Stomach pain during pregnancy: when to be alarmed. Stomach hurts during pregnancy: when you need to be alarmed I watched the video “17th week of pregnancy” - there the baby is already so active and mobile! But I still don’t feel his movements. Doesn't this mean a violation?

Most women associate pregnancy with great time and harmonious development of the child. However, they do not always think about the problems and troubles of this period. One of them is pain.

Sometimes a wonderful period of pregnancy can be overshadowed by pain, which most often occurs in the abdomen and back. Pain at the 17th week of pregnancy is one of the most common phenomena, since it is from this period that the belly begins to grow. However, despite the nature of the spasms, it is necessary to consult a doctor to eliminate the threat of interruption.

Abdominal pain at 17 weeks of pregnancy: uterine growth or threat of miscarriage

Usually this week of pregnancy proceeds calmly and without pain, but in some cases, due to the growing uterus, a feeling of heaviness or sharp cramps may occur. You need to pay attention to pain in the 17th week of pregnancy and be sure to consult a doctor. Most often, pain at the 17th week of pregnancy is sharp and stabbing in nature, it occurs with sudden movements or lifting heavy objects. As soon as the woman calms down and rests, the pain disappears.

In this case, there is no need to worry; often these spasms mark the 17th week of pregnancy. The stomach hurts not only during the growth of the uterus, but also when there is a threat of termination of pregnancy. In this case, the pain will be regular and aching, and discharge is possible. Under no circumstances should you wait or self-medicate. You need to see a doctor urgently!

In most cases, pregnant women with pain in the lower abdomen are prescribed painkillers, the main one of which is Noshpa. If at the 17th week of pregnancy your stomach hurts or cramps appear, then taking this particular drug is indicated, since it has a herbal composition, which is absolutely safe for the child. For uterine tone, if the stomach hurts at 17 weeks of pregnancy, Magne B6 is prescribed, which relaxes the muscles of the pelvis and uterus and eliminates spasms. It is also used for cramps in the arms and legs during pregnancy.

Pain in the stomach and intestines

At first glance, it may seem that pregnant women may only suffer from abdominal pain associated with the growth of the uterus or miscarriage. But this is far from true, especially if you are 17 weeks pregnant. A pulling in the stomach, stabbing pains occur - these are also signs of improper functioning of the intestines, and if there are also spasms in the stomach area, then, most likely, problems with the gastrointestinal tract. At the 17th week of pregnancy, the stomach is pulled more often precisely because of improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

This is due to the fact that by the second trimester toxicosis disappears and appetite appears, the woman begins to eat quite a lot, as a result, the stomach and intestines become clogged, which are especially sensitive during pregnancy. At the 17th week of pregnancy, when the stomach is tight due to a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, doctors prescribe herbal preparations that will help cleanse the organs and will not harm the baby. These are “Mezim”, “Gastrapharm”, “Smecta”.

You cannot endure the pain; you can additionally take one Noshpa tablet. And, of course, it is important to follow a diet, try to eat more fruits, vegetables, foods containing fiber, and do not forget to drink enough water.

Dangerous abdominal pain: what to do?

Despite the fact that pain during pregnancy occurs quite often, it is necessary to treat it very carefully. The 17th week of pregnancy is especially important. My back hurts and my stomach hurts - this is dangerous symptom for any pregnant woman. If at 17 weeks of pregnancy your back hurts, sharp, increasing cramps appear in the abdominal area, then you need to urgently consult a doctor or call ambulance. With such pain, you need to react immediately! But if you are 17 weeks pregnant and only your back hurts, then most likely the placenta is located on the back wall of the uterus, the fetus is growing, and the load on the lower back increases. This suggests that you will soon need a bandage, which will ease the load until the end of pregnancy.

However, if you are 17 weeks pregnant, your stomach is constantly tugging, your back is aching, then you should think about whether everything is okay with the baby. First of all, you need to contact a gynecologist and talk about the nature of the pain. If it is sudden and sharp, begins in the abdomen and radiates to the lower back, or is constantly aching, regardless of the degree of load, then there may be a threat of interruption. If at 17 weeks the stomach is constantly pulling, then continuous medical supervision is necessary.

Another cause of pain may be premature placental abruption. This is possible both at the 17th week of pregnancy, when the stomach is tight, and at a later stage. One of the important symptoms, in addition to abdominal and back pain, is spotting or even significant blood loss.

As soon as such symptoms appear, you need to urgently go to the doctor or call an ambulance! It must be remembered that any pain during pregnancy can be dangerous, so it is better to immediately consult a doctor who is monitoring the pregnancy. If your stomach hurts at the 17th week of pregnancy, then it is important to exclude all physical activity, constantly be at rest, lie down more, and do not use hot water. If your stomach begins to hurt at the 17th week of pregnancy due to the growth of the uterus and the beginning of displacement of internal organs, then doctors prescribe Noshpa and Magne B6, and sometimes Papaverine. If your stomach hurts at 17 weeks, but it does not threaten the fetus, then you can take an infusion of lingonberries or cranberries, and if the cramps intensify, take ½ Noshpa tablet. However, you should not self-medicate and it is better to consult a doctor immediately.

The fifth month of your pregnancy begins. Time flies by unnoticed expectant mother, she is more concerned about future motherhood. Soon you will be able to feel the movement of your baby if you have not yet experienced this wonderful feeling.

Fetal development at 17 weeks of gestation

Assuming a normal pregnancy, the baby grows rapidly and also gains weight quickly. He has already stretched to about 13 cm and has noticeably gained weight: about 140 grams.

There is a very high probability that at this time you will be able to feel the baby moving for the first time. The movements are practically imperceptible, and each woman has her own description of this. Some compare it with the fluttering of a butterfly’s wings, and there are also comparisons with the barely noticeable splashing of a fish. One way or another, even if the baby announced himself at this time, it is impossible to predict his movements. In addition, a significant part of the movements are simply not noticed by the mother.

At this time, the placenta also develops rapidly. From the first weeks, the placenta is a thin shell with villi, and by the end of pregnancy it is already a dense mass, and its weight will be 480 g. At this stage, the placenta is sufficiently formed, it has a dense network of blood vessels, thanks to which nutrients pass through and waste substances are eliminated . It is the same size as a baby's.

At the 17th week of pregnancy, the deposition of “brown fat” occurs; it is a special type of adipose tissue, very important for organizing the body’s heat exchange, because The baby's skin is still very thin for formation.

The child at this stage is already developing the ability to respond to loud sounds from the outside. According to the results of special studies, when scanning with an ultrasound machine, you can notice how the baby changes its movement activity after hearing the sounds produced by a special device, which is located near the mother’s abdominal wall. This indicates that the mother can and should introduce the baby to music, song, tell fairy tales and read rhymes.

The primordia of baby teeth are covered by the underlying tissue of the tooth. The formation of permanent teeth is formed. By this time, the baby’s immune system is already completing its formation. At the moment, it can form interferon and immunoglobulin. And now mother’s infectious diseases are not so dangerous. Rib cage the child makes breathing movements. It is already possible to hear the beating of a small heart using a specialized device.

The productive activity of the adrenal glands increases, which results in the synthesis of necessary hormones. The pituitary gland actively begins to work, and the connection with the hypothalamus becomes stronger.

At this stage, the baby’s skin is covered with birth lubricant, white-pink in color, and it is this that will serve while he is in amniotic fluid ah protection against infections. After birth, it will be removed from the newborn’s body.

Woman at this stage

By this time, your weight has increased from approximately 2.3 to 4.5 kg. The heart's work became one and a half times faster than usual. All this is necessary to help the placenta feed the growing baby. Blood circulation increases, which subsequently increases pressure on the blood vessels of the small circle. As a result, bleeding from the nose or gums is possible. Sweating and sexual discharge may also increase.

Your child already has his own immune system, but the expectant mother should not relax. Eliminate foods and drinks containing caffeine from your diet. Add less salt to your food and ensure an increased supply of calcium to your body. Pay attention to vaginal discharge, as it is likely to appear or worsen.

Start performing a special complex physical exercise, provided that you have no health restrictions. This is necessary primarily to strengthen the muscles of the genitals. You also need to master the technique of relaxing the muscles of the perineum and abdominal muscles, study the features. All this will play an important role in the process of childbirth. The fundus of the uterus at this stage is located 4-5 cm down from the navel. The uterus continues to grow, but most of all it increases in length, not in breadth, acquiring an oval shape. The uterus has already filled the small pelvis and continues to grow, rising to the stomach; in the near future it will reach the liver.

The expectant mother begins to experience pain in her lower back, this is due to the growth of the baby and, accordingly, his weight. Therefore, try to rest as often as possible when you feel tired and uncomfortable. However, do not forget about activity, do household chores, take walks.

By this stage it has increased, and the tummy has also grown accordingly. The waist is practically no longer visible. But stretch marks are already beginning to appear on the skin. Therefore, you should not stop using cosmetics skin care. Your skin is probably a little dry right now, your breasts are plump and a web of veins is visible on the surface. An enlarged tummy and swollen breasts will no longer allow mom to sleep on her stomach. There is a possibility that you may experience discomfort in the calf muscle area while you sleep. These are the consequences of a lack of calcium in the body. At the same time, the thyroid gland is now functioning most actively, which results in increased sweating and fatigue.

As mentioned above: the uterus continues to grow, while its size puts pressure on the intestines. As a result, heartburn and increased gas formation appear. This can be prevented with proper nutrition and an active lifestyle. The appearance of a burning sensation and pain in the perineal area after emptying the bladder indicates the occurrence of cystitis, the appearance of which is not uncommon during pregnancy.

By this time, there is a possibility that the pregnant woman’s face will also change: her nose will swell a little, her lips seem to have become larger, and a blush appears on her cheeks. It is likely that there were dark spots. All this will disappear after childbirth.

Abdomen at 17 weeks of pregnancy: pain

Quite often, at seventeen weeks, there are sipping sensations in the area of ​​the sides of the abdomen. This nagging pain on the sides of the abdomen is the result of stretching of the ligaments that hold the rapidly expanding uterus.

In the case when the abdominal pain is nagging and the lower abdomen is aching, and cramping pain appears, reminiscent of pain during menstruation, this is probably a consequence of increased uterine tone. If you do experience such pain, do not make sudden movements and lie down immediately. If the pain does not go away after a certain period of time, contact your doctor.

But immediate action requires the appearance of bloody discharge with nagging and spasmodic pain in the abdominal area. This is very dangerous, as it indicates an increasing risk of miscarriage. Therefore, if the above symptoms occur, call an ambulance immediately and, if necessary, go to the hospital.


Above in this article we found out that bloody discharge is not a favorable symptom, especially if accompanied by abdominal pain. If you notice that the discharge has acquired a spotting brown, cream or pink tint, then you should immediately report these manifestations to your doctor. This discharge may become bleeding.

Another immediate consultation and in-depth analysis is required by the fact that the expectant mother has detected green discharge in herself, yellow color, purulent, curd-like in nature, discharge with the presence of flakes and a bad odor. This indicates some disturbances in the pregnancy process along with the appearance of a genital tract infection. Basically, the infection is accompanied not only by a change in discharge, but also by the appearance of discomfort in the genital area in the form of itching, burning and swelling. After making a final diagnosis (the causes of such changes may be candidiasis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, vulvitis, etc.), the specialist has the opportunity to determine the most optimal treatment option. It is imperative to follow this treatment to avoid the possibility of infection of the fetus.

Normal discharge at this stage is of a moderate, homogeneous nature with a light or milky color and a subtle sour odor.


Usually it is not diagnosed at the 17th week of pregnancy, but if necessary, your doctor may order an unscheduled ultrasound. Then you will have the opportunity to see with your own eyes how much your child has grown. You can also find out the gender of your unborn baby if he turns the right way.

At this time, the specialist will assess whether all processes are proceeding normally. Along with measuring the length of the fetus, the doctor will examine the heartbeat, motor activity, make sure there are no gross malformations and chromosomal abnormalities, and the general condition of the uterus, placenta and amniotic fluid.

  • Start practicing fractional meals

  • Do not take a long walk after eating, because... it helps move food through the intestines

  • Introduce jelly, soups, broths into your diet; all these dishes are an excellent preventive measure against heartburn.

  • Eliminate berries, sour fruits, strong and coffee, as well as fatty, spicy and smoked foods from your diet.

  • You can get rid of it by drinking half a glass of squeezed potato juice, milk or mineral water no gases. You should not take soda, because this will cause gas formation and will further increase the severity of heartburn.
  • How do you feel at 17 weeks of pregnancy? How do you feel?

    Your pregnancy continues and you are already on the threshold of the fifth month. The 17th week of pregnancy is the time to sing lullabies and read books to your baby, who not only hears you, but can even discern your mood.

    The tummy is noticeably rounded, and it does not interfere with your active lifestyle, but you may feel some discomfort after a long walk or a heavy lunch. What specific changes are happening to you, and how has the baby changed at 17 weeks of pregnancy?

    Pregnancy 17 weeks

    Week 17 is the beginning of the fifth month of pregnancy. By this time, you, along with your baby, have gained at least 3 kg from the initial weight. The norm in the second trimester is an increase of 300 grams every seven days. But this is more of a theory, but in practice, both underweight and weight gain of up to 7 kg are possible.

    This is due to heredity, the size of the fetus, your diet, as well as mobility. Even if you go overboard with the mass, there is no need to worry without side unpleasant sensations. Your well-being is the main signal.

    Regarding the size of the abdomen, even an experienced specialist cannot tell certain parameters. In fragile girls, the tummy will be more noticeable and larger; in addition, the volume is affected by the location of the fetus: if the baby is presented near the back wall of the abdomen, the waist volume will be significantly smaller.

    Baby development at 17 weeks

    At the height of the 17th week of pregnancy, what happens to the baby? Imagine, your baby is the size of a pear, already 12 cm long, and weighs up to 140 grams.

    1. The most important achievement is that the child can already distinguish between voices and sounds. The sound is transformed into a nerve impulse and reaches the brain. What’s interesting is that after birth, the baby recognizes voices, and he already has a favorite lullaby, to which he often fell asleep in his tummy. Actively involve your dad in the conversations;
    2. At this time, the baby is already beginning to produce interferon and immunoglobulin, so his body is already protected by the immune system. But you should not relax and, in turn, protect your child and yourself from viruses and colds (an important article on this topic: Colds during pregnancy >>>);
    3. If until the 17th week the baby’s body was skin and bones, now subcutaneous fat deposits are beginning to form, which will protect the baby from the cold. The skin itself becomes more sensitive, the sweat glands become active;
    4. At the 17th week of pregnancy, the child actively swallows, while he drinks 400 ml of liquid per day. He can write, sometimes hiccups, and you can even hear these special sounds, perhaps feel them;
    5. At week 17, the baby’s permanent teeth form; they are located behind the milk teeth;
    6. The heart is finally formed, the lungs are improved, the adrenal glands are actively working and the necessary hormones are produced.

    At 17 weeks of pregnancy, fetal development is progressing by leaps and bounds, and despite its small size, the baby expresses its emotions and can even rebel by knocking on the tummy.

    Mom's well-being

    Your feelings at the 17th week of pregnancy may be slightly overshadowed by pain in the back due to a shift in the center of gravity, as well as rapid fatigue and rapid heartbeat. On the positive side, the size of the tummy does not interfere with leading a normal lifestyle, and toxicosis, as a rule, should no longer be a concern at week 17.

    Uterus size at 17 weeks gestation

    What happens to mom at 17 weeks is largely explained by the size of the uterus. Now the height of the fundus is just below the navel, about 4 cm. At the 17th week of pregnancy, the uterus quickly rises up, squeezing your internal organs. These changes explain your frequent urge to urinate, heartburn, and shortness of breath that occurs even after light exercise.

    To ease your condition, choose a comfortable position for resting on your side, eat often, but in small portions, and take your time while eating. By the way, you can no longer sleep on your stomach, as well as on your back, at the 17th week of pregnancy, and to make it more comfortable to sit on your side, buy a special pillow for pregnant women. It will be useful to you both during pregnancy and after - for feeding the baby.

    Pain at 17 weeks

    All acceptable painful sensations that you may experience at 17 weeks of pregnancy are associated with a growing uterus.

    • Pain in the lower abdomen. When your stomach hurts at the 17th week of pregnancy, and the nature of the pain is pulling, aching, similar to the condition before menstruation, this can be explained by the growing uterus and stretching of the ligaments. In addition, you will find useful information in the article: During pregnancy, the lower abdomen pulls >>>;
    • Pain in the back. At the 17th week of pregnancy, the belly is growing, there is a load on the back, so it is quite possible that you will feel pain in the sacrum or lower back. You can put on a special bandage, massage your back a little, rest more often (article on the topic: Back pain during pregnancy >>>);
    • Headache. The load on your body in the 17th week is constantly increasing, the circulatory system works for two, so at this stage dizziness, nosebleeds, and bleeding gums are possible. Migraines may bother you. Read the important article: Headache during pregnancy >>>;
    • Leg pain. A feeling of heaviness in the legs and varicose veins are common in the fifth month. If you have such problems, use special tights, approved cosmetics and ointments, rest more often in a comfortable position, review your wardrobe and choose comfortable shoes.

    Abnormal phenomena include pain when urinating; most likely, there is an inflammatory process; it is necessary to undergo tests.

    Bleeding. Discharge

    You will have discharge at the 17th week of pregnancy, but the norm is clear or slightly white, without a distinct odor and in moderate quantities. Everyday pads should be enough for you for a day. All other manifestations are danger signals:

    1. Curd discharge with a sour smell is a symptom of thrush and should not be ignored; at 17 weeks of pregnancy you can use Hexicon suppositories. Read about other treatment methods in the article on the website: Thrush during pregnancy >>>;
    2. Yellow or brownish discharge at 17 weeks of pregnancy will indicate inflammatory processes. Additional examination is necessary;
    3. Bloody discharge is an undesirable symptom. There is a risk of miscarriage, frozen pregnancy or placental abruption
    4. Small spots of blood, especially after sexual intercourse or an examination by a gynecologist, will indicate the presence of erosion.

    At this stage, you may experience irritation and itching, especially in hot weather. This could be a simple allergic reaction to underwear or tight clothing; it may have caused itching sanitary napkin with impregnation.

    Feelings at 17 weeks

    • The most memorable sensations are the baby’s movements, which at the 17th week of pregnancy appear more clearly and actively. The child may become angry if he does not like the noise or is hungry, while the baby will actively move and tap his tummy;
    • You may feel dizzy and short of breath after walking a short section of the road. Take time to relax and catch your breath;
    • Frequent urge to go to the toilet is a classic of the genre in the second trimester. The uterus presses on the bladder, hence the urge. In addition, you go to the toilet for two, since the baby actively drinks and pees. Interesting article on the topic: Frequent urination during pregnancy >>>;
    • Painful breast swelling, which was observed on early stages, by the 17th week of pregnancy it should go away, at the same time you may notice small pimples around the areola, this is a normal phenomenon and after childbirth and feeding everything will go away;
    • Changes in mood are a normal state for the 17th week of pregnancy, you are at the mercy of hormones and culinary desires, the main thing is: control yourself and do not allow yourself to be mopey. Remember that a turning point has come, and at the 17th week of pregnancy, what happens to the mother, the baby feels it all.

    Narrow issues of pregnancy

    A cloudless mood and joyful communication with your baby can be ruined by an unexpected cold. It's time to find out how to deal with it and what you need to give up at 17 weeks of pregnancy.


    Before you panic while looking at the thermometer, you need to find out what temperature is considered normal during pregnancy. During pregnancy, a constant body temperature of up to 37 degrees is acceptable. Higher rates can be explained by changes in hormonal levels, as well as weakened immunity.

    Know! If even such a low temperature at 17 weeks of pregnancy is accompanied by chills, runny nose or cough, then most likely we are talking about a cold or viral disease.

    Cold at 17 weeks of pregnancy

    1. Colds during pregnancy are especially dangerous in the 1st trimester. By week 17, the placenta protects the baby, and interferon and immunoglobulin are already formed in the baby. A mild cold will not affect the child’s development, but rather will affect you;
    2. Since most medications are on the prohibited list, you will have to treat yourself with herbs and warm seagulls, you can rinse your nose with saline solution or sea salt. Read the important article: How to gargle during pregnancy >>>;
    3. You can’t bear the disease on your feet, you need to take sick leave and rest;
    4. At high temperature, above 38 degrees, you can take Paracetamol and Ibuprofen or their analogues;
    5. Analgesics and herbal medicines that cause bleeding are strictly prohibited;
    6. At viral infection a specialist can prescribe you suppositories, for example Kipferon, which will protect the child from the penetration of viruses through the placental barrier.


    In the absence of contraindications, such as threat of miscarriage, genital infections, sexual relations between partners are not only allowed, but also welcomed. Of course, the contact itself should be gentle and careful, you should not feel discomfort or pain. Sex at 17 weeks of pregnancy brings you closer and gives you, your partner and your baby positive emotions.

    Alcohol at 17 weeks

    Whether at 17 weeks or 30, alcohol is contraindicated. Firstly, ethanol enters the baby’s blood and poisons him from the inside. Secondly, alcoholic drinks provoke spasms in blood vessels and the umbilical cord, which can lead to oxygen starvation of the child.

    Interestingly, British scientists are not so categorical about alcohol. They believe that in small doses, for example 1 tablespoon, red wine is even useful for raising hemoglobin. And such treatment is allowed only from the 17th week.

    By the way, for appetite and increased hemoglobin, you can drink a glass of non-alcoholic wine, which is produced in the traditional way, but before drinking, ethyl alcohol is completely removed from the drink.

    Examination of mother and child

    • If you are invited to see a doctor at exactly 17 weeks, you will be asked to donate blood and urine to monitor hemoglobin levels and kidney function;
    • Among the specific tests at week 17, screening for congenital pathologies can be noted. If the results are questionable, you will be offered to undergo an unscheduled ultrasound examination, which will either confirm or dispel doubts.

    Ultrasound at 17 weeks of pregnancy

    If you undergo an ultrasound at 17 weeks of pregnancy, a photo of the fetus can be taken as a souvenir. By the way, on this period Gender differences are already clearly visible, so it is quite possible to find out the gender of the heir or heiress at the 17th week of pregnancy.

    During the ultrasound, the specialist will take measurements of the fetus; by the way, at 17 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the fetus should be about 12 cm, check the relationship of all organs in order to exclude pathologies, and check the baby’s heartbeat. By the way, you can ask to listen to your child's heart rhythm. The examination will also affect your organs. The structure and height of the uterus, placenta, and the amount of amniotic fluid are studied.

    Lifestyle at 17 weeks of pregnancy

    By the 17th week of pregnancy, you have already learned well that your lifestyle should be healthy and active. But by the fifth month, you will be more tired, and as your belly grows, it will be more difficult to walk, let alone exercise.

    1. As an option for an active lifestyle - yoga or fitness for pregnant women, swimming;
    2. Walking on fresh air no one canceled, no stuffy rooms and smoking rooms;
    3. Only positive emotions, pleasant music, cultural trips to the theater or exhibitions;
    4. It's time to update your wardrobe, you should go to the store with the inscription “We dress bellies”;
    5. Travel is allowed, but do not go on tours without an exchange card and permission from a gynecologist. It’s better to postpone extreme sports until later, but contemplation of landscapes and mountainous spaces is right on point. Current article: Airplane during pregnancy >>>.

    Don’t forget about rest, by the way, it is at this time that your dreams will be the brightest and most colorful, the main thing is to make yourself more comfortable.


    The fetus is actively developing at 17 weeks of pregnancy, and you are ready to eat for two. But this approach is fraught with extra pounds, so it is not the quantity, but the quality of food that is important.

    • You should increase your caloric intake through proteins, but it is better to reduce the number of carbohydrates. Your menu should include lean meats, fish, dairy products;
    • Please note that at week 17 you may experience constipation. A good prevention of this disease would be to eat salads, yoghurts and other fermented milk products, as well as fruits;
    • At 17 weeks of pregnancy, you may be bothered by heartburn, so give up junk food, soda, and coffee. Eat often, but in small portions. Good remedy for heartburn - oatmeal, light soup, milk. Read an article on this topic: Heartburn during pregnancy, how to get rid of it?>>>;
    • At week 17, your kidneys are working hard, getting used to the double load. Try to minimize the consumption of salt, which retains fluid in the body, causing swelling;
    • Drink at least 2 liters of pure non-carbonated water, you can add green herbal tea, uzvar and unsweetened compotes;
    • Please note that pregnancy is not the time for experimentation. Diets, raw food, fasting are acceptable after childbirth. Now all vegetables and fruits need to be thoroughly washed, and meat and fish should be boiled until 100% cooked.

    You are probably interested in everything related to nutrition during this important period. All helpful information on this issue is collected in the book Secrets of proper nutrition for an expectant mother >>>.

    At 17 weeks of pregnancy, you may encounter a number of problems, both with your skin and hair. Some of them can be solved with the help of cosmetics, others - by consuming vitamins.

    1. To prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the stomach and legs, you need to moisturize the skin with oils, do a light massage while taking a shower Read the article on the website: Stretch marks during pregnancy >>>;
    2. If your hair has become dull, falling out or splitting, they will help nourishing masks for hair at home, you can enrich your diet with products containing vitamins B and E. Avoid visiting stuffy salons with scented cosmetics, and if possible, invite a hairdresser to your home;
    3. You may experience cramps, usually after taking Magnesium, discomfort recede (useful information on this topic in the article: Leg cramps during pregnancy >>>);
    4. If you have veins on your legs, you can try baths with massage, use special ointments, take a course of Calcium with vitamin D;
    5. If your stomach feels tight at 17 weeks and your waistline is steadily increasing, you can start wearing a support bandage;
    6. Try to avoid direct sunlight, especially during peak solar activity. The risk of radiation exposure is very high, in addition, you may develop pigment spots under the influence of UV rays. The optimal time for walking is before 11:00 and after 16:00.

    By the 17th week of pregnancy you must register with antenatal clinic or perinatal center. You should not hide any discomfort or pain from your doctor. If there are certain deviations, together you can choose the right treatment and adjust behavior so that pregnancy brings only positive emotions.