Famous puppeteers. Toys for adults. Dreams of a harlequin

Recruitment to the Art Doll Art Academy is open!

The new project is designed to bring the profession of a puppeteer to a new level.

The program includes theory visual arts, unique author's courses on various technologies, master classes, seminars, excursions.

Our teachers are leading Russian puppeteers, well-known sculptors, painters, art historians, designers, gallery owners, and psychologists.

The uniqueness of the training is the system of nominal creative workshops, personally supervised by famous artists.

Our graduates will master the basic technologies of puppetry, gain basic knowledge of art theory and the opportunity to be guided by professional craftsmen define and shape your unique style in art doll art.


Theoretical part:

Doll history

(A. Zhuravlev - Doctor of Biological Sciences, I. Morozov - Doctor of Philology, T. Varkhotov - Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Methodology of Science)

- 18 hours

History of Western European Art

(A. Khudyakova - corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts (RAH), curator of the DOLLART.RU project, artist, member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia (TSHR)) - 54 hours

History of Russian art

(Z. Klenina, art historian) - 24 hours

History of Soviet Art (Z. Klenina, art critic) - 20 hours

The history of material culture in images and costume

(S. Rumyantseva, artist, chairman of the Art Doll Section of the TSHR) - 44 hours

The latest history of the Russian modern art doll

(N. Pobedina, artist, chairman of the Association of Puppet Artists of the Moscow Union of Artists (MA)) - 4 hours

Literary story in art. Myths, legends, literature

(A. Khudyakova - corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts (RAH), curator of the DOLLART.RU project, artist, member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia (TSHR)) - 22 hours

toy history

(S. Romanov, artist, collector) - 8 hours

Ethnics and folklore in modern culture

(N. Velichko, artist, art critic) - 8 hours

Intuitive creativity

(I.Andreeva, artist) - 4 hours

The latest history of foreign modern doll

(I. Naroditskaya, art doll master, member of the Moscow Union of Artists (MOA), member of the National Institute of American Doll Makers (NIADA)) - 4 hours

Freedom of creative expression

(I. Shitueva, psychologist) - 2 hours

The role of interaction between the gallery and the artist in the context of the development of art

(E. Gromova, gallery owner; K. Khudyakov, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, full member of the Russian Academy of Arts, chairman of the TSHR) - 4 hours

Japan far and near

(E.Manshavina, artist, member of the Moscow Union of Artists) - 8 hours

The role of detail in art

(E. Raytorovskaya, artist, member of the Moscow Union of Artists and the Russian Union of Artists) - 8 hours

Total 232 tuition hours

Practical part


(V. Selivanov, sculptor, student and fellow of the Union of Artists of Russia) - 32 hours


(A.Kolpakova, artist, associate professor of the drawing and painting department of the Moscow State University of Design and Technology) - 12 hours


(T. Bulgakova, artist)) - 12 hours


(A.Kolpakova, artist, associate professor of the drawing and painting department of the Moscow State University of Design and Technology) - 24 hours

Styles of arts and crafts

(N. Velichko, artist, art critic) - 20 hours

Papier-mâché doll making technology

(N. Lopusova-Tomskaya, artist, member of the Moscow Union of Artists, TSHR) - 20 hours

Technology for making dolls from porcelain and flumo

(S. Nikulshina, artist, member of the TSHR) - 16 hours

Technology of making a doll from baked polymer masses (I.Kacharava, artist) - 16 hours.

Technology for making dolls from self-hardening masses

(L. Lukyanchuk, artist, member of the TSHR) - 16 hours

Wood doll making technology

(Yu.Petrakova, artist) - 8 hours

Textile doll manufacturing technology

(M. Torocheshnikova, artist, member of the Moscow Union of Artists) - 8 hours

Doll face painting

(A.Kukinova, artist, member of the Moscow Union of Artists, member of the TSHR) - 12 hours

Costume and accessories for the doll

(S. Nikulshina, artist, member of the TSHR) - 8 hours

Costume design

(N. Pobedina, artist, chairman of the Association of Puppet Artists of the Moscow Union of Artists (MA)) - 8 hours

Making a Japanese style doll

(E. Manshavina, artist, member of the Moscow Union of Artists) - 8 hours

Total 220 academic hours

Excursions (S. Rumyantseva, Z. Klenina, V. Selivanov) - 12 academic hours

Diploma design (A. Khudyakova, N. Pobedina, N. Lopusova-Tomskaya, S. Rumyantseva,

I. Naroditskaya) - 40 academic hours


1.Anatomical drawing

(V. Selivanov, sculptor, student and fellow of the Union of Artists of Russia -12 hours

2.Coloristic dyeing of fabric (A. Kolpakova, artist, associate professor of the drawing and painting department of the Moscow State University of Design and Technology) - 12 hours

3. Making a cotton toy

(S. Romanov, artist, collector) - 8 hours

4. Making a Christmas tree retro toy

(E. Manshavina, artist, member of the Moscow Union of Artists) - 8 hours

5. Suit technology

(S. Rumyantseva, artist, chairman of the Art Doll Section) - 12 hours

6. Graphic design. Information Technology.

(V. Andrianov, graphic designer) - 12 hours


(A.Telpukhovskaya, professional photographer) - 12 hours

8. Psychological trainings (I. Shitueva, psychologist) - 12 hours

Board of Trustees:

Khudyakov K.V. - honored artist Russian Federation, full member of the Russian Academy of Arts (RAH), chairman of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia (TSHR)

Gromova E.M. - gallerist

Rudkovskaya A.A. - collector

Andreeva T.B. - collector

Rumyantseva S. M - Chairman of the Art Doll Section

Khudyakova A.K. - corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts (RAH), curator of the DOLLART.RU project

Creative Union of Artists of Russia (TSHR)

Pobedina N. S. - Chairman of the Association of Puppeteers of the Moscow Union of Artists (MOA)

The most interesting event for puppeteers and connoisseurs of this art is the annual exhibition - a bright, colorful, and truly fabulous show takes place in Moscow for the eighth time. I want to note that on Sunday, the 17th is the last day.

As they used to call into tents with spectacular performances: “Hurry to see!”

4 thousand square meters of the prestigious exhibition hall in the center of the capital is occupied by the exposition of the best doll artists from around the world: 26 countries, hundreds of authors, thousands of dolls, Teddy bears, installations and projects created specifically for this show.

Every year, the organizers of the exhibition choose dolls that show off on the posters of the event. This year, the “faces of the exhibition” are the works of Hildegard Günzel – Magi and Allure dolls. These beautiful fairies have their own story, invented by the author, according to which they came to the world of people to teach them how to become better and kinder.

I'll show you a few.

Dolls by master Oksana Sakharova, Wings project

Doll Hildegard Gunzel

Hildegard Günzel is one of the most famous and eminent puppet masters of our time. Having a diploma from the German School of Fashion, she became interested in dolls and their design; her first works were dolls-decorations on a string. The theme captivated the designer: Gyuntsel began to work with plaster, later she became interested in puppets and a boudoir doll. Her current technique is painting on white porcelain with a special wax coating, with which Günzel achieves a stunning naturalism - "know-how" and the secret of a master.

Boudoir doll Mikaela (92 cm), master Anna Terekhova

From year to year, the exhibition exhibits the works of laureates of the Pandora Platinum Prize, the founders of which are the Foundation for the Culture of Support and Encouragement of the Development of the Puppet Theater "Puppets of the World". The award is intended to reflect the path passed by the masters in order to evaluate the contribution of each artist to puppetry.

The Hazeki Office team presents a new exposition of the strongest Japanese puppeteers UNIQUE DOLL ART.

UNIQUE DOLL ART project (Japan).

Master Olga Sidorova in her project ZODIAC presents 12 porcelain dolls, each of which is based on paintings by Peter Lowman. Each sign of the zodiac expresses the individuality of a person and symbolizes his soul and emotions - this is what the artist tried to reflect in her works.

Olga Sidorova, ZODIAC project

Porcelain doll Margarita Tsvetkova "Girl with forget-me-nots".
Photo by Anastasia Gusarova


Textile dolls of the participant of the exhibition "The Art of the Doll" Elena Gribanova

Opening a gallery in the Central House of Artists in 1997, Irina Myzina dreamed of opening a new kind of art for our country to the Russian public - artistic collectible dolls. Irina, together with a team of enthusiasts, proved that copyright art dolls- this is a separate direction of art, as significant as painting or sculpture.

Craft puppet masters is a game, fine arts and needlework at the same time. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in drawing (see choosing a profession for interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

If a sculptor or painter creates works of fine art, then the craft of a puppeteer seems to be something frivolous.

What is a doll performed by a puppeteer? This is an artistic image, a toy imitation of a living creature - a person, an animal, and maybe even evil spirits. But at the same time, it is a balanced design that makes the doll stable and, in some cases, mobile.

Ask any child which dolls he is more interested in: motionless beauties or those whose arms and legs move? Surely he will choose a simpler doll, but with which you can interact: with bending arms and legs. At worst, groovy.

For those who appreciate the doll as an artistic phenomenon, the unusual design and craftsmanship will be in the foreground.

art dolls self made seldom fall into the hands of children. Their destiny is to decorate interiors with themselves, to exhibit in galleries. In addition, there are puppet actors who play their roles in puppet theaters and cartoons. Moreover, in the puppet-actor, it is not beauty that is important, but expressiveness and ease of control.

To create a doll, you need to come up with and embody her appearance, character. If we are talking about a clockwork puppet or a puppet-actor, you also need to think about the internal structure, mechanics.

The doll artist has to work with fabrics, wood, polymer clay, porcelain, paints and many other materials. And each of them requires special technologies that the artist has to master.

No wonder they say that the craft of a puppeteer is an art on the one hand, and a game on the other. For a real artist, a doll is almost a living being. And a puppet for the theater is also a character in a play. And the more skillful the puppeteer, the more alive the character turns out.

The puppets in the theater are puppets and tablet puppets. The puppet is controlled by strings on which parts of its “body” are suspended. The puppeteer rises above the puppet and, pulling the strings, sets it in motion.

With tablet puppets, the opposite is true: the puppeteer hides behind a screen, and the puppet is above it. It is controlled by handles and levers.

The doll used in the animated film does not need any strings or handles. It is arranged in such a way that the multiplier can gradually change its position. A huge number of shots are taken, each of which conveys part of the movement. The doll comes to life on the screen when all the shots are shown one after another.


A puppet master can work in his workshop, most likely right at home. A puppet theater artist works in a theater workshop. Animation film puppeteer works in an animation studio.

Important qualities

The profession of a puppeteer implies artistic abilities, a rich imagination, the ability to notice characteristic or unusual features in others, a penchant for working with hands, perseverance, and a sense of humor.

Knowledge and skills

A puppeteer must be able to draw, sculpt, knit, design, work with textiles, wood, etc.

Puppet master training

You can become a puppeteer for a puppet theater by graduating