What is Japanese massage? Zogan (Asahi) massage for facial rejuvenation without surgery. Self-massage of the face according to the Japanese method on video

The desire to look young and beautiful encourages girls to spend time in beauty salons and spend money on cosmetics, creams, and skin care products. In Japan, they have found a way to rejuvenate the skin without using expensive cosmetics. Asahi facial massage makes the face fresher and younger. Outwardly, it seems that a person becomes 10 - 15 years younger.

A little about the author

Yukuko Tanaka began to learn the secrets of skin care from her childhood. Her grandmother owned a beauty salon, where the girl loved to spend time and watch manipulations. Having matured, Yukuko-san received the profession of a makeup artist and stylist. Working with clients, observing the desire to hide wrinkles and look younger, the girl remembered the massage that her grandmother practiced. Having mastered the technique again, Yukuko Tanaka improved it by testing the techniques on herself.

The result of many years of work was the book “Facial Massage”, published in 2007. The publication brought the author popularity throughout the world. Fashionistas tried massage and were satisfied.

Yukuko Tanaka's facial massage technique has another romantic name - Asahi, which means “morning sun”. This name is the highest praise, a kind of sign of quality, indicating that the facial massage created by Yukuko Tanaka, like the image of the rising luminary sacred to any Japanese, brings people goodness, joy, change, and the beginning of a new life.

The main proof of the effectiveness of Zogan is appearance author. At the age of 60, a woman could hardly reach 40. The Japanese woman was fond of smoking, but thanks to the Zogan method, bad habit did not affect skin color.

Yukuko-san died in 2013. Opponents of the author’s method and envious people claimed that the reason for his death was massage. But that's not true. The woman was killed by lung cancer, which developed as a result of cigarette abuse. Yukuko Tanaka left early, but left behind a technique that is used by thousands of women.

Positive effect

Why did the procedure become popular? After several weeks of use, a person receives:

  • Getting rid of swelling;
  • Reduction of wrinkles;
  • Healthy skin color;
  • Removing toxins;
  • Tightening effect (double chin and sagging cheeks disappear).

Thanks to Zogan, a woman looks as if she has become younger and lost extra pounds.

Read about another Japanese facial massage technique, Kobido, on the useful site.

Reasons for rejuvenation

Why is Yukuko Tanaka's Japanese facial massage so effective? The technique differs from that usual for Russian and European schools. Features of the technique:

  • The action is directed not only to the skin, but also to muscles, bones, lymph;
  • Movements follow the paths of lymph flow, and not along massage lines;
  • Manipulations are carried out with fingers and palms using little physical force.

Thanks to this, blood circulation improves, excess fluid leaves, and along with it swelling. Elasticity returns to the mice, the skin becomes elastic and smooth.

Asahi facial massage: indications

Yukuko Tanaka's facelift gymnastics are popular among women over 30 years old. In more at a young age, use the lightweight version.

The procedure is especially useful for those who:

  1. Eyelids swell;
  2. There are dark circles under the eyes;
  3. Gray skin color;
  4. Pronounced facial and age wrinkles;
  5. Sagging eyelids, cheeks;
  6. A double chin has formed;
  7. Wide face with unclear contours.


Yukuko Tanaka's facial massage involves a forceful effect on the body, therefore it has some contraindications:

  1. Dermatitis, rash, redness;
  2. Problems with facial vessels;
  3. FLU, runny nose, sinusitis;
  4. Sore throat;
  5. Inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  6. Diseases related to the lymphatic system;

After the procedure, the face becomes thinner, so those with thin oval shapes and fragile girls should avoid it.

Basic principles of Asahi facial massage

Asahi facial massage is performed in beauty salons. You can study the technology yourself and do it yourself at home. Another option: master the technique with a friend and do it to each other.

For Yukuko Tanaka’s facial massage to be beneficial, you need to follow the basic rules developed by the author:

  • Clean skin. It is important not only to get rid of makeup, but also to cleanse the pores. Use proven cosmetic product, to which you are definitely not allergic;
  • Clean hands;
  • Moisturizing with cream (oil). Hands should glide over the skin so as not to injure it;
  • Knowledge of technology. Ideal option: take a course or read a book;
  • Accuracy, precision of movements. There should be no pain during the massage;
  • Straight back. If it is difficult to sit upright, you can lie down.

To achieve the expected effect, do Zogan every morning. At first, before each procedure, repeat the location of the lymph nodes of the head and neck. The goal is lymph outflow. You will need to press on the lymph nodes and do it without mistakes.

While doing this, remember:

  • Most of the movements are performed with effort, focusing on the entire length of the fingers;
  • Working three fingers: middle, ring, index;
  • Time 10 - 20 minutes;
  • We repeat each exercise 3 times. We finish with a basic movement.

Yukuko Tanaka offers 11 techniques that must be performed in a certain sequence.

Basic movement

It is called basic because it is done at the beginning of the session, completes each exercise, and acts as the final chord of Zogan.

  1. Place your working fingers (middle, index, ring) on ​​the lymph node located near the ear;
  2. While pressing, count to 3;
  3. Using a pressing motion, go down along the cheekbones and neck to the collarbones;
  4. Press the clavicular lymph nodes for 3 seconds;
  5. Repeat steps 1 - 4 three times.

Smoothing wrinkles on the forehead

  1. We place our working fingers on the forehead so that the pads meet in the center;
  2. Apply intense pressure for 2 seconds;
  3. Continuing the pressure, the hands move in opposite directions towards the temples, lymph node No. 1;
  4. Perform a basic movement;
  5. We repeat everything 3 times.

Removing puffiness and circles around the eyes

Handle this area carefully. The skin of the eyelids is thin and sensitive. Apply moderate pressure.

  1. Touch the corners of your eyes (outer) with your middle fingers;
  2. Using light massage movements, aim along the lower part of the eye socket towards the nose;
  3. Stop on the bridge of your nose, near the lacrimal sac. Press, count to 3;
  4. We move to the eyebrows, along them (maybe a little lower), to the outer corner of the eyes;
  5. We repeat the exercise three times;
  6. We perform the basic movement.

Working on the area around the lips

Every day a person experiences negative emotions. At the same time, the corners of the lips involuntarily droop. With age, the face acquires a dissatisfied, tired expression. Read about this in our article about. To fix the situation:

  1. We work with the middle and ring fingers;
  2. Let's leave them under the central part of the lower lip;
  3. Pressing firmly, the hands move away from each other, towards the corners of the mouth;
  4. Without reducing the intensity of pressure, we move over upper lip;
  5. The fingers meet above the fold located under the nose;
  6. After repeating three times, we do the basic movement.

  1. Place your middle fingers at the base of your nose;
  2. Move up and down along the nostrils 5 - 6 times;
  3. We place the middle and ring fingers near the bridge of the nose, again moving up and down 6 times;
  4. We place our fingers near the nose, pressing, leading to lymph nodes No. 1 (see picture);
  5. Let's remember the basic movement.

With age, the skin on the cheeks becomes flabby, sags, and reveals the real age of the owner.

Another problem: fat accumulation. The following complex helps to prevent and correct the situation:

  1. We place 4 fingers (index - little finger) along the nose, press hard, lead to the ear lymph nodes;
  2. Basic movement;
  3. We repeat everything 3 times for prevention, 5 - 7 to eliminate the problem;
  4. We place our working fingers on the chin, under the lip. We press;
  5. We move around the mouth, along the nose, under the eyes to their outer corners;
  6. We loosen the pressure, slide to the temples + basic movement;
  7. Repeat from 3 to 7 times.

Exercise accelerates the blood and stimulates metabolism. Gives a fresh, cheerful look. We work on each side in turn.

We place our palm on the cheek so that the lower part touches the edge of the beard, and the tips of the fingers lie on the temple or just above it.

We work on the opposite side of the face.

  1. Place 4 fingers below the ear, on the cheekbone;
  2. Pressing the palm and fingers firmly, we move them diagonally to the nose, to the inner corner of the eyes;
  3. We draw under the eyes, heading towards the temple;
  4. Basic technique;
  5. Repeat 3 times on each half of the face.

The next technique also ensures facial tone and skin firmness.

  1. We work with the part of the palm from which the thumb joint comes;
  2. Click on the area near the wings of the nose;
  3. We move diagonally to the temples;
  4. We go down to the ear and perform a basic technique;
  5. Repeat three times;
  6. Using the same part of the palm, press on the skin near the corners of the lips;
  7. Again we head to the temples, moving diagonally;
  8. Favorite basic move.

Instead of traditional patting, Yukuko Tanaka suggests an exercise:

  1. Press the heel of your palm into the center of your chin;
  2. Using intense pressure, move along the oval of the face towards the auricle. Thumb we put it behind the ear;
  3. Basic movement;
  4. We perform 3 times on one side, then the same amount on the other.

If your double chin is pronounced, increase the number of repetitions to 5 times.

  1. Fold your hands into a house so that your thumbs rest on your chin and your index fingers rest above your nose. We press;
  2. We open the resulting house, moving from the center of the face to the ears;
  3. Basic exercise;
  4. Repeat 3 times.

Form on the forehead expression wrinkles, especially if the person frowns often. Age-related changes are also noticeable. The final exercise repeats the first. Only at first we perform zigzag movements up and down.

We complete the massage with a triple repetition of the basic movement.

Possible problems

Speaking about the positive effect of Zogan, it should be remembered that errors and side effects are possible. Undesirable consequences and ways to combat them are outlined in the table.

  • Zogan is designed for women, but if men have indications, the procedure will benefit them;
  • Refrain from long manicure to avoid injury during the session;
  • Wash your face with warm water after the session to remove any remaining oil.
  • Yukuko Tanaka gave the world. The massage she has perfected makes you feel younger, more beautiful, and more confident.

    Reasons to try Asahi anti-aging facial massage

    • Positive reviews;
    • Minimum time costs;
    • No need to buy expensive equipment or special cosmetics;
    • Easy to do.

    Give your face 10 minutes a day, and within 2 weeks it will thank you.

    We invite you to watch the video from step by step instructions And correct schemes massage:

    Asahi facial massage by Alena Sobol

    Lymphatic drainage massage Asahi for face from Irina Barbarich

    Women of the Land of the Rising Sun have always been admired for their excellent appearance even in their mature years. Japanese facial massage Asahi is rightfully considered one of the secrets of beauty. Originally created for oriental women, massage has proven to be a universal means of rejuvenation, which is used today all over the world. Regular sessions can reduce the number of wrinkles, tighten the oval of the face, improve skin color and activate blood circulation. To master this skill it is not at all necessary to live and study in Japan for a long time.

    The technique of modern Japanese facial massage was developed in the 21st century, but this type of technique has ancient roots. Yukuko Tanaka, a famous Japanese stylist, learned the basic techniques for performing the procedure from her grandmother. While working on television, the issue of facial rejuvenation became even more pressing for her. Then Yukuko Tanaka began to study the structure and functioning of muscles, as well as the relationship between the skin, bones and lymph glands. As a result, the Zogan rejuvenating massage was developed, which in the West is used to being called Asahi.

    Unlike Western methods of rejuvenation, Japanese lymphatic drainage massage The face is performed with strong pressure and using all 10 fingers. Including manual therapy techniques, it improves tissue nutrition, accelerates the removal of toxins and excess fluid, relaxes muscles, strengthens blood vessels and the epidermis. The main advantages of Japanese facial massage are known to every woman who cares about her beauty:

    • the number of wrinkles is reduced;
    • double chin disappears;
    • lymph circulation improves;
    • swelling under the eyes becomes less noticeable;
    • the face acquires a beautiful color and even tone.

    The advantages include the fact that Zogan massage does not require frequent performance. On the contrary, it is necessary to leave free time between procedures in sufficient quantities to activate biological processes in tissues.

    Japanese acupressure is a gentle procedure. There are no painful sensations during it. But you can enjoy the effect after just a few sessions.

    Disadvantages of the Asahi technique

    Despite its uniqueness, Asahi facial massage is not suitable for everyone. It is not recommended to perform it in the following cases.

    1. Presence of acne. During the procedure, blood flow is activated, which can easily transfer infections from internal acne to other areas of the skin. Therefore, there are much more rashes after the procedure.
    2. Too thin face. Massaging using the Japanese method helps reduce the amount of subcutaneous sebum. If you do exercises on a thin face with thin skin, it will become even smaller, and the features may become distorted.

    You need to adapt the massage to suit yourself. Initially, it was created for oriental women in order to correct the face and eliminate wrinkles. They have a slightly different anatomical arrangement of bones. Usually Japanese women try to make the lower part of their face smaller; many Japanese massage techniques are aimed at this.

    Preparing for Asahi massage

    Before you begin the procedure, learn the location of the lymph nodes and pathways. It will be difficult to do this using video tutorials. It is better to use a medical atlas or specialized literature. Which important rules What should you know about conducting and preparing for a massage?

    1. Training videos do not always mention that massage should only be performed on cleansed skin.
    2. Immediately before the procedure, makeup is removed from the face and its surface is cleaned with a scrub.
    3. Then the skin is wiped with tonic and, without waiting for it to dry, a rich cream or natural oil is applied to it.

    Hands must be washed with soap and dried with a clean towel. Then you need to sit in front of the mirror and straighten your back. The massage can be performed while lying down, but provided that the spine and shoulders remain perfectly straight.

    Basic techniques of Asahi influence

    When carrying out an anti-wrinkle massage, the strength of the hands is used. Manipulations should not cause pain, and the impact should not be too gentle. The massage begins with preparing the facial muscles; for this you need to repeat the following exercise three times.

    1. Place your palms to your cheeks and press your middle, index and ring fingers onto the parotid lymph nodes.
    2. Run the entire length of your fingers down the contour of your face.
    3. Fix your hands briefly on the cervical lymph nodes.
    4. Stop at the collarbone area.

    You should not massage anything additionally, no unnecessary movements, pinching or rubbing should be done. They can cause an increase in the number of wrinkles. Then you can proceed to one of the following exercises.

    1. Smile correction. This exercise will help lift the corners of the mouth and reduce the depth of nasolabial wrinkles. First, press the middle and ring fingers of both hands on the center of your chin. Then go around both sides of your mouth in one motion, lightly pressing on the gums. Stop your fingers under the center of your nose and secure.
    2. Elimination of bags under the eyes and wrinkles on the eyelids. This exercise is also good for swelling of various origins. The appearance of wrinkles around the eyes visually immediately adds 10-15 years to your real age. To eliminate puffiness and reduce existing wrinkles, do acupressure facial massage. Place the tips of your middle fingers on the skin near the outer corners of your eyes. Draw to the inner ones in close proximity to the border of eyelash growth. Then use the same movement to outline the line of the cheekbones and eyebrows.
    3. Correction of facial contours and cheek lift. The movement starts from the middle of the chin. Using strong pressure, circle your fingers around your mouth and fix it on a point near your nostrils. Then move your hands up parallel to the wings of the nose, press on the points under the inner corners of the eye and draw a line to the temple. From there, in a circular motion along the contour of your face, lower the inner edge of your palm down to your collarbone.

    Each exercise must be performed three times. The entire massage session takes only 2-3 minutes. Our article shows only a small part of the exercises. You can master the technique more deeply as needed, without ceasing to rejuvenate with the help of massage.

    Elimination of wrinkles - eternal women's problem. Japanese rejuvenating facial massage will help not only get rid of existing wrinkles on the skin, but also prevent their appearance in the future. No analogues to the Asahi technique have yet been invented. This massage combines lymphatic drainage and effective acupressure. You can master all the basic exercises by watching the extremely useful final video.

    One day there was a breakthrough in cosmetology. As often happens, this was facilitated by the knowledge of oriental specialists. Thanks to the Japanese cosmetologist Yukuko Tanaka, a real alternative to plastic surgery has appeared - Asahi massage.

    More precisely, he was originally named Zogan. This is a technique that involves an active effect on the skin, face shape and tissues. Asahi was somewhat improved in relation to the European type of face. This implies a less intense impact on the lower part of the face, which is usually achieved when performing standard eastern Zogan.

    With age, the muscles on the face gradually relax, the skin becomes less elastic, sags, resulting in wrinkles and jowls appearing on the face, and facial contours change. The Asahi technique was created specifically to affect the deep facial muscles. This allows you to make them fit, correct the oval of the face, restore tone and elasticity to the skin, eliminate bags under the eyes and general swelling of the face, as well as speed up lymphatic drainage and reduce the severity of facial wrinkles.

    Asahi facial massage can be performed in a beauty salon by professionals or at home. But in order to perform a massage session on your own, you need to master its technique, study the rules of implementation and determine your individual degree of impact. There are many video lessons of Japanese practice on the Internet, but it is better to study directly from a specialist. It is recommended to sign up for courses or at least attend several massage sessions in the salon.

    It is very important that the massage is carried out correctly. If done incorrectly, not only will it not bring positive results, but it can also significantly harm a person’s appearance.

    Features of the Asahi technique

    Japanese facial massage Asahi has its own distinctive features, requirements for implementation and contraindications for implementation. The technique differs significantly from classical European massages in the intensity of the impact. When massaging, not only the skin is involved, but also muscles, connective and bone tissue. Therefore, Asahi is considered in some way an osteopathic massage.

    It has a pronounced detoxifying effect on superficial and deep tissues, which is achieved as a result of repeatedly repeated hand movements along the location of the lymph nodes. But it is important not to put pressure on the lymph nodes themselves, but to repeat the direction of their location. Thanks to this, there is an accelerated outflow of lymph from the tissues of the face and neck, with which toxins and excess fluid are removed from the body much faster. It is important that a person studies anatomy well and does not harm himself.

    General rules

    There are rules for Asahi that must be strictly followed. This guarantees a positive result.

    1. Before performing a massage, it is necessary to prepare the skin by cleansing it using special cosmetics.
    2. For massage you need massage oil (you can use oat milk, olive, apricot or other oils instead).
    3. Before the procedure, skin preparation and warm-up in the form of rubbing movements are necessary.
    4. Asahi is generally performed using the index and middle fingers or the middle and ring fingers. But to massage the eyes, only the middle finger is needed, for the forehead - 3 fingers, and for the cheeks - palms or bases thumbs hands
    5. There should be no pain during facial massage. The pressure is quite strong, but not to the point of pain. If it occurs, it means the massage was performed incorrectly.
    6. During massage thin face the intensity of the effect on its lower part is reduced so as not to cause even greater weight loss.
    7. When massaged along the lymph nodes, the pressure is reduced.
    8. At the end of the session, movements along the lymphatic vessels are necessary. This promotes the drainage of lymph from facial tissues.
    9. After the massage, you need to re-clean your facial skin.

    The whole procedure takes only 7-10 minutes. Therefore, you can carry it out daily at home without any difficulties.

    Stages of the procedure

    Asahi consists of several exercises that must be performed in a certain order. It is recommended to repeat each of them 3 times, but you can do it at least 1 time.


    You need to start from the forehead area. A rubbing movement is performed with the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands. Initially, the palms are placed horizontally, touching the middle of the forehead with the fingertips. The pressure should continue for 3 seconds, after which the movement to the temples begins, and then the palms turn 90 0 and move towards the ears with reduced pressure. The exercise ends with a movement along the sides of the face and neck to the collarbones.

    Eye area

    The pads of the middle fingers should pass without pressure from the outer corner of the eyes to the inner corner along the bottom, and then with pressure along the milestone to the outer edge of the eyes to the temples, where you need to linger for 3 seconds. Then again along the bottom of the eye without pressure, and back along the bottom, but with pressure. Again you need to stop at your temples for 3 seconds (middle and index fingers), and then move your fingers even further to your temples, stopping for 3 seconds, and down to your ear without pressing.

    Mouth and chin

    The middle and ring fingers should be located in the hollow of the chin, where pressure is applied for 3 seconds. Next, you need to massage the tissue around the lips, moving up to the nasal septum. In this place you need to press, raising your nose, and hold for 3 seconds. After this, the fingers sharply return to the chin.

    Muscles in the nose area

    Starting position - fingers in the depressions of the wings of the nose, where you need to make movements in the form of a figure eight (5 times), then rise to the bridge of the nose and walk from it to the edges of the nose and back 2-3 times. During the reverse movement, the pressure is slightly weakened. The exercise ends by moving with pressure to the tragus of the ears.

    Exercise for bone structure

    You need to start from the dimple on the chin. With maximum pressure, you need to circle around the lips to the nostrils, and then to the eyes. In this place, delay for 3 seconds, and then move to the temples and ears.


    One cheek is fixed with the palm of your hand, and a path is laid along the second from the masticatory muscle to the eyes diagonally. Press for three seconds and move towards the ears as usual.


    3 fingers of each hand, horizontally located on the cheekbones, should strongly compress the nostrils, and then they should be moved to the tragus of the ears with a final movement.

    Skin lifting

    Asahi facial muscle massage also includes an exercise that can tighten the skin of the face. It is performed with two palms joined at the wrists. Open palms, clasping the chin, should press on it for 3 seconds, move upward, running your thumbs over the ears. Force should be applied to the movements of the palms towards the temples, and then the descent and final movement should be made.

    Facial contours

    The oval of the face can also be corrected. To do this, you should make simple movements by placing your chin on the base of one palm and moving your hand to your ear, and then on the base of the other with the same movement to the opposite ear. At the end you should also do the standard finishing movement.

    Double chin

    Asahi facial massage can help combat such a common problem as a double chin. You can cope with it if you do a special exercise.

    The thumbs are under the chin near the neck, the nose is covered with the palms. At first thumbs They massage their chin and then freeze. At this moment, all other fingers are spread apart with force, touching the temples and the lower eye edge. Then you need to perform the final movement towards the ears and down.

    Folds on the forehead

    To smooth the forehead, perform an exercise similar to the first one on the list. Only first, one hand performs zigzag movements from the center of the forehead to the temple and back, and then the second. Then both hands are involved. Upon completion, the finishing touch is applied.


    Like any procedure, Asahi has its certain contraindications. They can be relative and absolute. These include:

    • rosacea;
    • inflammation and infection of the facial skin;
    • skin diseases;
    • pathologies of blood and lymphatic vessels;
    • oncology;
    • kidney and heart diseases;
    • arterial pressure;
    • general malaise and weakness.

    Before practicing massage, you should consult a doctor.

    Japanese Asahi massage is an excellent alternative to plastic surgery and other cosmetic procedures aimed at facial rejuvenation. This is an effective and noticeable lift in a natural way, based on the treatment of deep facial tissues. Many women are also attracted to Asahi by the fact that they can independently master this Japanese technique and practice it at home.

    Despite modern achievements in cosmetology and plastic surgery, every woman, understanding the shortcomings of these methods, wants to find a natural and safe way to preserve youth. If you look at the beauty secrets of Japanese women, you can see that they most likely have magic remedy, allowing you to look young even at an age when the first wrinkles traditionally appear.

    You've probably come across articles about a typical resident of the Land of the Rising Sun, over whom the passing years seem to have no power, and at 42, a Japanese woman looks 20, while these mysterious girls continue to look twenty until old age.

    If you delve deeper into the study of the intricacies of oriental cosmetology, you can find mention of such techniques as tanaka massage, or Japanese lymphatic drainage facial massage. Not only Eastern, but also European specialists sing odes to this method, having successfully adopted the positive experience of Japanese women in their work. After mastering the Japanese self-massage technique, the treasured 5 letters will become for you a kind of “code” into the world of beauty and youthful skin, which every fifth woman in this amazing country owns.

    What this method is and what is the secret of the amazing youth of Japanese women will be explored in this article.

    Stylist Yukuko Tanaka

    The technique of Japanese facial massage Asahi Zogan has been known in the east for many centuries and is constantly being improved. Translated, its name means “touch of the morning sun.” The effectiveness of this method has been proven by the beauty and youth of Japanese women at any age. The idea of ​​reviving the Asahi Zogan technique belongs to Japanese cosmetologist Heroshi Hisashi. However, in the development and improvement of this idea the main role belongs to Tanaka Yukuko, a popular female stylist today.

    It was thanks to Tanaka-san that Asahi gained popularity outside of Japan. The impetus for the spread of Yukuko Tanaka’s method was the publication of her book “Facial Massage,” which literally “exploded” the cosmetology field and aroused great interest among beauty specialists and ordinary women.

    What is Japanese facial massage Zogan?

    This technique is based on the principle of stimulating certain points in the lymphatic system. During the session, the skin, facial muscles and even the bones of the skull are affected. This effect is achieved by increasing the speed of lymph movement, which leads to removal from cells harmful products decay. Cells cleared of toxins are renewed, which starts the rejuvenation process.

    What results can be achieved

    Japanese rejuvenating massage is a truly miraculous method that allows you to achieve visible results within a month after regular use. This happens thanks to:

    • intensive effects even on the deepest tissues, which distinguishes it from standard rejuvenation techniques;
    • performing a massage with the whole palm, and not just the fingertips;
    • detoxification of skin cells by stimulating lymphatic vessels;
    • toning, strengthening the muscles of the facial area of ​​the head;
    • formation of a clear contour of the oval face;
    • reducing the severity of wrinkles;
    • color improvement skin.

    Asahi massage allows you to include the skin, connective tissue, muscles and facial bones in the process. Thus, the effect of this technique on the condition of facial skin is complex, which ensures its high effectiveness in combating age-related changes.

    If you believe the reviews of those who have already tried the Japanese anti-aging facial massage described in the book by Tanaka Yukuko, it has a truly miraculous effect on the skin. This is confirmed by the fact that the question “Why do Japanese women look younger than their years, why do the years have no power over them?” It is constantly discussed on forums and in magazine articles, and does not lose its relevance today. On the Internet you can find many photographs of the Japanese beauty Masako Mizutani, whose face looks unusually young, despite her age “well over 40”.

    Masako Mizutani with her daughter. Guess where the mother is and where the daughter is?

    By adopting the secrets of Japanese women's youth, you can master affordable in a natural way preserving natural beauty. However, due to the fact that the technique involves an effect on the body’s lymphatic system, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the indications and contraindications for the procedure.

    Indications for Asahi massage

    Every woman wants to have an attractive, well-groomed appearance, and therefore, having heard about such a miracle technique as Japanese, she will want to try it on herself as soon as possible. However, the author of the technique claims that this is a rejuvenation technique that is not suitable for everyone. In view of its purposeful action, there are a number of specific indications for performing gymnastics for the Asahi face, namely:

    • swelling of the face in the morning (a sign of improper functioning of the body’s lymphatic system);
    • blurring of the facial contour due to age-related changes (for example, the presence of a double chin or folds on the cheeks);
    • the appearance of wrinkles of any type: age-related or facial).

    Asahi gymnastics is an excellent way to overcome the problems described above, however, lymphatic drainage will only be beneficial if you have no contraindications to the procedure.

    There are few of them, it is extremely necessary to take into account such nuances so that the Tsogan facial massage does not cause harm.

    Contraindications for Japanese massage

    For women, especially those over 45, Japanese may seem like a panacea for the changes that inevitably come with age. However, there are a number of circumstances under which anti-aging Japanese anti-aging is strictly contraindicated. These include:

    • the presence of diseases of the lymphatic system in women;
    • pathologies of ENT organs;
    • any manifestations of skin rashes, rosacea;
    • pharyngitis;
    • very sensitive and thin skin;
    • weakened body (for example, with ARVI, chronic fatigue).

    Due to the strong impact that Japanese facial gymnastics for wrinkles has on the functioning of the lymphatic system, carrying out such a procedure can dramatically aggravate the course of the described diseases and problems. Thus, ignoring contraindications to performing Japanese oil massage may not only not bring benefits, but also provoke many side effects.

    If your health is in perfect order, you can safely begin the procedure sessions by using the services of a massage therapist, or by mastering this technique yourself.

    Japanese beauties

    By the way, Asahi massage is performed taking into account strict rules, which you need to know to achieve the desired effect.

    Basic rules for performing Asahi Zogan

    Revealing the secrets of youthful facial skin in her book, Tanaka Yukuko notes that every little detail is important, even the mood with which you perform the procedure affects the final effectiveness. You shouldn’t expect Japanese anti-aging to rejuvenate you if you ignore the basic rules for doing it. Let's look at the features of performing the exercises that Asahi Zogan facial gymnastics involves.

    • Clean skin.

    This is the main rule, without which the rejuvenation effect will not occur - the ducts for the movement of lymph will be closed. Cleansing the skin is easy by washing with soap or a special cleanser, then wipe your face dry with a towel or napkin. If the dirt on the skin is very strong, the pores are clogged, it is flaking, or does not look the best, use an additional scrub.

    • Knowledge of anatomy.

    Before mastering this rejuvenation technique, it would be useful to look into a book on anatomy and become familiar with the exact location of lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels on the human body, since it is the impact on these points that provides the miraculous effect of Japanese. If we briefly characterize their location, these are places near the ears, behind the ears, occipital area, lower jaw, tongue and neck.

    • Precision and accuracy.

    All movements should be followed in a certain sequence according to the instructions, and the pressure on the points should not be strong. Self-massage of the face in Japanese is a painless procedure, however, careless massaging of the lymph node area can cause discomfort.

    • Posture.

    During the procedure, your back should be perfectly straight, and if you can’t maintain your posture, it would be better to perform self-massage in a lying position.

    • Use of aids.

    If you delve deeper into the study of Japanese secrets of beauty and youth, you will find out that residents of the Land of the Rising Sun use special oils and creams when performing Asahi massage, the acquisition of which is quite problematic in our country. Therefore, for home treatment sessions you can use natural oils, high-quality massage creams or an oatmeal mask, which will enhance its effect and help remove harmful substances.

    Japanese facial massage technique

    Mastering techniques Japanese self-massage faces are accessible to any woman. To do this, you initially need to learn a technique such as the “Japanese point”, which ends each of the exercises of the technique. It consists of using three fingers (index, middle and ring) to lightly press a point near the ears (that is, where the lymph nodes are located). It is necessary to apply pressure not with the tips, but with the entire length of the fingers at once, for about 2 seconds. After this, smoothly move down to the collarbones, without changing the intensity of the pressure.

    The main exercises that are offered during Japanese lymphatic massage are performed for areas such as the forehead, eyes, lips, nose, lower face and cheeks. Let's take a closer look at the implementation features for each zone.

    • In the forehead area, the procedure is carried out using three fingers (middle, index and ring), which must be pressed tightly to the central part of the forehead, and after three seconds, smoothly move to the temples, without stopping the pressure. Having reached the goal, turn the palms 90 degrees and move them down.
    • For movements in the eye area, use the pads of the middle fingers, with which you need to touch the outer corners of the eyelids, then, sliding to the bridge of the nose, rest against it and linger for three seconds (this is the so-called “beauty point”). After this, you should increase the pressure and move your fingers in a circle just below the eyebrow area (at the edge of the eye sockets), stopping at the “beauty point”. Then the pressure is weakened, and the fingers return to the lower inner corners of the eye, after which the pressure increases again and a transition is made along the lower eye sockets to the outer edges of the eyelids.
    • Self-massage of the lip area is performed with the ring and middle fingers. Place your fingers in the center of the chin, apply a little pressure at this point and hold for a couple of seconds. Afterwards, you need to move the indicated fingers around the mouth, pressing intensely. The movement ends in the center just above the upper lip, maintaining pressure at the point for several seconds.

    To make the description of the techniques clearer, lymphomassage is presented in pictures.

    • done with the help of middle fingers, which are placed in the depressions at the wings of the nose, after which 5 sliding movements are performed from bottom to top and from top to bottom. Then the ring finger also comes into play, intensively rubbing the back of the nose in the direction of the cheeks.

    • The Asahi technique for the lower part of the face is performed with the middle fingers, which are pressed to the center of the chin, then moved upward towards the eyes. At the same time, the pressure is not weakened, and it is advisable to bend the corners of the mouth. Near the eyes, the fingers are fixed at a point for three seconds, after which the palms turn and spread towards the temples.
    • Massaging the cheek area is done using the entire surface of the palms. To do this, the elbows should be folded together, and the hands should be opened with palms up, placing their bases towards the lips. Next, the palms are raised in the direction of the nostrils so as to completely cover the cheeks, and are fixed for three seconds. Then the hands are raised to the temples without stopping the pressure.

    All these techniques are performed sequentially, one after another. Do not forget that at the end of each exercise it is necessary to perform the finishing technique described at the very beginning.

    Japanese lymphatic drainage facial massage in video in Russian

    You can learn the Asahi Zogan self-massage technique from a video with Russian voice acting:

    In addition, the Japanese lymphomassage by Asahi Tsogan can be watched on video with translated captions in Russian.

    Asahi Zogan body massage

    It is interesting to know that Asahi Zogan is intended not only for the face, but also for the body. Japanese body massage is a practice that allows you to effectively influence soft fabrics and muscles, improving metabolism, stimulating blood and lymph circulation, cleansing the body of toxins and accumulated deposits.

    Asahi for the body has a tonic effect on the entire body, and its daily use can be compared, according to the author of the technique, with a walk of three kilometers.

    The principle of action on the body for the body is the same as for the face, namely the effect on the lymph nodes. This massage complex includes 20 exercises, each of which is aimed at a specific area of ​​the body. Consistent and regular execution of all movements of the complex allows you to improve general state body, get rid of skin problems and overweight, start metabolic processes and even overcome some chronic diseases associated with improper location of internal organs.

    A beautiful woman is like the sun - she wants to shine for everyone

    Japanese Asahi facial massage against wrinkles at home: mastering the technique

    Useful tips and recommendations on how to properly perform the Japanese lymphatic drainage facial massage Asahi-Zogan Yukuko Tanaka at home for wrinkles: technique for performing it, indications and contraindications for the procedure, rejuvenating mechanism of action on the skin, lymphatic map of the face.

    Despite modern cosmetology developing at a rapid pace with its magical procedures and miraculous remedies, every woman understands all its shortcomings. In this regard, I really want to pamper my skin with something natural and natural, but the food products from which you can make homemade masks also contain the same notorious “chemistry” - the scourge of our time.

    However, there is a way out of this seemingly dead-end situation: to rejuvenate your skin, try mastering Japanese facial massage from Tanaka Yukuko, a talented stylist from the land of the rising sun. Judging by the reviews of ordinary people who have already tried it, and experienced cosmetologists, it is worth spending time on it.

    A little history of Japanese massage

    In fact, the Japanese Asahi (a name that sounds very beautiful when translated as “morning sun massage”) is old and effective method return of youth. The technique of its implementation has been honed over centuries, its effectiveness has been proven by a large number of the most enthusiastic reviews. In our time, it was revived by Tanaka Yukuko, a popular Japanese stylist. Taught her the basic nuances of massage dear grandmother, although Tanaka herself brought it to perfection.

    She published all her work, experience, and observations in a book published in 2007 - “Facial Massage.” If you want to fully master this technique, you should find this publication and study it.

    Mechanism of action on the skin

    The Japanese Zogan facial massage (another name for this technique) has a truly wonderful effect if performed correctly and regularly. What is the secret of the rejuvenation that is so easy to achieve with its help? The thing is that with proper stimulation of the right points, skin cells seem to awaken from sleep and begin to work in full force. Here's how it happens:

    • the deepest tissues are targeted, unlike standard techniques, when light stroking movements along massage lines do not affect the underlying tissues, and they remain indifferent;
    • Another significant difference between Japanese massage and European techniques is that it is performed not with the tips of the fingers, as we are all accustomed to, but with the whole palm;
    • a detoxification effect occurs: movements within the Japanese massage are made along the lymphatic vessels, focusing in the areas where the lymph nodes are located;
    • it improves lymph outflow;
    • toxins are actively removed;
    • the muscles of the facial part of the head are toned and strengthened;
    • the oval of the face acquires clearer contours;
    • the severity of wrinkles is significantly reduced;
    • the appearance and color of the skin noticeably improves.

    The process of Japanese massage involves skin, muscles, connective tissue and even (surprisingly!) the bones of the skull.

    This is the effect that the Japanese Asahi-Zogan facial massage has, the art of which can be mastered by every woman whose dream is to stop time and slow down, as far as possible, the aging processes occurring with her skin. Since the body’s lymphatic system, which is very important for human health, is involved in the process, you need to keep in mind the indications and contraindications for carrying out such a powerful massage.

    Indications for Japanese massage

    Keep in mind that Japanese facial massage Tsogan cannot be done by everyone and not at all ages. Since it has a targeted effect, you need to know in what cases cosmetologists recommend doing it. It will actually have an effect on the skin in the following cases:

    • if you wake up every morning with swelling on the face: they indicate that your lymphatic system is not functioning correctly, and Japanese Tanaka facial massage normalizes it and promotes the outflow of fluid;
    • with facial contours blurred with age when the oval is spoiled by jowls, a double chin and other saggy folds;
    • When complexion has an unhealthy tint: yellowish or gray, for example;
    • considered the most effective Japanese facial massage for wrinkles, and from any - both facial and age-related.

    Usually no one complains about the results, because they become noticeable a couple of weeks after the first procedure. However, they can only be achieved by those who take into account not only the indications, but also the contraindications for Japanese massage.

    About contraindications

    Before you deal with age-related changes affecting your skin, please note that rejuvenating Japanese facial massage has the following contraindications:

    • diseases of the lymphatic system;
    • pharyngitis;
    • ENT pathologies;
    • skin rashes of any kind on the face;
    • ARVI;
    • rosacea;
    • chronic fatigue syndrome;
    • thin, sensitive skin.

    Due to its powerful effect on the body's lymphatic system, Japanese can aggravate the course of these diseases, cause a number of side effects and not give the desired results.

    In order not to be disappointed in this rejuvenation technique, be sure to adhere to these contraindications. If your health is fine, you can begin to master the technique of performing this amazing massage.

    Describing Japanese facial massage in her book, Yukuko Tanaka described in detail how, under what conditions and even in what mood it should be performed. Every little thing matters. If we sum it all up useful tips and recommendations for those who want to master the technique of performing Japanese rejuvenating massage, the following postulates are obtained.

    1. All manipulations must be done exclusively on clean skin. Therefore, wash your face before the procedure, remove all residues decorative cosmetics any cleanser.
    2. The facial skin at the time of the massage should be absolutely dry. If there is any moisture left on it after washing, blot it with a cosmetic napkin.
    3. The greatest effect can be achieved if you clean the pores with a scrub beforehand. This must be done at least once a week.
    4. Study where the lymphatic vessels and nodes are located on the face and neck, so that you can skillfully influence them during a massage. This is the main condition for its effectiveness.
    5. Each movement must be done in a strict direction created specifically for it.
    6. The pressure applied when manipulating with your fingers should be noticeable, but not painful.
    7. The back should be straight during the Japanese Zogan massage. It is better to do it sitting or standing. But if you cannot keep your posture straight, it is better to lie down.
    8. The massage time is from 10 to 15 minutes.
    9. Before the procedure, your face and hands should be lubricated with a special massage cream. Don't forget to check for allergies.

    If you follow the advice of Tanaka Yukuko and regularly perform Japanese facial massage competently and competently, the results will not take long to arrive. These helpful tips will help you make the procedure effective and as beneficial as possible. Don't forget to study the location of lymph nodes and vessels on the face.

    Before practicing Japanese Zogan massage, you will have to carefully study the anatomical atlas, which describes in detail the localization of lymphatic vessels and nodes on the face. Without this knowledge, it is impossible to fulfill the prerequisite for proper massage - normalization of lymph flow. Lymph nodes are located on the face and neck in the following places:

    1. Around the ears.
    2. Behind the ears.
    3. On the back of the head.
    4. On the lower jaw.
    5. Under the tongue.
    6. In the corners of the lower jaw.
    7. On the neck.

    When working with these points, according to Japanese massage from Yukuko Tanaka, you need to be extremely careful. If all movements have sufficient pressure, then in these places it must be weakened. This also applies to the basic rules of the Japanese Asahi massage technique, which is designed to make even mature, wrinkled skin, which has been touched by inexorable years, young and beautiful.

    Asahi massage technique

    To master the correct execution of the Asahi massage, it is best to watch the training video in advance and read it again detailed description each movement, practice, and then practice. If you have any doubts, you can make an appointment with a master for the first session and during the massage carefully monitor the manipulation of his skillful, professional hands. This will help you understand many aspects of the procedure.

    • Finishing movement

    Oddly enough, you need to start by mastering the final movement, which will complete any Asahi exercise. Here's how it's done:

    1. Using 3 fingers (middle, index, ring) of both hands, press (lightly) on a point located near the very shells of the ears - in the area of ​​the lymph nodes.
    2. Pressing should be done not with your fingertips, but with the entire length, while pressing your fingers tightly to your face.
    3. The duration of pressure should be approximately 2 seconds.
    4. After this, smoothly go down to the collarbones, but do not change the intensity of the pressure.

    This movement is the main one in Japanese Zorgan massage, so you should definitely master it one of the first.

    • Forehead

    Press 3 fingers (middle, index, ring) of both hands tightly to the center of the forehead. After 3 seconds, smoothly move them to the temples, without stopping the pressure. Near your temples, turn your palms 90°C, move them down, and perform the final exercise.

    • Eyes

    Use the pads of your middle fingers to touch the outer corners of your eyes, slide without pressure to the inner corners, resting on the bridge of your nose - this will be the point of beauty (stay there for 3 seconds). Increase the pressure and move your fingers in a circle below the eyebrows, where the very edge of the eye socket is located. Stop at the outer corners and press there for 3 seconds. Release the pressure and return to the inner corner, following along the lower eyelid. Increase the pressure, return along the lower eye socket to the outer corner, hold the point, pressing lightly. Make the finishing move.

    • Lips

    Place the ring and middle fingers in the center of the chin, press and hold. Move your fingers around your lips with intense pressure. Complete the movement at the very center above the upper lip, and hold the pressure at this point for several seconds.

    • Nose

    Place your middle fingers near the wings of your nose in the depressions, make 5 sliding, smooth movements from bottom to top, then back. Attach your ring finger, intensively rub the back of your nose, move towards your cheeks.

    • Lower face

    Press your three middle fingers firmly to the center of your chin. Without releasing pressure, move towards the eyes, while bending around the corners of the mouth. Fix near your eyes for 3 seconds, turn your palms, spread them towards your temples.

    • Cheeks

    Place your elbows and palms together in front of you. Open your hands with your palms up, placing the bases of your palms on your lips. Lift them towards your nostrils with force, cover your cheeks with your palms. Hold for 3 seconds. Place your palms towards your temples with pressure.

    These are the basics of Japanese facial massage Asahi-Zogan Yukuko Tanaka, which should be mastered by everyone who dreams of prolonging the youth of their skin and at least somehow slowing down the aging process. It will justify the time spent on it and will definitely please you with its rejuvenating effect. With him it is possible even in years to be without a single wrinkle and surprise everyone with an even tone of elastic, firm skin.