All about military pension. Benefits for military pensioners. Required documents to receive military payments

As you know, in our country the military retires quite early - average age A military pensioner is now 45–47 years old. Essentially, these are men in full bloom.

It is not surprising that many of them continue to work in civilian life, receiving wages in addition to pensions.

“Double” military pension

When officially employed, a military pensioner will receive contributions to his personal account in the Pension Fund. But he is already receiving a military pension. Where do the paid mandatory insurance premiums go?

In accordance with the Law of July 22, 2008 No. 156-FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on Pension Issues,” a certain pension capital. This capital will be paid to him when the military pensioner retires as an old-age pensioner in civilian life. As you know, women in civilian life retire in old age 60 years and men - in 65 years old.

It turns out that a military pensioner will receive two pensions at once:

  • military, that is, for length of service in departmental law enforcement agencies;
  • civil, if available 5 years work experience in civilian life.

Former military personnel have the right to receive insurance part your “civilian” pension, subject to three conditions:

  • Availability of minimum insurance period necessary to receive pensions. On this moment, such experience must be no less 5 years. Years of service in law enforcement agencies are not taken into account, only work activity in civilian life;
  • Required age for old age pension;
  • Availability military pension for length of service or disability received during military service.

In addition, there is a chance to receive a “civilian” pension ahead of schedule. For example, if a former military man carried out his work in difficult climatic conditions.

Calculation of military pensions

From January 1, 2012, a military pension is calculated as a percentage of the salary of the corresponding military position from which the military man retired. Also taken into account is the allowance for the length of service of the military man and his military rank.

Behind 20 years length of service the pension is in the amount 50 % from all payments, for each year in excess 20 years– plus more 3 % . In addition, a reduction factor is also taken for the calculation, which is currently equal to 0.54 from all of us cash payments military In 2014 this coefficient is equal to 0,58 .

The formula for calculating a military personnel pension is as follows:

(OVD + OVZ + NVL) × (50% + 3% for each year of service over 20 years) × 0.58,

  • OVD - salary of a military position;
  • OVZ - military rank salary;
  • NVL – bonus for length of service.

Documents required for registration of a “civilian” pension for a military personnel

In order for a former military man to be able to also receive a “civilian” pension, he must apply for it. To do this, you need to come to the territorial department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at your place of residence along with a package of documents. This package includes:

  • citizen's passport;
  • certificate of compulsory pension insurance. If the pensioner does not have one, then it will be issued from the day he applies for a pension;
  • a certificate stating that he receives a military pension for long service or disability in accordance with with Law 12.02.1993 No. 4468-1;
  • documents that can confirm the “civilian” experience of a former military man. This may be a work record book or certificates that can be issued by employers;
  • if you served in civil service before 2002, then you must also present certificates of income for the last 5 years before 2002.

Increase in military pensions

A military pensioner has the right to receive the insurance part of his “civilian” pension from the moment he applies for it to the Pension Fund. But he can apply for it no earlier than the conditions specified in this article occur.

Military pensions are indexed every year. Until 2013, this happened twice a year, but in 2013 the President signed a Decree that temporarily, from 2014, the indexation of military pensions would be stopped.

However, you should not think that military pensioners will live on a pension at the 2013 level for several years, despite inflation. In the second half of 2014, the President promised to significantly increase the salaries of all military personnel, including the police. Thus, military pensions will increase in 2014. In 2015, it is planned to index military pensions by 7.5%.

Although the military retires every year, many of them, especially in the law enforcement agencies, continue to serve, thereby earning themselves increased pensions.

Thus, military pensioners today receive very good (in material terms) pensions, which provides them with a relatively decent life in old age.

It will also affect military personnel, and there will be no less confusion in it. A very real innovation is to increase the length of service to 5 years. This and other military pension changes are aimed, according to the chief finance officer, Anton Siluanov, at the relative equalization of the financial situation of civilian and military pensioners.

Any story that says that someone can go into the “doing nothing” format at the age of 40 hurts the eye and ear, and the pension of the “warriors” is not 15–20 thousand. What does it depend on minimum pension military personnel - we’ll talk now.

The calculation of pensions for military personnel differs significantly from civilian procedures. Main Difference– in the accumulated length of service and the age at which a military man has the right to leave service and retire.

According to the law, military personnel must serve for at least 20 years - this is a mandatory minimum.

Thus, if a young officer who graduated from college at the age of 22 immediately begins service, then by the age of 42 he can be considered a pensioner (by the age of 47 - in a new way).

All provisions about social protection military personnel are spelled out in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which states that the state is obliged to provide financial support for those transferred to the reserve.

Military personnel receive a salary, the amount of which depends on their rank, position, and length of service. It is this parameter that will determine the minimum amount of their old-age pension in the future.

An officer with 20 years of experience behind him will receive a pension upon reaching age in the amount of 50% of his salary and 3% of each year of service over 20 years, but not more than 85% of his monthly salary.

This is how the minimum pension allowance for a military personnel is determined.

Factors that influence the increase in pay during service:

  • promotions.
  • awards.
  • participation in military operations.
  • obtaining titles.

A salary increase is guaranteed to influence a high salary in the future. There is an opportunity to increase it significantly - to continue serving until 32 years.

Who can receive a military pension

Concept "serviceman" is not tied only to those citizens who are related to Armed forces. Military pension system also applies to other categories of citizens:

  1. Fire service.
  2. Criminal executive services.
  3. Engineering and construction troops.
  4. External intelligence service.

A person is considered a military serviceman until he leaves the reserve due to retirement or other reasons. Upon entering the reserve, the discharged person acquires the status of a military pensioner.

A pension is awarded to a serviceman or his family depending on how many years he served and the amount of his allowance. Becoming disabled during service can also become a factor for the provision of pension payments, but subject to 20 years of experience.

If 20 years of service have not been accumulated, but the man is 60 years old and the woman 55, then they are entitled to pension benefits. Its calculation will be made based on the existing experience, rank, position and the amount of monthly allowance.

Special conditions of service add years to the total length of service: 3 years count as 4. In military terms, 1 year is equal to 3.

What is the size of military pensions

The calculation is made using a special formula. Its components:

  1. Job salary.
  2. Bonus for rank.
  3. Additional pay for length of service.

All parameters are summed up and multiplied by 50%. If a person transferred to the reserve has served for more than 20 years, the amount of interest increases: for each additional year 3% is added. During indexation periods, the pension by law must increase by 2%.

In 2016, the reduction factor was set at 54%. In the end, the entire amount received is multiplied by it. Service in the northern regions adds a regional coefficient to the total amount.

The fact of disability during participation in combat operations implies social payments taking into account the coefficient and assigned group:

  • Group I – 280%.
  • Group II – 230%.
  • Group III – 170%

On average, a serviceman's pension ranges from 15 to 20 thousand rubles per month. This figure is approximate, since in each case the calculation will be individual depending on the conditions of service.

Prospects for increasing pensions for the military

In 2015, it was planned to increase military pensions by 20 - 22%, but taking into account the current circumstances in the economy, the hopes of military pensioners were not justified. According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, payments to the military must be indexed annually by 2% without taking into account adjustments due to inflation. For 2016, the adjustment factor was 5-7%.

Last year, 2018, the indexation of military pensions was “frozen.”

In 2020, according to official assurances from the Ministry of Defense , two tranches from the state budget are expected to increase military pension benefits: more than 22.5 billion rubles in October of this year and more than 41 billion in the fall of next year, 2020. And the increase in the minimum length of service will not come as a surprise, but will gently stretch over 5 years.

Today's payments to retired military personnel exceed the pensions of civilians by almost 1.5 times.

But the authorities, realizing that the army is the structure on which the country’s security is based, are looking for reserves so that future retirees do not wait for the time of attack retirement age with fear.

All that remains is to think about how not to strike fear into the civilian pension newcomers...

The pension reform currently underway in the Russian Federation affects military pensions. The amount of indexation is included in the federal budget for 2019, which has already been approved by the State Duma and endorsed by the President. Exactly a year before this event, V.V. announced an increase in pensions from October 1, 2019. Putin during the ceremony of introducing the senior command staff.

Since the beginning of 2012 pension provision military personnel, personnel of the Russian Guard, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Penitentiary Service and other persons are paid with a coefficient reduced to the salary of active officers - 54%. According to the Government decision, this figure was to gradually increase from next year by 2% until full compliance with the salary. In practice, the increase occurred in proportion to inflation and reached 72%, after which the coefficient was frozen in 2017, and payments to military pensioners were calculated based on this indicator. The amount of monetary allowance itself was not indexed during the entire five-year period. Underpayments due to the suspension of indexation, according to pensioners’ calculations, have already amounted to about 20% since 2015.

The size of the military pension was initially supposed to increase only by 4.3% - at the level of planned inflation. However, V.V. Putin signed a decree according to which the reducing coefficient for military pensions in 2019 was also increased by 2%. The increase will affect everyone:

  • who retired due to length of service;
  • who received payments upon reaching the maximum retirement age.

At first, the 2019 budget was not designed to implement indexation of the 2 percent indicator in accordance with the Presidential Decree. However, when preparing the second reading of the budget bill, the State Duma introduced an amendment on the increase, and in November 2018, deputies approved it. As a result, the increase in pensions for military pensioners in 2019 will take place on October 1. The increase will occur due to an increase in the salaries of officers and soldiers and additional adjustments to the reduction factor, giving a total increase of 6.3%. It follows from this that the increase in military pensions will actually be more significant than originally expected. The dates were set for when the pensions of military pensioners would be increased.

The effectiveness of indexing military pensions

In 2018, the issue of pension provision for career military personnel seriously worried representatives of the Ministry of Defense in the State Duma. The introduction of a reducing indicator was justified by insufficient funding. On the eve of the discussion in the State Duma of the draft indexation of pensions for the military, the deputies were presented with a report of the Defense Committee, headed by Colonel General V.A. Shamanov. The Hero of Russia, a retired colonel general, and the group of enthusiasts led by him actively advocated the abolition of the reduction factor for military pensions. From his report one could draw the following conclusions:

  • the planned increase in the amount of money from October 1, 2019 by 4.3% will not be enough to compensate for the level of inflation: in reality, the growth affects only the final quarter of the year, i.e. in percentage terms it will be only 1,075%;
  • the adjustment, as a result of which the amount of support for military personnel could increase by 2%, was practically not made;
  • Indexation of military pensions since 2015 has fallen behind the required level by 20%.

Over the past 6 years, the money supply has depreciated by almost 50%, and the volume of pension benefits has increased by only 35%. During 2019, there will be problems with rising prices for goods and products due to an increase in the VAT rate, and pension supplements are not expected during this period. In conclusion, the message recommended accelerating the increase in the maintenance of professional military personnel and citizens equivalent to them. Deputies and the government took into account the information in the report. At the proposal of the Defense Committee, a bill was approved that in 2019 the increase will take place not by 4.3%, but by 6.3%. However, changes to the military pension will begin not from January 1, 2019, but in October.

Representatives of the Committee protested against the freezing of pension payments. They believed that real economic indicators needed to be indexed not by 2%, but by 5.2%, but this proposal was not supported. The draft budget was repeatedly returned for revision; in the end, it was adopted, destroying the expectations of pensioners for an improved quality of life. The abolition of the reduction factor for military pensions would improve the financial situation of retirees. Deputy Minister of Defense T. Shevtsova, according to information news agencies, informed about the gradual increase in pensions for military pensioners in 2019. For this purpose, sufficient financial resources have been included in the budget.

Calculation of military pension

The amount of pension pay for military personnel is calculated based on monetary allowance, which is formed from several components:

  • salary for received military rank;
  • additional payments;
  • premium funds.

The amount of salary is affected by allowances:

  • for service;
  • for qualifications;
  • personal merits, awards;
  • education;
  • for the category of secrecy;
  • specific conditions of service;
  • duration of service;
  • military rank.

When calculating the amount of payments, a special formula is used. To half the amount of full pay at the time of transfer to the reserve, add 3% of the amount of additional payment for the period of service in excess of the standard length of service and an additional 1% for the duration labor activity, multiplied by the established coefficient.

The amount received is compared with the generally accepted minimum and maximum civil payments. The calculation of a military pension assumes that the total value of cash payments to military pensioners should not be less than minimum size social benefits civilians and cannot exceed 85% of his salary upon dismissal.

In case of demobilization and registration of a long-service military pension on the basis of Art. 17 of Law No. 4468-1, when calculating the amount of payments, additional payments are required. Their size is determined by the presence of dependent disabled persons:

  • for 1 dependent – ​​32%;
  • by 2 – 64%;
  • by 3 – 100%.

If the pensioner himself has the status of a disabled person, as well as when he reaches 80 years of age, he receives an additional payment in the amount of 100 to 300% of the social benefit.

Additional support for military pensioners

Career military personnel have the right to retire earlier than civilians and receive pension payments from the Ministry of Defense and other law enforcement agencies where they served. According to the law, receiving a pension from the age of 45 is possible if certain conditions are met:

  • duration of service in the army or law enforcement agencies for at least 20 years;
  • military service is 13 years, after which work in the national economy for 25 years;
  • retirement for health reasons due to a diagnosis that precludes military service;
  • dismissal from military personnel based on length of service.

Insurance coverage

Pensioners still have enough strength to work in the national economy. This fact allows you to earn work experience for an insurance pension from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation - the second pension for military pensioners. To do this, certain conditions must be met:

  • official employment;
  • registration in the compulsory insurance system;
  • opening a personal account;
  • payment by the employer of established payments to the pension fund;
  • production of minimum length of service.

The duration of work in the national economy must be at least 9 years (as of 2019), in the future, within pension reform Due to the increase in the retirement age, the period for military pensioners to receive payments will gradually increase to 15 years. During this time, to accrue a second pension, military pensioners need to earn 13.8 pension points.

The pensioner can control this value in his personal account on the State Services or Pension Fund portal, and also calculate the military pension independently on online calculator right there on the website. The information can be easily accessed by contacting a specialist from the organization in person.

Every year the Government adopts regulations that increase the value of pension points. As a result of the reform, the rules for calculating the second pension of military pensioners earned in the civil service will not change. For unemployed persons, the increase will be carried out on a general basis due to the planned indexation of pensions for military pensioners in 2019. Working pensioners will be able to receive bonuses to payments only in August when points for the previous year are recalculated - indexation does not affect them.

The second (civilian) pension for military pensioners is entitled to:

  • upon reaching the generally accepted retirement age (in 2019 – 60.5 for men, 55.5 for women);
  • if you have the required amount of work experience (currently it is 10 years, in 2020 it will be 11);
  • By preferential rules for citizens who have earned early exit for a well-deserved rest in remote areas.

Work experience credit includes:

  • official registration at the workplace and deduction by the employer of the required payments to the Pension Fund;
  • Military service;
  • maternity leave and child care for up to one and a half years, provided that these periods consistently coincide with work.

Former military personnel will not be able to apply for insurance pension, if they do not have enough work experience. To calculate payments, age, length of service and number of points will gradually increase.

Pension in case of disability

During their service, more often than in everyday life, military personnel and law enforcement officers are faced with situations where they have to risk life and health, and regularly experience serious physical and psychological stress. These factors can sometimes lead to injuries or cause diseases that adversely affect general condition health and decreased ability to work. The legislation provides for the appointment of military disability pensions received as a result of the performance of official duty. They are due to those who lost their health during the period of service or within 3 months after its completion.

Providing for widows of military pensioners

Wives of career officers follow their husbands all their lives to remote garrisons, where they often cannot find decent employment and are busy with housework. Typically, the husband's salary serves as the family's sole source of livelihood. It turns out that by the time they retire they do not have enough experience to assign a salary. In the event of the death of a spouse, the family receives only minimal social benefits. Today the legislation provides special conditions providing for families of former military personnel entitled to a military pension.

Legislation guaranteeing the monetary supply of career military personnel provides for the calculation of payments to widows of military pensioners and family members upon the loss of a breadwinner, and in full. In addition, the laws stipulate the conditions for a woman who has lost her husband to receive a second pension - insurance or social:

  • lack of official employment;
  • approaching retirement age;
  • having disabled status;
  • existence of minor children.

If the child is under 8 years old, the issue of employing the widow is not considered. The prerogative of a widow of a military disability pension occurs in the event of a wound or injury acquired by her husband during his service.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation appoints payment of a military pension for the loss of a breadwinner in the event that an officer receives state benefits for long service or disability, as well as additional insurance benefits. The widow has the right to this maintenance if she has already received a pension but has never received it. It is essential that at the time of the officer’s death, payments are made regularly, or that no more than 5 years have passed since the last transfer.

Size pension benefit the spouse of a deceased military pensioner depends on many factors:

  • military rank;
  • the position performed;
  • length of service.

The basis for calculating payments to the widow of a military survivor's pension is the amount of the soldier's salary, consisting of salary and bonuses for length of service. If the deceased spouse was already a pensioner or had disabled status as a result of an injury received during the period of service, then the amount of maintenance will be 50% of the accrual, adjusted to take into account the reduction factor. Minimum value payments cannot be less than 200% of the social security amount.

In case of death due to a disease acquired during service in the army or law enforcement agencies, the benefit is calculated based on 40% of the salary. The possibility of a widow receiving maintenance for her deceased husband remains, even if she marries again. A woman has the right to apply to the appropriate department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation or the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for registration of financial support at any time after the death of her husband.

Federal budget for 2019, adopted by the State Duma and signed by the President of the Russian Federation, provides for a long-awaited increase in the salary of military pensioners from October. Payments for service in the army and law enforcement agencies will be indexed - the reduction factor will be increased. The increase applies to everyone who retired due to length of service, reaching the age limit, disability, as well as widows and family members of military personnel.

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Salaries, allowances, benefits, allowances for calculating salaries and pensions of military personnel and military pensioners since 2012

Data (salaries, allowances, benefits, allowances) necessary for calculating salaries and pensions of military personnel since 2012

Terms and abbreviations used in the tables for calculating salaries and additional payments to military personnel (military allowances) since 2012
The materials were taken from the Ministry of Defense website, but there they are in an inconvenient format; especially for military pensioners, we brought it to a normal format so that future pensioner could calculate the size of his pension, or what salary he could receive if in 2012 he was not retired, but in the service.
We also had to add, for the convenience of pensioners, links from the tables on salaries and allowances for military personnel to current legal acts, so as not to be unfounded..

If suddenly this information on salary is not enough, see the draft order of the Ministry of Defense dated December 30, 2011 No. 2700 On approval of the procedureproviding monetary allowances to military personnel of the armed forces of the Russian Federation

The possibility of increasing the amount of additional payment for rental housing for military personnel from 2012 is being considered.

Additional payment for special conditions of service will allow airborne troops to receive the highest salary since 2012

The highest paid military personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation will be in 2012 Airborne troops according to RIA Novosti. A significant increase in pay in the Airborne Forces will be due to additional payment for special conditions of service ( the federal law Russian Federation dated November 7, 2011 N 306-FZ On monetary allowances for military personnel and the provision of certain payments to them - monetary allowances for military personnel Article 2. Monetary allowances for military personnel). The additional payment to the salary for special conditions of service will be 100%. This is another salary for the position. This additional payment will make it possible, taking into account additional payments for parachute jumps, to say that the salary in the Airborne Forces will be 20% higher than the average salary of military personnel in the Ministry of Defense.

It is very difficult to guard Russia's security for over twenty years. The military faces not only constant combat alerts and participation in various operations, but also frequent moves and unsettled everyday life. Therefore, after entering the reserves, they are assigned the status of “military pensioner,” which entails a number of benefits and guarantees at the federal level.

In Russia, many structures have a military orientation, as well as similar goals, expressed in protecting the security of the country and respecting the rights of ordinary citizens. Service to protect state interests is burdened with many difficulties, from being in constant combat readiness to psychological stress. Therefore, persons who have served in the military are entitled to a decent remuneration after leaving the reserve - a pension is assigned in a special manner.

According to the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4468-1, military pension provision is intended for the following categories:

  • officers and contract soldiers of all branches of the military, from border guards to railway workers, not to mention paratroopers, tank crews and signalmen;
  • members of the National Guard;
  • scouts;
  • representatives of the military prosecutor's office;
  • military investigative committee RF;
  • security guards of the state paramilitary structure;
  • employees of the Department of Internal Affairs, that is, police officers and employees of departments for combating the spread of narcotic drugs;
  • representatives of the penal system;
  • military firefighters.

Also, by virtue of Article 3 of Law No. 4468-1, persons equated to military personnel and entitled to a military pension are considered to be:

  • conscripts who took part in the Second World War, and also participated in hostilities in partisan detachments during the specified period;
  • women who served in long-term service on a voluntary basis.

Military pension

Military personnel transfer to the reserve not only upon reaching the age limit, but also for other reasons. In Art. 5 of Law No. 4468-1 provides for several types of pension payments:

  • by length of service - due to reaching the age of 50 for soldiers and juniors officers and 55 years for colonels, as well as 45 years for females;
  • for disability due to injury or concussion, as well as the development of an occupational disease during service and transfer to the reserve in connection with being declared unfit for military service;
  • for the loss of a breadwinner, which is important for family members of military personnel who died while on duty.

Conditions for assigning a military pension

Military pensioners and persons equivalent to them receive the right to preferential pension coverage based on the conditions determined by the law. Thus, to apply for a service pension in 2018, one of the following conditions must be met:

  • term military service 20 years or more;
  • upon reaching the age limit, or dismissal due to disability, or organizational and staffing measures (OSM), if any total experience labor of at least 25 years, of which at least 12.6 years were given to military service.

A disability pension is established due to injury or the development of an illness during the performance of military duty. It does not lead to automatic resignation if it is possible to take another position taking into account the state of health.

A pension for the loss of a breadwinner is issued to military family members. According to Article 24 of Federal Law No. 76, these include:

  • spouses, children, elderly parents;
  • brothers, sisters, grandchildren, if parents are not alive;
  • persons recognized as family members in court.

Benefits for military pensioners

During their service, military personnel have the right to a fairly substantial list of benefits, which affects almost all areas social life. According to Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 76, most of them are retained by former officers and soldiers even after leaving the reserve. Military pensioners have the right to count on the following state and regional preferences:

  • housing, which are expressed in improved living conditions and preferential payment for housing and communal services;
  • medical, namely service in departmental hospitals and Spa treatment;
  • material, consisting of additional payments to the pension;
  • tax when paying the housing fee and submitting lawsuit.

Medical service

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is concerned about military personnel not only during active service, but also after these persons enter their well-deserved retirement. Thus, the force of the norms defined by Art. 16 Federal Law No. 76, military personnel who transferred to the reserve due to reaching the age limit, due to general medical conditions or health conditions, have the right to count on the following types of state assistance:

  • free provision of medicines based on prescriptions;
  • service in specialized medical institutions;
  • manufacturing and free receipt prosthetics and other devices technical focus to make life easier for disabled military personnel;
  • dental services;
  • annual medical examination and examinations free of charge;
  • referral to doctors with a rare specialization.

Sanatorium and resort provision

Most sanatoriums have a medical profile, which is designed to improve the overall well-being of their patients, veterans and pensioners and take preventive measures to avoid exacerbations or the development of other diseases.

According to Part 5 of Art. 16 Federal Law No. 76, persons who are military pensioners have the right to sanatorium treatment with payment of 25% of the cost of the voucher and compensation for transportation costs from the state budget. The order in which vouchers are issued, as well as the frequency of their receipt, are determined based on medical indications and regional legislation.


Within the framework of Art. 15 Federal Law No. 76, military personnel upon transfer to the reserve receive the right to housing. However, it is not possible to register ownership of the long-awaited square meters immediately, but only when a social apartment is vacated or a housing subsidy is received on a first-come, first-served basis.

A pensioner can solve housing problems through the following measures given to him by law:

  • get funds to build your own house or buy an apartment;
  • receive a social apartment with the right to further privatize it, in a size designed for all members of the military personnel’s family.

A military pensioner can choose a locality in which he plans to live until old age in an apartment or house provided as a reward for many years of service.

Material support

The main means for the full existence of military pensioners, as well as persons equated to them, is a pension benefit, the amount of which depends on the previous monetary allowance. According to Art. 14 of Law No. 4468-1, the amount of the long-service pension is paid based on 50% of previous earnings if there are 20 years of service, and for each year more than the specified period, another 3%, but not more than 85% in the total.

Military disability pensioners have the right to count on the following amounts of remuneration:

  • 85% when establishing groups 1 and 2;
  • 50% for group 3 health restrictions.

The amount of the survivor's pension is calculated based on the norms of Art. 36 of Law No. 4468-1 - in the amount of 50% of the previous allowance of the deceased breadwinner for each family member who is disabled.

According to Article 16 standard size Pensions can be additionally increased for disabled people for maintaining dependents, namely:

  • disabled people of group 1 up to 300% of social pension;
  • disabled people of group 2 – 250%;
  • disabled people of group 3 – 175%.

According to Art. 48 of Law No. 4468-1, when calculating pension benefits, the regional coefficient, as well as other allowances established by law, are mandatory, as is indexation. Also, a significant increase to the existing benefit amount is regional payments, which consist of EDV, NSO and other preferences.

Tax benefits

Rely on military pensioners and tax benefits, which apply to all persons who have reached retirement age and have received benefits. Former military personnel have the right to count on:

  • exemption from taxes on one of the types of real estate that is owned;
  • transport tax, but only if this condition is fixed at the regional level;
  • payment of the state fee when filing a lawsuit, but only if the pensioner is a plaintiff and not a defendant.

Extending benefits to immediate relatives

Most military personnel have families that endure frequent moves, an unsettled life, and difficulties finding employment. They are also entitled to very substantial privileges.

  • preferential pension provision, which is important for military wives and their elderly parents;
  • medical care in military hospitals, but only for spouses of officers;
  • sanatorium-resort treatment along with husbands;
  • improvement of living conditions.