Knitted bee costume. New Year's outfits: DIY bee costume. Patterns and types of loops

Size: 104-112 cm.

To make a "bee" costume you will need: 100 g YarnArt Samba yarn (100% polyester, 100 g - 150 m) yellow color; 50 g of black AdeLia Olivia yarn (40% wool, 60% acrylic, 100 g - 250); 20 g of black mohair yarn, 50 g of black lurex yarn; knitting needles No. 5, hook No. 3.

Knitting density: 13 p. and 20 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted on needles No. 5 in stockinette stitch.

Sundress: knit in two threads - black AdeLia Olivia and mohair yarn. Cast on 56 stitches and knit 6 rows with black yarn in two threads. Then continue, alternating 4 rows of yellow yarn and 6 rows of black yarn. After the 5th strip, cast off all stitches with yellow yarn. Continue working by returning to the cast-on edge and start knitting the skirt: crochet No. 3 according to pattern 1 with black yarn with lurex.

Straps: on the central 18 loops of the bodice, cast on 9 loops for each strap, respectively, and knit each in stockinette stitch with lurex yarn 40 cm long.

Leg warmers (2 pieces): cast on 27 stitches on needles No. 5 and knit 6 rows with 1x1 rib. Then proceed to knitting in stockinette stitch and alternate the stripes as follows: 4 rows of yellow yarn, 6 rows of black yarn. Through 4 stripes of yellow and 4 stripes of black, knit 4 rows with a hollow elastic band using black yarn. Close all loops.

Assembly and finishing: sew the leggings along the side seams. If necessary, insert a regular black elastic band into the hollow elastic band. Also sew the sundress bodice. Sew the petticoat. To do this, you will need 60 cm of black tulle with sparkles, 150 cm wide. Fold the fabric in half to make a strip 150 cm long and 30 cm wide. Sew on the fold side at a distance of 1 cm from the edge. Pull the elastic band into the resulting drawstring.
You can complement the costume with yellow or white wings and a hoop with antennae. Wings and antennae can be purchased at any children's store, they are inexpensive and look very impressive.




Today we are sharing with you a very entertaining method of creating baby blanket. You can put your hooks and knitting needles aside and study this master class. A DIY pompom blanket is made using a wooden frame with nails driven into it. Instead of a wooden frame, you can use a sheet of hardboard. At first glance, the technique seems quite complicated, but if you understand it, you will see for yourself how simple it all is.

Due to the fact that the blanket consists only of pompoms, your baby will like it due to the softness of the pompoms and the airiness of the texture. This blanket can also be used as an envelope for discharge from the maternity hospital if it is sewn onto a base made of thick fleece or velor.

For inspiration, we have prepared several photos of the finished blanket. It looks very beautiful if you combine several colors of yarn, the blanket turns out rainbow and voluminous. Admire this soft beauty:



*Wooden frame with nails driven in
*yarn for knitting (the thicker the yarn, the softer and fluffier the pom-poms will be)

Description of work:

First you need to make a blank - a frame made of thick plywood into which nails are driven. The size of the frame can be arbitrary, depending on the size of the blanket you need. IN in this case the frame is approximately 80 x 80 cm. The distance between the nails is 4 cm. Having secured the thread on the outermost nail, we begin to stretch it over the entire area of ​​the frame.

The text in the photo below is hard to see, so we repeat it: Each stripe (row) is a layer of 50 threads. At the place where they intersect (at the intersection) there are correspondingly twice as many of them, i.e. 100. But it is cut in the middle (between the intersections), and there are only 50 threads. Of these, 30 are trimmed. There is a very good idea there so as not to count the threads. If you look closely, you can see that at first goes white color (20 bottom threads), then a contrasting color and again white. So when dividing, you no longer need to count anything, but simply stick to the color. Those. the lower 20 white threads remain untouched, and only the upper ones are trimmed.

When you finish winding, the intersections of the threads must be tightly tied with threads.

Now get your scissors ready!

Be careful! We cut only part of the threads, i.e. the first 20 rows remain untouched - this is our base of the blanket. The top 30 rows of threads are cut. We cut clearly in the middle of the row.

Continue trimming the top 30 threads. At the end of the work, the side threads also need to be cut in half, which hold the base on the nails; they will make beautiful tassels.

That's all! Our soft and fluffy pompom blanket is ready, wrap the doll.

Using this simple technique, you can create covers for sofa cushions, bedspreads for armchairs and sofas.

You will need

  • - Fancy yarn of dark brown and orange color;
  • - two knitting needles;
  • - iron with steam function;
  • - gauze;
  • - a needle for making connecting seams;
  • - applique or other decorative elements as desired


Choose a suitable fancy (or other spectacular) yarn - the final result of your work will largely depend on its structure and aesthetic qualities. The knitted fabric should be fluffy, elastic, soft and pleasant to the touch - it will be worn on thin cotton fabric, the baby should feel comfortable. To knit a masquerade outfit from threads of a complex structure, choose large-sized knitting needles (from Nos. 3-3.5 and larger).

Knit a short or long (sleeveless) one. Calculate the knitting density and cast on the required number of loops on the knitting needles. Start working from the back, doing garter stitch(in all rows - only facial loops). To create a suit decorated with wide stripes 5-6 cm wide, alternate dark brown and orange working threads.

Do straight blade before the opening of the sleeves; at the same time, individually adjust the required length of the future masquerade outfit. For armholes, you need to close ten loops at the beginning of the front row (and then at the beginning of the subsequent purl row).

Once you have made the armholes, continue knitting the striped brown-orange back to the beginning of the neckline. The last 5-6 cm of the part must be trimmed with a 1x1 elastic band and closed off the loops in the purl row. Knitted suit It will look more complete if the colors of the bottom of the canvas and the neckline match.

Knit the front part of the bee's New Year's outfit exactly according to the pattern of the finished back of the product. Please note that the boundaries of the alternating color stripes of both parts must coincide with each other.

Iron the finished back and front of the bee costume through a piece of dampened gauze. Carefully sew connecting seams on the shoulders so that there is a large horizontal neckline.

Cast on loops starting from the corner of the back armhole of the product, along the entire length and to the end of the front armhole. Tie a 1x1 elastic band - it should form a single whole with the neckline of the New Year's costume.

Start working on your orange yarn headdress. Along the line of the forehead, measure the circumference of the head with a centimeter and calculate required amount loops, based on your knitting density. It is recommended to knit a bee hat with a 2x2 elastic band. Work until the top begins to round, while checking right size products individually.

  • German yarn BRAZILLA from SCHACHENMAYR (100% polyester; 90 m/50 g): 50 g each of mimosa color, No. 22 and black, No. 99.
  • German MICRO yarn from SCHACHENMAYR (100% polyacrylic/microfibre; 145 m/50 g): leftover yarn or 50 g black, no. 99.
  • 1 Prym double needle size 4.5 or 5.5 (depending on how tight or loose you knit).
  • 1 crochet hook No. 3.
  • A little cotton wool as a filler.

Head circumference about 42 cm

Patterns and types of loops

Pattern "relief stripes": *2 faces. p., 2 p. p.*, rep. from to *

Persons Ch. : elm. circles each circle of faces. P.

Knitting density

10 x 10 cm = 17 p. x 29 r. with stocking needles No. 4.5 - 5.5 knits. Ch.

Description of knitting a carnival hat for a bee costume with your own hands


cast on 72 sts on stocking needles with mimosa-colored thread, evenly distributing sts, knit 2 cm with a “relief stripes” pattern, 5 cm knit. first with a mimosa-colored thread, 7 cm with a black Brazilla thread and then with a mimosa-colored thread. At a height of 15 cm from the start of work, mark for dec. every 9th stitch and knit in. with item on the right. Rep. these ub. another 7 times in every 2nd circle. Pull the remaining 8 stitches together with a working thread. Fasten the thread.

Perform 2 antennae:

To do this, knit 5 in. p. and 1 p. rise. Next is the elm. rows of st. b/n, simultaneously at the end of each r. knit 1 p. rise. At the end of the 10th p.m. approx. 4 p., for this, knit 4 sts. p. and 1 p. rise. In the next r. knit 9 tbsp. b/n, then approx. 4 p., as above = 13 p. Knit 3 more p., then fold each tendril in half and sew a seam. Do not stuff the antennae too tightly; sew them behind the black head piece.

A masquerade outfit carefully made by yourself always looks more original and comfortable than any, even the most expensive, factory model. To create a truly unique thing, you don’t have to be an experienced needlewoman. First, try knitting a simple children's Christmas tree costume bees. It will consist of a vest (short or long) and a hat.

You will need

  • - Fancy yarn of dark brown and orange color;
  • - two knitting needles;
  • - iron with steam function;
  • - gauze;
  • - a needle for making connecting seams;
  • - applique or other decorative elements as desired


  1. Choose a suitable fancy (or other spectacular) yarn - the final result of your work will largely depend on its structure and aesthetic qualities. The knitted fabric should be fluffy, elastic, soft and pleasant to the touch - put on knitted costume It will be on a thin cotton T-shirt, the baby should feel comfortable. To knit a masquerade outfit from threads of a complex structure, choose large-sized knitting needles (from Nos. 3-3.5 and larger).
  2. Knit a short sleeveless vest for a boy or a long sleeveless tunic for a girl. Calculate the knitting density and cast on the required number of loops on the knitting needles. Start working from the back, doing garter stitch (in all rows - only knit stitches). To make it New Year's costume, decorated with wide stripes 5-6 cm wide, alternate dark brown and orange working threads.
  3. Make a straight linen before the opening of the sleeves; at the same time, individually adjust the required length of the future masquerade outfit. For armholes, you need to close ten loops at the beginning of the front row (and then at the beginning of the subsequent purl row).
  4. Once you have made the armholes, continue knitting the striped brown-orange back to the beginning of the neckline. The last 5-6 cm of the part must be trimmed with a 1x1 elastic band and closed off the loops in the purl row. Knitted costume It will look more complete if the colors of the bottom of the canvas and the neckline match.
  5. Knit the front part of the New Year's outfit bees exactly according to the pattern of the finished back of the product. Please note that the boundaries of the alternating color stripes of both parts must coincide with each other.
  6. Iron the finished back and front costume A bees through a piece of moistened gauze. Carefully sew connecting seams on the shoulders so that there is a large horizontal neckline.
  7. Cast on loops starting from the corner of the back armhole of the product, along the entire length and to the end of the front armhole. Tie a 1x1 elastic band - it should form a single whole with the New Year's cutout costume A.
  8. Start working on your orange yarn headdress. Along the forehead line, measure the circumference of your head with a centimeter and calculate the required number of loops based on your knitting density. It is recommended to knit a “bee” hat with a 2x2 elastic band. Work until the top begins to round, and check the desired size of the product individually.
  9. Begin rounding the top of the hat on the knit rows: knit two stitches together every 10;8;6;4;2 stitches until only a few stitches remain on the working needles. Tighten them with thread and sew the back seam of the knitted headdress. If desired, you can decorate it before applique with the image bees or even make a hat out of fabric and sew ears (stuffed with padding polyester) with pompoms at the ends.
  10. All you have to do is choose a knitted one to match costume at bees orange or brown plain tights and orange slippers with an elastic band.