How to use the Matthew effect in psychology. The meaning of the principle of matthew in the basic terms used in the book of A.S.akhiezer, a critic of historical experience. See the meaning of Matthew Principle in other dictionaries

You truly never know how well-known words taken out of their context can be used. This fate befell the following fragment:

Matthew 13:12 « whoever has, to him will be given and he will increase; but whoever does not have, from him will also be taken away that which he has»

The renowned scientist Robert K. Merton, based on numerous interviews by Harriet Zuckerman with Nobel Prize winners, deduced a trend in science that he called the "Matthew Effect." These interviews reiterate the idea that famous scientists are awarded disproportionately high honors for their contributions to science, while the merits of relatively little-known scientists are often disproportionately estimated, although their contributions are often comparable. One physics prize winner put it this way: “When it comes to recognition of merit, the scientific community behaves in a very peculiar way. It tends to attribute all the credit to those people who are already famous. " Thus, the Matthew effect (although the words underlying this name were not spoken by Matthew, but by Jesus Christ) is that scientists are ready to exaggerate the achievements of their colleagues, who have already made a name for themselves thanks to one or another previous merits, but the achievements of scientists, not yet known, they tend to understate or not acknowledge at all. According to the author, the biblical parable generates a corresponding sociological formula - after all, it seems that it is in this form that the distribution of moral income and cognitive wealth occurs in science.

According to Merton, cognitive wealth in science appears as a changing stock of knowledge, and the social component of the moral income of scientists takes the form of grains of recognition from colleagues, which, gradually accumulating, form the wealth of his reputation. There is a certain gradation in recognition of merit (or "coins", in the words of Merton). Coins are of different denominations: the most expensive and rare is that high recognition, the symbol of which is the assignment of the name of a scientist to an entire scientific era - for example, we are talking about the epochs of Newton, Darwin, Freud, Keynes. The next level, significantly lower, but still close to the pinnacle of recognition in our time, is the Nobel Prize. Other forms and echelons of "onomastics" in science, i.e. The practices of naming a scientist to a discovery made by him or to a particular aspect of this discovery include thousands of laws, theories, theorems, hypotheses and constants that bear the name of their creators. So, we are talking about Gauss's theorem, Planck's constant, the principle of neop Heisenberg definiteness, Pareto distribution, Gini coefficient, Lazarsfeld latent structure. Other forms of recognition of merit among scientists, distributed in much larger quantities, have an even smaller gradation - election as a member of an honorary scientific society, awarding various medals and prizes, assigning the name of a scientist to a department, educational or research institute and, finally, the most widespread and basic in essence, the form of recognition of a scientist is the use by other scientists of his works and open recognition of his authorship.

Merton's findings are corroborated by studies by other scientists. Thus, Stephen Cole, conducting a study of a sample of American physicists, found that the higher the scientific reputation of the author, the more likely it is that, among other articles of approximately the same quality (assessed by the number of later references to these articles), his articles will receive rapid recognition in scientific circles ( measured by the number of links to these articles during the first year after publication). The previous merits of the authors to a certain extent accelerate the dissemination of their subsequent results ( Cole S. Professional Standing and the Reception of Scientific Discoveries // American Journal of Sociology, 1970, v. 76, p. 291-292. ).

Robert Merton also draws attention to another problem related to the Matthew Effect. According to him, the education system existing in most countries is focused on those who show outstanding abilities for their age. All academic benefits - scholarships, internships, housing at the place of study - go to them. According to another scientist, A. Greg, “the system rewards early development, which may or may not be a harbinger of future abilities. In fact, in this way, we unwittingly underestimate the main educational capital of a person - the time allotted to him by nature for maturation ... Thus, an early developed talent can win in the current competitive struggle, but ultimately this victory is due to mutants developing more slowly, but with greater potential "(Gregg A. For Future Doctors. - Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1957., p. 125). These slowly maturing "mutants" slip through the institutional sieve for the selection of talents, since this sieve is designed in such a way that the basis for assessing a person's relative abilities is his physical age... Young people from poor families are especially hard hit by this system. If they do not prove themselves already in early age if they do not reveal their talents at the very beginning of their life and do not receive scholarships or other material support, they drop out and, most often, are forever deprived of the opportunity to realize their potential. As a result, many of the [probably] larger gifted people from poor families seem to be forever lost to science. Thus, the privileged position of talented youth in our institutions causes profound [and usually hidden] damage to [potential] late talent with no economic or social advantage.

The author also draws attention to such a problem as the lack of such self-criticism and spiritual generosity among the representatives of the older generation of scientists as Isaac Barrow, the first chairman of the Department of Mathematics in Cambridge, who vacated this place of honor at the "venerable age" of thirty-nine in favor of his a twenty-seven-year-old student - a certain Isaac Newton. In our time, in any case - in the years of academic high water and seemingly boundless scientific expansion - Barrow, of course, would have remained in charge of the department, and a new one would have been created for Newton.

A source: Robert K. Merton. The Matthew Effect in Science, II:Cumulative Advantage and the Symbolism of Intellectual Property // ISIS, 1988, v. 79, p. 606-623.
Common Sense Lies [Why You Shouldn't Listen to Your Inner Voice] Watts Duncan

Matthew effect

Matthew effect

Finance in many respects is not the worst thing yet: the presence of such indices as S&P 500, provides at least generally accepted benchmarks against which the performance of individual investors is measured. In business, politics or the entertainment industry, however, there is no single yardstick for assessing individual abilities at all, and there are even fewer independent "indicators" against which to measure. Most importantly, serial achievements are usually not independent demonstrations of skills and abilities in the sense that, say, each of Roger Federer's victories in professional tennis is independent. It can be assumed that the athlete's reputation scares opponents, providing him with a psychological head start, or that the tournament grid is structured in such a way that the best players face each other only in the last rounds. Both can be seen as an advantage arising from previous successes. However, every time Federer comes out on court, he must win under more or less the same circumstances as the first time. Nobody thinks that they should be given, say, an extra serve, or the right to rebut a referee, or any other advantage just because they won so often in the past. Likewise, it would be odd to award a team extra points at the start of the second NBA playoff game just for winning the first of seven matches of that round. In short, in sports we attach great importance to equal starting conditions for all.

Much of life, however, is characterized by what the sociologist Robert Merton called the Matthew Effect, after the biblical Matthew, who said: "For everyone who has will be given and increased, but from those who have not, what he has will be taken away." Matthew was referring only to wealth (hence the phrase "the rich get richer, the poor get poorer"), however, according to Merton, the same rule applies to success in general. In other words, early career victories provide certain structural benefits, which in turn increase the likelihood of future success, regardless of a person's ability. Junior researchers who are hired at top universities tend to have less teaching load, attract top graduate students, and are easier to obtain grants and publications than their counterparts from secondary universities. As a result, two people working in the same field and characterized by comparable abilities at the beginning of their careers will achieve completely different results in five to ten years. And only because they were hired by different institutions! And the further, the deeper the abyss separating them will be. But that's not all. Successful scientists tend to receive the lion's share of recognition for whatever they put their hand to. For example, when they are co-writing an article with unknown graduate students, it is the latter who sometimes do most of the work or provide key ideas. Once someone is recognized as a “star,” they not only receive more resources and opportunities for collaboration (which provides the best results), but also more than their well-deserved share of recognition (264).

Merton wrote about careers in science, but the same processes apply in most other professions. Success leads to fame and recognition, which, in turn, gives you more opportunities to succeed, more resources, and a greater likelihood that your next success will be noticed and credited to you. Separating the effects of this cumulative advantage from differences in innate ability (talent) or hard work is difficult. However, in a number of studies, scientists have found that no matter how diligently a group of people with a similar potential was selected, over time their conditions will become strikingly different, which is basically consistent with Merton's theory (265). For example, students who graduated from college during a downturn are known to earn, on average, less than those who graduated during a boom. This in itself does not seem strange. However, the bottom line is that this difference applies not only to the years of the recession itself, but also accumulates over the decades. Since graduation year certainly has nothing to do with innate talent, the persistence of such effects is clear evidence of the ubiquity of the Matthew Effect.

As a rule, we are not very impressed with the idea that the world works this way. In a meritocratic society, we want to believe that successful people are more talented or more hardworking than their less fortunate counterparts. As a last resort, they should make better use of the opportunities presented to them. Whenever we try to understand why this or that book has become a bestseller, whenever we try to explain why this or that person is rich or successful, common sense tells us that the result is determined by some "inner qualities" of the object or person. The bestseller should be at least something good, otherwise "people wouldn't buy it." A wealthy person should have some abilities, otherwise "he would not be rich." However, the halo and Matthew effects teach us that these common sense conventional explanations are fundamentally flawed. It may be that incompetent people really rarely succeed, and outstanding talent rarely yields disastrous results - but few of us go to these extremes. For most, the combination of coincidence and cumulative advantage means that relatively ordinary people can achieve either very good, very poor, or average results. And since we can always tell a story that plausibly “explains” someone’s success, we can always convince ourselves that the result we have witnessed is a product of innate talent. Accordingly, the question so beloved by cynics is "If you are so smart, why are you so poor?" wrong. There are two reasons. First, and this is obvious, at least some gifted people are interested not only in material benefits, but also in other rewards. And secondly, talent is talent, and success is success, and the latter does not always reflect the former (266).

None of the above means, of course, that people, products, ideas, and companies are of the same quality. We still need to believe that quality must lead to success. The bottom line is that talent has to be self-evident. To understand that Roger Federer is a great tennis player, it is not at all necessary to know that he is the first racket of the world. This can be seen. Likewise, if everyone who knows Bill Miller agrees that he is an exceptionally smart and thoughtful investor, then he probably is. As Miller himself emphasized, statistics like his 15-year success streak are both an artifact and an indicator of talent (267). Nor should the latter be judged on the basis of the cumulative success of the entire career, for it can also be canceled out by a single blunder. Sad as it is The best way to appreciate it is simply to watch the investment (268). The conclusion we will eventually arrive at will or will not correlate with the statistics of his successes and failures. However, in those cases when we judge talent not from the point of view of what a person is really capable of, but from the point of view of social criteria of success - prizes, wealth, titles - we deceive ourselves.

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... for to everyone who has it, it will be given and he will increase, but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away. (Mt 25:29)

I was talking here the other day with a Belgian (by the way, what is important - his weather), who, by the will of fate, was brought to Ukraine. And he, as a human being interested in history and political science, casually uttered: “I am not satisfied that the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer” ...

"Christmas trees, sticks, is the spirit of socialism still hovering in Europe with the specter of collectivization somewhere in the context?" - I thought, and went to google ...

It is clear that I did not google the average opinion on the hospital (pah-pah-pah), but I came across another interesting thing ...

Maybe you have heard about the "Law of Matthew" (yes, this is a phrase from the epigraph, which my foreign interlocutor told me in his own way)? "Matthew's Law" is not a law uniform distribution… When the rich get richer and the poor get poorer; when eminent scientists are quoted more and more often, and their unpopular colleagues - less and less; when the catalysts of some substances are the elements of these substances themselves (autocatalysis), while the catalysts of others are external elements ...

Do not be lazy, take a look at the article in Wikipedia ... Everything is here - the historical past, problems, polemics in scientific circles and even its own "apologists" (for example, a certain Daniel Rigney wrote several books about this effect!) ...

But as I study, I have the next painful question ... Who among us is an idiot? Kagalda researchers, or myself, imagining that the named "effect" is not worth a damn. (Do not rush to smile sarcastically, I know which answer you are leaning towards).

Let's play a game of thought experiment. And the material for him will be the expression: “he who has knowledge every day has more and more of them, and who does not have knowledge every day - less and less”. Please note that I do not use emotionally charged expressions like "develops" or "degrades" - only facts, only hardcore. Now let's figure it out ...

Suppose we have two friends - D1 and D2.

D1 is a scientist. And D2 is an alcoholic. It is obvious to you, too, which of them has a lot of knowledge?

No doubt.

In the same way, I have no doubt that in 999,999 out of 1 million cases, over the next twenty years, D1 will become smarter, acquire narrow knowledge and scientific degrees, and D2 will get closer and closer to the state of primary chaos, and then to the box known form.

Tell me, is this also an uneven distribution?

But it is “socially unfair” that “smart people get smarter, and fools regress”. It is necessary to take books away from the smart and distribute to the stupid. It is then that peace, friendship, equality and brotherhood will reign.

In general, what I want to say on the merits ...

The movement of time intensifies trends. That's the whole "Matthew law".

The more time you devote to sports today, the higher the chances that tomorrow you will be healthier than others. The harder you study Hebrew, the more likely you are to read the Torah in the original over time. The more persistently you create a marketing system in your business, the more likely it is that one day it will become a financially predictable money-making machine ...

And regarding the "law of averages" and "uniform distribution" I am sending you and Nassim Taleb. Of course, you don't have to listen, especially if you are aware of the trend you are creating in this way ...

You can achieve the fulfillment of a dream in different ways: to walk, crawl, or for everything to come by itself - all options depend on ourselves. But the main thing is to take steps forward and sometimes "stand on pause", and not go headlong into stagnation or stop altogether, leaving in depression and despondency. Each of us has a line of path with its segments - this is the line of success, no matter how much we want not to believe in it. You just need to make an effort and go through these sometimes protracted segments, overcoming yourself, negotiating with yourself.

I found an anecdote on the Internet:

A man came to the store to hand over the New Year's garland.

- Does not work? - the seller asks him.

- Why? It even works, - he answers.

- And what's the matter then?

The buyer sighed and replied:

- Not happy. ..

I know this feeling: everything seems to be good, but nothing pleases…. It happens that a whole period falls out when every day the problems only accumulate ... A pipe in the bathroom burst, and we flooded the neighbors from below. Then they scratched the car door…. A cheerful puppy at a friend's house ruined new shoes ... When in the middle of the night a sconce fell in the bathroom, I thought: what am I doing wrong and why such misfortunes?

I shared with colleagues at work and one of them clearly defined: this is the principle of Matthew.

Having searched the net, I found that the Bible says: "... whoever has, to him will be given and multiply, and whoever does not have, what he has will be taken away from him."

- What to do? - I asked a colleague.

She sighed: - PLUS.

- What is the plus? - I did not understand.

- ALL! - she answered. - Both good and bad ...

I almost immediately forgot about this principle, but literally half an hour later my husband called and said that an acquaintance to whom we had lent money had declared himself bankrupt and a significant amount, apparently, would not return to us ... Then I decided that it was worth trying live by the principle of Matthew ... and said to myself: "Plus!"

From that moment on, I answered all the minor problems: "It counts", "Plus", "Fortunately." And, reluctantly, she accepted the larger ones: "Well, good, and this is in the piggy bank", "Everything is for the best."

In some incomprehensible way, Matthew's principle worked; somewhere it was taken away, but at the same time some new possibilities opened up. And where I did not expect at all.

Add EVERYTHING. The Multiplication Law will definitely work!

Matthew's principle worked, and now nobody cut pieces from what I had. On the contrary, where there was little, from where something was added. If problems arose, then as a lesson or a reminder: do not do bad things to others - he will definitely come back. But all the same, it was more good. Many times more. It is just that whoever notices what he already has will be given and multiplied.

Of course, it's hard to change yourself right away ...

We have collected 7 rules that will help you change for the better and help tune your subconscious mind to a constant positive

As you apply them day after day, you will notice that you have become more aware. And they stopped desiring with the mind, and began to do it from an inner state.

    1. Honesty with ourselves

This is the most important rule, on the implementation of which the possibility of implementing all the other points depends. When we deceive ourselves, everything else stops working!

The ability to honestly admit to ourselves what we really feel, think and do in this moment, is the starting point of our development.

You should not be afraid of your negative manifestations: “yes, I’m angry now,” “I am offended,” “jealous,” “terribly angry.” Recognizing their negative reactions, we thereby remove them from the subconscious, and they cease to shape our future.

In this case, it is imperative to add: “I want to treat this easily and calmly, without negative emotions, but so far it’s not working.” Such a formulation will help transform the energy of resentment, anger, anger, jealousy that we are experiencing at the present time into the positive state to which we strive. And this will happen gradually.

Having "voiced" the state in which we are, we are freed from it.

This should be remembered when we talk about our successes and achievements. You may have noticed that it's worth bragging about circumstances that make us less successful.

Therefore, if you tell others about something positive, be sure to voice your most fantastic and incredible dreams as well. For example: "I have a great apartment, but I also want a house on the seashore." Thus, you will switch people's attention to new perspectives and allow what is to condense and become even more fundamental, and what you have voiced will begin to be created in your future.

2. Ability to use positive words

You will have to completely change your vocabulary ...

A certain life experience is attached to the words that we speak: they evoke the feelings associated with them that we experienced in the past. By pronouncing words, we activate neural connections that resurrect already established images, feelings, information.

And if we often use words that carry negative information, then the subconscious mind tuned to low frequencies translates negative experiences into our reality, which are then embodied in life events that do not bring us pleasure.

Therefore, in order to rewrite the scenario of events happening to us, it is necessary to replace negative neural connections with positive ones. And we do it with words. For example, instead of “bad” we say “not good”, instead of “awful” - “doesn't matter”. This activates positive neural structures, since the prefix “not” is not perceived by the brain, and everything associated with the word “good” causes high-frequency vibrations that neutralize the negative that we are now experiencing.

You will feel that it is worth changing your vocabulary and making it a habit, and after a while your life will also change.

3. Finding good in everything

Unfortunately, our society has raised us in such a way that we are used to looking for flaws in everything and condemning others. Remember what you talk about when you get together with the company? As a rule, everyone unanimously expresses dissatisfaction with everyone: from neighbors to the government and the president. And the body tunes in to the energy that we constantly use. After all, if you take a cigarette from a smoker, then the body out of habit will demand it, although this is harmful.

When we live at the level of judgment, we move into low-frequency vibrations that shape negative events. It is necessary to learn to see something positive in all situations: sunny weather, a bird sings beautifully, a couple kissing tenderly on a bench, a suit sits beautifully on a passer-by, etc. Try to notice the good, just walking down the street. Believe me, this is a very addicting game!

Doing this regularly, we program the subconscious mind to be positive, and the brain begins to snatch positive events from the world around us. The subconscious mind's ability to look for beauty in the world will guide you through life.

Coming to the store, you will find the most best shoes, and looking for a job, choose the most interesting and highly paid, etc.

When you learn to see the positive in life, whatever happens, you will understand that good comes with bad. S. Lazarev (author of the books “Diagnostics of Karma”) has a phrase: “If you feel good today, then look back. There, when you felt bad, your good was laid. "

4 creative thinking

Make it a rule for yourself instead of saying: "It's so bad that it rains," say - "I want the sun to shine." When we deny something, then we destroy the energy connections, the restoration of which is spent by our energy.

Figuratively speaking, we go into a room, and the wrong music is playing there. We refuse to listen to her, we throw everything on the floor, we break the equipment - we deny everything. Then we put things in order in the room, re-acquire the technique, and put on the music that we wanted. Instead, we could immediately say, “I want to listen to other music,” and just change the recording. When we think according to the principle "I want it to be like this!"

Therefore, learn to immediately talk about WHAT YOU LIKE, ignoring what does not suit you, while paying attention to the state that you want to experience when this happens.

5. Ability to give thanks for everything: both good and bad

Thanks for the good, we strengthen it, and thanks to what we consider to be bad, we transform it into positive.

All non-positive events are low-frequency, and gratitude is a high-frequency vibration.

Thus, thanks to the bad, we do not interact with the negative and do not allow it to settle in our life. And if we learn to be grateful for events that we do not like, then over time we will be able to realize that through bad things always come good.

When we are not ready to accept the positive, we are given the opportunity to cleanse ourselves through the adversity. And this is not masochism at all, but the understanding that we are given a chance to realize what we did not understand before. After all, God does not have "bad" and "good", the Universe has everything that is useful, it is important that it is in its place and fulfills its function.

Seraphim Sarovsky said that it is very good for an ordinary person, unconscious before death, to be sick for a couple of years, because the soul is cleansed through the removal of claims, attachments, condemnation of the people around them, and thus the person gets into higher-frequency vibrations. Likewise, we are given troubles, indicating where we need to change our attitude. And after the changes, become more successful, richer and happier.

6. Think and talk about people as if we were in their place

We need to learn to speak and think about people as if they were present nearby and heard us.

If we talk about others the way we would like them to talk about us, a tremendous amount of energy will be released that we spend on compensating for the difference between inner opinions and outer behavior. Lightness will appear in our life, as the internal and external are harmonized. And the released energy will make it possible to more deeply realize what we really want and realize this.

7 Trinity Perception

If the previous six rules were basic, that is, with their help we brought up our subconscious, then the seventh rule can be called magic. It begins to work when we rebuild and become one with ourselves and the world around us.

With the help of the seventh rule, we will be able to control our reality and shape events.

To do this, you need to take three options for the development of the desired:

a) everything will happen the way we want;

b) it will not be so;

c) it will be much better.

Why do we need to do this?

The fact is that when we mentally plan, we allocate energy to realize what we want.

If we are not ready for other possible options, then our energy, which has the quality of categorical and unambiguous, returns to us in the form of depression, aggression, anger, resentment.

If we are ready to accept both the worst and the best way, then no matter what happens (knowing - everything that happens - everything is for the good), the energy realizes what was conceived to the maximum. Accepting all possible options, we accept the world as it is, preserving the law of Equilibrium, and we get a great chance to fulfill our desire.

Learn to think threefold!

This rule must be followed a hundred times a day, just treat it like a game and enjoy the process.

It's easier to start with everyday situations.

For example, in the morning we get up and say to ourselves: “I want to drink tea” and consider the possible course of events:

1. I'll go to the kitchen and make myself some tea,

2. I won't even drink water.

3. I will drink very expensive and delicious tea.

Then you go and make yourself some tea. Practicing on such little things, you will train your subconscious mind to be ready for any turn of events, which means that you will increase the chance of achieving what you want.

After practicing on everyday desires, every day take time for more serious desires: love, health, car, apartment, work - everything that you want to realize.

Learn to view all your desires in terms of the Trinity!

And then be sure to wish yourself something that cannot be, because it can never be, and you want it! For example: tomorrow they will bring me a warrant for an apartment in the most prestigious area of ​​the capital worth five million dollars. I calmly accept the worst option: I won't have an apartment at all. And an even better option: I will have another apartment that I can rent out ...

Thus, you will expand your range of capabilities and be able to make a real breakthrough in new life that will be much richer and happier. And, most importantly, that you enjoy everything that happens in your life!

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It is formulated in the Gospel of Matthew: "To everyone who has it will be given and will increase, but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away" (25, 29).

PM, together with the principle of equalization, constitutes a dual opposition, the poles of which are in a state of ambivalence. P. M. captures a certain tendency inherent in all societies, although on different scales and implemented at different rates. Any innovation, new forms of activity have a focal character, arise in points of growth, development, in centers, in the centers of a higher, more creative form of activity, which requires a certain concentration of resources in them.

The consequence of this is the polarization of society into managers and governed, into rich and poor, which opens up the possibility of social antagonisms. The development of these tendencies is limited in each culture by some measure, the transition through which is considered as unacceptable, as causing an uncomfortable state, possibly giving rise to a scythe of inversion, sweeping away the centers of power and centers of wealth; leads to the triumph of equalization. However, this result is constantly under pressure from P.

M., which again may violate the measure. In the conditions of liberal civilization, with the growth of self-awareness and personal responsibility, P.

M. on an increasing scale passes into the sphere of the spirit. Knowledge, skills, spiritual and cultural development grow the more, the more advanced people are in this area. This process is becoming an increasingly important spiritual resource in the management system of any community, society as a whole, an increasingly important element of capital, pushing into the background all other forms of resources, which leads to the overcoming of capitalism.

the emergence of the information society.