excess fluid that accumulates in the tissues;
  • helps to reduce weight;
  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • removes puffiness.

You can do Asahi lymphatic drainage massage for the body. After properly performed procedures, the skin becomes elastic and smooth.

Asahi massage for the body is of the following varieties:

  • manual;
  • using hardware technologies;
  • using the Japanese Zogan technique.

Asahi Lymphatic Drainage Massage can be performed on the following parts of the body:

  • legs;
  • face, eyelids;
  • stomach;
  • whole body.

Let us consider in more detail the Asahi massage scheme for each part of the body.


You can do a deep or superficial massage. The surface version of the procedure consists in influencing the capillaries penetrating the upper layers of the epidermis.

The legs are massaged smoothly, in a circle. After the session, the blood flow in the limb area improves.

face with eyelids

Asahi lymphatic drainage massage for the face consists of the following massage movements:

  1. start from the forehead. From the middle of the forehead, smoothing is performed, smooth movements in the direction of the temples;
  2. then the eyelids are affected. The index fingers are placed on the bridge of the nose, then they perform a smooth movement from the upper eyelid to the temple, and again return to the bridge of the nose;
  3. then the nasolabial fold is massaged. Use index fingers to lightly massage the area;
  4. chin massage performed thumbs. Stroking is carried out in the middle of the chin.

Separately massage the eyelids:

  1. eyelids must be free of makeup. Cream should be applied to clean skin;
  2. lymphatic drainage massage of the eyelid area is performed with two hands. First, 10 movements are made in a circle, in the course of the clock;
  3. then there are slight pressure on the eyelids with the fingertips in the direction from the temples to the nose area;
  4. with the pads of 4 fingers, the eyelids are slightly pressed. Then the upper eyelids are lightly massaged, as in the previous movements;
  5. middle finger, edge, you need to slowly move from the outer corner of each eye in the direction of the temples. It is necessary to perform 5 such movements.

At the end of the massage, light pressure is applied around the entire eyelid. The index and middle fingers are involved.

Belly and chest area

First, pressure manipulations are performed in the hepatic region and gallbladder. There should be no pain, so the pressure is gentle.

All manipulations should be accompanied by slight vibrations.

For the whole body

Lymphatic drainage massaging movements for the whole body are performed as follows:

  1. the movements are smooth and gentle, so there are no bruises after the session. You can even fall asleep during the massage;
  2. first, warming up, slow movements are carried out on the problem area of ​​​​the body. You need to move in the direction of the blood flow;
  3. further massage is performed with the edge of the palm.

Zogan massage for different ages

The rules for Asahi massage for the face depend on the age of the woman:

  • if the girl is under 20 or a little more, then the massage is distinguished by light techniques aimed at maintaining the health of the skin;
  • procedure for a 30-year-old woman is aimed at eliminating puffiness and dark circles under the eyes;
  • when a woman is over 40, then the sessions relieve mimic wrinkles ok, and at the same time the elasticity of the skin increases;
  • procedure for women after 50 maintains the tone of muscle tissue;
  • for women over 60, the Zogan technique will help tighten the face, neck and chin.

Let's take a closer look at the differences in the Zogan technique, depending on age.

20 years

Lasko facial massage according to the Asaha method for twenty-year-olds is performed as follows:

  1. folded fingers spend 3 times in the corners of the mouth, heading towards the ears;
  2. rubbing movements are performed along the path of the lymph flow to the chest and neck area.

Put the middle and ring fingers at the nose, and with the rest go to the corners of the mouth 3 times.

30 years

Older girls need to perform the following manipulations:

  1. middle, index and ring fingers lead from the eye sockets to the ears;
  2. try to guide your fingers along the lines of the lymph flow.

You can also move your fingers from the outer corners of the eyes to the nose and bridge of the nose. Do 3 movements in each direction.

After 40 error?

You need to do the following:

  1. squeeze your fingers into a fist, and walk along the nasolabial folds;
  2. rub the chin and bottom of the mouth with a fist;
  3. The reverse side of the cam massages the jaw.

The final movement will be massaging the area behind the ears.

For 50 years

Japanese facial massage Asahi Zogan after 50 is performed as follows:

  1. with fingers folded in a ring, run along the jaw from below. Direction from the corners of the lips to the ears;
  2. if there are blemishes, then they need to be smoothed out.

Do each action 3 times.

After 60 years

The manipulations are as follows:

  1. with each hand gently draw along the lower part of the face to the ears;
  2. clasping the chin from below with palms, go along the neck.

All movements are soft and smooth, literally feline.

Once in cosmetology there was a breakthrough. As often happens, this was facilitated by the knowledge of oriental specialists. Thanks to the Japanese cosmetologist Yukuko Tanaka, a real alternative to plastic surgery has appeared - Asahi massage.

More precisely, it was originally called Zogan. This is a technique that involves an active effect on the skin, the shape of the face and its tissues. Asahi has been somewhat improved in relation to the European type of face. This implies a less intensive impact on the lower part of the face, which is usually done with the standard oriental Zogan.

With age, the muscles on the face gradually relax, the skin becomes less elastic, sags, as a result of which wrinkles appear on the face, flails, and the contours of the face change. The Asahi technique was created specifically to work on the deep facial muscles. This allows you to make them fit, correct the oval of the face, return skin tone and elasticity, eliminate bags under the eyes and general puffiness of the face, as well as accelerate lymphatic drainage and reduce the severity of facial wrinkles.

Asahi facial massage can be performed in a beauty salon by professionals in their field or at home. But in order to perform a massage session on your own, you need to master its technique, study the rules for performing it and determine your individual degree of impact. There are many video tutorials of Japanese practice on the Internet, but it is better to learn directly from a specialist. It is recommended to sign up for courses or at least visit a few massage sessions in the salon.

It is very important that the massage is carried out correctly. If performed incorrectly, it will not only not bring positive results, but also can significantly harm appearance person.

Features of the Asahi technique

Japanese Asahi facial massage has its own distinctive features, requirements for performance and contraindications for carrying out. The technique differs significantly from classical European massages by the intensity of exposure. When massaging, not only the skin is involved, but also muscles, connective and bone tissues. Because Asahi is considered in some way osteopathic massage.

It has a pronounced detoxifying effect on superficial and deep tissues, which is achieved as a result of repeatedly repeated movement of the hands along the location of the lymph nodes. But it is important not to put pressure on the lymph nodes themselves, but to repeat the direction of their location. Due to this, there is an accelerated outflow of lymph from the tissues of the face and neck, along with which toxins and excess fluid are removed from the body much faster. It is important that a person study anatomy well and not harm himself.

General rules for holding

There are rules for conducting Asahi, which must be strictly observed. This guarantees a positive result.

  1. Before the massage, it is necessary to prepare the skin by cleaning it with the help of special cosmetics.
  2. For massage, you need massage oil (you can use oat milk, olive, apricot or other oils instead).
  3. Before the procedure, it is necessary to prepare the skin, warm up in the form of rubbing movements.
  4. Basically, Asahi is performed using the index and middle fingers or the middle and ring fingers. But to massage the eyes, only the middle finger is needed, for the forehead - 3 fingers, and to act on the cheeks - the palms or bases of the thumbs.
  5. During the massaging of the face, pain should not occur. The pressure is strong enough, but not to the point of pain. If it occurs, then the massage was performed incorrectly.
  6. With massage thin face the intensity of the impact on its lower part is reduced so as not to cause even more weight loss.
  7. When massaging along the lymph nodes, the pressure is reduced.
  8. At the end of the session, movements along the lymphatic vessels are necessary. This promotes the outflow of lymph from the tissues of the face.
  9. After the massage, it is necessary to re-cleanse the skin of the face.

The whole procedure takes only 7-10 minutes. Therefore, you can carry it out daily at home without any difficulty.

Procedure steps

Asahi consists of several exercises that must be performed in a certain order. Each of them is recommended to be repeated 3 times, but you can do at least 1 time.


You need to start with the forehead area. A rubbing movement is performed with the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands. Initially, the palms are placed horizontally, touching the middle of the forehead with the fingertips. The pressure should last 3 seconds, after which the movement begins to the temples, and then the palms turn 90 0 and move towards the ears with a reduced pressure force. The exercise ends with a movement along the sides of the face and neck to the collarbones.

Eye area

The pads of the middle fingers should pass without pressure from the outer corner of the eyes to the inner one along the bottom, and then with pressure along the milestone to the outer edge of the eyes to the temples, where it is necessary to linger for 3 seconds. Then again along the bottom of the eye without pressure, and back along the bottom, but with pressure. Again you need to stop at the temples for 3 seconds (medium and index fingers), and then move your fingers even further to the temples, stopping for 3 seconds, and down to the ear without pressure.

Mouth and chin

The middle and ring fingers should be located in the hole on the chin, where pressure is applied for 3 seconds. Next, you need to massage the tissues around the lips, rising to the nasal septum. In this place, you need to press, raising your nose, and linger for 3 seconds. After that, the fingers abruptly return to the chin.

Muscles in the nose

Starting position - fingers in the cavities of the wings of the nose, where you need to make movements in the form of a figure of eight (5 times) with pressure, then rise to the bridge of the nose and walk 2-3 times from it to the edges of the nose and back. When moving back, the pressure is somewhat weakened. The exercise ends with advancing with pressure to the tragus of the ears.

Exercise for bone structure

You need to start with a hole in the chin. With maximum pressure, circle around the lips to the nostrils, and then to the eyes. At this point, a delay of 3 seconds, and then advance to the temples and ears.


One cheek is fixed with a palm, and a path is laid along the second from the masticatory muscle to the eyes diagonally. Three-second press and advance to the ears, as usual.


3 fingers of each hand, horizontally located on the cheekbones, should strongly compress the nostrils, and then they should be taken to the tragus of the ears with the completion of the movement.

Skin lifting

Asahi's facial muscle massage also includes an exercise that can tighten the skin of the face. It is performed with two palms connected at the wrists. Open palms, clasping the chin, should press on it for 3 seconds, move up, running your thumbs over the ears. To the movements of the palms towards the temples, an effort should be made, and then the descent and the final movement should be made.

Facial contours

The oval of the face can also be corrected. To do this, you should make simple movements by placing your chin on the base of one palm and moving your hand to your ear, and then to the base of the other with the same movement to the opposite ear. At the end, you should also make a standard final movement.

Double chin

Asahi Facial Massage can help combat the common problem of double chin. You can deal with it if you do a special exercise.

The thumbs are under the chin near the neck, the nose is covered by the palms. First, the thumbs massage the chin, and then freeze. At this moment, all other fingers are spread apart with force, touching the temples and the lower eye edge. Then you need to perform the final movement to the ears and down.

Wrinkles on the forehead

To smooth the forehead, an exercise is performed according to the type of the first in the list. Only at first one hand performs zigzag movements from the center of the forehead to the temple and back, and then the second. Then both hands are involved. At the end, the final touch is made.


Like any procedure, Asahi has its own specific contraindications. They can be relative or absolute. These include:

  • rosacea;
  • inflammation and infection of the skin of the face;
  • skin diseases;
  • pathology of blood and lymphatic vessels;
  • oncology;
  • kidney and heart disease;
  • arterial pressure;
  • general malaise and weakness.

Before practicing massage, you should consult a doctor.

Japanese massage Asahi is a great alternative to plastic surgery and other cosmetic procedures for facial rejuvenation. This is an effective and noticeable lifting in a natural way, based on the study of deep facial tissues. Many women are attracted to Asahi by the fact that you can independently master this Japanese technique and practice it at home.

Asahi Japanese massage technique has been known since ancient times. In 2007, Tanaka Yukuko's book "Facial Massage" was published, in which this massage was rediscovered and improved. This book evoked positive reviews, and a lot of heated debate among those who are interested and have tried this massage.

The common name for this massage is Zogan, which means “creating a face”. The massage was known all over the world under the name Asahi - "morning sun".

According to the type of execution, Asahi refers to. This means that it has a rejuvenating effect.

What information will you learn:

Types of Asahi massage

Asahi face massage: before and after photos

  1. Lymphatic– helps to get rid of toxins, improves skin nutrition and eliminates excess fluid. Signs of skin aging, such as puffiness and dull color, appear from an excess of toxins and fluid in the cells.
  2. Deep facial massage- combines the techniques of manual therapy. Deep massage relieves tension in the facial muscles, favorably affects the vessels and all layers of the skin, which it strengthens and heals, changes the contour of the face. Performing a Japanese massage will make the skin firmer and smoother.

A significant plus is the fact that absolutely any woman can do massage with her own hands at home. The massage does not require any additional equipment. All that is needed for the procedure is the fingers.

Massage Precautions

During the massage, you need to press with your hand, but not much. Especially carefully you need to massage the areas near the lymph nodes, so as not to damage them. If pain suddenly occurs, this may mean that the pressure is too strong.

However, there is no need to be afraid of the formation of new wrinkles and sagging skin. Daily independent performance of a massage such as Zogan, within a few minutes, will make the skin much younger.

It must be remembered that the skin of the face needs a careful attitude. Therefore, any ill-considered actions during the massage can cause unpleasant consequences. To achieve a positive result, it is necessary to carry out Asahi massage strictly according to the rules and not neglect the advice of specialists.

There are a number of contraindications for Asahi massage:

  • Skin diseases.
  • Skin inflammation.
  • Disease of the lymphatic system.
  • Diseases of the ears, throat and nose.
  • Couperose.
  • Malaise.

Do-it-yourself Asahi massage rules

Adhere to the main condition: perform massage movements along the lymphatic pathways - from their beginning to the middle. It is forbidden to press on the lymph nodes, it can only be carried out along the lymph flow paths with a slight constant effort. Trying to do better can harm your body.

It follows from this that before doing a massage, a prerequisite is to study the location of the lymph nodes.

Three main rules for massage:

  1. Before the massage, it is necessary to prepare and thoroughly clean the skin. Use scrubbers for this. Thus, the ducts through which the lymph moves are cleared. Since the daily use of the scrub is prohibited, cosmetic lotion is used instead.
  2. For massage, you need to thickly lubricate the skin with a fatty substance. For example, you can choose for this cosmetic cream, washing gel, oat milk, linseed broth, vegetable oil, mineral water with a little oil.
  3. When the massage is completed, you need to thoroughly wash your face. During massaging, toxins are released that need to be removed from the skin.

Negative effects of Asahi massage

If Asahi's massage was performed and after some time unpleasant consequences appeared on the skin, then you need to figure out why this happened.

We will analyze different cases and ways to solve them.

  1. Rash on the skin. The appearance of a rash after Asahi massage most often occurs in the area of ​​​​the lymphatic tract. After acne has been discovered, you need to stop doing massage until the moment the rash passes. If this is not done, then acne will spread throughout the face. The reason why the rash appears is the wrong foundation and insufficient cleansing of the skin after the massage.
  2. Excessive facial weight loss. Asahi massage should be performed carefully if you have retracted cheeks and a thin layer of subcutaneous fat. Therefore, massage only on the upper part of the face. You should also reduce the frequency of massage or do it at large intervals.
  3. Swelling of the face upon waking. It is not recommended to massage in the evening, best time for Asahi, it's morning. Also try changing the massage base.
  4. Skin sagging. This problem occurs when the massage is performed incorrectly and the recommendations are not followed. You can prevent sagging with more massage base.
  5. . Refuse massage movements, during which strong pressure is applied to the skin. Or loosen the pressure on the problem area. Apply a cream with hesperidin: it will strengthen the walls of blood vessels and remove the vascular networks. Get busy. It is also important to consult a doctor, as vascular diseases have serious consequences.

When should Asahi massage be done?

  • Prevention of the appearance of wrinkles on the face.
  • Maintain skin tone.
  • The formation of a second chin.
  • Swelling of the face.
  • Excess subcutaneous fat.

Before proceeding with the massage, you need to familiarize yourself with the age restrictions on some Asahi techniques:

  • at 20 years old, only neutral massage techniques are allowed. Their goal is to preserve the beauty and youth of the skin of the face;
  • at the age of 30, this massage will help eliminate dark circles and swelling under the eyes;
  • at the age of 40, Asahi's massage contributes to the destruction of mimic wrinkles. At this age, you need to do massage in the lower zone of the face;
  • at the age of 50 and 60, massage techniques are used to tighten the skin and muscles.

Asahi massage techniques

  • Basic movement

During the massage, each movement must be completed with a basic one. It is performed as follows: with the fingertips, make a smooth movement from top to bottom, starting from the ears and gradually reaching the neck, and finally to the collarbone. The basic movement must be repeated three times.

  • Elimination of bags under the eyes

With the tips of the middle fingers, a smooth line is drawn from the outer edge of the eye to the inner. Then stop on the bridge of your nose for 2 seconds. After that, make circular movements under the eyebrow line. Stop at the outer edge of the eye for 3 seconds.

Slightly loosening the pressure, move to the inner edges of the eyes along the lower eyelid. Further, increasing the pressure, move to the outer edges of the eyes. Press lightly on the temples. Perform a basic move!

  • Smoothing forehead wrinkles

Place the tips of three fingers in the middle of the forehead and press for 3 seconds. With the same pressing force, carry out smooth zigzag movements to the temples. Rotate your palms 90 degrees and perform the basic movement.

  • Tightening the corners of the lips

With the tips of the ring and middle fingers, lightly press on the center of the chin. With a sliding motion, move your fingers up, drawing a circular line around the lips. Having reached the center of the upper lip, linger for 4 seconds. Perform a basic move!

  • Tightening of the nasolabial folds

Place the tips of the middle fingers at the wings of the nose. Perform 5 movements, moving your fingers from top to bottom in a circle. After that, with two pads of fingers - middle and ring fingers - draw a smooth line to the cheekbones. A prerequisite is to perform the basic movement.

  • Prevent sagging and tighten sagging cheek skin

Place the tips of three fingers in the middle of the chin. Make an upward movement, bypassing the lips, to the outer edges of the eyes. Stop for 3 seconds, then with smooth movements rise to the temples. Perform a basic move!

  • Raising the tone of the skin of the cheeks and lower face

First, massage movements are performed on one side of the face, and then on the other. Support the lower jaw on the left side with the middle of the palm of the left hand. The next moment, with the right brush from the angle of the lower jaw, move to the inner corner of the eye. Stop for 3 seconds. Then hold your hand to the temple under the lower eyelid. Make a smooth downward movement. Perform a basic move! Reception is repeated for each side of the face 3 times.

  • Strengthening the muscles and skin of the cheeks

Place the tips of three fingers in the middle of the nose, draw a line to the temples. Perform a basic move!

  • Prevention of sagging and tightening of the cheeks

Close your elbows and palms together. Place open palms next to lips. Make pressing movements to the nostrils, move to the cheeks. Stop for 3 seconds. After that, spread your palms to your temples. Perform a basic move!

  • Destruction of the second chin

Place one palm on the center of the chin. Making pressure movements, move your hand to the middle of the ear. Perform a basic move!

  • Tightening of the skin in the nasolabial triangle

Place your thumbs under your chin. With other fingers, touch the side walls of the nose. With effort, pull the skin up. Stop for 3 seconds. Perform a basic move!

Video: Original Asahi Japanese Face Massage

If all massage techniques were carried out correctly, then a refreshed face without excess fat and wrinkles will be a confirmation of this, because it is not for nothing that Asahi's facial massage is often called a massage that can return 10 years of youth.

In this article, we will get acquainted with the Japanese Asahi massage technique. It gives the skin a young and healthy look, improves the shape of the face, removes puffiness and helps get rid of wrinkles. We will study the technique of conducting this massage at home. Let's take a look at all the positives and negative aspects of this procedure, and consider what effect can be expected from the systematic performance of the Zogan / Asahi massage. You can learn massage movements and do massage using this technique yourself at home.

Asahi massage and its essence

Every woman wants her face and body to always look young and attractive. Many make great sacrifices, go under the surgeon's knife, give away fortunes in salons for expensive procedures in order to please others with their spring appearance, and many, thanks to exercises, masks and massages for the body and face, prolong their beauty. One of the massages is Asahi/Zogan. If the name is translated from Japanese, then it will mean "Morning Sun".

Japanese stylist and make-up artist Yukuko Tanaka studied ancient Japanese facial massage techniques, and having collected all the most useful, she created her own technique. She worked in television and was puzzled by the search for a tool that would allow the stars to look young and fresh on the screen even without makeup. Its essence lies in the intense impact on the deep facial muscles, bones and a partial deviation from traditional massage lines.

Great attention is paid to the lymphatic vessels of the facial massage according to the system of the Japanese doctor Asahi, which is the reason for the improvement of the nutrition of all facial tissues, and accelerates the removal of fluid and toxins. In this regard, it is also called Asahi lymphatic drainage facial massage.

The force of pressing the fingers in this massage is on the verge of pain threshold. This technique has its rationale, and is a different approach to massage. According to the Japanese, the beauty of the face lies both in the outer shell and in deeper forms, so attractiveness should be worked much deeper.

Finding harmony in all areas of the face is one of the reasons why massage is also called osteopathic.. This massage is quite simple to perform, you need to remember only a few rules. And do not forget, when doing a massage, control the intensity of pressing in accordance with the sensations.

Massage technique

Before proceeding with the massage itself, you need to familiarize yourself with the mandatory requirements of the Japanese Asahi / Zogan facial massage. Stroking movements should be from the periphery to the center. In no case should the lymph nodes be massaged, let alone pressed, it will be enough to stroke the lymph flow paths with a constant, but slight effort, for this it is necessary to study the locations of the lymph nodes. The first step is to cleanse the skin of the face.

Be sure to apply a sufficient amount of base for massage. It must be sliding, ordinary creams will not work. This will help not to stretch the skin, but to work with certain areas. As a basis for massage, you can use cosmetic milk for removing makeup, washing gel, oils, decoction of flax seeds, seaweed milk or mineral water with a couple of drops of essential oils.

Another prerequisite is a thorough cleansing of the skin of the face after the massage. This is due to the fact that toxins are released during the massage, which must be immediately removed at the end of the procedure. Let's move on to the basics of Asahi massage. It includes twelve steps, which must be repeated three times, and finish with the final exercise.

After the massage, you need to rest for a couple of minutes, after which you need to wash yourself with water at room temperature and apply daily care products.

Pros and cons of massage

It is possible to list the advantages of this type of massage for a very long time, we will try to limit ourselves to the main ones. With Asahi massage lymphatic drainage techniques are used that improve blood circulation, have a lifting effect and remove puffiness of the face. Unfortunately, in the 21st century this is no longer surprising, such properties are possessed by “lymphatic drainage facial massage”, as well as “plastic facial massage”.

The only difference is that in different types massage used different technique execution, so the result is greater or less, but it is always present. The advantage of this type of massage is its simplicity. The technique is simple and easy to remember. The duration of the massage, on average, is 5-10 minutes.

The disadvantages include the fact that there is no single technique for performing this type of massage, since each problem has its own technique, and it is very easy for a beginner to make a mistake by doing something wrong. It is also very important to calculate the correct pressing force.

If you apply weak pressure, then the effect is unlikely to be noticeable, but it is also forbidden to press hard. It is necessary to find a balance, and for this, of course, practice is needed. It is very difficult for beginners to give themselves a Japanese massage., and Yukuko Tanaka's book does not have a translation into Russian, therefore, there is a risk of harming yourself. Another disadvantage is the intensity of this technique, in connection with this, a person can lose weight.

If you are the owner of an elongated face, then it is better to look at other massage options. In this case, it will be useful - vacuum massage face—or Spanish massage—. Many experts are wary of this facial massage technique, as there are strong pressure techniques against the massage lines.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for this type of Japanese massage is flabby, sagging skin of the face, which has lost its freshness and youth.

Massage contraindications are:

  • skin diseases;
  • pathologies and diseases of the lymphatic system;
  • bad feeling;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • rosacea;
  • acute infectious diseases.

Side effects after the Asahi massage procedure may be skin rashes or acne, in which case it is necessary to stop the massage so as not to spread the inflammation. TO side effects can be attributed to excessive weight loss of the face.

If you suddenly notice that your face has begun to lose weight - reduce the number of procedures and reduce pressure on the skin. There may be morning swelling. This is due to the fact that the massage is performed at night and is done on oil based. It is necessary to change the time of the procedure and the massage base.


After a facial massage according to the system of the Japanese doctor Asahi, you will be able to appreciate the wonderful effect of rejuvenation, wrinkles become smaller and the skin acquires elasticity. The shape of the face improves, the contours of the face become clearer, blood circulation also improves, mood rises.

This type of massage is great way removal of toxins and toxins from the skin, and, importantly, puffiness disappears and bags under the eyes decrease.

Do you want to tighten your skin and restore a healthy complexion? Remove wrinkles and look 10 years younger? Then you will be interested in Japanese gymnastics for the face!

And just in this article we talk about two methods of rejuvenation from Japan. Applying our tips and recommendations, doing at home, you will quickly bring the skin of your face and neck in order, restore youth and beauty, and at the same time improve your health.

To maintain beauty and attractiveness, it is not necessary to spend money on expensive cosmetical tools and procedures. Self-study at home is effective and safe. Among the various methods and systems of exercises for getting rid of wrinkles, special attention deserve Japanese techniques: asahi facial gymnastics and shiatsu rejuvenating gymnastics.

Japanese gymnastics for Asahi's face: a bit of history and the essence of the technique

Women of the Land of the Rising Sun have always been famous for their youthful appearance, even in old age. For a facelift, to create its neat features, the Japanese facial massage Tsogan has long been used there, which in translation is “creating a face”. This gymnastics is better known as asahi, the creator of which is Yukoko Tanaka.

Yukoko, working as a stylist and cosmetologist, has been developing and improving her technique for several years. She thoroughly studied all the relationships of the skin of the face, lymph glands, muscles and bones. The result of Tanaka's many years of work was the effective asahi gymnastics, and her entire system, based on her own experience, is described in the book Facial Massage.

The essence of the method consists in various massage smoothing, pressing on the biologically active points of the face and rubbing to stimulate the lymph flow. There is an effect on the muscles, connective tissues, as well as the bones of the skull, which are elements of osteopathy. This is a very effective facial rejuvenation practice. Reviews of numerous followers of Yukoko Tanaka indicate that in the shortest possible time they began to look 10 years younger, practicing according to her system.

Benefits of Asahi Facial Massage

Asahi is performed using manual techniques, using all 10 fingers and palms. This intense facial gymnastics allows you to achieve such positive effects:

  • removal of toxins and excess fluid from the tissues, as a result, swelling decreases;
  • strengthening blood vessels and increasing the tone and elasticity of the skin, due to the active circulation of lymph and blood;
  • reduction of wrinkles and their number, the disappearance of the second chin;
  • lifting the cheeks and tightening the facial contour;
  • giving a healthy color to the skin of the face;
  • relieving facial muscle tension and relaxing them.

Asahi massage contraindications

If you have highly sensitive skin, you'd be better off avoiding these facial exercises. Asahi is also contraindicated if you have:

1. There are inflammatory processes on the skin of the face.

2. Diseases of the lymphatic system.

3. Acute conditions in ENT - diseases and infectious diseases.

4. Oncology of any degree.

Consult your doctor if you have rosacea. If you feel unwell and have a fever, it is better to skip the class. If you have a thin face, with a low subcutaneous fat layer, you should only work on the upper part.

Asahi means "morning sun" in Japanese, and this is the first recommendation - exercise in the morning. Wash your face and remove hair from your forehead. Apply liberally to skin nutritious cream or self-made "oatmeal milk", the recipe for its preparation is on the Internet. For maximum effect, practice good mood, without haste.

Tanaki recommends sitting up straight without leaning back in the chair, although sometimes the session is done lying down for more relaxation. Do all movements with effort, but there should not be a feeling of severe pain. In the area of ​​the lymph nodes, pressure should turn into stroking. Daily practice is necessary and will be most effective, and the duration of the massage is only about 3 minutes.

Exercises from Yukoko Tanaka

The author of this Japanese gymnastics has recorded various videos in which she demonstrates on her models stepping exercises. These are exercises for wrinkles between the eyebrows and in the forehead, bags and swelling under the eyes, for smoothing the nasolabial folds and bridge of the nose, cheek lifts and others. In general, there is a complete study of the upper, middle and lower parts of the face.

In addition to her popular rejuvenating three-minute complex, asahi gymnastics also involves separate techniques, depending on age. These are exercises for those over 40, facial exercises for people over 50 and massage for a more respectable age - more than 60 years. Such sets of exercises are also on the training video freely available on the Internet.

Give gymnastics every day a few minutes, and after 2-3 weeks you will be surprised at the result!

Shiatsu - an effective technique for getting rid of wrinkles

Acupressure has been used in Eastern countries since ancient times. Shiatsu is a popular method of healing the body, by pressing with the palms and fingers on certain parts of the body. The system itself was designed by Tokuiro Namikoshi. Based on Japanese massage techniques and his own developments, he proposed this therapy of sequential "finger pressure" - this is how shiatsu is translated.

This effective technique is used for the treatment of the whole body, as well as the restoration of the skin of the face and neck. Having studied the technology of this Japanese acupressure facial massage, you can quickly get rid of wrinkles, remove swelling and restore skin elasticity. Moreover, facial shiatsu improves general state for colds, relieves headaches, restores vision and the nervous system.

How to influence points correctly?

For the best result, Japanese shiatsu facial gymnastics must be performed according to certain rules:

  • The best time to practice is in the morning.
  • First of all, treat the skin with a cleansing lotion and warm the face with a warm compress for 10 minutes. Apply moisturizer.
  • Perform unhurried movements, fingers should be perpendicular to the impact points.
  • Make sure that your fingers do not turn - this can stretch the skin.
  • Press the points moderately, avoiding severe pain. The thicker the subcutaneous layer of fat, the stronger you can act with your fingers.
  • Perform all movements smoothly and calmly, pressing on biologically active points for 5-7 seconds.

Contraindications for shiatsu are the same as for asahi gymnastics. It is necessary to practice daily and try not to miss classes, which will take from 7 to 15 minutes.

The sequence of performing exercises in the technique of shiatsu

The proposed Shiatsu complex is a quick gymnastics for facial rejuvenation of men and women. Exercises are performed with index, middle and ring fingers. This pleasant and useful procedure is done in the following sequence:

1. We start from the forehead, placing 3 fingers of both hands on the center of the forehead. Pressing for 5-7 seconds, gradually shift by 0.5 - 1 cm until you reach the temples. This exercise will relieve wrinkles on the forehead, colds and headaches.

2. Now press on the temple area.

3. We work on the eyebrows with 3 fingers of two hands, with which you will press on the beginning, middle and ends of the eyebrows for about 7 seconds.

5. Now with three working fingers we press 5-7 times between the eyebrows, removing the wrinkle above the bridge of the nose.

6. Putting 3 fingers on the upper eyelid above the eyeball, relieve eye strain with light pressure. Repeat about 7 times.

7. We also massage the lower eyelid without stretching the skin.

8. We put our fingers under the cheekbones. By pressing, slightly lift up 5-7 times.

9. Press your fingers on the symmetrical points at the wings of the nose.

10. Now use your fingertips to work the center points above and below upper lip and then the corners of the lips.

11. Now place 3 fingers on both sides of the chin, and grab and press the lower jaw with your thumbs. Move your fingers with pressure in 4-5 steps, moving towards the ears.

13. With the middle finger, press lightly for 3 seconds on a point in the jugular cavity.

14. Place 3 fingers in the middle of the neck - from the center to the ear, with the index at the bottom. Click on these points for 3 seconds.

This scheme will strengthen the facial muscles, correct the oval and contours of the face, remove wrinkles and the second chin. In order to press on the correct points, use the training videos at first. Exercise regularly, and in the first month you will see a positive result in improving your appearance and well-being!

What to remember:

1. Yukoko Tanaka is the founder of asahi facial gymnastics, the essence of which is to activate lymphatic flows by pressing on certain points.

2. By practicing asahi, you can restore youthfulness to the face, using only fingers and palms.

3. Before classes, consider the contraindications and rules for performing massage. For correct execution, use video tutorials.

4. Shiatsu is a method of healing the body and rejuvenating the skin of the face, the creator of which is Tokuiro Namikoshi.

5. When correct sequence pressure on the biologically active points of the face, you can achieve a visible effect of rejuvenation in a short time.

6. Practice according to the proposed scheme, using a training video.

See you in the next article!