Green stone for cleaning gold name. How to clean gold jewelry with stones. How to clean gold with a matte surface

Chains and earrings, bracelets and rings - jewelry brings a whole sea of ​​pleasure. But the shine of all these “trinkets” can fade very quickly if you don’t make an effort. Learn how to clean gold at home and enjoy its beauty.

For cleaning gold rings and chains at home, you will certainly find these folk recipes useful!

Powder, ammonia and water

Cleaning with ammonia will take several hours, but your accessories will simply sparkle!

    • Ammonia – 1 tsp;
    • Water – 200 ml;
    • Powder – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Step 1. Pour boiled water into a deep plate.
  • Step 2: Add laundry detergent.
  • Step 3. Add ammonia.
  • Step 4. Mix well.
  • Step 5: Place the rings in water for about 2 hours.
  • Step 6: Rinse and dry with a soft cloth.

Dishwashing liquid

Another good method which will allow you to cope with even severe dirt.

Hydrogen peroxide and liquid soap

    • Water – 200 ml;
    • Peroxide – 40 g;
    • Liquid soap – 1 tsp;
    • Ammonia – 1 tsp.

  • Step 1. Warm up the water slightly.
  • Step 2: Add all ingredients.
  • Step 3. Pour the solution into a deep bowl.
  • Step 4: Immerse the gold for about 20 minutes.
  • Step 5: Rinse and dry them.


You can also clean gold jewelry with kitchen salt. It's very easy to do!

By the way, salt in this recipe can be replaced with sugar. The effect will be exactly the same.

Foil, soda and water

These simple ingredients, found in every kitchen, will make gold shine.

Borax solution

If your gold chain is very dirty, try cleaning it with this effective product.

  • Step 1. Soak a piece of silk fabric in the borax solution.
  • Step 2: Lightly polish the jewelry.
  • Step 3. Rinse them and rub them until shiny.

Chalk and ammonia


How to clean gold without harm and without scratches? Take table vinegar, soak a clean rag in it, wipe dirty areas, rinse and dry.


A very unusual method, but quite effective!

  • Step 1: Apply a little light lipstick to Golden ring.
  • Step 2. Walk it over the entire surface.
  • Step 3: Polish the ring until it shines with a piece of velvet.

Onion juice

  • Step 1. Squeeze the juice from the onion.
  • Step 2. Dampen a napkin in it.
  • Step 3. Wipe the jewelry, rinse in clean water and dry with a soft cloth.

Special cleaning paste

How to properly clean jewelry with stones?

Classic cleaning methods are not suitable for gold items with stones. And such products cannot be placed in water. You will need gasoline, cologne or alcohol.

  • Step 1. Dip a cotton swab in any of these liquids.
  • Step 2: Use smooth movements to clean the stones. It is better to do this with a rag, as sharp objects can damage the frame.
  • Step 3. Wipe the jewelry with a clean cloth and dry.

How to clean gold with a matte surface?

Jewelry of this type is becoming more and more popular, but you need to take care of it very carefully. Powders and hard brushes are not suitable for these purposes. We advise you to stock up on lime and ammonia.


  • Lime – 1 tsp;
  • Soda - half a teaspoon;
  • Water – 1 tsp;
  • Salt is on the tip of the knife.
  • Step 1: Combine dry ingredients.
  • Step 2: Add warm water.
  • Step 3. Leave the mixture for 3-4 days.
  • Step 4: Place the gold in this solution for a few hours.
  • Step 5: Rinse and dry.

Gold jewelry is a source of pride for its owner. In order to maintain their attractive appearance, it is necessary to clean them, since during use the products become coated and lose their shine.

For many people, the question is how to clean gold at home in order to get a good and durable result. Knowing the composition of gold jewelry will help you achieve good results.

Gold in its pure form without the addition of other substances is not used, since this metal is very soft, therefore jewelry They contain a number of substances that help improve physical and chemical parameters.

The appearance of plaque is promoted by:

When interacting with surrounding air or water, including sea water, oxidation occurs. It is necessary to clean gold, since contaminants not only spoil the appearance, but also harm health: plaque can cause inflammatory and allergic reactions.

In order for gold to shine effectively and prevent plaque from forming, it is necessary:

  • do not allow the product to come into contact with alkalis and various acids (housework should be carried out with gloves);
  • Avoid exposure to solvents and other aggressive substances (including nail polish removers);
  • protect from exposure to paints and abrasives (remove or wear gloves);
  • do not expose high temperatures and exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

To prevent contamination, the cleaning process should be carried out regularly even if these recommendations are followed.

Nuances of the cleaning process

Before you start cleaning, there are some important things to consider.

  • Many jewelry have complex shapes and places that are difficult to reach on your own, for example, places where stones are inserted, bends, and joints.
  • The container for preparing the cleaning mixture must be selected so that the product can fit completely in it.

If you take these nuances into account, the work will go faster and the result will be of better quality.

Cleaning process: preparing a solution with ammonia

We clean gold correctly using ammonia and regular washing powder. It is necessary to give preference to containers made of glass or plastic to eliminate the possibility of oxidation. To obtain a cleaning solution with ammonia you will need:

  • boiled water – 250 ml;
  • ammonia – 4 ml;
  • washing powder (without coloring additives) – 1 tbsp.

If there is no powder, then you can safely use dishwashing detergent.

The mixture is stirred until the powder dissolves completely, leaving no lumps.

The products are placed in the solution for 2-2.5 hours, after which they must be rinsed with clean running water and wiped dry using a soft, lint-free towel or the same cloth.

If you couldn’t buy ammonia, you can use other recipes that will effectively clean yellow or red gold at home.

1. Use dishwashing detergent as the main component. To do this you will need to take:

  • water – 1 glass;
  • dishwashing detergent (preferably with a softening effect) – 1 tsp.

The container that should be used for the cleaning process should be selected taking into account the fact that the composition will be heated for several minutes. A soft cloth should be placed at the bottom, then the jewelry that needs to be cleaned, and then all the components to create the solution are added to the container. The heating process lasts 10 minutes. Then the products should be removed and rinsed under running water, and dried with a soft towel. The method is suitable for cleaning jewelry and jewelry made of yellow, which is the most popular, and red, which is gaining popularity, gold.

2. Liquid soap and hydrogen peroxide are also used when there is a need to clean gold from dirt and plaque. You will need to mix:

  • water -250 ml;
  • hydrogen peroxide – 40 ml;
  • liquid soap (it is better to choose a soft one, without unnecessary additives) – 1 tsp;
  • ammonia – 1 tsp.

The water needs to be heated, but not boiled - it should be warm, about 37 degrees, then add all the other ingredients and mix. Then put the jewelry that needs cleaning into the container. The holding time is 20 minutes. Finally, gold items should be rinsed with plain water and dried using a lint-free cloth.

3. Salt, which is probably available in every home, is also used to clean gold from dark deposits. Effective method for those who want to achieve a good and durable result, the solution includes the following components:

  • water – 160ml;
  • salt – 3 tbsp.

The ingredients should be mixed until the salt is completely dissolved. The jewelry is placed in the solution for 12 hours, then washed under running water.

4. One more easy way cleaning gold - using foil. The products will shine and sparkle. Required:

  • water -1 glass;
  • soda – 2 tbsp.
  • foil.

Place foil on the bottom of the selected container so that it completely covers the surface. You need to mix water and soda, pour it into a container and put decorations in the solution. The cleaning process also continues for 12 hours, after which the gold should be washed and dried with a soft cloth.

Cleaning gold with a matte finish requires special attention.

5. The number of jewelry made using this type of metal is increasing every day. Therefore, the question of how to clean gold at home without damaging the surface is especially relevant. Accuracy, slowness and delicacy are important here. Powders and brushes cannot be used.

You can use the following solution - ammonia (25% solution). The product is placed in it for 2 hours, then washed with water and wiped dry with a soft cloth.

Lime mixed with water is also suitable for cleaning matte gold items. Lime (3-4 g) needs to be mixed with water, add a little soda (1 g), and mix. The mixture should brew for 3 days. Then the products are placed in it for 4 hours. At the end, the gold is washed as usual and dried with a soft towel.

Mechanical cleaning of yellow and red gold products

In some cases, this method is necessary. For example, if none of the proposed methods has any effect and the contamination remains, mechanical action cannot be avoided. It is important to consider that abrasive pastes are not used in this process, especially if products with cubic zirconia, since the surface of jewelry and stones is very easily scratched.

  • toothpaste(without additional elements);
  • petrolatum;
  • crushed chalk;
  • laundry soap;
  • water.

All components should be mixed well. The soap should first be grated. The proportions of each substance should be the same. The resulting paste is applied to the product using a soft cloth. Then you need to rinse the gold item to get rid of the Vaseline. At the end, the product is additionally rinsed under water and dried.

Mother of two children. I have been running a house for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try different means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, more fulfilling. I love my family.

Let's start with the fact that natural gold, or more simply, without impurities, does not have the property of darkening or losing its shine. But gold jewelry is made from alloys. Don't be afraid. Gold is the main ingredient, and silver, copper and other metals are additives. This is done for hardness, since gold itself is quite soft and deforms quickly and strongly. Any mechanical load produces a defect. Therefore, when taking it to workshops, be sure that they do not keep natural precious metal.

Gold tarnishes due to the presence of impurities of other metals.

Because of this, gold items with stones begin to age and fade. But there are a number of other reasons:

  • There is an oxidizing film on gold products. Therefore, it is not the metal that ages, but the film itself, turning into an antique;
  • The human body always reacts with objects, and gold is no exception, giving a chemical reaction. In addition, there is always sweat and work sebaceous glands uninterrupted, which means the reaction with the metal will be constant;
  • cosmetical tools always cause harm to any product. Only good for the skin, but this makes the metal age and no longer looks attractive;
  • The modern world is full of cars and technology. Accordingly, the air becomes polluted, gases and soot settle not only on clothes or hair, but also on all jewelry. Jewelry with inserts is especially affected;
  • Most of the fair sex do not take off their rings or earrings when washing dishes or preparing dishes. Flour, fats and other substances, one way or another, remain on the jewelry.

All these reasons force women to clean their jewelry at least once a month. It’s easier, of course, to contact a jeweler who will quickly and efficiently carry out the procedure for restoring the shine, but all this requires investment. Therefore, cleaning gold with stones at home is much more profitable. How to do this correctly?

Considering the fact that gold rings and earrings existed back in Kievan Rus, how did the Slavs manage without jewelry workshops? There are a number of ways to clean jewelry without a specialist, and use improvised means:

Ingredients method
Sugar – 2 tbsp. l. + 200 ml water Sugar dissolves in water. The entire gold personal collection is mixed into the liquid and left for 8-12 hours. Remove, rinse, wipe with cotton cloth
Liquid soap or dishwashing detergent 10-15 g + 200 ml water Place a cotton cloth in an enamel container, place decorations on top of it and pour in the ingredients. Boil for 10-15 minutes. Rinse and wipe dry
Ammonia 10 g + 200 ml water + dishwashing detergent (washing powder or soap) 25 g Pour hot water into a glass jar, then all the ingredients and mix. We lower all gold jewelry for 2-3 hours. Rinse with running water and wipe with a cotton cloth.
200 ml water + 2 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide + 5 g soap + 10 g ammonia Mix all ingredients in warm water, lower rings, chains, earrings. Stir again and leave for a few minutes. Rinse and wipe
Rubbing alcohol or gasoline Wipe the embellishment with a cotton swab dipped in one of the substances

In addition to this list of simplest options, you can add traditional methods:

  • chalk + ammonia;
  • borax;
  • 30 minutes in hydrogen sulfate will help remove iodine stains;
  • fresh chicken protein + beer;
  • vinegar;
  • onion juice;
  • dentifrice;
  • lipstick.

Choose one of the gold purification methods and get started

Using this option for cleaning gold with stones at home, the jewelry will look well-groomed, with a natural shine, and most importantly, protected for some time from external influences.

We use chemistry

Using traditional methods has always been more profitable than professional products for processing. They are completely harmless. But what about substances with chemical additives or drugs? Is it safe to use it to clean gold jewelry with stones or white gold? After all, cleaning it yourself is quite practical and convenient.

The substance is suitable for cleaning any sample. Perfectly removes plaque, completely degreases both white and yellow gold. The purchase can always be made at any of the pharmacy points. It does not harm the metal at all and retains all its qualities. You won't need to clean for more than 90 minutes. Time is saved significantly when used in combination with alcohol or dishwashing detergent. It definitely requires dilution, since it is not used in its pure form.

A good remedy for cleaning gold is ammonia

Attention! Do not use ammonia under any circumstances if you need to clean rings or earrings with nickel silver inlay. Also, the substance is not suitable for stone inserts such as coral. Should not be used if the stone is glued and not inserted into the frame.

A solution with added salt is an excellent solvent and cleaner in one. It is always at hand. It is advisable to use extra salt, but regular rock salt will also work. The saline solution will perfectly remove all the dirt that gets between the frame and the stone. All you need is to stir 50 g of salt in warm water. Then throw the products into it and wait at least 8 hours.

Gold in brine

It is better to carry out this procedure at night. The result exceeds all expectations. Dust, residues, dirt, plaque - all this will remain in the water. The hostess gets a brilliant makeover.

Using foil is a good solution for cleaning gold at home. What will you need? Water, soda and glass container. We cover the bottom of the prepared container with foil and at the same time prepare a soda solution (2 tablespoons of soda per half liter of hot water). We lay out all the products on foil. Fill everything with the solution and leave overnight. After 8 hours, rinse under running water and wipe with a cotton cloth.

Cover the bottom with foil and prepared soda solution

How to clean gold earrings without removing them from your ears? As easy as pie. While washing your hair, rub with foam or shampoo. While you are working on your hair, all the dirt will interact with the shampoo. While rinsing, wash the earrings well under the running water. The detergent will also allow any housewife to clean a gold ring directly on her finger. While washing dishes, scrub your jewelry with a washcloth soaked in liquid (some people use an old toothbrush).

Use soap solution or shampoo

For severe contamination or for cleaning earrings, chains and bracelets, dissolve the detergent in water and leave everything to dry for a couple of hours. Then remove and treat with a washcloth or brush. You can boil it in this liquid for 10-15 minutes.

One of the universal ways to add shine to a ring, even if there is a stone, is called lens liquid. You can buy it at an optician or pharmacy. It’s easy to use: pour in all the gold and let it sit for a few minutes. We take it out and wipe it.

Lens solution will also clean gold well.

Cologne or perfume

If you don’t have anything on hand except a bottle of perfume, and iodine gets on the ring, you can use it. But how to clean gold with this product? Just wipe with a cotton swab or ear stick.

White gold has always caused a lot of trouble for its owners. It requires a special approach. Of all the above methods, only three are suitable: salt, alcohol and shampoo. But they don't always help either. How to clean gold items in this case? Professional tools will come to the rescue. They are used by jewelry professionals, but you can buy them. One such product for cleaning with precious metal is called Aladdin. The creators have foreseen everything and counted on all buyers who want to have jewelry in perfect order. Convenient to use at home without difficulty. Everything you need for comfortable work is already in the kit: product, brush, container. There is even a piece of velvet included so that the precious metal can be polished quickly and efficiently.

You can also buy Top Bio Cleaner Nano Diamond. The kit also contains everything you need. Active substances eliminate not only plaque, but also all kinds of stains. Your ring or bracelet will look chic in just a few minutes. If you compare prices, it is clear that such special preparations are much more expensive, but the question of how to clean white gold or yellow gold will disappear forever. Cleaning such an expensive one yourself is not at all difficult.

It’s not at all difficult to follow the rules if you want to have beautiful jewelry. Just take it off and let your jewelry rest. This way, of course, you won’t be able to avoid plaque, but you can clean it less often and use completely harmless substances such as shampoo, detergent or salt.

Jewelry lovers often face the problem of cleaning their favorite accessories. Even gold earrings, rings, and chains lose their luster from constant wear, change color, and acquire small scratches. This happens because they contain an alloy of zinc, copper, nickel, silver and other metals that react with water and air.

Is it possible to clean gold at home?

Wealthy people who have a lot of jewelry in their jewelry boxes often take their favorite earrings or bracelets to the jeweler for cleaning for a while. For those who have one wedding ring on their finger, this is not so appropriate. So they are interested in how to clean gold at home, what materials are needed for this, and what the result is. It must be said right away that the effect is different.

Cleaning gold at home is an economical option, but not all items can be cleaned well without special jewelry tools. Jewelry with an openwork pattern, a convex pattern, or a concave shape with many irregularities is difficult to achieve perfect condition even with a toothbrush. It is also difficult to care for products with precious and semi-precious stones. Simple rings, bracelets, earrings without numerous irregularities are easy to clean yourself.

How to clean gold at home

This question is of interest to most of those who want to use the means at hand without buying anything. They are attracted folk remedies, such as baking soda, dish detergent, toothpaste, lipstick, onion, vinegar. Yes, you can wipe the products with these substances, even some result will be visible (not for long). Chemicals are used much more often. After all, how to clean gold at home, if not with ammonia or borax solution, many people think. Products with stones require careful wiping with cologne, alcohol, even gasoline.

How to clean gold

Why can it happen that even expensive jewelry capable of darkening (blackening) over time, you figured it out. Now let’s talk about how to clean gold at home and how to do it without harming the product itself. Many people even decide to use washing powder(not liquid) to put the decoration in order, but here we suggest considering the most common options.


This method is considered perhaps the simplest and most frequently used. To prepare the cleaning mixture you need pharmaceutical ammonia (teaspoon), boiled hot water(glass), laundry detergent or dish detergent (tbsp). All these components are mixed until the last ingredient is completely dissolved. Next, the product is lowered into a container with the prepared liquid; the waiting time is 2 hours. After decorating, rinse under warm water and wipe with a dry, soft cloth.

Hydrogen peroxide

Many people are interested in how to clean gold with ammonia with the addition of peroxide, because they have heard that the effect is very good. Preparing the mixture is very simple. Yes, it really is that effective: gold will shine like new with this product. It's all about the reaction that occurs when ammonia combines with peroxide. These products can fight not only simple impurities (sebum, dust, traces of cosmetics), but even oxide. Cleaning proceeds as follows:

  • pour a glass of water into an enamel bowl or pan;
  • then three teaspoons of ammonia are sent there;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of hydrogen peroxide;
  • a little regular liquid hand soap;
  • gold decoration leave in this container for several hours, then rinse thoroughly and wipe.


Table vinegar (for adding to food) can be used to clean gold jewelry. It is mixed with onion juice in equal proportions, applied to a soft cloth and wiped over the product. This method helps to get rid of minor dirt and restore its original appearance. It makes sense to use such cleaning for preventive purposes. If iodine stains appear on the jewelry, hyposulfite liquid (sold in a specialized store for amateur photographers) can remove them.

How to clean gold jewelry at home

Each gold product has its own characteristics, this must be taken into account when cleaning. If you use one method on all your jewelry, you may simply ruin some of it. Before cleaning white gold (or any kind) at home, you should take the choice of method seriously. The thing is that different jewelry not only has its own individual composition, but is also made in a certain style. Find out how to clean a gold chain, and how to clean earrings and rings without harming their condition.


The peculiarity and main difference of the chain is that it consists of small links connected to each other in a certain way. Dirt gets packed very well between such small parts, but it is difficult to get out. Careless cleaning often leads to the product breaking on one of the links. To prevent this, you should know how to properly handle the chain when cleaning. It's simple: just put it in a solution of ammonia with peroxide (recipe above) for half an hour, then hang it in there, take it out. Next, all you have to do is rinse under running water and enjoy the result.


Women's rings are distinguished by ornate patterns, the presence of small and large stones, and other concave or convex details. Such products are more likely to become contaminated. Wedding ring Over time it loses its shine, but there is nowhere for dirt to accumulate there. It is cleaned with toothpaste using a soft old brush. And here's to intricate jewelry This method should not be used. The patterns on the ring will be cleaned, but they will wear out and will no longer look so attractive. That's why best method– leave the gold in soapy water or ammonia solution for a while, then wipe gently.


How to clean gold if it's earrings is a pressing question. Not only dust and sebum, but also many cosmetics become clogged in small parts. The problem is that earrings consist of small connected parts, and they are often decorated with stones. The fastener is wiped with ammonia solution, soapy water, even toothpaste. In parts with stone, cleaning is only allowed cotton swab moistened with alcohol or other suitable liquid. This only applies to those products in which precious “details” are glued to the jewelry.

How to clean gold jewelry with stones

You should clean gold with pearls, diamonds, and other precious and semi-precious stones very carefully. To prevent glued parts from falling off, do not wet the product with water or solutions. If the stone is well secured (with golden “paws”), you can not be afraid of such an unpleasant surprise and calmly clean it. There is one more important point. Each type of stone is special and therefore requires an individual approach. If you have a product with:

  • turquoise, it cannot be wetted. Cleaning is carried out with a professional paste or by the jeweler himself.
  • pearls, they should be washed in soapy water and then gently wiped.
  • Swarovski crystals, it is also not recommended to wet it. You should wipe it with a special napkin, velvet, felt.
  • quartz, diamonds, diamonds, topazes (hard stones), you can clean such jewelry with ammonia, a toothbrush and other possible methods. It is still not recommended to use sharp objects.

How to wash gold

It's worth thinking about more than just how to clean your gold at home. It is possible that it just needs a simple wash. Only after this procedure will you be able to find out whether the product needs more strong means. In order to wash gold, heat water (up to 50 degrees), pour soap, shampoo, detergent(optional). The gold is completely immersed in the liquid for 2 hours. At the end of this time, the products are rinsed, cleaned and wiped with a soft brush. If your jewelry is shiny and pristine again, no more serious cleaning is needed.
