Questions for the New Year holiday. New Year's riddles for a noisy and cheerful company. New Year competition for young people

Anton Smekhov

Reading time: 10 minutes


Imagine the situation: a group of adults gathered in one room to celebrate some event. And everything seems to be going as it should - the food is delicious, the drinks are flowing, the music invites you to start dancing, but then a moment of satiety occurs - the stomachs are full, everyone is a little tired from dancing, and conversations are no longer so active. Sound familiar? This happens at every party where people with different interests and hobbies meet.

How to correct the situation or, even better, prevent boredom from appearing at the festival? The answer is simple - add more variety!

Adults are the same children who want entertainment. The company can include both long-time friends and completely strangers. These can be women, girls, boys and men. Everyone may have completely different views on recreation and entertainment, but even the most diverse company can be united by competitions and riddles, especially for the New Year 2020!

The funniest and coolest competitions for adults

Draw an elephant (donkey, horse, Cheburashka)

We will need:

  • 2 sheets of paper taped to a wall, board, easels, or anything that will allow you to draw on them.
  • 2 markers.
  • Blindfolds according to the number of participants.

How to do it:

Divide all participants into 2 equal teams (the more people, the better), each of which lines up in front of its own sheet of paper. Select the creature you want to draw. Each participant gets a certain part of the body and is blindfolded. Next, in order of rotation, members of each team blindly draw the body parts they are given. The winner can be determined by speed or by the similarity of the drawing to a given animal.

Stomp the enemy's balls!

We will need:

  • Air balloons two different colors according to the number of participants.
  • The same number of long threads of medium thickness.

How to do it:

Participants are divided into 2 teams with the same number of people. Each team is given balls of their own color on a string that must be tied to their leg. The thread can be of any length, but the ball must lie on the floor. The teams are mixed and everyone’s task is to trample as much as possible more balls the enemy's color, without allowing your own to burst. The participant who did not save his ball leaves the general pile and waits for the end of the battle. The team that deals with the opponents faster wins.


We will need:

  • Sheets of paper according to the number of participants.
  • Same quantity of pens.

How to do it:

There can be as many participants as you like, everyone sits in a circle, everyone is given a pen and a piece of paper. The presenter asks the question “Who?”, and everyone writes their own hero. After this, you need to fold the sheet so that what is written is not visible, and pass it to the player on the right (each passes his sheet and receives another from his neighbor on the left). The presenter sets new question, for example, “Where did you go?”, and again everyone writes, folds the written part and passes it to the next one. Further questions may follow: “Why did he go there?”, “Who did he meet?” and so on. The competition continues until the presenter runs out of questions.

At the end there is a collective reading of the resulting stories and voting for the best! There are no winners in the competition, but fun and laughter are guaranteed!


The competition is perfect for any conditions, because there is no need for props at all. All you need are participants and their imagination.

How to do it:

Everyone sits in a circle. Either the hero of the occasion (if there is one) or the one to whom the lot fell (as determined by the counting) begins. The first person says two completely unrelated words, such as “dinner” and “car.” The second must make a sentence such that both words fit into the same situation: “I was late for family dinner because the car wouldn’t start.” The same participant must come up with another word that is not related to what was said: for example, “loaf.” The next one should add this word to the current situation, for example, like this: “So that my wife would not be upset, I decided to buy her a loaf of bread on the way.” And so on until there is enough imagination or until someone comes up with a logical conclusion to the whole story.

Bottle 2.0

We will need:

  • Empty bottle.
  • Prepared pieces of paper with actions written on them for participants. The bigger, the better.

How to do it:

This game is very similar to the standard spin the bottle: participants sit in a circle, place a bottle in the center and spin it. The key difference is that you first need to throw rolled up pieces of paper with certain actions into the empty bottle, for example: “kiss on the cheek”, “invite to a slow dance”, “lick your ear” and the like. As a result, the game looks like this: the participant spins the bottle, the person she pointed to takes out one piece of paper and reads out the action. It must be completed by the first participant. This is more interesting than a regular game, because you never know what you will need to do instead of a standard kiss.

Original riddles for adults

Competitions are not the only way to make people laugh! Any sufficiently warmed-up company will go very well with riddles that will force you to stretch your brains and give you a chance to show off your knowledge and logic to the rest of those gathered. We have selected 5 riddles for adults that are not as simple as they seem at first glance!

Apples per million

The man decided to get into the apple business and began buying fruits for 5 rubles apiece and selling them for 3. Within six months he managed to become a millionaire!

  • Question: How did he manage to do this?
  • Answer: Before that he was a billionaire.


You boarded the plane. There is a horse behind you and a car in front.

  • Question: Where are you located?
  • Answer: On the carousel.


A husband, wife, 2 daughters, a son, a cat and a dog on a leash are walking in the park.

  • Question: How can they not get wet if they stand together under one umbrella?
  • Answer: If it doesn't start to rain.

Savvy wife

The husband asks his wife: “Dear, clean my jacket, please.”
The wife replies: “I’ve already cleaned it.”
The husband asks: “Then clean your trousers, please.”
The wife responded: “I did the same.”
Husband again: “And the boots?”

  • Question: What did the wife answer?
  • Answer: “Do the boots have pockets too?”


  • Question: What is the difference between a woman and a man washing dishes?
  • Answer: Women wash dishes after eating, and men before.

Competitions and riddles for the New Year 2020

Not a single New Year is complete without thematic riddles and fun competitions, and 2020 the year of the White Metal Rat is no exception!

Best gift

Question: What is the best New Year's gift for any woman? Hint: The width is 7 cm, and the length is 15 cm. And the larger the quantity, the better.

  • Answer: A $100 banknote.

Finish the poem

If the firecrackers clap,
The animals came to see you,
If the Christmas tree is a good gnome,
Dragged to your glorious house,
The next one is quite possible
Will be in the house...

  • Answer: Ambulance

Breaking news

We will need:

Cards, each of which contains 5 unrelated words.

How to do it:

The entire company is divided into several groups (based on the number of cards). To be fair, each group should have the same number of people. Each team is given one pre-prepared card; in a minute they need to come up with a New Year's incident that can be described in a sentence using these words. For example, on the card there are the words “dog”, “car”, “skates”, “traffic light”, “Lenin”, and the sentence can be composed something like this: “A drunk man on New Year’s Eve on Lenin Street tried to overtake a car on skates, but crashed at a traffic light at a dog that was crossing the road.”

The team with the most original news wins.

What are boys made of?

The competition is suitable for big company friends who is celebrating the holiday at home.

How to do it:

Each girl chooses a guy and dresses him up with everything that comes to hand: the owner’s closet, cosmetic bag, Christmas decorations And so on. You also need to present your creation to your guests in the most original way possible: with a poem, a song, a pair dance, or an advertisement. The prize goes to the most resourceful and extraordinary girl.

What kind of round dance is this?

How to do it:

Several teams are formed, each given the task of depicting a round dance around the Christmas tree, but not an ordinary one, but organized in the police, psychiatric hospital, army, and so on. We need to come up with as many atypical places as there are teams formed. Next, each group takes turns showing its round dance, and the rest try to guess where it is organized. You can give out two prizes: one for the most artistic team, and the second for those who guessed the most correctly.

And in addition, some tips on how not to get bored during the New Year of the White Rat.

  • Arrange themed party-- it’s very interesting to celebrate the holiday in retro style or dressed up as Game of Thrones characters.
  • Shoot! When guests see the camera, they want to look as interesting as possible on it, which means it will be even more fun! And there will be many vivid captured moments as a memory.
  • Put your phones away so that no one hangs out on social media. networks, this can really ruin even the best party.

As you can see, it’s not difficult to bring fun to even the most constrained company. The main thing in such cases is perseverance, and then even those guests who are shy in the first minutes and sit on the sidelines will, by the middle of the celebration, begin to become fully active and involved in the process!

Blind auction
Dear Colleagues! Today we have 12 lots up for auction. Which ones exactly? We won’t name them; try to guess for yourself. Let's just say that a bottle of champagne is not the most valuable prize! So, in our black mystery box...
Lot No. 1 - an exceptional imported product for improving memory! Everything long forgotten will emerge before you - as if it happened just yesterday! Starting price -…! Who is bigger?
(A handkerchief. If you need to remember something, tie a knot in it.)
Lot No. 2 - white, sizzling aromatic foam and - a lot of pleasure! That's all there is to say about this lot!
Lot No. 3 - this lot will help you keep a loving spouse at home. Was he about to leave? I assure you, this lot will keep him among his family.
Lot No. 4 - this lot is appropriate on any table, in any region, at any time of the day! (Salt shaker).
Lot No. 5 is a fun product that will brighten up any holiday!
Lot No. 6 - this lot will make any woman beautiful, no matter how old she is!
(Mascara, varnish, any cosmetic product).
Lot No. 7 - good and evil, all the juices of the fruit-bearing earth are hidden in this unsurpassed item.
Lot No. 8 - this time an absolutely necessary item is hidden in our black box! He will instantly dispel any darkness.
(Figured candle).
Lot No. 9 - do you dream of the sweet life? Evening lights of restaurants, coffee in bed, Hilton Hotel? Buy this lot - an indispensable attribute of the sweet life!
Lot No. 10 - are you tired, disappointed, tired of life? Smile - and everything will pass! Lot N10 will give you a sincere smile!
Lot No. 11 - another mysterious item in our black box. We always expect more from this lot than we get.
(Bottle of champagne).
Lot No. 12 - intrigue and passion, deceit and love, brilliance and poverty contains our last, twelfth lot!
(Historical, love or adventure novel).

If your team is small, then you can use various simple fortune-telling as mystical entertainment.

Fortune telling by “YES” and “NO”
Let's tell fortunes using “yes” and “no”. For this we need nine multi-colored stripes paper. We think of a question or desire and, without looking, take out any piece of paper from this set. Color will be the answer. If it comes up... Red - act boldly, take risks. Fulfilling your desire will require determination and assertiveness. It may come true, but you will have to fight for it.
Orange - your wish will come true. It will bring joy and a feeling of fullness of life. Nothing will interfere with this.
Yellow, what you wish for may come true, but on condition: for this you need to choose a rational, balanced decision. When achieving what you want, do not act headlong or spontaneously. The voice of reason will give the exact answer. Gossip and intrigue can interfere with your plans.
Green - now the time has not yet come for your plan or aspiration. We need to wait, circumstances may change.
Blue - indicates that there is every chance of getting what you want. This color inspires hope, predicts success, promises good conditions for what was planned.
Blue is the color of luck. But don't interpret it as a definite yes to your question. He suggests that a wide range of extremely favorable opportunities will be provided to fulfill a desire. You will take full advantage of them if you show the will and moderate your conceit.
Purple - stands for a clear “no”. This is also advice to refuse decisive action and not try to overcome circumstances. Nothing good will come of this.
Black - a categorical “no” without any reservations. The path to fulfillment of desires is completely closed. What you want won't come true.
White means “yes”, and your wish will come true without any effort. The whole situation has developed in such a way that there are no obstacles to your plan.

Without horoscopes
You can find out the birthday of any of the guests. Please have the person multiply by 2 the number that is their birthday. He will add 5 to the result, and multiply this amount by 50. Now he will add the serial number of the month when he was born and tell you the resulting number.
Secret. You need to subtract 250 from the number (result). You will get a three-digit or four-digit number. The first or two digits are the birthday, the last two are the month.

Riddle for intelligence
Among the six ancient identical coins, one is counterfeit and lighter. Find this coin using a scale without weights. In this case, no more than two weighings can be performed. Try offering this problem to your guests.

Playing cards with poems
The Japanese have many such games. Let us describe one of them, the origin of which dates back to the Middle Ages.
Two hundred cards are taken. They are written with excerpts from the traditional Japanese poetic form of waka. Poems in waka form go back over a thousand years. In Japan they are still well known and popular. In the game, verses are divided into two halves: the first on one card, the second on the other. There are two hundred such cards. For each poem - two cards.
Players are divided into two teams, sit on a long mat in a line, facing each other. The cards containing the second part of the verses are distributed equally between the teams, and the players lay them out on the mat in front of them so that each team member can see the text.
The presenter takes turns reading the first part of the poem. Players look at the cards, and if someone recognizes the continuation of the poem, he places his hand on the desired card. If the answer is correct, he receives this card. After each quote, the presenter waits a minute. If during this time no continuation has been found, he reads further. Whichever team has more hits at the end wins. But there is also a personal competition within the team: who can collect the most cards. In this regard, how quickly the player can recognize the poem is crucial. The Japanese - young people and adults too - love this game very much. Sometimes players recognize the continuation of verses already at the first words. Whoever finds the continuation of the poem reads it out loud to everyone.

The New Year is approaching and traditional holiday corporate parties are approaching. At New Year's celebrations, it is customary to hold games and quizzes among colleagues. Despite the archaic name, quizzes are always popular with event guests and evoke a lot of pleasant emotions. A New Year's quiz for a corporate party is a great way to spend time at an event. So be sure to include it in your entertainment program. Its advantage is also the possibility of holding it in a small room or even at tables. Let's look at questions with answers that can be used for a quiz.

New Year's Quiz with answers

  • In which country did they start using spruce as a Christmas tree? New Year's tree? (Germany).
  • In which country was Santa Claus portrayed as a man who cleans the chimney, constantly smokes a pipe, has a fit and athletic figure and gives gifts to children? (Holland).
  • It is known that every snowflake is unique. But each of them has the same number of rays. How many are there? (Six).
  • Is this the number of the New Year's edition of the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!”? (Eighth).
  • Which pole is colder? (On the South).
  • In our country, the New Year is celebrated on January 1 for just over three centuries. But there was an ancient people who also had a tradition of celebrating it on this day. What kind of people are these? (Romans).
  • There is a country where the New Year is celebrated several dozen times, depending on the customs of individual states. What country is it? (India).
  • There is a place where the New Year does not come on its own, but needs to be found. What kind of place is it? (Easter Island. Its inhabitants are actively looking for the egg of a swallow, which, according to their traditions, brings the New Year. And the holiday begins at the moment when the egg is found).
  • In which country is it not customary to bet on New Year's table any poultry dishes so that happiness does not fly away from home? (In Hungary).
  • In which country do they buy inexpensive dishes before the New Year in order to break them? (In Denmark. It is believed that this will bring happiness and good luck).

Comic New Year questions with answers

  • What connects New Year tree and every real woman? (Desire to be dressed up).
  • Which New Year's dance is the oldest? (Round dance).
  • What kind of weapon is used to go to the Christmas tree? (Axe).
  • The most popular sculpture, performed only at certain times of the year from natural materials? (Snowman).
  • Where is the homeland of Christmas trees? (Forest).
  • What drink do truly brave and risky people prefer for the New Year? (Champagne).
  • What natural phenomenon causes increased sickness in people? (Ice).
  • What kind of creature with a gray and suspicious personality runs past the fir trees in the forest? (Wolf).
  • Who entertains the Christmas tree in the forest with songs? (Blizzard).
  • Where do all the people gather for New Year? (At the festive table).
  • Which fish dresses up in an artificial fur coat for the New Year and is the center festive table? (Herring).
  • What fire always lights up in New Year's Eve? (Fireworks).
  • Traditional winter casting, which is a common holiday activity? (Ice rink).

New Year's quiz for corporate parties - popular and fun entertainment. It can be carried out for large companies, for small teams or even at a table. Therefore, be sure to make sure that the holiday program includes a New Year's quiz. The questions of such a quiz can be both intellectual and humorous, and they should be chosen based on the mood of the team.

On the eve of holidays Thematic events or corporate parties are organized in kindergartens, schools, and enterprises. In addition to the feast, to maintain festive atmosphere The organizers provide an entertainment program.

New Year's Quiz – great way entertainment for large groups different ages. The goal of such an activity is not to let you get bored at the holiday, but to make it even more fun and varied.

Features of compiling a quiz for the celebration of 2019

NG is a holiday of fun, joy and magic. A popular type of game that involves answering oral or written thematic questions is a quiz. It may differ in rules, complexity, procedure for determining winners and winnings.

A quiz about the New Year is usually prepared in advance. The value of such a game lies in the fact that it expands the worldview, helps determine the level of erudition, and contributes to the development of interests and ingenuity.

The New Year's quiz will bring the whole family together on the eve of the holiday.

The host and players take part in the quiz. The first person’s task is to play the game: read out questions, voice correct options answers, monitor compliance with the rules and reward winners.

Among the players, you can form teams with names and mottos, or follow the trend of every man for himself. The forms of the game may vary: open/closed questions, charades, puzzles, crosswords, mixed types, etc.

Quizzes have a specific narrow focus (by type of sport, by healthy image life, on professional issues) and for general erudition.

For adults, you can prepare a New Year's quiz according to their common interests and type of activity.

During such New Year competitions, visual materials are often used. Modern technologies allow the use of interactive whiteboards, audio and video files.

Variations of quizzes for 2019 for corporate events

Almost every organization considers it a tradition for the team to gather on the eve of the country's main holiday. The place for the celebration can be a restaurant, club, private sector or work space. Entertainment programs Such events are organized on their own or with the involvement of professional presenters and toastmasters.

Quiz - The best way diversify your corporate party.

Ideas for New Year's quizzes for adults are presented in a wide range. They are often humorous and entertaining. There is no goal here to load or show who is cooler. Prizes in such competitions are symbolic, associated with the symbol of the year.

The best option is to use quiz questions with answers that cover casual topics. Will help you relax during competitions fancy dresses, masks in particular and musical accompaniment.

The music should be cheerful and catchy to encourage the players, not put them to sleep.

Difficult questions on New Year's events it is better to avoid, you should also avoid controversial topics (politics, football clubs, individual preferences), which cause disputes and disagreements.

How to prepare a New Year's quiz 2019 for the whole family?

A family environment is the most favorable place for a variety of holidays. Here everyone feels relaxed, so a New Year's quiz with funny questions and answers will help you have a fun time and bring family members even closer together.

Do you like such events?


Therefore, those who are tired of traditional family gatherings in front of the TV are trying to prepare interesting entertainment that will allow them to enter the New Year joyfully and cheerfully.

For competitions and games of this kind, you should select material in advance. These could be funny non-standard questions, assignments or a quiz aimed at general erudition.

When preparing an entertainment script, you should:

  • make a plan and choose a quiz topic;
  • find the necessary details;
  • stock up on prizes;
  • print handouts in advance;
  • determine the location for the competition.

The prize fund can be sweets: sweets, chocolates or symbolic New Year's toys.

At the end, you can prepare a common surprise for all participants: family video from past New Year's feasts, commemorative photographs, etc.

Such little things will be a pleasant and heartwarming addition to a winter evening.

Quizzes for children of different ages

The main difference between children's competitions at New Year's events is age restrictions. If the quiz is intended for preschoolers, then its main task is to interest the kids. Children at this age are distracted and difficult questions are not for them.

Children under 5 years of age will be interested in visual quizzes featuring cartoon characters.

To do this, teachers or presenters should prepare themed costumes for the New Year quiz. As motivation for children the best option there will be sweets.

Schoolchildren over 6 years old, when participating in various competitions, try to prove themselves against the background of others. At this age, their interests are varied. Cool quizzes for the New Year can be found on the Internet.

This is a good opportunity for children to show their intelligence and ingenuity. During the competition, you can form teams based on interests, classes, or girls and boys. This distribution will allow the children to develop a team spirit.

The topic for a school quiz could be educational material or questions concerning general erudition. Children should also be involved in preparing materials for the competition.

Against this background, you can hold a separate event for the most original presentation of a quiz or unusual questions.

Also, schoolchildren can independently act as presenters and thereby demonstrate their acting and public speaking skills.

They also practice holding quizzes among students. They can be literary, scientific or humorous. Depending on what profession students are mastering, questions are drawn up with a narrow focus or on general knowledge.

What a childish one New Year's celebration Can you do without a New Year's quiz for children? We bring to your attention a quiz with answers for a children's audience.

Where does Santa Claus put gifts and how many fur coats does he have?

  1. What was the name of Father Frost's great-great-grandfather?
  2. How many fur coats does Santa Claus have?
  3. What colors are Santa Claus's fur coats?
  4. What is the name of Santa Claus's magic stick?
  5. How many horses does Santa Claus harness to his sleigh?
  6. What does the three horses symbolize?
  7. Name the month in which it begins New Year.
  8. Who helps Santa Claus do good deeds?
  9. Who do Snow Maiden and Grandfather Frost consider their relatives?
  10. How many lumps of snow does the Snowman's body consist of?
  11. What tree is called a symbol of winter?
  12. What modern and safe device replaced the wax candles that were attached to spruce branches?
  13. How many years ago did shiny balls appear to decorate Christmas trees: one hundred, two hundred, three hundred?
  14. Who is in charge of winter in Northern Europe?
  15. What is the correct name for the place where Christmas trees are usually sold?
  16. What is the name of the winter wizard in Western Europe and America?
  17. What are we talking about when, when decorating a Christmas tree or a room, they say that it needs rain?
  18. What is serpentine made from?
  19. Where does Santa Claus usually put gifts?
  20. In which country do children and adults find new Year gifts on the windowsill?
  21. What time of year has Santa Claus never seen?
  22. What does Grandfather Frost sprinkle on the head of the child who told him a poem?
  23. Where do many kids put letters for Santa Claus?
  24. What does Grandfather Frost like to draw on the windows?
  25. How does Santa Claus bring gifts to children?

1. Morozko or Grandfather Treskun. 2. Three. 3. Red, white, blue. 4. Staff. 5. Three. 6. Winter months. 7. January. 8. Snow Maiden. 9. Snow Woman and Snowman. 10. Out of three. 11. Spruce. 12. Electric garlands. 13. One hundred. 14. The Snow Queen. 15. Christmas tree market. 16. Santa Claus. 17. About decoration. 18. Made from colored paper. 19. Under the Christmas tree. 20. In Germany. 21. Summer. 22. Confetti, 23. In the freezer. 24. Patterns. 25. In the bag.

New Year's quiz “For children and their parents”

What is the name of this cheerful assistant of Santa Claus?

  1. What color fur coat does Santa Claus have: white, blue, green or red?
  2. What object throws confetti loudly?
  3. What animals does Santa Claus harness to his sleigh?
  4. What animals are in Santa Claus's sleigh?
  5. Who is sculpted from different sized lumps of snow?
  6. Which tree “brings” gifts on New Year’s Day?
  7. Who melted while jumping over the fire?
  8. What is Snowman's favorite headdress?
  9. What was the name of the boy kidnapped by the Snow Queen?
  10. What is "serpentine"?
  11. What New Year's song tells about the life of a Christmas tree?
  12. In which country do they eat exactly 12 grapes when the clock strikes?
  13. Which new year character can't walk without a broom?
  14. Who was the “great-great-grandfather” of Santa Claus?
  15. Icy carrot is...?
  16. Which magic item Does Santa always wear it?
  17. If you add up all the winter months, what do you get?
  18. Which tree was decorated for the New Year holidays in Ancient Egypt?
  19. Which country is the first to celebrate the arrival of the New Year?
  20. Where is the estate of Russian Father Frost?
  21. How does Santa Claus get into the house?
  22. What is the name of the clock that announces the arrival of the New Year?
  23. The prototype of Santa Claus?
  24. What do children in Mexico get at midnight?
  25. What is Santa Claus called in Finland?

1.Green. 2. Firecracker. 3. Horses. 4. Deer. 5. Snow Baba. 6. Christmas tree. 7. Snow Maiden. 8. Bucket. 9. Kai. 10. Paper ribbon in a roll. 11. “Born in the forest...” 12. In Spain. 13. Snowman. 14. Frosty. 15. Icicle. 16. Staff. 17. Winter. 18. Palma. 19. New Zealand. 20. In Veliky Ustyug. 21. Through the chimney. 22. Chimes. 23. Saint Nicholas. 24. Gingerbread dolls. 25. Joulupukki.