How to get rid of congenital circles under the eyes. How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes. If the culprits are internal organs

A healthy and even complexion is the natural desire of any modern woman. However, the rhythm and quality of our life often contribute to puffiness and the appearance of dark circles in the periorbital area, this is especially true for women after 30. To understand how to remove bruises under the eyes, you must first localize the cause of their appearance.

If the culprits are internal organs

Often, the causes of dark circles under the eyes lie in the pathology of the urinary and cardiovascular systems. With such diseases, the outflow of fluid from the body is disrupted, as a result of which its excess accumulates in the subcutaneous adipose tissue. The accumulated fluid stagnates, disrupting the functioning of the capillaries, resulting in blue discoloration under the eyes.

If dark circles under the eyes appear only in the morning or evening, then you need to contact a specialist to undergo an appropriate examination.

Review your diet - a properly selected diet with a limit on table salt will help get rid of retention and accumulation of unnecessary fluid, and diuretics prescribed for such diseases can easily cope with its excess. Remember the purpose and dosage of diuretics medicines carried out only by a doctor.

The main causes of dark circles under the eyes

A balanced diet, limiting the intake of salt and spices, drinking enough liquid during the day, organizing a daily routine with 8 hours of sleep, as well as giving up bad habits and long periods of time at the computer will prevent you from developing dark circles under your eyes, and maybe they will become the first step in the fight against them. In the absence of serious pathology affecting the appearance of dark circles, skin care in the periorbital area can be carried out independently.

How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes at home

  • You can use creams for the skin around the eyes with a high content of peptides and flavonoids, which help improve microcirculation and also remove excess fluid in this area.
  • After washing in morning hours you need to massage the periorbital area; for this you need to massage the lower eyelid for 3 minutes with tapping movements of your fingers in the direction from the temple to the bridge of the nose. Then apply a special cream and massage a little more, this will improve skin tone and improve the outflow of excess fluid.
  • A mask made of cucumber, coriander and sour cream will help improve blood circulation in the skin around the eyes (2 tsp finely chopped mixture of cucumber and coriander mixed with 1 tbsp sour cream). Gently apply the resulting mixture to the skin of the eyelids for 15 minutes, then carefully rinse with water and apply cream.
  • A sage compress before bed is effective in combating bruises over the eyes.

If home treatments are ineffective, you should consult a doctor. Maybe dark circles and puffiness - this is just a consequence. A competent doctor will determine the cause and give recommendations on how to remove dark circles under the eyes - be it the prescribed treatment or trip to a cosmetologist.

What procedures can you undergo in a beauty salon?

The skin around the eyes is very sensitive and therefore procedures for this area are prescribed with caution, because some of them can be quite aggressive for her.

  • Mesotherapy. Several sessions will help you forget about dark circles under your eyes for a long time, thanks to the drugs used that improve the tone of the veins and lymphatic vessels. Biorevitalization and ELOS - rejuvenation courses are also effective.
  • Peeling and Fraxel, due to their action they improve permeability skin for cosmetics, which increases their absorption, which achieves the effect of nutrients, plant extracts and vitamins contained in creams.
  • Lymphatic drainage procedures improve microcirculation in the periorbital area and also promote fluid outflow. Such procedures include professional massage, ultrasonic lifting and microcurrent therapy.

Dark circles under the eyes are an individual problem and to solve it, you should not hesitate to contact a specialist. For women prone to developing this problem, it is necessary to carefully take care of their health and undergo a timely medical examination.

Refusal of bad habits, prolonged use of the computer, a balanced diet, rational sleep and wakefulness contribute to the proper functioning of internal organs. Compliance with the above rules, as well as caring for your facial skin using well-chosen cosmetics, will help remove circles under the eyes. Be healthy!

Imagine this: you have a very important meeting tomorrow. In the morning you get up, go wash your face and... oh my God, what is this?? There are bruises under your eyes, and they look like you either fought all night or drank too much high-proof drinks. However, do you know for sure that nothing like that happened? So what should I do now, how to remove dark circles under my eyes???

The first thing that is necessary is to understand where it came from. Well, it didn’t just fall from the sky, after all. Of course, if you are one of the men in black, then anything can happen, but we are taking an ordinary average person who suddenly has such trouble.

Causes of dark circles under the eyes

1. Are you tired. Yes, yes, there is also a chronic lack of sleep, there is also poring over hours on a report on the computer, hard work, round-the-clock online games, etc. There is only one way out - sleep. 8 hours a day. Insomnia? No, you don't need to swallow sleeping pills by the handful. Lavender oil, mint tea, my grandmother’s old remedy – milk with honey. All this will help you fall asleep.

2. No vitamins. This happens. Especially if a person lives somewhere in the North. Or he's on a diet. It’s a little simpler here - add vitamins. Complivit is one of the recommended complexes. However, we recommend that you consult your doctor before taking it. Why? This is the third reason.

3. Allergy. Wrong smells, things, food - everything where the allergen is “prescribed” - and please! bruises appear. Just reduce or completely remove the “enemy”.

4. Salt. No, not the substance itself, but its excess. Salt retains fluid in the body, so blood flow occurs. Why the bruises. It is recommended not to eat salty or spicy foods at night and not to drink too much.

5. Heredity. Some people have congenital bruises. This is due to thin skin. All the veins seem to be visible through it, and therefore they are clearly visible. Unfortunately, only cosmetics will help here.

6. " Alcoholics– this is our profile (p.).” And also smoking. Here are the main reasons why dark circles appear under the eyes. After all, these bad habits affect blood circulation far from in the best possible way. What to do - reduce consumption or quit.

7. Age. How less years, and therefore bruises, respectively. If a person is 30-40 years old, then the skin gradually fades, and unpleasant changes in appearance appear. Pigmentation, redness, etc. may begin. And besides the bruises, the question will be of concern: .

8. Diseases. Some diseases - especially chronic ones - can lead to bruises, such as: pathology of the kidneys (moisture is not removed from the body, but accumulates under the skin), liver (waste and toxins that should go away remain and clog the blood), anemia (especially iron deficiency - the skin seems to be depleted, which is especially felt when touched, it is so dry), heart and vascular systems (vessels dilate so much that it is visible under the skin).

Bruises and their varieties can be seen in various photos.

It is worth noting that it happens that people do not know about their diseases, but if you drink a little alcohol or accidentally “pick up” an allergen, the first sign, i.e. bruises are obvious. And where they are, there are other manifestations. Therefore, most causes of bruising are the answer, as well as swelling, etc. Moreover, the color of these phenomena directly “signals” the cause.

According to medical luminaries, the diagnosis can be made simply by looking at the bruise. If it is red, then most likely it is an allergy or kidney problems. Yellow circles – the body has a lot of waste, toxins and others harmful substances. Purple color indicates poor oxygen circulation, which may be due to impaired lung function or lack of hemoglobin. Black ones are again an allergy, or the person is too overheated in the sun. But brown bruises are associated with liver damage. For a more specific diagnosis, we recommend visiting a doctor.

But what to do if a person does not drink, does not smoke, does not sit near a computer, and does not even work, but still has bruises? No, we're not talking about lazy people. Although it is quite possible that laziness is also an unproven cause of the appearance of circles under the eyes and others like them. We're talking about children.

Bruises under the eyes of a child

“Does this happen? - you ask in bewilderment - After all, this is a child! Where did he get the bruises??!” At the same time, parents begin to panic, not understanding what is going on. A child’s skin is very sensitive, and therefore it quickly reacts to problems in the body, and the first signal will be dark circles. There are also a number of reasons for their occurrence.

1. The child is tired. This is especially common among schoolchildren. Homework, new topics, the number of disciplines - all this can tire even a child who wants to learn. And in free time The child chases monsters on the screen or watches a movie. How can bruises not appear here? Therefore, you should walk with your child and involve him in sports, for example, swimming or playing volleyball together.

2. Food. This includes: harmful or low-quality products, lack of vitamins, etc. Sometimes a child does not want to eat vegetables, then you can involve him in cooking and together invent a new dish. It is also advisable to ask your pediatrician for advice about a vitamin complex.

3. Lots of water before bed. Fluid accumulates in the body, and the next morning you can see the consequences - bruises.

4. Dream. Lack of sleep and oversleeping are equally bad for a fragile body. In the first case, it is lethargy and exhaustion. In the second, the principle “the more you sleep, the more you want more” works, after which a headache is guaranteed. In this case, you need to monitor how many hours the child sleeps. If he is 10 or younger, he should sleep 9 hours.

5. Iron-deficiency anemia– can develop even in infants. Therefore, if bruises appear, you should show the child to the pediatrician, and possibly do a blood test. However, it is not a fact that the latter will immediately show the presence of this disease. Therefore, it is recommended to give the child foods that contain iron, for example, pomegranate juice, buckwheat porridge, beef liver, apples. After 30 days, the analysis must be done again.

7. Damage from impacts which children get when they run, jump and fight. As a result, subcutaneous hemorrhage occurs, forming a bruise. You need to take ice and apply it to the affected area. In principle, you can take any frozen product from the refrigerator - the same dumplings. The child should be taken to a traumatologist for examination.

8. Heredity. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do about it. But this is a rare occurrence.

9. Poisoning– we quickly remove toxins, and after some time the bruises will disappear.

Now that the reasons are more or less clear, the question arises - “what should I do about it?”

How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes

Firstly, we warn you right away - there is no method for the “decoration” to immediately disappear from your “face”. You can only gradually reduce the bruise so that it does not spoil your face or your mood. Although there are difficult cases when, for some reason, subcutaneous vessels and tissues take a long time to recover.

You go to a cosmetologist in a beauty salon, where they will do various procedures for you, and perhaps they will also give you some advice. But this is provided that these “nasty” circles are not caused by diseases, because in this case the resulting effect will quickly disappear. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the cause and eliminate it if possible. Keep in mind that hereditary bruises can only be removed through plastic surgery.

Exists good gymnastics, improves blood circulation, relieves tension, reduces the formation of wrinkles. She will answer the child’s question. Close your eyes, then open your eyes. Close and look up. Now down. Do this several times. Open it and blink often. Focus your gaze on the tip of your nose, and then look into the distance. Close. Rotate your eyes first clockwise, then counterclockwise.

There is also this useful thing like lotions.

  • For example, lead, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. Instead, a regular newspaper will do just fine.
  • If there is aloe, then the leaf needs to be cut and applied, gluing it with a band-aid. We lightly beat the cabbage leaves and apply them to the old bruise.
  • Black radish or horseradish root can also help. Before use, they need to be rubbed, and then they are also applied.
  • If the bruise is visible on the second day, a “mesh” of 5% iodine tincture is applied to this area.
  • Finely chop the parsley, pour in ¾ cup of water, stir, pour into an ice tray. We put it in the freezer. This cube is wrapped in gauze or a handkerchief and applied to the affected area for 10 minutes.
  • 6% vinegar is in almost any refrigerator, and you can find garlic there too. 2 heads are filled with ½ liter of vinegar. You need to let it sit for 24 hours, then rub the bruise.
  • Badyaga is sold in pharmacies (as powder or gel). This is a freshwater sponge that works great on fresh bruises. The powder is mixed with water so that a mixture resembling dough is formed (2 tablespoons of powder per 1 tablespoon of water), and then it is applied to the bruise.

There is another way.

A compress will help you in the fight against harmful bruises.

  • Take vinegar and vodka - 1 tbsp. (both), add 1 tsp. salt, dip a cotton swab and carefully apply.
  • We go to the pharmacy and buy calendula tincture, which we also use as a compress.
  • For the next recipe you need vodka, gauze and polyethylene. Soak gauze in vodka, wrap the bruised area, put plastic on top and leave overnight. This remedy is used in the second week after injury.
  • Finely chop the onion (2-3 medium onions), add 1 tbsp to them. salt, and mix into a paste, which is applied to the site of the bruise. But treating bruises on the face with this compress is not recommended due to the very specific smell.
  • The wound healing properties of honey have long been proven. Add 1 tbsp. Add this wonderful gift of nature to finely grated beets, from which we first squeeze the juice. Apply where needed and secure for 2-3 hours with a bandage.
  • Wormwood compress can be applied to bruises on both the body and face. For production, fresh wormwood is required, which must be crushed. This is a very effective remedy for dark circles under the eyes. The advantage is that hematomas go away quite quickly. The downside is that the grass cannot dry out, so you need to either change it often or moisten it with water. You can add honey and leave for 2 hours, then change.
  • Take ½ l. apple cider vinegar, add 2 tbsp there. salt. Carefully place the bowl with this mixture into a pan of hot water. Add a little iodine - 4 drops. Dip the gauze and apply. Wrap a piece of fabric around it with polyethylene.

Oils, ointments, creams and preparations – take your pick!

It is also good to use various oils:

  • Almond - applied to the area near the eyes, after 10 minutes we moisten the swab and wipe the area.
  • Peppermint oil - it is not the bruise itself that is lubricated, but the back of the head, forehead and temples, while best time for application - after lunch. After 3 days, the bruises will decrease.
  • Castor oil contains ricinoleic acid, which successfully fights bruises. You can use either the butter itself or a mixture with another substance, such as cream. However, it is worth considering that this oil can become an allergen.
  • Lavender, rosemary, yarrow - will not only heal scratches and resolve the hematoma, but also relieve pain.


There are special products for treating swelling and bruising. They must contain vitamins A, C, E, K and antioxidant substances. For example, cream with cucumber, blueberries, ginkgo biloba, horse chestnut etc.


Comfrey ointment- contains not only extracts of comfrey itself, but also hydrastis and oil tea tree. Heals quickly, but should not be applied to wounds or tightly bandaged over ointment.

You can make your own medicinal ointment. Take 1 onion and peel it. Place the whole thing in the pan (do not cut it!). Fill it with sunflower oil (100 ml.). Turn on low heat. Heat and boil. The onion should turn black. Cool it and squeeze it into oil. Melt the wax - you need 100 g. Add to the mixture along with 1 tbsp. soap (laundry, finely grated). Mix. We're waiting for it to cool down. You can pour it into a bottle. We put it in the refrigerator and store it there. We apply “trouble” 2 or 3 times a day.


Troxevasin(or in other words Troxerutin) is a gel that increases the stability of capillaries. Under its influence, the walls of venous blood vessels improve and their permeability decreases. An excellent remedy for relieving swelling, pain, and bruises. Contraindication – individual intolerance to the components.

Hepatrombin- is an ointment. Thanks to its components (such as pine, lemon, cedar oils), it is used not only to treat bruises, but also for such serious diseases as thrombophlebitis, varicose veins in the legs, synovitis, etc.

"Rescuer"- probably the most famous balm, which heals injuries and inflammations in a short time, without scarring. There are currently no contraindications. Contains plant extracts (calendula, rowan), oils (sea buckthorn, fir), beeswax, and vitamin E.

Lyoton– a gel with an antithrombotic effect. Suitable for the treatment of injuries, contusions, swelling, bruises, complications associated with surgical operations on the veins. May cause allergies.

How to cover up dark circles under the eyes

“This is all wonderful, but I have to go to a wedding (birthday, etc.) tomorrow. How can I make these circles invisible? How can I disguise them?

It is recommended not to use dark shadows on the eyelids, unless of course it is Halloween or you are a goth. The same thing with mascara and arrows. You can distract attention with lipstick or beautiful decoration on the chest (belt).
Concealer pencil and Foundation- of course, these are not bad things for making up a “lantern”, but they dry out the skin, and a bruise usually has the bad property of “painting” itself in different shades - blue, yellow, etc. Therefore, you have to be a real master here to quickly cover up the circles.

First we need a proofreader. Sold in tube or pencil form. It is applied to the bruise - under the eye! (from the inner corner to the outer) and will make it less visible. You need to use it depending on the color of the bruise. The corrector comes in red, yellow or carrot shade. We apply it, don’t be afraid, when it combines with the bruise, you get smooth skin. Then we take concealer. This special remedy, containing substances that will improve blood circulation. It will camouflage the skin, and it has many shades, so choosing one for yourself will not be difficult.
If the bruise is small, then feel free to powder it. This way we can hide it from prying eyes.

Masks for dark circles under the eyes

Take a potato, peel it, three, mix with 1 tbsp. olive (vegetable) oil. We also apply oil to the skin around the eyes, and on top of it - the mixture. Let it sit for about 20 minutes. During this time, brew strong tea, dilute it half and half with water and then wash off the mask.
We need cottage cheese, we crush it with a spoon, apply it under the eye. Hold for 15 minutes. Wash off with the same tea solution.
We clean and chop the walnut kernels. 2 tsp mix with 1 l. butter (pre-melt). Add juice – lemon or pomegranate (2-3 drops). Apply around the eyes for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Grate fresh cucumber and take ½ tbsp. mix with the same amount of cilantro or parsley (chopped) and sour cream. Stir and apply for 15 minutes. Wash off with cool water. Or simply cut the cucumber into circles and apply for 15 minutes.

Bruises under the eyes are a serious cause for concern for the fair half of humanity. After all, they are accompanied by the hassle associated with the fight against a tired look on the face.

Really, bruises under the eyes is considered a sign of poor sleep or health problems. They are especially noticeable on fair skin. Before covering up bruises, you should try to understand the true cause of their occurrence, because often they turn out to be clearly not a cosmetic problem.

Types of bruises under the eyes

Experts have identified several reasons why bruises that spoil beauty appear, and each case requires an individual way to get rid of the problem. The vascular network may be located too close to the surface of the skin of the eyelids.

In such rare cases dark circles will be an innate feature of a woman. When bruises under the eyes have a congenital nature, the skin of the lower eyelids is distinguished by its thinness. This is what it is main reason the appearance of permanently noticeable dark circles under the eyes.

In this situation, independent procedures will not give the desired result. Even expensive cosmetics will not help much in resolving the issue. Therefore, to get rid of bruises, it is preferable to trust the hands of experienced specialists in this field.

There is such good method to thicken the skin of the lower eyelids, like laser surgery. This procedure can not only solve the problem of blood vessels being close to the skin, but also smooth out wrinkles under the skin. An alternative method is considered lymphatic drainage massage eyelid skin

What effect can be expected from such a procedure? skin, carried out around the eyes, helps to activate blood circulation, thereby eliminating the process of blood stagnation in the vessels and significantly reducing dark circles.

Dark circles can be caused by acquired or congenital pigmentation. For such cases, a special cream containing retinol has been developed. It has a whitening property, due to which, after two to three months of using this cosmetic product, the skin of the eyelids acquires a lighter tone, and bruises become almost invisible.

Often appear due to serious heart and kidney diseases. Once this cause is accurately identified, it is necessary to begin treatment of the internal organs. Dark circles can be a consequence of improper functioning of these organs or a toxic malfunction in the body - metabolic substances are not completely eliminated.

Age also has a big impact on the condition of the skin around the eyes. The thin skin of the eyelids becomes flaccid. This is the main reason for the appearance of bags under the eyes in women over forty years of age. It is easier and more effective to get rid of these changes, which are hernias of the eyelids, using tightening plastic surgery.

The appearance of bruises under the eyes on young skin is a significant and rapid consequence. Particularly affected by sudden weight loss mature skin. Then rapid sagging of the skin occurs, which is unable to recover.

The layer of tissue around the eyes that separates the skin from the vessels becomes thinner, which causes the veins in this part to become very translucent. As a result, blue discoloration appears under the eyes. Unfortunately, the problem can only be solved by resorting to the services of plastic surgeons.

Methods for treating dark circles under the eyes

Also, dark circles can be the result of overwork, abuse bad habits and frequent lack of sleep. In these cases, a noticeable deficiency can be easily eliminated.

There are several ways. In first place - full-fledged. If you cannot completely quit smoking, then you need to reduce the number of cigarettes per day to a minimum. Use eye creams that are rich in ingredients that stimulate blood circulation.

Masks made from raw grated, chilled green tea in bags, combining cold and warm compresses. All these products help disguise blue stains.

In order to refresh the color of the lower eyelids, you can regularly wipe them with ice, and special exercises for the eyes will remove dark circles and fine wrinkles.

If, after all the measures taken, the bruises under the eyes do not disappear, then this is sure sign that you immediately need to visit a therapist and find out the cause of the problem.

Look video: how to get rid of bruises and bags under the eyes

Many women and men, regardless of age, experience the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. Dark circles around the eyes are a really serious cosmetic problem, but you can still cope with it. Before you take any action, you need to determine the cause of your dark circles. Indeed, in some cases, bruises under the eyes can be removed with the help of masks and lotions, but in other cases, the help of a doctor will be required.

How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes

The root cause of dark circles under the eyes may be the following:

  • long and constant work at the computer;
  • stress, overwork, chronic fatigue;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking;
  • poor and insufficient sleep.

So, if dark circles under the eyes are caused by lack of sleep, fatigue, irritated skin, then it is quite possible to get by with products traditional medicine.

All kinds of masks and herbal lotions will help you get rid of bruises.

Special masks and lotions can be made at home. This does not require too much time, but such procedures will make the skin beautiful, healthy and help you forget about bruises for a long time.

The most effective remedies for dark circles under the eyes are masks based on dairy products, tea, vegetables, fruits and herbs rich in antioxidants.

Potato milk mask

Boil 1 potato, peel and mash it. Add some milk. Stir. Apply the mask to the skin around the eyes. After some time, rinse with warm water. The effect of the mask occurs after just a few procedures.

Curd mask

Mash a small amount of cottage cheese and add a little tea leaves. Stir. Wrap the mixture in gauze and apply to your eyes. The higher the percentage of fat content in the cottage cheese, the greater the effect you can get as a result.

Tea lotions

This is the most popular method of combating dark circles under the eyes. Wrap tea leaves in gauze and apply to your eyes. The brew has a tonic effect, removes the remains of sleep and makes the skin fresher.

Mask of nuts and butter

Melt a tablespoon of butter, mix it with 2 teaspoons of chopped walnuts. Add a few drops each of lemon and pomegranate juice.

Cucumber mask

You can get rid of dark circles under the eyes at home using a sour cream and cucumber mask. To do this, grate the cucumber, mix it with chopped parsley and sour cream. Apply the mask to the skin around the eyes, and after 15 minutes remove with warm water. This mask is especially effective against circles under the eyes caused by poor diet or chronic lack of sleep.

Creamy mask for dark circles under the eyes

Mix softened butter with 2 teaspoons chopped parsley. Apply to the skin around the eyes, and after 10 minutes, rinse with makeup remover milk.

Herbal ice for dark circles under the eyes

Brew sage or chamomile. Strain the resulting broth, pour into molds and freeze. As needed, take out ice cubes and rub them not only around the eyes, but also throughout the entire face.

Flower lotions

Pour boiling water over cornflower flowers, let them brew, cool, wrap in gauze and apply to the skin around the eyes. Do these lotions every day after sleep.

Bread mask for dark circles under the eyes

Soak a piece of white bread in warm milk and apply the resulting mixture to your skin. After some time, remove it.

How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes forever

Today there are many different cosmetic procedures, allowing you to get rid of hereditary or congenital bruises under the eyes. This:

  • lipofilling – filling the subcutaneous space with adipose tissue or restylane;
  • microcurrent therapy, which enhances venous outflow, lymphatic drainage and reduces hyperpigmentation;
  • professional cosmetic massage – increases blood circulation in certain areas of the face;
  • mesotherapy – preparations containing nutrients are injected under the skin;
  • laser removal of pigment spots.

If you want to get rid of dark circles under the eyes forever, you must first eliminate the root cause of the cosmetic defect, and only then heal the skin around the eyes.

The skin around the eyes is the thinnest and is practically devoid of a layer of subcutaneous fat. She is prone to dryness and wrinkles, but the biggest dissatisfaction comes from dark spots around eyes. Even an ordinary sleepless night can cause dark circles to appear, which will visually add several extra years to your appearance. There are many ways to get rid of bruises under the eyes: the defect can be masked using cosmetics, using express methods of getting rid of it for a short period of time, or removing bruises using special procedures and medicinal cosmetics.

Makeup to hide bruises

In some women, the causes of the occurrence lie in the special structure of the skull or because, through thin skin blood capillaries are visible. Because of this, the skin tone around the eyes always seems to be darker. In such cases, you need to be able to get rid of such a cosmetic defect using makeup. To disguise it, you can use foundation, concealers different shades, loose powder and blush, but it’s better to forget about eyeliner and bright shadows.

First, moisturize the skin around your eyes well with cream; in addition, it will act as a base for makeup. The cream layer should be such that it is well absorbed. The next step is to apply foundation. It is best to apply the cream with a bristle brush. middle length, and you can shade it with a sponge or brush.

For concealing imperfections with a creamy texture. You need to choose a concealer tone according to the principle:

  • purple removes yellowness around the eyes;
  • green will hide reddened eyelids;
  • yellow, when you need to remove purple bruises;
  • pink will hide green circles under the eyes;
  • orange to remove blue under the eyes.

Apply the corrective product in small strokes. After this, the concealer needs to be blended well, starting from the corners of the eyes and gradually moving to the middle. Powder will add the final touch to your makeup. To do this, choose a loose matte powder that matches your skin tone. Apply powder with a large brush and then blend it out.

Cosmetical tools

It is not enough to simply hide your imperfections with makeup, especially if they can be corrected. There are many special creams, serums and other products for the eye area. They brighten and strengthen the skin, and also help with dark circles under the eyes. Choose products that include:

  • caffeine – increases blood microcirculation;
  • hyaluronic acid – rejuvenates cells and evens out tone;
  • rutin (vitamin P) – slows down aging, strengthens blood capillaries;
  • escin and dextran – in combination, these components increase skin elasticity and neutralize swelling;
  • L-ascorbic acid – increases collagen production;
  • retinol (vitamin A) – has a rejuvenating effect, restores natural skin tone;
  • Ginkgo Biloba extract – tones the skin, relieves swelling, strengthens blood vessels.

For quick fix bruises, if you need to hide the consequences of a sleepless night, hydrogel patches are well suited. This effective masks for stimulation, because the impregnation of these pads contains active components that penetrate the cells. They should be applied to cleansed skin and kept for at least 15 minutes. After removing the pads, the remaining impregnation does not have to be removed; it can simply be distributed over the skin.

Try Eye Patch Gold (Mosmake), which contains hyaluronic acid, collagen, camellia and ginseng extracts. Thanks to them, the elasticity and hydration of the skin increases, and this product also prevents the appearance of bags under the eyes. In general, you should choose hydrogel pads according to the principle: caffeine against the appearance of bruises around the eyes, hyaluronic acid neutralizes the appearance of swelling, and collagen smoothes and strengthens the skin.

Pharmacy remedies for bruises from impact

In a regular home medicine cabinet you can find products that can replace cosmetics. These are special ointments that are designed to prevent a bruise from appearing after a blow or injury, or are recommended for resolving a bruise when it already exists. In first place on this list are ointments that contain. It is obtained from freshwater sponges, which are dried and ground into powder. Ointments with badyaga are intended against bruising, but they also dilate blood vessels and promote skin regeneration. It is enough to apply the ointment under the eyes once a day, provided there is no allergic reaction.

In addition, Bruise-off, Arnica and Heparin ointments help well against the occurrence of bruises and swelling under the eyes. When using for the first time, you need to test the product.

Traditional methods

If you want to try traditional medicine recipes for yourself, then be prepared to see the results; you will have to spend time. But you will be completely sure that by getting rid of dark circles under your eyes, you are not causing yourself any harm. Pay attention to these mask recipes:

  1. From fresh cucumbers, parsley. Grind the cucumber and fresh parsley, or in a blender, add a little sour cream. Apply the paste to your eyelids and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse off.
  2. Fresh potatoes. Grate one potato on a fine grater, mix with a teaspoon olive oil. Keep the mask on for up to 20 minutes, then rinse off.
  3. Cosmetic ice. For cooking cosmetic ice Green tea, chamomile decoction, and sage are suitable. You can also add aloe juice, cucumber, parsley, and cabbage if desired. Pour the prepared broth into ice cube trays and place in the freezer. For treatment, you need to apply ice to problem areas during your morning wash.
  4. Cottage cheese and honey. If you need to remove dark circles under the eyes, you can use natural cottage cheese. Mix it with a teaspoon of honey and you will get a toning and brightening mask. Apply this mixture 2-3 times a week until the blue under the eyes completely disappears.
  5. Compresses with milk. Natural milk has a lightening property; using warm compresses will help ensure this. Soak cotton pads in warm liquid and place on eyes. Leave them on for 15 minutes, no need to rinse off. Milk can be replaced with green tea.
  6. Regular spoon. Everyone knows that if you apply ice to the site of a bruise, this can prevent the appearance of a hematoma. Use this tip, but use a spoon instead of cold compresses. Place the spoon, pre-chilled in the freezer, with the convex side to the eye and wait a few minutes. This express method quickly helps relieve swelling.

Eyelid massage and gymnastics

In addition to home recipes, self-massage is suitable for caring for the skin around the eyes. This is a good prevention against the appearance of dark circles and swelling, which is available to everyone. Helps improve skin tone around the eyes and promotes better lymph drainage. Spend just 15 minutes every day and you will notice the results very soon. It is best to massage in the morning after washing your face.

The first stage is heating the tissues to improve blood microcirculation. Using light massaging movements, move first along the lower eyelid and then along the upper. This should be done without much pressure, starting from the outer corner of the eye and gradually moving towards the bridge of the nose.

Then proceed to lightly tapping the lower eyelid with your fingertips, moving in the same direction. These actions have a lymphatic drainage effect. Special attention You need to pay attention to the area between the bridge of the nose and the inner corner of the eye. Now apply moisturizer to your skin and gently tap your eyelids for two minutes. The next step is special gymnastics for the eyelids, which helps strengthen the skin and prevent the early appearance of wrinkles.

Fingers, index and middle, need to be fixed on the outer corners of the eyes, then close your eyes and hold them in this position for 5 seconds. Repeat this exercise 5 more times.

Cosmetology procedures

The most effective methods to even out the skin tone under the eyes are considered salon treatments. Firstly, because he will work with you professional cosmetologist, and secondly, it will act specifically on the problem area. If you want to choose one of these beauty treatments, check out the basics.

1. Peels.

The basis of peeling is the removal of the upper keratinized skin cells. To do this, a special exfoliating agent is applied to the problem area; gentle solutions are used for the area around the eyes: fruit, retinoic, trichloroacetic acids. After peeling, the skin becomes lighter, since a certain amount of pigment is removed along with the dead epidermis, but at the same time the skin becomes susceptible to ultraviolet radiation.

2. Mesotherapy

The rejuvenating meso-cocktail is injected subcutaneously by microinjections; there is also a non-injection method. These cocktails are based on amino acids, hyaluronic acid and other active substances. After a full course of procedures, the skin under the eyes is smoothed, circles and bruises under the eyes disappear. This effect can last up to six months.

3. Lipofilling

This procedure is based on the transplantation of one’s own subcutaneous fat from the thighs and abdomen, if it is necessary to smooth out problem areas elsewhere. If the collection and cleaning of the material were carried out according to the rules, then the risk of rejection or complications is minimal. Fat grafting can be used if dark spots under the eyes are due to the natural structure of the skull or the result of natural aging.

4. Microcurrent therapy

It is used in combination with cosmetic masks so that when microcurrents influence the epidermis, the active components of the product penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. In terms of its effectiveness, it can replace treatment methods such as mesotherapy.

5. Lymphatic drainage

Designed for those who want. After it, blood circulation and fluid outflow improves. Essentially, lymphatic drainage is a regular massage; you can choose manual or hardware. They are equally effective.

6. Carboxytherapy

Another way to get rid of circles under the eyes is, which involves injections of carbon dioxide. It is administered subcutaneously to enhance the production of natural collagen. A full course of carbon dioxide injections is designed for 10-12 procedures; they can be combined with peelings, mesotherapy and other techniques.


If you are prone to bags and shadows constantly appearing under your eyes, always remember the following rules:

  1. Sleep just enough to get enough sleep. It's different for everyone.
  2. Drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day.
  3. Avoid nervous and physical stress.
  4. Do massage and eye exercises every day.
  5. Protect the skin around your eyes with creams with UV filters, and wear sunglasses in the summer.
  6. Don't go to bed without first removing your makeup.
  7. Take care of your eyelid skin, moisturize and nourish it.

If you are prone to the constant appearance of swelling and bruising around the eyes, pathologies of the internal organs may be to blame. Be sure to get examined to detect health problems in time!